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🍔 He is EATING HIS WAY OUT of the NBA 🚨

📅 Published on: 2024-11-28 22:30:00

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zion #weightloss #sports Zion Williamson is literally eating his way out of the NBA. Over his six-year career, Zion has faced …

🎙 Channel: TheFlightMike

🌍 Channel Country: United States

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🕵️‍♂️ Transcript:

Zion Williamson is literally eating his way out of the NBA over his six-year career Zion Williamson has faced many criticisms about his weight some of them have been out of pocket like this it look like me and Shaq had a baby what it look like joking at I’m serious I am really concerned now he’s got a broken foot he going to have to learn even when you hurt you going to have to control your eating but over the offseason Zion gave his fans a glimmer of hope it looked like he had finally slimmed down however recently things took a turn for the worst Zion Williamson re-aggravated an old hamstring injury and is out indefinitely and since then for some reason he’s released a video that makes him look thick as hell the craziest part about this video is you literally see b-roll of him having food prepared for him and it feels like every single season we go through some sort of cycle where Zion Williamson looks like he’s in shape but for some reason by the end of the season he’s put on all of his old weight again and if he doesn’t change something soon then it might mean that

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🚀 Related Hashtags: #EATING #NBA

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