📅 Published on: 2024-11-23 08:07:30

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Masano for Argentina under 20 Miami age 40 years position manager confirmed alula from Real Madrid to Arsenal age 19 years position Midfield rumor neyal from elh to Santos AG 32 years position forward rumor Christopher fuku from Chelsea to Manchester United age 27 years position forward Ruma Jo Bellingham from Sunland boronia Dortmund age 19 years position Midfield rumor malus tan from wi Milano to Liverpool AG 27 years position forward rumor what Indo from Liverpool to Milan 831 years position Midfield rumor Alexander Arnold from Liverpool to Real Madrid AG 26 years position Defender Ruma Mar will be from sh to Manchester City ag 25 years position Midfield rumor Florian WS from B to Manchester City ag 21 years position Midfield rumor aling Highland for Manchester City to Paris s jman a 24 years position forward rumor araro carelas from Benfica to Manchester United age 21 years position Defender Ruma Nik from Bonia Dortmund to Liverpool a 24 years position Defender Ruma Serio Ramos free Argent citans AG 38 years position Defender Ruma Jack glish from Manchester City to Tottenham Hors pass age 29 years position Midfield rumor William salba from Arsenal to Real Madrid age 23 years position Defender Ruma son hum from Tottenham hospital to G salai AG 32 years positioned forward rumor Joshua kimich from bar mun to Barcelona age 29 years position Midfield rumor Alexander Isaac from Nest United to Arsenal age 25 years position forward rumor laort from El nle to Real Madrid age 30 years position Defender Ruma Mohammad Salah from Liverpool to Barcelona AG 32 years position forward rumor Kevin De from Manchester City to San Diego AG 33 years position Midfield rumor Gabriel Jesus from Arsenal to newcast United a 27 years position forward Ruma lafa from Barcelona to Manchester City a 27 years position forward rumor John Koso from to a Milan a 23 years position Midfield rumor Christian Lelo from Tottenham hosal to Real Madrid AG 26 years position Defender Ruma Pedro Polo from Tottenham hospital to Real Madrid AG 25 years position Defender Ruma Shan from Real Madrid to Liverpool AG 24 years position Midfield rumor Anon from Manchester United Flamingo AG 24 years position forward rumor Jan from sporting Portugal to Manchester United age 17 years position Midfield rumor AK glay from Tottenham hosal to Silla age 18 years position Midfield rumor Lan from Flamingo to Manchester United a 18 years position Midfield rumor Osman diand from sporting Portugal B mun age 20 years position Defender Ruma erson from Atlanta to Manchester City Age 2 years position Midfield rumor stepan Orga for Manchester City toen ag 32 years position goalkeeper Ruma Omar Malmo from Frankfurt Barcelona a 25 years position forward rumor

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Disclaimer: This video is embedded directly from YouTube. All rights to the video and content belong to the original creator, NEW DATA 77 . For more details, please visit the original source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yK4qoi05YaE.

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