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2024 Topps Update Baseball Hangar/Fanatics boxes. Rookie hit!!!!

πŸ“… Published on: 2024-12-12 20:46:59

⏱ Duration: 00:11:12 (672 seconds)

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Ripping a few hangar boxes and 1 fanatics blaster box. Let’s see if these hangars live up to the name.
#baseball #sportscards #topps #toppshobby #toppsupdate #baseballcards #mlb

πŸŽ™ Channel: Clutch Card Breaks

🌍 Channel Country: United States

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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

welcome back everybody to clutch card brakes today we have more of the tops update to rip for you guys three of these hangers always known as hangers or bangers and we have one of our Fanatics boxes here these are the aqua Bas parallel exclusive packs instead of uh having seven packs in these uh these blasters have nine let’s go ahead and rip these open and see what we got let’s start with the uh The Hanger boxes alrighty hanger number one let’s see what we got in this one all righty hanger number one let’s see what we got in here let’s go straight to the goods we’ll get through about three quars of this I do already see a retail blue in there all righty so behind here we have a Stars Cody Bellinger tops Chrome Clayton beer on the blue royal blue o Jason Dominguez here on the tops uh tops black gold I’m sorry I’ll stand that one up I don’t think I have a Domingas yet love the look of these tops black gold man they look great a yellow Jackson Cheo man this pack is hitting it’s another STW worthy card uh Corey Lee Matt Chapman not numbered and then four of the regular stars of MLB boom So Good Hits on our first box let’s go ahead and get to our second all righty second hanger here let’s go ahead and get to the goods okay let’s see what we got John shriber okay Paw Patrol card it’s a secondary lower-end hit they used to be really good hits but I think everybody’s pulling them I mean you pull them like crazy in these hangers David Schneider is this a numbered card no it’s not it’s a samod Taylor uh this should be a rainbow foil nice looking card there we’ll kind of keep our parallels over here upside down card of Mr Greg Maddox not a special parallel there but uh cool card a Ral Blanco on the yellow and Nick snake Nel ly jenez there on the 35th [Music] anniversary and our Stars be Paulk Gavin Williams Matt Chapman and Mr Jackson holiday let’s move on to hanger number three alrighty so I just spotted I think another tops black gold so let’s see what we got here who is it it is oh Jackson holiday think I already have one of his is it a parallel Jackson holiday holy crap it is look at that that is a freaking beautiful car that is that is a great hit hangers are always freaking bangers boom that is another we got rookies coming out like here like crazy look at this guys that is a beautiful and I really love those blue tops black gold man they look freaking great looks like we have a another uh rainbow foil here Luis Vasquez another Autumn tals this one is a Trey Turner looks a little different than normal normal but maybe not uh Renee Pento and Clayton beer I got two Clayton beers and two different parallels there uh junior cam andero there on the 35th Anniversary and for our star Zone B we have Gavin Williams Matt Chapman Jackson holiday and Austin Wells got a lot of Jackson holidays there I won’t complain about that so pretty good obviously for you know three hangers getting basically averaging a good hit each hanger I mean Jackson Cheerio on the yellow Jason Dominguez here on the regular tops black gold and the best hit so far this blue Jackson holiday on the tops black gold let’s go ahead and get into our Fanatics box ok Doki splitting this Fanatics box into two packs here just cuz it’s easier to hold in the hand go ahead and go through them see what we get see if it can top that uh three hanger box is above us so we will see so we got a Wan SoDo uh this should be a mystical card oh and that’s a uh that’s a blue parallel you guys see those blue stars in there oh and talking about Juan soda being a Yankees fan I am I’m hurting a little bit you know what but we got Max freed already we need pitching hopefully we can grab another couple players for him hate to lose him but yeah it sucks but you know what the Mets can have that huge contract on them another Juan stto here Colton cowser and battery power card there on the blue so that’s kind of a secondary hit I’ll keep that over here with the Paw Patrol judge Louisa rise Carson Kelly fugo see who our 35th is Mr Nolan Ryan not numbered I always check those because I did get a Garrett Cole one time know you guys hear that from me all the time so let’s put our lower end Blues over here go through these see what we got see if these Fanatics boxes can hit hard that trolled me there I think I’ve already got a SK blue but hey any of the SK cards you can get right now they’re awesome so they’re hot on the market for him uh I think the Red Sox today that was a nice let him cook that’s a mookie bets the Red Soxs uh actually signed um Garrett crochet today or or traded for him from the uh from the uh White Socks I’m sorry had a brain fart there traded a lot of picks for him so they definitely were heavy on him really really wanting them Landon r on the blue there Jordan [Music] Westberg Juan stto on the Chrome all right here is a flipped over card this should be a rainbow foil Mr Allan tro Justin Verlander and our last blue here and this Mitch Spence still have another four packs right here guys it’s not the end of it yet first one starting off Mr Paul skin nice card Jackson Merill another Jackson Merill okay getting some good ones here who is the blue here San Diego who we got Dylan CE not a bad blue there not a bad blue all what do we got behind here is it a numbered no it’s not but we got a Tyler black should be a rainbow foil not a bad card there either looks like we got a Gavin Williams Tyler Banks got eminaga Jones y Modo on the 35th not numbered Pete Alonzo he’s a free agent too I think right now so Mets are trying to figure out if they want to resign him or not think he’s gonna go somewhere on a big deal we know we got a we got a dual Yankees coming up here it’s the rookie combo on the blue I don’t even know how to pronounce is it maikowski and then Clayton Andrews see if we can get one numbered card out of here haven’t gotten one yet John Birdie on the blue I just I wish I get a judge on the blue I think I’ve gotten an Otani but it was like the Otani 40 home run card or uh the the 4040 or the 50-50 card I can’t remember which one it was John birdie Lopez come on let’s see if we can get something numbered card here anything turned around still nope looks like we got an aunia Jr on the mystical Austin Wills tars on B and our last one is Kate Smith on the blue so obviously the hanger packs take the W here in my opinion not really doing a comparative video in a sense because that was $39 a hangers versus $30 in a blaster so um I definitely think that hangers are always the best way to go I mean technically if you look at the odds checklist everybody that you can see that hangers price per dollar and what you can hit in there is a lot better than most boxes so it’s why it always lives up to the name obviously my favorite card here even though it’s not a Yankee it’s this beautiful blue Jackson holiday but as always uh make sure to like comment subscribe if you guys want to see more videos like this and I appreciate each and every one of you um I will talk to you guys soon take care and have a great day

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