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Jayson's good try #shorts #nba #basketball #kalnba

πŸ“… Published on: 2024-12-02 17:42:00

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Music Credit : Elektronomia – Sky High | Progressive House | NCS YOUR QUERIES nba nba 2k25 nba 2k25 gameplay nba …

πŸŽ™ Channel: Kal NBA

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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

it’s just a very different team than what we saw week in half Tatum uses two screens gets a shot away help take these guys to a new level Horford from the quarter on the three back in the game that was silky smooth the second quarter works on a Coro Vision struggles to defend guys like Tatum though against Mobley puts him in the mix he fires JT knows he got him smiling as he inbounds to Hower defense T him one of the best isolation score he’s too small in the second quarter G defending Tatum good luck it from he’s got three either Peterson for [Applause] three spins by Mitchell work rejected seems close when these two link up Tatum for two for all night Tatum against Garland Jason Tatum and so

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