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#shorts Dodgers vs Yankees World Series game 5 Highlights | MLB Highlights

πŸ“… Published on: 2024-12-02 17:03:31

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Dodgers vs Yankees World Series game 5 Highlights | MLB Highlights Your question ‍♀️ mlb, baseball, sports, mlb highlights, …

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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

and the Yankees have taken the lead so it’s a sack Fly Boy Stanton really did the job sack fly and an RBI and the Yankees taking a 65 lead goodness gracious walk number eight for the Dodgers staff third of the inning for gral Here Comes Dave Roberts Blake tring in the game bottom of the sixth inning 65 Yankees in game five so at this point every one of the Dodgers high leverage arms has been used up to this point two on two out the Dodgers trailing by one bupy hits it on the ground roller to Lux he’s Scoops it up throws it to Freeman low throw but Freddy has it and that ends the sixth inning so tring comes out of the bull

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