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Coach Lou Was the Perfect Representation of Big East Basketball #bigeasthoops #stjohns #ncaahoops

πŸ“… Published on: 2024-12-02 01:30:36

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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

speaking in Italy you were over in Italy when Dave gavit got on the plane and talked to you about starting the Big East and trying to convince you to come on to the Big East in all honesty from the very in Inception of the Big East I was concerned why it was selfishly we had played all these all you guys we played you for years right why do it twice not Sunday right right right so what the heck you know so I get myself involved in this but I was wrong because it was the greatest thing that ever happened right I mean the thees really exploded into one of the finest conferences in the country great competition schools that knew each other there was rivalry not only from the teams but from the alumni and the areas I mean it was just great City against City

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