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Warriors Are SLIDING!! #shorts #nba #news #basketball #podcast #warriors

πŸ“… Published on: 2024-12-02 22:30:01

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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

the Warriors are on a losing streak no God theyve dropped their last four games they’re the only team in the top five currently not on a win streak and it seems like they’re scrambling to find a lineup as of late losing to Phoenix the Thunder and the Spurs are not a good look to me what is going on with the Warriors yeah I mean you kind of have to look at the team and there’s a number of things going on I mean I think part of it is some of the guys coming off the bench have started to not really play as well you got buddy heeld who started the season off on a tear now he’s been cold guys like Lindy Waters who were starting uh now he’s not playing as well so you have a lot of problems going on and it feels like it might be that the depth is starting to kind of you know uh just kind of go back to what was going on before with in terms of the concerns that we had with the team so we’ll see if they can get back on track it could just be a slump but it probably at some point will be important for them to figure out a way to make some trades and consolidate that depth on the roster and get a little bit more high-end talent because that does seem like what’s going on here

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