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Touch Rugby/Football | GAME ANALYSIS | 2024 NSW State Cup Mens Open GRAND FINAL

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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

today we’re looking at the 2024 New South Wales State Cup men’s open Grand Final oh how about that it’s even better the hour that is Sensational okay State Cup 2024 men’s open Grand Final we have Newcastle vers doson Newcastle with the ball now we’re coming into the first try of the game six minutes in this is such a great try let’s let’s just unpack this now this is something that I haven’t covered on the channel or anything like that the closest I’ve got to is probably a video called tunnels but let’s um let’s have a look at this because it’s a really really clever little play now these guys have have versed each other uh they didn’t verse each other in the tournament they were in different pools so I think the last time they played against each other was a couple of months ago at a regional tournament but we’re setting up for sweeper so we have middle middle here here’s your links and we have this link sweeping around all right so this middle here his jobs to dump it on his opposing middle and split in basically uh running out of the way the sweeper that’s the easiest way to to talk about that which is what’s happens and now here right here is your standard sweeper this guy sweeping he’s going to attack that offside player and either try try and take him on on the short side or step back open side for a 4 on three and that’s why it’s really important to split when you’re dumping the ball back this way because you then have to run into that link Wing hole with the dummy half having the next hole over what they do here just go forward a frame if I can oh that’s good what I do here is they may have done some homework and if you ever do your homework on a team like I I very rarely do it um but if you see someone that likes to snipe a sweet on the short side which is this link out here he’s off screen at the moment but he if it’s a player that notoriously comes and just knocks that sweeper off um you can basically just bypass the sweeper which is what they do here and he he throws it actually across the face to the next link over this is the link sweeping and he actually gives it kind of like a little out ball to the next link over so when you came in and sniped the ball actually goes across and you actually you can’t find yourself with a 2on one um on the outside which if we have a look at this in slow motion there’s the snipe he stepped up to snipe balls gone across and we finish it off as it is and the Winger just couldn’t quite get a read but here’s it in uh slow motion just the full try looks like a sweeper across the face ends up like being kind of like an out Ball but I don’t know the name for this one um sometimes you would see the sweeper run in front and it would be like a tunnel ball uh in behind but this one was across the face like to be honest that’s probably a harder pass to do so the fact that it was a perfect spiral and they executed that that was the first time they tried that as far as I know in the game and it was very good now look at this it’s um only a minute later and Dolson hit again bit more of a it’s not a flashy play this one it’s just a middle middle all right so if you’re wondering whether to go down for your link or your or your middle check out my um video about that it’s a 33 versus 32 scoop so this one is a 33 and the thing about 33 is if you planning on running I would do this one if you’re planning on throwing I’d probably go down for your link but here the first thing I would notice is you got three up in the touch now if doyon are coming at speed which as doy normally do that like that’s a thing having three up in the touch is probably not a good thing cuz that’s just three people that’s offside when only one needs to be in in a perfect world so we have the middle middle now it’s good shape by the 20 here he’s pulling his corner but watch what uh the dummy half does watch what D you can see picks up and he goes straight great he’s threatening to go into this Gap here um activating the back middle to shut down all right and newcastle’s policy there is okay if you want to take on the open side I’m going to turn my hips and relieve pressure uh and release that back middle and I’ll try and make the touch but in doing so dummy half spotted that oh he actually didn’t turn his hips but he’s he’s run straight and you can look right now he’s kicking out all right right if he just gets the ball and runs at a diagonal very easy to chase down but he runs forward and he kicks away and he just creates that little bit of space all that’s not much but that’s enough space to not be able to be touched so if number 20 here Dives he’ll miss if he reaches he’ll miss and as long as you can match the speed you will get a little bit of time to run into the end goal and just basically find a player that’s in a tiny little bit of space in that case it’s the Winger so there’s the second try but that angle change is the most important thing to take out of that when you when you’re doing a run I always try to tell people to do an angle change in every form of run whether it’s rocking um latching on like it is now run one way and kick kick a certain way this is another little uh very fast it’s another little player that you don’t sort of see much about out and it and it kind of like looks like a fly so he’s latched on but everyone else comes on the inside so he’s latched really wide and I think this could be the middle here that he’s got it on but it’s the far middle so everyone’s kind of then tucked on the inside so that’s a a link going down for a middle what’s happened here is they just feed it back to the other middle make it look like they want to go down for a middle middle so he’s going to just gun it into that um offside middle make it look like they’re going down for a middle middle with this um guy dummy half but they just bounce out a little bit so as they come into the touch they just changed this so they’re running a parallel and then they both just changed their angle slightly and you can see he’s just propped the defender’s just propped and now he’s got to bounce himself out to chase with the attack is already running at pretty full speed and it’s very hard to do and you can see that the link here is sort of just not so much ball watching because it is something that you you do there when they come in to to make a dump but you do actually kind of get sucked in a little bit so when they bounce out like this early ball to to Mr fast runner here is he’s pretty confident that actually he’ll be able to get through when he does so if we just continue the rest of it it’s just a foot race simple as that so it’s just a little bounce play so 3-0 in in very short succession and Newcastle hit back here so they set for a sweeper go back a little bit set for a sweeper it’s just a standard sweeper doyon do a defense where they actually get both those middles up with one of them when he starts leaning into the touch the other one gets back really quickly so yeah it looks bad shape at the moment but there’s a lot of practice put into that and you can can see one of them probably probably could drop back faster but you know what I mean but there’s a sweeper middle middle he splits into that hole sweeper comes around and attacks this offside player here but what happens is because they probably got two players offside or they might think that this this middle here is is getting too tight the dummy half is going to dummy to the sweeper and just take off this way now you might think that hang on that the player in front of him’s on side or relatively on side why would he do that but you can look at the momentum he’s trying to cover the gap between himself and the sweeper so his momentum is going the wrong way so you can actually have some SE success I’m not even cutting that out I’m going to leave that in there you can have some success actually just taken off to the Blind and you can see here the link flies in so it’s just eyes up some most people will just do man on there and you can see he’s probably yelling out man on because he’s read that particularly well but a lot of times getting flat footed and is very hard to turn around and chase that you will get you will get through from dummy half so we didn’t need to hit there it’s just a simple one pass out try I’m not going to say success anymore try to avoid saying that now so Newcastle now hit back with a couple of tries and and and the game really gets interesting another sweep up so this time again they give to the sweeper so I won’t talk about the setup now we’ve done that a couple of times but we give to the sweeper attacking attacking this player here and he really digs into the line and kicks ever so slightly out this way and it really it just makes this Defender here second guess what he’s going to do like that that that is so important he straightens himself up and then he just kicks out off the right foot engages that link Defender here and it’s just to eyes up um and speaking of eyes he doesn’t actually look at who he’s passing to he’s always got his eyes on the people in front of him and it’s amazing what you can fool someone with with just what you’re looking at all right that’s why when you do when you throw a dummy or something like that a lot of people will throw a dummy and they’ll keep looking at the people in front of them that’s not going to fool anyone uh people will react to what your eyes are doing so in this case they see his eyes probably eyeballing the line so they just flood in thinking that he’s not going to pass and it’s just a little flick of the wrist pass and a nice slight of hand there to get a try and if you’ve watched this game on K if you sorry if you haven’t watched this game on KO watch this particular part just for the commentary from James Preston it is hilarious and I’m not I’m not going to spoil it on this channel but yeah go and have a look at it KO freebies this 32 now we have a sweeper again this is just sequencing off a sweeper now now we’ve got the actual sweeper so the first one we took off this way from dummy half the second one we swept kicked out and then gave a short pass to the link however this time we sweep we go back in and dive catching this player offside this link can’t get the touch he just can’t reach because he stepped back in and there’s just too much of a little Gap I know it’s not much of a gap but in Premier League men’s open that is too much of a gap and as he Dives in the Gap the ball just gets down first and that’s just a bit of sequencing there with different different styles of sweepers this is where Newcastle hit the lead for the first time in the game they actually score four unanswered tries and you’ll never guess well it’s not actually a sweep of this one it’s kind of like a reverse quickie but he gives it I try to get to a spot all right so we have a middle middle all right and he splits in field but this time he gets the ball back straight away I know it is a short side Quicky all right so they’ve probably gone and and this is an important one to to point out they’ve probably wanted a middle middle play with this player out of dummy half but as you can see he’s dumped on his middle in front of him which is great but he stepped this way he’s step towards the short side now if I pick up the ball from dummy half now I know some I know here both midd are up for Dolson but if the other middle here if if he’s back on side and you’ve split to the short side now your dummy half’s just running straight into the back middle and they just man on so that is why when he picks up he’s gone you’ve split the wrong way I’m going to give you the ball so now you can still well as a team we’re still attacking that offside player so it’s a nice little adjustment from the dummy half it’s a very selfless play a lot of people like scooping from dummy dummy half it’s something they really look forward to they may not get a lot of opportunities but it’s what the team needs here and the team because of a little error from the dump a little um an adjustment from the dummy half has completely fixed that so we still attacking now the offside player and he’s pulled a corner we step back in and now that’s where the hole opens up this player shut down he’s going to stop the dive here but the link out here probably just daydreaming for like even a second or half a second which is just a tad too long in this division but it was just it was just pointing out that that’s a nice little adjustment from the dummy half just to notice that the the dumper had split the wrong way and not panicking not pulling the play up and being like why’ you split the wrong way or split the right way just no give him the ball he’s got this move on try and he gets the try himself and now Newcastle up dson hit back with just under five to go this is something I want to talk about as well it’s is something that as a coach this bothers me a little bit well let’s go back okay now there’s the touch We Got The Touch here and they’re just going to run from dummy half but um let’s point out just what what the defender does here now he runs back now I got no doubt that he has run 7 m no doubt at all and this player probably believes that he has run 7even MERS and I agree however unless you have physically been called on side by the referee I don’t don’t think you should be making a touch like that and then stopping and saying look I’ve made the touch all right make the touch there while still running with the player so you can continuously be ready to make another touch but by you stopping and letting the dummy half run like that’s that’s just way too hard to recover from that so as far as the attack goes it’s just a middle middle run whilst I agree that he’s on side unless you unless you’ve been called on side by the referee just run just keep running it’s um because sometimes referees like especially let’s look back I got a sore throw because I’ve literally just got home from State Cup I’ve got home from this tournament filming this on the Sunday night like whilst this maybe be 7 m to us there is no lines in this part of the field for reference to the referee like when you when you’re in the seven there’s there’s a clear line that shows s m here that’s a line yes that’s a line showing 10 m from halfway and the next point of reference the referees have got is the 7 m which is behind them so that can there can be very inconsistent 7 m in this area just because of the lack of reference that they have they’re literally just eyeballing green grass or in um in Saturday afternoon at Stak cups case it’s it’s brown grass because it’s mud after the storm so yeah always just keep running just keep running here run with the play and then you get him and you’re on side worst case scenario give away a penalty for some reason but that makes it level and this is the way the game ends this is the last set of the game they’re all talking about drop offs and me personally I was like this is going to be excellent we’re going to go to a drop off they try a little trick play actually let’s talk about the trick play it’s not a trick play we”ve had a lot of success on a ERS and if you look at this here we’ve got middle middle and it looks like this link is coming around 100% that’s what it looks like but what they do you can see looks like he’s coming around looks like he’s coming around and then they both angle back this way hoping that this player here was overcompensating for a sweep and too tight thus allowing the dummy half to just take on that gap which doesn’t happen they weren’t actually as tight in defense as they thought they were so let’s roll on from here he tries to take off realizes is not there and that was when the Huda went and that happened so we don’t have sound on this video but the Huda genuinely went when they all sort of stopped probably here this is when the hooa went now in touch football yeah the huda’s gone but play still goes until there’s a touch a drop or you’ve run out so neither of those have happened and everyone just sort of relaxed and what does the player do he spots a gap and you’ve got no reason not to try it the game’s over regardless of how you get touched so have a crack at the line that’s what he does and the rest is history and look I would have loved to see it didn’t bother me who won I would have loved to see the drop off um it is a shame that it does end like that but look that’s part of touch footy um those moments are just as important as important as any other moment on the game and yeah doyon capitalized so congratulations to doyon dragons for the third time state champions um it was good to see Newcastle in a grand final as well they hadn’t I haven’t I can’t remember the last time I saw Newcastle make the big stage in the men’s open but they just previously won the Women’s Open and the commentator actually asked when the last time we had a double like a a win like a gold medal same club for women’s and men’s and I’ve never seen that the last I can remember was I think 2012 Woolen gong made both Grand finals but only the men’s won so that’s the last time I saw same club that I can remember in the two grand finals but yeah Dawson won and that is it on the analysis so thank you very much for watching um Please Subscribe become a member do all that sort of stuff when I edit videos now I’m going to be going live um just for the members only so you can chat to me while I’m while I’m editing some some stuff so yeah really appreciate it guys and we’ll see you on the next analysis or breakdown or whatever I’m going to go to bed I’m I’m bugged after the weekend I’m filming this on Sunday night see see you everyone

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