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North Carolina vs Dayton | NCAA Men's Basketball 2024 | UNC College basketball Live Score Update

📅 Published on: 2024-11-26 19:46:01

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hello and warm welcome to NCA college basketball 2020 4 this is the men’s basketball game score update with the live commentary that playing between North Carolina versus Dayton players in this video I’ll be try to share the score update with the live commentary that men’s game that playing between the North Carolina versus Dayton players means basketball game so let’s uh enjoy the game this game of tonight will be start to within a 15 minutes later within a 15 minutes later the game of tonight that playing the Dayton versus the North Carolina Tire Hills will be played North Carolina means UNC UNC team un University of North Carolina so firstly we know that both of two team lineup last five game there are position in this group and also some of information about the game we know so let’s enjoy the game today within a few second within a few minutes 15 minutes the game of today will be start to North Carolina versus the team of Dayton failers they are playing from the North Carolina and Dayton players they are playing from the group of uh Atlantic Coast in Atlantic Coast here playing the North Carolina they playing four games three win one lost but in this Atlantic Coast here Stanford is the number one NC State is the two Peterburg is the third but the Atlantic 10 the north sorry Dayton players they are playing and their position is five sorry four but one information must you know that they are on all the five games to again of their any opponent so in last out five out of five own from the Dayton failur but the Carolina three out of two in last five game the North Carolina try Hills they won to a gain of only Elon with 90 by 76 again of the University of America 107 by 55 and again Hawaii the win 69 by 87 this is the last five game Dayton failers oppent nor Carolina they are winning record B the dot North Carolina only two games they were lost to again of the Kansas with 89 by 92 only three points game and another game only lost 2.2 again of the Alabama on the last year when they were playing the one of eight finals in this 2023 24 the Mad m m in Mar game but the team of Dayton players in last five game they were unbeaten they want to again of the New Mexico State 74 by 53 they won again of the capital Crusaders 76 by 55 they won again of the ball estate with 77 by 69 Dayton own again of the Northwestern 71 by 66 and Dayton own also one game again of the Francis Francia stet with the 87 by 57 the Jon fers and North Carolina Tire Hills in their history only playing the two on game in nit and they’re playing the only one game this game they are playing in 2010 in 2010 in nit nit season on that nit here I think after the 2010 nevering that playing the NIT tournaments in USA that game here the team North Carolina lost the game to a gain of the team of Dayton with the 11 Point 79 by 68 so we know already here in this game status says that Dayton versus the Dayton versus the North Carolina Tel game here North Carolina oppent of Dayton is better performance in recent few games there are is the last game in afternoon session sorry in uh this time after the 10 minutes and 14 seconds to go for start the game of Dayton versus the evcc the North Carolina Tire Hills one 11 minutes to go for in recent pass record saying that he had the winning opportunities of the team Dayton players but right now right now the game prediction the game predictor seeing that here in this game the winning opportunities to North Carolina winning opportunities of North Carolina thir 86.3% and the S 13.7% of Dayton players so the game of tonight will be start to within a 9 Minutes firstly we know that both of two team the season leader then we know the both of two team roster with the starting lineup also in this last five game Dayton site their are highest scorer is enco six in last five game his aage points points of ppz points per game 15 FZ M field goal made 56 52.3% FTM Fior made 87.5% but the North Carolina Tire Hills in last four game there r Davis best Weller 17.8 awesome points for game field goal 34.4 and free throw is unbelievable 88.7 but if you compare the two players the Dayton and the inco then you know the overall total score deis he more than the inco but inco is fi goal m perent is more better than the North Carolina players R deis so the rebound section here the dominating from the uh dayon failers because here inco he 8.3 rebounds six uh dribbling and also two or pz but here the zilin whs the North Carolina they are rebounds leader 6.8 far game and assist in this game assist not UNC is the better than the Dayton failers the elite elite uh sorry ilot ilot 6.8 a per game his assist but the Smith of Dayton faers is a 5.6 here the roster within a shortly but now I will share another information that when they playing the last five game of Jon and not tyel not Carolina titles in the last for game they are Mass status Mass status they Mass status Mass status mean they score open and score three pointer field goal uh two pointer their F scorer foul all section so let’s go and know about the Dayton fers versus the North Carolina Tire Hills their last few game EST Strat us points per game from the Dayton failure 77.0 but the North Carolina tire is 93.3 in recent few games points against maybe this is Dayton faers opponent esort to again up the Dayton pillar 60.0 North Carolina tyel opponent escort to North Carolina 73.0 so Dayton guard is better than the North Carolina Tiel I think and here the field goal percentage 48.7% field goal made of Dayton failler success rate but the UNC the North Carolina tis there are 47.7 in this section also the North Carolina behind the Dayton failers rebounds per game both of two te is same 39 far game five game of Dayton fillers North Carina tyes pame assist par game in this section also Dayton fet’s lead than the UNC assist 18.0 of Jon failer 16.8 of North Carolina in this block parame at the North Carolina lead their block far game 4.8 dayon is 4.4 still par game 7.4 of Dayton but 7.3 of North Carolina so in this points per game leading of North Carolina but points against field goal rebounds assist and the still par game all the section lead from the Dayton failure St again of the North Carolina Tire Hills this game play playing in the mayui the Lina civil Center Arena this game playing in lahina CIS Center Rina and Dayton fillers is the home team and aai is the UNC the North Carolina TI Hills we know the roster of tar Hills before start the game another 4 minutes left to start the game that playing the Daton fers versus the North Carolina Tire Hills and now we will be share that game of uh dayon fers and North Carolina Tes there North Carolina Tire Hills they are rooster so you know that last 4 minutes to go for finish start the game up tonight hello and welcome to the dayt filers vers the North Carolina Dayton versus the North Carolina ties game and that game will be start to within 3 minutes 2 minute and 55 second after the 2 minute and 55 second this game of uh tonight will be start in this game Carolina their starting lineup zams Brown forward elit OT K guard try forward Davis guard AR Davis guard Elan Davis elah Davis and AR Davis Russel Hawkins guard John Holbrook forward Ian zson guard van alen luin forward dant Mayo junor guard dark Powell guard Seth Tri guard K ton guard jel Washington forward and lean white forward of North Carolina T Hills in this game so one minutes to go for start the game of today within 1 minute and half the game of today the Dayton failers versus the North Carolina Tire Hills will be start the game in today and I think within a shortly within a shortly this game will be start and now we know that Dayton failers there roster this game dayon FS that is starting lineup they are the starting lineup is POS Alexander position of guard Marvel alen position of guard zabon bannet position of guard Eno CHS position of guard jaob Connor position of forward Ian dicki position of for guard makei Grant position of guard Isaak forward z k forward Amil forward William Maxwell Maxwell guard hammad mosa guard Neta Santos forward atas suer guard Zion Simon forward malasi Smith guard and brul guard and Antony Grant the co of on failur so the game of today already the time is up and the game is now ready to start within a shortly n 10 the North Carolina Tire Hills and the Dayton filers meet in today meet in today in Lena C Center they meet in the Lina C Center and this game in Lina C Center will be start to shortly will be start to shortly only you need to waiting a few second Dayton Dayton is the dayon failur is one of the best one of the best basketball team in their group and they deserve to own the game to again of the North Carolina Tire Hills they deserve to W the game again of the North Carolina Tire Hills but the game is start to only few minutes will be delayed yes the game is continue to delete officially on the top screen you know that the game is delayed the game is uh delay and within a few minutes when the game is start you will be enjoy the game from our channel so don’t worry if you want to enjoy the game of tonight from the prime esport live YouTube channel that qual is basketball 2024 here the game is delayed so the game is delayed now I will be share another few information because the game is still running up delete short I hope will be start delete the game in uh Lina CB Center in 26 November 2024 the DAT on failers and North Carolina T Hills North Carolina TI Hills North Carolina is a one of the best basketball team North Carolina will be playing their upcoming games in November and December in November North Carolina will be playing the few games and I say again this game is start to delete in November this is the last game but on the December they start with the fifth December to again at the Alabama 8 December to again of the zorio tech 15 December again of the L 18 December again of the Florida GS 22 December again of the UCLA and 30 December to again of the north sorry Campell so still running the game of tonight delayed still running the game of Dayton fers versus the North Carolina Tire Hills game is start to delay and shortly I hope tonight game within a 5 minutes will be start so we are Countdown the time that officially we know that how many time will be start to delete the game then I will be share you know that this is the important game for the North Carolina because North Carolina in their group stage last four game they lost three last four they lost three but the Dayton players in last four all the games they were on so now we count down the time to 10 minutes we count down the time 10 minutes and I hope within a 10 minutes it will be start it is start it the game will be start within a 10 minutes so we count down the time we count down the time that playing the Dayton players versus the North Carolina Tire Hills North Carolina Tire Hills is the one of the best basketball team in the Mayu innovational sorry in the uh lini CB Center the game playing righton players on the North Carolina time T Hills North Carolina Tire Hills North Carolina Tire Hills in their last five game their highest score was uh North uh Carolina and the Dayton failers game start to delay all almost six minute delete almost the game delayed of 7 minute now and I hope the game of today the Dayton fers vers the North Carolina tles will be start to 7 minute we countdown 7 minute we countd down the time to start the game you know that mass of tonight right now delay but it is also chances to start the game shortly when the game start then I will be sh so don’t worry don’t worry for enjoy the game of today that playing the North Caroline Carolina versus the Dayton failers North Carolina versus the Dayton failers still running the game in delete North Carolina in their last five G four game five game their highest score was uh won the last year North Carolina the won the Poff they won the first play of game in 24th in one of 16 final CH of the Michigan estate won the one of eight finals again of the Alabama they lost so their highest score was their highest score was in last five game from the North Carolina Tire Hills is 100 7 to again of the American University American University their highest score was7 but the lowest score was 69 69 sorry 87 to again of the Hawai although they win the game but only one game they lost in recent five that game their score was 80 their score was uh 87 two points game two points they lost the game and last so the game is start to delay right now almost the game delay 9 Minutes almost the game of today delay of 9 minutes that playing the UNC basketball game versus the Dayton players UNC basketball team is the name of uh uh North Carolina TI Hills basketball officially we countd down the five minutes to start but already in this Main’s basketball game is uh Mains basketball game is taken to uh 10 minutes delete right now the 10 minutes minutes delayed within a 4 minute and the last update about the game we got when the game is start it will be 4 minutes and 18 second it will you will got you will get the update of uh the next game the Dayton sorry the Dayton and North Carolina Point start because the game is start delayed already 11 minute day2 in last five out of 51 Carolina Tyles in last four one sorry three out of four they won so this is the second time in their history of dayon fers and Carolina Tire Hills they playing in head Trad only one game in their history they playing in head TR that g me watching that Dayton players they were the winner to again of the North Carolina Tire Hills so today in this game opportunities to to both of 50/50 right now but I think IIT the North Carolina oppent of Dayton failers uh 6040 60% of North Carolina Tire Hills 40% I say the Dayton failers because today in this tournament five out of five although the Dayton win but North Carolina they are aage they are playing all section in this tournaments are now very good than the Dayton players so officially almost they said that within a 3 minutes the game will be start got the update that game will be start within a 3 minutes within a 3 minutes the 10:45 a.m. in SP GMT so three minutes to go for start the game of Dayton players versus the North Carolina Tire Hills North Carolina Tire Hills will be rest start the game within a 1 minute and 56 second that is the final game in today because today no I think today another few games left on the evening session basketball college basketball is still to delete in today the America today the USA they win 97 by 74 to again of the Bahamas and from the US national site the smart Ry C sto Watson Hilton and smart is the highest scorer 213 rebound two points but this college basketball game college basketball game here Detroit and Tulsa Southern Illonois and Eastern Kentucky SE Lana verus the Gardner wer the upcoming game today so only 45 second the official time left to start the game and I will be share that uh game from our viewers that I know that only this official time says that only uh 29 seconds later the game will be start but the technical problem this game start to delay for the typ technical problem I think this game is start to delay and finally they saying that within a few second will be start but I will be share the update again wait only few second Dayton pillars 5 by 0 out of five North Carolina titles 31 November 24 in 246 in 246 p.m. in 246 p.m. in the uh in this uh home up l c Center 246 so the game start time also the 246 and finally the game right now start finally the game of today here already start the first quarter first top North Carolina start the game with the three-pointer to again of the Dayton failure so first three-pointer field goal from the North Carolina so North Carolina lead the game with 3 by zero and the game is start and with the three point out from the North Carolina tires so North Carolina already three another three-pointer shoot from the Dayton fillers also they missing the last three point shoot so right now scored 3x 0 19. 34 second left for finish the first quarter because the first quarter starting few minutes before and now Dayton fa at zero nor Carolina three attacking from the Dayton so wi team will be win this is a great game this is the score update with live commentary from the prim Sports Live the game of Dayton versus the North Carolina and the first three points first point in this game almost from the North Carolina now the zabon banet is still from the Dayton side and Dayton also first foul zelen Washington defensive rebounds and North Carolina got a first fre th North Carolina and now ready to the first fre th North Carolina will be take here the first PR will take North Carolina right now the score in this game three and in last two fre thr score zley uh Withers made fre throw now the North Carolina Tire Hills 18. 37 second left for finish the game score right now the 3 by Zer Jen Washington turnover from the North Carolina North Carolina First F score ready for the second Fior after the last F score from the North Carolina right now foul on the El OT iiot Koo turnover winning opportunity 88 Point from the North Carolina and Dayton fers another two points f goal and first two point field goal in this game after first two points field goal in this game after the 18 point Sorry after the 2 minutes in P 1 minute and 1 minute and 40 second later the finally the one 3 point two pointer from the Dayton now Dayton two now Dayton two e e e e North Carolina Dayton fillers already lead the game with 6 by two and bers for line 10 he comments 4×3 Dayton yes the right now the six 6 by four Dayton and now six North Carolina and now four although this game the North Carolina another 2 point from the Dayton flers Dayton flers are now eight Dayton flers right now eight and they lead the game with four points to a gain of the North Carolina Tire Hills North Carolina Tire Hills this is the this is the colle yes the another three-pointer from the North Carolina North Carolina now label the game to again of the Dayton and now lead 8 by six North Carolina Tire Hills in this game almost uh North Carolina Davis E4 points Davis he Four Points hter two points trimly three points Dayton side K already six point Smith two points total eight but North Carolina Tire Hills total already in this game nine North Carolina two three-pointer two two pointer two threo two free throw four rebounds five turnover one foul Jumper by the North Carolina set trimill the last one Jumper by the North Carolina Seth Trimble so right now the score of eight by 12 and North Carolina again lead the game to again of the Dayton failers Dayton failers right now they score between the two team the difference only the score update with live commentary of first quarter Dayton fillers versus the North Carolina Tire Hills is still running the game Jon ferson Now eight North Carolina 12 that gave here 15.22 second still left to finish the first quarter first half now time out taken from the Dayton flers to again up the North Carolina Tire Hills elit u in defensive rebound on the last one so right now in this game already Santos Santos he won rebound from the Dayton side one assist K already three field goal atemp three field goal met he won points right now z k 6. three field goal out of three and RZ Davis 4.3 field goal shoot to M 4 minutes and 38 second finished of first quarter and Dayton Fellers opponent North Carolina Tire Hill Le the game with 15 sorry 12 by 8 Four Points difference and Elite after the defensive rebound the game is a timeout taken the timeout from the Dayton failers datton faer site they take a timeout this game this is the UNC versus UNC versus the Dayton failers tonight playing and Yukan husk also women they win the game tonight taking up the wargon state and wargon state and right now this game Carolina playing to up the dayt turn fillers and timeout is still running and five 15.22 second left to finish the first up 15.22 second left for finish the first up North Carolina Carolina TI Hills is the best team but the last five game only one of uh only one of three game and lost and after the timeout after the timeout the game is start again after the timeout Dayton failers they attacking rebound from the North Carolina tiels you see the North Carolina Tiel they are 16 minute and 15 minute and 22 second left for 15 minute and 8 second left another three-pointer from the Dayton fail Dayton fail are now the 11th Seth is the last sorry ml ml the three-point jumper Jon players ml leang made three made three points on the next ATM two points made from the North Carolina with the jumper two point jumper made from the North Carolina now they are 14 by 11 four point difference three point difference ml ml he is the last three-pointer from the Dayton fillers is is the three-pointer scorer from the Dayton filers now that two pointer Miss from the North Carolina Tire Hills North Carolina tles is score 14 Jon fers and now 11th set timel made up the jumper sorry layup not the jumper this is last was the layup so Hamad MOS hammad mosa defensive rebound and three point spill goal attempt and three Point shoot but right now the score between the two team the difference only 14 by 11 14 by 11 right now this game difference and the currently here in this game score between the two team 14 Dayton and now 11th Elite again hit turnover and twoo field goal jumper from the Dayton Dayton right now 13 13 by 14 one point game right now this is the one point game this is a onepoint game right now and the score between the two team here in this game from the Jun versus the failure only one point shot only the one point game right now 13 by 13 by and F got updated F of Dayton and 16 by 15 right now 16 by 15 right now in this game between the two team the Dayton and last three points lead the game again with the inco last two jumper and field goal score so 17 by 16 and foul again the North Carolina Tire Hills again and timeout taken from the Dayton players Dayton play again take a timeout in this game again they taking a timeout so 16 by 17 right now game 16 by 17 Dayton failure 17 North Carolina 16 one points difference between the two team and the second timeout taken here in this game from the Dayton players Dayton players they taken the last timeout North Carolina Tire Hills 16 North Carolina Tire Hills 16 dayon fa at 17 1 minute and 52 second left for finish the game and I think this game will be a closed game today will close game today and the time out taken before the few minutes left of uh first quarter finished after the timeout Dayton fer versus the North Carolina titles will be start the gameing again 17 by 16 and start the game within a shortly after the timeout d fails one point lead dayt faer 17 North Carolina 16 and timeout second timeout taken in this game from the Dayton fillers so Dayton pillers start the game in again and attacking from the failers Dayton only one point lead right now in this game to again of the North Carolina Tire Hills another and another here Jon p 17 by 16 after the start the game time after the time of the game start and the twoo field goal atemp from the DAT on failur but the last two pointer is now missing the two pointer jumper missing fast in this game from the Dayton failers now they attacking from the Dayton again this game 15 more minutes is start to delete and finally after the 15 15 minutes later the game finally started and currently the score between the two team are now dayon play 17 North Carolina 16 1 minute and 29 second left for finish the first quarter and Dayton side their highest score in this game Dayton player side their highest score almost uh another foul from the Dayton fers at that foul offensive rebound after the offensive rebound next attemp and Dayton flare the offensive foul Dayton in this game fou by the inco six inco he made a foul and now two pointer from the Carolina and Carolina now finally again lead 1.7 by8 North Carolina oppent the dayt turn now twooter shoot also missing so 17 by 18 right now points in first quarter 1 minute and 10 second another foul from the Dayton the personal foul Seth trimel made up made a layup and assist by the RZ Davis on the last two-pointer from the North Carolina the Seth trimley made the jumper and cly a defensive rebound and two point shoot and score but assist of the RJ Davis and the foul on the ZK ZK foul from the Jon fillers and another the three-pointer shoot from the three-point line from the North Carolina Tire Hills and missed basket by the sa he again the three-pointer shoot and rebound from the Jon fillers and they’re attacking J fers the rebound and attacking arz Davis sorry arz Davis the missing the last three-pointer AR Davis missed the last three-pointer basket and shoot missile Smith Miss to jumper again from the Dayton failure side so 22 second left to finish the first quarter that playing between the Dayton fers and North Carolina Tire HS in this P Quarter and another persona foul from the Dayton P Dayton P most of the time they are fouls in this game to a again of their opponent most of the time Jon filers the foul Su again of the North Carolina Tire Hills and this is the foul long 10 of by the two team in this game e e e e e 16 second left to finish the first quarter 15 seconds left to finish the first quarter and finally finish the first quarter with the 19 and lead the game from the day to fers 19 by 18 also the one fito a awarded from the Dayton failures so 20 by 8 two point will be laid by the Dayton failures before the finish of first quarter so right now in this first half the score between the two team 20 yes 20 20 by 18 the last two three points got because two in fre thr two in field goal and won by fre thr por Alexander made a left and the two-pointer and foul from the James Brown so one por Alexander he also fre thr made fre and a score of 20 by 18 and again foul from the North Carolina Tire Hills to again of the Jon fillers 9.38 second left for finish the first half second quarter 20 by 18 Zen Washington miss a layup and Zack he defensive rebound an attempt and foul on the Tyson foul on Tyson and after the foul the game is starting again another two-point shoot from the North Carolina and that two-point shoot is missing from the Carolina Carolina is still running the game and Dayton now foul in this game to again of the North Carolina Tire Hills North Carolina tyel lead the two game in first half and second first quarter and second quarter start North Carolina two free throw got e e e e e e e e e e 36 second left for finish the first half and timeout taken by the Dayton opponent of the North Carolina Tire Hills that last time out taken from the Carolina so right now the score between the two team is 22 by 26 Dayton players already the lead the game with four points already the lead the game in this uh today with four points so right now they score between the two team 26 by 22 26 by 22 dayon faers only four points the lead and after the timeout the game is starting again so Dayton 26 nor Carolina is 22 and Dayton off and record to 1 three pointer for label the game 13 pointer for label the game another opportunities to three-pointer but should the three three points shoot three point FS to basket from the Dayton rebounds from the North Carolina rebounds from the North Carolina and the right now position hammad mosa made a free throw hammad mosa made the three-pointer jumper on the last minute 7 minute and 10 second left for finish the game from the Dayton filler say score of three pointer now Dayton filler and now 29 Dayton now lead the game to again of the North Carolina seven point but Dayton again L three pointer another two- pointer jumper hammad mosa still pass the of Nan Santos and Nan sentos met three-pointer then on the next the two-pointer now 32 by 22 10 point difference and Dayton fers last five game on out of five in this story one game they’re playing head-to-head this game d turn win so North Carolina must be under pressure tonight and 10 12 point difference right now and the t uh North Carolina timeout North Carolina takes time out to G of the Dayton failur when the game running of the 6.29 second left for finish the first quarter first half tomorrow the Kentucky wild cat will be playing to again of the Western Kentucky Kentucky will be playing to Western Kentucky Jon filler FS frore from the North Carolina North Carolina and now 24 both up to free thr score from the North Carolina 24 by 34 6 minute left 10 10 points game right now Dayton fers lead the game with the 10 points Dayton lead the game with 10 points to again of the North Carolina Tire Hills this is the game of uh now the victory got of North Carolina Tire Hills big Theory very thoro Dayton offensive rebound and after the foul on the Zan Lee White Withers so victory of Dayton failures and Lead chances to another three the all all the three pass three p three point are missing P three points missing ready to to sorry first Freo missing ready to the second F thr ready for second Freo second free thr score now 35 Mel Smith missed the thow dayon after the offensive rebound to the big three of Dayton filers fers and third F also so 3 six after in last three free thr to score now Dayton fers are now 36 and Dayton after the the are field goal but not Carolina also another free throw score after the two free throw score they are oppent attacking and the foul from the Dayton failur so nor Carolina ready to fre thr North Carolina will be taken the feroro how on the ml L time asoro escore now Carolina 25 10 points behind Carolina 25 and second free throw and the missing to Second free throw so 25 by 35 10 point games right now now right now the 10o games another two-pointer another two pointer from the Carolina Carolina now oppent two pointer Caroline off and two pointer Caroline of and two pointer so right now 37 by 25 the last two point from the Eco secards made a jumper with the two points right now another 37 by 25 12 points game right now Eco sorry inco CHS made a jumper in this start starting lineup here from the Dayton side already K six points Centos three points and five points from the banet sorry six is Smith 3 but the North Carolina side is starting dreamly already 10 point and do e e use Point difference 39 by 27 right now 39 by 27 right now 39 points from the Dayton failers Dayton failers lead with a uh not 28 by 39 11 points 11 points game right now the game is a difference between the two team only 11 points because the Dayton another three pointer and now 42 of Dayton Dayton another three pointers and 42 of Dayton players but they not Carolina Tire Hills again they take a timeout last last timeout taken from the Dayton failur before the 4 minute and 20 second left for finish the first half and dayon fers SP to North Carolina 28 and they taken the last time out from the Dayton failures you know in US National Basketball Association now Golden State Warriors versus the Brooklyn Brooklyn Nets and not playing and golden already 120 Brooklyn n 126 and in this uh Daton and the North Carolina 28 by 42 TR running the timeout and in this 28 here already six time two pointer two time three pointer and 10 F score of uh Carolina but nine time two three two pointer six time three pointer with six free throw from the Dayton and total 42 11 rebound sorry 11 rebound 11 rebound 11 foul three turnover but the uh North Carolina 14 rebound 11 turn number nine fouls in this first 17 minute for 14 minute I’m sorry 16 minute almost by the two team 20 foul in first half highest foul in this game by the Dayton players versus the North Carolina TI Hills North Carolina Tire Hills this SC difference 42 by 28 42 by 28 right now dayon fail 42 North Carolina and now score of 28 and the 3 minute and 53 second to go for finish the game of first quarter uh first half last timeout taken from the Dayton Dayton after the timeout they attacking after the timeout dayon attacking last last on the official TB timeout not a site timeout and Elon OT hit turnover Dayton the another two pointer shoot and basket Now 44 in after the second after the timeout Dayton already two pointers jumper so Jon players 42 North Carolina also the two two points L up there 30 so 30 by 44 Isa Zak made for the Dayton fillers the two-point jumper and the North Carolina they are 30 by 44 14 point difference they last sorry 32 of North Carolina and Dayton the 12 time foul dayon the 12th time foul already in this game Dayton the 12th time foul almost in this game and so freeor got of Dayton opponent of North Carolina Tire Hills North Carolina Tire Hills is now still running the timeout first free sorry first free throw missing second free throw missing both of two free throw fure North Carolina the missing the fails to score so 44 by 30 14 point difference 3 minutes left now the three-pointer shoot from the three-pointer line but Dayton fillers threo jumper missing three point jumper missing from the Dayton fillers datton fers 44 North Carolina score right now another twoo Miss from the North Carolina 2 minute and 39 second for finish the first half second quarter total Po from the North Carolina the 10th time in the this game 21 time fouls already from the two 10 from the Dayton failure a North Carolina 11 from the DAT players and 47 by 30 and North Carolina got a free throw pass score from the North Carolina 31 2 minute and 10 second left for finish first half e e 49 by 49 by 32 sorry 3 three and the second free throw missing two free throw Miss sorry one free throw score one fre thr Miss from the North Carolina North Carolina Dayton fers continue the game in first uh up last 1 minute and 50 second last 1 minute and 50 second okay 49 by 33 right now the score dayt failur 49 Dayton players lead the game now 17 points and again the two points and 51 Now 51 of Daton failures 49 51 by 33 and only 1 minute last minute to go for finish the game 51 by 33 and the half time now running so finish the first half with the score of 33 by 51 in first half full dominating from the Dayton failur and I think in this game the Dayton failers their winning opportunities more than winning opportunities more than North Carolina can North Carolina in this game will be comeb back North Carolina can possible to they will be come back in this game to again of the uh Jon fs and will be the level time will be till but you need to the waiting another maybe 100 minutes so the second half will be start after 15 minutes and I will be join second half start and I think the third and fourth quarter day and fer required to come back because he had the 18 points they are behind thank you e e e e for e e e e welcome to cter second half that playing between Jon versus North Carolina TI Hills only few seconds to go for start the game in today Within shortly the third quarter of the second half will be start third quarter of the second half will be start and in this third quarter second half Dayton faers almost leading the 18 points to again of the North Carolina Tire Hills final score is 51 by 33 I think Dayton players their sances to will be win the game in today to again of the North Carolina tiels rebounding both side the 17 by 17 rebounds in both of two North Carolina and tyel sorry Dayton fillers almost start the game attacking first attacking from the Carolina Dayton F 51 North Carolina 33 start the third quarter third quarter Dayton dayt turn ball on position Dayton the ball on position first three pointer shoot but before taking the shoot North Carolina here FS not Carolina two points field goal score now 35 by 51 35 by 51 Dayton 51 North Carolina 35 points difference are now 16 point deference right now 16 two points missed from the North Carolina opponent of Dayton failers Dayton failers 18. 49 second left for finish the full games I think it will be taken another 1 hour at least one hour will be take to start the finish the game total now the two- pointer from the North Carolina FS to basket and rebound from the team of Dayton failur rebound from the Dayton failur Dayton right now 51 North Carolina 35 16 point difference this is the 16 point game right now and after the first half the first threep pointer from the Dayton failers now 54 Dayton P side the last three pointer jumper three point jumper M from the north carine opponent Dayton P they score 54 zon 54 by 35 19 points now difference 19 points malysia Smith three points jumper assist by the ZK and again attempt from the Dayton fillers and foul from the North Carolina 13 foul in this game and Dayton fers two free throw Zan better defensive rebound and two-point field goal attempt but the North Carolina foul and foul on the elite ilot iot fou G you yeah do the last five foul and N sentos made FY both up to F thoro so 56 by 35 21 Point difference and again the day side Day means Dayton Dayton players fou by the net Santos in few minutes before net Santos he scor by fioro but on the next attemp when in the North Carolina they goes to attempt of uh field goal and here foul from the Dayton failures and both of two fitore 37 by 51 19 Point difference 19 points difference two point Miss and Dayton foul in a row from the Dayton failur to again of the North Carolina Tire Hills the second foul in a row two pointer from the Carolina Carolina 39 and in the second half Carolina all D6 Dayton filler one three-pointer and one two three thr total five and total score of 51 56 by 37 56 by 37 now another two point on the last pror score from the Dayton so 39 sorry North Carolina so 39 of North Carolina another foul from the North Carolina this is the third foul in this second half Dayton players 56 Carolina 36 39 third FS from the Carolina UNC required to 17 points in this upcoming 16 minutes 2 point jumper missed e e e e this second half almost 5 minute done Carolina eight dayon failers seven point difference between the two are now 58 by 41 17 points difference 17. difference Dayton fillers take a time out 58 by 41 5 15 minutes left for finish the game e Jon fer 58 North Carolina 40 after the time out again start the game dayt turn baller position and the three points FAL ATM from the dayt and missing two points Miss from the Dayton Po from the North Carolina Tire Hills 58 for another three pointer from the day day and now 61 after the last three pointer Dayton and now 61 1 by 44 and the North Carolina they take a timeout and finally the Dayton they lead the one points sorry the Carolina again the three pointer so Dayton they taken timeout Carolina now 47 Dayton are now 61 13 14 point only difference between the two team right now the 14 point difference right now the Dayton F total 6 North Carolina TI Hills gradually they come back in this game to again of the Dayton failur and their score only the C 14 difference only the 14 difference I have 14 points possible to will be level if in this current uh quarter they can lead the six or seven points lead their opportunities to finally will be label the game and final quarter goes to close and it will be decided who will be win dayon player 61 North Carolina Tire H 47 e 61 by 47 61 by 47 Jon failure 61 North Carolina Ty 4 seven and the timeout is running that g game playing between the two team and right now the score 61 by 47 4 minutes left for finish the second quarter third quarter another foul from the Dayton in this game again foul from the Dayton Dayton fails Dayton failers 461 North Carolina 60 1 and 47 right now North Carolina 47 63 by 47 63 by 47 right now the score between the two team not kolina 47 Dayton 63 3 minute and 12 second left for finish the game and right now the score between the two team here Wasing that in this game another two-p pointer from the North Carolina Tire Hills they’re 49 so gradually North Carolina Tyles they are comeb back in this game they winning opportunities in this game I think uh more than the Jon sorry North Carolina they come back strongly because in this third quarter already they Four Points lead already the Four Points lead already four points lead and uh Jon fer are now 63 North Carolina tiels are now the 49 only 1 minute and 57 second Carolina finally take a timeout kolina finally they take a timeout to again of the Dayton and this game before the 1 minute and 49 Second and total 11 minute and uh 49 Second they take a time I think the North Carolina will be come back North uh Carolina will be come back in this game to a gain of uh Dayton failures they required to only 14 points only 14 points only 14 points can North Carolina will be comeb back right now they lead the six if if they can lead in this current league another few points and no just to I think if there are 10 more points lead I think their are opportunities to win the game there opportunities to win the game after the timeout the game ready to start after the timeout today this game will be start day turn failure first two quarter 51 second two second quarter 12 minute running sorry 11 minutes left and the score here another the difference between the two team right now three-pointer from the North Carolina now North Car North Carolina 52 after the last three pointer from from the North Carolina they 52 52 by 63 11 points difference right now 11 points difference right now Carolina Ty another twoo Arts so North Carolina strongly come back and again the foul so not Carolina now 21 in this current quarter 21 in this current quarter and what come back from the Carolina what come back from the Carolina in this game 66 by 54 Point difference right now not a huse because the 22 points difference in this game right now and they come back with a strongly from the North Carolina Tar Hills and already 7 six point lead in this current quarter North Carolina they record to the 12 points for label the game another two pointer shoot from the team of Dayton missing to basket nor Carolina tels rebounds offensive rebound defensive rebound and goes to attacking after the defensive rebound goes to attacking another opportunities yes the another points another three-pointer from the Carolina Carolina now 58 kolina ARA 58 come back with a strongly Carolina 58 only eight point shot and 10 points lead the current game and Carolina one fire starting right now on the starting lineup from the Carolina side here the score [Music] almost North North Carolina 58 and Dayton failers 66 AR Davis met the three-pointer from the North Carolina on the last minute so only 11 second left for finish the current Quarter North Carolina site here k k 10 points rmly 15 points arz Davis 16 points and after that time out start the game again North Carolina TI Hills T Hills reir to two three pointer another two points missing from the Dayton failur rebound from the North Carolina North Carolina the two point score now 66 Point difference last two pointer from the North Carolina and they come back in this game with the 58 by 60 by 60 60x 60 60 by 66 and again the two- pointer from the Dayton players now they lead the eight 68 by 60 Seth Trimble made a layup with the two-p pointer and the 60x 68 dayon player last two-pointer and 9.51 minutes left for finish the game this game is so closed right now another two pointer missing from the North Carolina North Carolina the another two-pointer missing layup missing layup missing nine another foul from the North Carolina T Hills even straet the foul to of the Dayton failers before the 8 minute and 58 second left for finish the game total Dayton failers 8.50 sorry 68 North Carolina Tire Hill 60 North Carolina Tire Hill 60 point difference only eight and I hope it is easily the last quarter had a 10 point difference last quarter the 10 point difference so they are the fourth and final quarter the fourth and final quarter 68 by 60 not Carolina after the timeout sorry after the timeout of Dayton filler they come back in this game with a strongly and right now the North Carolina attacking North Carolina attacking there equ to the two three pointer one two pointer or four two pointer but label in comeback in this game last quarter we watch seeing the 10o lead can again in this final quarter label the 10 point or 8 point seven eight point and lbel the game at least and three pointer missing from the North Caroline on the last last one three pointer missing North Carolina Tire Hills third quarter they come back with a strongly with the 27 points another two point are missing from the Dayton rebound again the Dayton and another the three point attempt and Miss scored now 71 first the two-p pointer attempt but missing second time attempt of the three-pointer and the score so right now the score between the two team here in this game 68 by 63 sorry 71 by 63 9 point reference 71 by 638 points difference another F from the Dayton another foul from the Dayton 63 by 71 and timeout taken from the North Carolina Tar Hills after the date on the five points they are Tak in a Timeout 8 points game right now 8 point games right now not Carolina tels 71 by 63 71 by 63 currently score Dayton and they take a time out take a time out Dayton players after the North Carolina 7.40 second left at this stage uh they take a timeout so the game is starting again e and start the game with the two-pointer jumper missed from the team of Dayton rebound from the North Carolina seven another two-pointer from the North Carolina now 68 North Carolina right now 68 North Carolina see 68 e e e Dayton fa 71 North Carolina 68 and Dayton again got the two free throw and right now in this second half 15 points lead from the North Carolina but total overall he had the 18 points lead from the Dayton so they record to another three point and Dayton again got a free throw sanses to another two points will be lead lead by the dayt failures then 71 to 7 3 chances 71 to 73 chances 73 by 68 5 Points lead from the Dayton failers faers before the 7 Minute another two pointer from the Dayton now Dayton 75 and lead up seven after the last two pointer from the Dayton players now Dayton players 75 North Carolina Tire Hill 68 and now seven points behind the North Carolina and in this upcoming 7 minutes they required to Seven Points lead now the three-pointer missing from the North Carolina North Carolina they try to the more three-pointer they are wants to come back in this game by the three-pointer Dayton players right now the score of 75 75 another two point are missing from the two points are again missing from the North Caroline opponent of Daton and North Carolina the twooter and now the 70 and Five Points difference between the two team right now Carolina and now 70 Dayton failers are now 75 and score difference between the two team two sry seven points difference between the two team before the before the 5 minute and 30 and Jon another foul so one free throw escore chances to Dayton failers opponent of North Carolina the chances to can the Dayton will be win today because when they playing the last few game in head tohe head we are watching that in last game when they playing in head to Dayton win the one and North Carolina lost one another two-pointer from the Dayton players Dayton player are now 77 the last two pointer from the Dayton filler Dayton filler are now the 77 this is the basketball game and Dayton filler also another free Thor and take a free Thor and if they score by free thr their point will be lead of right now six lead and if they can score one free throw already the free throw made percentage is 83.3 their chances to point will be the 78 and lead the seven before the 5 minute and 25 second but in the second up uh right now 12 point lead right now 12 points lead this is the score update with commentary from the prime Sports Live YouTube channel not a real time video live streaming here good two pointer from the Carolina Carolina 73 Carolina now the Five Points game Carolina Ina the last Carolina the last two pointer jumper mid and 73 right now the Five Points game now another three-point attempt from the Dayton missing basket another two pointer from the North Carolina North Carolina now 75 part come back from the North Carolina today in this game especially in this uh in this um second half the lead now 13 points they require two the only five points for label the game and currently they score between the two team only three points difference another two point thre pointer shoot and basket from the Dayton and again the lead three so right now the Sixpoint game 7 81 by 75 81 by 75 if the Dayton failers scor then North Carolina also next ATM score now 81 by 75 another two- pointer also North Carolina now 81 by 77 81 by 77 and another foul from the Dayton so North Carolina will be got another one free thr chance one free thr chances to score by the North Carolina Tire Hills total point I hope will be over total points I hope in this game will be over 65 or under the 165 now fre thr score from the North Carolina Tire Hills Carolina Tire Hills are now 78 three points game three points game right now this is the game of college basketball 202 24 they’re playing the North Carolina Tire Hills versus the Dayton fer 78 by 81 and the Carolina take a timeout after that last three-pointer So currently that game score between the two team is uh now right now the score between the two team are now 81 by 70 81 by 70 81 Dayton failure and Carolina 71 78 three points game and they take a time out they take a time out so I hope in this game the Dayton fer of North Carolina will be comeb back North Carolina will be come back and after the timeout this game is uh ready to start after the timeout the game is now ready to start within a 3 minute and 48 second 3 minutes and 48 second is the last important few minutes last few important minutes are now left and right now the score required to both of only three points North Carolina they’re attacking if they can score three point right now this attack their chances to will be label the game North Carolina Tar Hills youc UNC UNC are now 78 attacking shoot missing and rebounds 81 by 78 Dayton foul Jon and now foul right now this game between the two team are now a score here 81 by 71 and day1 foul so karolina if they got the two free throw their chances to will be come back in this game and label the sorry at least close the game because uh three points game right now three points game for for first F thr North Carolina score so two points difference if they can score in this game three-pointer will be win the North Carolina Hills today another two-p pointer missing from the Dayton North Carolina rebound and the one point they require to label the game if they in this game in upcoming 3 minute and 25 second in a score like three pointer two- pointer all of the lead and the Dayton again foul so North Carolina Tire Hills got a free thoro kolina Ty Hills fitor ready chances to lead the game with at least one point SES to the Carolina women sorry men’s to lead the one points to of the Dayton flers Dayton players 8 to1 North Carolina currently in this game 17 point the lead only one shot of label and finally the label now 81 by 18 second missing so 81 one by 18 finally before the 3 minutes North Carolina they label the game first half Dayton leading the 18 and right now North Carolina lead the 18 and label the game finally to a again of the day on filler so 81 by 18 before the 3 minutes 81 by 80 before the 3 minutes North Carolina Tar Hills shortly on thep top on the top score bar will be update that they score 81 by 81 81 by 81 another three-pointer missing from the Carolina Carolina and now miss the last three pointer shoot fails to basket and again foul from the Dayton with the last three pointer from the Dayton so karolina got the chances to another two jayen Washington offensive rebound North Carolina side and they attemp about two points another chances to for toore I’m sorry the last per were missing from the North Carolina uh North Carolina they missing so before the two minute and 32 second first F score now 82 Amal Al Ang Amal alang he es score so 80 by 84 already 192 pointer from the North Carolina 33 rebounds 73p pointer 23 free throw 14 turnover eight fouls in this running quarter but the 17 two point of Dayton 13 three-pointer 11 free throw 35 rebound 10 turnover 11 foul current cutter so before the 2 minute and 30 second left the score of 82 by 84 two points game two points game free throw by noan Caroline North Carolina Seth tmle he scored by both of two fre throw so the game is before the 2 minute and 12 second only two points game only two points game right now that playing between the Carolina and the Dayton the game is now closed anyone game right now because in last five game Dayton win all the game to again of their opponent Carolina in last four win three one lost head to-head Dayton and Dayton and Carolina one game playing this game Dayton win as win so in this game only 12 another two three-pointer from the Dayton fers 87 Dayton and now 87 now lead five after the last three from three points from the Dayton failures they are score right now 87 but the Carolina 85 two points difference another three-pointer from the North Carolina so a score difference only two a score difference only two another last three-point jumper from the both of two and currently a score difference only 2 85 by 87 another three-pointer from the and Dayton of in the North Carolina lead the game 55 by 36 in the second half and finally one point leading by the Dayton and timeout from the North Carolina Tire hit Tire Hills before the 1 minute and 12 second and this time the three-pointer Miss by the donon zon BR banet one point leading from the North Carolina after the last twoo jumper so they right now score in this game 87 by 88 87 by 88 this is the game of last 48 second this game is right now this is a game of college football and in this college football Jon failers 87 North Carolina 88 4 minutes and sorry 48 second left in this running quarter 19 points leading from the Carolina second half 19 points lead the Carolina from the prime Sports Live had the 87 by 88 North Carolina 88 ton flers 87 score difference between the two team only one points and take a timeout before the 48 second of North Carolina but ball on position of North Carolina side ball in North Carolina and they take a timeout so sunet 2 es score from the North Carolina again after the timeout North Carolina Tar Hills is uh playing tonight this game to again of the Dayton failures and this game is very close right now because here in this game you’re watching the score difference between the two and now only one the close game the closed game right now one points game one point game the game again last 48 second North Carolina ball in position there ding twoo shoot jump missing from the North Carolina rebounds last North Carolina before the 48 second and the North Carolina and Dayton failers this game is still running of the second half plus 48 second and the score un only 488 by 87 and times violation and the fouls from the North Carolina so Dayton fers got a free Thor chances I don’t know it will be the free Thor it will free throw or the game will be play we’ll play without any free throw F from the North Carol Ina so now video SEC for the decision requir to video seing see after the video seing it will be decided so it will decided that foul can give in the fre throw or continue the game without fioro dayon failur one point shot to label the game and last 27 second only Fe left for finished last 27 second on second half Carolina ball on position SES to free throw if they can go the free throw and two point free throw they score to both of to free throw their score will be and the dayt turn also they take a timeout after the foul from the North Carolina and this game is right now running up timeout that timeout taken from the Dayton before the 27 second and ball on Dayton side ball on Dayton Side Dayton five out of five karolina four out of three out of four AR Davis from the Carolina side turnover and foul and uh the game is now timeout again this is the last timeout from the Dayton failers only 27 second left Jen Washington goes up the strong for the number one and he is now best playing today the Washington and after the timeout the game will be starting again one point game 27 second left and start the game attacking from the North Carolina I think no foul no free throw given and the foul from the Dayton so North Carolina right now got a free throw another two points opportunities to lead because before the 27 second Carolina side Nets send the Miss to the two pointer and rebound from the North Carol Ina after the timeout net Santos Miss three-pointer jumper arz Davis defensive rebound and attacking and foul on the jabon banet and fre thr first fre score now 89 and twoo lead two points lead now second free throw and now 890 three points lead of North Carolina RZ Davis made the first free throw and before the 254 second North Carolina 8 90 by 87 three-point lead and they take a timeout again before the 14 second ball on position Dayton failler side they re to the one they require to one three-pointer for label the game in upcoming 47 second but the ball in their sight ball position also the Dayton failur last 14 second game last 14 second game 87 by 90 three points game right now and take a timeout from the North Carolina AR Davis made the two F thr in a row and right now the points leader here C Central 13 K I’m sorry the game leader from the Jon side N Central 13 points e e e before the 5 Second the score of 90 by 90 so 100% here chances to score will be goes to timeout about time after the Dayton three pointer before 14 second left then Dayton three points and label the game right now the score of 90 by 90 and the last three pointer by the NAT SOS he’s the highest scorer and already 16 point from the Dayton player side and he’s the best player right now already he 16.5 field goal 12 attempt but AR Davis from from the UNC he 28 points eight field goal out of 19 and fitor eight out of 19 so the game only the last 6 second left and position of North Carolina Tire Hills so the last sances for the Carolina with the three-point shoot without no sances to that there will be two point score because uh only 6 second left only 6 second left only six second left for finish the game and the score is now 99 90 by 90 so the sances to the game will be overtime game will be goes to overtime NS what a player he is he jumper and assist by the msia Smith on the last four six second before he pass the ball and jump for three-pointer three point zumper and is right now score between the two team 90 by 90 what a comeback from the North Carolina ties so last 6 second last 6 Second Chances yes the game is start North Carolina they attacking now 4 second 3ry 5 Second 4 32 and finished than I think the game yes the stop again I don’t know before the 3 second before the 3 second after the start the Dayton failers the opponent of North [Music] Carolina North Carolina I think the game will be go to have sorry extra time extra time Dayton time out of the North Carolina ball on position 6 minute left 6 second left and now the game is goes to have yes the North Carolina the big opportunities create on the 6 second but the fouls from the Dayton failers but the dayon P sper go and now want to check the fre FS because the foul by the zabon banet before the 4 second before the 4 second he fouls within a two second the North Carolina players goes to attacking and attempt for the two-pointer but the North Carolina opponent Dayton fers made the fall so the big sances to win the North Carolina with one or two points with one at two points so right now the 8 I don’t know why they’re saying the 89 by 90 I think personal follow the Dayton jabon banet R JIS and short timeout I don’t know why the one point right now reduce in this official side also they’re saying that 89 points but I don’t know what is the Reon I’m I’m sorry the points are 89 by 89 so now two lead from the team of North Carolina and before the 4 second there are no chances to will be lost of North Carolina because both of two free throw they score so D players record to the three-pointer RZ Davis made the free throw Davis is the highest scorer in this game almost individually scoring this game 29 Points 29 Points not he individually 30 points now the 92 by 89 and attacking from the dayt record to three pointer otherwise no comeback and the game is over but the North Carolina fouls and Dayton fre thr but if they score both of two free throw one point shot and the one point shot and 1 second left four SEC two second left so at least one points Dayton will be lost if the both of two free throw score from the Dayton but they lost with uh one points first pitoro es score now day to 90 Dayton now 90 19 by 92 so no way to come back in this game from the Dayton and 100% Dayton will be lost right now taking up the North Carolina the because the position the just uh this game condition this game uh situation says that but the second one missing from the Dayton fillers and the game is over with the 90 by 92 and own the game with two points from the North Carolina tis to again of the Dayton Flyers with the two points finally today NCA basketball 2024 this game is over and this game own the game by the North Carolina Tire Hills with the two points to a again of the Dayton FS create the big opportunities from the Dayton F because in this final quarter is 20 point difference final half 20 points difference in this final half the second half 20 points difference from the Dayton fillers and the North Carolina and this game lost by the North Carolina so on the screen shortly I will be share the box score for both of site box score for both of two team both both of two team they box score the scoring the score leader total score in this game by the two team Carolina were the Dayton failers 19 by 92 two points game it is a two points game and after the two points the game was the game here finished with the two points difference so on the screen shortly you will be watching the both of two team they are both of two team both of the two team they are box escore maybe called a es score so firstly I share the UNC firstly on the screen you are watching the UNC UNC side they es score in this game on the screen within a few second you will be watching that UNC there score yes this is the UNC site they score right now in this game North Carolina Tar Hills not Carolina Tar Hills that game there score after the this is the a scoreboard from the two team Carolina and the T Hills North Carolina site zil Washington nine points o o three points k 10 points said trimill 27 point David sorry Davis 30 point Davis is the highest scorer from the North Carolina and on the Ben James Brown no points vanen no points K Tyson two points dra farell Five Points Zen Jackson 92 points total sorry 5 point 92 here in this game the total three pointer JIS four three pointer say two three point poell two three point and Zan Jackson 29 total two three points so on the screen you’re watching the both of two team they are on the screen you are watching that both of the two team they score so not the both of two team only the one team the team of North Carolina now you know the score of uh Dayton Dayton in this game there are a score on the screen right now you’re watching Dayton player site Santos 15 points zat 10 points zabon banet 9 points insos 11 points is Smith 12 points AML 13 points Simon 2 points Isaak 4 Points mosa 11 points por Alexander 11 point total 92 points l two point game lost by the two point lost the game from the Deton players three-pointer in this game there are 14 time three-pointer highest three-pointer in this game by the banet three inco 3 Smith 2 Santos 2 Amelia three so the game scor 90 by 9 the game total score finally the 90 by 92 and that on the screen you’re watching that the Dayton failers Dayton fillers there Dayton failur there a score in this game Dayton fa they lead the game tonight in first few minute but finally they lost the game tonight finally they lost the game tonight to again of their opponent with the one two points but the opportunities opportunties to create in few minutes to come back on the final quarter final quarter lead s final H lead the two more and overall lead here 39 by 15 20 points because the first half Daton lead the 18 second half second half North Carolina lead the 20 so they win the game two points so they are win the game in two points and right now they score of 90 by 92 I think the game sances to will be goes to half the game will be goes to uh break time I sorry half time the game will be half time I think but finally the game finish with regular time and and uh in the history of North Carolina Carolina and Dayton fers they playing the two game they playing at two games one win of North Carolina one win of Dayton failur one win Dayton failers so finally the game is over on the screen you’re watching that 90 by 92 between the two team they are W in this game tonight from the North Carolina they deserve before start the game here win perto says that it is a sanest to win up tonight from the Dayton open from North Carolina so North Carolina they love the last and they own the game in today with the lead with the two points only this is a closed game and most of the gameing today we watching that close most of the gameing today we watching that goes to close so we share about who will be win today then 66% said that North Carolina will be win shl Williams comments bye-bye Dayton Mike comments winner win chicken dinner I have been having a sweet game in all day thank you and Jord and he said that total point will be under 171 but now the total is 182 Zar till he said that total 10 under 171 but now the total is over of 181 So currently the score currently the score between the two was uh after finishing of the regular time 90 by 92 90 by 92 and that game dominating from the dominating from the North Carolina North Carolina they are own the game finally on the last minute full games the dominate e Carolina Carolina Tar Hills so we wants to know that who will be qualified on Final after the regular season who will qualify e we I want to know that uh uh who will qualify who will qualify play off after regular season in uh so who will be qualify after regul season in this uh two team you share your opinion that uh dayon dayon fers or the North Carolina Tar Hills the UNC so who will be qualified you can share your opinion in this game finally we watching that here in this game dominating performance sh from the North Carolina Tire Hills because in first two cour first two quarter they are behind first two quarter they are behind but on the final quarter they come back with a strongly first two quarter they are behind but on the third and fourth quarter come back with a strongly and they label the game and lead two points and won the game but in before the 10 second before the 10 second the team of uh North Carolina they lead the two lead the two but on the very next attemp three pointer shoot and a score from the Caroline opponent and they label the game but finally another free throw got of Carolina and they are own the game finally in today so today this is the game of college basketball 2024 the game is over with the Dayton versus the team of North Carolina so we share about who will be win today who will be qualified playoff regular season who will be qualify playoff after the regular season may maybe regular messes you can share your opinion that my opinion is not Carolina TS sanses and all both of two SES both of two sanses two sanses to qualified on the next stage time will be tell what will be happen but you need to the April in March March April and today the upcoming game The Duke Duke will be playing to Kansas Duke will be playing to Kansas playing the game Kentucky versus the West Kentucky Kentucky will be playing the game of West Kentuck so thanks a lot bye see you again on the next game tomorrow when playing on the December and I will be trying to share the game also and yeah thanks a lot to stay here with a long time like uh you stay here uh the three hours

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