Mack Brown FIRED by North Carolina | UNC Tar Heels Football News

📅 Published on: 2024-11-26 15:54:00

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North Carolina Head Coach Mack Brown has been fired by North Carolina, and Andy & Ari react LIVE on air to the news out of …

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Matt Zen from from CBS Sports okay reports that North Carolina is expected to fire m brown okay this is one this actually fits into this conversation that we were having because the question was is Matt gonna retire is he gonna is he gonna do this again come remember when Matt said earlier this season in the locker room to his team after a loss if I’m the problem I’ll go I think that probably was close to it and I don’t think he wants to go and this is probably the the upshot of that like the conversations keep getting had he doesn’t want to step down gracefully and this is where you land yeah um I really really like ma Brown uh I like him as a person I think he’s a great uh salesman I think he’s really awesome uh for a place like North Carolina and I think he would probably be the first to tell you that the trajectory of the program when he took over and how exciting it was and where we are today just it didn’t live up to it like it did not work I don’t know why it didn’t work but there was a moment like they never they never had an effective defense think about the quarterbacks that that he had there you know Sam how and Drake May Sam how and Drake May are pretty damn good quarter like Sam Hal he he walked in because Sam how was committed to Florida State he walked in and flipped Sam H like day one yeah so this is the thing with North Carolina and you know I guess we at the expense of talking about sides we can go into this right now Andy we’ll have plenty of sides discussion the next couple days don’t you worry AR yeah I’m just I just want to talk about stuffing dude uh no but this is this is an important topic the question of how good of a job or what is North Carolina’s ceiling is interesting because at moment and I don’t know you you were the one who said it but I got macked the Athletics sent me down to Chapel Hill and I remember this was 2020 is because I got a phone notification after I left ma Brown’s office that the first recorded case of covid had hit America like that’s like so like that like like that’s where I was and I was in the mountains of North Carolina um but I left there thinking this guy gets it North Carolina is a very underrated Tate uh state for instate talent and he’s a very good salesp person who has won a national championship this campus is beautiful it’s amazing academically they’ve got that great hot dog place um and the colors and the AR the colors the uniform the Jordan aspect of it the Jordan room like I really did believe for a while that North Carolina was going to be able to beat Clemson for recruits in that region and for a while there they were doing it they got like kesan silver and five star players to go there and at the beginning I really bought into the fact that like wow North Carolina could be really really good with the right coach and then I watched them field some really really like Josh DS was on that team like and Josh DS is amazing really really good offenses and their defenses were just terrible and I just don’t know from a coaching standpoint is that a recruiting problem is that a hiring problem like how do you it’s this it was kind of like the same thing it was like Lincoln Riley’s USC for five years you know and I will tell you that there’s been one time one time in their history that they’ve had the talent to to Really compete for the national title and it was a Butch Davis year and it was the year that the whole agent Scandal exploded and they had to suspend half the team that team fully formed if the whole team’s playing if that if that NCAA Scandal doesn’t happen that team is competitive I think on the national level but that’s the only team I can think of that’s been like that that was good on both sides of the ball and actually was probably a lot better on defense yeah so I I I know that m brown like lives for this like this is his this is his entire life I think that if you asked him in a moment of truth or at any moment cuz he’s an honest like good person like he would tell you it didn’t work like it he there were moments where it felt like it would get it was going to get there but it just didn’t get there I think that’s fair and I think he would say that I you know having talked to him on you know through the years about a lot of stuff I think he’d be very honest about that and he’ll tell you where he tried and where where it didn’t work can I offer a suggestion that may sound sacr I think I know what you’re going to say but go for it I think Lee Coro is probably done on game day oh I think it’s probably time can we have Ma and Nick Sabin together on game day like I would love that and I want a bonus 30 Minute Podcast once a week of just them talking because Ma’s the host obviously like Mack was born to host but he would be able to draw of Nick Savin a lot of interesting stuff and Nick sav’s good anyway you you’ve seen him on Game Day this year is’s awesome like I would love to hear them talk about because they both like they had different styles they coach different ways I would love that but I also would love Mack just on the desk you retire the the headgear stuff with it let McAfee do something crazy to replace the headgear stunt and and just have Mack and Nick talk football I would love that um he’s the perfect co-host or the Perfect Replacement um and the one thing I wanted to say if we’re closing down the show with this is he’s a purveyor of the fileo fish so just like that’s a guy who gets he I don’t know if you know that we gotta get him on the Saucy nugs though yeah know he well that’s the thing I got converted to the Saucy nugs but he would text me about that and I thought that was funny uh so uh I actually congratulations for a great career though Andy right like it didn’t work out here but we’re talking about a coach that won a national title of Texas and has won a lot of football games in his career and it’s been really kind of a pleasure to get to know him and write about him over the years yeah he’s he’s one of the best and and he’s just I know people think he’s a politician and that oh he can just glad hand really well no he’s just a really good dude like he’s a really good dude to talk to yeah it doesn’t matter where you’re from who you are he treats you with dignity and respect like everybody you know what what he does Andy it’s great that is a really good life trait and I don’t do this but I wish I did is he looks you in the eye when he’s talking to you and he uses your name back at you like if you go in and it’s the first time he meets you he will talk to you and use your name as if you’ve known him for 20 years and I think that he has this ability to make you feel at ease and comfortable and in a room with friends even if you just met him I’ll never forget the first time I met him and the first time I met him I felt like I had known him for 10 years and I think that’s a gift and not everybody has that it’s it’s not a a freaking superpower yeah it’s a super it it it’s one of those things that if he had decided to go into another field would have made him successful in any field he chose and yeah I if this is it for Mac have you know God bless you great career uh if this is it producer Riv points out who are then the active coaches in college football to win a National Title Dabo Sweeney Kirby Smart and hold on who am I forgetting don’t tell me you’re not it’s whoever wins it this year if it’s not Kirby Smart or DAV s okay I was like Jimbo Fisher like wait he got fired last year I think he’s trying to get in if something opens but yeah but that’s it so yeah wow so if max if Max’s done they’ve got this what happens when the person who’s won half of them since 2000 retires kind of sucked up all the oxygen there yeah but uh but it’s interesting that we were having that retirement discussion because Mack was the one who didn’t want to Mack was the one who wanted to keep trying yeah and that’s that’s uh kind of just a testament to who he is too right like he he he wants to adapt and try age didn’t matter and I thought that he actually operated at North Carolina as somebody uh who was 20 years younger too so you know I know a lot of people want to talk about his age over the years but he he really did have a gift

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