📅 Published on: 2024-11-26 19:30:02
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Masters match between 2 lower level players, one of which has to leave soon. Hope you enjoy! I’ll be attempting to do 2 of these …
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all right guys today we’ve got a masters match race to seven Jonathan and Dan Dan wins the lag by a lot on rack one all right Dan to bre crack one it’s like a dry break 15 and six are tied up but not terribly Stripes look pretty good here you can uh play the 11 this way put some top on this Q ball and run it in here just get that six out of the way 12’s pretty makeable you got the 13 as a backup ball you don’t want to hit it with Center if you hit it with Center you could hit the 12 and end up running onto the other side of the six you’d have to get the speed just right also you don’t really want to make that 12 yet looks like he’s going Center don’t make the 12 all right well the 12 saved his butt and didn’t go in so lucky there got to look at the [Music] 15 I don’t think so it wasn’t entirely sold on that 14 so like we’ve said before tough to make shots when you’re not sold on it uh I think outside of Masters I think both these guys are fives I’ve known Dan for a long time he’s a really really good shooter when he’s focused but when he loses his Focus he tends to fall apart it’s a shame too because when his focus is on he’s really hard to beat this is Dan right here looks like he just kicks into a little bit of [Music] cover oh he’s going to scratch if he’s going for this 14 here don’t you want to put bottom on this oh boy [Music] I Know Dan wanted to play this match early wanted to get started and wanted to get out of there so he wasn’t feeling it as you can probably tell from that shot he just didn’t really feel like he was 100% there the unfortunate thing is I think that starts to rub off on Jonathan a little bit if I remember correctly um this first rack takes them a long time I was sitting there while they were playing this and I lost interest and left so I went and watched somebody else play instead of watching these guys play cuz this one takes a little bit he’s just stretched out kind of rushing this one I think this is when I left [Music] I’m going to edit this one down a bunch I bet if he’ put a little bit of left on that he could have caught the 10 if You’ have caught the 10 back here that actually would have been really nice you could have sent the the 10 this way brought the key ball back up this way slowed it down a bit had all the shots but he’s going to kick of this 12 ball needs to be kicking over here nope [Music] see if Dan was feeling confident he tried to move the seven ball right now I don’t think he is so I don’t think he’s feeling the run out [Music] [Music] nice little bump believe that five ball goes doesn’t go clean I think you can put a and the 12 on the sides 12 looks like it’s tanging pretty much over the edge so you probably get that five to drop in with it don’t know if I’d go this way he’s going to be really hard pressed to get back on the seven ball that 12 is going to stop him from being able to do anything useful with the Q ball well the side pocket’s also going to stop him oh fancy he’s just going to have to headit over here somewhere catch that seven ball about as full as he can oh caught it on the other side he went a little bit fatter than I thought he could [Music] [Music] makes a 12 ball going to float this nine with a little bit of right your Q ball is going to want to go this way so if you put a little bit of right on it you can catch it like right here just kind of hold it on that short rail if you don’t you’re liable to send it over here and lose it so you want to just make sure you got a little bit of right on it there you go nope still looks [Music] [Music] doable wasn’t a terrible try well Dan’s got this one it’s just an easy roll for this uh seven pocket speed that’s pretty hard oh we missed never mind don’t know if I’d run this with any follow maybe maybe take it three rails where that one was I’m pretty comfortable just bringing it down here this direction well Dan makes the shot let’s see how he does with this yep good contact off the 10 judging from the shot that he missed I’m going to say he’s taking himself out of this game it happens [Music] [Music] this is the 10 ball he’s going to leave him another look at this all right well let’s put this with a little bit of draw a little bit of left spin little bit of left spin that was not left spin look so you just ran it still in a good spot the only reason I like the left spin is because if you’re Crossing this shot line here I don’t want to cross it up here I’d rather cross it way back here where you have more room to mess up all right he squeezes one in Jonathan’s up one nothing we’re on to Rack two that rack only took about 15 minutes all right Jonathan to break rack two dry break cluster of Stripes however looks like that 1510 is dead in the corner right over here looks like that’s dead don’t know if you can see it now is he going to play the 13 1510 yes yes Dan is going to play the 13 [Music] 151 now he can play the 1315 and play the 14 first a bad shot not bad got a nine ball if he wants it you can put a little bit of follow play that 135 play some follow and get shape on that uh 11 ball oh my God he’s actually doing that oh messed up the 12 [Music] oh man that’s a shame he needs to be right about here to uh play the 11 this way and come rail into this to get the 12 out of there I think that’s about the only angle he has to really get a good hit on that 12 right now [Music] [Music] [Music] H yeah right about there so from right about there he can play the 11 this way and come off into this if he catches the two or if it looks like he’s going to catch the side of the two he can put a little bit of high left on this and he’ll still come out and hit the uh one ball got to move it now though you don’t want to leave that never mind it’s going to bank the 13 nope [Music] I just hurt my heel oh that hurts ow oh yeah there you go shoot the fourball first good choice run this one up and now play the three get off that rail [Music] I don’t know where that seven goes okay [Music] [Music] I mean almost I was going to say the time for aggressively trying to move the 12 has passed and he should probably come up here towards this 13 and leave him nothing but whatever [Music] Jonathan doing a good job of tying up his own [Music] pocket that’s a good shot hopefully he’s not too straight in on this one if he’s got a little bit of an angle where he can bring the Q ball here he’s in great shape he just needs to run this up past the eight if he gets past the eight anywhere on this side over here he’s got a good shot [Music] looks like he was uh almost straight into the pocket which is fine he plays it past the one should be okay here nice don’t over hit it no no no no no no no oh son of a got to put a little bit of spin on those and don’t hit it so hard a little bit of spin just play it ra out come out here [Music] kind of bump he gets on this two [Music] ball get a much bigger bump on this two ball now yeah probably could have just shot the two ball this way and Drew the key ball back out [Music] well this rack’s done should be done oh he’s adjusting while he’s down on the shot oh he’s adjusting again yeah every time every time we catch somebody doing it on this channel they do they do the same thing every time one ball might be gone no we’re going to get behind it [Music] um interesting do we kick at the seven do we go one two combo at the 7even do we just uh roll the one into the two and leave a safety down here with a little bit of onew Separation looks like he’s going to kick it the seven but I don’t know if that’s [Music] correct now I think we run into this part of the two ball here leave the Q ball with the one and get the two ball out here he runs straight into it this isn’t terrible he doesn’t get any separation between his one and two you want to separate the one and two so that if you get a look at these you have a ball that’s out in the open pushing the two ball out here and giving him a chance to miss this shot and send the Q ball up to here it’s pretty [Music] helpful we are going rail oh he just catches the rail well he can go combo 21 if he wants to thin this in which isn’t the worst possible way to go because you can over hit this two ball and the one is just off the rail so the one is very very very likely to go in or you can run your safety now and hit this part of the two and leave the Q ball up here you’ll get that separation the aall is really hard to make from there so I think that’s what he’s doing oh he went right in the middle went split hit it behind the one that’s a good shot could have done the same shot earlier had ball in hand and uh won the game one shot prior oh boy all right well that’s scratch on the eightball and this is apaa Jonathan’s up two nothing onto rack three all right Jonathan breaking rack three made one ball on the break almost two looks like he’s made two stripes yeah two stripes the uh nine and the 10 are [Music] gone 11 goes in off the three 13 goes in with the seven 14 Ball’s going to be a problem over here tucked against this one the 11 will go in as will the 13 if he gets over here he can move the 14 I don’t want to take this 15 yet because I need that to move the 14 we go high right and move the 14 now I don’t really know if he has a great angle to make this it looks like he’s aiming he’s going to hit here every time but we have a bad yeah we have a bad angle there also I’m not sure if he hit that ball I would have had somebody come and take a look at that one before I hit it just cuz it was pretty close close I don’t think he was ever getting there on that one Dan’s got a pretty good look at this seven though rolls out swimmingly if he can see the three ball he can go ahead and take it otherwise he can shoot this four ball four ball this way oh I was going to say run it around the two but you don’t need to kill it he definitely killed it that’s what a lot of the players in this area like to do though they like to smash I’m not really sure why all right Jonathan’s going to go for this 14 hung up in the corner over here and Oh I thought he was going to scratch off the back of the [Music] one well the 13 might pass the three all the way up you’re going to run into the 11 so you can slow roll this hold on the 11 or that [Music] okay Lighting in this place is pretty weird on this night the uh they’ve got a bunch of LEDs Above This netting that hangs over the pool tables and the pool table lights go through the netting so like there you can see the pool table lights up up up top up here and uh but you can also see The netting on the table because the LEDs were turned up a little high on this it was really weird I don’t think any of my videos from this location have shown the netting this way before all right man let’s see what you’re going to do with this 13 ball nope [Music] not a bad safety if that’s what he was going for got it off the rail tied up a couple of uh Dan’s balls well Dan just opened up the uh eight ball ball’s still kind of hard to get to you got to figure out a way to get there there’s this five back kind of that landed in a really tough spot [Music] he keeps missing all of his side pocket shots short which makes me think that he’s aiming for the middle of the pocket which doesn’t work you always want to aim for the second half of the uh middle Pockets always try to if you’re over here shooting a ball that’s on this side of the table you always want to try to shoot there because if you try shooting at the middle you’re running into this corner a lot see what Jonathan does there you go oof well that’s unfortunate that’s not where you want the ball to go when you miss I am sure Dan is anything but pleased with the uh position of the eightball in front of all of his balls over here that cannot go this way they can play the five into the rail behind the eight and then trickle off the back of the eight into the corner but get in there nice now just do it two more times butd you can actually Bank the four hold the Q ball on the 13 oh that was really close that was a nice try really nice try Dan he’s definitely definitely playing pretty close to the uh inside he made that shot prior to this one on the far side of the side pocket but all the rest of the ones he’s made have’ been on the inside of the side pocket all right well he’s got a pretty good look at this eight ball nice well Jonathan’s at 3 nothing on rack four all right Jonathan breaking rack four five ball yep five ball is that going to hit a rail wow just hits a rail well Dan’s got a ton of options and few of them are great decent shot on the 15 ties up his 13 that’s unfortunate might have to play it this 12 run the 11 by the uh four I don’t know if it goes by it oh it does go by it and he makes it good shot you can come back up for uh either the 10 ball or the 14 ball nope he’s going to go for the 12 instead 12’s going to put him behind everything which is not where you want to be yeah if he makes that ball and man just to go a similar route he’s still dealing with a tied up 13 over here and not a lot to shoot at I prefer he go for the uh 10 ball there if it’s if it’s makeable uh 31 combo looks pretty good I might look at that one while I’m over here use the 31 to get closer to the other end of the table you know makes a six moves a seven leaves himself not a [Music] lot now he’s got to shoot a 31 combo yeah and leave himself behind that stuff too Bank to three nice shot I’m put a little bit of draw on this four ball otherwise he end up on the wrong side of the seven oh it’s tough oh that was actually pretty close that was actually pretty close that’s a shame [Music] Nice Shot Nice Shot get out get a look at that 13 in the side you don’t need to kill this one just run the key ball just enough to get it off the rail oh boy again he missed on the inside every time you just aiming at the wrong part of the side pocket combos like that you want to hit them a little lighter you want to play at pocket speed because you don’t want to lose your ball like that if he leaves his two ball just an inch off the rail here he’s playing for that he’s playing for the eight all day it’s an easy shot never want to over hit the shots now he’s going to have to kick which it’s a semi easy kick but no kick is super easy and it doesn’t leave him a lot anyway got that monster right there suddenly that 13 ball is huge you’re just trying to make contact on this ball right now with a little bit of follow you want to try to get you want to try to get your Q ball up on that short rail take it out of play I don’t want to kick at this cuz I might scratch all right Dan’s on the board 3-1 on rack five all right Dan breaking rack five looks like the nineball went down pretty quick e ball is going to be tied up and in a pretty terrible spot the good news for Dan is that he made a stripe so the only ball he can see on the table that’s makeable is his so that’s nice right now I’m probably trying to get this cuy ball right about here so I can shoot this uh 14 and come this way the 11 hanging over the pocket goes in from pretty much anywhere over here so yeah I’m I’m shooting that 15 and I’m just trying to get just past you want to be you’ve got your line on the 14 here you want to be just past it like right over here so you can draw into that uh three ball get the 12 out of there [Music] [Music] you guys want to tell them I had to count to make sure I was right that I didn’t didn’t misread it I misread those a lot in these uh videos I definitely [Music] uh o God that’s hurts well I can’t blame Jonathan for not stopping him there because even with the brid out I was like he’s taking a weird angle at that ball but whatever works Jonathan’s going to go with the one ball not the worst option with ball in hand but probably not my favorite option there’s a few balls on the table that are nearly impossible to get to without ball in hand so might want to work on those first you can pick that three out of there and send it into a side pocket if you’re feeling likely like it’s going to work can smash these with this two ball well that P Ball’s about to get huge [Music] y Breck out the old jump Q I don’t think the guys on my team jump for shape so probably won’t be breaking out the jump Q to play a uh railed five ball to get up the table for an easier six [Music] [Music] oh 14 put some draw on this move that 12 there you oh had the right idea just not the right shot don’t know if this three passes maybe maybe not [Music] that’s going in yep 15 ball made that pocket huge fortunately that 15 Ball’s a little bit tougher to get on if the 12 pass is clean though I don’t mind that you can play the uh 12 bring your Q ball back up here for the uh 10 ball it’s almost a natural little roll up for it just don’t kill it just a medium oh well you got to make [Music] it all right let’s see what he does with this four ball [Music] lots of adjustments good shot though oh unfortunate roll I don’t think he would have been much better than that but that ball looked like it was on path to come around this way and give him a slightly better six ball [Music] [Music] nope made it all the way around without touching anything pretty impressive looks like Dan’s locking in this 10 ball probably a good idea uh if the uh eight ball passes this way I am shooting the 15 now and using the 12 to get onto my uh eightball I’d much rather that key ball go around this way not entirely sure it might not pass you might be forced to take a uh bank at it if that’s the case you want to put a little bit of uh inside little bit of right on this key ball hit it kind of pocket speed like a one pocket shot so that the uh left spin is still spinning when it hits here and then it comes over just a little bit further not sure what he just called easy inside spin nice get around that three oh it’s actually a good shot [Music] also a good shot pulled back a little bit on that stroke again too that was kind of weird isn’t it did perfectly still on that one drained it all right Jonathan’s up 4-1 going into nine ball now Masters match is five racks of eight ball eight racks of nine ball on to nine ball all right Jonathan breaking nine ball we are 55 minutes into this match well this is his one doesn’t leave him a whole [Music] lot he might be able to combo the fourball in he does pretty good at combos like I said earlier if he can see a shot and he can see the way it’s supposed to go in and he can focus he’s going to make the shot but the second he loses his Focus for whatever reason Wheels come off little bit hard bud [Music] almost almost oh the nineball wreck it he almost he shoted that in don’t know if that was his plan but not bad nineball wrecks it though going to have to play this five all the way up I probably have to load this up with a lot of inside and try to spin it this way if I were shooting it I would be trying to spin it that way and then over here well he making adjustments on his seven again not too bad this time good shot [Music] you’re going to have incidental contact against the nineball you got to plan for that kind of stuff we might only have a bank [Music] here well good place to miss it yeah tough one for Dan all right Jonathan’s up 5-1 onto rack seven all right Jonathan breaking rack seven almost made a nineball on the BD dry otherwise just going to leave Dan a little bit of a look here not sure top is the what you want to put on that ball but okay wow almost sneaks that one in well now we’ve got a pretty makeable 39 [Music] shape so anywhere out here makes that 39 pretty [Music] makeable so I’m shooting this two ball here with a little bit of high left we just want to run it this way or right in the middle of the table [Music] that plays [Music] well yep oh he’s dragging his body back before he even shoots I don’t want to hit those a little bit harder a little bit more Pace if you miss you want to get that n ball away from there so your opponent can’t make the same [Music] shot actually like that shot I Know Dan wasn’t happy with it but I actually like that shot get n ball away from it you know give yourself a chance I think he actually uh bumped the three ball with the Q ball when he went to snatch it up but no harm no foul it was ball in hand [Music] anyway pretty yep that’s pretty I was going to say it’s a pretty foul angle to be sh shooting that was a clean hit [Music] [Music] I don’t think that’s going to work out the way it thinks it’s going to I like hitting that five ball really thin and just uh move the five ball over into this area and send that Q ball up the table this way you might be able to see the six from here yeah good shot little bit more Pace but still good chot oh [Music] Nice Shot D that’s a pretty long tough shot on that aall I’m not going to take anything away from him on that one I’d like to see him take his time and line it up a little bit better but I also understand that he is out of time nice easy one here well all right drains his nine ball Dan on the comeback Trail five to2 onto rack eight oh five ball down nine ball rolling get oh my goodness that I thought it for sure he was I to snap that one off oh man [Music] well pretty natural angle for this one ball roll it up oh you don’t need to hit it hard bud e oh he’s going to get stuck behind the six ball catches it does make a good hit [Music] oh no he’s got a pretty tough one here I mean he might have to go short rail kick into it the ball is a little bit bigger if you bet if you can kick over here yeah don’t know if he’s going to catch a rail though looks like he hit it pretty light did not I mean if you know you’re going to be kicking a ball into an open table like that you definitely need to put a little bit of pace on it he’s going to play this one wide nineball better not get in his way he’s playing that one very wide should be okay oh almost gets the nine ball anyway though comes around for a uh fortunate roll to get that shape on the three a little bit of draw here a little bit of right don’t Center ball this you’re going to head it towards that nine ball again now this one you kind of actually almost want to Center ball because you’re going to be getting it over here if you make it that’s what we want we’ll even accept over here that’s not a bad spot not that hard do not think that that nine ball is makeable from there I mean I’m sure it is but I don’t think it’s makeable by uh casual player trying to jam a fourball and car him the n in all right left a nice one for Dan pretty much want to leave this CQ ball exactly where the four is now just roll this in yeah that’s real nice and then just roll this one towards his rail you don’t want to be straight in like to be out a little bit but you got to watch out for that eth ball definitely want to make that six ball he was definitely looking at that seven in his head when he was shooting at that six that was all shape no shot [Music] well it’s not bad you just run this one ra straight across the table great shape not the best shot great shape though you want to cut this ball you don’t want to bank it you got to get really fortunate he did he got really lucky there the reason why I say he don’t want to bank that ball is cuz if he hits here and misses that nine ball he’s just leaving him another bank he gets lucky he makes one though so now we got a 53 and we are on to Rack nine seems like Dan has found his Pace kind of all right Dan Breakin rack nine three ball down four ball down six ball down seven ball down one ball lined up that was a hell of a break dance good job all right one ball let’s see if he can get some help from that five he does there you go he’s looking to see if that five ball can pass the eight heading this direction because he wants to get back on the other side of it he’s probably hoping to get around there Nice Shot unfortunate [Music] leave that one a little bit too far in and that is that Dan has to go we ran out of time he was making a nice little comeback too that’s a shame um hope you guys enjoyed which the match that we got to see I mean I know it was a really long one I have a feeling Dan was going to come back and win that one too but he just had to get out of there go back to work um if you did like it hit a thumbs up if you didn’t H thumbs down uh if you are subscribed to the channel thank you if not hit the Subscribe button turn off the notifications if you don’t want to hear about upcoming videos turn it on if you want to hear about upcoming videos I will be recording another one of these later today it’s my daughter’s birthday so I’m going to go spend some time with her but I will see you guys in the next one take care
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Disclaimer: This video is embedded directly from YouTube. All rights to the video and content belong to the original creator, PDN. For more details, please visit the original source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lxvkn0HdYYw.