BACKER IS BACK ON BLEZ BASEBALL!! SAPPHIRE AND GILDED!! #mlb #baseball #boxbreak #breaks

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e you’re good to go yeah we’re going to do that first thank you 20 20 huh 20 Chrome HDA yeah that’s U Michael Harris Frankie Alvarez Logan ohop Logan Oh hop yeah how’s W Peraza that’s a quick rip I heard the Bowman Chrome is phenomenal what’s up everybody what’s up Joe what’s up Joe Henny how you feeling Joe cam Vista unfortunately it’s not going to be happy Gilda day it’s it’s it’s going to be uh it’s going to be a lot of things but we’re not we’re starting with the Bowman Chrome I got to get the Bowman Chrome HDA off I got uh I believe eight left what’s up MGH the sapphire just showed I’m very frustrated but we we barely got any gilded that came in today I just looked at tracking it’s it’s coming on Monday we we’re going to do a little of it up Leon City Leon City Goat I’m only here for a short while today I got to get my kids from school next time I’m live is probably going to be on uh Wayan Train The Bounty Killer probably going to be on uh Bowman releas Bowman Draft release way and train how does it feel to just be able to buy into whatever product you want and not pay for it I know for for for a long time guys I’m being brutally honest the Gilded you know a couple cases came in but we have Delight someone help us with the 2020 Bowman Chrome HDA we’re going to start with some Bowman Chrome Sapphire that just showed the first cases sold out but we will do some guilded as well uh M my guess is the first we’ll do the first five cases today I think we have enough for five that’s pretty much it it’s incredible absolutely incredible um I’m going to link the first break says eight left but looks like there might be nine or 10 2020 bman Chrome HDA it’s right there 65 per we’ll start with that and then we’ll make our way into the other stuff let’s get this one off the board it’s cheap and it’s fast what a uh I know most of you guys are already in there but if you’re not in Discord I posted my Bowman Draft spreadsheet in there so you guys start doing research early most of the people in here are already in there though I think what’s up we G looks nice this year that does it I I I saw the sapphire a little the Border looks nice on gilded all right Richard thank you Richard just bought a spot we’re getting closer this is Michael Harris Frankie Alvarez um K 5K serve what uh Luis anhel Akuna is in here oswal perza uh seven left we don’t show anything until we do Bowman Chrome HTA I think Matos is in here 5K sir uh oh wow I didn’t realize this oh all the elites are off in that yeah that will go today let me let me change the title I didn’t realize that yeah know we’ll do that today yeah I I didn’t realize all the elites are off in that take that I’ll I’ll put that for tonight at 900 P PM with cat yeah I didn’t realize that all the elites are off thank you Joe we got to turn the camera off you know how to do that oh the camera’s not even [Music] on is it on that’s there it is Joe with us with us it is yeah 100% the angels are off oh I I had to turn it Sher bear the angels are off we’re going to do Delight we’re gonna yeah we have a lot of good stuff let me let me look at something here hold on pcker and I have pulled some fun cards when we’re on stream together doesn’t happen all that much anymore I got to update sorry I got we lowered the prices on the Delight sorry let me adjust it Yankees are 399 A’s are 109 Seattle St Louis guys the prices are adjusted in Delight all right we got to get the Bowman Chrome HTA and then we get into the good stuff we got like an hour and a half so let’s see some good let’s see let’s have some fun Sher bear took the HTA so did BOS thank you guys sherbear BOS for sto and just got bought nice what got B for stop it in all in all three uh oh you got F1 stuff in we’re do it’s F1 release today too HTA I need a little more a push guys a little more left we got hold on there’s more that came off HT F1 release on on Race weekend actually yeah it’s great Bryce took two thank you Bryce my brother how did we lose last night Bryce five left in HTA five left and then once we get into that the cards don’t stop we’re sold out on Sapphire we’re sold out on gilded sup William happy holidays I know holiday season starts in like like six days uh yes Scott once we see the product Scott once we see the the item I know Zilla thank you Zilla took a spot four spots left oh Nas Nas is binding I love it three spots three left up Zilla it says sold out but there’s there’s three left for some reason hold on sami’s trying to buy in I got oh is that what it is it’s oh it’s I’m an idiot no it’s there’s no combos in this no it’s dirty no that’s Sapphire Henny his combos this one’s got this one’s just straight oh that’s probably why I put 27 okay oh you put 27 when you all right Sammy bought in I got two left two left that’s it someone say in the chat one for Joe and that other box wasn’t flawless what was that hey thank you ERI yeah te tell Teddy for flawless pt9 just put breaks Monday okay one left you want to open it yeah I need one more spot guys one left 65 per we got a we got a fun day of uh yeah I want to see that Sapphire so I have to get this off early so I can be here all right Joe Joe just send direct give me a minute okay what’s up everyone we are full roll the dice we have one more case of this in house and that’s it six times on the on the player on the teams one two yeah we don’t have it we’re just we’re moving product it’s it’s six six times on the contestants no it’s my fault I told him that two three four five six okay I have no idea who’s good you want the Mets you want the uh Braves Yankees this CL that did not pan out queen stuff still worth money there’s your there’s the the list I have one more of these I’m going to add it right now we’ll probably get a baron Laura when Laura was freaking huge and this stuff no idea where I have one more case I added it that’s it take your player breaks here’s the order of what’s we’re doing we’re doing this case thank you Joe on the payment after this we do a case of you want to do gilded or bman Chrome Sapphire we can get them both in in an hour right yeah but I’m trying to figure out which one we do we’ll do a case of gilded next we’ll do gilded next and then we’ll do Sapphire Stephen they’ll both be within an hour Guild is not a long break we do gilded then we’ll go to Sapphire we got Delight baseball that came in tops Chrome Delight baseball number 23 we lowered the teams that are left the bounties up to 3700 on any debut patch is there Hobby in the store there isn’t even any hobby in the store I mean update I’ll add more update Hobby Joey Li what’s up man Joy lies like a Bowman Legend’s up Joey hobby he and I also have a mutual friend from San Diego that’s not in cards really yeah losing I’m adding update hobby all right Bowman I added a few of those it’s going to be a good weekend here a lot of good product good luck everybody right off the top Su GPS I actually like the the Jonathan Stever what’s up Parker you know how these things go when the Rangers start coming the Rangers come maybe there’s an aunia in here Curtis Terry wa no you put the wrong is that did I put fat sleeves in there yeah oh [ __ ] Yan Torres purple how did I do that the wrong file we uh let’s let’s I think we got to we the camera’s got to zoom in a little right how do you zoom this thing I think you know how to do this here I think it’s there I did it you did all right good is that better better Packard Tigers Oreo Zack Watson blue Mojo Brenton Doyle Rockies Von Gom s not bad Brett batty wow there’s yeah the Mets Prime signatures wow yeah Doyle is nice too Jordan Brewer for the Astros Seth gray for the twins who’d you get Joe Tigers mayor for the Phillies Joe don’t worry I’m breaking next Hector 10 Hector Yan for the uh angels Legend Oakland’s off gild’s coming next uh Alex oh there’s a nice hit first two breaks are sold out wow nice who’s got the Blue Jays orange of Gabriel Moreno that’s a nice hit I forgot he’s in here take your update to light Michael Massie 23 he’s in the bigs now yes Alex yes it did it is here Alex Spees with a dimple I if you guys can see that but there’s a dimple on this above his uh glove there I’ll tell you the order of breaks on this channel right now gilded is next sold out then Sapphire yes I am yes I am gilded then Sapphire then PYT 23 of delight then back to Sapphire Pedro pages pz take your updates I edit I edit hobby as well L and Diaz green Atomic and Florentino there’s goingon to be I feel like there’s going to be an aunia in here or Laura Rangers when Rangers start coming out in this stuff they fly out this has actually been a good case color-wise that Marino’s a nice card that’s for 65 bucks spot that’s a freaking nice super nice hit Riley green yeah what’s up my man I know I’m just a little frustrated because we our gilded shipment didn’t come in for the most part blue of Seth gray true blue Base auto farza it’s not bad how’s everyone doing Hector Yan John Martinez and a gold of Taylor Jones what a colorful case nice they did a good job with it Sapphire awesome amazing you hit a Riley green Auto it’s not bad I can’t wait to open the sappire it’s not a bad hit yeah they I cannot wait to open the sapphire Dylan file where’s aatos One PSA 10 of this for like 600 bucks Kevin Smith for the Mets yeah no we’ll have it on Instagram it’s expensive though but it’s also skem is first he has no Autos but he what is this an AFL yeah Arizona fall league of Brandon Marsh I’ll tell you this is a great case for this product this is a good case for this product another Ranger Ricky Vasco we got up riches there’s Logan Oh hop oh you’re right this is a real nice case good names good color what’s see aunia Ivy Astros there’s another Luen Diaz it’s a base yep three basee Anthony Garcia for the Yankees last box no that’d be sick if we ended with Michael Harris yeah another Lu and Diaz that’s three in the same case unfortunately he did not pan out Carl Kaufman for the ring uh Rockies anyone in this room watch Lincoln Lawyer and another Kevin Smith for the uh Mets nice case good names your base Autos once you’re getting focus take your players it’s really good now I I just finished the second season it’s really good is it really good I have never watched it but I’ve heard good things it’s really good so Chrome’s are my D what’s up hawler what’s up Bill this is the appetizer Bill bad news my friend gilded didn’t show we’re doing 2020 Bowman Chrome HDA or color the sapphire showed guys here’s what’s happening next gilded case pt1 full case sold out then we’re doing a Bowman Chrome Sapphire full case that is sold out then we’re doing Topps Chrome update Breakers Delight PYT 23 with a $3,700 bounty that will go after there’s spots left I’m going to link that there’s 11 left in that what number is this one number three you did you yeah all right thank you let’s do gilded gild’s next we need all types of uh supplies for this one this is great three you said yeah gilded time take your player break yeah I know what’s up Brandon what’s up Brandon what is up everyone we’re sold out guys I apologize we have a lot of gilded coming but it’s not going to be here till Monday I’m going to try to do some of it I need to give something to Billy next case is saffron this stuff this is the third year they’ve made this item it looks good every year gild’s a nice product gilded is one of those products where it just always goes up there’s four baseball products that always just go up gilded definitive Diamond icons and Dynasty the four high-end products here we go good luck to everyone gilded the only thing I actually don’t like about it is size of the box size of the Box yeah now Billy you’ll have some that’s why I’m saving some for you you’ll have Billy our big shipment didn’t show but you you have Sapphire you have Delight you have Guild good luck this is so cool so you’re getting it’s like it’s so funny how it’s I two packs it’s so great what should we open first the autograph or we’ll open the cards all right open the cards first cuz even the the cards are are you know this is this stuff the waves are always numbered trout to 7 this stuff is unbelievable trout to 75 chipper to 99 these are the nicest base cards ever in any product Ellie to 99 there you go who got the Gabriel and Evan Carter to 50 nice for the Rangers super nice first box no I only watched the I only watched the first on top L everything huh yeah wow Lee Smith to 50 for the Cubs these cards are just so nice lucenda nice hit a great first box what do we need for this what what uh don’t even know anybody know what uh what is this parallel Billy you’re gonna have I can’t wait to watch you tonight Billy holy [ __ ] look at this you’re gonna have so much fun tonight Billy try to inter you got Sapphire too Billy I’d rather open this first to be honest I like the Chrome pack better peltre the Rangers I know a buyer Gabriel I loved Adrian Bel oo Redemption wow Redemption that’s got to be good in this yesky George Brett to 25 Jackson holiday on the rookie Auto for Baltimore Gabriel add a red I didn’t know you could get two Autos in this oh like the when they put Redemption like a bonus you is this a is this a bonus Auto no way that’s too big cting gold of Colt Keith for the Tigers not a either it’s a bonus Auto right remember remember this isn’t Panini the fact that it’s Fanatics redemptions are good for a decade so it doesn’t even matter it doesn’t even matter remember that David ler came out and announced to the world that redemptions are good for a decade that’s not Panini my friends that’s Fanatics wow this stuff is just this is the greatest release day ever getting gilded and Sapphire sapphire in the same day I know I’m telling you I like the Chrome pack better Bill Bill moraski I’m gonna be brutally honest I don’t know who that is shot her around the world you ever heard of that no shot her around the world I have yeah Pirates that’s him okay my prediction is this box is going to be D F1 is on pop yeah see B Duke Snider Dodgers and remember guys information I want people to know this the Babe Ruth cut he’s a it’s a red sock in this it’s not a Yankee most yes most people don’t know that just Babe Ruth I study the checklist The Babe Ruth cut is was on the Red Sox Billy yes right correct right Pereira 99 he’s fre or an auto to 5050 who’s the auto another holiday Jesus what the hell is going on wow what the hell this is insane Gabriel wow that’s only three boxes Billy you’re going to have a field day tonight I can’t wait are they the same parallel this is an unbelievable way to start the day not the same parallel what is this one I wish I you know it’s funny I what tell me the difference between these two cards cuz I don’t see one let’s show it in a second one’s to 99 and one’s to 75 Barry Lin to 10 for the Reds Gabriel let me let me see both of them what Billy what’s the difference 75 and 9 not great oh yeah yeah yeah you’re right Bobby Thompson is sh yeah B he’s the uh you’re right you’re right Yuki Matsui Padres Luis another Padre to 50 is that a rise yeah Jack lighter to 75 for the Rangers and Evan Carter what the hell is going on 99 for the Rangers dup City but it’s good dupe City I know F Carter is not bad at all no not bad he’s got hurt last year what’s up Chad guys remember I’m going to be brutally honest oh what’s up McCrae our gilded shipment the big one did not come in the only good news is Monday is going to be Monday I’m probably going to go on Monday will be a true guilda release Sapphire full case is sold out and it’s live and it’s next then take your 23 of delight I’m doing it all today and then the player break the five Cas is going tonight at 9 o’clock all the elites are off how about Big Poppy for Boston that’s going to wake me up a little Mr [ __ ] on the poppy I gotta be honest man how nice is that card I and I’m gonna be honest I don’t like or but that card is sick and they’re heavy too these frame cards they’re really heavy like they feel like quality raphaela oh my God we have something interesting Jared Jones I heard something interesting something interesting what is this what’s this parel Nick Gonzalez auna the first in the print for cam Vista auna to 25 one of 25 something interesting we call those the rose Golds my friend yep rose gold aunia wow yeah we haven’t had a bad box CV let’s go one of the first guys coming in the room today every single box has been good I’m not going to lie colation sucks product incredible it’s it’s Inc literally they just keep they somehow keep making this stuff better and better and better great first case all right here we go Mark to share out of 50 for the Yankees yeah you should open the frame first yeah it’s not as good as the other pack I’m right trust me guys I’m right the Chrome Pack’s better who agrees with me the Chrome pack is better I if if look at that griffy griffy Ted Williams That’s to 10 for Boston remember Boston if you want a bab Ruth cut he’s on Boston rare he going to sell for big money too because most of his cuts are on the Yankees glavin to 25 and gunar wow what what a first factory sealed case Gabriel you get it all my friend yeah Gabriel you crushed Gabriel you get all of it you get it all Gabriel right absolutely Crush it’s going right to London well recap I can’t wait to see Sapphire now wow recap all your base everything in this product gets cased everything did he have the Braves too no he didn’t cam be but he had the Rangers Jesus Ellie Joey the problem is with gilded is that we sell product in so many different places now that I’ll just say for YouTube they’re getting allocated five for this for the weekend I mean it just is what it is the good news is this I will come back on Monday and do a release of gilded is the problem is we have Instagram we have Fanatics live we have whatnot we sell on so many platforms and it’s just a shame how we can’t get are you going to do release on are you going to do that on Monday I may come back I don’t the kids don’t have school we’ll see yeah I mean let me know I’ll sit with you this is fun I I this is incredible um these well we got to beat this here the holidays are being the sort we at all these four just throw them all in there with them throw throw the Evan car is in there too because it’s the same guy he has the rang okay just just just you do that let let me get to that Fire case thank you all right let’s do Sapphire Sapphire is full I gotta find the combos actually let me figure out who the combo spots are the black p no you’re not last in line it’s just the problem is when I only get like 12 cas is total I’m giving YouTube the most amount everyone needs something you know Instagram needs you know what I mean the thing is is by Monday YouTube will get everything so it’s going to be like a Monday gilded release all right this this this channel always gets priority yes Joey yet at least yeah you know Kevin YouTube’s gonna have all the Gilded it’s the problem is the shipment didn’t we’re getting 50 cases but they don’t come until Monday because that once it hits 5050 they put it on a pallet that’s the problem so the pallets don’t come that’s like the the uh the breakers Delight the sapphire you see you know what I mean Kevin that’s that’s the uh no more gilded will break today there’ll be at least three to five cases of Gilda being broken on this channel today but I’m getting a lot of gilded I’m going to do a gilded release most likely on Monday we just didn’t get the shipment in that that’s the problem you know so all right let me find this combos this can you print off for I always prioritize this channel the other thing too is you guys have to understand something like for example The Breakers the light um you know that product for example certain products are better for for you know the Breakers Delight is is not is is more of a personal product it’s not at the at the price it’s at let’s see how Sapphire looks let me find who the combos are hold on yeah what do you mean what do I want what do you oh I need the combos the the for the for Sapphire you’re like call I’m like I was like coming over to talk to you like what um the microphone for a second all right let me figure out the combos hold on got to make sure the Royals are off Royals are off in Delight take your Delights I can’t believe all this bu Becket I can’t afford so it’s all right so so so it’s all right so how do I do this then here so I do let me just make sure I do this right so there’s no guard so the Guardians are with the Marlins yep so you kill the Marlins Rockies are with tigers which are right next to each other okay okay then what take out the Tigers oh [ __ ] that’s fine and then Cardinal A’s Cardinal Ace yeah okay so that’s it it’s it should be 27 yep great all right we are full to be honest this is what I’m most excited about today believe it or not I have heard unbelievable things about this item what yeah it’s supposed to be good this year I had two holiday autos this is sk’s first true Sapphire rookie here we go I wanted to start with full cases but we will make adjustments and we’ll do like you know we always do three box randoms get other people involved five Boxes Etc I want to see how this looks first five times one there’s three combos two three four and five go pack by pack yeah I’ll no I know but you’re going to go pack by pack five times on the contestants one two three four five I’m old school I like pack by I like that too especially for this product it’s more fun it takes a little longer all right let’s take a look at it these are going to be your teams I’ll allow trades it’s in the next two minutes G cards has the Pirates there it is you got the padr Padres is Mr my man McCrae McCrae still has the padr yeah so how would you rank these teams in a PYT um are there Autos in this I didn’t even look are there Autos in this people of course there is cuz like before Chrome didn’t have Autos in there sappire the one and then draft didn’t have Autos either yes is the freeze in here I didn’t even look for Autos yeah so take the next break eight left take it update to light for a debut patch that’s the next break eight left I am excited to open this I love Sapphire love it all forbs of it yeah I would assume the Rangers are probably pretty good you’ve been fishing all week it’s my kid’s life Andrew we’ll see we just did a case we’re going to do more of it don’t worry let’s see how SA fire looks the next break here’s what’s happening okay the next case break is 23 of update Delight then we are going to go you know what then I’ll open another case of gilded we’re going to just do a nice rotation okay update to light 23 is next then gilded number two which is sold out then we go back to Bowman Chrome Sapphire full case random number two that is 18 spot I want to give people a chance to buy in etc etc these are go these aren you want to send them all or you just want to send the ones he said are a go you said those are not a go yeah he just said it wasn’t worth it okay then then don’t send it let’s do it good luck everybody good luck everything will ship I love this I am so happy I it’s just this is and then we get draft in two weeks that’s like freaking Christmas early aunia the first Auto it’s a Bo remember it’s Bowman first Vladimir asencio 99 for Boston and lakon there’s my boy Jacob oh this is this has to sell he’s this is like a real Asian dude like he’s got to sell he signs in Chinese too oh does he yeah oh this is like the number one guy in the Pro who is the Reds sweet Louie Louie by the the Reds might be the best team ever this guy’s Shang Ling he’s pretty good too you know he’s got to be good you can tell by his name he can’t be bad he just can’t be bad he’s Taiwanese I think look at this yellow’s usually to 70 or yellow yellow us 75 or 99 it is 75 Garcia for the Rangers oh another one gold Drew Jones on the gold for the do they gave you two color and one I never see that you don’t see two color two color in one pack yeah he signs in Chinese yeah I’m a buyer I’m putting a bounty on him Billy Trey Turner Matos Drew Jones for the N yeah okay I’ll say it again the next break 23 of delight then gilded 2 then Bowman Chrome Sapphire random team full case 2 Jackson cherio on the rookie gunar Diaz laaga up shazan casses roas Sanchez Su Shazad look at this Julio boob bashet on the gold for Toronto McCrae Santana K I don’t know if you’re delayed or not or you’re watching back another gold and it’s an auto it’s Morel on the gold for the Rangers that’s a big one wow this stuff is good and it’s for TSO good wow and another color behind it what the hell is going on wow this stuff is good are we still in the same the first box yes it’s a pack this has to be a packby pack product Hot chooses the worst two weeks of the year to go home literally brand I’ll I’ll I have a very I I have dinner tonight with someone that can make that decision Brando so I’ll I’ll let him know yellow Castro to 75 Yankees mccrae’s got him yellow Kyle Harrison on the rookie yellow to 75 Sapphire selection’s coming and it’s another Auto Mauricio for the Mets for Otani they gave us three Autos in that box there’s no way that that is average that’s a new box that’s a new box oh I’m losing my mind I’m Los I’m so excited I’m like I’m losing my mind Mauricio on card sorry I’m losing my mind Simeon konero on the rookie it’s one or two tatis for ear Dylan Cruz color looks like it’s gold it is and it’s Mr Woo Mr Woo does he also sign in in Chinese or no he’s American he’s American yeah Mr Woo I’m a buyer orange orange of Julio Zas for the Mets Joe Look Away Look Away Joe how do you Curtis me on the rookie I feel like he’s been a rookie for five years Cole Keith I feel like Curtis me’s been around forever when was his Bowman first like 28 19 no it’s not that long ago it’s like 2022 I think same year as Elliot oh it is I feel like he’s been in cards forever Lawler rookie Des take your second full case of this guys it’s 27 spots there are combos uh Joey I was in Hong Kong we’re I’m opening a store I don’t know if you saw I’m opening the biggest card store in all of Asia and it’s coming in q1 of this year I was in Hong Kong I stayed at the Rose M it was the nicest hotel I’ve ever stayed at joey yes shazada one box had two autos for gilded in the pack Luciano on the gold forani mccrae’s a buyer not in Hong Kong no no there’s Walcott yes I don’t know if you guys saw my Instagram post I’m opening the largest store in all of Asia in q1 it’s going to be in Tokyo Altuve and I will be live in Japan for the F for opening day Padres and or no no I’m sorry Dodgers and cubs I will be there with Erie Wells Guerrero green usually greens are Autos in Sapphire let’s see and it is good Jose pamo for the Braves jote the greens are always usually Autos Roman Anthony to 75 on the color pleas is going global bro this we’re we’re crushing right now with product Pereira it’s going to be huge honey 6,000 square feet Mr Korea himself Josh J there’s a scheme he doesn’t have Autos but that’s a true Rookie of skin those are going to sell really well in in gem intense he does not have Autos he has color and rookie base Lindor we’re not even at the halfway point three boxes in this stuff is incredible we have orange we’re verified on orange and green and as I say the greens are the Autos Pablo Guerrero for the Rangers wow good GL son orange of Martinez for Baltimore Otani Kyle case number two is in the store another orange Evan carer on the rookie orange wow the Rangers are crushing it’s Japan is expensive very expensive I’m probably paying more rent per month than any store in the world there’s there’s a show filla Pereira rookie Gonzalez Harrison how great is this this stuff is it’s incredible gold Schmid I will say this right the best job that Fanatics has done product wise upgrade is is all the sapphires they’re just they’re all unbelievable orange or no gold gold gold of wit wow wit for Otani Herrera for for the white socks there’s so much color in this stuff it’s freaking ridiculous how much how much color there orange it’s an auto Jesus Texas take it all Guerrero is that the second Auto second of him yeah wow we’re getting great cases with horrible cations I’m not going to say it yet Hawks boy still Marlin in this Ranger Ranger Ranger Delight 23 is next there’s ever a day to hit a debut patch it’s probably going to be today the way I’m running why can’t Allan ginner hit like this because it’s $125 box that’s why and it’s great at $125 stick together perfect uh bro gilded 850 another Orange it’s SoDo for the Yankees mccrae’s got orange a black wow bro this is the best color I’ve ever seen in a sappire black is I’ve never seen more color in Sapphire than this look at this we’re not even halfway through I can’t wait for them to see the recap I’m not gonna say it yet Brando it’s all a winner it is all a winner that is not a winner it it’s the Rangers got to stop it’s got to stop Martha it’s too much now I can say it we only had one Base auto so far everything else has been color MGA no we opened the Sapp another Otani we opened the sapphire case with like like a bunch of like 80 Reds or something it was all over social media you can find it Gonzalez gold it’s Lawrence Butler it’s a rookie oh that’s a nice card that’s the combo spot for Mr Orioles Oreos for for dinner you bought 14s gold Jacob Wilson my brother he’s sat in this chair that I’m in right now before we got to get him back in yeah Butler’s the man this will complete five boxes judge that is the halfway point Walker Jenkins very very good item so far yeah I know Butler and Wilson combo a pretty damn good combo exactly right Chad no Autos but there’s a is that tell me is that a variation do they have variations that might be a variation do they have variation I bet you that’s a variation holiday someone confirm is that a variation yes see how good am I how good am I thank you I love Sapphire yes thank you Henry Davis there’s a trout yeah I assumed it was a variation yeah gold Schmid to 75 for sure sponge mooki what Su Je SoDo there’s my boy there’s Jung hul Lee gold Colt Emerson he’s pretty good for Seattle he was one of the top prospects I believe in in draft in 23 was he the guy in draft 23 tell yes tell me I’m right yeah him I doctor the next break is Delight 23 then gilded number two which is sold out then we’re going back to a full case of sapphire number two on the random Evan Jesus bro this is Rangers good I I I love you but you got to stop hitting man enough is enough they’re getting all the good guys too I have to no I’m gonna follow protocol I’m gonna go in order Kyle it’s all going Kyle don’t worry what’s up Snickers it’s all going in in the order orange this is insane Chung H Le on the orange Otani and the funny thing is is Otani is also Korean so he is not selling this card oh yes because I know that McCrae is a buyer I have three buyers lined up for this card yeah Ma Maj would buy that too and one of them is my business partner in Zion Papa literally he he’s he would pay so much for this card so would McCrae Otani is never selling this card I promise you I actually just met Otani in Hong Kong flat Freddy Freeman wow don’t worry McCrae we’re gonna get pyts in there when we can uh we can figure we could look Gold auto Gold auto oh my God bro this is this is this is so ridiculous this is so ridiculous I don’t think I’ve ever in my life wanted someone has not hit as much ever like I always want people to hit it’s too much Ellie Ellie on the rookie sweet Louie Otani of the Color Wow Zilla that’s sick yeah the Rangers Hit almost every single of their guys the Rangers in a PYT 2000 2000 you want to buy him I don’t care you’ll get every card you’ll get every Auto Corbin Billy boy Lugo Brandon Taylor to 75 for the Rays Lucinda pado Lanford on the rookie that looks like another variation of Flores if he has one he probably doesn’t see like that’s not a variation because he’s dust it’s it’s Seager no Yuki suie on the black McCrae wow the blacks are so nice Yuki black Yuki wow this stuff is so good it’s so good you want gilded tonight Billy or you want this enjoy this have fun with this Auto Sanchez for the Reds for sweet Lou tell year to do pyts yeah who wants pyts of This Ellie that’s a variation oh that’s a big card variation Ellie that’s a nice card not big that’ll sell for a lot as a 10 Gonzalez we have an orange sapphire selection color and it’s an auto oh boy de los Santos from Minnesota McCrae wow this is I’m like I’m like a little child right now I love this I love this product call my kids and tell me you have to walk home I’ll take Sapphire listen I’ll give you gilded Yoto I’ll give you gilded you could give me I’ll take all the sa how about that wow yeah I like that Santos too another Yuki twins are solid in this stuff bayz Houston delos Santos and belter we got listen we’ll do the pyts after the second we got we got to see another case of holiday yeah I was right how do you put Sapphire and gilding on the same yeah right right another orange wow what’s that wait no no it’s not an I can’t see it’s a gold valori valo Yankees gold it’s a the sapphire selections are sick May no it’s no it’s Francisco Valia yeah Vora oh God we haven’t even hit a red Aras for the Phillies yeah deran is deran is selling really really if you have deran I’d be dumping all of it right now because gold gold of my Chinese brother Lyn Shing in ly gold I’m a buyer that’s I’m telling you right now that’s going to be massive I’m I just I’m telling you that will be massive I think he throws gas too I think he can potentially play bro that’s a massive card that has to be huge two box uh two boxes left then we’re going into Delight it’s like a triple release even though delight’s been out it’s just delight’s the you know delight’s the hottest product in the world right yeah the amount of people that have asked me for Delight oh where do I buy the the schemes how do I hit that your best chance to hit it is in delay no I have people from all over the place asking telling me about that card basalo my son my son told me about that card it’s crazy yeah the schemes literally and your best odds of hit I’m willing to bet that it’s in a it’s in an update case I mean it’s in a uh Brandon honestly that’s that’s uh Ricardo for the Royals the jump that he’s got right now is is unwarranted and unexpected just because glaber is moving on probably so they think they’re going to call him up but he’s like 5’7 more color and it looks like it’s orange woo it is orange orange Bernard for Colorado Bernard yeah this is a new camera yeah we we we got an upgrade the C yeah it is a lot nicer gold en zardo yeah you notice the camera too yep with yeah everybody who buys him is going to probably good Chad when are you coming back to the HQ one more box good luck come back to HQ bring your brother Ellie Sapphire selections of Tommy Troy for Arizona Cyclone stop by Chad come by the warehouse come by the HQ gold gold of kuki yeah it’s really nice Lanford on the rookie seagar Cruz to 199 Chicago do we not have a debris base in this entire thing I don’t think yet Lane Thomas for Washington for Sizzle take your twos of this it’s going to go in ETA in about 30 minutes herado it’s Teddy’s guy recap watch the amount of Color Wow you don’t need these I give me all the color yes the color theut uh Oreos yes we have to we have to look at the numbers though we have to look at it watch the amount of color you get in this product it’s I want that Yuki matui black that’s the number of Rangers you get in this product it’s so sick sh I know Jung hul Le yeah don’t worry there was two blacks the funny thing is this was a gray case without any sup any Papas or any Reds we h no Reds I know because Joey they make that in in a different country they make that in Europe that’s why it’s so much better I’m sorry in Italy yeah I mean this is just this is so how many this wasn’t even like one two three four five six seven8 nine 10 14 Autos 14 Autos in 10 boxes I’m not congrats see what’s left at the light throw all the freaking Ranger [ __ ] in one time as well we’re sold out on the next case of sapphire guys this is the next break after this we’re going back to gilded then we’re doing another Sapphire case but here as as I always like to do I try to cater to all of you so what I’m going to try and do is I want to run a I might line a sapphire k a break that’s I want I want people getting in for you know more affordable price so maybe we’ll do we’ll see I’ll add another case of it though um all right let’s do Delight guys go through the store please on Delight take your Delight we’re to get the screens right now Delight Delight doctor Delight doctor the the order order did the doctor ordered some Delight oh man unbelievable all right let’s see what’s left in Delight tell me it’s a 10 delight’s only a 10 no no Joe Joe tell me it’s a 10 Joe Delight I hope those three dots mean 10 and not like some really yes congratulations did you Joe wow oh that’s amazing he’s the best pitcher in the product Marlins uh people are buying through the store right now uh doctor doctor grab through the store it we’re almost full oh that Cubs that’s 25 uh doctor yeah a bunch of these teams already sold I gotta see it right now hold on all right Braves are off they’ve been sold bowan Bolan took uh the sheet is not updated s s more mouthwash all right let’s see what’s left my sources are telling me we got four left that’s it the bouny is at 3700 send it over we’re full all right 550 y all of it and I can’t I’m like you I there’s no chance I’m ever waiting once they once they tell me it’s popped I want to know immediately doctor we are sold out all right send it over send PayPal doctor we are full after this here’s what’s happening gilded number two is next sold out okay then we’re going to go back to Sapphire number two sold out I’m adding another Sapphire full case right now but also I want to get others involved so I might run you know I might line some five boxers or something send PayPal it doesn’t matter I just added a third case of sapphire for those of you that missed out on the first two I added another case it’s only 27 spots it’s 249 with combos here’s what’s happening I’ll say it again it’s gilded number two then back to Bowman Chrome Sapphire and then we’re going to go back to Topps Chrome Delight 24 and then maybe 25 as well but what I’m also going to do right now is I’m going to add more Delight I’m adding more Delight guys I want you hitting that Bounty there I’m adding I just added 26 I’m adding 27 I’m adding two more Delights five caser of update is going tonight all the true Elites are off go grab your shitty players go that is going tonight the player break it’s down to 159 the most expensive player is $99 let’s open the light we are full thank you doctor bounty’s at 3700 how do you trigger it hit any debut patch any debut patch the odds in this are better than any other skew this product has been the hottest product I I’ll probably say it the update skew in general all of updates probably been the hottest baseall product of the year I can honestly go out and say that it really is cu look Wayne train triggered the biggest bounty in the history of this company at over $30,000 a week ago maio’s in the room maio take all the bad players here we go who’s got the Pirates oh my God who’s got the Pirates McCrae McCrae one time one time Merill SK on the first uh variation I believe the rookie debut rookie debut yep Ellie purple for LCT Rodriguez to 250 Guardians Blue Wave Kyle Harrison I’m assuming it’s McCrae it is Giants manzardo 199 Guardians to 299 copek for the Dodgers and the youthquake take the bad players third case of sapphires in the store I see Jared hit a debut patch I’ll tell you right now if it’s skin we’re gonna hit the skin if it’s skin I will fly McCrae out on a private jet so he can come pick it up say that that’s that’s what’s going to happen pigero 125 refractor Auto of Rodriguez for Toronto to 499 Bailey 199 Giants Perez Rosario no offense to McCrae but I’d rather you fly out liby Dunn on a private J to pick it up just kidding I love my wife the um they they all they want a sapphire PYT we got to figure that out Jones 202 guys you can line a random play not PP oh P PYT Bailey again we have a gold Auto gold wave of Ragin to 50 this stuff is really good Meyers Brew Crew and a negative of Austin Martin he was a he was drafted to Toronto it’s a twin this stuff is you do a random player at 29 spots per I got the list a random player for what Sapphire a case of sapphire you have the list ready yeah Jung Huli put that in the store actually okay random player yeah yeah we’ll do that we’ll do random player cherio Westberg Knack 150 JJ blade on the refractor Auto we have orange orange for the fish Rivera and Canon we we we we got to see another case of pyts and then we’ll then we can look at it are the debut patches in Delight all live they’re not redemptions right ellot was live he was live yeah Ellie was live because I want to see if got Duval 150 for Braves o gold true gold rookie Auto of Perez these cards are so nice wind seal y for Detroit Jeremy 2019 way for to five on the red all it rookie Rush blon he’s been asking for Delight wow that’s a true red wow that’s sick frck look at these negatives wow I am on fire today how do you know Billy you’ve hit one JD holiday rookie home team Advantage aka the optic downtown McCutchen gold youthquake of Beck Madero space Auto Pages herstad 399 a negative Lucian delight’s back Lon we’ll have a lot of it this weekend I want to just see the debut patch oh my God we have the candy cord the candy cord in my opinion the the candy corn of Duval am I the only one that doesn’t like the look of this card I think it’s ugly I’m being honest I think it’s an ugly looking card yeah I do that’s that lava lab right I don’t like it Braves I like the numbering it’s to 15 I don’t like the card though not a fan manzardo Guardians Rodriguez a negative holiday to 199 on the aqua for Baltimore this stuff is really really good man I can’t believe going back to gilded skin 250 mods h h h Redemption I love redemptions Whitley Redemption Margo negative is there any way the but the Redemption okay so it’s not a debut though because the Redemption looks like a debut yeah would be on blue chrome who’s a redemption in this that’s good magenta purple it’s Colt Keith he’s also a Redemption and gilded for the Tigers Jeremy CLI Jared Jones to 99 on the all etch I like these cards these are like an old school Kyle mccan to 299 Michael Harris nice hit for Atlanta soow they were there late Rodriguez 399 and the negative of Victor Scott one box left and back to gilded it’s sold out we’re gonna have to raise the Bounty 100 bucks good luck sh Mason black refractor Ricky and badar for the Mets for amazing he gets bailed out there at the end pages Eloy that is the case I would say that was a decent case for this product okay average Bader is the guy all right let’s do a little recap these all the Autos yeah there’s two more in there we’ll do all the Autos it’s the hardest product to stay up with cuz it’s so much color langford’s to five well it’s cuz every box and then boxes are fast right so there’s nothing in between God I really want I don’t want to I mean it’s like I’m so there’s still a few more Autos we’re casing as we go the um nice hit Joe last Auto all right there it is some color I’ll show you some show you some color candy core Ellie not a bad case for for color of the elites there like three more colors this a that’s just the refractors okay that’s good oh actually no we have it all here a few more colors we’ll show it I just want to show it all just these don’t ni case them there all right these two that’s the break thank you Bounty goes up all right I have time to stay for gilded and I got to get out of here go back to gilded I mean this is like the greatest day ever it really is isn’t it yeah and they just let me know about Monday Billy Billy I might want to give Billy gonna do it Bill Billy you want it Billy might want to because the thing is Billy’s gonna he’s got to learn the back end okay maybe he’ll come that’s good too whatever you want we’ll see I forgot to all right let me see something here all of them it’s everything right yeah okay uh okay gilded number two let’s do it gilded number two what number what number was this one that was number 23 what’s up guy happy release let’s do this what’s up everyone gilded gilded number two now the next break is a back to Sapphire which is sold out what’s up guy gilded number two let’s do it we’re just going to go into rotation it’s going to be gilded next then we’re going back to Sapphire full case random number two that’s already sold out and then we’re going to go back to what we just opened which is delight and we’re going to go to 24 Delight 24 guys the guilded I’m being brutally honest the shipment didn’t come so you know we’ll do at least five cases on here today but I’m trying to just go in a variety I’m trying to just go in a uh let me let me look the the next break that’s available that’s open is Delight number 24 it’s down to 15 I’m linking it right now what’s up Matt uh we’ll yeah we’ll do an auto guess in a minute not for gilded but we’ll do an auto guess you want to do an auto guess for sure last Auto go ahead guess it for 50 go and it’s weird I’m see I’m different than everyone else I’d rather open the frame card first I think the pack is better last Auto for 50 go guess it there’s only thing one and it’s going to be a chrome Auto not a uh yeah it’ll be a chrome Auto not the frame Dave Parker I’m telling you the Chrome Auto Pack is a lot better than than this than the frame card you say that skes in the next one if I’ll tell you if this if this is all Rangers we’re done opening gildas it’s all right Brando you could always nicest looking base cards ever existed in any product are getting shown live right now Pereira Merill 50 chipper these cards are so nice this stuff is unbelievable it really is unbelievable I said it earlier I’ll say it again there’s four baseball items in the world that you know 100% are going to go up every single year definitive Diamond icons Dynasty and gilded and that’s it those four are guaranteed every year these are some of the nicest looking baseball cards you’re ever going to see again I’ll say it again the packaging on this product is dust box two good luck I mean this is like a luminaries box yeah what are they doing it’s a luminaries box for two cards what are you killing me I mean this is torture I mean luminaries is the stone worst but all right here we go frame card he he doesn’t care either h a 10 for the Orioles oh we have rose gold I believe W let’s go Yuki Matsui Maddox Smoltz Tristan casses to 50 for Boston and I’ll say it again most of you don’t know this but when you’re buying Boston The Babe Ruth cut is a Red Sox it is not a Yankee the other thing I want to say too is there’s a non-baseball spot that we sell for $99 that spot is everything that’s not there’s there’s some random stuff in there it’s got like Emelia aard it’s actually really cool yeah kind of cool Scott Roland for Phillies to 99 somebody was asking for Rolling stuff in Discord Wayne tra I’m Wayne train free roll rose gold coming Curtis me to 25 PCA PCA Tyler black does that mean wait I think they’re giving us two Autos they’re giving us two Autos I believe yes they’re giving us two autos sod soda sh they’re giving us two autos for Oakland Mr [ __ ] okay so you know you know what the trend is in two cases I’ve seen one box they give you two Autos box they give you two Autos yeah to Sher again to 50 Yankees Kevin Yelich fosu Bryce Harper to 25 here’s your auto it’s jayd the Marshall jayd to 50 for the Yankees wow nice hit nice hit for Kevin we still have two box is left very nice what is that number two blue thing 50 yeah what is that blue thing what is that called frame piece Steve Carlton to 50 another hit frame Phillies yes shimsky Red Sox 99 Mauricio to 25 for the Mets rookie Colt Keef guys a redemption in every single product for the Tigers Pirates oh boy oh no but skin they said it’s a Redemption oh he is Gonzalez yeah Nick Gonzalez from McCrae I heard SK was a Redemption still nice card Sapphire 2 is next your last Auto guest Jenkins Cubs to 99 oh something is mus to five for St Lewis that’s to five Gramps hillu twins 15 Ellie to 99 this is your guess Clayton Kershaw to five for the Dodgers McCrae we’ll take it anyone gets Kershaw I assume yes I highly doubt somebody get Kershaw really yeah I highly doubt that get rookies and stuff that is so sick no Kershaw no Kershaw wow close doesn’t win let’s do a little recap Sapphire full case is next D bam had right team wrong ethnicity first case was definitely better cards are just absolutely beautiful here’s a recap of all your your numbered base here’s all your framed autographs here are your true autographs your Chrome autos case was I’ll tell you right now this case was way below average for for Delight I mean for uh for for uh gilded let’s do a sapphire case let’s do it live and we’ll do it next thank you man this is fun I I really don’t get to be on here much but I I love every minute of it especially on a big release like today I really do is this sire right the 108 yeah you got one more in you you you got to go if we move quick are you alive already no no no we can move quick I can maybe get through we’ll see we’ll see what go ahead what’s up everyone we’re full he can wait for a little while roll the dice we’re going seven times there’s a few combos in here there’s three combos you’ve got Cleveland with the Marlins you got Colorado with Detroit you got Oakland with St Louis Lucinda I appreciate that hey Lucinda and you know what’s funny I was saying saying earlier that because we didn’t get our gilded and I’ll have it on Monday um we’ll probably do like a gilded release I might come back on Monday to do like a true guilda release seven times good luck one two five six seven seven times remember skin does not have Autos but he has a true rookie first one two four five six 7 let’s see who’s got what wow I got news for you Chad you’re probably going to get an autograph congratulations guess what T is oh well we don’t have to guess yeah Chad you got the Rangers No lucenda has the Raiders Rangers no no it’s over here am I looking at the wrong thing oh oh it was already on the thing go the wrong way I’m delayed good luck Chad we just to be we are going to offer more affordable we wanted to start a full cases uh I’ll have cat run cheaper versions we’re gonna do player a random player random player breaker this is good I’m not gonna lie Chad I’m gonna stop cheering for you after you hit the third Auto oh there it is wow there it is there It Is Random players in the store it’s probably cheap right $34 for a random player in a full case there it is 169 left it’s in the store good luck Chad enjoy that all right I’ll tell you this right now here’s the next break Delight 24 is next that is next and then I’ll let you know where we’re going next take your Delight 24s good luck I just made an you know what all right here we go you what what did you get Joe got the Royals good luck I got a feeling we’re going to hit a red guess the red for 100 go if we just if we have one just guess one just in case for 100 the first red seire selections of Wyatt Lucinda I appreciate that 90 have been hit so far Auto Sapphire I said guess the red the Red’s already here it’s Cruz Cruz from McRae quickly quickly get I’ll hold it for a minute wow we have a red right away I guess you have to just say it how about a pink let’s just say it let’s talking into existence I know how about a pink yeah chq this stuff is great gold Yuki I love this guy for the Padre’s McCrae he’s getting all the Yuki I love it I can’t believe I just said guess the red and then it just showed up Cruz all right let’s show the red all right red guesses are off come on come on who’s got the Pirates Kyle good luck we have a red it’s for what did I say 100 or 50 said 100 100 put the team show the team oh it’s a bat it’s a bat top right corner it’s a bat oh I know yes Chad who’s the number one Chad I Chad who’s the number one for Texas who do you want there’s a bunch of guys that are it’s a bat it’s a b damn it it’s a bet it’s Tampa Bay oh my God what a tea I saw te oh my God no sorry Chad oh Chad sorry I saw I just saw the team oh I’m so Chad I’m sorry I love you Chad Chad I love you sorry Chad I’ll make that up to you Chad I [Music] promise there’s no chance anybody guessed that bl aasi by the way look it look how could you think it’s not Texas look look B straight pump fig hold on Chad Chad hold on Chad I got got to do something for you right now before we continue well hit hit him something first see if you hit him something what if you hit him something first all right Chad I’m I’m doing you could hit a banger Chad I’m doing something for you person that was that was brutal there could be a big banger mcra I apologize Yamamoto who’s got the Dodgers all right Chad you got the Dodgers all right what are we complaining about here that listen SE I’m sure you uh I’m sure listen it’s brotherly love but I’m sure seat enjoyed that a little sure I’m sure he enjoyed that a little I’m sure orange gck Cole for the Yankees just just hit him a big Auto oh this stuff Chad I got you don’t worry if I don’t hit you a big card I’m doing something for you right after this sorry I know I know you’re my boy and stuff but that was just yeah he he’s definitely laughing for sure that was one of the funniest things in almost in eight years of being un stream that was up there you can’t blame me though I mean holiday you can’t blame me but IA I’ll tell you who’s actually enjoying that is McCrae I don’t know if he’s watching but he he’s like he’s like oh I definitely didn’t hit a red denzo 199 for for Houston H would that me I saw the te what penny what do you want from me I saw the T gold that’s a twin karea to 50 oh that’s that’s right what’s it called on this side we should we should clip that though someone someone clipped that I know someone’s watching someone clipped it that was awesome EPO is exactly right you can’t teach that entertainment Ramirez you can’t teach it you cannot teach oh what is going on here what is going on there that’s why this product I mean I’m going to tell you right now this is the first Sapphire that’s had multiple colors in a pack I’m sorry in a box good luck basalo for Baltimore Oreos Cruz for Chicago yeah Rodriguez for the Mets Zilla they got to go fast Delight 24 is next by the way Delight 24 is next there’s still some Elites I see orange good luck oh it’s an Oro come on and that’s the right side too that could be holiday that’s the that’s the that’s the V that’s the vet side Oreos how about some holiday orange wow that’s the good one that’s so nice it’s on the left side it’s a it’s not a rookie it’s not a first yep we’ll take that very nice let’s go nice hit there Oreos with another look at an orange wow he’s getting the rainbow the rainbow McCrae might get the rainbow he’s got the orange and the red you know what I’m going to call called into existence guess the papa papa for 200 go if it’s out there last time I did this I hit a red right away gets the papa for 200 Kyle you missed a lot of fun entertainment of me not knowing what team is what is is is what you missed guess it for 200 guess the papa if we have one if we have one radney who are you 75 cunter gold orado St Louis there’s the Rangers the Rangers have every card on the check it’s it’s it’s too much how is nobody got Bren Taylor for the papa gold arus Guardians what we got here jum Schneider Toronto they’ll both go to Arlington they’ll both go to Arlington Yamamoto eph you go to Bahamas or no Trey turn on the golds there’s Yuki you going to win holiday it’s weird we only have four Autos so far cuz I mixed up all the packs there’s an auto there greens are Autos greens are always Autos Garr Cole probably going to go to Arlington it’s not it’s going to Kansas City Ricardo amazing is getting an auto let’s go Joe you can’t complain there we’ll take that I’m I’m going big in the Bahamas MGH stopped by the headquarters shohi Ricardo mg you gonna come through what’s up Ernie another oral it’s not a first it’s another holiday wow another come by you’re invited my friend come by whenever you want yeah we’ve done two case of gilded we sold got on another one ooh he’s good right oh that’s the guy yeah Leo for the Padres McCrae nice that’s the guy that is the guy nice hit McCrae there’s no wall I don’t I don’t do the walls Leo color now it’s picking up a little Co old bz BR crew it’s a nice color he is Brando yeah mother Leo Yuki I love Yuki my whole store hold on hey come in just come in yeah yeah cat’s coming on tonight I just I got a I got a a special dinner tonight that I have to go to a lot of people are in town for S1 Carter and I you see how cheap the tickets are for tonight it’s like 200 bucks look at this hold on look at this you know it’s a flop I know the race is like 500 oh namala he’s good for Toronto the uh listen it’s like this is what I tell people with the F1 right so many people in life give fomo like oh they want to go the first year they’re not those guys aren’t going to come back I said this every it’s it’s the numbers are going to be down which is good because I love F1 and so you now you could go as a fan I want to pick the kids yeah so now the fan you can go as fans Gold auto there it is there you go Chad we got bailed out Morel that’s that’s a good one Chad we’ll take it that’s an actual card that’s going to Arlington true wow Rodriguez black I didn’t know they have black Autos Zilla I didn’t know they had black autos wow that’s sick that’s sick the black Autos there’s sha tatis on the black uhoh wow tatis on the black McCrae uhoh Mar here he’s a [Music] buyer one one sec here’s skin the first look at skin SK color in this is going to be unbelievable green it’s an auto first it’s delos Santos from Minnesota it’s a double down on him yeah so this in this break the this case the second half was a lot better than the first the last one was the first more color there’s so much color in this item we got two equivalent boxes left sephar selection and it’s an auto Pomo it is Pomo for Atlanta it’s a nice one MGH aunia Yamamoto on the color Chad’s got more all right Chad we’re even we’re even on be needling you Chad deal we’re even take the cards and enjoy it we’re done with a grading oh dear Yuki oh Ellie I like that yeah that’s funny teal Arius for Toronto thank you Eric orange St Louis it’s arado mooki another Auto it’s a green it’s a first it’s felis for Washington and Leighton he’s not bad Leighton Gavin Williams Flores two two cases Greg uh St Louis is a combo team Bob combo uh St Louis is is with Oakland it’s Kyle Kyle’s got him Ellie the first two Guild that have been ripped yes gold it’s an orial it’s another holiday that’s the third I believe we have orange yellow and gold forer Oro is that right I think we hit all three of them yeah I think so wow when you hit in this product you hit holiday of the variation wow what a break guys this stuff is really really good we have orange verified on Orange and it’s an auto and it’s a first and it’s another Ranger Martha Chad let’s go baby it’s my favorite player in the product Lynn does he have Autos someone find out if he has Autos I’ve never bought teams in my own bre today might be the first Wyatt another orinado H Chad great stuff great great case third case is in the store there’s a random player that’s actually Jung hul Le we’re going to do a random player that’s actually uh yeah all right can you just do the recap yeah me give me one sec guys the next break is Delight 24 all right recap color first nice de re bunch of color holiday probably the highlights in this break yeah tatis black eies in the chat he’s a buyer and then our uh for grading right on the Pomo nice deze gotcha MGH I’ll get it in there and then I got that I’m gonna get I’m GNA put yours together Chad and uh that was fun man BTS all yours together at one time back to Delight three Autos back to Delight perfect we have teams left I like it this is the next break putting it on the screen right now Delight 24 and then I’ll do another gilded then I’ll do another gilded guys I’m just going to go in I’m going into a fun order today I I I usually just bounty’s at 38 all right thank you guys ai’s got to go he just stopped by for a little while real quick I’ll finish this up thank you guys uh let me get a case that’s all that’s left in the light give me one second guys MGH go ahead and send the email that’s in the Box turn in the room all right guys it’s been fun it’s been fun I will see you all later I’ll probably see you in chat because I’ll come back and watch all this stuff this is this is this is like early Christmas for me congrats to everybody who hit and I will see you guys live on stream on December 4th and uh for for Bowman Draft release day I’ll be here for probably 16 hours I’ll just run two shifts that day and then um yeah Happy Thanksgiving next week to everybody but yeah I’ll see you all in chat if you want to join the Discord jump into Discord I know a bunch of you guys are already in there but I have another small giveaway tonight for the uh for for some credit uh yeah Henny thank you for Dr I was going to ask just ask you to drop the link um you know it’s getting more active in there people are talking about stuff more often about cards and everything so it’s uh let’s build this up and make this into a real good Vibrant Community it’s it’s uh it’s fun yeah um giving away 20 bucks in credit for the uh F1 qualifying race tonight whoever gets closest to the time so all right I will see you guys later and uh yeah have a good one off this you out of here yeah I got here thank you all right all right and what a fun day so far all right the Diamond Backs are off take your random players twins are off the angels are off I hope you do the random player is moving there’s seven left in Delight There’s the link there’s seven left in Delight after Delight I’ll open gilded number three which is sold out wow the I also added update hobby take your player break it’s going today your 5K player break with delight I mean uh with update is going today oh what a fun release day there’s uh the HTA is out of the store hold on there’s one more HTA all right we’re down to six Braves are off thank you Mr chief all right six left I’ll wait a minute and then we can do a little filler with the Yankees for if someone wants a kill price I’ll wait a sec I need someone to help me anyway take your Sapphire full case I’m going to do another one do another full case random it’s funny too as the Bounty just keeps going up the bounty’s almost H I’m right here Rona I’m right here I mean it’s just me football oh wait this is 24 sorry this is 24 yeah come by come by Billy yep come by delay oh okay no no no never mind I I here’s what the order is it’s delay 24 then I said delay 25 then back to gilded that’s the order we’re doing two Delight all right white socks or rocky sorry all right you could send just Greg we’re going to do both Delights 24 and 25 you’re the man Caleb thank you I don’t know you Caleb Cloud nice to meet you I’m backer guess you know that and you took a random player thank you all right no filler guys it’s a natural fill the Yankees are off the best team is off that was left we’re doing Delight 24 then we’re doing Delight 25 then going back to gilded 3 that’s what’s happening and then we’re going to go back to another full case of sappire I can’t make this up you can’t ask for a better day of product than today you just can’t I got four teams left four teams left in Delight number 24 you got the Marlins the Phillies the Mariners and the white socks thank you Greg where’s Cal Fusion Jared just uh Jared’s buying into some Sapphire thank you Jared I’ll wait a minute JG you want a kill it’s 316 JG I’ll give it to you for [Music] two60 260 that’s let me know something’s going on there done 25 is next all right we’re we’re full one second you want to help me for a minute what is up everyone we’re full Delight 2 5 is next Bounty goes up if we don’t hit all swis is going to help me Billy’s going to be here in five minutes cat’s coming on later good luck what I’m going to do is for Delight for up the next player break I’m going to include the light we just didn’t have it earlier in the week oh you took Philly all right I’m going Flawless okay great let me make sure JG if do you want I mean you did wait huh what are we on 24 yeah you did yeah you did sorry JG I owe you uh sorry the Phillies got sold uh JG I owe you 110 okay there are 100 I’ll give you 110 is that cool John sorry I didn’t see that yeah yeah all right 25 is next it’s down to 10 good luck David I’m sorry yeah we’re giving you 110 in points right now so you made money there technically all right we’re doing it good luck a lot of gold 110 yeah Matt olon on the op the downtown they’re back there JG Glenn now Gold auto Harrison badar amazing let’s go Joe we like that nice hit true cold told you not to worry Joe Black Jack lighter on the black Auto to 10 for Jake cam Eden to 50 it’s a good hit Jack Li black to 10 I don’t see his Auto a lot at all let’s go Joe our favorite candy cord baller gasser for the Brew Crew to 250 Henry Davis to 299 Pirates Urias for the Orioles Bowers Brew Crew and an outman on the youthquake Austin Hayes to 150 what’s up Dexter yabby Abbot CL there’s a negative Colt Keith and Yamamoto on the youth quake Jones fedo blue rookie Auto Meyers Brew Crew Brian woo for the Mariners refractor bubic negative got to do your best for play when you hit W I see some gold yes imp Peg Perez on the gold 50 bradish purple of Luciano for the Giants negative Suarez that is the halfway point let’s pick it up yes imp Peg it did come in today SK we have a Redemption redemption’s usually good Tovar Deb MERS we have a Redemption Yuki Matsui Victor Scott let’s sweat this Redemption come on this should be good in my opinion this case has been kind of bad rookie lava lamp purple I’m going big here and I’m right it’s cherio for the Brewers Oreos what a day he’s having congratulations Oreos take big spots but big hits Kevin Stone Auto Austin Wells for the Yankees they were sitting for Caleb Whitley to refractor Auto Spees toight 25 is next if we don’t hit the debut patch it goes to 3900 on the Bounty what’s up Bobo 3900 on the Bounty if we don’t hit it 3900 bount’s up to 3K on Instagram already sh there’s a SK on the blue delos Brady singer andar good luck PCA purple sordum blue of Matos for San Fran Clayton beater good luck orinado on the true green rler blue of sh sh for the Cubs nice hit for cloth and a SK on the [Music] youthquake you ready to open the next case yeah ready Delight 25 it’s next no Bounty that means 3900 this stuff is you’re going to have a huge DayDay all right let’s do a recap I’ll be in there with Game of Thrones with you yeah you have to walk me through it I watch it but the um I don’t know that product you’re you’re on all way right yeah it’ be fun I’m excited I just finished getting punch in the face of practice it was great that’s one way to wake up right exactly I I added I might have made a mistake I I I added more F1 Chrome you could maybe uh pick your team yeah I added more players so yeah yeah just do whatever you want yeah yeah but I I the good news is that the elites are God I saw yeah yeah yeah it’s just a lot of the smaller guys oh so our model is just so you know on this type of stuff is like the elite guys they always sell fast usually then it’s sometimes it’s harder to sell some of the lower end guys you know so like when in the future because I knew like you know cuz CU we don’t have the buyer than all the5 guys yeah I had some of I had some of my people come and get it out of the big the big spots I I met some I met some up at the at the race yesterday sweet PE hangs out with uh with Lando and and czecho cool cool people oh really yeah I I was only with him for like 10 minutes cuz like he was like in the grand stand Paddock I was just like at the the little hkin section oh nice but um yeah he’s going to come through he’s more of a a dynasty and Sapphire guy but he got he got a couple spots oh nice it’ll be good it’ll be good and then the Game of Thrones is here it’s already sold out so we’ll start off with that do do we need more of it uh I don’t know how many I saw in the room but I think I saw three sold out no we ask Derek if we need more of it because we we can get more ask Derek if we can get if we need more one more now okay because we can get more of that all right all right delate 25 is hitting the screen right now Billy’s opening it gilded the lighter Sapphire what is it we’re doing update right now we’re doing update one more update and then we’re going back to gilded thank you suji take your updates we U what a day it’s been I know you’ve been watching some watching all of how nice of these products The Guild is very nice yeah gilded Ian okay all right delay 25 let’s see what’s left how you doing somebody called Dr gab tell F his bright doing good what a what a day what a day it’s going to I mean so yeah we got um guys let me tell you the order of what’s Happening Delight 25 after Delight 25 we go back to gilded which is sold out number three then after gilded we’re going to do full case number three of sapphire that’s got 14 left eie added a that’s pretty cool Erie added a full case random player break for $34 should be full you know um that’s going to be a lot of fun a full case player break at $34 um all right let’s let’s take your update I’m gonna link it updates down to eight you know we’re so we hit another debut patch here last night yeah we’ve fit five I think total out what skew I think it was H the HDA I think so what skew is the easiest to hit the HDA is like one in 50 one in 50 cases that’s it yeah wow Hobby and jumbo over 100 each I think um Derek he’s down the way a little bit can you get him for me please yeah um trying take your random player another Brew Crew just took two to light it’s to one in four wow okay hobby so much even the hobby Hobby’s getting expensive guys I I added a few yeah the hobby cases are uh they’re getting expensive the Hobbies yeah I know Derek’s got other stuff to do what do you need the game of throw you think we should get more of it I mean yeah I appreciate that you’re asking me instead of Doug and Derek I mean what how how many boxes are in the game of thron case marel is 12 is the answer what’s your next question I don’t know why he’s bothering you what 12 12 I don’t know well should we get more right now or no we got 20 cases no no we got five cases oh then yeah we need more I still think got 20 so yeah we need more should we but how like are we get are we from him are we getting a good price on it that stuff he has always helped me out when I’ve done it with him yes so just why don’t you text I thought we got 20 he called me yesterday well because no cuz he he’s going over there now that’s I’m thing so should he pick up he’s asking if we need more of it okay if the price is good get more that’s what I’m saying you know let’s see what we got cook in here all right this is what’s left people don’t love the Yankees anymore huh how are the Yan sitting there Yankees are another way to get ell they got triple Autos with VY and wit it’s a weird uh auson sitting there with rafhaela I’ll wait a few minutes and we’ll run we can run a fill it it’s weird because you know the player break’s flying now we might do the player break the player break guys I want to do one player break before I have to go I’m leaving probably in two and a half hours who do the Yankees have Billy who do the Yankees have well Dominguez is the big rookie but judge in stto sign uh Jeter has dual Autos with vulpi vul’s got triple Autos with wit and Ellie Yankees are very low to checklist the problem is they’re hard to hit of course they’re hard to hit but if there’s one skew where they come out the most it’s this one yeah the um every team’s got chances at debut patches though Nationals have probably close to 10 different guys in it so I I looked at that you know what’s interesting about the debut patch checklist is that most teams have at least 10 most teams have eight to 10 yeah like the Marlin every team in play Marlins have a lot white so the Marlin at 39 withth the Bounty should that’s what people don’t get the Marlins have like 10 debut patches literally they do have 10 debut I’m tell I L I looked it up we studied the checklist Nationals I think have like seven or eight there you go that’s what I’m saying is that like the beautiful thing is some of these guys like the Yankees I can understand they’re expensive I get it Eric just took a spot in the Sapphire come on guys let’s fill the Delight what time you going case 25 7 s can you go through the whole night that’s the plan yeah oh you my Prestige as well oh perfect okay so you’ll be over the whole night okay good you take Sapphire too MH um all right we’ll wait a few minutes guys we will wait a few minutes another spot came off at Sapphire Sapphire is down to 13 on the full case what’s crazy is that only about a quarter of the patches have been hit no they no so you’re wrong 90 have been hit they said 90 okay so a third a third a third have been hit 90 of what 260 I think yeah third yeah third of them and how many of the big ones maybe one or two out of the top 12 I’ll I’ll I’ll bet commero and Ellie are the best two out of the top 12 there you go 90 I’ll make a bet with you okay it’s a third I’ll make a bet we hit more debut patches than any other company I’ll bet it I I would take that bet too I’ll bet I would take that bet I think we’re in the lead right now we have five total the Phillies yeah Philly Phillies are a low and I know two best guys or their top guy got hit already you remember your boy way train of course I know way way Train’s very uh very fruitful in bz points right now actually way train you went through those points already you might be sick you might be sick Bro went through all those points he said he was spending 20,000 of it on bz merch the Marlins are off now the Marlins are off to mark guys remember when you buy these teams like the Marlins and Nationals you’re buying for Bounty Chase for debut P Chase I mean let’s be honest every team has debuts every single team Red Sox have a huge one and rafhaela Rockies have two nice ones Hunter Goodman and Jordan Beck a lot of the Vets sign for Houston yordon Altuve bregman we’re verified we got six left here twins somebody call C blz Austin Martin still on the board his debut patch he’s probably a buyer he has a debut patch in this yeah really I’ll give it a minute I’ll give it a minute zero Yankees debut patches have been hit Billy I haven’t seen one I haven’t seen Wells Dominguez how many are there total for the Yankees yeah Yanke he probably about five or six maybe seven but Dominguez obviously Wells is a big one two wow the Yankees have had no debut I didn’t know that they have seven that’s what I’m tell these guys they have more than you think yeah he’s got there’s more of them out there than you would think there is Wayne train will tell you guys I hit him all right we got six left I’m GNA wait another few minutes and then we’re going to do a uh I mean usually it’ll just natural Phil that’s right Wayne Rockies for Leighton that’s a good pick I like the Rockies in this they have a couple good rookies and debuts Rockies I don’t know how Boston’s still sitting there Boston should have flew off by now Rockies to Leighton Billy what’s up Billy how we doing what’s up tedward you having a good day today yeah we’re already done all FLW is done done yeah I know I’m on the last case for eight right now but I’m trying to slow we have n in the room we want trying to get some of the other stuff off yeah it’s good it’s good to know when a good product comes out we that we can but the good news is all so much football’s coming out oh in the next well next week’s a big week huge bman CB football that’s big for us well people have been asking for that and we have uh what else is coming out for no Mosaic I think certified Scott said might get pushed back but sorry really yeah that’s what he told me mosaics Wednesday you’re goingon to have a good week next week JG takes the Phillies Phillies are off actually Astros for 60 meet me at 70 meet me at 70 trees take them off for 70 meet me at 70 on Houston excuse me Phillies are off we got four left we’re verified on four Ernie wants a price on the X uh Ernie give it a minute if I don’t get full price twins are off twins are sold they’re gone syus Eric took them Eric 75 my sources are showing me that there are three teams left yep three left is is all that’s left three left we have red how are the Red Soxs there isn’t that what I just said I know it’s weird I’m telling you this P hit one of the biggest Red Sox cards in the product the other day the triple Auto with Big Poppy Red Sox that’s F all right let’s do uh Boston for 90 let’s do this Boston semi 90 syus uh who asked Dean trees if you want you can meet me at 65 I’ll do 65 send me $65 and you got you got Houston and then Yankees Ernie what’s your best and we’re full yeah it’s just so annoying to Discount the Yankees it’s just like it’s such a it’s crazy it is crazy one of the best value teams in the break a lot of hits Ernie I can’t do 325 my man there’s no there’s no chance I I could get full price and just line a 10 spot or a 40 per and it’s going to fly I need help on that the Yankees are really good they’re going to get we like three more cases and trying to get like eight but we got three more yeah good because it’s moving yeah well no each each it’s by it’s 12 case 12 boxes in a case we’re doing it by the four so that’s only 15 breaks if we only have five cases that’s what I’m saying I B bucks there it is just just purchase them on the site purchase 65 bcks I need at least 365 on the Yankees whoever wants them 365 365 folks it’s a dollar a day just put it away come on McCrae there he is there’s McCrae all right McCrae send it I just got to make sure I got payments uh on everyone else syus team trees let me know but wait a minute let me use the restroom but we’re we’re full everyone send payments um set me up please with supplies cuz you’re going to open do huh lower do what low I don’t know what you’re talking about like this already watch see this I didn’t do it I’m just telling you telling you what they tell us to how they want us to do he doesn’t know guilted looks nice syus McCrae all good waiting on deam trees waiting on trees trees I’m guessing that’s you Dan got you Dan all good thank you brother this is one is one two three one two three four five six seven this is not what you’re supposed to really trees that’s expensive it’s cold you can turn wheree let’s see Tre is good cus is good McCrae is good you’re missing a lot of sheets here man oh here never mind um 23 that’s one of my favorite cities San Antonio 24 you’re big SP guy which one are you missing this number two of something number two of gilded I think gilded to hold on yeah yeah yeah you’re right all right we are can I can I just get in there and just you can paste it but I let me just fix all that real quick go ahead take me just 30 seconds what’s up everyone we’re full Delight the bounty’s up to $39 $900 the debut Bounty Killer right here is going to hit another debut patch 3900 seems a little sacker PR at 31 we hit for my man the Wayne train last week I’ll say it again by the way there hasn’t been a hotter product this year in any sport and update Crow all SKS hobby should we just hit the SK and kill the product right now or what yeah I’d be with that I would be absolutely okay with that backer getting away for 3900 on the skin oh man what is this do I need this no can I delete this yeah what is that it’s deleted yeah backer’s looking to get away with 3900 right now on the schemes tomorrow Wayne tomorrow the only problem is is I wish I had this gilded they’ll have all the Delight update and they’ll have Sapphire and they’ll have maybe a few gilded as well Jared’s leaving us all to Stadium Club for tomorrow get in take your Stadium Club Stadium Club Compact and gner take your tops flagships i al you know what I also have for you tomorrow what I got those holiday megas holiday oh the holay I heard they’re good actually we’ve got Pro Set Pro Set blast yes Sarah’s always here in the office yeah what do what is what do you need from her send her a text she’s always here get to 24 count retail boxes all right last one that’s this break yeah no that was the last one what’s this one 25 we’re opening 25 now are you on the right screen yeah yeah yeah all here we go guys all right good luck good luck here we go all right folks here we go Yamamoto Merill Langford Mitch Garver to 250 Reese Olson a 250 Tigers this is a sleeve or a case the numbered numbered case this is the sleeve up here this is all case yeah okay ree Olsen of 250 Ramos for the white socks on the blue to 150 we got some gold coming up Austin Martin on the negative gold Manuel Margo double twins hits right there and lipsum lipsum next break is gilded number three sold out Billy’s not opening it Billy is not opening that item he can open it tomorrow I love when he calls it item it’s honestly my favorite thing item item this item that Billy can open this he can’t open Sapphire and he can’t open gild it’s a mate it’s not going to happen while I’m here he can open up this cuz I don’t know half the players Langford James outman a 150 Dodgers true blue that’s actually sick hard another Ramos back toback boxes for the white socks white socks paid nice Marl Aqua Marl Aqua for the Padres Kira this was a nice box curse that and Sh sh missing one find it see the only thing I don’t like about this item is is that I don’t care for the Youth Quakes do you I don’t there’s no need for I don’t care for me yeah they they have to have some kind of common insert though I feel like they always do you know what I don’t like about it I don’t like where they Place holiday I don’t know why they put in the back in the back it’s dumb where should it be right on top should be like yeah the worst card put on top nice Chio to 250 Brewers Oreos is crushing today Henry Davis to 150 libum to 499 Snell oh triio to 299 on the true one nice triio to 299 Co Keith youthquake those stink back we’ll have uh those taken out next year tonight folks what’s up LJ what’s going on guys Mar go for the Giants number two Gavin Stone A5 number two you know which window you had gild number two right here that’s AJ Smith backer favorite looking Auto the Blue Jays to 10 black Davis Schneider that’s really nice for Toronto and Knack very nice Knack I could Knack a lot of cards very nice on the black Schneider to 10 knack Co Keith Redemption Co Keith every time Margot to 399 and Willer is he any good co Keith yes he is good so you but do you want to but you don’t want to hit him though he’s the only Redemption you don’t want though yeah exactly that’s that’s kind of what I was saying perfect now Evan Carter Carrasco to 150 for the Phillies roas one of the last teams off the board Dodgers Landon Knack O’Neal glass now to 175 and Christian Scott up Thorson it’s good to see you my man up Thorson who’s a good boy blue cowien 150 it’s like a Ford release day you got you got Game of Thrones you got F1 Chrome you got Sapphire you got gilded put this right there okay fosu nice Jackson Merill negative Jackson Merill negative and gell off to 175 LJ they’re good how are you are you better or what things are going all right where is the patch where is the patch come out come out wherever you are this K this case is leading up to a SK patch the way it’s going I’ll tell you that Jonathan class to 99 Blue Jays it is right balazovic Miguel Vargas this case couldn’t smell like a debut patch anymore right it really can’t it’s it’s it’s setting us up black to 10 Gavin stone for the Dodgers this case has been absolute trash backer knows how to pick them when they jump out of the seat I’ll tell you that all right we got Gold auto all right maybe some hope right here Gold auto come on I’m going with Yamamoto if it doesn’t say SK somebody call Mayan green youth Quake Brian beo Auto here for the Tigers reys Olen um here’s the thing of Rangers oh could it be w w be W be W it’s Jack lighter Jack lighter to 50 we’re doing the homework stey with the sapphire we put a random player break in and we have another full case we have to just look at we’re doing some homework and we’re studying it a little holiday to 299 be honest we didn’t get that much anyway so take your player break though to start that’ll be fun we’ll try that it’s tough to price exactly and we’ve we’ve opened two cases and it’s been all Rangers Autos this camera is so nice know it’s really good I know I don’t know what happened cherio orange to 25 youthquake Jared’s favorite set it’s Class A again Class A again ronal Blanco to 199 Houston Royals Nick Lofton to 250 blue fixed it all great yeah yeah Randy Rodriguez 399 negative of skin Okay negative of skins and Oliver dun I’m not going to lie it’s the worst I’m not goingon to lie unless there’s a patch in here this was the worst case I’ve ever seen bounties at 4,000 thank you thanks to Billy Jared had to open his mouth about the youthquake we got another orange one and a gold Auto here my boy blue home field advantage of Carter downtown Evan Carter they call these uptowns uptowns it’s the Uptown orange of pasquantino to 25 Kansas City Gold auto to the back how about we show the Sha first to 299 okay that helps that helps sh I think sh’s gonna be so good I do too for lucenda lucenda nice hit Kyle Harrison holiday negative the negatives were the only positives in the case here we go guys Gold auto allstar game Auto this could be anybody oh that it’s Will Smith for the Dodgers Will Smith for the Dodgers and Robert all right let’s do a full recap start with all your negatives that are apparently they’re positive in this case you’re all your color I’m go to your Autos that was a that yeah that was poop holiday SK I’ll tell you what guys the best part of this case is that it’s over ex EV Carter holiday Gavin Stone to 10 cherio cherio Marill to 199 Langford to 250 your Autos after this break okay Autos Will Smith gold sh out at 299 Jack lighter to 50 you can print that too David Schneider black 10 of 10 that’s one all right let’s do gilded Alman Ramos and REE Olsen that was tops Chrome update Delight PYT 25 the only good news about that is set the Bounty went up $100 we’re at 4,000 that was the only thing this is the next one you said gild run on the right yeah gilded three hold on just let me know when let just I will repeat myself Billy will not be open and guilded go ahead say make sure they know back make sure they know this stuff is so good it just it looks really nice when I was pring through now looks beautiful so good they do a great job with this product they I there four baseball products every year that just go up up up Dynasty definitive Diamond icon and gild bomb and draft not this year um hold on why is it like that why is it no this year it willon probably why is it no no no it’s not it’s better right no that’s good you’d rather it like that oh that’s better yeah and Allen get her yeah yeah exactly actually Allen gets are R go down all right hold on cheap already okay we are full it is a Mini release day most of our cases will be getting in for gilded will be on Monday guys don’t panic it is what it is let me remind you Billy will not be opening this today folks this is not an item for Billy how many cards are in gilded how many cards are in a box in a box six five in a frame five FR four in a frame or five in a frame if I showed this to someone that doesn’t collect cards I’m like oh how many baseball cards are in this box they think like a 4,000 there’s like that’s true they think it cost 4,000 yeah there’s 30 cards in the whole box there’s 30 cards in here just think about that this was 2020 Bowman Chrome hga yeah I did that first there’s 30 pyp yeah we’ll we’ll do all that gleno yeah we’ll be prepared for Monday There’s 30 cards in all of this what I mean they probably spent a million dollars Wast Mayan’s got a green thumb I love this stuff I think it’s beautiful I think they did a great job this is they call this product the rainforest killer you ready let’s go it’s a Transcendent card in the pack all right gilded the sapphire full case random is next number three that’s been phenomenal frame Hernandez to 10 to 10 good luck oh nice hit to start Chung hul Lee from San Fran nice hit Chad he signs in Chinese abbit Abbot to 60 or to 50 Tony Gwyn to 75 our first Auto is Jose Ramirez for the Guardians B more box one in the books box two from what I from what I’ve seen there’s about one box per case that has two two Autos in it in the in the Chrome pack actually that’s a good idea what Joe save the boxes of this for a repack that’s actually a great idea guys all right gleno Billy’s going to explain that to you right now what what the non-baseball spot what type of cards can uh presidential cuts a few celebrity Cuts but mostly presidents there’s about 10 you have about 10 names you’re looking for there in the cuts Cory Seager for the Rangers papa papa this is okay by the way this is the funniest thing ever what’s that we’re in the car Papa yeah we’re we’re in the um we’re in the car and to play some music we put on Papa home breach yeah it’s the funniest thing ever he doesn’t know any of the words and then he says Papa don’t that’s the only part it was the funniest thing Papa Don’t Preach that’s what I he go then he goes [Music] this it’s cuz he’s heard me sing it so many times I love it yeah Brown’s here Papa yes what’s up Papa yeah they can’t they’re all here I’m just doing computer stuff for a minute helping out Ramirez that’s funny you want to see something can I you want to see something really cute iess this is what I wake up to today okay look so when I was in Japan I bought Papa’s uh bought his kid a pair of Jordans no way I’m coming no way yo thank thank you thank you shoes thank you for shoes thank you thank you for shoes he’s really good he’s learning well he’s so cute see your son your son is adorable Papa it’s just great right and the shoes are awesome too that’s great they’re called the they’re called the Jordan Lucas they look in Japan Lucas really Nick Gonzalez 75 it’s the best thing I’ll see all day oh here’s the box with two Autos Jackson Merill out of nowhere for the Padres see positive VI Luciano good things happen wow that’s sweet Guild is great huh oh it’s awesome um just pulled the Jeter 101 on the uh oh was a 10 I’m like why are you yelling yeah I didn’t know G yeah I I thought it was just a frame no oh it was a one1 bux two yeah you you were right by the way Sapphire is unbelievable I knew it was going it’s it’s unbelievable for sure they ever done autos and Chrome from sappire Sapphire is it’s really good and they did it right no no pitcher Prospect Autos it’s all like the best players poster posie yeah Sapphire is uh what’s next this no no the next break is sapphire this that is this that kill this that’s this that’s this go to the store the next break is sapphire send out the email yeah Sapphire random number three okay gotch you link it for them because I I will when this is done sending the email Clemente to 99 there’s still a few left I believe Seer to 50 in your way man sorry or anado to 75 I’m just here for a Minute cruising I like seeing that team aut too oh it’s one of the worst ones no he’s still good I know but I mean he’s the third best or get when you see orol you don’t want to sign so oh really yeah that’s three out of four that’s what I’m saying I’m being honest yeah yeah I mean it’s when you see or oh my God I I I gave Chad the biggest Slow Roll earlier all sports okay yeah aasi we I have a red sapphire yeah okay sweat the team I see a t so I’m like all right Chad had the all sports had the Rangers yeah like great you have a red and then I I didn’t see the B for Tampa Bay oh he got so yeah it was brutal the whole chat was just like that’s awful you already ran this I’m killing this yeah I know number three is next Sapphire Di’s going to pick a really good case for us on the sapphire yeah pick find a good one for us Goose the goose say to 99 so remember Gold Label yes I was the reason they got rid of it why and all they because it was garbage all they did all they did was you know this is transcendent in a pack that’s what it looks like to yeah it was this is what you pay for in gilded let’s go Stam mus 99 oh we got something interesting here many spots is something interesting 31 wow who I didn’t know they did this yeah storm uh gold storm gold storm 24 on the cherio they’re only two numbers 24 in super fror wow that’s sick ta for the Tigers Auto oh sedan who do we want San Raphael ah there it is Billy the sharpest man in the world we’ll take it Boston wow this stuff is unreal man all right unreal hello yes who’s got Boston hey give me RB give me 15 seconds I’m sorry all right there’s the link for number three you guys got the eight left eight left in the next Sapphire full case eight left that’s it eight left what’s up Cruisin Samberg for the Cubs to 50 Commander Cody nice hit everyone’s doing well man it’s Yamamoto nice to 99 oh it’s like we got red red we got rose rose gold rose gold come on Colt Keith the Redemption boy Arius come on rose gold ah I’m going with Ramirez it’s Gavin Williams can’t be worse for the Guardians who’s got him be more be less be more you’ll take it you will take it guys I’ll tell you right now and Billy can verify this these cards are so nice in person aren’t they oh they’re beautiful you know just wait till you get these cards yeah you know what Billy I’m gonna let Billy open the sapphire unless this unless I have a one1 in here Billy’s open the sapphire hey let me do an item folks frck S one of 50 brewers brewers are really good in this they’re very good great by Nolan Ryan is an Angel that’s an angel Marte to 25 Diamondbacks Larry Walker what’s the team oh please please please be him ah it’s not it’s not Marte 99 it’s not good news is almost was it almost was I tell you I’m not going to lie the first guilded case I opened was unbelievable it was I’ll tell you what your three cases and what you thought on the product ungilded yeah the first case was Unreal is it a buy or a die buy or die did did the product is the product is absolutely I mean I love it I love it it’s just I feel like they could have like I don’t know it’s fine I mean I I could always do stuff better but it’s good the only problem is our first case was Unreal and it slowed down a little in my opinion I mean it’s the sapphire they’re different they’re such different items Autos that’s cool that card’s sick those are really hard to hit this year 24 supers and a Merill that’s the break do you know what to do with what like this and yeah in the box and stuff yeah I got it thank you all right guys okay I’m going to put up Sapphire 3 Let’s get a case oh it’s right there let’s see what’s left in Sapphire 3 thank you cruising yet later Ernie listen I say the same thing every time when it comes to this stuff we have six left in the next break six left six spots left and what I’m going to do is I’m G to tell you what I’m going to do right now if you just give me a minute I want to get others involved so what what I’m going to do is I’m also oh no Brown already did it for me okay great I want to get others involved what type of random should we do in a smaller variation should I put in two box randoms for Sapphire at a pro rated price havies or twos or both that’ be that’d be interesting actually I made it easy for you to upload videos if you want to try all you have to do is copy the name of what previous break and change the number and then upload it I’m not going to be able to it’s I mean I’m not that’s cat’s taking over so okay six left he’ll do it six left there it is trying to Scott’s doing his basketball rep I mean Flawless is flying everywhere it’s it’s hot six left I got six spots left I’m G to add should we do haves these or should we if I do it by the two of what because I we’re doing it by the full sapphire but if we do it by the it’d be 50 bucks at for two boxes 50th Spot times it’ be 50 50 bucks for two it’s $25 a box I guess yeah that’s what it is it’s 25 bucks because I like L Camp just took a spot we have five left thank you thank you Lewis thank you Lewis Joey we will how about this I’ll do gilded after this I’ll do gilded four gilded after this gilded after this yep you got it what was that we got five left five spots left that’s it never mind three three left CSA three spots left guys on the sapphire on the full case three left three spots left and we are full Joey then we’ll do gilded number four after that not items for backer three left just go through the store Yep they’re getting taken two left Mark just took a spot thank you Mark Mark push it through thank you Mark we’re down to two all right set me up here what do I need bunch of regulars okay we got one left ATP just took a spot I got one thank you Andrew I got one spot left in a full Factory sealed case of sapphire one left then we’ll go back to gilded and then we will do it’s interesting there’s a lot actually I gotta I’m gonna add some I’m gonna add some cheaper versions of sapphire right now Sapphire see I’m adding it by the two box two bucks two bucks one 50 Perfect all right I’m adding that I want people getting involved so we’ll do I add I’m gonna add a full case by the two remember there’s combos in that that’s why it’s a little more we’ll do that guys one left here in case three one spot left it’s probably gone I just have to look at it all right all right it’s sold out I added some twos I added a full case by the two see how that moves we’re going to run this full case right now let me see uh yeah all right let’s see Lucinda thank you for taking the last spot we’re sold out what is up everyone we are full it is a full Factory sealed case it’s a release day it’s 2024 Bowman Chrome Sapphire baseball I’m going to roll the dice it’s remember it’s 27 spots there’s three combos we’re going to go eight times on the dice the three combos are as follows the Guardians are paired with the Marlins the Rockies are paired with tigers and the Athletics are paired with St Louis eight times on the dice here we go good luck to all contestants four five 6 7 the number one team in my experience are the Rangers eight times they got a lot of names and now the contests eight times good luck one two eight all right here we go Kevin down to CSA cards Kevin has the Reds mccrae’s got the Reds who’s got the Padres who was the Padres right now Andre’s is McCrae mccrae’s been hot today he’s got who has the Rangers Lucinda Lucinda’s got that could have been that last spot this is all me yeah good luck everyone full case do we want half casers or do we want to just keep it at twos and then I add another full what does the room want talk to me I’m thinking we keep twos wow yeah people are attacking the twos but should I add another full case instead of adding the halves the Hales I don’t like really why what why are you not a fan of the halves cuz I’d rather just I’d rather pay up and just get the F if you’re going to pay that you know could be wrong me do this the back away pack at a time you do it however you want I kind of like pack that pack I don’t know you pick all right here we go box one folks gilded four is next case no actually give me everything in case got it got it here we go wow nice start imanaga to 75 tell you what the rookie color flies out of this product Arius and Tate rookie color flies out of this product lford what’s up Jacob gold you’re going to see auto D twins Oreos Oreos is crushing today raban two in one pack Auto and a numbered in one pack you’re going to say a lot of gold in this I’m going to give you an actual good recap how about Orange how about Orange it’s Curtis me the guy who’s been a rookie for 20 years it’s a 25 Curtis me for the Rays feel up he’s been around forever well there’s a Leo Cruz we’re looking for the Japanese guys that sign in Chinese yes we are Jared’s a buyer gold steeven of 50 for the Orioles steeven Martinez Orange it’s incredible orange of Yuki we’re going for the Yuki Rainbow on the page today they gave us the Yuki pallet first on the uh print there and McCrae keeps hitting first on the print yep from McCrae it’s all sitting Yuki a Yuki palette it’s the Yuki palette what’s up Zion Papa not Yugi oh Tate that’s a nice one for the Phillies that’s a really nice one for the Phillies right there ATP Papa you love when I’m on baseball don’t you pop o double yellow double yellow pack Cole Keith this guy’s been a theme all day yeah guy’s been a theme all day yic proar Miguel Palmer to 75 Houston you know what CH safire never used to have multiple black to 10 black black Dominguez rookie to 10 wow wow that’s massive what a nuke wow who’s got the Yanks L Camp wow that’s massive let’s go that is massive wow picture Billy you need how to take a picture the pictures what do you mean take a picture well my phone take a picture of it and send it to the chat that I’m not in what do you want me to do well that’s a sick card right there hard [ __ ] that’s sick the baseball Wy the Martian Pomo this stuff is really really good Jackson Merill so one thing with this prodct is you know the Basse sells for a lot exactly grade the Bas the PSA like what do you think a PSA 10 skines is even a Bas probably like 200 bucks yeah it’s it’s crazy and you get you probably hit a skines every case gold gold gold gold Valor for the Marlins gold Drew Jones I feel like I’ve seen three of the 50 of these today Drew Jones to 50 gold Junior you like Junior I do it’s going to be very good the Martian the Martian orange adus Garcia Rangers weird vet colors gold or yellow yellow again Kyle teal Boston yeah that that’s you know what I’m goingon to take orange selection those are sick behind Yamamoto I’m taking a picture for you right now Lewis Paulino Santana that’s massive who’s got Texas how do I get this to you what’s your Instagram I I’ll message you right now I got give me your Instagram Louis lucenda that’s sick lucenda I’m telling you man these Sapphire selections are gorgeous noeli it’s never Ellie it’s always noeli oh Fernando Cruz Yuki not Yuji Yuki okay I’ll follow you on Instagram Jack VAR Jackson very nice on the variation Jackson let me send it to you right now buddy red no way red wait wait let them guess it red let them guess it it’s backer’s money Guess the red for a 100 go ahead I just did that to backer folks guess the red for a 100 gold right here gold Abbot the Reds rookies are never Elli gold Abbott wait Ls I’m trying to how do I send a herado this guy’s pretty good Washington cloth it says invites why can’t I send you something oh you’re on Instagram that’s why because you don’t follow each other F follow me I’ll send it to you I just followed you there orange and papa papa don’t I mean really papa you know for for those of you that don’t know when I’m on the things we do hold on Billy pause it for a second guys for those of you that don’t know how it works in this room not you papa the next break the next break is a full case of sapphire I’m adding it right now we call audibles in here when you hit a red and a papa you run it back this guy’s very good I’m adding another full case Billy’s opening it next Mark shoot go ahead there it is it’s in the you just listed it he’s listing another case guys get in hold up on what no I what is going on an error hold on the site is crashed give us crash back up let me we’re running this back this is sick we’re running on fanatic servers guys give a second wa why yeah why is it huh you got are trying too quickly to get in the next one oh I like that wow you do that’s your boy Mike Trout his best friend hold on what is going on here all right I’m adding a full case one second good koki gold to 50 koki how much was it 249 just just to be lucky I’ll do it at 248 I’ll do get your steals guys get your back or Deals and Steals all it’s in the store 248 took a do oh never mind I I wouldn’t take the dollar off that’s weird never mind 249 G go ahead it’s next nobody saves a buck yellow and gold this you have a case this hot you run it back that’s how it works in this business pack is crazy run it back Riley green to 75 gold Colt Emerson to 50 oh no it is in the store oh no I screwed up they’re buying in both oh no what did I do oh God all right I’ll make sure Jackson Merill can’t believe we had a black a red Papa it’s only the first half of the case all right Oreos took one here okay all right go ahead it’s in there green Flores oros go ahead I added another one yeah no I got it it’s right I fixed it oh this guy gold Bobby wit wow what is happen Bobby wit gold this is a case backer this is a case this is a case o little SK on top little skin on top Fise 75 all right B I’m going to show the red I’m going to show the red guys Sarah come over here Sarah hold on Billy’s got a red it’s Dylan Cruz no way Dylan Cruz on the red I want you to wait we’re waiting for the papa we’re waiting for the papa Billy has a red and a papa Dylan Cruz on the red who’s got Washington made it in time for the papa yeah this is uh this is the best case we’ve seen of sapphire I mean hold on let’s let’s do the now you want to do it now yeah we’re running this back case number four here we go this is huge gold first here Riley green to 50 I think it’s the second one we pulled in two boxes stand behind him so you can be in the be in the thing hold on hold on I want s be wait is it a bat that’s a batp and it’s a giant it’s lizel Diaz first Eric San Fran W for Eric on a first popup that’s the Papas are just I remember my first one of1 played for the same team does backa remember we’re running this back next oh nice one again Tate for the Phillies to9 this is Eric says his first one of one it’s you Eric welcome to is are you new with the oh give a wrench give him a wrench how about a papa again no way no way how about another papa no way no way who glitch case glitch case we have another popup another popup another Papa where are you Zion Papa Salis Den 75 guess the papa for 100 cuz nobody got the other one guess the papa for 100 cuz money case four is next I just added it attack attack shawell to 75 wow wow wow wow wow wow this case is unbelievable unbelievable Pablo Guerrero to 50 this is the second this is the second Auto in this box I know the r does that how many Autos have you seen in a box have you seen a three auto box no no two two I saw two Pao Guerrero is very nice by the way whoever’s got Texas who does have Texas I think that’s lucenda on that last spot and a black Dominguez in this case this has been a stupid case wow this has been a stupid case let’s do it you ready you ready backer you’re showing it now yeah you ready you’re showing it’s an Oro no it’s not it’s cursed at Papa wow that’s sick CSA cards it’s a rookie it’s a rookie it’s curad it’s a rookie what a case the other one what an item huh lizel Diaz first for the Giants Diaz two Papas in one case and a red tooot I’ve never seen that before wow Freddy Freeman solid now what a case man unbelievable just wait till you do a recap of this oh T the he’s probably go close to 100 bucks I would I’m telling you oh Aries guy tic proar it’s a 199 why is that eies guy profile Padres oh he’s a padre no he’s a white sock by the way you forgot you hit the Dominguez black he’s I said it 10 times Dominguez black took my first picture there’s Leo still better than any picture switches ever taking oh here now I could send it because you followed me great orange there I just sent I sent you the picture there LS guys if the next case is doesn’t f by the time I’m done with these next dozen packs you’re all crazy you’re all crazy I know we’re going to keep guys I I’m going to link it I’m linking the next break it’s another Factory seal case nope it’s down to 18 I just added it yes it is good call 18 left Lou check your DM put first Brown’s going to pick out a really spicy case for us a really spicy case see brown I can’t wait for you to show this recap Mike Trout Jose Castro another Yankee gold sh gold jordan Wicks Cubs nice thank you Louis yep you got it how could you not Louis right he says I had to get into the next break no [ __ ] gilded fours after that by the way unless we keep hitting Jung hul Lee Jung Lee that Zion Papa favorite player on the planet is it actually it is selection here Auto of Santana again second Santana selection Auto of the case lucenda cleans up lucenda cleaning up yeah his favorite player is double yellow huh you ever seen two in a case I feel like probably not but I feel like when the sapphire cases run well they tend to run really well so how many FES did you get total three you see today Legacy had not they had got their I don’t get it and then so then s you no last Bo off all weekend no he’s just yeah he was telling people like black we’ll go over it after Dio to 75 we got black going oh my God it’s a monster aseno black 10 of 10 who’s got McCrae that’s massive that’s massive SES that is massive Billy you’re on fire right now Billy you are on fire Billy stop doing this SM a lot ofs for you doesn’t work for them and vice versa gold Mano it’s really weird that it works it’s an Ali Ali base manzardo gold the FL going oh yeah well now for us too what a case like I already know the gild I already know what now it’s going to eat up gilded way more than Sapphire yeah Sapphire sappire is never a good product for whatnot never is and we’re going to eat up and on Instagram’s getting up Sapphire more than gilded yeah LK for and fanatic live is fanatic live yellow and gold yellow and gold he’s actually doing Delight right now he’s doing he’s doing ad Junior to 75 oh gold the backers guy that’s my boy right there I’m a buyer hanging ly for cinnati and mcra when he hit the second Auto double auto box again Eduardo Herrera white socks last pack what’s been an incredible case incredible case is right get you a recap guys crazy case full recap by color let’s start with the base watch this recap folks if you’re just tuning in live here’s your base let’s I’m going to give you all here here’s your order start with that Billy show them all that here we go guys recap Alli cardo Guerrero variation there’s a Leo Alani hero skin Marl Yama holiday holiday variation look at this recap another Leo colors now guys colors there’s a lot of people in here Freddy Freeman sha well trout guys we’re down to 13 on get in the next full 13 left and that’s it it’s more than halfway full sh I just added it Shang limb this is Bobby wi gold loed Billy just Billy literally just opened the best sappire case in the last week in this building and it’s not close agree byas orange yeah it’s not two Papas and one case two Papas and a red plus a black show the other here we go guys look at this watch this recap Dominguez black to 10 L picture here’s your autos herado Tate Paulino selections Tate green Flores green Pablo gold to 50 Paulino orange selection black asencio to 10 massive card red Dylan Cruz to five lizbell first Papa one of one and a cursed dad rookie Papa unbelievable congratulations to Billy and more congratulations to all the contestants in that that was unbelievable that was nuts that’s got to be one of the best Sapphire cases you’ve ever opened yeah I think anybody’s everever open find me someone who’s open a better one phenomenal case we’re we’re running it back and we’re doing it live right now doing it live here record thank you thank you number four number four I’m gonna put it up beat get in the break now please after that we’re going to a sold out gilded what a phenomenal case lucindo that was incredible just to be a part of that was unbelievable so don’t beat the sword or beat the sword I would but it’s it’s we call the fast people will get it in the regular mail they’ll be happy I guess this is a disaster why can’t what is happening your website sucks all right I’m gonna have to do it manually I’ll do it manually here James lives in a mansion out here in Vegas off your time all right here we go the TRU okay I’m going to manually put it in here bar blz in the chat all right here it is what’s up yo yo cloth go through the store go through the store as I’m inputting the names that was amazing that was nuts no T Eric TX breaks mate took two thank you mate please just go through the store let me let me let me figure this out uh jayen what a spot McCrae listen if you can afford it man the math proves out if you if you’re able to buy in like that Lewis took a spot if you can afford to buy in five spots in a saff Thomas he took a spot Oreos he took a Oreos for dinner took a spot as well another all right let’s see what else is off here how many are left we’re down to five juwel for one Lucinda for two five left that’s it Zilla one oh Joseph what up my man Joe Joseph for two who am I missing clth did you take one or two CL you took one right Garrett took a spot ATP took a spot CL you took one I believe right I I my we have four left yep we’re up to date we have four left GQ you want in how many spots do you want GQ hold on never GQ what do you want right one for GQ GQ you should have seen the last case we just opened two Papas black Dominguez hold on we wait hold on we may not I may not be able over no it’s not hold on guys hold on no one’s in yet problem is is the uh yeah there’s an issue with the back hold on there’s an issue with the back end I can’t it might have to just be through the store guys I’m sorry let me see actually hold on never mind hold on let’s see what else came off okay papa took one all right I got three left all right GQ you got one fire you got one and Chad you get one we’re we’re sold out great all right you got everyone could send 249 you don’t need to take it fire if you don’t want to sorry I saw someone else will take it fire if you don’t want a 249 it’s a full case to Sapphire close it in the shop we have backup if you don’t want it fire let me know all right you got Caleb send over that’s awesome awesome thank you Caleb cloud all right hold on so we have GQ you want one and all right send to dilman GQ 718 for one so we we just have a cat we have to there’s not many we got to figure out we got to figure out what we’re going to we got screwed on the guild and [ __ ] ship why didn’t show up no a lot of it it’s Monday oh didn’t know that I put the so the 5K sir I put in for you to do five Cas sir I mean it’s good Marg is going to help him so it’s good it’s there’s a lot of players but it’s all it’s all $99 not even yeah okay so that’s so here’s what you have right we’re you’re going to do a random player break of this full case you have um I added two boxes for you of this okay I want to you know get other people involved Delight here I’ll add more Delight Delight you came in so you’re good on Delight add more Delight I added some hobby how many Guild did you guys get through we’re we’re going to do we’re GNA we’re going to do I’m going to do the fourth and I’m G we’re going to do this then gilded then get off and you can take on does he have the list for B Chrome e he has it he has the list yeah I add I’m adding some more Delight as we speak the five casers going toight to the S email is it got the BL email yeah yeah I can just grab it on the Gmail there or just put it in the blz baseball sheets you can drop in incomplete like all the dates on them all right ready what’s up everyone we’re sold out again this is another random team full case just tuning in live the last case Billy hit two Papas really and he hit two and he hit a red car stab red Dylan Cruz black Dominguez the only way that we run this back is if we improve from the last case if we don’t we move to gilded four that is sold out let’s roll the dice seven times one five six s how do you improve on that you hit a pop up bigger than K that seven times on the the teams remember the A’s and Cardinals are a combo the Rockies and tigers are a combo the guard Guardians and Marlins are also a combo seven times Padres are up up top let’s see mccrae’s got the Padre’s again it’s a cheat code from McCrae the Padre’s again wow unb believable let’s see who has what Dodgers is Lewis Eric has the Pirates who’s got Cincinnati ATP and who is the Rangers McCrae wow mccrae’s gonna have a break and I said it before the break started when you buy five spots your odds are so good GQ who do the Billy Billy who do billies Phillies have who does he who he got Phillies oh you would had a nice case in the last one Tate Edwardo tat had like three autos on the last one Eduardo Tate’s the big one for them I’ll say it again it’s the guy Kars buys Kars has all the big Tates gilded 4 is sold out and it’s not next it’s it’s 100% next unless unless this case outperforms the last one with which is very very difficult and we will run this case back again we’d have to be to curse that Papa here we go guys back was at the UNLV basketball game yeah Jessie L did you what’s up selection right away he’s he loves yeah Jack lighter Texas Texas already McCrae how was it gold and yellow I’ve been to a game before it’s oh my God that’s massive who’s got Atlanta mccre oh my God that’s massive telling you you pay up took spots that’s so big that’s huge right Mario bayz 75 Braves again that’s a massive card orange Soder Strom orange 25 who’ they play it’s like Pepperdine they beat the hell out of Pepperdine really what was the spread 14 I was on the wrong end of that one really it was 235 in the first 9 minutes no way yeah they Five Points black oh really black already box one skin why could the skin be the Black Diamond Back Solair to 10 first orange I mean this is just cool Corbin orange to 25 Lucinda very nice is Corbin your closest friend in baseball or trout no trout or Machado really is in the incomplete tab guys take your five case player breakup update that will be the last one at that format we need to add another one with HTA figure out how to do AR guy curly I want to put HTA on the same price you just change it the B so we’ll do that yeah take your your five Cas sir guys it’s going today it’s going soon take all the the cheap players every Elites off her aut green very nice Nationals TX breaks plenty of good reason to chase players because of the bounties Bounty that’s right the bounties by the yes adly to 75 300 superfractor non 500 superfractor Auto 3K for any mlbw patch noo I need MCC to S me that black albertis 50 dadd he might sell you I buy black sapphires when they pop up that’s actually something I PC that that another hertle back to back boxes TX breakes that he might sell you cuz it’s not a it’s not a giant card or of schemes ooky bats gold that’s sick yeah this stuff is you know what’s great I love being on this side of it watching you open this and just doing this whole recap just looking look at all the color you’ve seen in in L four boxes it’s such a beautiful product it really is does Jazz have Autos in gilded I actually think he I think he he’s Mar he has to be marins the products are made so in Advan oh that’s nice variation jom y j variation he’s on the Marlins I assume right Jordan Tony Bernard gold to 50 yep exactly y that’s what I figured yellow PCA yellow Cubs there’s proa 199 white socks oh yeah Ricky we’ll do another 5K so but I’m going to put it in with the light we’re going to do it with the light Ricky gold Mike Trout oh that’s so nice Mike Trout gold Orange of Pablo Guerrero I’m telling you man the Rangers are the oh my God we’re hitting all the big top guys are the nuts mcra Again by the way this is mcra again but we might be doing this you’re gold pero you’re halfway there to running this back you’re halfway there you need about three more Elite cards and then we two of the top guys in the whole product this is crazy Cho variation dude the Rangers don’t miss in this product for the record they don’t miss you can’t open a case browa ban again to 75 I’ve never how about this I’ve never opened up any product that’s been so dominant by one team honestly this is probably a bad PP price cuz the Rangers are going to be over a thousand easy in a full it’s take your random players guys take the random players in the store $34 get you a random player in this product for a full whole case it’s actually probably better as a random player product because even though Texas has a lot it’s different guys exactly well said exactly right CU he got the pink bat photo this is a random player really he A Mother’s Day photo you’re exactly right erie’s exactly right this is a random players really really good it’s down to 70 it’s how many players total two 202 202 it’s it’s more it’s 66% of the way full oh my god orange selection who’s it going to be wait hold on and you have and a and a yellow in the back wow Cubs is it imanaga PCA who is it it’s Fernando crw International Prospect Fernando Cruz 25 he’s good wrench yovani to 75 for the Mets exactly mg well said PYT with the Rangers by the player he’s it’s like Wendy Wendy we’re going to Rangers Wy it’s really crazy he’s exactly right that that Ellie is not a variation by the way True Green ail for the Dodgers very nice that’s another good one the Dodgers bro he’s you hit him the Dominguez before Lewis I told you you had to buy in again Le you’re on fire right now bro orange or gold gold Hunter Goodman rookie Rockies is he any good Hunter Goodman yeah yeah for the Rockies he’s pretty good orange for the orange radney to 25 Jo lucky Jo just took 10 players by the way oh my God wait what wow the player break is McCrae just took 20 Joe just took 10 guys the player break is down to 28 now uhoh 27 now verified on another one 2 seven left selection cat that’s going to be cat’s first break selection Padre Leo we’ve hit every monster Auto in this product in this case already oh my God that’s massive Billy you’re one card away from doing this again that’s massive guys you’re one card away one you need one huge card to run this back again again show show me one gold Pomo this is unbelievable de SEL C orange Paulino this is crazy cureo variation that’s not big enough you’re one red or Papa away from us running this back by the and if I run it back I got it we’re having technical difficulties I’m going to line it in the chat the random player is down to 14 by the way that will probably go ETA in about an hour depending on abil can slow down here Yama I want Yama motoc color is what I want y guys I have a dinner at 8 8 o’clock gold Henry Davis to 50 he was supposed to be almost the big SCH almost the big he’s the first overall pick I know he was supposed to be really good don’t worry let’s going radney to 199 diamond backs you can’t spend $34 better on a Friday night than joining into a random player is exactly right you can’t it’s sold out yeah there it is there you go sold out holiday it’s sold out the random player that was the best selling eie just sold that it is aund don’t worry we’ll do more of that you’re sold out on your first break amazing davers second 75 yellow well you still have four boxes yeah what is happening those big three AAS were the first four boxes orange Jeremy Rodriguez for the Mets this is so nice jayen Santana you hit two orange Autos a gold Auto two greens Auto and a Leo Sapphire selection Auto Herrera it’s a 75 Walcott never signed in any Sapphire huh why is that Walcott was the guy last year cuz his his first were thrown off because they were non Auto gold sh oh God sh Gold Wrench that’s sick three full Factory sealed boxes left we get sleeves they are yes he was so hot a year ago in Sapphire but he never had autos yordon 75 on the yellow cciio orange Arius for the Blue Jays 25 gold orange gold red chedre for Texas we’re hitting literally like all the top five guys in the product this is insane McCrae and it’s McCrae cleaning house on five spots unbelievable unbelievable stuff here orange give me a red or a pop of mat Olson 25 how old is Walcott not that old it’s pretty young Merl Fernando Cruz variation two boxes to go what a break oh he’s that young huh he’s 19 wow he’s a little kid Bas 75 Houston oh skin and then a gold Second Skin of the case Ronnie Mauricio gold that’s nice this is another wild case oh there he is GQ Tate to 199 there you go GQ GQ on the board here you go GQ yellow and gold yellow and gold Ras to 75 and the gold James Wood to 50 Otani last box backer’s going to do the next gilded and then catch jump it on for if if uh Sapphire Herrera to 199 white socks not if you hit a papa here Zas to 50 gold Bobby wi Jordan Lawler to 75 do you need any Falls tonight or no no put on a clinic in here or what it’s it’s Billy’s open to crazy he’s open to unbelievable here we go he keep saying orange gold black he’s opened two phenomenal cases of sapphire Chio oh my God another Pomo for McCrae oh it is McCrae this this ISE top guy in the product we just yeah we just hit his gold in the Gold auto too in the same an orange earlier this recap is going to be out of control out of control Leo all right let’s see the black oh there’s your gold right off the bat or yellow her tot that’s a nice one TX breaks the black is Giants of Luciano rookie nice mcra buy Garrett very nice all right let’s do a full that was nuts color yeah the random player I’ll add another one going to get in the back end we’re going to start you off with your color here we’re going to go with yellow we’re going to do it in order of uh watch this here’s all your color and your base can’t get a better recap than this I pride myself on Recaps unreal man Billy congratulations ohani skem Cruise variation juel I mean I juel I mean I listen I said it before the break started but you look at someone like McCrae he bought five spots and he just absolutely annihilated this triio variation Dominguez variation you know how it goes skes can’t always win them you know how it goes collar job well done Billy wow her that’s all I can say is wow builded PCA I’m opening one more Guild in then I gotta go James Wood Mauricio gold sh do gold look at thiso variation gold massive card trout gold mooki gold unbelievable look at all the orange yep look at all the orange Cru Sapphire selection orange Corbin orange Sodom black Luciano black Solair LOL Chad I know more here comes the Autos folks pero cat right here Jordan here’s what’s happening Billy and I are going to open a case of gilded number four it’s been sold out and then cat’s going to come right into a full case of sapphire random player I can’t wait to even watch that Leo full Morales huh full case yeah full case herado green aedre gold crazy Perdomo gold crazy Jeremy Rodriguez 25 Pablo Guerrero 25 crazy case thank you for joining that was phenomenal we’re going into gilded I’m going to go right now thank you what’s up everyone gilded gilded number four all right let’s do this you ready yes sir gilded number four so the bad news is we’re not going to have a lot of product for the weekend the good news is but Monday we’ll have a lot of everything grind through the weekend huh so we’ll grind through the weekend but you so you have update the light you have you have update okay cool you have you should have enough Sapphire uh no I’m going to a really we’re going to a really nice place for dinner put y got I don’t care to say it I’m actually going to dinner with the uh with the president guys it’ll be nice the two of us catch up Trump is good luck Gilda number four changing the industry in the world folks there’s a very good chance on Monday I will be doing a it’ll be like a a new gilded release up for Monday try to get who wants a player break for gild who’s who’s interested in like a 5k player break on who wants to hit the roof spot for pennies let’s go remember the Ruth cut goes to the Red Sox the non-baseball spot is all cards Billy tell them what that is the non-baseball spot presidential cuts and celebrity Cuts actually that’s even a better idea Jordan random player yeah we could probably do that good luck the president of Asia says johnz you’ve been in 20 Gilda break well I guess 16 of them are without okay I will Kevin what up Joe uh we’ll probably do one more here I have to look at the numbers I have to see what we have left Let’s Do It come on Kevin it’s a good challenge I want to I want to accept it Nolan Ryan that’s a great start for Houston who has him canesta Kevin let’s go you have okay you have him at least it’s he’s a Redemption right SK yes Danby Garcia don’t worry on Jared Jones Athletics who could who do we want G soda from you want Butler Lawrence Butler srom the A’s Zilla zilla’s having a good day box two I want to see an Otani Auto here otani’s also Redemption from what I heard is his Market going crazy or what is it yeah tremel Alan tremel that’s number to 99 and that’s going to the Tigers box two good luck L Brock St Louis there’s a SoDo for the Yankees to 50 there’s Yuki Matsui oh Mets Mauricio yep Mauricio is right to 99 for Joe amazing and the metropolitans biggest PC of all PC four boxes left good look there’s another one for the Ace sard of stum good luck something interesting sell might have rose gold something interesting there’s a Corbin to 50 it’s the first in the print himz interesting what’s interesting it’s Marco Luciano not that interesting for San Francisco not that interesting but it is for McCrae he he’s not going to quit until he h SK he says boom see okay this is where my prediction two Autos in this box that’s that’s my prediction you know what my prediction is yeah you just open the worst three boxes of this case that’s not a oh I that’s not a prediction that’s that’s a spoiler my prediction is these next yeah exactly it’s a spoiler I think there’s going to be two Autos in this in this Chrome pack based on the coalation that’s big that is wow no way Sandy kofax no way papa papa Don’t Preach that’s sick papa wants to know if kofax signs in kanji now that Papa that is interesting wow my guess is two Autos in here let’s see how good I am let’s see if I’m the best let’s see probably not Matos perea how good am I Billy Billy how do I know how do I know that how see you can’t teach that Billy you can’t teach that that that’s insane that is insane there’s two Autos in this pack run back to film McCrae Slide the team back or who are the teams that’s Wow have you noticed what the two auto box at the top is always really good wow the top one is always really good wow lingford up top who’s got him you have a moto on the bottom what a box papa papa just went crazy this week I always hit for Papa wow that’s the first Yamamoto in gilded wait the kofx was this box yeah it no way Billy’s looking look at I wish you could see his face right now Papa best box of all time I had a feeling like you know that box was I mean imagine you open like imagine going to your LCS and opening one box of that and that’s it it’s like you’re hooked for life that’s it I don’t know if that’s real I really don’t JD Scott’s in the room what up JD how’s South Carolina my buddy you still in South Carolina that was sick JD good luck I want to hit a non-baseball spot for DJ Altuve to 50 for Houston I think he W tell me I’m right jie I think you’re in Charleston yet yeah see I know we have rose gold coming up Gonzalez wow I love these cards they’re either number to 20 24 or one Garrett’s got SoDo Ellie to 75 nice oh my God it’s an orial Billy it’s an orial Billy it’s an oral it’s an orial I’ll say that it’s the third or fourth best Oro in the product second no it’s Gunner second best rookie yeah but Gunner and holiday better than curse Dad yeah that’s true one more about what a case is right unbelievable un that case went from the worst case in the run to probably a top five or 10% case sponge don’t say anything though keep that quiet Tom glavin one of the greatest pitchers in Braves history right there MGH nice hit let’s finish strong Tony Gwyn oh we got rose gold come on Gwyn to 99 Luis Robert to 50 chipper to 75 let’s end show swe to team backer no can he’s Redemption Redemption Nick Gonzalez yeah Gonzalez but it’s to five bill it’s red bill it’s to five that’s red buddy it’s not SK but it’s red McCrae will take it that’s what red looks like it’s to five really really good case some phenomenal product but even some better cards today wow what a day on Buzz baseball so far and it’s just getting started too you got cat all night let’s do a recap full recap of gilded wow good teamwork there that was we opened some great products no fantastic that was I love hitting big cards like this wow look at the recap folks Ellie Corbin uh that’s a billy [Music] question no they don’t uhuh just give them a little cleanup uh on the fingerprints on the edges So Dope honestly the chromes in this are some of the easiest grades in in baseball you know what I want to see I want to see the one one of the because these look insane I want to see what the 101’s look like they’re probably I’ve seen one today what’s theall name of C Storm C Storm let me work on the back look at this WOW Papa you want me to hold this for you it’s when I come I’ll just ship it look at this look at that look at that he’s live unbelievable unbelie the random player Caleb I got news for you it’s next guys that’s it for me today um I’m GNA add some stuff in the back end you got cat all night most of our gilded will show up on Monday and if it does I’ll probably come on and and maybe do a day session again I had so much fun I had so much fun uh one thing I want to say too is I don’t know if any of you guys have been watching the heads up poker matches with me and Patrick Anton it’s round three I beat him twice already we play again this Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. Pacific we’re playing for $400,000 live this Tuesday it’ll be on poker go watch it it’s entertaining it’s good and a little spoiler I’m not going to tell you who won but you guys can figure it out thank you thank you this was so much fun this was so much fun um take care of cat man take care of cat are next break is sold out get a sapphire case Sapphire player break sold out wow man that was that was awesome we pulled some huge cards that was great all right thanks baby baseball oh baseball how are we got a cook in a water here cook water garbage what is up baseball how are we you guys doing good you guys like my legs she’s got legs guys let me let me just clean up for about 3 minutes give me give me a hot three minutes over here clean up this place and square it away we’re good to go fresh cut a fresh cut shave them well yo that’s wild that’s wild wow what is this we have a new computer what the what’s going on over here never change never change here I’ll show you guys my face real quick just so we can say what’s up what’s up what’s up how you doing we’re just getting squared away here from these still got a a paper to print so just give me a second or two maybe more than maybe more than one second maybe just more than one second e love is a murderer New York I love you but you’re bringing me down like a rat in a [Music] cage all right cool cool cool what’s up what’s up let me still get squared away here guys this screens are need some updating here did you guys do everything on the screens except for screen three random Team Four yes you guys did that Breakers Delight did you guys do this you must have you guys must have done it it just get squared up for our nighttime session here and we’ll be good to go folks all right hold on what is going on here PYT number four you guys already did that right just hasn’t been killed from the store just want to make sure all right e e should be 202 it is on the money oh wait you guys can’t even see I’m looking at this one we’re doing the random player full case here just making sure our list is good we have 202 we are breaking CSA that’s why we’re here baby that is why we’re here awesome cool cool cool good luck everyone let’s do this thing I’m actually going to hit the hard hard reset after this break but I know you guys we want to see some cards here so let’s see some cards on this random player all right let’s do this thing we’ll go ahead and shoot our email out love is murderer the new setup looks absolutely glorious over here for for all right let’s go let’s wait for this email to send out and then we’re good to go here folks what’s up everyone what’s up Ken still waiting for this email to send out come on let probably send an email to 100 people what’s up ladies and gentlemen 24 Bowman Chrome Sapphire full case random player number one welcome in here we have 22 spots 202 players good luck let’s roll the dice for the players first 6 plus 4 that equals 10 6 plus 4 that equals 10 let’s go to our players first let’s go down 202 you see there perfect let’s go to 10 hopefully you guys can see everything yes you can awesome you about to start yep we just started with the top cool whatever bro whatever bro whatever bro get tough with me whatever bro what’s going on whatever bro what’s up baby all right 10 10 you see there play is 202 Gavin Williams at the top P Crow Armstrong at the bottom perfect still a 10 6 plus 4 that equals 10 should be 202 it is verified the try eight nine 10th and final Knack at the top oh my God a l it’s I thought it was team for a second has a random player here an air Jord random player you know what you’re a random player oops sorry I hit conf confirm form re resubmission but it is 10 you can go back on it there you guys go let’s do this thing 10 let’s get this show on the road here I’m going to alphabetize yeah let’s alphabetize there you guys go there is your list here you go let’s go pretty slow through it just so you guys can see who you got I probably should have put your guys’ names in alphabetical order so you can see who you do have [Music] here you go real quick just check this out so you guys can see there you go we have uh Billy scroll down a little bit so people can see the name right here there you go guys all right here we go I’ll start from the top guys take a good look you won’t see it for that long running gilded no more gilded running tonight on Monday we have like our uh another release day on Monday because our shipment was messed up with gilded don’t worry backer’s on the phone with the president already figuring it all out there you go guys here since McCrae seems to hit everything I’ll let you guys see what McCrae has yeah there you go this McCrae guy here Here Comes Here Comes the Carly Martha paper daser he’s got he’s got Leo deyan Dominguez of course and Pablo Guerrero he’s got Pablo Guerrero and the Crazy Jay James Wood MGH one spotting Julio one spot Julio I love you MGH doesn’t get rougher than that nice sorry about that pancake cards pancake cards make it nice and flat how much was one player spot you know 40 bucks 40 bucks 30 40 bucks 30 40 bucks I think wow Beyond affordable 34 you don’t have rookie but you have judge all right a judge I’ll take that what’s up Cole all right was that picture what was that picture from you and allar game oh okay cool you thought it was the other night we went out to dinner I did I really did I was like what that was uh we had breakfast together at the allstar game and nice got your manicure pedicure as well mhm yeah all right good luck everyone let’s do this thing 2024 Bowman Chrome Sapphire the first look here we go let’s do it good luck everyone One auto per box is that what we’re looking at a lot of boxes have two to three Autos crazy koki orange orange start us off here let’s go oh my God what a start that’s massive who’s got poly okay now we’re going to have to this is we got to do it the other way alab now we got to do it the other way actually you know what here just click in hold on hold on just we could do we could do F and search but I got you I got you hold on I just saw him right here oh I was right on him I know but I was right on now you can find him holy smokes I was right on him J oh my God that’s a monster JG 11 out of 25 how you turn $34 into $1,000 dude what 34 that’s how you turn $34 into $1,000 folks JG you are that it’s as easy as that let’s go it’s literally as easy as that the heck is JG at we’re going to start a beat the SW wall today immediately let’s go injur Al MVP let’s keep rolling here what is this Sapphire which uh random player number one RP RP new RP ell rookie base orange one more Orange it’s Eldridge team color match that unfortunately no we are not we are not only better color I don’t think there’s an orange you could hit that’ll beat that little Eldridge action let’s go JG Oh What A Time her out of 199 her was just absolutely flying Victor her PPI pelisse let’s go pal poopies poopy poopy poopy stinky uhoh stinky uh oh stinky yeah Chris Bryan actually goes in a weird we’re getting weird yeah we’re getting weird Billy’s weird guys sorry about that everyone and konos strand out of 75 another 11 out of 75 if you got Chris BR this I am so sorry for you I don’t think I don’t think his papa pays for your spot Chris Bryan in the chat uh oh stinky uh oh stinky Cruz face bage B Sher and shakach all right we already sorrow Jacob our boy Jacob Wilson see Manfred said 100% that the A’s are coming to Vegas yeah I will manfred’s also lucky if he doesn’t get hit by a b yeah it’s true he’s that’s a big promise big promise you’re making in there uh stinky stinky topl sure why not why not Paro base that’s Brave I’ll ask you this if you were doing this by yourself would you topload it yes yeah right yes I would have yeah right what do you got gold and a gold gold rookie and a gold prospect let’s see Lane Thomas here out of 50 goes to the Lane Thomas spot not the Nationals oawa oawa gold [Music] KB KB how dare you say that about yourself KB Harry Ford that’s funny that’s so sorry K you’re knows you’re a cub Legend what are you no shut up shut up show the card hurry up don’t be backwards wow here we go let’s go Ryland Thomas thank you for coming Brock wilin thank you for coming Evan Carter thank you for coming Redemption congratulations you are due to receive a sapphire selections Auto Orange give it to me peel it peel it peel it peel it peel it peel it peel it w here massive who’s got W JT torboy toroi wow Sapphire selections Auto orange of Wyatt uh nasty piece there wow to how about the little Wyatt you know they call that what do they call that and uh oh stinky stinky have you seen picture of that Ape from that Meme I mean of the ape I don’t know I know the meme I gotta look it up now yeah let’s go Ben rice rice spice bro what rice spice see yellow here bucko Andy Rodriguez out a 75 to the Andy Rodriguez let us know if you want to send this to PSA yeah we’ll grade the Redemption the Redemption card really Bowser oops oops that’s all right write it in the article that’s an uh oh just let them know yeah that’s an uh oh how about a promo yellow H pip Jose 41 out of 75 let’s go wow I was going to say what was our second out H stupid stupid uh Stupid only blue like what do you mean Jordan like it’s not the white redemptionist oh cool Yankees signed Trent Grisham he was already a former Yankee Legend Kyan Paris here yellow rookie out a 7 five they should sign Matt Carpenter back Matt Carpenter Tren Gish yeah all those names bring all those guys back useless signs in the in the beginning Sapphire selections Auto here it’s Paulino here nice piece here Paulino God this camera is just glorious oh on this there’s no uh oh is he saying uhoh I know exactly what that is Junior stinky is that image variation Junior was it the second card 135 yeah it was 135 5 6062 I’ll tell you now it was yes sir yeah yes sir image variation of Junior cool piece let’s go looks like Hama that is wild PCA base yellow Vargas nice Vargas here on the yellow yellow hat is IV oh the came and arrow yeah yeah we got it Junior by way who was it thank you thank you that Junior was Brew brew who’s on Junior who the hell is he right here I just said Brew oh my fault my fault I thought thought was I thought you saying brute wow that’s crazy Ellie out of 50 here smelly Ellie kale let’s go kale Honda Honda Honda stinky 10 out of 50 stinky this here wi’s PP G load they’re probably pricing it out now probably taking care of it’ll probably be in there for Bowman Chrome Sapphire probably pretty soon gilded I don’t know if it’ll be in there if we were running one I don’t remember what back was saying relax what is this guy saying Valor here Valor here out of 199 Stolen Valor Stolen Valor out of 199 not for the fish spot for the Andres Valor spot who out Andro Valor what’s your guess need to guess Oreos o TC my dog TC little Paul SK here in front of a yellow in front of a gold cowser yellow rookie 75 Colt ker dun liy dun Jake Bloss Jake Boss out of 50 you are you uh are you a buyer in the market for the Livy D Paul schemes 101 tops now you’re not that’s not what you messaged me last night I’ll just buy a base when I get it signed dude you dm’d me last night and you were like dude did you see I’ll go through the done back window and get one s back window in Melody still can’t believe I put my number in chat the other day that was and nobody texted me I can’t believe you did that I thought that was a joke I thought you were I still thought you were putting my phone number in the chat to try and quote unquote prank me prank as a prank as a prank as a prank as a prank but this guy’s this guy’s no pranker uhoh Gold Sapphire selections here o Gold auto Sapphire selection in front of a sh non Auto but it’s col excuse me Coulson Montgomery here 9 out of 50 to the Coulson monery spot good news guys you could do you could do up to pt9 of gilded today I we’re watching I know I saw this case is and and the w l for Redemption you could do up to nine on the Gilded you know I’m giving I gave Instagram two cases that’s it you could do nineo okay and I there’s a small chance actually more Guild is coming tomorrow y nine cases are guilded PYT 9 is safe all the way to nine go ahead scoop them up we’re going to do it tonight yep cat’s got them all of nine we’re going to do it tonight all right buddy lug go here yes sir you got it nice Lugo here any gilded though cool you got it all right great so yeah there five there huh uh oh uh oh back I I was dude literally the first thing I thought of as soon as I heard back I looked at the looked at the computer make sure he would thought he was in JJ again exactly Jay je the president of jayj is actually who backer’s going to meet yeah president of Asia that’s so great president of stupidest Comon of all time nice Leo nice nine for gilded PYT number nine for gilded Royce Lewis yellow here out of 75 he’s talking about gilded we’re doing up until nine PYT n and we’re gonna do it spots y JS ffjj SNJ s r YJ yjs fjj SN SJ TSR I you should have told me you were doing that jsr I’m on the money I don’t think so on the money that might be a variation Carter it is a variation Carter variation here 135 yes sir 35 don’t buy gilded who doesn’t buy gilded what that is wild to say Edwardo Herrera here out of 199 Herrera out of one 99 here autograph Rida oawa 57 out of 75 on the numbers game who isawa playing the numbers game orange you glad I didn’t say banana Josh Young here out of 25 hey young out of 25 it nice knowing you pleasure a pleasure nice Orange let’s keep rolling build’s awesome we just did some beautiful we just did a couple gilded up until nine we can do here ladies and gentlemen Mike Trout with a bunch of dust on him Dusty trout show top all right halfway mark 50% through we’re halfway there oh yeah nice CMB guys gilded up to PYT number nine we’re doing make sure you guys go and grab those make sure you guys go and grab those we’re doing it tonight we are Merill in front of a sapphire selections non-auto of vlat Guerrero the vlat Guerrero spot what’s up Vasquez nice eight and [Music] 11 he did storm out gold and an orange here Gold auto nice ta here who’s got Eduardo ta where is he CSA let’s go CSA nice Tai here gold 13 out of 50 very nice Lucky 13 and orange Braves huren walr our Bowman boy golden child walri nice gold finally our first numbered Auto our first numbered uh excuse me auto not out of 199 nice Paul SK space let’s pick it up let’s pick it up show face showface and orange here Cardinals nice Mason win was hoping for it Mason win here out of 20 five Mason CSA again backto back boxes back toback pack CSA you and me CSA it’s you and me here I’ll do this real quick just because I don’t know if people saw there thank you Chad these are your players here of course it’s all the way backwards J uh Raphael Montgomery Jeremy Rodriguez Jeter Martinez and Louie Morales Momo they call him all right bro we get it all right bro all right bro you got it nice sounds good AJ Smith Sher upside down the yeah upside down s you Auto what’s up his Auto oh yeah just as of course of course we’re all over the we are all over what’s going on here Show’s upside down everon Pereira Jacob Wilson’s all upside down oh my gosh got C forgot open the packs guys jensy Ras I open fortnite today for the first time in four months I’m sorry what did you say I opened fortnite today oh first time in four months played the video game not the okay played one game Victory Royale got off why is this on the top wow they forgot how to pack Roy Lewis on the top out of 10 one out of 10 to the Royce Lewis spot with a little jerric profar here out of 199 jerck jerck jerck profar J okay interesting pack there thank you for your Royce Lewis thank you for your profar thank you come again thank you come again oh yeah Zill we’re gonna set that up you and Billy One V one someone play me in the show for money I’ll play you in the show for money that’s how I made money in college I’ll play you in the show for money yeah I’ll play you in the show I’ll put in the show for money we could do that we could do that the gold and yellows are hard to tell sometimes live stream get a get a get a live betting Market going that’s how I made all my money to college $150 a game 10 games a day really $150 a game mhm like you both put it up yeah love it websites you just oh you use that bro that is ridiculous gold here Boblo adios gold Jazz 50 out of 50 last in the print oh H Jazz chubby chubby oh who [ __ ] their pants stop it tell me you didn’t love that video though the worst video ever how’s that the worst video ever YouTube buddy dude dude Santana out of 99 oh my God Santana out of 99 huge sick monster yeah I couldn’t get it past I was distracted by your [ __ ] farting dude sorry excuse my language excuse my language you dropped one before I did yeah yeah wow I’m sure someone just lost a bet someone just lost a bet somewhere I can’t believe that this guy wow out of control wow Ben rice out of 50 I can’t believe that Jordan you couldn’t death bomb was not on my bingo card folks I’ll tell you that sorry about that one folks wow sorry about that one folks I mean come on Shak and he’s so scared for his life come on oh yeah D Schneider Twisted Sister out of 75 no I’m scared I’m going to [ __ ] excuse me pass wow two of them two wow he dropped two in a minute you see what happens when Billy’s in the room wow even people without wrenches know how rare it is this is wow that what close your ears wow Jordan wow there you go B Bo out of control all right can we get a big piece here can we get a big big big piece Yogi Teriyaki for lunch you ever had y the Teryaki no it’s next to Dutch Brothers which one the one down the street you to the Dutch Brothers over on the other side of the highway yeah yeah I’ve seen it Valor Stolen Valor out of 99 Andres two autos for Valor who had himc TC gold yellow it’s we in the back here Jerri proar jerck Durban Poison oh my God Almighty what a monster that is oh my God A variation IV here of Ellie o what a monster nine out of 50 my friend nine out of 50 that is disgusting Ellie on the IV post post Victory maybe they lost and he’s happy yeah maybe they lost he’s just smiling cash is that PCA Base Air Jordan I just saw a message from you on Facebook from like six months ago my bad I just saw that today Wyatt there was something about Wyatt lford speaking of want oh W yet gold D de los Santos out of 50 D Schneider one more time Rockies Goodman it’s Chris Bryant H our boy paid KB there you are paid qu where’s our color where’s our whopping color gold Auto D de los Santos here for the twins but really for the D de los Santos spot congrats on the topload KB you earned it Paulino base yellow yellow come on wilin out of 75 Brock disenzo Brock P Jose Ramirez J Ram out of 75 on another yellow this is random player actually still random player RP new RP flood I still feel there’s two Papas in a case I know s I’m annoyed right now woo where’s our piece we got one box left here one box to go good luck orange probably sells better than both Papas I random pick your player yeah Junior base nice Pomo let’s go Jose this guy’s flying out I would lock up your Braves in any of these cases STL here nice Pace dude Doo’s just flying lighter out of 75 Rangers I know it went from 14 and a half now we looked in that I saw 11 last night looks like 10 and a half now I mean it’s crazy it doesn’t make any cense I wonder if it gets down to single digits but not before this black here hold up Cole Keith rookie for the Rockies here it’s going to be Deigo Deigo on his first nine out of 10 rocks black who is it Deigo Ariel Deigo there he is Breezy beagle Breezy beagle easy breezy beautiful Bernard Steven Sten Steven gold ranger adus Garcia Garcia one more in the store go check the store ladies and gentlemen pyp to me random player number two is in the store go check it out Sapphire selections it is our autograph little Nala piece I haven’t seen Nala out of this so far Arjun Breezy again Bey beautiful bre beags one pack remains good luck no image variation no color in our final pack all right ladies and gentlemen we’ll give you a recap here all right ladies and gentlemen we’ll think about a recap here coming up here’s your recap folks base you never hit record ah I almost got you bro that fre out did I freak out yeah you did I hate that I hate not recording image variations here EV Carter cero just two some yellow pieces then everyone the chat goes this is a scam he didn’t record he didn’t record tooto Vargas Rangers Rangers rangers Pomo nice yellow Golds Chris Bryan of course rice spice Y what the s word forbidden word are using a lot of forbidden words today lot of forbidden words today so far Deigo black Royce Lewis black sapphire selections COA Montgomery out of 50 here are your autographs couple white socks Valor pado nice Perdomo Lugo Valor one more time there’s Paulino de los Santos ta out of 50 nice piece Nala Paulino and I I mean Jesus I thought this was over three bangers excuse me four bangers Wyatt Langford on the orange sapphire selections Redemption Ellie out of 50 on the gold 10 out of 50 Ellie image variation out of 50 disgusting and Paul skines out of 25 on the orange ladies and gentlemen 2024 bman sou Fire full case random player number one thank you you know he’s go like the same box right it just came in separate I know but I figured you’d want to put a wall true let put up a wall Billy what you guys got over here stuff for another day I’m out buddy you are baby dude thank you you going you want to eat with the president of Asia yeah president of Asia people don’t know that’s my grandfather what’s up what’s up Phil pot what’s up diber to grading you got it buddy let’s do it ladies and gentlemen five cases are coming up ladies and gentlemen the ski to grading the gold the orange I mean cool cool cool you got it buddy I’m just going to take him down from the stack just to put him in the PSA requests because I don’t want to forget I don’t want to forget Steelman what is up brother okay all right guys let me upload all the videos that haven’t been uploaded yet what’s up Joe we’re going to do um let me tell you in a second go grab uh anything from the store ladies and gentlemen we’re going to do all these Bowman Chrome sapphires tonight hopefully and gilded we’re going to do tonight gilded PYT number five is full sorry we’re actually running the uh we’re actually running the uh gilded PYT number five let’s just put up the actual breaks here here since it’s all over the place on our screens go grab some spots in the store ladies and gentlemen gilded and Bowman Chrome Sapphire if you want to take any of your five case pick your players please go ahead and do so for for bro JG you got a email psag grading atthe it’s at the bottom of the screen you’re going to see here in a couple seconds psag grading atthe and you would just send six bucks for the prep and review um yeah I think it’s best to send the six bucks right when you send the email so that the um so that PSA people don’t have to email you back to get those six bucks they can just get the process rolling over here so yeah you can use pay your six bucks and then I would put the order number for those six bucks yep you got it buddy okay there’s like nobody left here for this uh 5K case picker player so I’m just going to put it up on the screen here I’m not going to worry about getting out any of these players we’re full on a couple on a break here or two so when we get to it can get to it for right now I want to see cards but I also have to set up everything on these screens and website might be down well website down everyone hang tight e for if there are any videos that did not get uploaded could you guys let me know so I can try and go in the back end I I don’t I can’t really tell what’s what is uploaded and what hasn’t uploaded if there are any that are missing there might not even be any that are missing I just uploaded like the last five breaks that were in the store that I saw here you know just as I do B all right website looks like it’s down everyone just hang tight here we’re going to go grab our Gilda case no it’s not the last case of gilded at all not at all backer came in and said we can do up till nine as far as I understand guys if you want to go fill up that random player there’s it’s only 34 bucks a spot would love to do that one more time tonight all right guys I think we’re like actually finally set up here let’s do this thing gilded is coming up next year PYT number five guys go grab your future Bowman Chrome Sapphire two box breaks the random player full case Wayne what’s up man that is correct Mr Nelson that would be correct all right let’s get this show on the road here we can send our email start our video let’s do this thing what’s up ladies and gentlemen 2024 tops guilded collection of full case break PYT number 5 welcome in let’s do this thing it’s like a box within the box here [Music] all right good luck ladies and Gentlemen let’s do this thing box number one good luck let’s do it they were starting off with these first usually start off with this one first we’ll do it good luck ladies Gentlemen let’s do it we are off here Steve Carlton here for the Phils gonna go to go Birds Go Birds Go on the gold frame here just me here for right now ladies and gentlemen should be uh I think Marge is on her way so that’s cool Marge should be on the way nice Larry Walker here love a little Larry Walker out of 75 for the Rocks Goes To Oz Wizard of Oz we got a we got a blue in the back here those are out of 50 Austin Riley here out of 99 for the Braves gold Mini Diamond griffy very neat piece here for the Mariners Seattle Shore Sports Griff out of 50 and our Blue Gold auto for the Angels is going to be cabbage Trey cabage on the blue out of 50 25 one box down cool Scott rolling here for the Phils backtack frame for the Phillies here go Birds Go Scott ran 99 as well on that one 86 out of 99 on him guys go grab your futures we have a Redemption we have a Redemption with two Autos here what’s going on Altuve out of 99 Bagwell out of 10 that’s a cool piece here for Houston hon Bagwell out of 10 super tough to sweat him here image variation cast in Gold auto of Colt Keith Caston go uh Caston go it is out of 199 okay that’s not what I thought not what I thought not what I thought here for the Diamondbacks here on our Auto as well it’s Corbin nice Cor out of 99 here cting Gold’s out of 199 okay good to know good to know Corb Zilla nice cool key there for the Tigers that was a really nice box thanks Jordan our third frame here it’s going to be Rod Karu from Minnesota out of 50 here Rod crew on our gold frame to the twins goes to Teddy goes to steady Teddy out of 50 this will send us to the halfway mark ladies and gentlemen Tony Tony went another piece out of 10 you allow it you’d allow it Jordan Tony Gwyn out of 75 Austin Martin out of 99 believe he’s out of 10 here on the lava excuse me he’s out of 25 a little different parallel look little different parallel look still low numbered out of 25 in our Auto for the guards Gavin Williams out of 75 Gavin Williams out of 70 five that was a halfway mark folks three boxes remain here in gilded go grab your future gilded by the way backer came in and said that we were doing up until nine tonight so go grab your gilded we will be doing it and marges in route over here at the bled so we’re going to have some some Hands-On deck over here we’re going to be banging breaks out left and right for real for real here we go halfway through let’s have a big second half of this case here big second half of this case Jimmy Rollins out of 25 Rollins here grab that Gwyn grab that gwin Jimmy Rollins here one more for the Phillies I think the third Philly frame third Philly frame here 18 out of 25 our lowest numbered frame as well Matty mlan here out of 75 in the gold wave Seager out of 99 out of 25 here at schulta nice sha and our autograph for the Angels another Angel nice Mike Trout let’s go out of 30 29 out of 30 that is disgusting for the Angels JC that is a beauty 29 out of 30 here on Mike Trout from gilded Mikey never gets old nice Mike Trout nice sh nice stuff oh okay cool yeah yeah I saw like the old the old Padre logo like with Tony Gwyn most memorable Don madingley here out of 50 the dawn out of 50 what number was Don maddingley single digits no he can’t beat single digits what number was Dawn 33 out of 50 here for the Yankees goes to Kurt 23 ah black I knew there was a three in there I knew there was a three in there another Redemption South Relic here out of 75 on the wave wave here out of 75 to the Brewers eway eway McCutchen here out of 99 catel Marte out of 50 tops grome Gold auto of show he oani to the Dodgers and McCrae beautiful piece here a little shohi on card that’s ridiculous show hey absolute Banger absolute Banger for the Dodgers and mcra you know it’s a big piece when McCrae says whoa whoa code is good show my goodness Almighty so what is that out of 99 aume out of 99 M CR let’s go dude not a Paul skines let’s go nice nice McCrae let’s go that would be awesome and then salad a 75 nice piece great box there it’s actually been a solid case second half second half of this case has been a lot better 30 like the trout oh my God oh my God that’s disgusting McCrae that is so nasty McCrae and last but not least your our last gold frame of this case out of 10 to the Mets and Joe amazing Keith Hernandez Keith Hernandez here out of 10 these gold frames are so heavy Keith beautiful five out of 10 Lois numbered and our final pack here folks good luck Andre simz at a 75 to the guards here stein Andre simz k out of 99 out of 50 on the mini Diamond it’s Jared Jones Jared Jones out of 50 for the Pirates and McCrae was hoping for something Yankees to round it all out here folks it’s going to be wsie out of 75 cool piece for the Yanks here goes to Kurt 53 out of 75 on the wells autograph what a great second half of that case all right folks here’s your recap let’s do the uh let’s do the base first base bad word for it and then we’ll get to our autographs after out a 99 here 75 on the wave ah yeah I see what you say about that Tony gwy cool piece Larry Walker out of 75 Mini Diamond here Jared Jones catel Mar Ken Griffey Jr these are out of 25 sha out of 25 had Jeff Bagwell here for the Houston Astros out of 10 six out of 10 to your frames Roland out of 99 maddingley out of 50 Rod Karu out of 50 Carlton 50 Jimmy Rollins here out of 25 and last but not least for the gold frames Keith Hernandez out of 10 five of 10 here are your autographs Corbin out of 99 we had a Redemption casting gold variation Auto of col Keith very cool piece there for the Tigers and mut mut Welly here out of 75 Gavin Williams out of 75 cabbage on the blue out of 50 Mike Trout out of 30 for the Angels 29 out of 30 for Price beautiful piece and last but not least for the one and the only McCrae how about Sho Otani on the tops Chrome Gold auto for the Dodgers and McCrae just a beauty just an absolute Beauty congrats mcra that is an awesome piece there I’m going to beat this St on the Mike Trout and the sh all right that was 2024 top skiled collection of full case break PYT number five thank you website still down think so buddy I think so t uh T might have came back might have just came back we nope it’s not back it’s not back everyone hang tight it’s back for the love of God it’s back Awesome mar you got it thanks trees I won’t tell anybody Mom’s the Word PYT number six is coming up here folks looks like we got four teams remaining here also looks like we have seven excuse me 16 left on screen two let me confirm that yes verified verified also it’s 50th spot over here all right guys that was fun you a trout you ready you ready what you about to see for McCrae we didn’t get him a skin no gold absolute Banger no way Banger he was begging me to challenge him for the skin we couldn’t get the skin wait a minute all right before I leave gilded six let’s go let’s go here we go coming up gilded 6 PYT more I got to do it full case let’s go backer’s doing it who’s taking these teams let’s check the store let’s refresh fresh okay stros are out Astros are out Stein let’s go I got to leave I I got to do it I still owe McCrae he still owes you he still owes you MCC get away start getting video I BET’s folks gild 24 you number six I bet Louis Hamilton to win the race what are the odds what time do it start today 750 tonight like the the sessions start like already like tonight the practices right yeah the practice I can’t get on the Strip you can go there’s like a bridge on the backside you can go over to get in the center yeah how do I get on you going on the Strip the wind the wind’s far enough down that you can go in the back way the wind the wind’s outside the yeah Paris or anything like that you just you can’t obviously the wind you’re fine you just got to go don’t go down the strip you got to go way like from The Source world yeah trees we are maybe like go Sahara and then up the strip to wind do that yeah guys who’s taking these last three teams CU I’m going tonight for like qualifying we about to run a filler well are you yeah but I’m going to like Park in like New York and like someone take these teams all right we’re going to kill it from the store here Oreos yes I ran it I did it I don’t run fillers yeah we don’t run fillers especially not for gilded especially for the Mariners in the non- baseball spot here who’s the uh what’s up Chris how are you dude good to see you your Cuts you got a no one wants an Amelia airheart autograph Napoleon bonapart as well for this non-baseball spot that is wild a couple uh presidents as well he will soon AI I’m sure hopefully who wants these three teams someone give me a kill here someone make offers last three let’s go I got to go I tried to do the flaws I couldn’t you got a was Jordan he just got in front of you that non baseball spot is great until it doesn’t until it doesn’t hit you know what I mean yeah it’s great it’s a super fun spot to have cool cool cool who wants the guards here short L let Jordan take it Jordan take the Jordan here how about this take take uh okay Jordan send me 250 for Seattle and Cleveland let’s go nice send me 250 for both let’s go Jordan you got griffy and Edgar Martinez Autos in this as well Julio send me50 for both all right let’s go good we rolling with that guess no okay Jordan send 225 Stein send 35 for the Guardians perfect good good deal all right perfect let’s go we’re GNA go all these first Jim Palmer Orioles oh wow the cameras are so different everywhere Frank Thomas to 50 wow Bucky Feliz Hernandez there you go to 10 for Seattle there you go a Tony Perez for the Reds to 99 Robin y the Brew Crew to 25 now Felix is out of 10 Jordan flad that’s sick flad to 50 nice another good stuff Fred McGriff to 75 ja to 99 oh my God he wait we were talk he is a Yankee in this we all thought it was a Marlin Logan web to 50 and our first Auto is Joey vad for the Reds Joey Vado for the Reds oh his Auto is Marlins Logan web Austin Wells py Jackson cherot to 50 John Young let’s go John nice Tyler black 75 what’s this we have black what’s that sh I didn’t even see that Blake Rutherford what is the black there we have a black what is that what’s black in this is it black and gold then if it’s black and gold then it’s 10 is it I haven’t seen this no it’s to five wow Junior chano to five for the ra wow that’s sick what a box westenberg Westberg Tyler black to 50 Zack trout what a case J how are the Angels $100 you said Char Autos right right remember you know what one of the last team sitting was the angels I know that’s crazy that how are they 99 that’s it Wayne that’s what that’s called okay Henry Davis Harrison t T black a bonus Auto Mauricio to 25 for the Mets this stuff is good all right you can sort of tell by everything sort of being numbered and everything there’s just not a lot of this product what’s this what the hell is that Eloy PCA cheeter to 75 we hit a super L year I remember for dpz in this s storm nice case very very nice case tell you man sk’s Autos are about to go up in price because you can’t hit them in this they’re making his Autos very very tight I like that they’re tough to hit in update too yeah are they yeah except for whatever that palette that we had yesterday that came in seems to have quite a few in it hey yeah I’ll open it one sec by all right I want open that I’m opening a Falls football case now recap great stuff man good stuff guys you could do seven eight and nine and guilded and that’s it here I gotta go open a Falls football case just going every room I can’t leave Matt I got dinner with with DL and I I can’t I can’t get out of here I’ll I’m picking them up too we got a nice om acass I can’t I can’t leave I’m not even kidding I can’t get out of here thank you guys do up to nine on the Gilded see you all tomorrow opening for all right set the reset one more time here set the reset one more time Marge what’s up I’mma hook you up let’s go right now can I you uh no I’m okay right now I just backer just left so we’re just cleaning up a little bit yeah sure for sure thank you do you need it no it’s cool so I don’t want ice coffee hot coffee you need hot coffee huh you I can use one up Mr Jack I don’t know if you did this break or not tops Chrome logo fractor baseball five bucks I don’t think so reason I’m asking is that in the back of the cards there’s a bunch of packs so it’s like was every team gets a pack or something um so I think what it was that’s the only one that they’re doing was you know what I didn’t even look at the second page one base patch one base pack goes to each of those teams oh each of these teams yep yep only those teams yep only those teams I think there’s only 20 in total okay that should be it that makes sense cool thank you you got it sir all right guys I’m going to add you a full case 2024 of Bowman Sapphire okay Bowman Chrome Sapphire G to add a full case for you guys okay okay okay okay I understand I understand all right ladies and gentlemen be prepared to check the story here for 2024 Bowman Chrome Sapphire a full case random team ladies and gentlemen okay there we go that’s a random team go and scoop those up ladies and gentlemen we can do up to PYT number n tonight ladies and gentlemen that’s PYT number nine our two box random team had two spots come out doctor doctor looks like you guys got uh 14 left on screen too looks like we’re at 146 players left here for screen four and let’s go ahead and update screen three here what are we going to put up on screen three 34 bucks a spot here for these random players in the full case a full case of Bowman Chrome Sapphire 34 bucks a spot let’s see how many spots are still available 150 left let’s verify all right there you guys go ladies and gentlemen 150 spots left here for the random player on screen three for screen one on gilded go ahead Honda let’s just make sure they’re still available give me one second before I verify that you can send this computer is not the computer the site we have a brand new computer let’s verify uh Honda they’re out my friend Rockies just came out for darb good luck Dar they just came out sir if you want another team let me know four teams left here on screen one I put my finger in it I should perfect I don’t know how how sweet you want nice MGH barracuda that’s where we’re at ladies and gentlemen the two box random team number one of 2024 Bowman Chrome Sapphire let’s check out the random player here let’s see I think we’re at 149 149 players remain on that one ladies and Gentlemen let’s see what is closest in the store what is going to be up next probably gilded on screen one here if anyone wants these teams let’s do it ain’t nothing to it ain’t nothing to it but to do it if not uh screen two is also very close over here what’s up riddle I’m not doing any um deals for screen one or Bowman Chrome Sapphire so let’s see here 135 for the A and gilded let’s see here and guilded and a spot in screen to riddle I’m not doing any deals man I can’t do any random player excuse me any uh yeah random player deals all right hold up let’s see riddle give me a second here backer gave one earlier so we might as well that’s unfair be fair be fair we do beair backer did give a couple deals for some people on that last one 135 for the A’s and gilded let’s just take the A’s out of gilded first right chairs up here for to get your you could send 140 riddle you got it thanks buddy okay let’s see here screen one is probably going to be up next folks think I have all our ducks in a row here let’s go ahead and upload our past couple videos here gilded collection number four and number five what’s up noas how are you bro no’s Athletics I got Marge with me tonight it’s gonna be awesome be a fun night ladies and gentlemen we’re all we’re pretty much all squared away here set up ready to roll for the rest of the night 149 players left for screen three so we’ll get that one out screen two of Phil and a jiffy my my thing problem bz Ash bunch of spots coming out here looks like we got six six left on screen two riddle thank you I thought I added a full case to the store we’re going to focus in here ladies and gentlemen I thought I added a full case Bowman Chrome Sapphire to the store but maybe I didn’t oh I apologize that’s what um that’s what uh that’s what she was saying earlier it’s really annoying whatever thanks hie that’s what you were saying earlier I didn’t I didn’t quite understand this is just are so for okay I think we got it okay there we go the full case is in the store ladies and gentlemen the full case make sure to read the description or sorry make sure to read the actual title of it because the two box and the full case are right next to each other okay so please make sure to read it because it’s the full case it’s the end it’s the last uh Bowman Chrome Sapphire that’s actually in the store okay real quick I’m just going to all I have to do here is make that number five and then our case is fine for the two boxers that should be good that’s a full case break there we’re full here on screen too hey hey Matty B I did take two out for you but I think we might had like a double check out on one of the spots so I think you only got one my friend I don’t know what had happened let me just check here Thomas isn’t in here Mat B did you already send Matty be if you’re cool I got it looks like I got you one spot sir sorry I’m fixing up all these breaks in the store here trying to make dupes trying to get you guys some full case breaks in there thank you Matty B if if you’re all good I got you one spot hey Cat I bought two for break six instead of two for which one uh Jake for for which one the random player guys three teams still left here on screen one got SED thanks Maddie okay Jake you got it buddy Jake I’ll pencil you in for the next one okay bud Jake please please please if I forget cuz things are just flying over here at the bz please please please when I put up number two please please please make sure I put your name in there it’s going to say I know how it’s already going to be I’m going to be like why doesn’t why does it say there’s two missing spots well there’s not really two missing spots just let me know buddy we should be good though thank you dude we should be set all right ah [ __ ] me dude gilo oh man man man man man I overfilled here I over build on screen too let me verify hold on maybe we didn’t maybe this computer is just this computer is just so silly you sleeping mg you going to sleep night night what’s up folks 24 bman Chrome Sapphire two box random team number one good luck to everyone here we have 27 spots 27 teams let’s get this show on the road here let’s roll our dice 11 Cuda at the top yeah I can grab it for you uh I can have Marge help me sure if she she’s just looking for a beat the sort of junior cero in in number six in there if you’re able to help yes 11 oh it’s already they already beat it Diamond Backs at the top white socks at the bottom your is it right there what’s that are the Beats right there yeah yeah so I should check there no no no it’s it’s in number six the break I mean the card oh they didn’t beat it no they did not they did not not used to this new computer oh you got yeah wow this so have a I don’t have to PR out for it wait what’s that the sheet for it what’s that the sheet for it yeah what’s up siik mid yes sir check the store plenty of gilded in there we’re doing up to nine tonight PYT number nine we’re doing we got the go-ahead from backer two boxes coming up my gosh I’m so excited thank you yeah yeah it is it’s fantastic Hammer just the uh the the XL I wasn’t used to so it was it was giving me an issue but it’s awesome the computer is awesome yeah sorry gild number six it’s not there out you know what let me do this yeah I got no it’s not your fault at all just chaos in this room rden he starting us off dimeback in Barracuda here at of 1 19 9 Pomo nice Pomo love this camera Sapphire selections here of Paulino nice Junior cero will topload him Paulino Ryland Brock love you cat love you love you thank you thank God Marge is here thank God Marge is here I don’t know than don’t than me yet don’t thank me yet darling Fernandez out of 75 hi on the yellow hmer Hammer’s here yeah seriously Hammer nice big bad wolf slots huff and puff some huff and puff spots in here I go that’s pretty funny Co Keith rookie get uh just for those ones gold Seattle nice woop Seattle goes to M GH who’s sleeping he’s sleep sleeping wake up yeah wake up green nice yovani yovani Rodriguez here for the Mets Yamamoto base orange coming up for the Giants nice team color match of d lisbel lisbel for Bart got our combos on there right St Louis Detroit trout imanaga yellow of Henry Davis HD the Quasi team color match out of 75 another yellow here of de de los Santos eight out of 75 guys the second break of this PYT excuse me random team number two which is only 40% way through the case Evan Carter is in the store ladies ladies and gentlemen at 50 bucks a spot these two buck these two box random teams that’s what you’re looking at nice Leo who’s got the Padres Thomas Leo beautiful piece here out of 199 awesome hit for the Padres let’s go Banger in the second box gold nice cowser 43 out of 50 here o goes to MGH who’s sleeping wake up MGH yeah wake up gold asencio out of 50 gold last pack of this two box break guys we’re supposed to get off the uh the caser tonight we’re supposed to get that off here’s your recap courtesy of March hey this camera is incredible it’s better it’s insane love it Leo yovani it was three autos and two boxes let’s go we take it two boxer 2024 Bowman Chrome Sapphire random team number one thank you see you at number two guys we’re supposed to get off this uh 5K spck your player I will say if you guys want to make it a little bit easier because I’m not going to go in and take out all these $4 and $9 players and do all that jazz and if you guys go in and take all the $4 players let me know I’ll help you out put points back on your account if you go and take the $9 players please let me know so on and so forth just to grab all these players here like all these $19 guys if you want to grab them all in the store and I can help you out with points goes same goes for the $4 or the $9 you let me know yeah I know JB it’s little crazy little crazy just a little bit all right let’s see where we’re at here for number number seven PYT number seven we’re not close or we still have three teams left that’s crazy let’s try and run this two boxer back if we can all right Jake you’re good to go on this one buddy guys who wants who wants uh non- baseball spot for 90 angels for 90 Mariners 225 let me know it’s gilded PYT number seven let’s do it nice let’s see we’re right here for the five case picture player excuse me for the uh full case random player I should say beep beep beep beep thank you you got a Rooney you ready we have 27 left on here on screen three let’s go 127 left on screen three looking good 127 left on screen three ladies and gentlemen we’re in we’re in what how many were in how many players were in that originally which one bman Chrome Sapphire or the oh the 5K piure player was I I remember Erie saying it it was 230 or I don’t remember I don’t remember all right let’s see here let’s see you guys got it you guys can both send 90 yep you got it sick mate I got you baby I don’t know your username sick mate I’ll see it when I see it Brink your good there someone say Mariners here you forgot to drink your your Cafe yes for the new Sapphire pick your player I think 202 202 if I if I am uh if I remember what year was saying you got him m b you could send dude let’s do it yeah come on Matt [Music] cool just waiting on a couple payments here and then we’re going to rock and roll with screen one thank you guys like I don’t even know I just need to six than you thank you for oh my God you said one spot for the random Chrome correct sick M or did you want two in what’s up ladies and gentlemen 2024 tops gilded collection PYT number seven hey Ken what’s your username sir what’s your bz username [Music] cool I found it Ken just give me one second Bud [Music] um no you’re good Ken oh yeah so fancy fancy gilded think these are all [Music] 168 Ken I’m putting 50 on your account okay bud no sorry the 25 there you go buddy oh luck thank you thank you thank you awesome you got it Ken you’re you’re good baby you’re all set good luck ladies and gentlemen here we go wow why are we so far away you guys can barely see my face let’s do this thing no I want them to be we’re so far away Edgar Martinez here out of 50 50 for Seattle literally the first one for the kill here for Matty B Edgar Martinez Ed out of 50 if you the F Leeves let’s do all these first uh do what did backer do he went one by one yeah I think he did one in one we’ll do that nice those are disgusting out of 24 that is disgusting yordon and Houston germs that is awesome with a blue Auto out of 50 coming up here Stan mu here out of 75 on the wave out of 99 it’s Riley green need need standards I had a little thing please yes sorry theck I don’t know I might have no I put it away all over the placeo Riley green out of 99 here on the blue out of 50 a pitcher it’s going to be Strider last in the print very nice Strider last in the print here 50 out of 50 for the Braves and cam nice hit cam cool piece excited for Str to come back Sandy Allan trell here out of 50 for Detroit Metal Mike 26 out of 50 here on Allen CHL the gold Frank next pack let’s keep rolling here Jose armz out of 99 guards Thin Blue Yelich out of 50 here on the mini Diamond Roberto Clemente out of 75 for the buckos Pirates and mccre gray here at a 75 on the wave and our autograph for the Cubs nice sh out of 75 let’s go beautiful show out here for the Cubs and pitcock let’s go Pitcock let’s go all right this will be our third box Mark Maguire here St Louis one more for St Louis St Louis having a pretty solid break so far Royo Royo I know riddle that’s what I’m saying Maguire out of 25 PCA out of 99 first in the print out of 99 nice piece Cubs let’s go pitcock back to him Harrison out of 50 on the mini diamond out of 99 we got Aaron judge allrise allrise for bison Deuces out of nines must have been Mother’s Day One More sh here another sha for the Cubs goes to Pitcock 63 out of 99 Shota 75 and a 99 Auto of sha Cubs crushing Paul Moler here for the Brewers out of 99 Matt Paul Moler here on the frame out of 909 Eloy out of 50 mini diamond white socks McCrae Tai Cobb out of 75 for the Detroit Tigers Metal Mike out of 99 here it’s Abbott Abbott out of 99 and out of 99 on our Auto from the Angels it’s Trey cabbage Trey cabbage out of 99 goes to the angels goes to siik mate all right our fifth box here fifth frame nice Johnny Bench I love that love little Johnny Bench Reds McCrae out of 25 Johnny Bench Siver dream sier six out of 99 for the Mets beautiful piece here for aming those are super nice oh nasty little dink on this Siver it looks like Sila Beauty let’s keep rolling here Jordan Lawler here the rookie out of 99 out of 10 could tell Marte what is this why is this different lava lava the other one looks exactly the same and it’s it’s like 25 I can’t tell 10 out of 10 here for the Diamondbacks nice piece for curon S out of 99 Fric here fic out of 99 21 to the Brewers and our final box coming up here ladies and gentlemen Daryl strawberry out of 50 28 out of 50 here for Joe amazing and his Mets PC peace darl darl and our final pack good luck ladies and gentlemen in this full case gilded very nice Jackson holiday out of 25 O’s in CSA let’s go CSA we have a a rose gold in the end here rose gold out of 15 maybe out of 25 15 we’ll see Jackson holiday out of 25 Yamamoto out of 75 on the wave beautiful two-pieces here what are you a double auto box thank you very much Brewers Tyler black here out of 199 Tyler black out of 199 back to the Brewers and arery and our rose gold Auto out of 25 for the Jays nice Vlad Jr here beautiful first in the print out of 25 blue J and pel pel nice hit dude beautiful piece here on the rose gold Vlad Jr on card Inc a banger nice piece my friend wait this thing is tripping then because tripping I totally totally did print that out six or did you take it I took it oh you remember because I needed it oh okay okay okay I’d be taking it I take I take and take take can take thank you thank you here’s your recap folks PC at of 999 judge out of 99 some waves out of 75 couple Legends Yamamoto ly Yelich Harrison gold Mini Diamond here are your autographs black out of 199 Fric cabbage sh out to 99 sh out to 75 beautiful Strider out of 50 oh okay I can see the gold and the yellow very faint very faint here gold frames yeah they’re super faint Paul Moler treml Edgar Martinez strawberry out of 50 Mark Maguire out of 25 Johnny Bench out of 25 the remainder of your autographs vlat JR out of 25 yordon here out of 24 those are super nice forget the name of the parallel but Beauty Clemente to 75 catel martea 10 and Jackson holiday out of 25 ladies and gentlem that was is it the box maybe yeah it was I lit I think I took it off sorry you oh wait might be here from the garbage throwing stuff BYT number 7 gilded full case break thank you thank you are we framing the the Fram are yall frame taping the frame top loaders um we aren’t yeah we can we I think uh no we aren’t right now but I mean no the answer is no we can have uh the sords and severs take care of it this for cool then I’m sure the sworders and sers are taking care of that part of it they’re usually sharp like that they know it’s good and if not I will give them a note on all these breakes all right let’s see where we’re at we got three teams left in number eight it’s probably the same three teams the non-baseball the Angels no false there you go that’s what you guys are looking at those are the three teams left there on guilded I’m going to update some screens here upload our video and we’ll get going this two boxer looks like nice looks like we got three left let’s check out where we’re at here for the random player store tells me 118 let’s verify screen four that’s going to be tough that’s going to be tough to try and focus on all right there’s three teams available on screen one three spots available on screen two two spots available on screen two yes thank you so much thank you and then these these two would were also for six six McCrae on the Dodgers and then JC price on the Angels yeah okay yes yes yep exactly perfect what about good those yeah those were the two that thank you Jordan they just I literally took the two out and they just came out buy sorry for it’s doubtful meno of the odds every minute the Vegas odds are going up and up and up it’s very very tough with gilded and Bowman Chrome Sapphire and a full case random team in the store it’s just a lot it’s just a lot it’ be tough to get it off but I would love to but I’m not really going to hone in and focus on the players and try to knock them out you guys it’s up to you guys to help us out here the Jackson cherio Auto out of 50 for PSA I not I’m not I don’t remember John what break was it and just shoot an email to shipping at the bz and you’ll be good to go excuse me PSA grading at the bz and you’ll be good to go yeah I know Mendoza what’s up folks 24 Bowman Chrome Sapphire two box random team number two good luck seven seven comes at the top Boston Red sucks at the bottom 27 spots 2 combos good luck should be 27 it is seven Rogue at the top stco at the bottom Rangers No Way Joe that’s awesome hey the red Sprout Blue Jays aren’t terrible Nala nim nim not terrible huh said not not as as not as as ass not ass got my could you do that a grading absolutely for for John Young number six six as well yeah the same same break that I yeah yeah those good luck ladies and gentlemen I don’t see any trades here let’s do this thing let’s get this show on the Road here good luck guys go grab your next ones number three number three is in the store it’s a random team 50 bucks a spot go grab those yellow mooki at a 75 storm bison tyon loronzo gold Durban Gold Sapphire selection excuse me base Sapphire selections thereus there’s your boy blue jay and sick ma Nala very nice piece here on the Nala Sapphire selections unnumbered piece what’s up brat yeah doing good doing good just chaos over here with a double double release date just chaos chaos we kind of got to weather the storm yeah as long as we’re just yeah we’re seeing cards yeah as long as we’re seeing cards I am good I am good especially today how are you brat Paul skin no I’m good Brad I’m good I’m good I’m always smiling it’s just it’s just hot in here it’s just hot in here getting hot in here it’s GNA be purring here soon would hope to buckos we know it’s not Polly boy Nick Gonzalez out of 25 oh if Mar wasn’t here tonight I mean we’d barely be seeing cards we’d barely we’d barely yellow Starin Nunes yeah I’m not wearing pants so my game is off Jordan is right you’re pantless I had to check too I like what do you oh open sry you start see Billy I don’t know actually gold I know diamonds I don’t know gold yeah he’s pantless for sure I am pantless here we go let’s go yeah you let’s go sick mate onhell Feliz nice onell Felicia Nationals Oreos for dinner 129 out of 19 199 nice Leo wait till he um get a sip of that coffee black did we see our Auto yet let’s go come on be him be him won’t be guards men zardo though out of 10 nice man zardo out of 10 guards and stoko stoko staco St stco St you stco you Caleb Duran Caleb Duran’s a short short dude J.R Mendoza he is a short dude he absolutely is I think he’s 59 almost positive 5’9 Beast nice jom on the image variation cool piece for the Yanks here who’s got him zil zil on the random team R [Music] Julio not an image variation orange Diamondbacks Drew Jones love it Billy I absolutely love it first day ever no AC needed in Florida Everson Pereira all time Yankee great at 25 little dece little uh November Florida I remember the daytime was colder than it was during the night time how about a Tyler and loronzo out of 50 50 out of 50 here for the Dodgers storm bison let’s go to oh that’s awesome Ry Mauricio Henry Davis and that will round foro we’ll topload him and that will’ll round that out folks oh yeah when it gets cold the iguanas they freeze up they lock up they can’t move they can’t move and then they’re easy pickings they’re easy pickings I used to work for the I used to work for some for some WI escapers oh man they would they would catch them they eat them they eating those iguanas every night Julio here Yum Yum Yum Yum is Right jum image variation beautiful Leo base Durban yeah I know it is pretty sad when they when they lock up their bodies just are when it’s cold they just lock up Nala here onel fiz tyon Lonzo gold and black naan manzardo four out of 10 24 Bowman Chrome Sapphire random team two boxer number two thank you thank you march all right yep they fell out of the trees all the time yep all the time those little dudes are falling out of the trees where rains reptiles STL you’re the man I’m going to look and uh help you out okay real quick let’s just see where we’re at here for screen one see if any team came off we are full boom let’s go do it full here guys we can do up to nine if it fills if PYT number 10 fills tonight we’re not doing it we’re doing up to nine okay for gilded eight is Sorry by the way this is eight we already did seven a little bit ago let’s just make sure that that’s true yeah cool we are on number eight we are on number eight Monday Monday ladies and gentlemen or when we get it when we get it we’re going to do up to nine up to nine tonight for gilded the rest I don’t think we have I think they were supposed to come in and they never showed up it’s messed up damn that is messed up up Mia all right guys I think we’re getting more into a flow State here I think I’m ready to go ready to like rock and roll all night long I want to rock and roll let me to help out STL here and then we’re going straight into number one I’m not yeah yeah whatever I might not be printed because it’s possible from backer and I and even I you got this you got this it’s time to Pur time to purr Marge says all right St I’m gonna help you out dude thank you STL putting a couple points back on your account for your help with the $4 like I said from earlier thank you again 115 players left as well for our random player a full case awesome cool we’re full here for number eight let’s go grab our case this is a pick your team so ladies and gentlemen like I said we are doing eight and nine of gilded and that is all we have unfortunately there’s no more on the Shelf so when they come in on Monday we will go ahead and do more of those but for right now we will do what we can number eight PT what’s up ladies and gentlemen 24 tops gilded collection of full case bre p number 8 welcome in here almost almost did Stu there yeah I know that would have been I like it that was almost I almost did the no look throw for real that would have been really bad maybe Marg laid out whoa out the thick sleeves for myself just so did I you got you got oh there they are okay have my own [Music] just like I said earlier ladies and gentlemen if you guys want to do this five case pick your player if you guys can get it down to a workable number where we can actually shift our Focus to it then we can get rolling on that but for right now I mean we are just going to be loaded with gilded Bowman Chrome Sapphire yeah just Cosmic that was a buckle on topsis part not putting white holes in the and tops Chrome gilded man perfect STL that’s that’s the way to go brother all right good luck ladies and Gentlemen let’s do this thing a full case break here of the Gilded let’s get this show on the road number eight we’re at rock and roll rock and roll let’s get some bangers here Bert b here we can only do two more cases folks this one and number nine Bert b here from Minnesota 10 out of 25 Bob bashed out of 75 on the wave goes to Jay’s and jok Big Poppy here out of 99 Red Soxs and pancake nice Junior here for the Rays boot Junior out of 50 very nice piece in our Auto out of 99 for the o Kad out of 99 Kad 32 out of 99 goes to the O’s and CSA csa’s had a good pretty solid day so far and it’s still early Tonio Ola here out of 99 Minnesota goes to camv 50 out of 99 Oliva on the gold frame Redemption cero out of 99 here f fos out of 10 Justin fosu out of 10 goes to the Rangers G nice Jared Jones out of 199 Jones out of 199 here for the Pirates McCrae tops Chrome gold yellow Auto it’s gonna be of Paul freaking skin here go Paul freaking skin for McCrae baby McCrae baby McCrae let’s go well there he is we found him we found him bang bang you said bang right bang bang bang lock and nice mcra I got a McCrae let me shoot a picture to backer or to the group chat at least so backer can see it McCrae let’s go ni it McCrae absolutely let’s go let’s keep it going here Raleigh fingers with no facial hair at all I don’t know if I’ve ever seen Raleigh fingers clean face clean shaving eight out of 50 that is really cool Raleigh fingers in in the windbreaker as well it’s a dope photo big fan of that oh yeah yeah hie on Sapphire and gilded release day oh my God double with an auto out of 50 coming up here Luciano out of 75 on the wave kurad out of 99 out of 25 here it’s Ellie De La Cruz to the Reds and McCrae 23 out of 25 in front of a brewer Jackson cherio out of 50 for the Brewers and Air Jordan an absolute Banger of a box there what a Monster Box hey 28 out of 50 on the blue cherio bluo if you will nice piece dude 28 out of 50 let’s go Jordan they said Jordan Jordan let’s keep it going here George Springer out of 10 on the world series one that’s pretty cool gilded Champions if you will guilded Champions nine out of 10 stros Houston germs on break yeah the Gilded always grades so well garri Cole out of 75 blowout the camera is unbelievable this camera is so amazing Yogi bar out of 99 cool piece for the Yanks on the slightly OG Yankee logo a little different I think Yogi bar again out of 50 mini diamond mini diamond and out of 99 Mason wi here nice piece Cardinals blowing a bubble who’s got the Cardinals STL to STL nice hit Brew let’s keep on keeping on another gilded Champions it’s Chipper Jones here goes to the Braves doctor doctor doctor nice chipper let’s go 17 out of 20 five on the gold frame red Jordan Lawler out of 75 Diamondbacks aloy out of 99 Westberg out of 50 Brewers red Jackson chero out of five what an absolute beastly card what the hell going on what a monster I love it for the one the only Air [Music] Jordan we got to do we actually got to be yep bang wow you got to say that you did say bang bang bang no no you got to do your own bang dude Jordan come on man oh my God what a freaking card dude wow that’s awesome wow congrats Jordan congrats buddy cat dude let’s go oh that’s awesome you got it Jordan nice hit buddy that is awesome that is easily the nicest Cheerio Auto I’ve ever seen out of guilded five that’s crazy another guilded Champions here think are they all guilded Champions they might all be 47 out of 50 here on Eckersley now you get a little facial hair on your Oakland Athletic pitcher there you go here we go final let’s go Jordan nice hit baby let’s go y let’s go to our final make it three right what I’m saying sick M good luck here on our final box here let’s do it with another blue Auto out of 50 Wade bogs out of 75 here Westberg whoa whoa what is this we have a black that could be double Auto here okay won’t be excuse me black though out of five it’s big pop poy that is so sick what the what an awesome case this was pancake Electro plate thank you Jordan the electro plate there is Ethan yes go grab it number nine whatever might be available black David Ortiz on the electro plate and our blue Auto out of 50 Diamondbacks that’s Corbin nice nice Corbin 20 out of 50 corilla here goes to Kurt and the Diamondbacks ladies and Gentlemen let’s go ahead and give you a recap can we do it again you want to do it again hell yeah number nine folks all we can do all that’s on the Shelf here we got one more case one more case of gilded collection number nine who’s going to help us out you guys want to do it once we do that we can actually hone in on Bowman Chrome Sapphire and we can try and knock out this 20124 TOS Chrome update 5 case which not for nothing I think will go tonight I’m almost posi of this 5K will be going tonight what’s up Minsky what’s up what’s up here’s your recap ladies and gentlemen that was a great case yeah at a 75 doesn’t understand right for real Yogi bar in the action Junior on the out of 99 on the mini diamond out of 50 out of 10 here fosu Autos Jared Jones curst out out of 99 Mason win out of 99 Corbin out of 50 here are your gold frames Oliva out of 99 EK out of 50 Raleigh fingers out of 50 BL 11 out of 25 Chipper Jones out of 25 and George Springer out of 10 last but not least here ladies and gentlemen some beautiful hits to end it out Big Poppy out of five Ellie out of 25 I totally forgot about that one forgot yeah can’t keep up W there’s no uh that’s weird no serial number at the back of these that’s strange here are the rest of your recap Jackson Cheerio out of 50 Jackson Cheerio out of five my oh my oh and I almost forgot Paul SK is this the same case this was one case did we open five cases uh this is insane what a great case what an awesome awesome case let’s do it couple beat the sorts to take care of wow that is absolute Banger thank you for Marge for the recap 2024 top skill did a full case break PYT number eight thank you the yellow uh Auto would be to 75 wow that is sick cool thank you thank you Mar you’re welome congrats everyone awesome that was great let’s do it again let’s do it again let’s see where we’re at here for screen two I’m going to put up I’m just going to add one more spot here Jay Savage Jay Savage over there we got 16 left on the random team number three there it’s 50 bucks a spot I’ll check screen three and four here in just a hot second let’s put up number nine for gilded we’re sold out beautiful oh hell yeah let’s go ladies and gentlemen it’s the last we can do tonight number nine we don’t have any more boo we don’t have any more boo sorry you can boo us no cool we’re full on number nine there ladies and gentlemen we’ll go ahead and kill that real quick let’s just see where we’re at here for uh the random player let’s just see what the store says 111 111 ladies and gentlemen so there’s a couple spots I haven’t put in there but we’re at 111 only1 players random players left random players left we we’ll we’ll try Ethan we’ll do our best we’ll do our darnest for real we’ll do our best to get it off we’re going to try and we’re going to knock out PYT number nine and then it’s going to be Bowman Chrome Sapphire the two boxes there’s a full case random player in the store there’s also there’s also a full case random team in the store ladies and gentlemen I totally forgot about that the full case random team is in the store and we probably get this five case off tonight we probably get this 5 case off tonight I’m pretty sure yep Jordan great all right so we’ll get going here on screen one ladies and gentlemen let me just upload our video damn you got this just stay sick May that yes you got it you got I forgot sick M I think I meant to do that and it was just things are just flying all around here I apologize I think I meant to actually bring that up to your attention because you got what did you get you had you got the angels for 90 yeah I do owe you 50 you got the angels for 90 and you only got one spot I think when I asked you I said that you’re getting two spots and then yeah okay cool I got you sick I got you I think I just got confused we both got confused yes 50 is back on your account brother yeah I actually owe you I actually owe you 60 don’t i50 yeah I do owe you 10 yep I owe you 10 correct I I say I owe you 10 I already put the other 50 in there so you’re set you’re at 50 and you’re good to go sick maid thank you all right we’re going to do our last case here ladies and Gentlemen let’s do this thing send our email here for screen one yes let’s go cat at least for gilded yeah we’ll do it all get to build a wall yes let’s go finally thank you I was not able to do anything got your opener um yeah I think I’m good to go here let’s print this out p number nine right here blowout right here blowout this one right between the right between the eyes send the damn emo send stco with two more spots in the two box random team good luck stock go stock go 109 109 uh spots left in the random player let’s go that’s a full case we’re going to do that tonight for sure for what sure all right ready let’s do it cool what’s up folks 24 top guilded collection of full case break PYT number nine with Marge in the building let’s do this thing good luck ladies and gentlemen thank you what what’s going on just have got funny people in the chat oh I like we like funny people I love people a lot of funny people here at the [Applause] BL keep this for you stuff is that cool yeah sorry Kyle we’ll get it next time baby I know it’s insane the Rangers oh oh oh yeah BR I can do that of course oh yeah I’ll do that right now absolutely just one yeah just one there’s plent okay got it BR why is he so heavy oh likey why is he so heavy heavy you like heavy just brat face yeah just brat face a brat face just leave him for the bottom cuz I don’t know what that is about what do you need in the bottom something heavy oh something heavy all right good luck ladies and gentlemen PYT number nine here let’s do this thing extra frames that’s what I thought that’s what I thought let’s go good luck ladies and gentlemen start starting off for the O’s dck dck baby 21 out 25 it’s Jim Palmer Jack another Redemption hi another Redemption out of 50 here with a black out of possibly five I feel like I saw it 15 the other time Harper out of 50 Duke Snider out of 999 here Duke will be a naan here for the Reds oh oh my God what is going on right now what is going on right now it’s Bang Bang by the way we have a Redemption behind this Ellie out of five on the electro plate refractor so tough to sweat jungho Lee on the blue giants Parker’s Grandpa the hell take it my goodness yeah that’s a sick Ellie that is disgusting exting me it’s you and me this is insane congrats this is insane that is nasty you’re good you’re good hey you want you want my hand show your pedicure your manicure whatever feet feet hands I don’t know wow that’s amazing wow what a banger that is awesome and congrats to the Giants as well for the jung-ho Le sick pieace Trevor Hoffman first in the out of 50 for brat let’s go brat Trevor Hoff nice hit Grandpa let’s go pretty decent YJ pretty decent pretty solid L Brock here out of 75 Lou Brock out of 75 for the Cardinals cam vasta Mikey T out of 99 Mikey T goes to the angels NJ G Bobby Wht on the mini diamond out of 50 Royals excuse me Braves behind Auto of Strider out a 75 very nice very nice Strider goes to the Braves triple R 34 out of 75 Strider let’s keep on rolling that would have been sick mate that would have been fantastic that would have been amazing if she did that 34 out of 999 Steve Carlton Phillies and Wayne train she almost did she almost took off her shoe to actually do that you know a lot of people can do that right yeah like there’s there’s a there’s like a dude who can play the guitar with his feet it’s like it’s insane people we have found our first superator super fractor and I believe it’s in the Auto Spot let’s go good luck be serious everyone be serious everyone lock in everyone lock in right now everyone lock in Dansby at a 75 thank you for your your service Tom glavin out of 99 thank you for your service Jack glider image variation out of 25 thank you for your service last but not least ladies and gentlemen Here We Go superator Auto coming up I don’t even know how do we sweat this should we get a can we get a position sweat no let’s not do that position sweat let’s go let’s see it we’re gonna bang it we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna rip him off like a Band-Aid good luck ready three two one go Vlad Jr for jok that is awesome that is so awesome that is actually a really really cool piece for jok congrats jok that is so cool dude 101 on the super jok congrats buddy that is awesome wow that is so cool Jesus so pretty looking congrats Jesus wow what a crazy I don’t know what’s going on here we take it we don’t ask we just take we don’t ask we take yep take take wow congrats jayb that is awesome buddying so pretty wow that is super cool wow that is so awesome the super out of gilded looks just incredible for the Royals George Brett here SG SG out of 25 looks like a slight Little Nick there in the top left slight Little Nick keep rolling kind of creepy looking yellow Auto at the end here big herd out of 75 Hank Aaron out of 99 it’s a cool piece love that little Hank Aaron action out of 25 it’s Chris Bryant for the Rockies and out of 75 for the Braves Aussie alz albz here Braves triple R champions Dustin padro out of 25 it’s a cool piece for any red sock collector I think pancakes PC red sock nice it pancake little Dustin pedroo out of 25 he’s always fun the dog yeah we I for we also have a frame in this this one to the left here Trey Turner out of 75 sedani out of 99 for the Red Sox one more for pancake here one more for jok to go along with your superator mini diamond out of 50 and for the Yanks here nice Jay here who’s got the Yanks storm bison he’s had him nice hit storm jum out of 50 here gorgeous gorgeous Gold auto nice hit storm all right to our final box good luck Andy Rodriguez out of 50 buckos and McCrae 19 out of 50 here we go good luck thick piece here thick thick let’s go one by one Jonathan class out of 75 I’m not even looking at the frame yet Jack lighter out of 99 I’m not even looking at the frame we’re all going to look together we’re all going to look together Vlad Jr excuse me Vlad Senor out of 10 here goes to the expose aka the Nationals dchan nine out of 10 big papa big papa Vlad nine out of 10 there very nice piece there and last but not least a name I have not seen in all of this so far gold Schmid for the Cardinals camv 30 out of 50 let’s go jbog that’s sick that’s sick gold Schmid here on the gold autograph what a crazy the group chat’s going to love this yeah congrats everyone Jesus the last case was crazy say hey right oh my God what am I doing wow awesome that was awesome that was super super awesome no Amelia aart she did not pop up here’s your recap Amelia aart that is super funny would love to I would love to see her autograph let’s keep going through these folks these are at of 99 this camera is just incredible at a 75 here on the waves Big Hurt L Brock mini diamonds Vlad Jr Bobby wit out of 25 here a lighter these are your autographs Mendoza jayam out of 50 it’s too easy Mendoza really just too easy of one Hoffman out of 50 Andy Rodriguez out of 50 Jim Palmer out of 25 padro out of 25 awesome piece there George Brett out of 25 there on the Hall of Fame Vlad senior Vlad Senor so used to saying that dchan in the Nationals that goes to you we had two bangers here as well Jung hul for the Giants congrats to Parker’s Grandpa and last but not least here for the Reds that is so sick McCrae three out of five here on your electr plate Ellie last but not least for jok that is a superfractor autograph vlat Jr Blue Jays and jok congrats to jok that is an awesome awesome hit you know it’s a big one when we put it up on the mantle before the break is even over Banger of a piece there PYT number nine congratulations to those let’s move on just a sicko piece that those are sicko pieces sick pieces all right guys I’ll be right back we’re going to get going here screen one will’ll adjust I’ll be right back ladies and gentlemen most likely is up next is the two box random team number three which is on screen two oh Mar’s handwriting is just ridiculous oh also 110 players left on screen four floor floor floor screen floor Flor we get on the floor now yay drop it to the floor all right guys we no more gilded for the night but grab them for Monday be right back that’s so much fun let’s do oh I wish we could do more pyts yay thank you guys for having me thank you for joining us all right I got to do I got to fix this do my Beats real quick this cats cat will be right back attack the store if you can I mean please do okay so this is I need to sheet Brown Bey I’ll love be back where you at partying course damn this is crazy M CR hey for McCrae all right McCrae 24 gilded done for the night Bob yes sir all right let’s adjust here let’s take down gilded no more gilded for the night it will be back soon our shipment did not come with the full pallet how dare they don’t worry back girl will talk to him 14 left here on screen two ladies and gentlemen got two random teams up here for real jbog thank God you’re in let’s go y it for everybody now it’s time all right let’s update let’s just update screens three and four here just to see what had happened awesome [Music] Lou store says 103 let’s verify guys this is going to go tonight got you Sarah coming over right now 103 [Music] 103 let me help Sarah out oh Sarah door oh she’s oh okay got you Sarah’s here Jordan there is attack the store what’s next what are we doing next let’s roll let’s keep it going cat probably the front cat the main the main entrance there she yeah he’s coming let him check that let me do all these I I usually do hear them for I think I used to notice but if you’re like busy and pay attention things it’s not thank you you got it all right let’s see here what’s up Brad we got to push it we got to push the five caser we got a lot on the docket there’s been great movement to it though I will say that find more stands oh yeah I’ll be awake for that no one can get me off that game what game indie Iana Ohio State oh I might paint my face red in Scarlet or uh red and white honestly is what I might do just stay at home L chill out what did you say here Lou I’m not sure Lou Lou Who was that with was that with me Lou someone said that earlier but I I don’t remember this 24 24 Sapphire yeah I wasn’t lining these up but yeah you just let me know Lou I’ll help you out oh with douge okay okay so Louis how much I owe you buddy okay a couple people have came in and said that so I got you let me take care of Louie yeah absolutely perfect perfect Lou that’s cool so I won’t even put the points on your account that’s perfect you got it L I know I know then I’m GNA have to then we’re really going to have to start uh investigating but no I know there was just two or I think there’s one other person who’s one other person I’m waiting on to give their refund unless they didn’t unless they’ve already been given it all right let’s check here screen two so it looks like we actually had a couple couple spots here hold up I had staco for two Savage was good I had birdie and Stewie all right cool oh who’s that thank you uh oh I can’t see thank you block I was confused what you were saying earlier yep the trout one no you couldn’t tell honestly you could not tell I’m sure there’s a if I get down to the nitty-gritty of it and try to look at it closely it’ll be pretty identifi identifiable the Autos the Mike Trout out of 30 there was two of them but I couldn’t really tell that they were nice glow good luck glow oh actually yeah you can you can you can tell it’s like I mean the the lightest bit of orange serious seriously it’s like not a dark orange or a vibrant orange at all it’s like a a light orange Hue we got Key West Amy and we got Key West Brian that’s what I’m talking about good luck to you too and if you are unrelated to one another I don’t even know what I’m going to do that would be incredible all right let’s update 103 here on screen three Still Still 103 over here 34 a spot ladies and gentlemen that will be running tonight we are very very close on that I think we are just hitting the halfway mark of uh the random player Also let’s do a big reset of the five case pick your player okay because a bunch of players are off it’s not 146 left there’s 110 left so let me go and adjust that let’s roster stream here and we’re going to adjust the five case pick your player on screen four should be going tonight folks if you guys want to follow suit to what STL did earlier he took all of the $4 players he let me know and then I gave him a I gave him points back on his account Miller Miller I haven’t seen you in a little bit I wanted to say congratulations to you sir all right guys here your here are the rest of your players in this pyp all the $4 players are gone yeah Aaron judge is gone you got it Jordan I believe I believe Jordan too I believe him all right so folks this is what you’re at here for the pick your player 110 players left is what it says we’re going to try to focus in hone in possibly screen two is unbelievably close with eight left the random player has 103 players left all right so what I will say here to try and push this five case break here if you guys want any teams in bulk any players in bulk please let me know we can help you out if you want any of the $9 players or all of them actually I believe there’s 11 of them here if you want these players for a deal you let me know the best thing to do is to go into the store go into the store of the five case pick your player which I’ll link to you guys right here here’s the link go and take all the $9 players all the $19 players all the $29 players try to bulk them try to grab a whole bunch and I’ll help you out STL did that earlier he grabbed all the $4 players like I asked and I put a couple points back on his account for his help all right so that’s that’s where we’re at ladies and gentlemen all right screen two here we had KY West Bryan for our last couple spots that is the two box random team had Dr Bill in yo what’s up solow good to see you bro if you guys want any some of these big players in book The anyone wants these top four these top five players trout Luciano Canario Rodriguez and Pereira someone wants them for 309 they’re 35 five on the board if you want for 309 I’ll help you out we can do that try to push this five caser tonight love to get this off it’s gonna go tonight it’s gonna go tonight 99 left on screen three I will say that screen three is probably I know it’s far away but Vegas would say that this one could be up there could be up there for uh going next right after Bowman Chrome sappire the two boxer let’s try and knock out this two boxer who’s in go on screen two here we have three left we’re going to try to hone in on here s not I got oh Marge already grabbed the two no more gilded for tonight Miller we were supposed to have our shipment it was not a full pallet they did not give us our entire allotment so you’re gonna wait for that on Monday they gave us nine cases and that was it limited right now an Auctioneer I would love to be an Auctioneer there’s two things there’s like three things I would love to be an Auctioneer would be cool a stenographer would be really cool a stenographer yeah which I believe is what they do in the courthouse where you just listen to people talk and they’re just typing on the typing on all day long and then a horse a horse race caller announcer horse race announcer Oh I thought you were going somewhere else with yeah okay that kind of call that kind yeah yeah and then the other one was was a leg Model A Leg model yeah sponger inspired me yeah yeah leg model hey thanks to sponger he got legs he’s got legs she’s got legs he’s got he legs yeah s stack s stack good luck s he knows how use it yeah let’s go nice random player number two over here we’re getting spots out left and right Louie for four let’s go 95 left ladies and gentlemen dang looking like Sho strings hanging from shorts [Music] dang who’s got short shorts I mean I got short shorts on you’re pantless remember yeah I am pantless that’s right I forgot forgot we’re still pantless over here no pants until we hit a uh a rookie superfractor Auto out of gilded oh wait we have no more gilded all right ladies and gentlemen where we honing in a was yeah we got the full we got the Solo Cup out party up in the bz HQ you think you’re banging banging banging why do you think you’re banging pulling bangers banging Banger after Banger all right eight left here on screen three who’s going to help us oh yeah if they want the boxes just let us know cool yeah if you guys do we got you Rapace yep put that on the table eight left oh wow em Brandon let’s verify let’s verify that I got them out for you before I tell you to send alorn State at Washington Crosby that is just ridiculous dude ridiculous honestly 145 144 Brandon let me know pretty solid pretty solid Crosby I got to get some sports on I have no Sports on over here yeah the a good old big 10 rival I remember growing up that was a that was a huge one Crosby that was a huge one every Thursday night that’s what we would watch alorn state Washington on the Big 10 Network too the fighting Steve McNair’s alorn state is um oh my God I know they’re purple and yellow alorn State what are they they’re purple and yellow what the heck are is their team name just tell me alorn State let’s see here Mike Trout okay finally it’s up Mike Trout and Marco Luciano let’s see here Brandon you’re good for Marco Mike Trout Mike Trout just came out I even wrote your name in there SCV took them Brandon let me know if you want just Marco Luciano if you want to price just for Luciano oh sponger I know it’s it’s gonna be it’s going to be it’s going to be a high high or a really low low just send 69 Brandon if that works for you sir awesome Alor State Braves yeah that’s right there’s like a little hatchet on the on the logo right Detroit Tigers here out for Smith I remember I know I love alorn State because I remember about three years ago there was an alorn state versus Indiana Purdue Fort Wayne I believe they’re like the elephants or something I don’t even know what they are IPFW and they were alorn state was 11 and a half Point favorites I don’t know or 11 and a half Point dogs I don’t know why I loved Alor and state but I hammered the money line winner I don’t advise taking an 11 and a half Point Underdog alorn stayed ever to win money line but they were playing IPFW so we had to we had to plunge love alorn State nice good luck Trent six spots left here on screen too ladies and gentlemen this is what we’re going to try to hone in on random team number three it’s where we’re at look at it look at this camera just glorious I know you’re like so in love with oh my God this is just insane never got to worry about I know why you like the camera not you know not what it not focusing it always focuses on the back cards and uh it’s just smooth smooth smooth smooth six left here ladies and gentlemen 93 players left in the pick your player wax aill with two more spots Aon McNair [Music] Ken he’ll take [Music] one okay Luciano and Pereira let’s go take out Everson Pereira alltime Yankee great I did I overused it damn it Mar nice Ken five left here folks oh sorry you I thought you said he’ll take one I was like what but you said hell i’ll I’ll take one I apologize hell I’ll take one did was say just say a h double hockey sticks wow that is so crazy because it literally filled as soon as we said that Tommy C Ken’s good right yep Noah’s in there wow amazing awesome ponu Yep that is crazy how that works out just got that spot for a very very nice two box random team here everyone should be good to go cool we’ll kill this from the store here oh water that would be amazing yeah yeah yeah I’m so sorry thank you don’t apologize there you go there’s uh number four ladies and gentlemen we’re rounding out this whole case here we’re going to do this whole case also the second link I’m going to put in here is a full case random team it’s at 248 uh a spot 248 a spot there ladies and gentlemen two links I sent you the two box random team number four which is after this and then the full case random team number five all right all right I’m just following the template that they give me for the random teams so it’s 27 spots 27 players we should be good to go what’s up folks 24 bum Chrome Sapphire two box Ram team number three welcome in here 27 spots 27 teams we’re going to roll our dice everyone hit the like button five we’ll go to the teams first five on our teams it’s 27 spots verified for Fifth and final the Giants at the top the Brewers at the bottom five you can see there five is live five is live five five let’s go to Five here should be 27 it is three four fifth and final there you go Savage at the top and it’s birdie at the bottom five there you guys go let’s alphabetize here and there you guys go that is your updated list there folks alphabetical order and everything cheers thank you so much cheers that’s a huge shot a huge shot oh my goodness it’s just water down yeah much needed much needed let’s do this thing we are ready here for random team number three the Red Sox why would they give the Yankee fan the Red Soxs oh yes everyone hit a like hit that like button also there’s your was hi I saw you earlier for like two seconds uh Brandon if you want to send 109 let me know if that works for you 109 sorry what’s up home hono it is Marge yep hi everyone good luck ladies and Gentlemen The Good Luck Good Luck awesome you got it Brandon they are taken out of the store you are good to go let’s do this thing good luck ladies and gentlemen we are off you’re good for that one oh yeah I’m sorry you’re good good luck ladies and gentlemen a two box break here we also have a random team in the store of a full case of this full case of this stuff yellow Ronnie Mauricio here for the Mets out of 75 nice piece for Key West Brian Key West Brian and Key West Amy in here good luck green Junior on the rookie Pablo Guerrero very nice piece here for the Rangers EJ let’s go EJ 98 out of 99 Pablo gero Harper St Sten Steven A Yello Jacob Gonzalez out of 75 wow this mantle got this mantle got crazy in a hurry in a in a hurry folks jayd rookie Mr me wow what an awesome all gilded what a crazy mantle it was and still more to come gold here yes let’s go dude we hit Ellie in everything gilded and we hit Ellie in Bowman chome Sapphire everything eight out of 50 here on the image ver as well disgusting piece Reds who’s on them Noah Noah Athletics Noah t no no t on this piece let’s go Noah nice piece cursed the rookie nice hit Noah cool piece radney here is that an image variation I think it is got to be right maybe not Maybe not maybe not it is verified on an image variation here what does it say what are the 135 I think it’s 52 can’t tell now usually the second the second card will be an image variation or some sort of parallel elate everyone elate gold here after cower the angel It’s kyen par par 47 out of 50 Ken Paris Lawrence Butler the rookie nice Lawrence Butler I’m very excited for Lawrence Butler’s future very very very berry you know Harry Harry Berry scary you know Harry Harry Berry scary Jeter Martinez here Saint excuse me Seattle Storm bison Seattle Mariners paa green is this Sapphire where all the greens are Autos will be jalvin aias here for the Phillies one more for bison out of 99 B bison so far out of our so we saw two Autos so far out of our two box random teams we’ve actually seen we would you should have seen six in total we’ve seen seven we had an extra Auto in number two I believe Brian woo very nice so that’s good that’s good good sign here folks couple boxes left here for the random team of number three nice Pablo Guerrero first 14 in the first case wait what we had 14 in the four first case what were we talking about again Mike shout out of 75 Auto about Autos that’s Banger that’s insane damn that’s awesome we’re only just one above the one above the CLI I guess you would say we are we got to get to get there that vlat Jr is a super Jordan yeah for jok Jake blossier out of 70 five yep five five all right guys random team number three is done half 30 second timeout random team number three is done you got it you got it I want say right STL you you guys love it oh my God I’m about to take this camera home I’m about to take this camera home I don’t even want to know what you want to do that camera at home I don’t know you like you’re like all about that camera I am all about this camera I am in camera I love you I love lamp I love camera Mar just looking at me like I’m crazy thank you ladies and gentlemen two box Ram team number three bye-bye byebye buby Mar looking at me like I’m crazy I’m going to take this camera home for real I don’t just clean it maybe you oh my God I don’t know I don’t want to know I don’t I don’t know yeah this setup is awesome this new computer this computer looks like it it could launch a rocket ship into space right I mean look at this thing this thing is awesome could launch a rocket into space what does that mean then right here printing printing three now man I got to check that box I’m make sure there’s what do you need feel like I might have missed one paper to print there’s two there’s two in this no not when you’re oper from earlier full case Roman Chrome Sapphire it was earlier from okay yeah not you okay I’ll try to try conjure up that list all right so we got 22 left here on screen too ladies and [Music] gentlemen that’s the two box we have have two more two more breaks yep two more breaks of that that’s basically what Marge has been saying Jordan it’s only when Marge is in the building when when these Hits come out no it’s true nope no it’s not Mar Mojo it’s cat Mojo I’m just here cat Mojo the cards know yeah they just know they like want to hang out with Marge what the hell what the cards they the the cards all right let’s see here where we’re at for screen three as update oh A’s update is what you’re saying A’s update sponge you got it sick made looks like I got him out for you let’s see here for screen three we have 89 left this is where we’re at folks yep it does sick yep 89 left here on screen three ladies and gentlemen this will be going tonight guaranteed garanteed we’ll be going tonight screen three is the full case random player poppy here I’ll link it to you only 34 bucks a spot good to see you poppy poy nice yeah damn hey Poppy can you try and go and take them from the store please because it’ll it might mess up the the stock quantity going forward if you’re able to take the two in the store if you’re not even looking at the the website then I can actually I can help you out I can do it for you all good all good we can do it if you can if not all good I can I can help you out just makes it a little bit easier okay cool thanks Poppy I appreciate you I’ll pencil your name in okay so also with that we got we got a lot of moving Parts going on over here we have 87 spots left here 87 spots left for screen three screen two is 50 bucks a spot looks like they got 22 left there Brewers in one let me take them out for you looks like stros came out Royals came out I got the Brewers over here send 179 poppy think that’s right yeah that should be good whatever that number comes out to whatever I just told you is exactly what I was looking for sick M cool sick yeah no problem all right sick mid I’m going to take out 62 here so you’re just sending uh 13 all right let’s check out screen one here cool cool cool so the Phillies came out for go Birds Go Birds Go good luck to you sir very close on this full case of update hobby ladies and gentlemen thanks poppy let’s see I think we’re at like we’re at like 80 some odd players here for screen three please God no more hobby [Music] this all right let’s see where we’re at here for screen three nice whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa let’s update a bunch here yep got your two and three poppy you’re good so is Joe or go Birds I got MK here two three four five okay cool 80 players left see uh someone might drop the link here in a second sikma now that you asked for it someone might drop the link here coming up nice let’s just make sure the store says correct is agreeing with with what I got over here that would make sense all right so we should have 77 let’s just see what the store says Brew there we go thanks Ben very nice ladies and gentlemen we have 10 and two pick your players left 102 players left I love it bro that is awesome 77 over here on screen three 77 not seven 77 there we go also let’s do a huge update here for screen four tops Chrome update all right let’s do a big update real quick to pick your player let’s do it let’s do it Luciano’s out pereira’s out couple names out of here so we got to update screen four takes forever in a day to load so we will wait wait we wait we wait mate M Bounty oh Bounty bount all right there we go for theb or is it just slow it’s just when I have to roster stream for the whole pick your player there’s like 250 some odd players so it just takes yeah forever in a day it’s going tonight Jaws yeah it’s GNA go tonight we’re way too close we’re way too close for it to not go real quick so everyone understands the uh plan of attack plan of attack here tonight screen three has 69 players left spots if you will those are spots okay ladies and Gentlemen let’s go ahead and update that real quick would love to knock out this uh two box random team number four on screen two but it might take the back seat for right now because we are busy on some other product here tops Chrome update hobby we have I think five teams left let’s see where we’re at here white socks gone for Chad thanks Chad thank you Chad took the white socks and the Reds and it looks like the Cardinals are gone for [Music] uh the Mariners are gone for ish good luck ish let’s go ish like is we like ish Okay cool so we’re going to knock out probably this hobby real quick we can run like a 10 spot filler top five draft um on screen four over here we did update the players so they are in descending order if you will they are in descending order cool Smith and 26 SM let’s do it awesome so looks like we got four teams left here on screen one we’re going to rock and roll with update hobby which is a quick Break by the way it’s update hobby thunderberg Lawrence Butler I wouldn’t imagine with the prices that are on the board no Lawrence Butler is not available yeah the cheapest player is 59 I’m pretty sure Lawrence Butler is a little bit little bit more than that I would imagine yeah he’s 149 over there so he is not available anymore let’s see here awesome you’re the man Bob I appreciate you Cardinals gone for Mr wood good luck wood Mr wood Mr wood two teams left over here so we’re going to rock and roll with update hobby bounty’s at 4,000 PYT number 117 is going to be up next then most likely I do believe Vegas would say that screen three the random player which has 68 players left spots if you will it’s a random player we are going to be running that tonight it’s a full case full case ape I just have dirty right above you dirty said Guardians right above you ape oh wait wait wait wait sorry uh dirty dude sorry ape ape said it before you my fault I just missed him you can send ape apologies for the confusing 35 you’re good yep you’re good ape send 35 ape what’s up B all right we’re going to start opening whoever is going to take this last team you let me know we killed it from the store 27 let’s do it we’re full we just feel dirty I’m sorry what’s up dirty sorry I missed sorry I missed you for like two teams just didn’t work out just didn’t work out got you dirty great to see you dirty there’s Mike Mikey what’s up bro Butler Butler come on Butler awesome Apes great thanks ape just in get thirsty I just print one more time because I didn’t know I didn’t bold you didn’t bold I didn’t bold you ain’t bold all right guys and I will say this random player the full case of sapphire is going to be most likely up next thank you good luck best of luck cool awesome ladies and Gentlemen let’s do this thing we sent our email we are ready to rooll it’s a full case what the heck is this full what a weird error this is I don’t know what that is what the heck just happened as long as it’s not in the store then it’s fine but no R BT whoa whoa whoa what’s going on here all right we’ll figure it out in a second here we’re good to go though what’s up ladies and gentlemen 24 tops Chrome update hobby a full case break PYT number one one seven good luck to everyone here thank you James who who is the breaker with this one box Sapphire was it was it douge just curious just want to make sure I’m a bunch of people are coming in and asking that so I’m I’m not aware of what that’s about but bball needs a bigger Ro seriously seriously seriously I know it’s crazy it’s in the process it’s in the process oh yeah BR that’s sick random players flying good it should yay it’s a full case of 24 Bowman Chrome Sapphire it’s a full case it’s my favorite right yeah I love I love it yay yes attack let’s do it all the goal is to try to fill it yeah please before the or once the break is over like we should be full once we’re finished here against San Jose State that is a it’s a huge game for UNLV UNLV needs this game I mean not really for a playoff spot or anything but money on they could T they could tickle a playoff spot if everything and I mean tickle wow tickle tickle a playoff spot like tickle tickle like yeah just like a little slightly yeah just like a little huh just like a little just a tickle they could but they would need I mean every single thing that needs to go right would have to go right for them and an L against San Jose State is uh prink not going to be good pictures nice BR check it out check it out now you oh no you don’t eat you’re like me you eat after it’s so bad yeah right I know it it is terrible it is bad you don’t get to eat you just break show cards what’s up Brink yes it is me I’m so happy yeah it is excited to be here that’s awesome how are you Brink damn I haven’t a while nice to be a baseball room I get pack see small balls face balls baseballs cat James then I think you were the last name I didn’t remember it but I I’ll shoot a text over to uh douge but yeah you’re good man you just let me know James which which player did you [Music] want yeah Marge with the snow cap is right that yeah yeah I get a head cold protect the head wait how many wins do they have uh Chad they should be at above 10 wins I mean above six wins no if UNLV doesn’t have six wins then that’s that is that wouldn’t make sense be 25th 24th in the nation finally let me finally let me back in BJ almost almost didn’t let me so colored blind that like all these I almost went what not what’s that all I’m so color blind that all these like whatever yellow whatever it is like super fror you know but that’s what I’m calling out super whatever you’ll send it right meow yeah right me out out of update so you know what I think James the $39 players are is Abner y Abner ybe Alex Spas Dustin shenton wizel Paris honestly out of those 39 I like Abner Ur he just likes to pop out he just likes to pop out he pops out he pops out popping popping Pop Lock and Drop um there yeah there were 24 sick made last I saw let’s do it James you got it bud let me just make sure that he is available your eBay and let’s take him out my dog Abner I might name my son Abner Abner Abner Abner Katarina what do you think Marge it’s got a little jingle to it huh jingle or a tickle to it tickle right you like the tickle a tickle right a tickle it’s got a tickle to it he tickles cat he doesn’t Pur he tickles yeah we got to find a woman first baraj you have oh go there had a woman she’s gone she’s gone on to bigger and better things supp to babysit is he gone okay so that’s way a train that’s up to you then uh excuse me you let me know um James it looks like AB reay’s is out his uh MLB debut patch is what I’m talking about so if you want to roll with another name you can let me know we could do that everything ships still right yeah everything ships yep true blue coming up spos Pat debut patch okay cool sounds good blue JP France 105 out of 150 all right cool AB eBay is good yep cool I forgot true orange coming up random player almost gone you guys are the best it’s going to be Phil by the time we’re done with this break smack that all on the [Music] flo true orange Auto o cowser very nice here cowser out of 25 for JD nice hit JD on the orange team color match six set of 25 true orange Gaa [Music] Gaa always forget I always forget I got you don’t forget I don’t gotta don’t forget I can’t forget march to my right March could you just click in here hell no hell no she say and then scroll down just ever so slightly keep going keep going keep going keep going write him and then if you could just write um in sold to okay is James R 52 all caps doesn’t matter uh doesn’t matter I like caps we like caps we like big things perfect we like big things that’s it did I do it right boom I think you did don’t forget March don’t forget March come on okay me don’t forget see we got here blue lava Auto twins Ryan Jeffers out of 150 here goes to Minnesota and Smith we wanted thunderberg Cody JM rookie debut Freddy ol let’s go random players sold out ladies and gentlemen we do it tonight we’re doing it right after obviously stratospheric Stars One sto good job everyone we’re going to do that right after this that’s a full case Junior cam on the prism refractor let’s go thank you thank you thank you everyone skin Wyatt 35th nice let’s go I know just joking I’m joking as well Smith trust me I am joking as well I think he’s pitching in like career or something like that so SK base Wyatt out of 99 that’s a piece it’s a cool piece here for the Rangers and Scott thunderberg for college basketball give me a butler soderstrom breakout chero refractor holiday rookie debut refractor purple Carlos Carrasco Garts goes to ape heel Rookie of the Year ladies and gentlemen right after this we are going to run the full case of of sapphires a random player Joey ler fedo you good blue green that’s out of 125 of Wyatt let’s go Scott Mr Scott let’s go blue green here very very nice let’s gos yeah I saw that Brink I actually haven’t watched any uh I haven’t seen much Duke basketball I’ve only watched Kansas zaga hey there he is let’s go Scott nice hit baby Stone there’s sostrom and that was the halfway mark thank you Brink it’s GNA be Angels nice sha noell here out of 299 goes to the angels and Tommy it’s going to be crazy Brink it’s going to be just wild I can I’m not gonna be able to sleep tonight IU Ohio State IU is fifth in the nation I just can’t believe it yeah and by the way we’re talking about football we’re talking about football what not since the leag Corso days baby yeah I think they have to if they want to be in the playoff Diamondbacks here eduard Rodriguez at a 99 this is what I think if Ohio State covers not that it’s not that it has anything to do with Vegas and what Vegas’s spreads are if V if Ohio State covers Henry Davis here on the autograph which would be basically 12 points 13 points 14 points Point give or take depending on what line you have that’s not going to look good to the committee and and then IU I think IU is bounced if IU loses by 10 or more they’re bounced they’re done I think they’re done that’s what I think I don’t know one lost team depends on how they play them out yeah they they have to they have got to compete in that game if they lose it’s depends on how they lose ex lot of rookies let keep rolling two boxes left yeah but yeah Penn State still is in it Brink everyone’s loving Penn State right now uh Drew allers showing a little bit more class this year than he has last year that’s that is good fosu out of 299 I like Drew Aller but I’m not a believer in that coach I forget his name uh James Franklin I believe not a believer in James Franklin but they’ve had a little bit of a better season this year they’ve played the bad teams a lot better than they usually have usually they keep those games tight but they’ve they’ve if if IU wins they’re in the playoff that’s it it’s all they have to do they have to win today’s game tomorrow’s game excuse me and they’re in the playoff yeah Franklin I actually like him too I think he’s like he’s got a good Aura Aura around him but man when it comes to the big game and a lot of them in season if IU wins trying to I’m trying to like think of the the bracket in my head here if IU wins it’s gonna be IU Oregon in the Big 10 conference Championship I believe if Ohio State wins it’s Ohio State Oregon in a rematch correct me if I’m wrong there I believe that’s how it should work out green stratospheric stars of w out of 99 let’s keep rolling yes correct if they beat Oregon then they get the B but they would have to beat Oregon cuz they’re no one’s going to get that that spot five I don’t think so uh sick mid I don’t think so I think it was the Henry Davis base autograph that came out we do have all our all our autographs Mini Diamond naan a Sodom here though it’s a cool piece Oakland goes to sikma to you sir like take Sodom it’s not Butler yeah I mean I if if I was Ohio state better or a Ohio State fan I would be a little worried but the only thing I will say that’s you can sleep at night is uh the spread is 13 and 1 12 I think it’s dropped significantly now to like 10 1/2 11 and A2 but still Vegas is always right the amount of money Vegas made last night on Steelers minus three and a half all the people that lost that betat oh my God they cashed in biggest rat line of the Year biggest rat line of the year and they cashed in Kyle mccan here for Oakland one more for Sigman there’s your Inc it’s just mccan Eddie Rosario here Vegas always knows and uh crazy I’m cautious cautious and that was the break ladies and Gentlemen let’s go ahead and give a recap that is true that is true Chad they dominate as a dog they are the games that they’re supposed to win they do not show up here’s your recap folks full case random player coming up gold some base prisms refractors very true very true Wayne it does level it out and it’s a division matchup division rival it’s going to be a dog fight it doesn’t matter if the team’s two and eight you know it doesn’t matter if the team’s eight and two doesn’t matter shawell out of 299 Jeffers out of 150 Colton cower out of 25 on the true orange very nice piece there and a Wyatt Langford blue green out of 125 for the Rangers and Scott it’s an awesome piece Scott congratulations sir that was 24 tops Chrome update hobby full case py one7 this looks like it was typed almost ohz actuallyy but thank you thank you check cool yep Scott is good to go thank you thank you I’m gonna reprint this as well because a asked me to number three so I’m going toint that cool wa what happened we’re right here where are you kidding actually just gonna ask you about that sweet thank you nice you got it thank you awesome so that one’s cool let’s check out a couple screens you guys can’t see me hello hi hi there’s your camera there’s your a cameras yeah yeah we got three or four all right let’s go ahead and update uh some screens here folks but 117 was good yes yeah 117 was good yep that’s for it’s in there like swimwear in there like swimwear all right I’m going to put up 118 just so you guys can see it over on screen one cool there you guys go let’s update screen two here who all right very nice the random player number two is good to go let’s make sure that the store agrees with all of us it should be all the way down to 202 here please be 202 it is let’s go we’re set on screen three here ladies and gentlemen all right question because I don’t know what’s been going on today have you guys had full case Bowman Chrome Sapphire picker teams or has they only been random teams today I think only random teams they’ve been only random thank you sir okay the random player number four is in the store now or sorry number three I mean is in the store we are on number two here so we are full we are ready to go we can kill him from the store still 22 left here on screen to where’s our uh five caser at we have 99 left let’s go 99 left yeah Bryce it’s in the store check it out check it out it’s in the store brother brother all right we’ll update the um the five caser after this let’s go ahead and do this now let’s go I’m excited full case of Bowman Chrome Sapphire ladies and Gentlemen let’s set everyone up is there any other product in the store yeah H there’s TOS Chrome update we got 2024 Bowman Chrome Sapphire HTA 24 Bowman Chrome Sapphire 2 boxes got gilded going in a couple days tops Chrome update Breakers Delight everyone said they wanted Breakers Delight Breakers Delight looks like it’s back there you guys go first Delight Afternoon Delight night time Delight nighttime Delight where we going with that where are we going with thatat I’m sorry I’m so Marge is what say it out of control oh see oh you know what I’m going I need to what’s up guys I’m going to make you guys my little one of one or one one of one the one of one cards oh you don’t see it on the the channel one no I don’t know know what that is oh okay I’ll show you later the one of one cards maybe because we don’t have you know the right camera so you don’t really see it oh see that’s the key yeah we don’t have Happ don’t have the right camera we don’t have cat if you don’t have a camera you’re going to take com at the end of the night do you really love your camera I know who does cat let’s do it all right real quick let’s just upload our video and the full case random player is coming up yeah my favorite I to see let’s go oh yeah and we have a full case awesome by the way everyone we are doing the 5K picker player tonight it’s it’s going to go tonight it will be going tonight so make sure to grab those spots ladies and Gentlemen by the way folks if there is any breaks that have not been uploaded to our YouTube Channel please let me know and I can try and find them out as as far as all the breaks that we’ve done with me so far they all seem to be uploaded if anyone earlier in the day if there were any earlier in the day I should say that did not upload you can let me know all right screen for is really not updated trees yes yes yes yes yes oh dude I’m I’m rolling here sick mate rolling R rolling like uh rolling with the homies let’s go rolling rolling rolling want to grab a case Mar I get to pick a case yes absolutely 2 bman Sapphire seriously Sapphire yep right I get to pick it on that middle shelf one below yep there you go below below uh yes believe so when I see it right to your hip yep there you go smoke is coming off these keyboards baby let’s do it what’s up ladies and gentlemen 2024 Bowman Chrome Sapphire 2 Bo excuse me 2024 Bowman Chrome Sapphire full case random player is where we’re at ladies and gentlemen number 34 here hold up our video didn’t even start that’s weird don’t do that to me camera computer what’s up ladies and gentlemen 2024 Bowman Chrome Sapphire a full case random player welcome in here let’s do this thing we’re on number two let’s roll our dice we’re going to go to the players first 3+ 4 that equals 7 we’re going to go to the players first all right we go to seven should be 202 it is you see there on Johan roas we go to seven 27 we go 27 We Go Glow the one that you were in that one ran I think two breaks ago it ran it should be uploading seven there you guys go seven 3 plus 4 equals seven Walker Jenkins at the bottom got wsie at the Top If it hasn’t uploaded already glow it’s probably like really really close probably really really close all right cool seven you see there seven now we alphabetize the names should be 202 verify Trent at the bottom good luck here we go to seven seven heaven seven heaven that’s his right four floor seven heaven who knows what I’m talking about to seven Louie at the top and at the bottom we got TC TC at the busy bottom busy bottom busy bottom wow the busy bottom so what I’ll do here actually let’s alphabetize these names real quick let’s show you guys an easy way to see who you have and who you do not have all right real quick just check out this list I’ll have Marge scroll through it real quick if anyone just find your name ladies and gentlemen it all is in alphabetical order so everyone just hang TI we’ll have Marge scroll down a little bit just to see who who everybody has ready Teddy yeah yeah all right everyone be aware be aware yep on screen three here if you could just scroll super slow so everyone is slow nice James yes sir when you see your name please pause okay please pause no way Brandon oh my gosh let’s do it let’s do it all when you see your name please pause so you can see who you have and who you don’t have going slow yeah yeah slow slow do it again and yeah and then just keep scrolling one more a little bit nice okay cool Zan Papa you can see all your teams I’m going to go back up and we’re going to scroll back up one more time so you guys can all see we go up and down down up and down up and down and then we’re going to put it back in the the the other alphabetical order of the players oh that kind of slow no no no no no Bobby where is your name you did poppy I’m very confused poy let me open up all these box I’m not sure what the heck I did must have messed something up poppy here I’m just gonna have you open up 9190 are you stacking I’m sorry are you doing pack by um yeah I’m going to do pack by pack perfect I am so confused right now poppy I’m really not too sure what happened my friend I this is I do remember we said to go to the store but you sent BBU so I gave you a total I’m going to put um 70 back on your account and also please give me any player on screen four here any player on screen four please give me one poppy we said to go through the store but then I gave you a total price poppy so that that’s what messed us up that is exactly what messed us up we didn’t actually take spots from the random player we only took spots or we only took BL bucks give me any $29 player over there I’ll help you out over there poy I put 70 back on your account I apologize dude apologies apologies number three is in the store ladies and Gentlemen let’s get this show on the road here this random player break let’s go rock and roll here good luck good luck ladies and gentlemen do this thing Leo base gold Royce Lewis out of 50 yeah please do poppy give me give me one lisbel Diaz out of 75 Giants actually to the lizb belaz spot wish we had a AI wish we had AI to just just tell it what to do tell the computer to do everything be amazing Luis Matos D de los Santos here to the de los Santos spot hopefully everyone knows what player they have we did go through it scroll through it Mega slow cherio Josh Young out of 75 um it’s the five case pick your player 2024 Topps Chrome update or poppy you let me know if you just want [Music] um if you want me to pencil you in for I’d give you uh three of the uh random player spots on number three if you want I can give you three spots that’s a beautiful one cherio here let’s go nice cherio on the image variation very nice piece there if you want three spots on that or if you want to I did already put the points back on your account if you wanted I did put points or the $25 player or if you want it for the random player cool poppy you got it I’ll be able to take those three spots out for you sorry again dude gold I love gold right Joe I Joe I always it would be a little complicated I think about it all the time I think about you all the time colon cows are out of 50 on the gold I think about it all the time thank you poppy thank you radney Adriel radney here goes to TC sick maid you didn’t see could you try to find sick maid’s name on the on the right side you have Lawler oh James said that earlier that’s I remember now oh excuse me oh Oakland A’s here Luis Morales so look no I think you’re good I think yeah thank you you let me know how many spots you have sikma Jackson holiday base Parker Meadows at a 75 phone died twice siik man you got a phone charger s you have this thing called a phone charger jdom image Fair solo out jom on the image vs let’s go Colby what’s up Colby how are you hey two boxes down ladies and gentlemen you’re yatsi of course you’re yatsi Jeremy Rodriguez here first in the prce out of 199 could you try to find who has yeah jrod jrod Jeremy Clemson man’s got it Jose Ramirez here out of 50 does cat smell good today you you’re so got a 75 was going get appreciate you he does smell good yes why are you supposed to think in his camera this is Hammer he’s in love I’m all out of the uh bulgary is that how you say it you know the company bulgary is it it’s BV l g a r i oh man Bugatti Bugatti bugat it’s not Bugatti have we hit any skin Auto is in this no we haven’t seen any skin in this we have seen a skin Auto out of um gilded not out of this though not yet not yet key word yet YSI sorry I’m supposed still to look for it right I’m still for what yeah once we once we see another what’s up cruising oh snap cruising it’s cruising in the building yellow there’s paully boy who is on Paul skin is it you Colby I know it’s a random player so it is yatsi nice yatsi it’s a cool piece little yellow Paul skin maybe something else too maybe maybe cruin here a black good luck let’s burn the back on our gold it’s curly Mara curly burn the back tankk hence in front of Brian woo for the white socks nice team color match nice Herrera here nice Eduardo herreraa I know poppyo no where am I look for Herrera where is he there he is Noah nice Noah Manz three boxes down ladies and gentlemen time to get crazy cruising we’re always crazy come on Brandon for real foro base those names ell or Wyatt come on for the love of St Pete give it to us Noel V yellow Jordan Westberg at a 75 for the O’s oawa and a gold Juan Bas nice Juan Bas you’re having a lucky night tonight Cruisin yes let’s go Auto that’s what you want to hear what break is next is most likely going to be either the five case picker player or tops scrum update one of those twoo we have a two boxer I forgot about the two boxer can you just clicking this screen two please and just scroll all the way up up we go cool damn Cruisin that is disgusting Junior that is nasty brazzo Bon here for the buckos to the brilin brazo Bon spot yeah most likely either two boxer or tops Chrome update hobby PYT number 118 we did just put hold on red yep naan Yankees Austin Wells that’s a really cool piece did you see who has wellsy yes let’s go Lou okay Lou has him that’s awesome very nice piece for Lou on the red the what product is the five piecer is 2024 tops Chrome update three hobbies and two jumbos Souza Paulino Santana out of 75 very nice very nice 2024 tops Chrome update is what it is me all R KB Lindor out of 75 on the yellow koki NOA Okie DOI nice [Music] Ellie Elli base green rangers nice Vargas nice Vargas here for the Rangers rangers have a lot is Shri out of 9999 could you see how was e oh yes I’m sorry now you’re good H wake up Brandon Jack Vargas uh no VAR chedre Vegas is for breezy Breezy’s got him Ellie is on Brandon yeah Brandon is on Ellie for Vargas no you’re good just the auto radney here I believe the image V it is it is he’s got the sunglasses on in that one the other one he doesn’t have sunglasses on it’s almost looks like he’s making the same play yeah gold there he is there’s the non-image variation radney out of 50 looking like he’s making the same play orange sapphire selections here none nice Leo three out of 25 here on the orange beautiful piece could you see how Leo yes Le EO love everyone okay love everybody love everyone Leo aptron nice hit let’s go W base why yet we won’t Susan not until number two is full once two is full then I can load another one into the store gotta get two off first we got a bounties on we got great players on the board Bounty for each one is live Bounty for each one is Live Gold auto Josh Lugo nice Lugo out of 50 who’s got Josh we could probably see it nice right at the top it’s Eric Eric 75 let’s go gold nice Leo base more for ape Wyatt out of out of 50 here let’s go like who they all they’re all available soua they’re all available for the Bounty each and every one of them metos watch his super Auto come out any super Auto is 500 any super non-auto 300 and any MLB debut patch nice piece here we finally caught it why yet that is the variation Oreos yes sir just for the Bounty soua just Bounty purposes is all I’m saying give you a name Jonathan Canon give me Canon Chris roller Eden KY per they got to have some supers super Autos out there nice asencio on the image variation we good image variations for quite a lot of players in this yeah asencia it’s a cool one Vladimir black in the back an Rocky black here it’s sudako it’s a cool piece Jeremy goes to Eric Eric on him orange Dodger naan mooki five out of 25 on the reverse jersey number it’s reverse it’s eBay 101 reverse reverse Auto ah it’s vlat Guerrero here on this one vlat to the V to the V yeah Oreos I’ve Thin Blue that’s you thin blue Thin Blue on vlat Guerrero blatty Jr four boxes left ladies and gentlemen here we go orange Rocky Hunter Goodman here out of 25 in the city connects little vlat action we’ve seen the we’ve seen the Guerrero family you are right whoever said that Crosby we’ve seen all types of Guerreros over here it’s crazy vlat Guerrero junior senior vlat Guerrero crazy I yeah exactly Crosby it’s wild we’re all over the vlads are out Emilio Sanchez out of 70 five what senior was out of gilded it was uh M we hit a the gold frame maybe like out of 50 or show doing hip hip yeah was gilded frames is he driving you crazy not yet not yet Morales first in the print out of 199 first in the print out of 199 adios curly Martha one more Coy here we go give us a couple more for the Reds here inaras strand out of 50 CES crack rocks and mck Harry one more and we got three boxes left folks orange in the back nice wood nice James Wood a 25 orange guy three boxes remain folks let’s go Wix sedan yep Vlad senior expo’s gold frame just one was there two or just one I feel like could be wrong here Adriel radney here I couldn’t tell his behind was was the color of our Auto of the auto it’s deceiving deceiving radney cabbage tyon ronzo tyon see who has th th please de laa of 50 germs there you are there is germs yeah same break is right chero never never I guess I guess never ever never ever Never Say Never Never Say Never Willie AR brao out of 75 Never Say Never this damn McNuggets Julio don’t think an image variation no he is not verified basab canzona yellow Den zenzo out of 75 Den zenzo two boxes remain good luck ladies and gentlemen here we go nice Vlad Guerrero one more Vlad Guerrero to Thin Blue Thin Blue on there Kyle teal Deigo out of 75 on the yellow black it’s gonna be St Louis Goldie here the former MVP four out of 10 here gold Schmidt paully boy can we see paully yeah we can BK’s on them BK Vols Happ K 75 in this product last year really maybe like 22 no still in 23 that’s crazy Welly the rookie the rookie nice s May what’s a score yellow Merill fic out of 75 yellow gold Cruz very nice piece here out of 5050 like little Fernando crw gold orange nice fiz here very nice fiz onhell fiz two kale hey let’s go Honda H you got Canon and roller soua that’s awesome soua let’s go let’s go nice fiz yeah Oreos whatever product is that I know in the older sapphires like they the numbers are all over the place paulk’s base base rookie here and they just drove me crazy gold albertis out of 25 Alexander Yellow Smith Scher out of 75 oh wow it was you are right uh Oreos Butler couple pieces left here couple packs left green will be our Auto for Seattle it’s dwell nice dwell here dwell out of 999 goes to the Mariners bur in the back nice Nala to 75 Nala Den zenzo woo in front of another gold Kiren Paris got him bu Aqua 99 yeah I’m glad there’s no Aqua I like the colors they gave us here Abbot and that will round out everything folks ladies and gentlemen most likely the two box break is up next then after that possibly one ADM tops Chrome hobby then we have the 5K case picker player that we have to get through tonight here is your recap folks asencio image ve Leo couple times radney on the image V let’s go Colby wish it was more buddy wish it was more Golds yellow [Music] Westberg Wyatt out of 50 here awesome piece on the image variation gold out of 50 awesome hit for the lenford spot it’s Brandon orange guys some more base here image ver of jom image ver of cherio to your autographs folks vlat black nons we had a black Auto was Herrera very nice Leo out of 25 Wells on the red for the Yanks there and a Paulk here out of 75 going to the Paulk spots that is Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe we’re going to beat the sword on the image variations Wyatt as well and the wells red congrats to the hitters sorry to those who might have missed that was 2024 Bowman Chrome Sapphire full case break random player number two thank you very much thank you thank you march for awesome cruising good luck brother see where we’re at here for screen three here it says 163 left it’s going to be 160 left let’s just make sure our numbers are right yep 202 there and G for poppy let’s see let’s update screen one here let’s update screen one let’s see where we’re at cool cool cool Brewers poppy they are uh you just send 119 poppy all right ladies and Gentlemen let’s update screen two here go there we go Jimmy James 420 with a spot on screen too 50 bucks a spot there ladies and gentlemen 21 left looks like we got uh looks like we got 160 players left in the full case of Sapphire for the five caser let’s see where we’re at though we’re at 97 left here we’re going to update screen four here ladies and gentlemen give us a little bit of take some time I just don’t understand that oh yeah poy I was gonna do that but uh you could just send whatever what whatever the difference would be if you want to do that it would just be I think you just be setting 49 then poppy right that sounds correct all right let’s update our screen four here a little bit to update it’s going to take some time and then we’re going to jump right into it what’s up Tim Tim it’s the first one in the store my friend I’ll link it to you here you go Tim it is the five case pick your player pick your player of 24 Topps Chrome update it’s one with Jackson holiday on the cover on the front there if you guys are unaware of how the bounties work any MLB any MLB MLB debut pack will trigger a $3,000 bounty in bessbug credit any superfractor autograph will be 500 in BB credit and any superator non autograph will be 300 and blz bu credit we actually gave away 300 in our last break it’s breaking 38 minutes ago it’s already broken what’s up e no no no yeah I think we’re already uh I think we’re already doing that thin blue oh yes what did you have Thin Blue the J yeah the jom and then you had an auto is that what you’re saying you had an auto I thought I put that over there the auto of what else did you oh wait no no was the wells red and then jom variation no Austin multiple autos what players then what players did you have’s got you know what we should do what’s that ah no it doesn’t make it easier I was going to say to print it for the sords on you know how we showed them with the names with their names but I don’t think that’s going to make it easier for them I got you Blue I’ll look for it so okay cool yeah vlat Guerrero right I think you had two vlat Guerrero Autos was positive nice 97 players here folks 97 we got to get this moving and shaking over here so what I want to do here whoever wants to like like all these $9 players if you want to if you want all these $9 players I can go in the store and take them all out for you you can have them for 75 so on and so forth if you want to bulk some players up together here all these $19 guys give you a great kill price it’s 1,45 on the board if you wanted to big help on that I can help you out so on and so forth with all these players really want to get this five caser off tonight though do it 160 left on screen three got the two boxer on screen two okay I two more players just came out had the Rangers out here for Higgins good luck Mr Higgins okay so we had Jackson wolf out see you Keon win out how much is this got I missed ker oh he’s a $9 guy my fault my fault okay yeah Stone go for it Stone I’mma go ahead and try and take these guys out of the store God forbid that they I didn’t get you these players and someone else actually took them the odds of that are super low we will see though it will take a little bit to roster stream it but you should be good you you should be able to send and we’ll put in Kevin here for thanks Stone appreciate you buddy March any papers I’m missing um not from which ones were they just we can that would bepp ROM uh it was just random Team Four got that one okay Bowman Chrome Sapphire full case random Team Four yes and then bman sappire full number one okay got it awesome thank you got you you think it’s what do you think it’s easier for the sords and severs how the trying to think oh no no no they need to be an alphabetical order by the player yeah they have to be an alab they would never be able to find it oh yeah all those are that is for the set all okay than you thank you so much man who’s better than Marge what the hell is mar a lot of people thank you I want to meet him is I try I try got take care of our Peach Perfecto yes perfect cool so you confirm F you confirmed yep it’s if anything it’s on me is he on IG is that random did I print number one you did the random team the random player the random player well random Team Four and then the random team oh you did put in there okay yeah try to keep it in order okay cool yes okay I’m just going to separate separate wow what separate separate so I’m just going to do it by player so it’s not too much separate and listen Mar is back with a brand new edition all right let’s update some screens here let’s see what we got what’s up harb G G G you got it rbe pencil you in here sir one extra letter one extra number I should say let’s see where we’re at here Tommy Brewers for poppy hey padr Dean B then blue no no gr right just be y justs yep beat it what so sorry what so sorry you like that Dr Gru with his three had poppy for his three and it is Bob The Deen first spot here on 160 we have 150 nine players remaining ladies and gentlemen this so much fun hey Dr Brew you got it all right guys where are we honing in here cat move one of those um pens right there please the Sharpie this one yes please thank you so sweet thank you all right ladies and gentlemen what are we jumping into next the world’s are oyster here herd out Kier Meer out run it back I know I would love to we should run back screen three I know it’s a little bit of ways it’s 159 left but seriously we should run that back what did we update hobby can we try and do that man I don’t want to Halt here 159 left on screen three ladies and gentlemen five five players just came out here on screen one see who came out on screen four I should say balazovic gone Jordan Jordan see you Mike bbby baby oh wait that’s basketball yeah like old school baby baby baby perfect 92 players these are all our players remaining ladies and gentlemen for screen four for the five case pick your player that should be going tonight 92 players left the store does agree Dr grew you’re great rbe you’re great oh yeah Pew if someone has the list to drop to Pew there are plenty plenty of uh plenty of players remain here for this mlob debut patch some are out would you like your water sorry what’ you say oh yeah someone has that list I know they they dropped it earlier which ones is it it’s theas p four and five that are missing what’s up n how are you buddy you’re the man I appreciate you dude all right let’s see here just got to update something for got to print a couple breaks here what do we want to jump into next ladies and gentlemen try and take your spots here for screen three it’s a full case of 24 Bowman Chrome Sapphire full case random player try and take your spots that one is an awesome break and it’s release day we want to see more of it we’re only through three we’re only through two actually we through two two Deuce two gilded four and five right uh Marge yes okay you got it let’s do this it’s not anywhere on this sheet so I have to just like do this if you see what I’m doing oh yeah oh ARB you’re the man thank you hey let’s go thank you shie for all right that one should be good let me print out seven for you or no it was wait let me print it one more time it’s okay it’s four just took the template okay it was four and five is that what you said four and five five okay throwing my government name out there all right let’s see here yeah I like Chuck nasty sad sad sad he’s retiring but I think it was long overdue for Chuck nasty man I can’t believe he stayed a rocky as long as he did love Chuck what’ you say booty what doing all that nah it’s all right you got to do it got to do it a’t nothing to it to do it ain’t nothing to it if not me then who that’s true not me now March so dry nice poppy that’s a sick piece what year is that Poppy I have no idea what the year that is go for it MGH there’s nothing on the board here we have to get this off someone make deals make offers for screen four please please please let’s do it grab a whole bunch of players you let me know we got to get this going let’s check where we’re at here for screen one 2009 Bowman Chrome that is awesome that is so awesome I wonder who else was in that product and who’s still uh what’s it called active and who’s not really that’s awesome Bobby CSA cam is great on the Red Sox Cubs Pitcock white socks Bucky collect Stein ooos mu JG G price McCrae JG iy Teddy Joe Kurt Louie Gold Birds cray so many bounties still available even not even not even the MLB debut patch any superfractor auto any super reor non-auto would trigger it really what the hell start yelling you good yeah I’m good I just printed him out finally there we go get Case Case or the the hell am I saying I don’t even know what are you saying Marge what’s Marge saying like how you saying what out of my mouth Andy Andy Andy is this guy and the rbe send me uh y thank you RB send me 30 let’s do it let’s go if he’s still available which I believe he is sweet we are complete we are complete guys if you got any players for the pick your player please let me know for screen four so I can try to update it accordingly yeah Thin Blue I think actually I think Marge even grabbed all your all your players did you remember the Paulino Santana yellow hm did you grab a Paulino Santana yellow yes you did yes okay then you’re your set inin blue right yeah with your yeah with all the other ones yeah yeah awesome yeah she grabbed them Allin blue I hooked you up nice what’s up Kell how are you what’s up what’s up chilling chilling you’re welcome got you uh do you want any snacks or something no I’m okay I’m yeah I’m all right thank you yeah we got a five case pick your player going on here craziness going on tops Chrome update 3 hobby 2 jumbo it’s gilded release it’s also Bowman Chrome Sapphire release okay here Dr group just hang tight for me it takes forever to grab this uh all the pick your players out of here so I took out I took out Cruz and Forest Whitley I have absolutely no idea how much that okay Forest Whitley there you are and step Cruz where are you sir Steven Cruz do you mean Fernando crw Dr grew or Steven Cruz oh never mind it didn’t show me him never mind absolutely absolutely uh Dr G just make sure I got those two players out of the store for you all right Forest Whitley good and Steven Cruz let’s make sure he’s good good to go yep you’re good to go on is uh Dr gri nice everyone else’s name looks updated on this list cool very nice very nice Knack are you out there Knack you took a bunch of players right in the store or was it one player what’ you do let me know okay good to go there Force smell you later Cruz where are you there you are smell you later guys I’m going to update this five case pick your player real quick just with possible players that might not have any more of their MLB excuse me that their M MLB debut patch has already been pulled so I’m going to update this list because it has to get updated if you know a player for sure has a still live MLB debut patch please go and grab it but if not if you’re not sure about that player just hang tight all right and then you’ll see the up updated list and see who’s out it’s a bunch there’s like 15 players here and that’ll uh it’s going to be 15 less on the board so cool perfect Brandon yeah Brandon I didn’t even see your message until right now that’s I think one of the players thanks Dr grew it’s only for players that only have their MLB debut patch and no other parallel I mean I bar I don’t even know these names these names are never heard of these names cool cool yeah I think even Andy Rodriguez shouldn’t even be up there I’m going to give you guys an updated list here for screen four let’s give you an updated list here for screen four once it comes back to me by the way let’s see where we’re at here for screen three there’s 158 players no no one taking a spot for this come on no way no way Teddy’s in this piece are you kidding me even Teddy is in this Teddy Teddy steady Teddy they call him I might have to jump in a spot that would be fun if Teddy’s in this I might jump maybe maybe okay now let’s update screen four here folks potty potty let’s see where we’re at here ladies and gentlemen this place is always I know it’sing here cold it is it is always one of the other all right let’s go I mean you are pantless so I I still don’t have pants on all night I haven’t had pants on it’s just been no wonder do you like the camera love the camera no one in the camera loves me just kidding all right let’s update this me and the camera go way way way way way back way back like he does have base though okay cool so those names I can’t get rid of any of those names got to make sure that we keep that on the list it’s such a fine line of who who has this who has who doesn’t have this yeah just for tops Chrome update in general oh I got check the list check the list that’s what you got folks that’s what you guys got that’s where we’re at let’s see how many players we have left 73 let’s go again anyone want any of these $9 players here by the way these are all players that we do know Fernando Cruz Cru Cru why is Fernando Cru in this I crazy am I crazy is that the same Fernando Cruz you are crazy nine players on the $9 spots if someone wants them for uh 65 please let me know let’s go 60 if you want it for 60 you let me know 55 someone say it 55 just giving it out I mean basically just giving it out now he’s giving it out for the $9 help me out let’s do it it 55 I mean Steel Man where even is this guy yeah yes of course I’m change let’s go let’s go you got it thank you MGH for your help hey there’s MGH if you guys grabbed any teams or players in the store or if you grabbed any players in the store just let me know so I can try and knock them out so we’re not double selling over cell Mojo Cruz is Red’s rookie I Ain blank out on who this kid is blanking out I think of when I think of Fernando Cruz I think of the uh the kid from Bowman the cubby I feel like I don’t remember another Cruise it’s crazy all right let’s see thank you we probably have some videos to upload we don’t we actually don’t what’s up Joe Bob how are you we are all caught up on all all our videos we are set for everything man if anyone wants some players in bulk here on screen four please let me know please let me know even MGH is one by one helping out you guys let me know let’s do this it’s early it’s early ear do you want me to get you a hoodie cool no I have one in uh yeah he’s off the list in this back in whinings smell your whinings yep good to go guys I’ll be right back go to the restroom real quick haven’t moved from this seat in about five hours yeah let me move here yes move my legs ladies and gentlemen who’s going to help us out here screen one let’s update it one more time I think this is where we’re at though for tops Chrome update would love to get more Bowman Chrome Sapphire on the road here screen three it’s only 34 bucks a spot I’ll say that one more time it’s only 34 bucks a spot one more time how much 34 bucks a spot damn all right one more time 30 shut up cat ladies and gentlemen that’s where we’re at here let’s see if anything came out on screen when it doesn’t quite look like it if you guys Let’s do let’s try and get some breaks off here cards on release day a dual release day yeah no reason let’s go why does I love how it says oh never mind there’s a bunch of you fantino spelled his name wrong fire spelled his name wrong I spelled my name wrong it has the uh the spell correct thing or whatever it’s called it says it says it’s wrong it says my name’s wrong oh maybe you’re wrong yeah maybe I’m wrong Maybe I’m Wrong tell you that you’re wrong yeah trying to tell me that I’m wrong uh oh I’m not crazy you’re crazy nice bunch out of here on screen three good luck Breezy 152 left one two three four five six one two three four five one two three four five [Music] six what what it’s Joe Bob joob what up Joe Bob you got it buddy thank you let go the restroom Stu yeah for real for real Breezy thank you DB good luck here let’s go there we go big team off the board that’s huge top scrum update screen one here Yanks are out for DB good luck DB let’s go that’s where we’re at ladies and gentlemen not that far away really just have the Reds there even the A’s rest of the teams are 59 or less do it do do it rest yeah and then there’s also ad for for for for it cool sorry what are we doing are we doing the five caser let’s get the five caser off tonight cat will be right back we’re so close with the hobby as well the pack the store until he gets back please what do we want to do let’s see some cards let’s see some bounties it bounties let for for for C nice Guam let’s go baby good luck it’s a big team off the board good luck Guam green jazz or the Bounty let’s go both possible stros are gone for germs good luck germs bang let’s go bro very very nice still got 72 over here folks for um update hobby it is any MLB debut patch any of the MLB debut patches for the five case break it’s for any super fractor so let me go back the bounties for 41 100 for the MLB debut patch on the five caser we have another Bounty which is a little different um which is any superator non autograph will be 300 any superfractor auto will be 500 in bz Buck credit yeah they do every team has at least three the least amount of teams oh I know Chris I know they have the least amount of teams is the uh the Phillies and they have three here you go Brook me show you this correct yep the debut pount the debut Bounty still applies for screen four for the five caser oh wow I didn’t even know that jobob it’s all the way at the bottom of the screen I didn’t even bottom of the store I didn’t even notice it okay well for screen two here screen two has seen no movement I’m going to take this down for right now so that we can try and fill so we can try and fill up the 2022 Bowman Chrome Sapphire excuse me Bowman Draft Sapphire I believe it is under I don’t even know what the over under is let me see let me think about that before I even look at the number I remember it saw it get down to 11 and a half uh on the spread the over under I’m gonna say ah I don’t know college is so weird is 52 too high feel like 52 is way too high yo Cru what’s up buddy no way that is hysterical I didn’t even know what the number was it is 52 and a half wow that is hysterical that is sharp that is sharp nice it just moved to 53 and a half I love it 50 and a half all right we’re gonna put this up here yeah absolutely Cruisin Cruisin do you want me to just wait until the end of the night it I feel like it’s not going to get any movement here we still have 20 left at least for the the random team if you want me to put points on your account or transfer it over to something else we’re going to run screen one though tonight I know that we are going to run screen one Guam’s Guam’s rocking and rolling over here for screen one Guam Guam Guam I’ll be on probably for another hour and a half or so Cruisin we’ll be here would love to see this five caser if you guys want to if you guys go grab anything in the store for the five caser let me know and I’ll put a little points back on your account and try to help you out how many more we have 73 73 oh what that are you on tomor no you’re off tomorrow no tomorrow I’ll be off Oreo is that with bz sorry yeah it is it is Oreo is that with BS is what isn’t is that with B cannot speak is what what Brandon no Legends are not in theight we actually just pulled uh pulled some Legend the other night out of hobby oh true orange Chipper Jones maybe Brandon think it was chipper damn Oreos that sucks dude sorry to hear that that is like whack whack wack is Right nice there you go Oakland Guam you guys want to run a nine spot filler everyone drafts yeah cool Cruisin you got it that’s sounds good cruising cruising for bruising hold up cruising hold up cruising sa have the Tigers yep all right I got you cruising sounds good yes exactly cruising that’s fine that’s perfect sorry sorry sorry let me put this up here this hasn’t been put up yet one two three four five if anyone’s missing a spot here for screen three you let me know for screen two you let me know cuz there’s not 11 left for whatever reason I don’t know why the store says that is it tricking you yeah it’ss I mean not that far off but still it’s like what let’s check the incomplete file here there’s got to be some people who took some spots or there’s no reason it’s like that gotcha gotcha gotcha hold up this is why this is why folks this is why is why we’re wax there wax there oops oops oops not wax yep you’re good you’re good our shark you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good you can send buddy I took him out of the store for you nice okay perfect so we actually are right there very very nice folks let’s go yay thank you going slowly but surely yeah I like that let’s see where we’re at here nice looks like we got 10 left does work out correctly no I got you irar you’re good baby I wasn’t sure if you heard me the first time I was trying to lock you lock you up your teams you are good brother Irish Hart is here someone asked me for another one [Music] earlier cruising’s good for the Tigers all right one two you got a poppy you’re good over there five six seven all right a 15 spot filler here for screen one let’s do it oh it’s perfect I’m going to kill this from the store I’m killing it from the store here 15 spot filler R 20 per on the nose kill it two for 36 top seven draft let’s go there you go 11 left you’re good po you don’t have to drop again you you got it just under the line 10 left let’s go almost single digit nine left count down sorry Chris you asked me all that you asked me that already my fault my fault uh 34 plus 3 you me to write stuff down I’m sorry no no you’re how much is the two fillers here 49 plus 36 yeah 85 exactly exactly there we go there we go eight left thank you Guam thank you very nice let’s go you guys can send over I have full confidence this is going to go here thank you DB you guys are everyone sending as well point of no return let’s go eight left eight pencil you guys in here has anyone been playing Microsoft flight simulator 2024 anyone I want to talk to you is like it sounds fine nice let’s go Chris 521 I like it that’s perfect it’s just it’s the numbers game cool cool cool eight left ladies and gentlemen that’s where we’re at six over the halfway mark perfect hey perfect we’re checking payments as we go as as well Poppy’s great Guam’s great that what are you going to do tomorrow then you’re off what am I doing tomorrow it’s the biggest Saturday of my life so far March it is oh that’s right it’s the biggest Saturday of my life of my 24 years of age is the biggest Saturday in my lifetime Ohio State right you’re going to paint your your face and everything I’m going P my face red and white I’m going to be wear my basketball jersey it’s just oh out of control it’s going to be out of control like party mode kind of not party but you know what I’m saying like we get some drinks flowing then uh it could be it could be bad it could be if IU wins and we get some drinks going it’s going to be not good it’s GNA be I mean hope hope I remember the Indiana win oh doesn’t matter when they win I know me and my brother are gonna go crazy oh my gosh Eric not Eric not Eric h a absolutely Hawk I mean Bru you’d hit the you’d hit the Bounty and you could give it over to Hawk hell yeah you got it dude still 152 players left on screen three signed a ball here we go the day I turn into a feline five left ladies and Gentlemen let’s go grab our case we could start opening let’s just make sure we had no double checkouts the keyword DC we’ll send our email out here five left ladies and gentlemen you guys continue to send what’s up Oscar dog Oscar oh there’s oh Cruz’s back oh snap Cruisin what are you sending for oh okay that’s fine Cruisin that’s fine Cruisin I was just going to take it out of your points cruising but now you’re good uh Danny I mean it’s not up to me you guys got to take the teams you know what I’m saying you guys got to take the teams let’s do it I want to see to 5K sir we tried man dude I’ll stay I got to be on tomorrow so I’ll stay up okay you got to be on in the morning not boy player same thing no afternoon one JS thank you thank you I just want to see two left Guam in Good Luck Guam full boom here we go you’re the man skull like trit in Chris for two more let’s go it’s like f it Friday f it Friday baby boom boom boom all right let’s just random the rest we got to check a couple payments here perfect I’ll cover the cost yeah out of pocket yeah out of pocket thanks Guam Guam’s good all right just waiting on a couple more people here I’m going to go check PayPal real quick full everyone s full everyone s send we are full cat’s going to check some payments through PayPal pick the case and then boom boom I he now sponger hey hi I know I’m like hopping over here hopping the channel hopping it’s cool though I don’t mind it I love baseball can you set aside J sure absolutely yes I can do that Mony yes he’s checking right now there goes my bodyguard you’re welcome miikey I got you do I have a thing for this no I don’t crazy ass cruising crazy cruising cruising for bruising 24 yep Chris is good he’s Jones Jones Jones in for jazz cards oh shoot true it’s great Irish heart you sent might have missed you buddy CH what if I did I apologize what’s up Chris how are you baby I saw oh wait you’re good you’re good Irish sharp yep boom boom you guys are all good I appreciate you all let’s do this thing let’s send the email out it’s go time DB it is go time baby it’s always go I’ll grab a case here March can start opening yes we’re trying to do the five caser too please I know for real five caser is going to be the end of me it’s going to be the end of me Good Luck ladies and gentlemen here we go yes what’s up folks 24 tops Chrome update hobby full case break PYT number 118 the bounty’s at 4100 for any MLB debut patch Auto let’s do this thing we have a 15 spot filler drafting the top seven here okay okay Chris I got you drafting the top seven here good luck let’s roll our dice roll five four plus one that equals five good luck top seven you’re looking to be in four fifth and final poppy at the top it’s Chris 2 poppy 3 har Guam DB and TR it hey Guam give me Guam give me any $19 player please yeah the cat’s in here wait kind of cat Guam you had four oh sorry Guam never mind you got a spot you got a squat G you got a squat G my fault my fault I thought I skunked you on four spots I was just about to be sicko sicko Stone cool you got a Spock bomb never mind never mind going to try to do anything to help this out Justice yes sir we’re going in line here Chris is up next then poppy is the up next Irish Hart Guam Chief DB and truit Poppy good to go Swit no you’re good still got to uh okay pencil everyone in here Cool Chris thank you buddy poy you are up next sir sleep last nighto you didn’t sleep last night I don’t know why just part of being old there is there is nothing worse as I’ve gotten older right than not getting your sleep Irish heart you’re up next my friend sleep is I mean especially now that I’m like uh you’re 24 no no no no now that my schedule is completely flipped oh I I need my sleep if I don’t have sleep I I wouldn’t be able to function in here but you don’t sleep that’s the only op who doesn’t you Oh Me Oh my God you’re looking at the biggest sleeper on the planet Earth oh really oh my goodness might catch me for like 12 hours at a time sleeping oh you are a true cat H oh my gosh on the weekends oh my gosh it’s not like a if it wasn’t this weekend yeah I would just be chilling we did do the filler cruise and that’s where we’re at here Irish heart you’re up next my friend Braves cool thank you hey Braves to the Guam Chief we did cruising that’s pretty funny poy that’s actually good yeah you know what I remember my life pre you know buying Sports buying into breaks and now a lot more sleep I would say a lot more sleep Guam you’re good DB you got it if you want the yep you got it DB sounds good and then TR you round it out with the last team there my friend five four plus one that equals five thank you ladies and gentlemen get this show on the road here y thank you for the love of God can we hit an mlbd Bo patch Auto please one time yes I mean honestly we know how this goes we will hit one because Marge is here oh man just usually how it goes Mar MOJ you really believe in that huh it’s like you did not win this time cruin no but we need to hit a banger of a tiger for you Cruisin Banger need a big one bud but but but you can do it good wait how old are you I’m 24 oh my God yeah yeah that’s right 20y four baby I’m actually taking my vacation in February for my birthday back back home February what second oh really yeah a be gone for like 10 days I just met up with eie to lock it in oh really that’s awesome so I’m so I haven’t seen I haven’t been home and seen my family in I uh maybe coming up on a year there’s home home again where uh South Florida like dad’s in Wellington mom’s in like Stewart I will not do that MGH I will make sure to not do that MGH you’re good sad face is it that’s pretty funny Cru no read on GH tell you tell your mom hi so sick what a sad face cuz I said no oh damn he said hell no Jesus CHR what told you sorry what is going on over here dude imagine me andame yo Cru what are you saying dude wow what is Cruisin saying right now that’s cruising cruisin for bruising for sure oh my God what the that is so great I can’t even open this bounties let’s hit bounties do it is he out of control I mean I don’t even hey that’s a dumb question is always if this is what goes on in baseball I can’t even imagine what goes on in basketball CH oh I couldn’t is is Cru in crazy in basketball chat uh crazy is an understatement crazy is an understatement yes oh Cruisin you’re looking at you’re looking at Mr fun himself what’s up Maxi yeah dude just killing me yeah so imagine okay so yeah you’re PG-13 actually totally so imagine here in the same are you kidding me dude if he’s out of if you think I’m out of control supposed to be my body yeah you know what let close after dark here let’s go oh is it after oh hell yeah almost 11 all right we can put the pants back on me or you uhoh yeah you don’t need pants no I don’t need pants you got no pants Ants in My Pants ant in your pants IDE yeah yeah gets like that funny I we’ve never even met but he did say he likes Mrs Hammer more what D who who wouldn’t she out well we we had one bet tonight it was Nevada Nevada over VCU basketball what did we what did we what was the score there Nevada versus VCU basketball we had Nevada minus one and a half give me the good news good luck ladies and gentlemen here we go all Edge rookie Rush here Jackson cherio are these cards not sticking to my hand STI STI did you really Cruisin that is so mean cruin Yuki met so we had 125 you told him to fire her no you did not the f word cruisen you don’t the f word would what that’s crazy gone phito done and dusted like long gone gone wow fito oh he did say LOL no of course grien there’s all if I kick his ass everyone knows everyone’s just joking we’re all just goofing having fun we’re opening sports cards for the love of right St Pete here a Rocky Purple team color match of Tovar that is actually a banger and that’s for me by way of rbe whoa that is actually a sick sick sick hit 169 out of 250 easy easy dude rbe thank you that is a banger it’s for me rought for I did spell my name wrong rbe yay forgat dude that is a banger for me dude that is sick let’s go RVE thank you so much a that is that is I mean obviously my first Auto out of 2024 tops Chrome update and it’s a Tovar purple team color match 169 out of 250 better Mar the hell nice clean kind of sick kind of sick there nice yeah doesn’t get a stand yet yeah you know what I hit the purple toar see you later everyone I’m out of here I retire I’m retiring bye I’m out let’s go it is sick Nevada 1 by3 shut up shut up no way let’s go we had minus two and a half or minus one and a half I think what is this stratospheric Stars oh just an upside down one it looked like a different parallel it’s a teaser looked like some dark color over here I thought it was a crazy one dude RV that is sick dude thank you so much let’s go cool I’m many there not many Tovar Autos I have not many dude 64 to 61 damn that’s way closer than I thought that’s way closer than I thought let’s go well we hit it minus one and a half minus two and a half I’m not sure which one I had I think I had minus one and a half so that’s cool thanks thanks Chad let’s go Kyle mccan 100 out of four 99 yeah that’s definitely going to beat the swort there of course are you kidding it’s going to beat the sword right into my pocket I’m G bring him home with me you can got have pants oh you oh yeah it’s true I don’t have pants on pants glas now negative you ever seen the movie Identity Thief no I have not is that with you would I think you would actually love that movie or something uh uh uh oh Jason bman yes exactly with Jason bman exactly I I forget her name she is so freak funny I think she’s so funny no shoot she was on bridesmaid yeah exactly Chris yes she was she’s the lady on bridesmaid who’s just absolutely out of her mind just crazy Jonathan Canon out of 399 to the white socks DB now we roll over here cruising Ellie um I don’t know oh yeah yeah there’s Melissa McCarthy thank you that’s it poy thank you yeah you were you were right on it though there’s like a scene where he uh what oh yeah oh my God all still live Chad um I was saying that there’s a scene in the movie where he loses his pants and then she the lady who’s kind of the antagonist helps him out by putting on pants but unfortunately they came from a homeless man so he doesn’t realize until after the fact until he has the pants on he’s like where’d you get these pants from and she’s like oh from a homeless man he’s like what he like loses his mind it’s so funny it’s really funny coak got a 299 that’s why I think of that I can just see his face I love Jason D that’s a great low key honestly it’s a cheesy but really funny movie in this product br oh yeah I’m thinking of uh gilted I was like wait in gilded he’s actually a Marlin you say Kikuchi out of 299 but in this one I see what you’re saying bug that’s sick a crush Adas Garcia here 116 116 off the bat goes to the Rangers and Matt Higgins piggy Quinn prer here base autograph base autograph buckos here goes to fire on the bio I’ll bring you fire BTS all the jiz oh my God Jazz whoa what never mind sorry excuse me that was it’s like it’s like the text message you sent me today oh no that was yo what did I say you said what did I say again do you want me to say that do you want me to say that loud I don’t even want to ask it is it was really one of the fun text messages I’ve ever received in my lifetime you want me to say it out loud wait I got Friday yeah so what pink in the back here you were just talking about why you were going to be late for a little bit and you were you’re just saying your son has Jazz [ __ ] and instead of jazz you wrote something completely different so I wasn’t sure I didn’t even I didn’t even respond I was just yeah you waited but at least you wait be like all right can you like I wanted to see if you would notice and then like five minutes later you texted you’re like what the like what the yep that’s classic oh my God that was so funny that was too funny believe yeah on F it Friday yeah that’ll happen F Friday what we got what the hell do we got sir here they Pro they might have pulled it off the board though uh oh are you going there after this yeah I am going after after this the total in the 49ers game is off by seven points no that’s that doesn’t make sense it does cuz part’s out oh and the spread’s off by four and a half points why would they not pull it we don’t know if we don’t know if they did or not they did on the other [ __ ] places so when you go Rampart or yeah no not Rampart uh no oh yeah we were at uh Co oh okay because I’m GNA go to South Point text me okay I will cuz there’s some your boys are they’re down to 10 and a half I know I know I’m going to Indiana Indiana Oh Indiana man yeah but you get the card though you know it was 13 there right I know I know it’s crazy yeah so that’s at least two big numbers you can play with two huge numbers the S Fran game is probably off the board but it’s not if it’s not you have cash or you need me to give you some no no I have cash okay I have cash sugar daddy go you need cash you need some even Green Bay is off four points on the spread I don’t understand this is the week this is the week scroogie week of the scroogies they haven’t been too good this year they got a 1 and A2 and 51 and A2 and the real spread is 5 and A2 and 44 and A2 what yeah they’re off by four and seven these are this is a weird week then this what’s what are they doing over there well they didn’t know pretty was out until they announced it today true true that’s why they took it off the board on the [ __ ] books it has and then when they put it back on it was five and a half oh my God who did they play who Do they even play Green Bay in Green Bay so it could be slowing oh my God so that’s what I’m saying I mean it could be snowing and [ __ ] kartin game what happened under everything under everything what was who won that game you by 11 by the guy that was averaging 110 yards a game receiving negative he had nine the other guy that was averaging a bunch of yards had a negative -2 wow unders we took unders yeah I get the screw we didn’t [ __ ] know until we saw the damn game when it was raining like a [ __ ] typhoon and [ __ ] game that’s actually pretty funny went from 60 to 60 to 50 and 47 the quarterback for San Diego State was like five for 25 for 90 yards San Jose San Jose yeah he’s he’s he’s San dieo but still it does same thing it was unbelievable and this supposed to be the top five [ __ ] passing team in the country yep he got 100 yard wsie all right you later sounds good sounds good I’ll give you a call yep have some cash ready Merill yeah yeah Cruz I’ll give you some cash here’s some cash wow those are crazy numbers Brady singer here cool piece Brady singer out of 299 on the purple speckle Auto graph ruen we don’t do that that word here okay that word here yeah Cru the d word bad d d word a bad D yeah how about Dynamite dite Ryan Fernandez out of 199 dite SK pink o ELO super weird seeing him in a uh Oreo uniform weird weird I like seeing him be injured every other game in a white sock uniform not really just joking I don’t like players injured if you do if you do something wrong with you yeah only the yep Only the Good D yep we like good D’s yeah I don’t like bad D’s over here Ellie Jay stay upright guys go ahead and guess our final Auto here for 30 and BLB credit let’s do it 30 and BLB credit let’s give a little guest piece here this camera man I just love this camera it’s just I love you I love camera I Love Lamp you ever seen a that what’s that movie yeah it’s from um anchor man yeah [Music] yes let’s go Padres Dean let’s go baby we take Merill go by the way did Merill like adjust his Auto a little bit everyone I think he looks like ever so slightly ever so slightly I think he adjusted his Auto maybe not even in this but in gilded I saw his Auto and gilded and I was like that’s not Merl’s Auto made it better he made it a lot better I think in gilded he like got he’s you know put a little bit more pen to the paper put a little bit more pen to the Cod board guessing our final Auto ladies and Gentlemen please go ahead and guess our final Auto here yeah right maybe he’s really you thought the Gilda one was sloppy I thought it was like more than he’s done though you know what I’m saying guessing our final Auto here ladies and Gentlemen please go ahead and guess our final Auto of this BX break could be him folks could be him could be and if it is if we see him if we pull him off we see some white no more guesses if and only if continue to guess because it’s Seth Lugo here out of 50 for the Royals Royals and Dr Gru Dr G I’m not even gonna flip him upside down carefully Place him over to the rights Seth Lugo on the gold 15 out of 50 15 PCA negative bobit Chris bobit former Rocky Legend Chris bich maybe maybe not I don’t remember he might have had a cup of coffee in there maybe not Lawler rookie [Music] debut the guy’s only been up for like the past 18 hours as well working and doing everything guy went to the book guy came back from the book guy’s been bedding all night I mean it’s like Savage he’s still doing stuff in here like yeah Savage Paul skin could be our auto folks and if it is no more guesses continue to guess we haven’t where is he where is our autograph oawa out of 250 here continue to guess no more guesses absolutely no more guesses Barosa Jorge Barosa I wonder what’s going on on this autograph it’s like a it’s like a maze it’s like a maze some sort Jorge Barosa if we do happen to see another Auto we will goofy top left here for that hly skin goofy oofy yeah it’s like hieroglyphics exactly poppy just in just in time poppy just in time cols to round it all out ladies and gentlemen SoDo on the image variation or is it not an image variation why am I not an image variation don’t listen to the don’t listen to the clown in front of the camera Smack That on Bobby got the Cru just in time cruising out of control okay fine here’s your negatives folks PCA glas now only two some base prism refractor Ellie Merill on the refractor sk’s base All-Star Game refractors 299 yeah backer said so backer’s rules backer’s gonna kill me for not getting off this five caser tonight I know sorry backer well I mean might kill me Crush Adas Garcia here are your autographs folks prer mccan baros Brady singer God I wish I showed him last I wish I showed him last but how about a jack Marill for the Padres and Dean that is such a Banger Banger piece and by way of rbe thank you for an unbelievable piece for me Zeke Tovar here out of 250 on the purple awesome piece love that I’m going to beat the sword on it for myself and put it in my own pocket thank you sir PYT number 118 of full case break update hobby much love thank you thanks again rbe yeah grade that Merl Dean for real you know what I might grade this I might grade this grade it what do we think I’ve never graded a card ever in my life it’s just a sleeve probably or that looks great right I’m grading that okay gotcha let’s get weird let’s get weird here cruising all right we’ll take down 118 here yeah right centering is right that’s what I’m saying poppy looks sharp looks sharp sharp too Sarah going nuts Sarah B going nuts I can hear her Chris didn’t you ask me yesterday or didn’t you ask me earlier to yeah Chris didn’t you ask for to take it off and then I was going to try and put points back on your account because I didn’t think it was going to go that’s what I thought I read earlier Chris I might have just totally misunderstood you sir I totally misunderstood you so apologize oh oh oh I’m sorry Chris I’m sorry dude I’m sorry I’m sorry I totally misunderstood you I was not following no no no no no God you Chris I’m sorry dude sorry I’m sorry take it off the board understood understood my fault dude all right let’s see here ah the two box are so tough cruzin It’s we got 21 left here and we’re unbelievably close for the same price here for a Jackson holiday Papa that still live that’s still live here on screen to if anyone is interested Jackson holiday Pap is still alive as far as I’m concerned ni hter by the way adding a couple more uh Bowman Chrome hobbies to the store excuse me tops Chrome update hobbies to the store wait where you going Mikey sorry we didn’t get hunter green Papa why do I why do I feel like it’s not why do I feel like I remember seeing that couple more update hobbies in the store ladies and gentlemen all right guys we’re goingon to knock this out here on screen two one one two three four five six seven eight this is f it’s such a different but I love it on two we have nine left uh Thin Blue Cruz and much love dude much love I appreciate you dude what you’re leaving I’ll see you tomorrow we’ll be on with Jags tomorrow thank you my bodyguard behave oh Cruz’s not kin’s not leaving uh Thin Blue I’m gonna give cruzen this the for spot 14 and and then we could figure something out here for these last eight spots also help out majio or I mean miio cuz he got seven spots there the other night 2 three four five six seven where’s Cruisin I’ll give you spot 14 here and then Thin Blue yeah go for it thin blue that’s fine let’s do it yay bye bro much love bro no boo everybody’s leaving the hell it’s early wakey wakey yeah don’t go to sleep everyone you need sleep come on hi Mikey no for real be safe what’s up El Camp I just gave I just helped out Thin Blue just helped out then blue I’ll go ahead and add one more to the store here ladies and gentlemen great to see you El camp am I bunching these oh your your card needs to be on the stand here sir nice give me givee tovy okay finally I was able to add another update hobby to the store oh Dogg still on yeah is that doggy yes see chilling chilling El Camp dual release night tonight so it’s been fun got I use a different loader for Mr Cat why he’s nasty he’s a nasty top loader just Dusty I don’t like that word what’s popping what’s popping thanks for stopping welcome to Kane’s can I get you anything to eat that’s what they always say that’s what’s popping thanks for stopping thanks for choosing canes than yeah what’s popping thanks for St thanks for choosing canes what can we make fresh for you tonight no there’s something that they say fudge my boys know it too it’s pretty funny awesome thanks th blue good luck man yeah yeah wait can even it is a 30 spot break over there for screen two here so we’re going to run that right now I did add another one of those to the store another half case we should have an this should open a full case let’s go we open a a case here for screen two let’s get this show on the road thanks to Thin Blue good luck to everyone else thank you so no one’s been playing Microsoft flight simulator huh disappointing oh yeah they totally ignored you they did 24 excuse me 22 Bowman Draft Sapphire five Brocks random team number 21 good luck here we have 30 spots 30 teams good luck let’s do this thing all right sorry there we go roll the dice we have a five another five for tonight what’s going on let’s do the teams first it is 30 teams five you can see at the bottom it’s the Cleveland Guardians at the top the Detroit Tigers reside at the bottom boes uh they it is right on that outside shelf the 2022 it says oh I think there’s only a couple two deuce the deu is loose there you go ladies and gentlemen five five and five get this show on the road here let’s alphabetize everyone’s name accordingly we are recording yep we go let’s do it good luck do it do it I knew you were going to too I lucky number it’s so wide wait why you why you giggling what I said that was pretty funny actually what what the box oh my God nope just five oh yeah yeah you like the back five yeah I was trying to give away like awesome come on now there you go I know Mar’s trying to give away everything here can’t three cards sorry so Bud oh oh c nice five boxes here of 2022 Bowman Draft Sapphire we got the O’s Prime Chucks got the O’s Prime Chuck Prime shuck in the bildon not sure if Prime Shuck’s even here Emil sent out though maybe maybe hey hey all right Kitty Cat Let’s Do It come on yeah Thin Blue did they say something about that or is it wishful thinking you know what I got to do something here what’s up did I mess it up no not at all whoa sorry about that that is not what we meant to do Jesus just shut off all the the entire screen I’m not sure I can’t adjust the camera whatever you in the damn camera I know I don’t like this camera though we’re so far away I feel like I’m like an eternity away from everyone what do you like from here I’m full length I can’t even touch camera is that funny good luck ladies and gentlemen I look like a i looks tiny tiny tiny small time good luck ladies and Gentlemen let’s do this thing come on give us some bangers here Conor prelip Jose salace short arms gotor what did you say card what did you just say nothing anything it’s just yep I was just yep Netto on his first Netto first Zavala Yellow Nice Ben Joyce like Joyce Joyce out of 99 there on the yellow so the yellow in 2022 Bowman Draft Sapphire is out of 99 numbers all over Aqua is out of 75 or maybe 50 JPY Freeland reckley it’s a rocky here or out of 20 or just Aqua out of 20 for no reason Carson Palmquist rocks and meio sounds like what I don’t know I don’t know wait what wait what happened just I sound funny no the way you pronounce St oh yeah yeah the way I pronounce stuff yeah it’s always no but yeah this is 22 Cruisin this is 2022 my friend we’re looking for Jackson holiday on his papa that’s supposed to be live that’s supposed to be still out and about this is fine cruising always fine let’s do it yes just you wait and see you wait extra fun the Rangers in this this is extra I have to see a ranger here to uh refresh my memory if anyone knows of any Rangers in this product Jacob Miller here Jacob Miller out of 50 on on the green might be Josh Young I think it is Josh it is yeah that’s I thinking there’s his brother there’s little bro hey Jas chase out of 99 mizerowski V pada what’s PDA doing oh my gosh what’s up little bro give us big bro if he’s in here I believe he is there’s Luis on hunia [Music] Lis up drammy Elijah green first Benny and the Jets three boxes left ladies and Gentlemen let’s go I’m a oh thank you thank you oh rocker rocker rocker rocker rocker Rock another little bro yeah that’s right just the little bro product the India trade no I did not see India get traded what’s the details what do we got it’s a good player jwok jaywalk I hope for nothing but big things for you this year dude please nothing but big things for jaywalk is that a gold like what what is that color I don’t even know what that color is do we see gold yet don’t think so out of 15 here it’s bson bson bson out of 15 for weamer we got singer for India and we got singer for India and Joey weamer so a three-way so we’re at John Kenzie Noel Brian aunia Drew Gilbert ZT what’s up buddy did weamer end the season as a red Joey Beamer where was he where was he end of season has red that’s why I’m confused I’m very confused oh wow that’s why maybe I I didn’t really catch up on the cower there he is there’s Kumar rocker that’s actually a nice first I like his first got you so okay now I understand here I wasn’t really understanding that weer was a red that’s kind of weird so singer for India and weer H Joe lamp yet bz favorite over here really yeah we’ve had him on stream a couple times for release day yeah Joe ly yeah D I mean I love Brady singer I’ve always loved Brady singer the Young Buck tall kid had a great had great attitude all year this year I’m high on singer I love I love Brady singer what is that beavers beavers 50 out of 50 I forget this is tough product looking for the one and only Dylan Beaver there Prime Chuck I didn’t know that either and I live in Milwaukee that is great yeah I I really did not know that I did not know that Jose Salis Jose weamer and Dicky in the same organization weer and Dick jet boo [ __ ] ZT what’ you say here ZT yeah you saw the odds shift the the rocks are the the favorite now to win the World Series cheio they’re the favorite because we got Kyle farmer dude how stoked are you holiday there’s your first look first look at holiday anything else dude Ellie anything else Pete and Cole Phillips yeah why why are the Reds why are the Royals giving up Brady singer I mean not for I mean I guess their pitching was their strong suit try and go get a bat or two vulpi like V we like V vulo zobac Del Lauder on the first Jimmy Crooks II the catcher Jimmy krooks the third Juan Beno in front of a Vera Erol Vera that aloe vera I don’t know aloe vera because yeah of course easy that one’s an easy one Indian singer college teammates and best friends really no way is that where they went they went to Florida Florida that Jonathan India’s a is a gator that seems so strange to me it wouldn’t feel like he’s a gator I don’t know I mean it’s totally I have no idea so but Gators for uh John Indy he just doesn’t look like one I don’t know get the Vibe getting a Vibe Jonathan India he looks like a he looks like a Oregon State that’s my guess I have no idea State Oregon State Oklahoma State orange I think I I think orange I think orange when I see his face really really really really yeah right ZT like that’s why I was over on the west coast I don’t know yeah Oklahoma State the West Coast guys you’re dude the nose geography too pen choice at a 99 Salis yeah I guess Florida is orange you are right I was thinking blue I think blue and orange I don’t know why Florida is orange you are absolutely correct Jace Young little bro aloe vera Dylan beavers last in the print Miller Palmquist out of 20 for the Rockies and miio don’t know much about Palmquist out of 15 here it’s Nick bson BS bitty bitty him and the Bitties 2022 Bowman Draft Sapphire thank you so much Bowman draft draft draft Sapphire Rand team number one thank you very much thank you thank you I got to add the draft draft draft thank you sir you correct Florida is orange and blue yeah ZT yeah Palmquist he’s good to go let’s take down this screen are we going see the 5 everyone gave up on the five case no we don’t give up we didn’t give up let’s update let’s see where we’re at poppy much love dude thank you peace and love poppy I know that’s what I’m wondering Chad everyone was complaining about not having the light we have the light in the store now we got the light in the store you’re not attacking been in there all day come on late night and we put it up there now we put it up yeah late night delay UF 2018 that is so cool Brady Singer went to UF India UF best chance best chance at the debut patch and our website is like totally down right now so there we go there we go [Laughter] that is awesome same class Chris nothing out on screen one for Delight Breezy was the last person to take a spot here on screen three still have 152 left there screen I didn’t mean to hit screen four everyone hang tight we got to wait we wait we wait huh what’ you say yeah okay all right printing now sir every two weeks bud every two weeks any cereals coming up thank you bud yeah I actually so what you guys don’t know is I have the worst luck with hair uh uh uh Barber wise I have never had a barber do anything right for me all these requests all these things I asked them to do this is exactly what I want this is exactly what I want exactly like exactly 28 is exactly what I want every single time and I always tell the people do this fade it two on top no one gets a right well I have finally found my man my dude my man yeah please he is oh trust me Chris five don’t you go if I go to a sports clips they go we don’t do that yeah we don’t do that yeah yeah less military than normal exactly I used to have hair down to my shoulders yeah have they seen your P dude I think they’ve seen my I think they have totally like Dude Where’s My Car Dude Where’s My Car seriously yo E seen it yeah I mean I I’m sure they have we’ve seen it so many times nice 69 players left on screen four let’s see let’s update it real quick do they pay for it does bz pay for it no I wish oh I wish correct Yep this is absolutely correct how he did it and I told him too I said Sir Michael is his name Michael I said nobody knows how to do my hair I said you’re the only person and he’s like Alex Absolut Alex I’ve heard it’s been nothing but crazy over there been nothing but crazy over there on IG oh I like the last month they’ve just been nuts actually the last couple weeks it’s just nonstop anyway with your story I’m sorry no I uh oh he’s just the best I told him he’s the amazing and every I’m like dude schedule me every two weeks and and you have my money you have my business as long as you keep doing this well you know I can just what shave your head like CU I do it for uh Jags remember you I know but it’s you know it’s free too you know I know but but it’s got to be done the right way you know like it’s like you can do what you could do Fade skin fade you can skin fade homie homie homie are you for real it’s it’s been a while though yeah I used to uh cut my my son’s that’s different though like what you do to is like oh no no yeah that’s not like that’s easy yeah that’s easy that’s easy yeah yeah even though it’s not what do you mean well I mean if I tried to do it I would probably shave off all of Jag’s head or cut his head open or something like that but like you do it like it’s it’s easy oh that’s true M man doesn’t have much these bbies poor Jags but he knows what’s up yo Chris that’s so I told I told him to either grow it out or keep it bald HMA got his haircut like a hundred times what put that on the company man we’re going to my God so funny can we do the five caser or the light this is where we’re at here for the five caser ladies and gentlemen how did we how did we somehow get more $9 players back into the store there were there weren’t that many $9 players before what the’s going on over here guys I will say if we want to have any movement here for this five case break we need to pedal to the metal here ASAP Rocky yeah we need like ASAP killers killer we need killer Killers even if we wanted to help out for the morning time yeah for real d square and you got a $9 player respawn over here the heck $9 stiff we call I think that’s just baseballs I mean baseballs what basketball but yeah I mean you know Kim Jong Hammer oh my God what what was this I have to see this what I cut my own hair Chris I actually do it so hammer I don’t even know what that what that like I can’t even picture it this has to be like a a Photoshop or something like that but someone did it I don’t know I I I I I’m not sure they’re saying that’s look oh my yeah no whatever Chad’s saying dude I got to see that that sounds so awesome that sounds like a banger all sports did the BET oh my okay this is getting way worse this gets worse and worse Chad did the shirt right yeah man come on Yo here’s here’s your opportunity to finally ask him Chad you have people who are really interested in aicat shirts and bzcat shirts and you know I came up with that hello should have patent that [ __ ] kid you did just kidding I loved it like I mean actually love it you should you never wor oh you did wear it to I wore it I wore it one or two times I wear the bzcat the the erat shirt I you did wear it could you no actually no you didn’t you should show airat shirt no I didn’t wear the airat shirt that would be that would be wild one to wear Goa but seriously Chad what oh yes there’s about three or four at least that won’t one I wanted one it’s too cute I loved it I have to see this this sounds so unbel I’m gonna ask hmer too what be like what’s the Kim Jun cut he’s like he’s gonna [ __ ] kill me he’s gonna kill me right we should ask uh Mrs Hammer yeah we should that’s probably has pictures and stuff too absolutely she will yeah the blaz cat one I wear the the the erat shirt i’ wear shoot especially if I’m here oh my God I actually might wear it more often now that she’s a in honor in honor or you just a what you’re sad yeah I’m sad exactly you miss her so that’s why you want to like keep her close to you and now that we have great camera you want to show it off is that what it is a cat it’s gonna be okay are you kidding me Marge you’re blushing a are you kidding me we should FaceTime her one day your face to time her now I’ll babysit Mar is the worst man Marge is just impossible just yeah she could just be a baby mama right but how cute would yeah seriously it’s not that hard right just be the baby mama it’s not that hard it’s not that hard to be a I was just quoting what you said what do what hard what what you oh to be the mom no to just be the baby mama that’s what you were saying right don’t don’t got to don’t got to work don’t do nothing this five caser is uh probably going to be in the works for tomorrow come on I’m actually here I wanted to see the five Cas I know you and me both damn you and me both Reds oh my gosh fine guess guess I’ll stick with basketball basketballs cam Boozer is that the red is that the red oh this is the funny thing with these is I don’t even know who’s aail I don’t even know who’s a red and who’s not Ryder Ryan I don’t even know 69 players left 69 Phillips Connor Phillips here on screen four let me take him out he’s a red he’s an easy one we know I mean the the Vegas odds for when I first came in here for the will the five case player go that’s Connor Phillips that’s Connor Phillips we got [Music] uh 1880 on the board 1880 on the board no [ __ ] MGH for real uh yeah it’s Connor Phillips correct yep not Cole Phillips no no no these are the players left yep on screen four here oh yeah yeah I see what you’re saying you’re responding to Chris my fault Also let’s adjust this real quick 149 left on screen three here let’s see who came out I think breezy just took three more one two three one two three four five six seven eight nine I basically try to give away these $9 players here for I mean could take it for like 69 bucks 30 bucks off all those $9 players if you guys want to do it if you want to take it those are all the players ladies and gentlemen for screens three and four 68 68 here we’re at Leon mlan mlan Leon M yes Leon mlan and nojo let me add them to him let me add this to the list Matt McLean’s nine bucks and Matt crook is 19 bucks I think it’s because he just doesn’t have a MLB debut patch and Nolan Jones all right guys I’ll help out Chris here if it most likely does not go tonight I’ll just set up set up everyone for tomorrow because it will definitely go tomorrow there’s obviously 68 players left really quick e I tell for real for real for real for real for real for real I’m so sad I know nojo Carson Spears let’s get to him Carson Carson and F Cruz you got it uh Fernando Cruz given that they are available I’m going to roster stream here Chris which is going to take like a minute and a half or so we’ll give that a minute and a half to try and up to update okay and then let me just give you a number here for those players Leon let me try to just find them all Christen 40 three bounties as well cool send 45 then Chris and let me just uh we’ll make sure that you got the four players and then we’ll check Quan after that which I assume you’re going to have because no no no send 45 right 40 is that what we said 40 yeah send 45 Chris all right cool now it came back let’s just make sure we’re good to go here Fernando crw is good Carson Spears is great Conor Phillips is great Leon Leon Le Leon Leon Leon’s good and then there I think there was one more which was Nolan Jones good to go awesome all five of those oh wait we didn’t check Juan Senor Quan hit the Quan good to go on Quan awesome germs I really not too sure Brady Brady singer firsts nice germs with a couple teams over here yo is what’s up is all right cool so we got lipes out here I’m actually GNA take this down so I don’t get confused Blair Henley all right guys well most likely going to call here if we don’t get some more movement or a massive killer here I’m going to update screen four here real quick see where we’re at let’s update one more time here for screen four see where we’re at for [Laughter] yo all right cool Chris cool cool cool if you if you if if I use when you know what I might uh I might do a little um on Instagram just do a little uh what’s it called like what do you want to call it just videos updates along the way that no one wants to see that no one ask for that no one is asking for I’m going to do it I should go to the book I should I should do something fun for it I really was just gonna hang out with big bro but uh yeah it will be it’ll be like it’ll be like 10 10:30 Chris because the game’s at 9 it’ll be like yeah it’ll be like 10:30 10:45 11 what’s up is is enough for nothing baby we’re going to be popping off here I believe but we have this break here in the store that is super close most likely we’ll go for tomorrow so that is where we’re at for that one 149 you know what Chris good for you sir Instagram is if you’re not on it for the right reasons it’s a horrible horrible thing Twitter oh my God Twitter is just every time I open up Twitter I’m like I’m like this is why I don’t open up Twitter it’s just strange things other than great information all over Twitter I will say it’s just chaotic on there yeah a lot of silliness on on Twitter but is funny but most of it’s just craziness everyone just speaks their mind everyone just speaks their mind they don’t need to yeah ah man ISO ISO we’re gonna be popping off here buddy there’s I mean you could take one of these random random team spots here ISO I mean attack the five caser for tomorrow too yeah the five caser really is what’s that’s the big piece here is is if you wanted to knock out screen two it’s a two box of 24 Bowman Chrome Sapphire it’s a two box i’ I’d hook you up with if you wanted to send 950 you should be sending 1,50 you want to send 950 which I’m really never ever supposed to do any deals for any random team but if you want it for tonight ISO I’m down but other than that brother we’re we’re a bit of ways on some breaks my man yeah we’re a bit of ways nothing is even like remotely close unless you wanted a nice team here on Breakers Delight is though it’s not going to run tonight but get a nice team there you let me know is yeah I never really go on Twitter I go on Twitter sometimes I on my P on my pseudo account I’ll write uh I’ll write some bold Sports predictions fun fact when air force was eight and0 last year 8 and0 they started off the season I tweeted on my pseudo account Air Force will be going to a New Year’s six Bowl after I tweeted that they went 0 and four really 0 and four oh try to be try to make a bold prediction on Twitter laughed out like a clown like a clown why you breaking stuff oh God did I just break this your true breaker oh my God that was so corny wow nope that’s your uh um bre this be gentle when you put it in like what just like what’ you do what the hell did I do here let me give it to need a woman’s touch let me see a there you see you just got it I’m so nervous yeah so nervous a if aircat [Laughter] was that’s pretty funny is are you out there baby oh I I see you here is oh sh I see you trying is what is Blue Sky what is that oh my God why is it ex exactly like Twitter why is it Twitter what this guy yeah this thing is literally Twitter nice don’t want to work on elon’s Farm no more yeah can’t blame you yeah by the way it’s not Twitter guys it’s called X nice ISO good luck bro wait what’s the song then what did I say wait what’s this song we are doing a two boxer baby let’s go oh snap we are doing it ISO filled it iso’s the man let’s go ISO thank you thank you ISO sit down ISO sit down is I want see now this is true we finish off we we bunch of yes we’re finishers here 24 left in the next one if you guys actually want to do it tonight let’s do it I’d be in I’d be in like Flynn in there like swimwear baby let’s do it good luck ISO good luck ISO everyone just hang tight here we’ll wait for the email to send out and we’re going to do this thing oh Blue Sky okay okay okay let’s wait for this email to send we’re going to be good to go yes got our combos here what’s up folks 24 Bowman Chrome Sapphire two box random tune thank you to ISO on the kill here for 21 spots good luck to you sir let’s roll the dice here do the teams first a nine 6 plus 3 equals nine we go to nine ner ner Niner Seattle at the top it’s the Texas Rangers at the bottom nine nine to nine we go ner Niner nine oh you guys can’t see nine nine nine let’s do it let’s alphabetize everyone’s name this you here tomorrow March yes I’m with tomorrow four gotta f f f f it’s not four it’s f F 4S we were on for like 13 and half hours when last night Thursday oh crazy oh gosh I can only imagine but you know we’ve done 24 hours yeah Bobo and I did uh we did a 16 hour dat that the other night you saw that that was fun is this new you believe oh my God I can I can tell right away yeah we like sharp right away Sharp Mark Sharp oh Maggie’s Farm oh love Maggie’s Farm dude should I know about Maggie’s Farm oh yeah we got to know about Maggie’s Farm why there’s milk cuz there’s

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