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Berlin: Jewish Basketball Fans Back Police at Maccabi Match | News Today | AD14

πŸ“… Published on: 2024-11-28 20:07:06

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Fans lined up at the stadium entrance in Berlin for the highly anticipated EuroLeague game between ALBA Berlin and Maccabi …

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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

I’m a Jew myself, so that’s pretty good anyway. He even screwed us up and then asked us if we were Jews. I think it’s pretty good that they’re doing this here. A friend of ours didn’t want to come because he was worried. One of our parents was a bit less happy, but they rather allowed us. Good, it’s Step. It feels good to know that someone is paying attention. And so that’s a good feeling and yes, I’m not that nervous about that either. I think it’s good that you have such precautions, but at the same time I find it a bit sad that you still feel a bit insecure as a Jew in 2024 and I think it’s good, so the security here was really great anyway and they screwed us up. And they really showed empathy, which I found very good in general, but I still find it a bit sad and a bit sad that we’re still today. There are still previous anti-Semitic mistakes today. I don’t care which side you’re on through politics, but getting strong in Europe or here in general simply doesn’t work at all. I think to myself, the mother of the porcelain box is careful, and so it is quite good that there is a bit of departure. It will of course be interesting for the spectators who arrive a bit late, as they won’t be able to watch the game on time. And in the end, I hope Alba Berlin picks up the points today. And I gratefully accepted it. No, I think that’s right because the global mood is extremely anti-Semitic right now and there is a reason for anti-Semitism. And I don’t think protection can be enough.

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