πŸ“… Published on: 2024-11-23 18:37:13

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e spe [Music] [Music] spe you spe for [Music] spe spe [Music] [Music] for spe for spe [Music] spe B ch spe [Music] spe [Music] [Music] spe [Music] spe [Music] a very good afternoon dear viewers welcome to billions Cafe [Music] laka this match this match is between [Music] Malin this match is between Melvin mza from Zimbabwe and Mandisa from South Africa they are racing 29 it is the first round and second life a match that was supposed to have been played yesterday and it was held up to today nonetheless we have a match we have Zimbabwe we have South Africa race to9 for a place in the round of last 32 while also having their two lives both intact remember it is a double life competition the player in question has to be beaten twice in order to exit the competition Mandy s as he is called in South Africa yes Mrs what will have been a very crucial shot here it is a sadak derby this one and I’ll be assuming that this match shall be viewed by po lovers most especially in Zimbabwe and South Africa the best player from Zimbabwe arguably by the majority of pavas malvan makona now up on one yellow and the black ball a frame that he will never afford to miss not in a tournament this big now up on the black malova which he will put yes he does and Le 1 Z spe it is 43 between ibra and jente in a repeat of last year’s final it is ibra leading this time around while another big one between colani of eswatini and Ganda Ganda of South Africa seems to be right now I’m just trying to check out it is 32 colani leading against Jerry and both of those players are now with one life a piece in the competition Caesar has been beaten in his first life by Zambia’s roid Sparks Cab Cesar is also one of the those players now with only one life left over the big boys wiring performance from the rest of the players by Eden Joseph who has one of his lives in the last 16 I think the other in the round of last 32 he’s on a mission in this competition he won the very first edition of the bards Cafe competition four years ago after beating no he did reach he did win that competition taking positions number one and two remember it’s double life it is possible for the same player to take positions number one and two action is ongoing here at billiard’s Cafe on all of 12 tables so it will be match after match after match for about the next maybe for the next 8 hours believe you me and then tomorrow we shall be returning maybe with the last eight in both of the lives therefore Keepers company this tournament is still only in its infancy big collection of stars most especially from the sadc region but also East Africa most especially Zimbabwe Zambia South Africa eswatini Malawi Botswana and also the East African countries Uganda and Tanzania a shame somewhat that Kenya are not represented whatsoever that is Mandy’s teammate C the guy that is making all of the noise in the background for his friend a member of the South South African National Team versus a member of the Zimbabwe national team the South African is putting black to equalize its one1 match that is also being watched by eska also being watched by blessings being watched by Mafia once again Mala one Mandy one rest to nine [Music] spe spe spe for [Music] [Music] my spe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there sh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] spe [Applause] man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ni [Music] [Applause] the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on [Music] I e for e [Music] to [Music] [Music] come [Music] [Music] police [Music] come MO [Music] [Music] you don’t to my life [Music] of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come come come come [Music] whatever I doing my [Music] coming [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] once again a very good afternoon that has been the part of the white ball by Mala granting frame number three almost I will say almost so his opponent Mand s from South Africa as a gift which he takes with the Open Hands and now leads 21 in a race to n for a place in the round of last 32 here at Bard Cafe laka Zam you e e e e e e e [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] C [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me got [Music] [Music] [Music] on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] C [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Bo up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don’t negotiate [Music] [Applause] [Music] buiness D no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] spe for [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fu [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] far that’s [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] spe [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come come come come just [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] every [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] 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[Music] [Music] [Music] G [Music] [Music] I’m [Music] [Music] [Music] on [Music] on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] spe [Music] [Applause] that [Applause] [Music] spe e [Music] [Music] [Music] look [Applause] [Music] come on come on come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] spe [Music] [Music] two [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] for for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] I’m up [Music] [Music] I let [Music] you five five five [Music] [Music] got for [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] on [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] my shut that c out [Music] spe [Music] [Music] down [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] up [Music] some how [Music] [Music] he [Music] s [Music] [Music] [Music] C the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh if you’re just tuning in uh this is uh Bard’s bilad Cafe uh classic open tournament for 200,000 qua prize pool uh we have Rashid Waba versus Victor sza on table two the TV table the current score is 21 in favor of Victor sza uh this is a story driver uh with Victor sinza having played for Shak P club and Rashid waga playing for spice P club uh two big rivals in the Zambian pool scene uh this is when Rashid Waba was playing professional football professional pool in Zambia uh between 200 uh 20 and 2024 2023 sorry my name is sha uh joining you on the stream uh the last finish that Rashid wagawa had on the table was uh pretty Exquisite uh with Victor having set his last ball Rashid went to clear the table and now he looks like he’s uh the one with a with one ball ring on the table if he can put this one and it it gets the win [Music] [Music] what a great shot by Rashid wava and that’s uh that’s an apple recorded for Rashid wava to bring the score to 22 it’s now 20 the score in a rest to n tournament uh rest to n uh this is a life two match uh first round live two between Victor and uh Rashid waga um interestingly Victor is still remaining with two lives in this in this contest his uh next opponent will be one of malova O eska are both boys from Zimbabwe he’s just beat uh he he beat uh pwani AKA mafana in the last last round in life one he’ll be meeting the winner between eshka and malova right now he’s taking on Rashid waga Rashid only has this life one life remaining he lost his previous life to muu in a very tight contested match that’s a good break from Victor uh he has managed to to get one one ball in let’s see what he chooses to close the table he most like to go for yellow uh Victor closes the table on yellow um the last time that uh uh spice and uh and Shar met with Rashid dagaba on one side and Victor on the other the evental winners of that contest were uh sharks let’s see what happens today yeah so this is a a story dver from Days Gone By uh with uh these two po maestros going at it in the last uh 2 or 3 [Music] years that’s a good shot from from Victor looks like he wants to play rashidi back with an apple as well it’s playing a very controlled match with with a very good laid out pattern to get this finish uh for a player of his caliber this looks academic and it looks like it’s getting another notch on the scoreboard uh we we’ve just witnessed um Kelvin and kandu taking down another South African great he beat Jerry in life one by a score of uh 94 and now he’s taken down senzo still in life one so senzo has effectively been knocked out Haven lost to to Aiden in an earlier round I have Eden sitting right next to me here enjoying the the game he’s he’s watching uh Mandy taking on bani on the other table uh the current score is one is 1 Z I will confirm for you who’s up in this one it’s a Mandy versus pilani on the other TV table uh so Victor is now on the BL uh Victor PS rashidi back with an apple as well uh rashidi to break the score is now 3-2 in favor of Victor [Music] [Music] awesome all right uh rash to [Music] break uh this table is breaking very well uh it seems uh the last couple of breaks have all been been pretty good with the player having gone on to clear the table in in in in both occasions rashidi does get does get a ball down uh but does he has a does he have a St on this one does he have someone to close the table from that’s the that’s the big question it looks pretty tight on on that uh blue and yellow uh blue and white there but it seems that it does have a shot on the yellow he closes the table on yellow we have Rashid on yellow [Music] Rashid has had a a very a very busy last couple of months having been in Morocco for ultimate po Morocco and eventually uh the Hyo Africa tournament uh both sponsored by uh the the cable ATA in on both occasions uh with his partner uh s cha that was a very bad contact there on that ball which he pushes into the rail to look it’s looking like a very tricky frame to now to now close out it looked easier before he played that shot and thank you once more for joining us on stream uh we this is the Billiards classic open 2024 uh with a prize pull of 200,000 qua the winner will walk away with uh oh what a wonderful shot by Rashid Waba a brilliant shot there to uh raise the dead as we like to call it he raised the dead on that shot magnificent queuing by the young man there yeah like I was saying uh so the this tournament promises a prize of 100,000 qua to the winner uh that’s roughly about 4,000 us $4,000 going to the winner of this tournament and there’s a possibility of of of one player working away with uh the first and second prize or first and third or first and fourth or second and third whichever combination it is but there’s a possibility of one play player walking away with two prizes from this tournament and uh among the players that have two lives we’ve got Aiden Joseph uh Victor Senza Roy cab Kelvin Inu yeah but one of those two players will have to concede to the other as they meet in the next in the next rounds in in both lives uh this draw has puted up uh some very interesting uh matchups with seemingly all the top players in both in both draws meeting in one bracket so we only have eventually one guy or one of Iden uh Caesar or kelvin or roid coming through to the last four of this tournament we only have one of those guys Unfortunately they have to meet and and uh knock each other out before before they can get to the the money gin has again put of uh a master class against uh uh Ibrahim sjba beating him twice in this tournament [Music] [Music] [Music] well interesting place to leave the white there I took my eyes off the table for for a second and this is a we finding ourselves in that was a very tight uh shot for for Rashid to take yeah Victor has a chance to win this Frame [Music] [Music] uh uh in the other match on the TV table we have pill Ma bani uh leading 21 uh he’s playing [Music] Mandy that wasn’t very good positioning from Victor there on that shot uh but he still has a chance to redeem himself on this one interesting pattern he has here uh he look to to to to to to to take the ball on the rail as his last shot possibly his last shot there uh this is a reversal of Fortunes in this match cuz uh in in in the uh in in in in in game three of this match uh Rashid Waba was faced with a similar situation and he clear the table let’s see if Victor can do the same on this one yeah Victor had a ball set in the corner pocket and Rashid was able to clear and looks like Victor is returning the favor again once again we have seen some very wonderful matches in this tournament some very interesting matchups with G and ibra facing off twice in the second round on both in both lives with gain Imaging victorious in both matches at the first match he won 93 and the the the the most recent one G won by a score of 9 to8 and G has advanced in both lives in in in in both lives uh in that respect [Music] that’s a wonderful run from Victor he clears the table and he will take a lead uh of 4 to2 when he sinks this PL and there Victor takes the lead uh increases his lead to two to two frames it’s now 4-2 in favor of Victor with Victor to break [Music] [Music] spe [Music] [Applause] and there you have it once more uh the stair boy is breaking very well uh Victor manages to get a to sink a ball on the break it’s up to the the player the two players to Showcase their talent the table is playing very well and so are the other tables of this tournament quos to B spla for the preparations on this one uh we’ve seen so much action and yet to see some more with uh plenty of games remaining at this stage uh we have so far push uh about three rounds of of Life One and Only uh one of Life two so we still have plenty of rounds to push with with each bracket having uh six uh six rounds so we’re pretty much halfway of the tournament done only a quarter of the tournament is done at this at this point um M pull pull this one back and uh the score is now Evans at at 22 interestingly uh Victor has picked on the blues for for this Frame he has a tricky blue that is next to the black for [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is The Bard Cafe classic 2024 next up we have uh the now open in Uganda then from there we have muchana we should have have had the Queens International Tournament in December as well but uh it’s been postponed or moved to to uh March of next [Music] year yeah so there has been plenty of pool played uh between uh the M the months of September and coming up to now there’s been plenty of Po played and this is period we’ve seen uh some tournaments in Uganda in Zimbabwe in in Tanzania in Kenya the Kenyans have been very active in this period would have loved to see them here at bilad Cafe hope next year we we’ll have some Kenyans represented in this tournament this is their platform this is a platform for Africa in this tournament we have uh the likes of eswatini repres presented uh South Africa Tanzania uh Zimbabwe uh Uganda would have loved to see um some other nations also represented and hopefully 20 2025 will be that year we’ll have this tournament again around this time of year this is a very po a very busy season for for for pool in each year we have uh we also have the upper the upper championships in Namibia that’s 2025 so this is always a busy period for for for for pool lovers uh the pool players and the fans it’s a tight match for for for Victor uh what can he do at this point what what what what can he do in this position to to get safe uh cuz if he leaves the balls out out in the open uh VI Waba definitely clean this table he has to P something off here either he plays safe or sinks the black one way or another [Music] [Music] it looks like he wants to to kick at the block of the rail this is the one chance he has there but there’s a possibility of uh scratching the weight from this position he could get the kick but also scratch the white that would be a loss of frame for him it’s a pretty precarious situation that V finds himself in looks like he opt to just play safe he does take a risk uh and fails to sink the white is seemingly safe with all the the balls having moved from the bottom of the table uh to to middle of the table [Music] Rashid takes a very risky shot and concedes uh the frame he concedes that frame uh that was a very SC shot to take he had several options to take there um he chose to to risk it there by by just trying to go for the finish with a tricky uh Center ball cut the white ball was pretty close to the rail for him to get Precision on that shot and he eventually missed the shot and considered the frame with Victor having an easy shot on the Block after that Miss [Music] [Music] and the score is Now 52 in favor of Victor rashidi has broken as since a [Music] ball both set of boyss are looking pretty good from this position special this friend to to lose uh he could Clow on back from this position closes the table on [Music] Blue a very tented young man from Uganda who represented sh po club with distinction when he the spice P club with distinction when when he did play for them in the year 2020 to 2022 [Music] he had a bit of a welcome back uh party just a couple of days ago after he landed uh spice uh welcomed him pretty well and uh presented him with the current uh their current Jersey for this season he rained the favor by presenting uh AJ to his manager his his his uh Zan man manager Mr Roy CH that’s an apple from Rashid that was very nice killing there this is a very well contested match it’s not getting as much attention as it deserves from the crowd uh everybody is excited with the new talent that is on show uh we’ve had the bullet train on on show the bullet train uh Bido we’ve had uh Ronald kazm Ronan as he officially known by his uh his fans and peers we have eska in the house we have malua we have obviously the the the season veterans uh the the stars that all grown to know Eden Eden Joseph Janda cesa Victor means Moses Moria Roy cwe Kelvin inand uh dog G is having a very tough contest in this one he hasn’t produced as uh or performed as he as he would have liked or he would have prepared prepared for I’m sure he’s pretty disappointed with his results so far we’ve had some uh some big names uh pck up uh with only the prelims hav been played uh this is uh ibra SAA uh Jerry The Green Machine these two players have already packed up having lost both their lives are your commentator uh currently also has lost both his lives and out out of a tournament yeah we still have some interesting matchups uh Eden at the moment is relaxing uh we have Moses shimba who is on uh Kim ad who has one life remaining he’s currently on the table uh taking on uh I’m not sure his opponent at the moment I’ll have to confirm or he’s playing H Shinji so ad is playing Shinji Zimbabwe [Music] National another young Talent from from Zimbabwe and thank you on once again for tuning into the action uh that we’re we’re we’re streaming live from the billas cafe classic 2024 [Music] [Music] BS classic 2024 with 82 participants playing for the the big prize 100,000 qua the second prize is 200 200,000 qua and I think those are the pr that everybody just everybody will will be caring about uh the third price is 25,000 question uh this uh tournament uh promises to pay up to uh the eighth position [Music] [Music] the score is currently uh 53 uh Victor in the lead [Music] I want my got [Music] [Music] think [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] spe for [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] for for [Music] [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] spe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] spee [Music] for for for [Music] spe [Music] for fore [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get [Music] I for [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] spe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] spe [Music] you [Music] 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biggest match of the ongoing competition so far but let us first look at this before I introduce the game there we [Applause] are in the eyes of many these two guys are currently and I’m saying in the eyes of many I’m not saying in my own eyes but in the eyes of the majority of the fans of the African continent with lots of agement of who of the two is better than the other many have an agreement that these two are the best players today on the African continent in whichever order Aiden and Cesar players with rivalry fans with beef from Uganda and to South Africa they have F each other a number of times before and every time they are on table they cough and the African po fraternity catches a cold it is one frame played and Aiden is on one and C is on zero remember this tournament is double life basis Caesar has been defeated in one of his lives by the Zambian in roid kab Aiden is still having his two lives intact in fact I want to think that Eden wants to beat Cesar not just to beat Cesar but to make his path a little more clear for himself to try and win this tournament he is not a stranger to winning double life tournaments with two lives intact in fact places or positions number one and two he’s trying to do it in a tournament that has gathered the most number of African pool stars in one place that I’ve ever witnessed once again Eden Joseph one Cesar Chanda zero race to9 for Cesar to retain to to remain in the tournament for Aiden to knock out Cesar and remain with two lives in this competition that is a foul by Iden who has come all the way from Johannesburg in South Africa well has come all the way from campala in Uganda all of them only on one mission to win this competition if possible with two lives intact it is a double competition remember it is possible for one player to take positions number one and two Eden is is one of few players the other is Kelvin the other is Victor Senza if I’m not mistaken even Roy cab of Zambia and the guy called cabonga of estin they are on two lives Cesar is one of the big players who are left with one life only in the competition and yet there are a few others who have been entirely knocked out including Jerry including ibra amongst others as for Cesar is attempting to win a fast for himself for his country Uganda for his management team the advance talent agency but most importantly to remain with chance to win this competition and one of the players you have to beat without a shade of a doubt is this guy Aiden Joseph this yellow frame for Cesar shouldn’t be a big problem especially for a player of this playing level [Music] I like to say most of the time that this spot is a gift that never stops giving as Cesar aims to equalize something that he will not fail to do with one pot of a black which he can never ever fail to do to putt which he does I just want to remind you that the Super Eight comp of the advanc talent agency was organized around a month ago in the city of Cala in Uganda Aiden was supposed to be part of the comp and for whatever Reon reason he was not able to make it to campala that comp was eventually won by Cesar who took the $2,000 us cash price of the ATA a tournament in which no player paid a single penny to register or sleep or eat or travel or anything but then there was that ill feeling that Eden and Cesar in Calo were supposed to Face Off in a money match or two that didn’t come to happen but Billard Cafe has delivered Eden and Cesar to us once again they’ve not met I think at all this year oh yes they have first time in the long race that they met was last year in the month of March when Eden Iden did decide to make a tour of Uganda one of the many matches he did have was against Cesar and what a match it was it ended 2120 Aiden winning Aiden then decided to extend his tour of East afria to now Kenya to Nairobi Cesar after that painful defeat because Eden had come from 2017 down winning the last four frames in a row to win that race against Caesar Cesar followed Eden up to Nairobi and after Eden cleaning Kenya clear including beating Ben beating Damian Overton twice beating B amongst other players the last of his opponents was Cesar another match that ended 2120 this time Cesar winning and then the grand mchana Open championship did happen later in there in Nairobi and after that tournament there was a decision that Eden and Cesar could face off again believe you me that one also ended 2120 again with Cesar winning taking his head-to-head statistics to 22 what happened next was the Holy Cup championships in Johannesburg this time in Eden’s home country and after the event that was won by the the South African National Team just after the AAP championships that were won by Aiden Joseph they decided between their management teams that Eden and Cesar face off once and for all and for the first time at Eden’s home ground that is Flames P Grill in Johannesburg that match ended 218 and believe you me it is the Ugandan who won then s about 4 months later that was earlier this year decided to be stubborn enough to decide to tour South Africa he lost a number of matches most of them against Jerry actually twice then defeated everybody that was there including tamy and other players but then Cesar did refuse to play with Eden that much I can say Eden as he pleaded to play with Cesar however the two players first off in a fourman comp that had Aiden and Cesar and Jerry and was it senzo somebody it was Cesar who played in the final with senzo but in the semi-final know he first off with Eden in a race to 13 and it ended 1312 and Cesar won that match that means that out of the five times the two players have faed off Iden has gotten himself one Victory and Cesar four for this one it is Eden one and Cesar one and a race to nine huge implications most especially for Cesar should he lose this match then he is free to pack his bags and wait for his Uganda Airlines flight back to campala if Eden loses this match he has another Fighting Chance in his second life Cesar is only one life that’s why he must fight like a scorpion while Iden must fight like a ghost both of them will have no games between each other they want this win big Aiden one CES One race to nine my [Music] [Music] [Music] spe [Music] spe [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] one one and Aiden will know at least sorry it’s to one with Cesar leading just been misled a little bit by the the analog scoreboard disregard that and consider the digital one of the Advanced Tent agency Iden is now down but he has the fight in him in my opinion while I respect Cesar’s Talent and lethal character and personality and ability but in terms of achievement he is quite easily the best player that Africa has produced in terms of achievement Aiden Joseph two-time African Champion reigning did win the African championships the last two times that the Championships were held in Johannesburg last year at the Grand Monte Hotel 2023 as well as 2022 at o YDC here in Zambia his victims in the final in on both events where Zambian players Victor and Kelvin on the two occasions respectively he also came first runner up on two occasions in 2014 as well as 2019 losing out to fellow South Africans in ishma Teta and VIs respectively has also won International competitions must especially in Zambia this event that we are having he was the first that to win that won it when it was organized at the oidc he took positions number one and two in 201 17 sorry 2018 it’s probably why he loves last year he was not part of this event for whatever reason he did refuse to participate he likes it when it is double life the difference between double life and double elimination is that in double life it is possible for the same player to be number one and two and take both positions for number one and two and take the monies for number one and two maybe Eden is a little bit greedy I’m trying to joke and pull his leg and those who support him but I’m joking but I I just think it is the reason he doesn’t he doesn’t like participating in elimination competition because the same player cannot be number one and two but double F competitions do offer that opportunity must especially for a player of that amazing level there’s also a big comp that he did win in Cape Town earlier this year also a double life competition he beat Ali in the semi and Jerry in the final actually he beat eari and Jerry in both first life and second life finals that is why he took positions number one and two if I’m not mistaken it was about $5,000 us that he did make over that weekend after that beautiful shot whatever he contemplating in his Yellow Game look at this guy whatever he’s doing never shot on entertainment that is why even though they are so many tables at the arena all of the fans are having one voice and with their two eyes they are looking at only and only one table on the table they looking at Eden has fouled has spoted has ball who has two shots with a chance to increase his lead especially if he can make a clearance of this blue frame and after that free shot you just have a feeling that Cesar is on the verge of making it 3-1 huge difference in the style of this two players so far in this tournament Eden has been more fancy and classic a little bit of showes in his game a little bit of entertainment not shy to be so elaborative Cesar has been a little bit cautious but more lethal as if more business oriented in his approach now Cesar on three blues putting one to the Corner Pocket on the top left white ball white top right white ball bouncing off the cushion to get a good angle maybe to put the next one to the center pocket white ball for the last blue is not obvious even sciss being scissor you have to do something of a big shot here maybe bounce the white ball off one or two cushions maybe draw it backwards with big spin maybe go for Bank Shot goes for direct shot here he’s on target white ball bounces off the cushion and moves to the proper Direction when you need skill this guy produces skill when you need to be lethal he can be lethal now here comes the Scorpion to make it three one for himself against Eden as long as he rolls that black ball to the center pocket of course he will not miss Cesar 3 Eden one rest to nine [Music] [Music] that’s to l [Music] [Music] and thank you guys for supporting the advanced talent agency the at has respected the players’s voice earlier today because they did deserve a big explanation on monetization of the stream it is also our realization that the players need a little bit of more sensitization of what the ATA is about why it is being operated as a business model the business is meant to benefit the players which the Billards Cafe that did get into agreement with the ATL didn’t explain to the players so it is their game at the end of the day when they need answers they will get the answers at the end of the day for now let us enjoy this free stream with all the camera angles and a full crew that has been facilitated by the 86 of them [Music] by air from home to Zambia for a week with also a team of players an expensive Venture but at the end of the day when the players ask questions they can be given answers no need pulling rops now that is Cesar with a chance to take a fourth Eden doesn’t know what is hitting him right now he has to be so cautious that this young man from l in Uganda does believe believe that he has what it takes to take down any player Iden inclusive something he has done four times out of the last five that they have fa off now this is Cesar already on the black in frame number five he has moved the white ball a little bit too far for his liking or for the liking of his fans but he’ll try to make a sharp cut of the black ball to the Corner Pocket on the left to right now there is the black ped white is safe are four aen one rest to [Applause] [Applause] nine I just have a feeling that a neutral fan will probably want scissor to win such that both players remain in the tournament but maybe with one life and and Aiden fan will definitely want Aiden to win for two reasons one to remain with two lives in the tournament but two to eliminate cissa in the tournament because he is a threat as long as he is still in in my opinion for the matches I’ve watched the Aiden and Kelvin and to an extent Cesar have been the most impressive with do respect to guys like malvin and Roid but for now is a scratch on the break by Cesar Eden doesn’t have a better opportunity to win a second for himself and try to mount a comeback against a guy that is something of a stone in his shoe there is no doubt about the achievements of Eden on the African continent but somehow for this year and last year Cesar has been something of a problem to Eden a shadow that Eden wants to get rid of but that shadow doesn’t go away and it remains and in a good way has just dropped his choke on the ground isn’t even seeing it actually he had a few and Cesar being the Sportsman he is picks up the choke and gives it to his opponent I love what I’ve seen it is not a war at the end of the day it is a game that has to be won or lost whether you want it on it one of these guys we lose one of them will [Music] win other matches ongoing on other tables Victor and Chile changa all Zambian Affair Victor has just overcome Rashid Waba dog City the Ugandan so slightly dog City out of the tournament the other ug Ibrahim SAA out Dennis out Ibrahim s out Joseph Kasi was trailing against songa of estin in kasi’s Second Life so I don’t know how far that game is if he didn’t pull up a comeback then he is also out and if I’m not mistaken apart from Cesar that is it for team Uganda if Cesar doesn’t lose he doesn’t win this match then the ugandans have they are Uganda Airlines flight waiting for them to go back home with a sad story to tell from [Music] Zambia he is never shy of entertainment Eden somehow against Cesar sometimes it doesn’t pull off now that shot I don’t think has gone so right but if there is one player on the entire African continent whom I can trust that can pull off a shot out of absolutely nothing that is Eden and as I spoke it he did exactly that from absolutely nothing in the match he played against Cesar at tikos and gigos in campala the first race between the two that I did stream he played the best ever shot that I have seen from that I have seen with my two eyes not on TV not on Tik Tok but with my two eyes a shot that recently was reproduced by the American Tik tocker the pool coach look at this guy he has produced Two Shots out of nothing now he has a little sight of his last yellow I think he can see it enough to put it if he can finish this Frame it will in my opinion be the best of them all and he does put the last yellow as his fans start to chant his name his fans some of whom being fellow South African players most especially bani Eden now up against the black witort that has been without a shade of a doubt the best clearance out of six in this competition Aiden two Cesar four R to n [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] spe spe [Music] as the match continues the entertainment continues the fear of the unknown among the two sets of fans continues the anticipation continues also the Waring continues Cesar continues and Aiden continues the best of Uganda versing the best of South Africa which make up pretty much the best over Africa oops this guy this guy this guy I would love to see that sh again the beauty of it it has been well calculated and well ex executed how does he dare even play shot like that in a tournament of this magnitude against a player of Eden’s level [Music] the blue game that Cesar is playing looks a little bit tricky even Eden’s yellow game looks a little bit tricky whatever is Cesar is contemplating maybe a little safety shot which he does his intention was to deny Eden white ball to put anywhere which I doubt that he has done enough if I were Eden I would be playing that yellow ball near that corner pocket but I’m not adding anyway he’s trying to play Yellow off the blue to the corresponding Corner Pocket actually there was space from my camera angle I wasn’t seeing it [Music] [Music] trying to turn bad frame in one moment into a good one the very next the South African living legend over our Sport and irrespective of whether you are a fan of either of the two if you are a lover of this sport I think you have to love both of these players the two of them if I’m not mistaken are in whatever order the most popular player players on the African continent the beauty is that they are coming from two divides of the continent one in the East one in the South that doesn’t matter now Aiden on to yellows and C knows as much as Eden knows that when Eden is on the hunt this game he cannot fail to take away they are too good the yellows and the black for him to miss and for the last two frames he has clearly been playing better being Innovative elaborative and composed in the first three four frames he was doing those things but they are not they’ve not been pulling out but for now he is out playing Cesar at least for the last 10 minutes Cesar 3 Aiden four R to nine sorry Cesar 4 and Aiden three I beg your pardon Cesar 4 aen three rest T9 [Music] they break at one point it seemed as CES has had gotten the break wrong eventually one ball was ported which was a blue as he decid needs now to go for the yellows he has just realized in my opinion that he has to be at his very best as much as Eden has to be at his very best if one of these two guys is to take down the other and if you enjoyed the match between Aiden and senzo as Iden Outcast senzo if you watch the match between Cesar and in as C outcast in the two players are now putting up the best show that we have seen in this competition at least so far Eden I believe is Downing the white and red of flames Pub and Grill his management team while c will be down [Music] in the blue and white of his man M team the advanced talent agency Uganda versus South Africa Cesar for the last two three years has been such a revelation to the African continent there are so many players that have demystified the dominance of South Africa including Victor including Kelvin including [Music] ibra including at times malova at times including safe hammad but of them all Cesar is the one that demystified the most the dominance of South Africa and he has gotten himself a rivalry against South African players to the effect that when he toured South Africa when he lost to Jerry South African players and some of the media men did roast him on social media and of course he’s the first and only player ever to DARE tour South Africa Eden has toured Uganda once before Jerry has done the same twice now and other players who did that first ishto as well as both of whom have one of whom has become retired since then ishma is still active still getting back his best form so far not yet there he’s still involved in this tournament by the way [Music] is Here Comes Cesar is going for [Music] safety looks like enough space Cesar has granted to Aiden I believe Cesar has quite a good record against South African players apart from one that is Jeremiah nid for whatever reason Jerry has a bigger head-to-head bigger head-to-head performance statistics than Cesar and Cesar has better head-to-head performance statistics on Iden has had many matches in CES in South Africa against tamy against Filan coosi some of the African players were shy from playing against him when he visited South Africa scar was also shy by the way in his tour of playing a match against aen here they meet on a neutral ground in between South Africa and Uganda at the neutrality of Bard’s Cafe whatever Cesar is contemplating here Iden can only wait hope for another turn to play hope to take down [Music] Cesar that was so ambitious poting and then hoping that white ball bounces off the cushion and off Aiden’s blue and then getting back into space the same space where they are Aiden Blues which are always going to SN aiss this Frame he knows that whether or not he finds the blue from the angle he will not be winning Two Shots a free shot and a visit for Aiden for a chance for himself to equalize in this match [Music] lots of South African players in and out of the competition are now only watching this match they know that Eden represents their best chance of lifting this competition and the fact that he has two lives I don’t want to to consider a favorite for me for lifting this competition as a player with one life I have to think between Victor Eden and Kelvin and have my money on either of the three if Aiden wins this match then I will have it on him clearly on him look at that he will definitely be putting that blue ball to the Corner Pocket on the left maybe to guide the white ball not to move too much maybe he could use the black for support ensuring that the white ball is intercepted by in its movement by the black such as not to leave the left half of the table because his last blue is on the left side and could be ported to with Center pocket I think that is what he should be contemplating he’s just realizing that it is not easily done as you would say and is deciding to start with the blue with the center pocket this one needs white ball movement big one maybe of two or three cushions that is the shot of one two cushions moving towards the last blue beautiful beautiful beautiful however it moved a little bit farther than Eden would have faned needs now sharp cut of the blue he has not to mind so much about the white ball and pots and white ball moves the white ball close the black closer to the pocket on the top the bottom left now according to our camera angle he will be slicing it which he does and puts it and white is safe and equalizes it is Eden four and this is a four rest to n let’s go let’s go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we go for the first time in four frames the chance has presented itself to Cesar this time more open and while these players are currently drawing which is no surprise at all the clearances that Eden has been making have been just a little bit more sophisticated Cesar’s big Advantage is that mental fortitude he always keeps himself calm irrespective of that situation nothing you can play against him which will get him afraid of you well he’s a very young man he’s already experienced in my opinion well traveled has already played the ultimate pool and twice at the world Hyo championships and already playing The Joy habo calendar as one of the joy sponsored players as ambassador of Jo he franchise [Music] alongside alongside South Africa’s Jason S now on for blue now on three he has moved the white ball in my opinion at least poorly he is sned the one and only ball he has sight of is frozen against the cushion he is in trouble oops that one got me surprise got me by surprise playing one yellow white ball kicking one blue white ball kicking the other blue to the Corner Pocket on the bottom left and that is how class players turn bad moments into good moments the very next moment CES now already on the block how has that happened how on Earth has that frame being finished nonetheless Cesar five Aiden four rest to [Music] nine e [Music] [Music] [Applause] a void break for the first time in the match Cesar puts black on the break the same player will be breaking the same frame no results recorded still 54 Uganda versus South Africa campala versus Johannesburg Flames Pub versus Advanced talent agency both very versatile players both have played ultimate pool and Hao Cesar taking heo a little bit further than Eden he’s trying to prove Eden wrong Eden did make a statement one time on our social media platforms that no African player stands a chance to reach the prize bracket of the world Hyo championships of course earlier this year did reach the round of last 64 coming back with the 1,500 us Iden have tried out hable and stopping to play it because by then he was saying it doesn’t have a regular calendar and of course to play heyo you need to adjust and move away from black ball which he says is the most paying on the African continent [Music] if Cesar wins this match it will start to look a little bit disgusting for [Music] Eden no African player has beaten him that many times as in four times twice in Kenya twice in South Africa and the guy is trying to inflict the same pain on the South African great now in Zambia by the way even in Zambia these players have faced off before the tournament that was dubbed the East and Southern African pool championships no I’m sorry they didn’t face off in that one which was in 2019 the player from Uganda that Eden did bit was actually ibra who by the way has been eliminated from this tournament [Music] entirely Mandy the other South African Mandy m is taking on Mia that one is tied at two all Mamo is also on table senzo has been eliminated eliminated entirely from this competition if I’m not mistaken by both Aiden and Kelvin I wouldn’t fault him so much he’s a top player who has lost to two top players one of them at his own home ven let us see what C can do here has got a little bit of Eden which could cause him to get himself snookered as he moves the white ball for the next blue white ball is dancing over the table as if it is drunk fans just laughing at what Cesar is doing [Music] now with almost perfect white ball but the one for the black is a little bit of an issue where will white white going where is right going he wanted white ball to open up the black ball which did not happen that means there’s a big likelihood that he will not be putting this black ball and a big likelihood that if he doesn’t maybe Eden will be finishing this Frame number 10 bank shot and misses almost getting lucky there now Eden with a chance to equalize in this [Music] one you are watching African pool plus plus plus a tournament that has been organized by Bard’s Cafe and of course in sponsorship with the advanced talent agency an agency that is here to improve African pool by monetizing the action of these players for their own benefit a little bit of a shame that they have not gotten the vision of the ATA of course they will get to understand one step at a time they actually want money and immediate money which doesn’t always work out like that it will come to them eventually but not as immediate as they wish one of the very few times when Cesar pardon when the when Aiden plays snooker he really does that of course he didn’t have a good white ball to play offense it was always especially against C he will be finding the back ball Cesar off the cushion yes he does a little touch of the black ball leaves it frozen against the cushion just to give himself chance at least to play in his opinion I think if Iden gets to finish his yellows and Eden reacts by playing another safety leaving that corner pocket now on the top left occupied by his yellow in the same shot kner ring Cesar top quality action this time top quality safeties s Cesar can see the block he’ll be going for Bank to the center pocket almost got it but almost doesn’t work here he misses it a miss that could clearly be seen as a surrender over the frame to his opponent in Aiden that is accurate white he simply has to roll the that yellow to the Center pocket white ball moving naturally for the last yellow which is at the corner pocket and gives himself just a little angle over a cut on that yellow which he’ll be poting drawing the white ball backwards to put black to the center pocket didn’t even draw the white ball backwards of course it would affect his Target he was right but he’ll have a sharp cut of the black ball to the same Center pocket which will never ever Miss Eden five Cesar five rest to nine you are solid you are solid Like a Rock You are a [Music] you for [Music] [Music] 5 five too tight two tense too close to call maybe you can have a little chat in the comment section where you think this match shall be going for me it is a very hard call I can’t call it but you can do me a favor comment section ATA YouTube channel thank you for watching cut J de sessions alen to Edson edu power boy Sam renen Reed motos as Cesar his fans are chanting the name Ambassador and the Ambassador sinks the black for the sixth time in the match this time another single visit clearance it is Cesar 6 and Aiden five a few top players who have exited the tournament who have been exited entirely the biggest name casualties are Jerry and ibra the guys that did have a triology between themselves just over one week ago Moses Mafia is trading for two against South Africa’s Mandy s if it goes that direction Moses Mafia will be another of the big name casualties on day two of the tournament I’m talking of exiting entirely if Cesar loses this match he will be another big name casualty as himself a very big break here Cesar he will definitely be going for the blues never in his life will be will he going he’ll be going for the yellows yes that blue ball on the right the one in between the blue and the yellow to this the corner pocket now on the top right he will be using it to close the table getting natural white ball for the second blue which is the worst of all now five Blues which he will be having if he can roll it white ball b off the cushion to get a second blue to Port then I think he will be home and dry which he does Iden can now only pray One Way Eden knows how to console how to reserve himself as his opponent keeps queing like you can see on the on the left of your screen sometimes he is on his phone as his opponent is playing it’s a it can be a little bit irritating for you as a player when you look at your opponent simply making a clearance sometimes you can look at some of the Tik Tok videos on your phone then wait to have a turn on table and indeed a turn has come it will not or well for Cesar himself having failed to go 75 up with such an opportunity and if he gets to lose this match that one will be probably the turning point of the this match and if he loses this match Cesar it may be the last action that he may have had in Zambia unless he can wait for the tournament to end then have a m match maybe with aen maybe you can never say never not so many players will there maybe Kelvin maybe Victor I don’t know of [Music] course from the South African players Jerry will [Music] not for some reasons they won’t be having a money match this time around I know they [Music] won’t so if he’s to have a money match C most likely the opponent will be Aiden [Music] [Music] what a stroke that one is lovely Q action what he needs SE now is to play that blue ball maybe to the center pocket on the left maybe having a sharp cut to the corner pocket goes for the center pocket where is the white going that was close that was close that was close this Frame I want to be that has been played at the lowest level of all the 12 in the match so far now if you know of penalties in pool there’s a black ball that is put to around the center point of the table and white ball to exactly where it is it is always a very difficult shot the player who plays the most is the winner and Cesar [Music] misses chance for Aiden again to equalize [Music] [Music] is not very happy with himself adding the kind of white ball he has but with him I know there is always a way of course the yellow ball that he can put diagonally the one he’s looking at is there for the taking I don’t think he could miss that if he simply rolls it he will have a natural good white ball for the next yellow to the center pocket then this game can be finishable and for a player of this level relatively easily I don’t know why he’s taking too long maybe fans are making a little bit of some noise C fans Eden has changed his mind the choice of ball and it has paid off he played the hardest of the shots available ped the hardest of the balls which had this shot he got good white ball for the next yellow and he’s giving himself chance for an equalizer here the Entertainer entertaining like he normally [Applause] does now on one yellow will want to put both yellow and black maybe to the same Center pocket changes his mind once black to the corner pocket now on the top left as his fans chant his name he aims for the black maybe Corner Pocket maybe Center goes for corner and puts and equalizes Aiden six Cesar six rest to n now it is rest to three [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Edon you want to know whether Stanford gent is still in the tournament is a Ugandan probably an ibra fan [Applause] [Music] I think the guy is still [Applause] in and from the quality of the images that you guys are watching for free probably another reason to appreciate that some of the time not some of the time all of the time these images come at a big cost and there is no shame in having a small fee to pay to watch them most especially when in one way the feed does participate the players for instance in The Bard Cafe elimination competition the aggreement was between the at and The Bard Cafe so it was incumbent upon the tournament organizers to explain to the players how financially beneficial it was to have at in there now [Music] Caesar trying to open up the two Blues does open up one not shyon skill crucial time this one ever since frame number one he has not been trailing ciss he has been either leading or drawing but if he loses this Frame he will be trailing again [Music] fantastic Ambience fantastic images fantastic match [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a chance presents itself for Eden to lead in this match for the first time ever since frame number one because he want the first frame then lost to the next four and has since been fighting back to make it an equalizer now chance to lead again his problem yellow is that near now the center pocket on the left he will need to have it open up maybe play it by banking it to any of those corner to to the center pocket Maybe is he opening up here the opening wasn’t as effective maybe he intended exactly as he did after all could try and put the symbol to the center pocket and from this camera angle you can see he has some space but he has an idea that maybe the the ball he’s playing is more of an insurance ball especially if he doesn’t put he doesn’t put but gets the shot entirely wrong that was so collaborative and so risky maybe as the fans are chanting in the background pressure did catch up with Aiden in that moment maybe he understand nowadays the weight of this young man from Uganda I do remember him Eden in a WhatsApp post when he lost when he won against Cesar in a man match in campala Cesar actually did lead six 20- 16 then Aiden won the last five frames including four of each were one in one visit over the table he did say on social media that Cesar is Africa’s number two of course for me that was meaning that Eden was reaffirming himself as Africa’s number one but since then Cesar has defeated Eden four times in a row and in the fifth time Cesar is leading by seven against six in a r to nine meaning that Cesar needs two while Eden needs three of the the next four frames once again Cesar 7 Aiden six race to n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he’s okay he’s okay [Music] y [Music] and once again when you think that Eden is going for eye clearance he gets to miss a ball and scissors fans are chanting the word pressure as if they are insinuating that pressure is catching up with Aiden [Applause] Cesar is playing the blues with Aiden on the yellows with Aiden needing three and Cesar needing two and a safety shot Cesar does play it looks like an effective safety shot I’m not so sure Eden could put any of his yellows the one near that Center pocket on the left is a little bit too far compared to the white maybe he has at sight of the yellow near that corner pocket he raises his hand in acknowledgement that the shot he has just produced here wasn’t good enough and while he has been absolutely a beast Eden in this tournament he’s realizing that maybe his biggest threat is this guy [Music] if Cesar doesn’t win two frames before Eden wins three his tournament comes to a premature end if Cesar wins this match both players remain with one life in this double life competition and guys with two lives will be in my opion I think it’s still Victor and Kevin and the esian guy cabonga is’s actually just called SI [Music] one [Music] he’s playing as though he means business to opport at least a ball [Music] here yes he puts his intention I think is to give himself angle to put that yellow ball near that Center pocket now on the left white ball opening up the yellow near that sent up the Corner Pocket on now the bottom right that should be his his one unlo intention if he does the other two yellows are there for his taking even in his stroke he’s demonstrating that is that that is what he’s intending and there he goes same shot it’s it doesn’t pull off the white ball is intercepted by the Black [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] come it’s okay let me do my thing it’s okay it’s okay [Applause] now after that shot and then we will need two big shots here maybe one big one by poting which he does either way could have happened all he needed was to put a ball now the one that he can put the one that he has a good sight of is that yellow ball on near that Center pocket now on the right ball when he puts it white ball naturally moves towards the right end of the table which is not the position where his last yellow is and even when he move it moves back and forth the yellow ball near the top cushion is absolutely a dead ball unless he opens it up a bad ball it is if he can open it up the shot would be something but with Aiden you can never say never look at what he’s trying to do you can never say never with this guy most especially when he’s in trouble he could have that white ball bounce of one 2 three four cushions and then open up that last yellow near the top end of the table I think that is what he’s trying to contemplate he actually just plays not to get himself sned just to see his yellow such that he can try out a bank shot try and put that yellow to the corner pocket now on the top right of your screen he has done it in this frame in this match before actually in the very first frame there is the shot shot on target that is the noise and celebration of the South African fans and the neutrals it is Aiden 7 and Cesar 7 rest to nine now rest to two [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and who are you if you’re not enjoying this match which fan are you if you don’t find this entertaining as Aiden and fortunately SC is on the break sometimes he has been doing very special things in this match Eden [Music] but some stuff has just not been going his way if I’m not mistaken it is the second time that he’s putting that Q ball on the [Music] break Cesar is contemplating only one thing in his mind to make a clearance of this frame in this ongoing visit of the table in case it his two visits whatever he does this is only a free shot it doesn’t close the table what it does is leave himself having now a very good yellow game because he played with Back Spin pulling the white ball backwards and in the same shot did open up the corner pocket now on the top left of your screen having his two yellows as he guides the white ball dancing round two cushions and into SP Aiden knows as he sits on his chair pulling out his phone to relax off the pressure call off the pressure he knows that the more you’re looking at your opponent poting balls the more likely it gets onto your now that’s how he cools himself off he lets off the pressure but Cesar will be looking for a an e [Applause] [Music] here and it’s B match you will never get tired of seeing more and more and more and more [Music] of and yet C misses Aiden leaves off opportunities given out to him like this very one Whatever went into scissors mind maybe he was too complacent sometimes you read the game the more just to ensure that the angle the the cuton which you have on the last ball is definite enough to get it ported he needed to Port a ball a ball he has not ported a chance to he gives to Aiden to try and attack this Frame number 15 now here is Aiden [Music] this Eden in bankot gets to occupy that corner pocket now with his own Blue Ball but there is space between the jaw of the pocket and the blue ball for Cesar to pass his yellow maybe not po but at least occupy that pocket again with his own yellow Ball but the way he is sensing right now maybe he’s contemplating something more effective a defensive player a cowardly player will want Cesar also to occupy that poet with his own ball which is a yellow but Cesar has other ideas and that is the idea idea that didn’t really get pulled off perfectly but at least for him a little bit lucky that another of Aiden’s Blues in the same shot has gotten dead near that corner pocket now on the bottom left [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sometimes he has been doing special things Eden in the match many of the times things have just not been working out now like a shot like that one difficult it was both to put and use the white ball open up the situation near the top end of the table yet he D it and white ball doesn’t rest at a position favorable enough for him good enough for him there is still a ball he can play maybe try and put that yellow ball now on the bottom left of your screen bottom right I mean maybe with a big back spin because being on target is not an issue for this guy from South Africa so experienced around 28 years old maybe 29 or so and he fouls oh it’s not a foul because while he miscued and missed his ball white ball came off the cushion and played his blue which later reached another cushion that was a little bit lucky but luck can only be confirmed if Cesar doesn’t get to finish this Yellow Frame in his visit over the table which is very unlikely because the game is now there for the taking with three yellows and a black all of them in perfect space [Music] will need a little Back Spin drawing the white ball backwards but has to be accurate yes he has sight of that yellow ball to the center pocket now he’ll probably be simply rolling it no need doing anything fancy all you have to do is put and put he does up against the black to make himself one frame up to win an an eighth so as to need one out of the remaining two very important shot this one as a player it is always important that you are the first to force your opponent to need two or more as you need one as Cesar rolls that black ball to the corner pocket now on the top right it is ciss eight and aen S rest to nine two frames to go and needs them both or else remain with one life as Cesar would then B once again Eden seven and Cesar eight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Sunday [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this drrive break grants Aiden chance to take this one to the decide as long as he can equalize a chance to keep himself with two lives in this tournament a chance to take down Cesar a chance to take out Cesar if I would [Music] [Music] say I think the shot is accurate and in this kind of situation irrespective of the pressure it is absolutely uncommon to see Eden not utilizing this opportunity not just for himself to take to remain with two lives but also crucially to take down one of the tournament favorites of course besides Aiden himself now on five yellows poting and getting white ball what will be the only bad yellow on the table that one now near the right end of your screen when he puts it by simply rolling that right ball it gets it bounces off the cushion and moves naturally towards the left Direction where his other three yellows are positioned and as long as he has sight to put one of them I think he will be good to go for a clearance that will take this match the best of the matches so far in the tournament to a decide a match which anybody would be fine having as a final and it is a match that is probably knocking out one of the players in the competition entirely and that will be Cesar if Aiden equalizes here and also wins the decider [Music] [Applause] [Music] R the CU ball control with now one yellow and the black which is there for the taking a situation that Eden will never ever fail to utilize accurate fight ball for the black no prize for guessing what is about to come next ladies and gentlemen the biggest match of the bards Cafe dou F competition so far is heading to the divider a decider a wire one game either to take ciss out of the tournament entirely or one game to leave both of these players with one life left in the competition and Aiden has the break they say hi to each other and greet each other knowing that it is one game which I will not call a winner texit allall for Aiden it will be winner texit allall for Cesar it will be lose and go [Applause] [Music] home that’s the break which is a dry break and Cesar’s fans at the venue are chanting his name as if they assure that he’s making a clearance of this blue game maybe the yellow game it will be the blue game of course no reason to doubt his popularity here maybe some of them are Neal who simply want both of them to remain in the tournament at least with one life but also be reminded that he played in the country of Zambia with Shack Pool Club for two years that are some of the most significant of his entire [Music] career with six blues now any mistake made most likely he goes home if he clears he remains in the competition at least with a chance to fight on I want to think that that shot has been gotten wrong his yellows his Blues have been open but two of them have moved so close to that cushion on the right for his liking Zambia is on fire as two of the best players on the continent today are sorting themselves out in one frame which has dire consequences most especially for the guy that is queuing especially if he doesn’t win it because the consequence will be that it will be the last that you will have seen him in this competition fortunately for himself he gets to pot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a Miss over a ball that now Aiden’s fans are deciding to dominate the [Music] [Applause] support that is the shot that Eden uses to get a ball to be ported giving himself a ball to Port another not a very easy looking Yellow Frame but for a player over aden’s level it is pretty much finishable he’s trying to do something he has done so many times before and most of the people that are supporting him are the South African traveling team ishma fan senzo [Music] on five yellows now and a black which could be ported most especially to that corner pocket where he’s about to Port this yellow from this range at this stage he can’t miss and that is the exact white ball he needed that he can use to clear all four yellows to respective Center pockets on the right on the top and bottom of your screen respectively Cesar is in trouble there’s a big likelihood that Caesar has played his last shot in this match a moment that is getting in Johannesburg anticipating a same moment that is getting Gulu worried and troubled that maybe one of their own is about to return home maybe for him to put and white ball separates further the two yellows beautifully played now he’s looking a little bit more calm and more reserved knowing that he say he has simplified his work knowing that he’s now the overwhelming favorit to take down Cesar and in my opinion the favorite to win this competition if a guy of this level can March onto the round of last 16 with both of his lives kept intact now with a little Back Spin white ball moving backwards near the position where the black ball is that is seemingly the most important part of the tournament it is Aiden versus the black which he wins and sends Cesar out of the tournament as Aiden matches on with a Chance to try and win both lives of this [Music] [Applause] [Music] competition final scores add and N C eight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why [Music] [Applause] [Music] e e e e e e e e e e e e e e

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