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Breaking news the New York Yankees have signed Max Fried 😳😳😳😳

πŸ“… Published on: 2024-12-10 22:53:28

⏱ Duration: 00:01:01 (61 seconds)

πŸ‘€ Views: 86 | πŸ‘ Likes: 2

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πŸŽ™ Channel: Bondi Sports Network

🌍 Channel Country: Canada

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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

oh I wanted Max freed but he’s going to the [ __ ] Yankee [ __ ] whatever uh eight years $218 million deal pening physical Lefty good move by the Yankees hate to say it you know they obviously lost SoDo they upgraded the rotation adding him obviously because Carlos randone is not a reliable Lefty uh this guy is maxre he’s a great pitcher won’t get you that much strikeouts but he’s a really good Lefty it just suck seeing him in the [ __ ] uh division multiple times a year but hopefully the Jays get Burns if they get burn if the Jays get Burns I’ll be happy I know he wasn’t my number one freid with my number one but I’ll be really happy with Burns we don’t get Burns it’ll be a [ __ ] rant but yeah he’s a Yankee congratulations Ash and Yankee Nation [ __ ] you guys I’m actually happy he’s not a Red Sox man the Red Soxs just suck [ __ ] Red Soxs man they can’t get [ __ ] they lost everybody I love it no one wants to go there

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πŸš€ Related Hashtags: #Breaking #news #York #Yankees #signed #Max #Fried

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