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BUS Driver Charles Barkley Thru SECURITY Gate with The Inside The NBA Crew

πŸ“… Published on: 2024-12-04 15:45:01

⏱ Duration: 00:00:58 (58 seconds)

πŸ‘€ Views: 21117 | πŸ‘ Likes: 790

πŸ“ Video Description:

Charles Barkley takes his hilarious antics to the next level as he plays the role of a bus driver, with Kenny Smith, Ernie Johnson, and Shaquille O’Neal along for the ride! Things quickly go off the rails when Chuck crashes through a security gate, leaving his passengers in stitches. Watch this unforgettable moment from Inside the NBA and see why this crew is TV gold! πŸ˜‚πŸš #CharlesBarkley #Shaq #InsideTheNBA

πŸŽ™ Channel: HoopLists

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πŸ“‚ Tags:

charles barkley funny moments,chuck bus driver,chuck and shaq,inside the nba,charles barkley,nba on tnt,nba funny moments,inside the nba funny moments,charles barkley bus driver,shaq and chuck

πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

come with me here we go me everybody where are we going whyever The Godfather tell us to go because chuckster I got the keys and they’re yours you’re the bus driver oh my God we’re done with the show tonight so you can take us home it’s the Chuck Wagon y got oh Lord come on seriously Zach you getting on the bus yeah come on we’re on the bus we got we got the bus driver oh man sound like you got some experience here I don’t want to be on this bus this bus dri a never no champion come on let’s go Jack get on the bus you’ve been on bus rider before you know how to do this here we go yo tell them to open the gate oh who’s at the gate chucker don’t worry about it you can just take it out man oh it don’t take the gate out yeah he can oh my God here we go and that’s a wrap for Inside the NBA for Shaq and Kenny and the bus driver hey don’t go out on the road man Ernie Johnson we’ll see you tomorrow I hope

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πŸš€ Related Hashtags: #BUS #Driver #Charles #Barkley #SECURITY #Gate #NBA #Crew

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