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FIFA are outrageous! #FIFA #WorldCup #Football #Soccer

📅 Published on: 2024-12-03 19:08:48

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the absolute Gall and the arrogance of them to present this as if it’s Progressive like they’re essentially we will keep rewarding places that abuse human beings if they promise to do it a bit less in the future if they do it less in the future that’s good right and obviously these people take advantage of that like they use FIFA’s own hubris against them they are not going to take their cues from a footballing governing body but FIFA are so arrogant they they think like they’re NATO and they fall for it every time and and football is what gets used as as we’ve seen so many times as a vehicle for sports washing and it’s infuriating that they’re so stupid they can’t see it and so greedy that they just enable it

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🚀 Related Hashtags: #FIFA #outrageous #FIFA #WorldCup #Football #Soccer

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