📅 Published on: 2024-12-26 14:30:15
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In this episode, we dive into the latest happenings in the world of baseball, covering news, key updates, and developments.
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what’s up and welcome back to the three of three down podcast with the boys Eden what’s going on no nothing much I mean just enjoying this Christmas Day we are down someone though today so it’s just the boy it’s the Twan Twan weave episode yeah I don’t know where buddy was at but buddy can not make the Pod so make the Pod today we we were looking he said we asked like can you get on the Pod he said can’t tonight so that’s all we got no Jacob on the Pod tonight you want to get into it yeah it’s been a while since we recorded one of these things so we might be a little rusty out here I gu we got to start with the big move that happened since the last time that we recorded which is Cody Bellinger going to the Yankees bro he like such a b to shave all his hair and cut shave P here like buddy yeah I’m but I guess he’s I guess it was solid for the E cuz they got a lefty gu with that short little porge yeah good Outfield The Outfield play first or the out depending what they do with the rest of free agency we won’t go too much into dep on the move because we’ll save this for Jacob who is the yke to talk about it more on the next episode but yeah it’s a solid move for them didn’t even have to give up a lot only Cody put who had a solid e last year but if you had it was Cody potit for Cody Bellinger I wouldn’t say no and the five million cash consideration you’re right you’re right I mean I’ve seen Yankees fans now speculating that this was D all right I guess we’ll get into the other signing too of Paul goldmit with them which was which there what Yankees fans have seen as oh is this opening the door for Kyle Tucker move next off season cuz they had just missed out on him um the missed out on him going to the Cubs so now like all of a sudden Yankees fans saying oh he’s going to us now I mean I know who he’s represented by but I don’t get why an astro would want to go to a Yankee to the Yankees based off their history if they give him bread he doesn’t really care money talk I he talks that you’re right I guess you’re right like because I feel like the Astros Yi like they kind of I feel like yiki fans hate that Astros but I feel like Astros fans don’t really care about the yiki yeah I think they find it funny though because like they always just win yeah they’re just like a look at these bums yeah oh it’s funny how they think they’re on our level but there for sure not but like Paul go is a solid SED for them though I mean yeah I mean let me pull up the Savant page bro he’s like solid yeah but he’s kind of old but you he is old and he showed signs of aggression last year 22 homers 245 average Z4 two on base 414 SL 76 no which I guess you’re going to leave a there and he hits it all fields which will help the B at yanes stum good at making hard contact too so that’ll play a role in just got to hit the ball up got to hit the ball up here and it’ll be easier to home run that’s a rough saon page it’s a lot of blue a lot well I wouldn’t say it’s a lot of blue I’d say it’s more like lot gray yeah but it’s not horrible he’s M everything I think there’s potential with this move I think Yankees I guess he’s old so there’s not potential but there’s definitely yeah there’s yeah there’s Potential from the 37 year old I guess you’re right but there’s still something there I think with Paul UL like I think it’s just the Cardinals not being competitive like it messes with the mindset I think him going to a team that is in win now that’ll help compared to where the the Cardinals are and the car look looking to get rid of the the other Corner Fielder too cornerer who I mean the Yankees might also be interested I don’t think there’s much Buzz with him going there though because it doesn’t seem like a popular move among Yankees fans which I can understand why he is wa but don’t think heo my bu no he’s the free agent he’s not good anyway no he’s but nether PA G what Paul go is not good either yeah I mean statistically he is much better than Anthony gzo yeah but Anon rzo I feel like he had AA I mean some people have call him there his daddy back in the olden days so I see where you’re coming from what let’s see I guess we could talk about the Astros big move as well of going out oh you got another let’s on this y topic oh no in the group chat earlier Jacob was talking about Jason Dominguez and Spencer Jones about how they he thinks for Christmas he wants the Yankees to make another trade to get somebody else that is true he was like oh man he was oh he goes you know we have some good prospects if we’re g to go get some pig I was like bro you really don’t you don’t have these big prospects compared to like the to these other teams out in the market I’d say the Red Sox have moreon is good in theory he’s he’s got good stats but he’s got a strikeout problem which you can put up these numbers if you strike out it’s going to play he’s going to become like a a Joey Gallow a three years all hitter home run strike out Joey has a couple good years though yeah but it was all power it wasn’t I mean Joey Gallow he was tough on the Rangers but he’s a three hitter I mean last year Spencer Jones it was like 788 seven home runs like 250 778 it was it was yeah 788 it was 270 2 that’s not horrible I guess I guess we might be sleep 70 average 344 on base percentage and 456 slug 800 Ops but he he played with four different levels he played with high a what low a he’s probably on do a rehab a yeah but he’s also the fact that he’s I mean he he had 139 games with triple with double A and he had 100 games with high a I think you mean that bats oh it says games that’s probably in his career idiot no it says 202 wait oh you’re probably wait oh you’re probably right actually bro I just wait oh it’s his career oh you’re definitely right hold up I’m yeah no cuz it said oh yeah last year he was with he played 122 games with Somerset and he beted 259 or 788 yeah you were right of course I’m right dang his scy are a 40 hit 50 55 power 50 run 50 arm 50 field see it’s nothing special size I mean he’s a good athlete I guess but there’s something there but a 23-year-old who’s just in daa now who’s in daa now I guess you can get him up to Triple A to start the year but there’s not a lot to be hyped up or there’s something but I wouldn’t say he’s this top 100 top 120 guy he’s the Roman Anthony no glaze no glaze well Roman Anthony’s in this upper echelon there’s not a lot of Roman anthonies I wouldn’t say Dominguez is a Roman Anthony he’s close to Christian Campbell but I’d say Christian Campbell’s above that tier he’s in the Marcel Myer to tier Domingo it say I like theing has kind of been a prospect for forever yeah it seems exist and then they picked Alex Verdugo over him no well I don’t think that’s what it is I think they just I guess guess let me pull brot I mean think he’s number one Prospect Ian switch hitter is helpful he didn’t qualify for anything no cons play there’s not there’s not a lot of Reds that’s I was looking earlier not a lot of Reds in that P I mean his walk rate’s good but yeah but he’s doesn’t matter he has 14 14 16.4% walk rate yeah hard hit bad speed but he’s he’s a negative Fielder and he’s has zero base running value like he’s just kind of there there’s something there obvious there is potential when you look at that he’s the number 14th Prospect in the top 100 and the Yankees number one Prospect in their system yeah the Red Sox have three guys higher than that so had a 179 yeah but he he was that wasn’t good but that’s just a small sample size can’t really judge him off that 56 at bats yeah I mean this is the year for him but he he had he had 11 walks and 67 play appearances so it’s not bad no this is the year for him that he gets his chance Verdugo is going to be not there yeah he he’s given the job he’s given the keys to be the starting left field there I mean you got probably move judge back to right yeah I think came out and said that but yeah and then the Mingos and left and let him R yeah all I’m going say is there is competition in the east I don’t think the Yankees the Yankees still need another bat in that lineup we’ll get to that later but well I’m still going to say they still need a bat for that lineup they don’t they have a good lineup but there’s it’s still like it’s still Aaron judge in a bunch of Jabron hopefully hopefully we get playoff Aon judge All Season hopefully that would be I mean he’s just a low low leverage merchand as people like to call him he gets regular season MVPs but when he comes to September and October he gets he goes from like what 68 to 42 bro little guy little guy yeah he need to show up especially after last year performance playoffs I mean what do we want get into next there’s a lot of moves to get to break down it’s been a hot minute since we’ve been it has been a hot in at two weeks two almost two weeks now we had to live stream on Monday though whoever tuned in shout shout out for tuning into that it was a pretty bad game so I don’t know why I’m tune in to that you mentioned the Christian Walker stuff earlier so we can just yeah we’ll go back to Christian Walker go out and I I understand it but I’m confused at the same time because this is it’s an aging first baseman and a team that’s it seems that they’re starting to move back towards this this not I think I guess every R tooling stage is what I i’ call it where they’re not freebuild but they’re not going all in like they’re still yeah still trying to be competitive but it’s not like full and all like because you traded one of your best players your best player I guess you would say well their best player is probably yon but oh yeah and down they still down but I I is getting older so I like while he’s there they want to like open up their window a little bit but like get ready for the future but kind of PL like keep the window open to compete I mean Christian Walker’s saon page is like a nice he’s a he’s in the 907 percentile range aage he’s a good all around first basem he’s really Elite defensively and then his bat’s kind of average but not I would say it’s good just but it’s not like it’s like the stats are two 251 average 3 335 OBP 468 slugs 803 Ops that’s good that’s a that’s a high level first Bas when you got them6 Homer like that’s pretty good yeah like it’s not crazy but how old he’s 34 He’s 33 33 he’s not that old but if he’s three year three years younger I’d understand the move more I think it’s just kind of confusing CU it seems like they’re trying to be more this youth movement over there howevers out a lot yikes I do like I I know this was a while ago but getting ESO fredes will help them a lot the guy loves to hit the ball the left field you got those Crawford boxes so it’s just going to be a flick for him and that’s gone you’re GNA start see it he said flick flick it’s gone flick hey shout out 57 days for spring training 57 days says I mean I don’t know I like spring training it’s hype at first but I feel like yeah but then after like a weaker it wears off then I want the real stuff I I feel like that’s not just me so it’s hype for the first I enjoy that in all like how we get like baseballs back and stuff but it doesn’t feel laughter a little like if or not like it just doesn’t feel it doesn’t give that same effect as regular season baseball but it’s good to like see like guys we won’t see like the Campbell and anthonies and stuff like what they’ll be able to like how they’ll start spring training against like yeah it’s good to see especially to see because these guys have those two have a chance to comp for the opening day roster spot as of now I think we should I think they should start camell at second as of now i’ start out second but there is a guy in free agency who I wouldn’t mind hooking up we will get to after the moves but I think the people watching can take a get the clue of who that is I wonder I mean we do have some there’s a lot of people who don’t have a lot of ball knowledge who watch us but that’s why we’re here to to raise that knowledge okay maybe we don’t want to maybe we don’t want to talk trash to our listeners we not all of our listeners I’m not saying all of our listeners but some people do watch us to get their knowledge of baseball says who Okay me okay that’s all I think we have some there’s some high Bond noers who watch it but I’m just saying there are some people who don’t know a lot but they watch they listen to us or watch us actually we have zero Spotify stream so watch us he watch us to learn to hear what we have to think so that’s all I guess we were stocking talking about the Yankees so we’ll get into the the Jose trino trade I mean this is kind of something you could see coming at Midway through the year towards the end of the year Shout Out Jose jinho bro Shout Out Jose virgin put that one game against the Red Sox n June 16th June 16th giv up nine steals in one game I think that is what began the and then that began the the Takeover I guess of Austin Wells as the catcher there Austin Wells is so overrated that’s I do think he is overrated I he’s a good Defender he’s a good player but I do think he’s overrated I don’t think he’s better than some of the guys who should have been a finalist Rookie of the Year not saying names not yeah not saying names but probably a guy plays who plays right field at Fen at a high level I don’t yeah I don’t know last but yeah but there’s definitely something going on had a good fi run value yeah he’s a good Defender his bats are like all right he plays beond judge so you get that Health he’s good at framing yeah I’m not saying he’s bad I’m just saying that people in framing but it’s his pop times in the first percentile yeah so they don’t have catchers who can get runers that’s think about that F what is what’s what C stealing yeah that’s what I’m looking for oh it’s right there etile Nega four He’s Just Not That guy I mean he’s a there he’s good good Defender the bat was starting to show itself at times but I mean not sure he B A 215 but yeah but I felt like he got it go there’s points where the bat show something bro so shout out to you for having a little combo with him in Harford me yeah he did did you not we Tri him no we were not triing yes you were no you were tripping him bro this is such negative horror for you we were not tripping Austin WS no Jose trino bro we didn’t say anything to him no we like but we saw him we like bro bro yes you you were Ying to him I’m pretty sure aren’t you not you were like I probably whispered it yeah you all I know was ducking from those baseballs cuz I lost it in the lights so I thought it would hit me every time so when you went to the replay camera I I see myself going like from the ball cuz I lost track I thought I was gonna get hit in the head the same game we’re talking no wait no it’s not the same game wait now I’m thinking wait did you go I feel like you went to the gam like we the where I caught the ball no but who was there bro someone was tripping Jose bro someone was tripping joseo bro wait oh no I went to the Sea Dog I went to the Sea game yeah no but yeah but bro I I like some game someone was triing Jose trino bro oh maybe it was oh don’t know oh something else oh I think it might have been Anthony low key but Roman Anthony no no oh s sick yeah shout out up bro he was chirping Jose trino I think and then I cut the ball bro I swear you were at one of those games I went to the Sea doogs game I was there wasn’t yeah I went to that game with you oh bro I knew you went to one of them bro and don’t know bro someone Jose Virginia I was at that one bro that’s that’s not me bro that’s not me that is on you but bro I just remember bro someone was T Jose like what’s going on there buddy I don’t know oh nice move ke who the heck is that let’s let’s think what what do we want to talk what what move you want to get into next there’s still a lot it’s there’s been a lot since oh we didn’t get into what the Yankees got in return I guess they had Fernando Cruz and Alex Jackson who’s a catcher but the main guy to look for is the relever Fernando Cruz there’s a Yankees fans seem to be really hyped up about this guy he had about 14.7k per n last season which was among the highest for relever so that’s higher than Duran class and Mason Miller or I don’t know if it was the highest but that was top tier so he was on that level but I’ve seen a lot of Reds fans saying there’s a reason no one talks about him there’s a reason yeah there’s a reason he’s not Class A like yes he’s hyped up but he’s there’s a reason why he had a 4.86 ER last year in 69 games but he gets a lot he’s got the 99 perti K percentage 99 percenti with with with percentage but he’s got bad control with whff with yeah he’s got a good off speed pitch and Jacobs told us many times that pitching coach Matt Blake is great when it comes to working with pitchers with with what’s it called what’s the term with wild command are I CH there for a bunch of years yeah all I’m G to say is if you can if they can actually fix him and keep his man under control there this guy could be a top arm does he throw fast no he doesn’t throw fast but he’ll blow you away with the speed he does walk a lot of people and he gets a lot of hard hit yeah and the ball does not stay on the ground so and and he’s going to play in a little league stadium so a weak paw out of right might be be out of the park so yeah if if they making contact it’s they’re barreling it is what it looks like so oh he threw 95 that’s not crazy fast for a relever I wish just looking at a clip I yeah let me see let me see what he’s got he like he’s got or on the M it looks like number 63 that’s an interesting number yeah but like he looks like a I see Kristen that change Up’s definitely I see something with that change up it’s got good movement on it which one’s the change up this one I’m looking I see a clip it it does just disappear on you mov yeah so if the Yankees I’m Sur I mean I guess I’m not surprised but there’s something if you can like make that or is it a splitter he doesn’t have it it’s a splitter my fault splitter but that’s a fast ball he throws all fast balls wait cutter splitter so now I’m confused split foring cut there a slider but doesn’t throw a slider it says 42% split 33% Force I’m now I’m lost is it not a split finger fast ball that’s what a splitter is yeah so why does his off speed run value 95th percentile if he only throws fast balls cuz the splitter is probably classified as a offs speed because I guess slow than everything else because I mean his only average is 81.5 so they basically got a Tommy kley replacement he’s only goingon to throw Splitters and Cutters or just split his fast is like 94 95 yeah and his cutter is 89 so like blocked by James shout out block by James block by like like he had another block block by James called today in the Christmas game all I’m GNA say is if if he can find a a different pitch that’s not a fast ball cuz that I’m look at the the numbers by pitch no one could hit the split splitter but those the for seamer and cutter get to tards so they need to figure out a way to maximize the splitter and try to get an effective pitch his slider was good and he just took it out so I wonder if they’ll bring it turn into a sweeper for him this year and add the fast ball to add more deception to his pitches just face up I’m looking that because his his for seamer and cutter get hit hard so I think he needs a sweeper just so they have something else cuz he’s got the downward movement and just the straight movement so we needs a more of like a in the- Middle pitch with horizontal move yeah horizontal like a slur for a a sweeper yeah sweeper that’s what I was to at it’s a br I don’t know it’s the slider and a swe it’s like the same thing yeah it is it’s just more movement I think if you adds a sweeper and then that’ll that’ll help his other pitches see look at us we’re not being biased we’re we’re we’re giv advice I mean we’re gonna I hope he sucks but I do hope he’s but just if they can if they can find a way to maximize the potential of his arm then that’s that’s a good pickup a good move for them I gu another good pickup for another a team Tommy Yuki said going to the Orioles I wouldn’t say good but one year 13 million for a guy but 1.67 is pretty impress better pronunciation that that I was going to do so shout out you for that one I me I’m kind of solid with the pronunciations I’m not even try to say his name but he’s nice he’s kind of old but he had a 1.67 ER over there with yeah in 156 Innings and 2/3 156 23 don’t F that that’s I mean see all I’m gonna say is see I don’t know much about him I I’m not a big Japanese baseball guy but if you have a 1.67 ra I’m gonna assume you’re pretty good I mean he’s the only problem is is he’s like 95 years old but yeah well 35 well let’s let’s not be that disrespectful is there a savant page on this guy why would there be a savant page on a Japanese P I just want I want to see bro see I mean he doesn’t have insane strikeout stuff but he doesn’t walk a lot 16 walks and 156 in two3 Innings that’s pretty impressive that’s George Kirby type numbers that’s what I’ll say appar he has he has a elite splitter like that’s his that’s his that’s his that’s his go to pitch with two to strike people out or get weak contact see I I want s to go to my socks but what I will say is one year 13 million for a team that’s competing but looking towards the future I think that’s a good move for them because if you get something they’ve been able to get good pctures to come and then he’s got a cutter and a slurve I guess yeah I mean he’s not going to get strikeouts but no he doesn’t have a f fastball that’s interesting well I don’t think fast balls are as popular in Japan no I I know but you think we as a 1.63 ra would be able to throw a fast ball right I know but I mean he he he might be able to I like the move for the Orioles though because they’re probably to lose end up losing Corbin Burns yeah like the cors replacement well I mean I’ve heard they’ve gone back into the race for a minute or one of the top teams for him as of now there’s a chance they lose him there’s a chance they have some better some better luck with their injuries cuz like R Ros was her last year and then to yeah someone bradish bradish it was bradish yep it was bradish let’s go I’m locked I’m locked let’s go but they have a solid like Zack and Dean Co I like what they’re doing I also like how they brought in former sock Tyler O’Neal got to shot out the so former socks I mean I didn’t want I did not want him back I liked him in Boston just Health if he stays healthy for them that’ll help their line lot he what 30 home runs this year in like 130 games what that’s kind of impress that’s impressive like a leg infection yeah well we said this before like when he got was signed with them it’s not that these are like it’s just a common injury it’s always an uncommon injury you’re not getting a normal injury with Tyler ear de you’re G you’re always getting something interesting some of them are just something he can’t control though like when he or I guess can control but something like like when he collided into Des maybe talk but you know it’s okay yeah talk but I was like a freak inur that UR yeah that’s not something that’ll just happen every year that’s that’s what I meant I guess the the next thing we can talk about is like the Guardians first situation that’s an interesting one they trade Josh na to the Diamondbacks which I I knew he was on the market at the time so I’m not surprised about that but then I just find it more surprising like maybe within a half hour hour they just bring Carlos Santana and I find that weird like do they have this planned or do they just getting like immediate contact with him when they knew Josh nler and Josh niler was officially leaving well I’m guessing they were talking to teams about Josh Naylor so they had a option because I mean it also works out for the Diamond Backs because they just lost their guy yeah so they get like their first base replacement now they they broke up the the boys though bow and Josh that’s kind of yeah they broke up the brothers that’s kind of depressing but the guy they brought in 25-year-old from Miami I’m looking at his stuff right now he’s a starter and he doesn’t walk a lot of people the ball doesn’t get hit hard off him are we gonna pronounce his name Slade Chini yeah good enough for me yeah I mean let’s his best pitch is is the is the curveball the worst pitch is the fast ball it sounds like a a lot of that’s one’s coming so maybe last year yeah the fast ball got hit hard I mean I don’t know what there is to be H does you have a good nope I don’t I’m trying to find something good to say about like he doesn’t walk people and the ball doesn’t get hard off him but I feel like I feel like there’s nothing to be positive about with him except maybe I mean they always get find a way to make pictures good so he’s on the younger side so you have a little couple years to like speak if you want to like add pictures or take away pictures or figure out what he’s going to be really good at but the Guardians are develop good pitches a for seam a slider change curve most generic pitch mix of all time yep most gener like I don’t know if you generic generic pitch mix not generic n Slade Chon I feel yeah let’s let’s let’s look at how you actually say his name I feel like baseball reference has to let us have to have it name name pronunciation the con Sone Slade aone aone all right look at that you know I’m not going to remember that but for this for that EP SL kot I feel like you should have learned how to pronounce that but that’s kind of disappointing it’s just you feel like you have an Italian last name but konei wait how konei yeah kind of a let down we’ll just call him saini oh that’s but I feel like I I feel like it was Sol move for the guardi I mean he’s at a free age next year so maybe they could have gotten more who was 238 last year but he had 23 bombs 420 slug 749 Ops at that age is it’s good still had something there 2.5 or and he is familiar with the organization too we can’t forget that spent 10 years there his first eight years were in Cleveland and eight of his first 10 seasons were in clle or 10 seasons in Cleveland so yeah slow but he’s got a good thing he plays first because his arms trash but he’s got Elite range a 97 97th percentile and oh outs above average with 14 I mean good all around solid allaround player so can’t really complain does a lot of stuff well I mean he’s not terrible at anything really and running slow yeah yeah but luckily it’s not race ball it’s baseball okay yeah a bar but I didn’t mean it like yikes I didn’t even know like how if might be taken I’ve been like running race running race all I was with you but I see how yeah I I just didn’t want it to be taken out of context by anyone all right I guess we gotta finish off the first baseman topics with Nate low to the Washington Nationals it’s kind of like a whatever move but I would say it’s a whatever move I’d say it’s quite interesting is like he’s fine but I mean I I know I was looking at him a few days ago Elite Defender for first Bas solid hitter just doesn’t hit the ball for home runs doesn’t hit it hard I’m looking at doesn’t hit it hard but he gets hits that 16 b as a first base I want 25 I mean at least two years ago he had in 22 we had 27 yeah with a 302 average I mean he was 265 last year I’m not saying he’s not King back I’m just saying yeah I know yeah I got you but I mean like Savant page he looks pretty Elite but I think it’s just because he’s the first baseman that holds him back from being this no I I just want more power I don’t pref first baseman the SP page looks good numbers are solid just yeah he’s he’s but I feel like he a weird fit with the Nationals like a he’s kind of like I mean he’s only 29 yeah he’s not like that old but like the National’s not going to be doing anything for the next 10 years what do you mean James Wood Dylan Cruz McKenzie gour they got a young Court coming up right now CJ AB they’re good they’re in the but they’re in the best division in baseball probably I mean like one of the best like they’re not gonna because like the Braves and the meds and the Phillies yeah they’re not the marlands definitely not the marlands the marlands are trash they made another tra oh yeah wait we’ll get to that next we’ll get to that after this yeah yeah but but like I feel like he won’t well you don’t get better if you don’t do anything I guess you really say but is he’s solid I think it helps I think they could yo sneaky wild card team the Royals weren’t this hyped up team to before last I didn’t say they would I said they are a wild card team I’m going and I mean the Rangers got Robert Garcia in return who Savon page makes him look like he’s the best pitcher in the league is it not he’s pitching the MLB yeah it’s all red all red pretty much besides his V it is all red but it’s all red he doesn’t he doesn’t get he doesn’t get hit he’s got a good RA his no but it’s a 4.2 so now I’m lost his X is really good so I’m assuming he’s got a good fit which i’ I’ve heard it doesn’t matter like’s not here I know I’m checking wait his FIP was 2.38 so that’s a so he’s getting unlucky so that’s like a almost two differential yeah that’s that’s a big difference big difference he’s getting un unlucky really unlucky so now I’m scared because I didn’t know how now I’m scared I didn’t realize this guy exists like I thought it was just some mid guy his ra wasn’t good I mean he pitched 72 games last year so 59 Innings man bro was getting 72 games and only 59 2/3 inning but I mean he had he had identical whips the last two years a 1.19 yeah but he looks disgusting I his makes him looks nice he gets a bunch of Chase Chase chain Chase Chase Chase and he doesn’t get hit he only 31% of the time I’m so conf fused and he gets chased 33.6% of the time like brother oh he’s got a good change of his what it seems as if let’s let let’s check out a random video of his one of his strikeouts he throws his fast ball a lot of the time he throws his fast ball but no I guess he just he’s he’s good at mixing it is what it looks like he look good at mixing the pitches up I mean shout out Robert Garcia definitely was not high on the not really s this good so out out him gosh dang no I now I’m worried cuz he the Rangers I’m not saying they’re good at developing pitchers but that’s something to watch out for he’s got good upside yeah I thought he was just some name but now they got actually something back all right all right W Rangers W Rangers all now St in that division wait which division East least Nationals yeah well not the Nationals well that’s the team I was talking about like saying in that division let talk about my boy Jose Jes Jose oh Jesus that that’s on me that is on you Paul McIntosh for Boyd and cabba amasio and voy and cabba both both two of the prospects to top prospects or I know cabba is a top prospect for the Phillies I was lowkey hoping that losardo was gonna yeah I want want I’ve been ring it for the last two years but kicking them all this is this is I mean let’s see Phil oh wait what what was Marlins yeah I mean for them Phillies this is a good move because the teams in your division you got to compete with the Mets you got to keep Starin cabba yeah that’s what I said staring oh he was he wasn’t really that impressive this year may maybe he’s got like good like raw numbers but he didn’t really hit good in double A or in single ey he was good his R year and so all first year a prospect and who else I feel like who’s who the other guy iasio and Boyd why we talking about these prospects let’s talk about Jesus lazardo well I want to know who they got in return ques Lardo is kind of overrated but you know what he’s overrated you just said you wanted I wanted him no I don’t think he’s overrated I think he’s could be one of the best pitch I think he’ll show that this year was he got injured so you can’t really put that on him but all right his aant page his aant page look impressive but when you look at the last full healthy season there’s red there’s good red in good spots if he can limit hard contact then then could I think I’ve wanted him cuz there’s definitely something that can be unlocked with him he’s only 27 got control only had 66 Innings last year yeah but he was Domin he had a 28% K percentage in 23 which well 23 was his last like year full year and yeah it was impressive in that year I mean he’s got he got good fastball velocity and just fastball value I mean the for seamer gets hard but it’s got good oh that was this year the for Seer got hit hard but the Sinker the Sinker he so he he should just eliminate the Sinker yeah but I like K I think he could be good think he could be I think he is already good I think it helps the it helps the Phillies who are already good just helps them stay stay afloat and keep the fans patient shout out Dave Browski former s GM CBL whatever they called them I mean what do we want to talk from next oh you know let’s stay on the Phil let’s stay on the philes picking up Max Kepler for one year 10 million I know I know we had a down year this year but does not mean he’s not good anymore I think he’s definitely passes no I don’t think he’s passes 25232 on B 386 682 of yes just seems like a down GE for I guess he’s every he’s inconsistent Savant page does not look good for the last year I mean good Defender so that helps they have a weak out their outfielders not the strongest defensively especially the corner guys but when you look at that 23 season that’s a really good year I don’t know if you see if you see this 23 season that’s a lot of red that is a lot of red in a lot of places Sant yes I mean I mean two years ago it was 260 this year is 253 well the Twins were the Twins were quite weird this year though like I don’t yeah the twins like didn’t want to make the playoffs yeah no one wanted to make the playoffs you know who especially didn’t want to make the the playoff Red Sox buto like but you know what this isn’t about the Red Sox this isn’t about the Red Sox we’ll get to them though they are another team that will be discussed I mean he’s in he’s been good every other year I don’t know how many games he had this year but maybe he had 399 at BS he had he had 105 games this year so that’s I mean that isn’t a lot so you can’t really he doesn’t play full seasons though is what I’m noticing his last season he’s had 150 or more games was 2018 so I mean I think was down here I think he’s going to bounce back especially in that atmosphere in bil I think that energy will be good for him I mean I guess we just brought them up are we going to talk about them now let’s talk no before we talk about them let’s talk about rookie Jack Peterson Jack Peterson we’ll talk about rookie after yeah to the Rangers two years 37 million they are making moves opt out after year with the opt out after year one yeah I mean what do we have to say about this Smo it’s fine bro but like I mean he’s a already killer I like jock Peterson bro I me he’s Mr reliable he’s Mr reliable I feel like he’s just a good dude you know what I’m saying we don’t know him as a person no but I’m saying but I mean he’s consistent he he just he just mashes right so do a v page looks pretty solid yeah I mean he strikes out a lot but besides that he looks good yeah he he hits the ball hard he’s kind of a a he’s not a good Defender but that’s why DH is but yeah but you he walks up he walks a lot and I feel like he wants wants to win wants to win when now coming up with the do coming up with the Dodgers and that winning DNA because you know they’re the Dodgers yeah I mean Jo Peterson definitely moves the needle for me the guy you know you’re getting how many homers do you have this year I want to make sure you’re getting at least 25 out of him oh never mind you’re getting at Le but he’s a platoon you’re getting 20 or more home runs out of a platoon or not a platoon but a a dominant righty guy righty you got a guy who’s stronger against righty which you’re going to see more you’re getting good power out of him good good average I’m pretty sure cuz 275 yeah yeah that’s that’s good average that’s good 275 good good Ops yeah 908 see see he would have had 30 home runs if he could just hit lefties but you pay him just hit righties just like Rob F Snider Only Hits lefties but sh is that jock Peterson doesn’t play as doesn’t hit or hits more home runs so I mean I like I love the move for the Rangers I dig it they’re they’re making moves they are a scary team this year they they’re ready for amce back they’re about to get the ground back too well they had them at the end of last year but they’re about to the full season fingers Cross of the knock on knock all right let’s get that we yeah everyone the Boston Red Sox my guys Craig brlo I love that guy’s up shout out shout out to boys want to put up session 10 in the building in the booo building baby shout out all right shout out to milk and Jake yai Jak yai so um first move Patrick sandal I mean when it happened when I saw it I’m like all right this might take us out of the starting pitching Market the past few years but there’re still that’s what you said I was like we gota get we B off how the last years had G was like I was like I was like I said this move it’s gonna either it’s gonna we we don’t we stop going for pitchers or there’s one guy that we two guys we go after Corin Burns or Walker berer we can still go after Corin Burns I don’t think I think we’re done with pitching yeah but I want to mind moving like J the like Corin Well you aren’t you aren’t I think Julio is a solid starter I’m saying cor better yeah the time will be the show people actually have emotions it was two years 18.5 million like what 5.5 this year yeah but it’s 5.5 this year and then like 12 next year I think the luxury tax like it’s still going to be 9 million each year or whatever but yeah but like I feel like he could be good bro you know he’s not going to pitch probably till like middle of the Year November am I good August July maybe I don’t know why I said November but maybe middle of the Year towards the end or or next year but I feel like he could be good for us Canna rehab here in Boston I think he could be good he’s he’s a he’s a left-handed starter which is which is something we don’t we only got one of and he and the guy we have is a pig certified Pig he’s a pig on draft neck marks um top 32 MLB pitching ranking he had crochet at number four had of big names like Garett Cole who Yankees fans have been saying he’s better but there are people out here who think otherwise who have a big following I think crochet has the tools to be up one of the top three if not the best in baseball he’s got the tools he just needs to display it for consist not good it’s okay well yeah cuz he was hurt this year oh 23 well he wasn’t good that year you look at the Good Year and you see what he was 411 he had 411 ra his last full year 28 games 28 22 was solid 22 yeah but that was so long ago but I mean I also think some of it was the Rangers justers he doesn’t use the the fast ball a lot which is good for us because that’s what Bailey likes to do yeah Patrick sandal let’s see he has a a 3. he had a 3.87 fit so clearly some of it was just him getting unlucky yeah I mean I I don’t I was a pretty good a pretty good fan of the move yeah I wasn’t upset with it but but I don’t want this year but it’ll help well it could help towards the back end of this season maybe bring him back as a bullpen arm if he’s if he’s able to if he’s able to oh and the next year maybe he brings something you’re if anything at first you’re getting a four or five can’t complain about that and then the guy was going to help us hopefully hopefully a l risk High reward Guy Walker bu for the qualifying offer Walker ofer when I saw this news break his first full year back from Tommy John still since 21 yeah but I did see an interview I saw an interview where he was saying how he’s not the same guy he was before he’s not going to overpow you with v he’s gonna he’s going to throw more different or not more different throw you different pitches not trying to overpower you with that velocity but I think it’s something that Andrew Bailey and that pitching system will love for the socks because you’ll be able to like make a m of what you want with what he’s got you know no no no one cares about we don’t have to look at the stat from last year they weren’t great they weren’t great but we’ll mention them we’ll mention them hey but but you we have to mention you mentioned those stats that no one cares about first and then I’ll have something that people care about it was the second Tommy John surgery so so that’s like it’s basically getting a new engine for your cars so how I think of it so now he’s got a fresh his engine’s fresh it’s brand new he or not it’s it’s slightly used he at a 5.38 e right and 16 starts and with 75 Innings pitched the whip was at 1.5 and 1.5 1.6 and then he had a he had a FP at 5.54 so that’s not not good but guess what guess what he got the last out of the World Series so that’s what people remember says you know what he’s like native all Dy guy br’s got he’s got ice in the veins he’s got ice in the veins he earned his he earned his contract during the postseason and and based off his um what’s it called his track record yeah $21 million like I was happy but you know what John Henry still hasn’t opened up that checkbook though so I mean he did he’s opening up who I’ll say though but it’s it’s all just it’s just one- year deals like give someone like four or five years or six years you can’t you can’t make you can’t complain about the move because it’s only one year you can be happy about a move just because even though they’re not opening a checkbook John Henry sign that thing and let’s go spend some I don’t think it’s John Henry not spending the money I think it’s just them not putting the and it’s Al the free agents don’t have to you don’t have to give free agents money and they’ll just sign instantly it’s not it’s not M will be the show where you can just there the buy now in Diamond Dynasty you can just buy now he’s on your team you got to wait the the free agent process takes time so clearly really I mean also like give 225 to Alex no no you think baseball’s just like that it’s just that easy but it’s not that easy it’s if you could get him I think they’re trying to get him for six years I think that’s what a lot of teams are at right now trying to get him for that six years I I want like four but you take six years try to get him for 170 160 if he doesn’t do that float the seventh year and if there’s another team go go give him an option for the eighth year this is the guy the Red Sox goodw the most his Elite defense gives what that lineup needs is some a guy who will have solid power but doesn’t strike out a lot either so he is someone the Red Sox need and they can get RAF Rafael De off first as soon as poss as soon as possible I think no no no no no no no I think bman signs and goes to second base but no get de off of off of third as soon as possible do it your highest play you could I know want bro all 300 million all $300 million he he he he’s getting paid our first his Bat no one cares about his glove go hit I there’s like like like they were saying bro buddy what he when he makes a the field it affects his mind at the place so just go ahead but if he want want steal play the field I get he’s not a good Defender but if you if he doesn’t want to move off the third don’t move him off I get he’s not good defensively but you’re not going why would you want your star player unhappy why would you want your star player unhappy guess what he’s getting chcken butt chicken butt we we can tell him what to do oh he might cry oh here’s here’s then he sees the 25 he go sees the $300 million go into his contract into his big account he’s like oh man I feel so much better now he he’s gonna do whatever we tell him to do no but you Al it’ll mess with the te- morale and you don’t if you mess with the team H that’ll affect everybody so then you’re playing you’re paying a guy 300 million to have a bad attitude on the team so if he’s if just let him do what he he has he’s basically got the Red Sox in a choke cold right now until he pay someone more he’s no but he doesn’t yes he does he’s not the leader of the team he’s making the leader yes but you’re put in that choke cold where you’re if you’re not listening to your highest paid player he’s just gonna be he’s just gonna be a I’m not saying he’s that kind of guy he’s a nice guy I’ve gotten the opportunity to meet him multiple times he’s quite kind so I’m not saying give him that money they did not pay their own guy I gave but he’s not healthy he’s health I forget how good he is when he’s healthy Xander’s bad I don’t want Xander you say we paid the wrong guy but clearly we paying Xander was not paying Zander was the right move because Des is a much better what we we should we should give mooki $900 mil I don’t really St put the mooki stuffff I get that but there our our star player can’t have a conversation with the media bro like no one knows who he is as a person because he just he doesn’t know how to communicate in English bro Jason tat not a big Jason Tatum’s not a big talk either but everyone in Bost loves knows English too there’s no problem there’s no problem with talk not being able to talk this is this is disgraceful that you think like this know no one knows what no one knows what is as a person he never talks to anybody seems like a great person I don’t know if you’ve never seen any of his interviews cuz you don’t care enough to see what he already has to say you can’t understand words you’re getting paid $3 million get get a coupon know look at a tutor he’s he’s good enough at English but he doesn’t want to embarrass himself speaking English he said that multiple times he’s he thinks he’s good enough to speak English but he’s not ready to do speak English conversation like like like section 10 said they never talked to the guy before like maybe for the Red Sox maybe let’s go maybe have our store to be a to talk to the media first of all their star player is a face of one of our biggest our biggest communities which is the Dominic community so you’re just shooting down a majority of the fan base cuz majority of the fan base grew up watching thean guys so just cuz he doesn’t speak English doesn’t mean that no one likes him but look popular learned English Lear English but how learned English he doesn’t want to speak it because it’s he’s not comfortable enough speaking do you want to speak Spanish if you went to Spanish to play basketball would you be able to speak it right way it’s going to take time it’s going to take time if they if they gave me a bunch of money I would love to learn it fast but no you learned it he doesn’t want to speak it cuz he doesn’t want to embarrass himself I’m I I don’t like talking I don’t like sharing my opinion a lot so I’m UNC I can understand what you’re going but you you made a podcast you don’t makes a whole lot of sense to me I don’t you can’t HTE on De what you saw from it at the end of the year is not the devors that you you saw the first time it was bothering it was Bo oh my shoulder other shoulder they paid they paid the wrong guy they didn’t pay the they get off the fan base if that’s what you think get off the fan base if that’s what you think Des is the no he’s our best he and Durant are our best players yes you’re not paying Durant as much but de you miss you don’t remember what happens when Des is healthy you forget because it you just have this short-term memory but he’s healthy that he one of the best hits in baseball like the Yankees series where he was just hitting 10 he just he reminds you of what he is and then you and then you see him at the end of the season oh my God let sh me down because I can’t swing a b he’s play Third but if he doesn’t want to get off of third let him be at third I don’t care who cares what he talks bro just talking English you won’t be able to understand he understands English do not understand that understand but I’m telling you he’s getting $300 million all right we just move him off a third so we can improve the team who cares what he thinks we’re paying him money clearly they do cuz they’re letting him stay at third they’re not letting him stay a third yes they have they why are they because they haven’t sent anyone else to fill the Gap I would put cam third moved over to DH I’m fine with we have your we already have a guy who’s making money they don’t want to play in the Outfield to why why I don’t want him either she just go she just you just don’t you just go with what everyone says try yosa oh probably cuz he’s not good no yoshida’s good he doesn’t fit the future of want to do that’s what I’m saying so Chip him out for a okay arm let’s get on if we are getting good value for him we could keep yosa to play what left Ben I think you forgot he’s not that bad of a hitter started slow but towards the end of the year he showed what he really is as a player he’s like he’s like a contact guy contact guy but he can hit for power he can hit for extra bases shout out in the Yankees game but yeah no you can’t say sh don’t say shout out to him no no no shout out to him but you’re saying he sucks you’re saying de sucks don’t shout out de I don’t want to hear you praise de if you’re just GNA hate on him all the time I never said he I never said he sucks you said get this bum out of here yeah I’ve never seen he can play left bench which insinuates he sucks give me a sec where we going br oh brush just talking to somebody Nice N bro like de is good bro but de is good but I think you forget how good he really is I understand but you know who’s better Muk bz all right yes you can’t but you just can’t say because we didn’t resign mookie bets we can’t have anything good if we lost Des you’d be saying why do we keep Des so be grateful of who we kep we could have just had no one we could have just SP I would rather had no one than have Des he’s inconsistent he just said he’s good no he’s not inconsistent he’s he’s when he stays healthy he’s always banged up off he had a shoulder issue all year and he played through it because he wants to win when the Red Sox rout he was s out because he had to just because he played all production does not mean he’s not good he just so he sucked because he it clearly was bothering him a lot but I want that’s what I want my my highest paid player to do to play through whatever he’s got because he wants to win I think that’s that shows hard hold a conversation in English bro I I feel that doesn’t mean anything that doesn’t mean anything Shani doesn’t speak English but yet he’s the biggest name in the world I don’t think snot being able to speak English like you want like your star player to be able to like so is a star player and he barely speaks English either so what does that mean speak he speaks English so does de they don’t speak a lot of English not their first English but I’m saying if if if we had a guy who spoke English like he able to Market him like or he’d be able like I feel like he’d be a like he’s not a leader in the locker room what do you mean like bro even cor said he’s not a leader in the locker room cuz he doesn’t by example but I feel like if you’re paying $300 million you should be a a leader voo gets paid 700 million I don’t think he’s a leader think soo’s a leader yes he is he leads by his play he leads as a player as he just like really I haven’t seen Soo as much of a communicator he’s always talking and having fun de is always like and bro I feel like de I feel like another thing with de he should learn how to not swing so hard all the time like bro short up and shoot the ball off the monster don’t teach him how to swing if you if you were that smart he he always monster hit a home run every time give me a sec all right bro like bro he s so hard every time like short up and shoot so you don’t strike out and bro him and Rafel go to the same school fastball my header Sliders in the dirt those are their favorite pitches the ones they have no chance of hitting but you know what I like de I’m just saying there’s things that he can improve on as our star player quote unquote he is a star player I don’t know what you out of and he’s a one of the best hitters in baseball when healthy you don’t want a good hitter you just want this team to suck that’s bro I said I said I like de I just you can’t say oh he’s a bum and he can’t speak English so he’s not good and not marketable and he’s not a person I said he’s I said he’s not marketable you’re just mad you’ve never met him that’s all you’re just only a GRS because you’ve never met him and I have twice I couldn’t meet him this year so you could meet him actually you can’t meet him this year you can meet him next year why not the all right bro I mean there’s still time left in the year but I don’t think you’ll beet them in that span bro maybe maybe we’ll see him when he go up to Fenway on Saturday I will see be there du out yeah no don’t don’t pretend you like Des now don’t pretend that like cuz you’re just being racist about him saying racist stuff that’s not no it’s not saying he can’t speak English why cuz he’s not from here it’s not even that I’m just saying like he’s he shouldn’t be our best like why can’t he be our best player he’s not marketable he’s marketable but like you you never see him in anything F Tatum’s not the biggest Market he’s in commercial Gatorade commercial like he’s in like gator commercial he in like and like his with his son he’s like marketable like people like like see him people don’t like him though I like Des too I’m just saying he’s not he’s not our best player or our star player what like I feel like to be your star player you have to be marketable you have to like be like I feel like you have to be able to like he he just hit Jason Tatum was our star player and he was not a leader until Marcus Smart left bro he’s been a leader bro marus SM was Marcus Smart was our our vocal leader but he but you that’s me I you you just said de leads by example but that’s a pro that Jason Tatum did that and it’s all right so I don’t get this thing no no Jason Tatum talk though still I feel like de ever talks de does talk I think you’re just switching up your story to make I feel like Des he’s Elite of baseball yeah obviously but he’s not a leader of men or he’s not he’s not a marketable he’s he he doesn’t want to be a star he wants to get a star but Hees he doesn’t want to talk to anybody because I don’t think he’s comfortable being a leader but if my best player play baseball yeah that’s all problem if I’m paying you $300 million I want you to be a leader and be able to talk to the media and answer all the hard questions I mean if i’ I’d be fine playing my best player the money even if he doesn’t want to be a leader yes he he I’m not saying he should but it’s a better look if you step up as a leader but I can’t say that you’re not good or you can’t be that coup times like he just a couple times like after tough losses he like didn’t address the media like I feel like as the best cares cuz he cares sometimes want to talk to the media right but as the but sometimes I don’t want to go to school but I still go to school because I have to like it’s part of his job and he’s getting paid 300 $300 million like I feel like he’s our star player our best player he like after tough losses he should be the guy that the media is addressing and he should be the guy answering that does tough questions because he’s he’s not the he’s not the leader and he’s not the captain so he doesn’t have to do that but I’m saying as our 300 million star guy that’s what he that’s what he should do I feel like he’s just not as marketable first of all I like his game I like his personality and I like who’s more marketable the guy got suspended I’m not say I I love Jared gr but you can’t say the guy who got suspended this year for doing stuff that would offend a whole Community it could offend a whole Community is more marketable or a better look for the team but he’s like a that was those ACS were not good but I’m saying he’s a marketable dude though he’s got marketability but he also gives could give a bad image to what this team is all that was that was that was one bad that was one that was one bad action you could shoot a guy you could never shoot someone again but if you kill a guy you kill a guy okay we’re okay we’re talking about murder and than that could offend the whole Community yes but I feel like he can learn like he’s I feel like as the season progressed he became more mature like I feel like what do you mean progressed she said it towards the end of the year I know I know I know but like but I feel like he cares like he watch people cares no I didn’t say that I’m just saying I feel like he like wants to talk to people like he always he like I feel like he wants to talk I feel like he like outo with people I just don’t think that but dur is like a stud is outgoing too though that’s what I’m confused and Duran’s Elite he plays Elite defense too and always plays the game hard de’s walking out of the box not even making the ball the first base on ground ball the second like Duran always plays like Duran plays the game the way you should play the game oh there’s it’s two different players I I mean I want my kid to play baseball like Jaren Durant does like you don’t want to play to play the game on CRA Des besides bun of home runs and hit like not the way he actually plays the game like other like his effort wise and stuff I say he’s got bad eff there’s guys on the AES who have worse atud there’s guys in the MLB who’s got bad atude I think Des gives heart gives heart more heart than some players do see oh oopsie Oopsy Daisy anything else anything else CU I’m not saying you’re wrong I’m just saying that I think he’s not the market star like he’s not the star that people want him to be he the star I want him to be shows up every day and hits that’s what I want my start to do I don’t care what he is off or I do care what how he is as a person off the field but I don’t care if he does if he’s good at baseball he’s good at baseball that’s what I want to pay the top players yes he’s not marketable but how does that affect him as a player jm’s not that marketable but I I like J jram yeah but he’s like in stuff he’s good what what stuff is he I don’t know but he’s good at basb you don’t need to be marketable to be a a good baseball player to be a high St player he’s a leader yes I I will say that he is more of a leader he’s like but your top guy doesn’t need to be marketable to make the contract worth it if he remarkable and like I feel like he’s not like he just cares about himself what I don’t think he cares about I think there’s many there’s been many times where he’s given advice to his teammates on how the pitch is throw in well everyone does that but I’m saying so I don’t like they I think he’s very a very insightful guy I think if you talk to him he’d give you Insight I don’t think he’s out I don’t think he’s an outgoing person but I think talk if you want to talk to him he’ll be giving you good conversations he’s a nice guy like I mean I mean we like poy and Pedro who like they’re outgoing they’re outgoing people they’re like they were like leaders on the field and off the field like de is he’s just he does want to talk to the media I feel like like Poppy and Page are always addressing the media and stuff I feel like well you can’t say that never addresses the media though no but I feel like he should address it like more yeah I I have no problem with this if he’s going to produce if he’s not causing problems in the locker room that’s all that matters oh he’s he’s he’s a Alita Alita baseball but I’m saying off otherwise off that is you that causing any off field controversy and he’s hidden that’s all I care about they could put him wherever he wants I I really don’t care I get that was where it started I think I think I think he shouldn’t have the say it should be AC and brazel like I don’t I don’t think he should be the guy that makes the decision where he plays I but they want to if you want well I think you gotta keep the guy happy right but if you can be $300 million I’ll do anything for 30 I’ll do a lot of stuff foron lot people will but Des knows that’s what I’m saying like if he’s getting $300 million like I feel like he doesn’t care about like he like obviously he wants to improve defensively and stuff but I feel like he loves hitting he doesn’t love defense no I think he does care about his defense no I think he does care about but I think he loves hitting I don’t think he loves defense I also feel like there was times in 23 I know it’s that was two two a year or two ago depending on how you look at it where he seemed to be doing to much on defense I think having Trevor story can help his defense take a step but he’s just never had that chance to have him for the full season hopefully this year is the year yeah I mean he’s but I think story just changes the defense like if if if deah has 40 home runs then he’s like that everyone’s G to be talking about him because he’s pining 40 home runs yeah every such a likable guy Yankees Yankees fans hate him like what what more yeah well that’s one of the best that’s one of the perks but I feel he doesn’t hate the either like like I feel like Po I feel like poy hates the Yankees like like those guys hatte like Pedro hate the Yankees can you not forget how he threw his that I think he he loves sitting off gar Cole I think he hates but I feel like he doesn’t like I feel like the riv is not like personal I feel like he just loves to hit baseball far I I think he cares about playing I think when he plays he gets excited the problem is we don’t we don’t know CU he just never talks to the media about that’s fine he need to share how he feels I love the guy though but I’m just saying I wish he could like I wish we could like hear more sound from him about what he’s feeling I feel like we never know what he’s feeling we just like it’s always baseball we never maybe we’ll get stuff from him in a few weeks at at Fest but that’s a v shout out shout out to Grandma for fin first shout out shout out so any any final thoughts I think this where we’re going to wrap sh up we got to talk about GI or shell we don’t need to talk about GI we we can say that for Friday we’ll say that for no we’ll say that for Friday no bro I no because we still got we still have we have to record on Friday we still have to save some stuff oh it’s Thursday now look at that it is Thursday yeah we’ll save that for tomorrow’s recording or all let’s let’s talk about Christmas then real quick all right let’s let’s talk about some of the gifts we got let’s talk about some the gifts we got how are we feeling about I guess it’s not Christmas anymore technically but how was how how was your Christmas it was pretty it was pretty merry I mean I got I got what I wanted I almost every I think everything I asked for so just not not Red Sox seon tickets but that’s hard to get especially financially what what we got we got like a b to go to come games and then we got to Fan way fast yeah but I got negative St I have to pay for I got some this card yeah I got I got a goose egg yeah I mean I got some cash I got a I I got good stuff that’s what I’ll say I got good stuff is that yeah I don’t know why you didn’t get a yousef’s and gar Jersey k a St you knowf and no you don’t you just said he suck you you said he told me in text he sucked yesterday I know well I said that he plays he doesn’t play but I bro he’s such a fun guy you know’s also a fun guy Terrace re bro he’s such a v you think you think Jacob’s gonna watch this episode definitely not I I say we like say a code word hey Jacob if you hear this if you hear this on the next time we speak you gotta say what what word refried beans refried beans yeah that’s the word refried beans or anyone who made at this yeah if anyone who hears this is at this point say refried beans in the comments or like if you just see us you can say it re be where’d you get that from I just pulled it oh no all right like a refried it just kind of came to my mind you know yeah yeah like I feel like like you know when you use the bathroom it looks refried bean sometimes and it just kind of came out of my mind all right any final any final stop bro shout out shout out my golf clubs I’m about to become nice to golf now let me I want a good shout out I want to end this on a good shout out shout out shout out I already shouted that guy out oh oh Ricky Henderson we got to talk about RI rest inace yeah rest in peace to my to here guy was on the Red Socks let’s you know let’s have a moment of silence all right thank you yeah I mean I guess I kind of sucks we saved it because no one’s going to see that moment of silence or hear it but well I yeah but I mean does suck to lose a legend great baseball player all around sorry for the for the hon family Community yeah sucks for especially the ace Community yeah I can’t believe you almost didn’t talk about that’s that’s kind of not the Oakland A just the ace well I guess Oakland A because he was an Oakland A Leg yeah yeah um I guess let me get let me get a good player shout out before before we Ed we have to talk about this this Christmas day thing the NFL and MLB oh yeah no MBA what did I say oh yeah like why is there football on Wednesday on Christmas Christmas is NBA day yeah I mean it’s NFL’s taken over I will give him that ah bro I was watching NBA all day today I mean I was watching a d f you know neither the football game sucked today though I will say that yeah and the NBA games are much better so all game all the games were close shout out to Austin re for the little game winner all right step for the comeback but but as as LeBron was leaving he said man I love the NFL but today is our day and I agree with that bro like Christmas is like Thanksgiving is for NFL Christmas for NBA bro it should be all the time yeah I mean I watch whatever game was better I watched the start of the football games but the game suck so I just th on I threw on the NBA games so yeah all right you go um oh breaking news shut up there’s no breaking news that’s not um shout out to Devin Booker Nicole yic and Kevin Durant all right I I’ll do my one NBA shout out um and I got one other shout out one baseball shout out shout out Mickey Mouse I heard he had some big plays in the in the Magic game or not magic Nick Nick Spurs game today so shout out Mickey Mouse or Mavericks whatever game was shout out Mickey Mouse or goofy I heard goofy was also there and my baseball shout out shout out ISO petite kind of forgotten about but just came to my head you know came off as a mar I’m looking at stuff now he just he just play he just played you know came out and played he’s a baller he’s a baller yes swo petite it’s higher than 21 I don’t know if I’m allowed to show this but I think I am shout out jiren dur what did he post I don’t know just him swinging ah that that’s funny this should be a jiren Duran like what J Duran appreciation post yeah he’s a certified G Bonafide stud would like to meet him but he’s not I’m want I want to shout out section 10 for getting me baseball we almost forgot one big shout out that we shout out every episode shout out fifth inning shout out fifth inning oh shout out fifth inning Jacob we we almost here we almost forgot shout out fifth in all right is that g it up no no no bro section 10 is just the five I mean it was the podcast I me into baseball podcast it inspired us to start this podcast fun fact it did my boy Jared kis yeah bro what up what up section 10 in the building I’m I’m be in section 10 this year because you know you got to be yeah right I gu there’s one thing I could leave you with and that’s blocked by James
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