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πŸ“… Published on: 2024-12-01 17:17:01

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This video contains soccer betting predictions for weekend pools games to be played on Saturday and the Sunday 7th and 8th of …


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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

hello everyone welcome to yet another amazing time on YouTube at your popular YouTube Channel UK with your host L present to you our paper preview video for week 23 2024 this beautiful Sunday afternoon the first day of December 2024 we have line up for this particular video broadcast now the banker draw off number nine as well as the pair of number four pairing number 34 the proof of which are both coming from our righton football fixture we also have the security column that segment is coming up shortly and we’ll be looking through the papers as I mentioned earlier which we usually do on the paper preview video I we use four major papers on this uh platform which are the Temple of draw the special Advan fixure the right on fix and as well the dictionary of draws the P Telegraph that particular paper did us proud for our first video for last week which was the paper preview video for week 22 where by we gave uh the one Banker draw of number 21 and also the pair of number seven pairing number 40 for which 40 has already picked a draw from the pair and the banker draw also did uh draw for last week so Kudos and congratulations to everyone who had heard to Our advice like I did advise that we should play that game early enough and I was bringing the post Telegraph into play because we have had a lot of losses in recent times and I wanted us to win and win is exactly what we did for that particular first video One backer and a pay it’s not easy to come by these days so congratulations to you if you actually adad to Our advice and you must have won and I hope you have won really good that would have settled some bills for you right there so we be starting off the video today before we go into it now let me make us know the thems on number nine and as well as the pay number n remember is the banker draw which will be proving from our right on football fix to end on number n now we have totam versus ch which is on top of the bar in our Premiership division right there in England that’s the team on number nine why for number four which is also for my English Premiership division we have Everton versus uh Liverpool Everton hosting Liverpool on number four that is the game right there from our English Premiership Division and that is Ping number 34 number 34 from our English division 2 now we have the match between chesterfied and tremier Chesterfield hosting tremier is right there on number 34 so those are the teams on those numbers Tottenham versus Chelsea is on number nine so now let’s get right into today’s broadcast by showing us the page two of our Temple of draw where we’ll be taking our sport bed tip and we have 10 games in that particular column where game number one now is also number n which I mentioned and we asked to play that game as a draw right there game number two is Le which is number 12 on the fixture we as to play it as a straight home win game number three is mayw and that’s number 14 on the F so we asked to play it as either side to win and so on and so forth I’ll be looking at the game number 10 now where we have Celtic and that’s number 45 on the fixure we asked to play that match as a straight home win and I think we should respect CTIC I was thinking they were going to pick a draw for last week but they didn’t they trash their opponent five gos to nil so number 45 this week yes we I want to agree again that is a straight home win that was how I agreed in the first video but I changed my mind uh within the week and I was thinking Celtic could pick a draw based on the sequence I showed us from the four video we made for last week so excuse me looking at this uh spot bet tips now you can do your selection from there from the 10 games and you may be home and dry with some winning right there and then so we’ll be heading straight now to looking at the security exra tip and we have six games in that particular color and it’s also coming from the page two of our Temple of draw paper so still staying with the page two of our Temple of draw paper the sters bom colum we have six numbers there which are numbers 12 24 31 39 45 and numbers 48 that particular game if you have your nap in that area be be careful if you have a pation Within These numbers be also careful for last week now we had four games in that Colum they’ve played three of the matches now where number 20 picked a draw but just left with number2 to be played and the other two the fielded so far so this is how that particular uh portion operates is a beware just like the title States stickers bomb bew yes it’s actually bew column for you right there so that is how we present this in at the security exra tip on this particular video recording so I think this is the much we can take from our Temple of draw so far let’s see the other pass now so we can head straight into more presentation on this particular clip looking at the front page of our postra for this week now we have the top T column where we have the green patch which is number 26 and it’s been repeated through the XB rating right there as number 26 and that’s our commentary game six if you take a look at this particular paper so may be looking into this to see if that number 26 now is a possible Banker draw but I think it’s a pay with number 25 because when in this magikal uh games column you have serial number as you have 25 and 26 in the Box two and three like that that in itself is also a very fine uh sequence which we will be looking into in our s video as I time of coming on set for this particular video now we have eight matches to be played it was only number 29 that has been added to the 12 draws which we had for yesterday Saturday so we have 13 draws so far we have eight more matches to be played and I’m looking at number four and possibly number 39 as possible draw like I did say go look up your big win soccer for last week and look up your big win soccer for this week 23 that paper is going to do some uh some magic like I did mentioned going to do some very fine uh work for us right there so this is how the most of the papers are functioning this period they want to make you celebrate uh the end of the season or the end of the year not really the end of the season in Grand style so they’re doing a lot of things if the if the draws have stayed at 12 I think a lot of persons would be have been very happy as it were so this is much we can take from our post Telegraph let’s now see our first sequence for today and I think that’s the banker draw of n number nine with a proof coming from our right turn football fixture all right the first reference we’re going to be looking at for this particular uh Banker presentation now is week four 9 2021 from our right onb fixture whenever you have at the bottom section of your group C these yellow patches the first one is group a the middle one is Group B and the third one is Group C whenever you have number 37 at the bottom of your group C yellow patch right there Therefore your game 11 of your compilers X selection will have to give you a straight Banker draw as you can see now for 49 2021 number 27 was marked at that spot the next reference week we have to visit on this particular sequence now is 24 2023 looking at our right off St for that week now we have number 37 at the bottom of our group C while the game 11 of our compiler EXC Elation column was number 47 and that was also marked as a draw so the next time this sequence did come aboard now was for week 49 2024 in case you like this type of video don’t forget get to click on the like button that helps to push the video out there for others to also see and you get it subscribe is free you will not be charging them so click on that subscribe button now to get subscribed to the platform for free you can see this type of videoon bring them your way just in case you are not subscribed yet or you seen a video for the very first time so is free so click on that subscribe button to get subscribed to the platform I also expect you to help us share the video to other social media Outlet so that more persons can get to benefit from the free things which you do here on the platform and also expect your comment in the comment section to make us know how you feel about our presentation and to choose a particular video you want to make us do ask the extra cor video which is the third and probably the concluded video for the week and we give five options option number one if you you want us to do the one Banker draw video option number two if you want us to do the pay video while the third option is if you want us to do the nap video the fourth option is if you want us to do the winning line video can choose that make it your choice and place it in the comment section for us to read up and collect your suggestion and make a particular video based on popular why the fifth option is you want us to do the five dead games video that can be your choice just choose one among these five games a five options put it in the comment section read it up and collect your suggestions make a particular video based on popular demand so let’s head straight into the present now by looking at the next reference week 49 2024 for that week now we have number 37 at the bottom of our group C we take a look at the G 11 of our compiler colum we had number 21 in that spot and it was marked as a full-time draw so the next time this sequence did come AB board now for this week 23 2024 so looking at our right for B fixure for this we 23 now24 we have at the bottom of our group C number 37 we take a look at your game 11 of your trible comp X selection column we have number nine and that’s Tottenham versus Chelsea right there which you expect to give us a draw if you look at all the reference week for this particular sequence it be giving out odd numbers as uh the possible draw usually a family of seven or has used family of one and now it’s the turn to use number nine which is a family of nine so we expect this particular game to do that’s why we’re bringing it here on the platform uh taking a look at right on for bu show for the week now we have on the left hand side the 1 to 149 matches of the coupon fixture where numbers one to n is uh the Premiership uh division from numbers 10 to 20 that’s our Championship Division and League one in England is on numbers 21 to 31 why numbers 32 to 43 is our English League 2 that we have as our English Premiership sorry our Scottish Premiership division from numbers 44 to numbers 49 on number 44 we have AB versus St John while St Maran versus motherwell is on number 49 so those are the matches on the coupon fixture for the week so taking a look at the right hand side of uh right on ball fixture we have search colums as the First Column compilation column where we treed our Banker draw from below that is the 54 games column and below the 54 we have the group matches now which is the yellow pches group a b and c below that we have the three best draw column at the three best draw column we have numbers 24 27 and 20 why below that we have the 14 box of number 17 14 box is the super P column with number 46 and 49 by below that is the compiler ex xedit colum we have 10 games be forecasted there the bottom column there which is the last but not the least on the front page of our right on forb F at the right hand side we have the compilers final four column with numbers 18 5 19 and numbers 15 so that’s the much we can see from the front page of our writer of so let’s quickly flip to the back page of this journal at the back page of our right on football fixure we have the overseas pools comp statistics draw statistics column we have letter A to p and below the alphabet we have trios in those area we have the key column now the number is number 41 at that particular spot which does not give draw anyhow so you have to be careful with that particular match the compiler final four pen now is the compiler final PIR sorry is number 34 and 35 we have the late news column and if you take a look at that late news column now we have game one and two is been rated over 1.5 goals over 1.5 goals so I’m suspecting that particular pair to produce which is number 10 and four 10 has been played so we have number four left that may be a possible draw from looking at it from this particular paper now I will have games um four and five being rated btts and go go I think those two they are similar they they mean the same thing at the end of the day if you look at those two games now which were number 19 and three both we two draws so we see how these papers they actually do work so that is the much we can take from our righton football fixture the next paper to look at now is our special Advance fixture and that is the fourth and final paper which you use here on the platform and after that we’ll be see the proof to number four and 34 from also are right on football fixure for this particular video clip all right the DAT of play for these matches for this week 2324 are the 7th and 8th of December 2024 so be lay more emphasis on the easy column the high schore qu column exper Tri column we also have other columns like the short list column the loto sequence and the treble jeans column right here on this uh paper the special Advance fixture now if you look at boxes one 2 and three of your high score you have unit numbers in those boxes which are numbers two 4 and six if you add them together your answer becomes 12 if 12 is your answer think that is the sequence we have to make you see we have something about that particular sequence so you may be seeing that in a subsequent uh video and also think the three games in the exper tri column none of them were repeated to the High quiz column that in itself is telling us something so we may be looking into that but if you have access to this journal you can go look it up and see what you can make of those uh type of sequence before we come on board to tell you what to think about them the game in our box seven now of High quiz number 32 is been repeated to the first spot of our e colum by number 13 which is the Box five of our high SCH quiz is repeated to the game three of our easy column so these are some of the rep which takes place on this paper that we may be looking into and making you know whether they are going to be uh straight draw or not and something that fascinating my tily my fancy now is the Box 9 which is number 41 being repeated to the game one of our easy yes I think we have a sequence about that particular one but I don’t know what it entails right now until I go look it up and I may come out to tell us if it’s going to be a banker draw or not so that’s the much you can actually look at from our special Advan so why we see the next sequence now which is the last but not the least of number four appearing number 34 if you have been able to watch the video from the beginning to this point don’t forget to click on the like button and don’t also forget to help us share this video to other platform so person can get to see what it is we’re doing here which is free of charge and you get this subscribe is free so click on that subscribe button which is below the video you’re watching just in case you’re not subscribed yet or you seeing our video for the very first time I also expect your comment in the comment section regarding which of the option you want to choose as the extra cor video you want us to make and also what you think about our presentation if you have questions use the comment section ask us we’ll answer to the best of our ability watching us now you may not understand one or two things that we have said here on the platform kindly make us know VI the comment section and we attend to all comments that will miss there so don’t be scared or thinking we may ignore your comment no good or bad we answer every comment to the best of our ability so use the comment section regularly we appla all all of that but we now move on to see the sequence of number four paing 34 all right this that we’re looking right here in front of us is our right f for 23 2021 so beginning from 23 2021 now your 54 games the Box games one and two forms a very formidable pair every week 23 that week now it was 30 and 25 and number 30 was marked as the draw for week 23 2021 so the next time it was uh with 23 again was for week 23 20 22 so taking a look at our 54 games for that week now we have number 9 and 11 in the game one and two and number 11 was marked as the draw for week 23 now 2022 the next time it was week 23 again now it was for 2023 for week 23 2023 we have number 15 in our G of our 54 games why number number 18 is in our game two of our 542 games and game number two which is number 18 was marked as a draw so this is how the sequence plays out every week of every 23 of every year you go to that Sport and pick your pay and you’ll be home and dry and good with the whatever digit you find there so the next time it was week 23 again now for this week 23 20 24 so taking a close look at our 54 games for we 23 now 2024 we have in our game one number four while in game two we have number 34 so that’s how we came to the conclusion that number four is a very strong pair with number 34 don’t forget we also treated the bankard dra number nine so the proof to that from our right on football fix to as well so the both games we had now on this particular video clip where from the right on football fixure I also treated the secet tip for our Temple of drage two of numbers 12 24 31 39 45 and numbers 48 we are not saying this are total right off that they cannot give draw but if your nap is within this range be careful if your computation is all encorp passed in these six games also be very careful about them that is the advice we give here on a regular basis want to save people from losing out so help us to share this video to your friends and family so more person can get to see the things that we do here that will help them win their bet so they don’t keep losing their hardend money believe me a lot of person are losing out we in week out and we are among the very few platforms who give you games on a weekly basis regularly on each clip free of charge so that you can actually utilize them and be in winning ways we did that for last week now with the first video we showcased we advise everybody to go stick on that game some have come back with feedback and they’re happy they did but some have yet to make us know whether they stick on it or not but for those who did they are actually very very happy they are in winning ways already with want to spare they have already gotten their wins and that is a good way to go I want to encourage each and every one of us to keep supporting this platform don’t forget we have paid platform on WhatsApp the VIP group the sequence group the only fans group those in the sequence group now they know what they got for last week they are also so smiley some areas were not too profitable but some areas were more profitable than others and those in the membership on what on sorry on YouTube here they also got a an exclusive video from us and that video is doing very well correctly it’s running and running real good so you can benefit more from us if you join any of those group and uh get more to get from our end so I want to say thank you very much for been able to watch the video from the beginning to this time click on the like button help to share this video get subscrib to the platform for free just in case you are not subscribed yet your SE a video for the very first time I will expect your comment in the comment section thank you very much why will expect to see you in our next video

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