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Highlights: Cornell Men's Ice Hockey vs Colgate – 12/6/2024

📅 Published on: 2024-12-07 02:42:48

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Highlights: Cornell Men’s Ice Hockey vs Colgate – 12/6/2024.

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spinning it over to the near side fagaras up the boards with pressure it’s burgelin he came down from his defensive post cross shot the go that we spotlighted on pregame and Brett Shi just hammered one home off the giveway on the near side Zone bench leads it all the way in kovic beaten to it by Fernandez now in front backhander oh that one off the leg of tacis Glass by suda Cornell has worked the zitka penalty down to its closing six seconds but the Raiders a good pressure and they score new me Let It Fly may have been touched in front by spinali go here in Period number two the Raiders pretty good road game here in Ithaca they got a two nothing lead CA center Shot score Jack O finally gets the Big R on the board Let It Go from 55 ft out High SL [Applause] major Walsh shooting he scores about the only misplay we’ve seen tonight by Andrew tacis forre trying to mount itself here but it’s cleared out could be a break chance nle shooting save made by Ian shame if nobody scores in O te we will go to a best of three round shootout Here Comes Mack driving off the board it’s a backhander sticked out by T never came through weo went down it’s a three on0 for the big red sanitka into major game over Charlie major his first collegate goal is a sudden death OT winner

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