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How To Fight Through Screens In Basketball

πŸ“… Published on: 2024-12-17 13:01:04

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πŸ“ Video Description:

How To Fight Through Screens In Basketball The COMPLETE Guide To Coaching Basketball …

πŸŽ™ Channel: Basketball Coach Allen

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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

okay so this is how you can fight through screens and in this case David was able to get a steal so what does David do well this is how you’re supposed to do it you’re supposed to if you want to fight over a screen get your hips your lead foot and your hand around that screen first to try and fight through because especially if it’s an off ball screen as we see right here by getting your hand ahead and a lead in front of the player that you are trying to guard now at least that is now in the passing Lanes so now you can disrupt passes as we see right here and then by getting your hips and your lead foot over and around that screener that is going to allow you to have position to get over top of that screen good job David in this clip

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πŸš€ Related Hashtags: #Fight #Screens #Basketball

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