International Open 2024 – 14.1 – Lee Van Corteza 818 () V Omar Alshaheen 784 () – R – 125

πŸ“… Published on: 2024-11-24 08:43:30

⏱ Duration: 03:03:06 (10986 seconds)

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International Open 2024 – 14.1 – Lee Van Corteza 818 () V Omar Alshaheen 784 () – R – 125

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billiardnet,digital pool,lee van corteza,omar al shaheen,straight pool,tvmike

πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

wrestling and boxing and UFC stuff like that got all our major sports networks packages football baseball basketball and all that kind of stuff we have international channels check out the Latino section check out the Filipino section there’s the Indian section there’s probably pool on certain places you got special Network for the dazin events um we got Canadian networks we got a favorite section which I’ll teach you how to use by just going into any channel clicking on it hold down the button and it says add to favorite once you add it to a favorite it’s in this section over here then you don’t have to look for it anymore all right so we’re getting up on 2 minutes and 30 seconds this is TV mik check out our sponsors streaming TV service we also have a VOD add-on stands for video on demand but I’m not even going to get into this year it will be provided as a trial hit us up send a message check it out today for for for here look at this one I mean this is gorgeous too really it’s great colors you think this is my first time I’m taking these pictures of my kitchen under my on my stove oven cuz it has good light I mean this is all black through here but this is just crazy I mean it’s beautiful I do not know I remember seeing the blank I do not know the process of that I kind of have an idea but even at that it’s like I don’t know how somebody would have the patience to do that um yep all right here we go with the other one I’m just rotating this for you I mean just like any of our cues they look better in person in light I mean you can see little sparkles and stuff in here actually I mean that’s just it’s like a painting I love it you’ll never see anything like that I mean maybe he’ll make some more blanks that are like kind of this style but he’s like I want to try something new I was like okay all right so I’m taking pictures on my stove where my light is oh that’s cool I mean so it’s pretty good light it’s tough I have to like I believe this is Buckeye Burl there’s even a ring like that little blue ring that’s awesome yeah I was glad tost because know experience I mean neither am I but I mean I said neither am I but a duck’s a duck okay we are about two or three minutes from post time so straight pool players get ready finish up your practicing and uh at new time you can lag for the break you got about 3 minutes okay thank you shut the uple m oh I mean he blocked me again oh CH made a big post and there’s a bunch of people comenting well that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying [Music] I don’t think he okay straight pool players would you please FL for the break start your matches all straight pool players for theak and begin your matches need [Music] I mean I think I think it’s I hope you wouldn’t conly I mean I mean me and you come out in a while every time I you I said hey what’s going onck you would be mad ass florid the home of [Music] only [Music] [Music] [Applause] k no that’s I mean if you question him and he Tak it as a threat just dude that’s a serious problem I that’s like notmal I’m get off getsb I’ll I’ll all right all right for for for for for for for for on the board first for for for for for for for for for for for for for well I guess there’s a show to do remember that old commercial is time to make the donuts all right so this event used to be called The Peter Burrows 141 American straight pool challenge that event used to be right after the inter right after the international open in the same area so people would just go to it after that I used to do an event called the Great Dismal Swamp classic the same time and that was a monster event and we did that for three about three 3 four years somewhere around there um it was like 10,000 added big table n ball on four tables in a little pool room in North Carolina or it was before it or something I remember asking Pat flaming about hey just let me come out and do a couple more tables I’m like an hour away it ain’t going to hurt nothing so I believe if you go to the digital pool brackets you’ll figure out because nobody told me anything about the format I think it’s like a round robin and you are in a flight with five players and each player plays each player now at that point it’s probably the top two players Advance I’m kind of guessing um it looks like there is one two 3 4 5 six seven groups of five players so that would be well that would be 35 but there’s more there’s 40 okay wait is that the okay there’s 42 players so whatever the way they’re doing it there’s 42 players in it and I’m assuming the winner who wins the most points or who runs the most balls I don’t know I’d have to talk to somebody or see where the rules are posted if anybody has an information that would obviously be good to share with the viewing public um it will tell you the table scores as long as they’re using the tablets at the digital pool uh tablets at the tables so before Omar well before Le van uh decided to play safe in that corner in the bottom left corner he had run 45 balls so it’s a lot more than that now so if you don’t know this and the Derby straight pool challenge were like the only major straight pool events in the United States I did the Derby straight pool challenge for about 7 years so I’ve had a chance to see these guys I kind of know who the really good players are in straight pool um almost any American who’s in the new age of playing straight of of like new pill pool like the new players they can’t can’t run like high amount of balls um Johnny Archer might do pretty good in this I say Shane Van boning can do good in this um when I look at this [Music] roster I mean maybe some of these other guys really like the game but outside of like Hunter Hunter Lombardo Tony Robles maybe those guys can run some pretty high numbers Johnny Archer Max Everly uh I don’t know if mcino really plays straight pool but he’s playing in the event but I mean he’s a good player but this is a race to 125 balls and I Look to a lot of the Europeans because they still play this game Thorston Homan can do some damage mik &n these guys have played 141 for for many years Ralph Su and Neil fan some of the other Europeans I don’t know if they really play 141 cuz I’m not seen them but this is a whole whole different um discipline and pool it’s actually some people think it’s one of the best practice games I don’t see Jason sha the 141 I mean he can put up stupid numbers really fast pretty consistently yeah there’s no Shaw in there I mean I got so many straight pool videos from from Derby and stuff like that none of it’s on on YouTube it’s all on my server or my hard drives got to get to uploading some of that stuff for sure I will tell you this about Lan cuz I was there he’s like uh yeah my sponsor wants me to play this and uh I never played it before blah blah blah he puts up like a 200 like in his first session I mean that just goes to show you the kind of caliber cuz you know how the balls react you know how the balls roll if you’re world class you can play anything there’s certain things about this game though that like you have to play to understand like you would think that if you’re trying to break something out a cluster a bit like the stack that you’re going to make a ball and run into it at like 100 miles an hour that’s not really the way it works sometimes if you do that you’ll end up in a trap you’ll like have no shot next it’s about slowly bumping the balls out and scraping them out and picking them apart then blowing the whole thing apart at once this is like playing solitire so digital pool has them score so he’s going to keep shooting until his inning’s over and then probably I mean he’s going to he’s going to finish these balls probably and then update the score I don’t see anyone else doing straight pool matches so for people that like to watch this discipline still this will be a hot commodity I have another match with Hunter Lombardo from New York City he actually dabbles in straight pool pretty reasonably so that might be a good match uh M pus labas now watch this shot right here this is the most important shot setting up for the break ball the AP is probably the break ball doesn’t get much better than that he’s going to run into the stack the balls get get spotted up except the head Ball’s not there obviously cuz technically the headball is a eight my friends used to say if you can run a 100 Balls you’re Stone Cold champion in any other game really this is where a lot of people they make the mistake here like and the amateur player actually that’s not too good for him for being a world class he doesn’t have many options got this ball up table obviously when you miss your turn is over and your opponent comes to the table and can run as many balls and in this case the matches erased to 125 which back in the day that was probably low I mean I heard stories that people would play 150 balls no count so that means unless you ran 150 balls you wouldn’t even put it up on your score like when people used to gamble at this game cuz people did used to gamble at this game I mean you seen the movie Hustler right the original they were playing 141 now he’s all right now he’s he’s totally all right now these balls are separated good I don’t even know if Omar has put down a good run yet I remember Devin potit actually gave this a run one time he put up some decent numbers for a young American player and there’s another time at the Derby I remember Rodney Morris and he’s an he was an old school player from that generation of people that would play straight pool like Earl and and Johnny Archer and and obviously John Schmidt but he couldn’t run more than like 30 or 40 kind of made fun of them but like it was funny in a way all in good fun believe it or not I have a queue signed by all the straight pool players from us one of the years at the Derby I can grab it into my closet I think L van is on it actually I I thought it was cool to get that I mean I don’t know if I’ll keep it or do whatever I still have it but it was all the top players of the Year Ma won it I don’t think M signed it though that was a funny thing everyone else did so he’s in a little spot here cuz he’s like okay does this ball really go it’s kind of tight okay he’s all right the six ball is going to be the break shot this is called the key ball if you watch straight pool you already know all this but there’s probably a lot of people that don’t really see it that much yeah I mean he’s just he’s he’s just fine here we do have a straight pool league around my house actually there’s there’s places that play it amateur cuz people recognize that it’s a good training game it’s certainly what I realize is is the gamer going to make the most balls you’re going to shoot at the most balls in in the shortest amount of time so you’re always going to be making balls and if you don’t make balls then I mean you’re in trouble so yep here’s another brake shot but it’s on the other side this time don’t scratch some people can make you can make that mistake spins off the stack you lose one and then you lose your turn let me see if I can get up some ball updates here so L van started out at 45 be in this inning and and I mean he’s well over that Hunter and PS I’m doing that it’s reported Hunter is minus two and P has got two I’m sure it’s a lot more than that I think uh my buddy Mike CE is doing something oh he’s not doing anything yet well we have we have a three machines that we can do stuff if you guys are watching this morning send me a little message on Facebook or something be nice to know I mean I see people watching it says I got like a 100 viewers this YouTube channel it’s actually getting somewhere where it’s going to it’s going to grow it’s it’s got to be true organic promotion and true organic content which is what we’re doing here so starting to make a couple bucks on the ads it it’s not even serious money but it’s something the Channel’s got like over 700 videos on it now up to almost what we got 3 and a half thousand subscribers 3.7 so it’s like 3700 yeah please like and follow subscribe on Facebook and YouTube actually have my TV my TV uh P to do for the morning this is a little interesting here he’s going to make this bong come back about where he was he’s got a little more of a riskier Brak shot being so far away from the ball I mean this is I mean see what I mean he just running balls it’s just casual it’s like a it’s like a meditative game at this level definitely get your stroke warmed up the only thing this game I think doesn’t really help build in your fundamentals is Banks CU you don’t really Bank too much if you if you play this game and you’re play You’re depending on banks you’re not going to run many balls I kind of used to try to practice this game but my funnel minals are so bad it doesn’t even matter so so I mean I might have run like 25 or something at one time Kurt England one of my friends from this area about a 690 speed player he used to play straight pool his high high high run is like 50 or 60 or something I mean that’s pretty it’s pretty good for an amateur really there’s an aggressive shot open up a few more balls but see now you get these balls up table and I remember when Darren Appleton was playing the straight pool challenge and I was thinking like he knows this game why do he got these balls up table cuz when you get balls up table you end up not not being able to put together too many high runs cuz you’re shooting up table and then they’re further away shots want to take care of those I think he’ll make a few more down here I remember being at the Derby and it was so quiet up there just people just hitting balls and people were watching and when the numbers got really high you know people were clapping and stuff like that the straight pool uh event at the Derby was like high runs there it wasn’t per se a tournament until you got the top what did we say eight and we did a bracket and I was I was lucky to be asked by Diamond to to come do that to fulfill that role and then they got rid of the event and then I came one more year to the derby and I did Bank pool I did unlimited Bank pool cuz obviously exit test wasn’t doing multiple tables cuz Zach wasn’t involved yet and then once Zach really got in there to help out to do the multiple tables they didn’t even ask me if I wanted to come but like I would have come I mean there’s another rack so each rack is 14 right so he’s run at least three before he’s even updated the score again this this could be interesting that’s that’s a [Music] problem unless he’s got I mean that looks pretty straight to me so he’s going to make a make this ball in the pocket and break a ball out get a shot to continue running that’s why it’s called 141 continuous so yeah I mean three times 14 is what 30 38 plus another okay see what I mean like he’s got a really look to see if he’s got something here to work with if anything maybe you’d Bank the seven but it’s not bad to just duck in the stack right here if he can just tuck that QQ ball right there oh he went for the shot in the side okay if he got him right in that in that stack it’d be a pretty decent type of safety to try to dodge through the inning and we got a 100 people watching straight pool for lunch yeah I mean I don’t think Omar has anything he had an inning he had to play safe so so far this is a runaway but if he makes a mistake player can run all the way back Derby was where we had the high run challenge it’s been several years um I mean I’ve got all the video or not all of it I mean I did two tables uh back to back upstairs at the derby on the side room so I was between between the tables One camera was facing one way the other camera was facing the other way and that’s how I did for years I mean he’s almost winning this round it’s interesting here because I I think he wanted to play the 13 now he’s got to get up table to play is he out oh he’s one he must have won I mean I know I didn’t know if Omar had had played 141 before but you could be a 141 Champion if the other guy you’re playing doesn’t give you a shot you’re sitting in the chair it don’t even matter it’s a crazy game yeah that’s uh that’s licky split uh I’m going to run a promo and then I’ll find another camera that we can watch find something interesting all right guys this is tv Mike I’m cutting a new promo for my living room it’s not very Hightech but it does get the job done so this is a demo of our sponsors TV streaming service which you can check out on your Android box 4K fir stick uh your phone or any other Android platform where you can install an application and I do have a list of them that you can check out I recommend a 4K fire stick uh with ethernet actually is the number one choice but let’s get into it here we have over 5,000 uh links that are optional up here you can go through them and find them yourself here is some of the basic networks I’m going to scroll through here this is basically your extended cable channels there’s a lot of stuff thrown in here extra as well I’m not going to play anything directly because it just takes too much time so I’m going to try to cut this video down in two minutes we go over here to us locals these are your Affiliates and Statewide news and stuff like that the list is very impressive I can’t say we have everything but there’s about 600 options in there for you to look at we have the Canadian networks we have the UK networks you can watch uh Billiards under Sky Sports pretty often here’s our movie section where you can watch a lot of premium movie channels listed on the left there’s as many as you probably want to get your hands on um this section right here not available in the trial but it is available for the full license it is the fights and wrestling and boxing and UFC stuff like that got all our major sports networks packages football baseball basketball and all that kind of stuff we have international channels check out the Latino section check out the Filipino section there’s the Indian section there’s probably pool on certain places you got special Network for the dazin events um we got Canadian networks we got a favorite section which I’ll teach you how to use by just just going into any channel clicking on it hold down the button and it says add to favorite once you add it to a favorite it’s in this section over here then you don’t have to look for it anymore all right so we’re getting up on 2 minutes and 30 seconds this is TV mik check out our sponsors streaming TV service we also have a VOD add-on stands for video on demand but I’m not even going to get into this here it will be provided as a trial hit us up send a message check it out today for for that’s a great his what happened to your TOs is for I used to do the one with the for is hey can you tell me is it like two players from each flight uh qualify is it the highest ball count totals or is it who has the most wins of matches I’m doing three straight tables right for for the for for for for hello I’m going to jump on this head sh then you’ll see that there’s seven groups of players is a us scor un for all see sure keep bring as do you want me to crop it again is for you point for for that’s better but Christ you got to turn that bounce cursor off can anything on your screen the of the screen [Music] all right so there are three tables currently going that you can watch on YouTube two on Facebook I would think um Hunter leardo and P labas that’s a that’s a good matchup uh they’re both making mistakes are both making some runs um the score is actually not a blowout and uh as much as the players are using the tablets that’s all the information we have Johnny archers up 74 to 24 on Tim Hall we did watch leave in it was 125 to zero I think it was in three Innings there was a safety battle and stuff but Omar didn’t get to run any balls make one ball is that crazy excuse me bust me um mcino is up in this match but Mario’s running now uh the last reported score on digital pool was 76 to8 mcino melino’s back so there’s no sneeze button well there I can just mute the entire microphone really 76 to 8 so everything’s on digital pool the best to follow along with this event you can see who’s going to play who basically everyone plays each each other player in their group of players and so far from my my understanding there’s seven groups of players I mean I think there’s if there’s five players it’s 30 I don’t I mean I don’t know cuz there’s 42 players in it supposedly or maybe I’m missing something maybe one of the other flights has more players I was trying to get some clarification on the format from uh a friend of mine that’s there that works with uh events and he’s worked with me many times Lucky Luke Sutliff he made a post about the straight pool and I was like messag him I was like so was it two players from each flight qualify for a bracket from each grouping and is it based upon cumul cumulative oh that’s a cumulative that means the sum of all the scores added together or is it based upon who has the most uh wins if somebody wins 125 to 123 that’s still a win so I don’t have that information but to speculate that’s how it’s done is probably fairly accurate Max Eberly is up 106 to 12 on his opponent I mean there’s numbers cool you could just name off but the L van and the Omar match was done in licky split time it was over um I know that Lee can put up some big numbers yeah this one still says 76 to8 but obviously that’s not the case now they’re in another inning Anthony is a hell of a a player uh for having a job he’s got a full-time job but he’s able to take time off his his boss and stuff like like works with him he’s flexible we don’t have too many uh Americans approaching 800 uh he is the highest rated player in Florida that’s for sure I remember I did an event at uh good times that was in Huntsville Alabama I did two or three events there actually um Dennis Oro was there well I know we did an event and then we did a cliff Jo uh benefit right after Cliff had a stroke um and uh Anthony was there and we did I mean obviously we did a one pocket event we did a nine ball event yada yada another really good dude that U passed away um too soon Jalal uh Alf I think he had a couple type of different names but he passed away he was there but Anthony mcino beat Dennis AO in the rotation so that kid can play well there’s another match it’s uh Neils fine and Bob Keller they’re nowhere near close to Fargo ratings one’s a 660 and Neil’s is a 820 is but they’re almost tied in straight pool as far as reported by digital pool these numbers are going to be behind uh the next round is three o00 where I think I would like to do Thorston homman and Yanik pongers thoron is old school player European I believe he’s lived in Florida for a long time but he can definitely put up some big numbers in in straight pool there’s another one a legend Ralph Su he’s playing a 586 I don’t think that would be very competitive but maybe Max lekner and Brandon Shu would be 3:00 round O elban ocean and beer aati that sounds good too we can do three table two machines in my house one machine in my friend’s house my associate see if he let me know anything here for all right apparently there’s two wild card picks at the end but I’m trying trying to get the full format details cuz it’s interesting you could go by either who ran the most balls or it could go by who had the most wins I would think You’ go by who ran the most balls cumul to uh total total balls over five matches run to see who’s going to go onto a qualifier but until Zach gets back to me or what have you I’m not sure all right 13 is the key ball this is going to be a pretty close match if not Mario is probably in the lead now [Applause] long I mean it was 76 to8 so I don’t know until they switch Innings and then update it on the tablet we’re not going to know this is a nice little break shot here you don’t got to love it let’s he can throw that to that ball on the short rail or closest to the short rail or make that long shot up in the corner or make the 10 he’s looking at the tempo a stack shot those are always exciting I remember John [Music] Schmidt at the Derby obviously one of American straight pool proponents and uh for many years held the high record for for the most part accepted world record or 400 balls or he would get stuck in something he would like have I don’t have nothing here uh I don’t know maybe this goes and it’ be a bank or something like low percentage and the whole Arena would be like yeah you know it just explod and and Applause and appreciation see this 10 ball if you hit the three it hits the 11 which is Frozen at 10 it looks like the 10’s dead to the corner he might be shooting at this this will be exciting no he’s going up table well he’s undecided really oh okay well I mean this is where you get in trouble he’s going for this bank shot not saying it can’t make it but there you go if you miss it it’s Anthony’s inning for all right so uh buddy Mike CE is doing Johnny Archer and Tim Hall it looks like a somewhat competitive match Johnny Archer is in the lead and Tim Hall’s got half of what he’s got but actually that’s somewhat competitive anybody lose money last night betting on the finals LOL besides Dominic Dunn of course he posted that he lost 10,000 yesterday he said Daddy blew 10,000 last night so mama had to win this tournament apparently um Dominic’s spouse uh won the authentic true natural women tournament which means you couldn’t uh be anything but identifying as 100% woman crazy that we would have to have events like that but I lost 500 bet on in the finals I liked I liked morit I was like man this guy I mean I know it’s Yap okay so maybe I was just stupid but I was like this kid’s playing really good he’s consistent as long as he doesn’t get nervous I think he’s got an even chance to win it but he didn’t quite get there I think his break was H was hurting him more so than anything in the finals but you go back and watch that on a stats uh if you bought the package if you still want to buy the package you can buy the package at iotv mike. live and still get $20 off the full package which you can go back in and watch any of the videos in any time interested to see the the score here because it doesn’t update until they go to the tablet and put the numbers and for for for spe for for for sh for for next our for for is for for for for for for for for for yeah what’s uper how are you days yeah well I mean I got in trouble for that and not only did I get in trouble for it Shane and CH got mad and they blocked me again and yeah Shane blocked me again he won’t talk to me no more I guess I mean he was being a toal dick I’m like Jason why can’t you just call the game why does it have to be this war all the time like like it’s his fault it’s all VI comment don’t that’s basically what he made a post about it and no I’m saying they blocked meason com [Applause] f yeah at the end of the day are they really my friends I I mean I was just trying can you you could I could just got to zoom zoom you in birthday uh I think you said you were having a party the mayor was there okay yeah fuing let no I mean I did that I mean I wasn’t listen I was never mad oh tearing the place down ref something for who’s that Curtis we lost to Steve yeah I remember I remember him I mean he was on the stream for a minute yeah be who you play no I’m saying who do you play oh who won okay call for okay all for hello I got I got buddies calling me I’m cooking bacon in the kitchen I’m at home if you guys don’t know I’m doing two tables from my living room and my associate is doing uh one table uh from his desktop at his home so we have three tables that you can watch on YouTube and um I see you guys are talking about Buffalo and some other stuff um yeah I’m sorry that happened put it that way but it’s a long story I made a post on my page about it if you want to check it out you can can’t do so it’s public on Facebook and then I would say that uh my buddy made a post he was like yeah this is awesome let’s make people buy cues again so I was like Hallelujah I can I can vouch for that one too I can uh I can agree with that sentiment so I got three games up Johnny Arch is on one of them which is obviously great to see uh of all the Americans that play straight pool he’s probably one of the uh the top ones um and of course Shane Van boning but one year Archer put up some pretty big numbers at the Derby I got all the video to prove it just it’s not on YouTube so that link I just sent up there in the chat rooms that’s to the uh straight pool page where you can look at how the players are drawn the current uh reported score but they only update the score like when the Innings change like the latest reported score was Hunter leardo 58 PS labas 56 and so I have that updated on the other stream but until the ending changes they’re not going to update the score so if you see a guy run rack upon rack upon rack and the score is not updated uh that’s cuz he’s on a run so right now this one has the score at 7663 in favor of Anthony but if somebody’s been running rcks continuously it’s much higher than that and once they get to 125 then the match is concluded I still don’t have the information uh are they going by wins of matches or they going by cumulative I don’t know why I can’t say that word very well um cumulative uh scoring for ball count like who runs the most balls um I know there’s seven groups of players I would call it a flight um and then out of those I believe to qualify for a bracket and then I was also told that there’s two wild card spots so I don’t know how those spots would be determined I do have some questions in to the tournament directors I’m probably the only one covering 141 um I think it’s fun really it’s it’s kind of relaxing to watch you can learn patterns if you watch the Players close close like you know when balls are congested and you got to get breakouts like this is an issue right here for Mario cuz he needs a break ball none of them balls really qualify as a break ball but I would think cuz they’re they’re cuz once you rack those balls he needs to move these balls okay so he’s going to hit the six inside and if he could bump the 10 that’d be great but if not he’s going to go high on it see but I believe this is interesting here I believe the qall will get moved to the spot because you can’t really have the QQ ball where the brake ball is if the rack goes up there yeah see if there’s a ball in the way then it gets moved to the spot and that case the cball and the player I think he’s supposed to play from the spot or does you have ball in hand in the kitchen I mean this is interesting oh is anywhere in the kitchen well I mean this is a huge shot here I mean this this can be this can be a problem he could miss this ball or I’m not saying he’s going to miss it but he could I mean it’s not a gim me he makes it and now I continue shooting I’m pretty sure Mario’s quite ahead of Anthony probably about ready to close out the match but last time they checked the score that’s what it was Anthony was in the lead and then they switched the inning somebody sent me a nice message thanks for all your services oh he is talking about my TV streaming actually that reminds me I got people messaging me about check that out um I want to sign up Etc um obviously we’re we’re pretty occupied with things right now but we will get to you in one way or another and uh the Moscone cup is coming up and if you do want to watch it in the United States and you don’t have a typical way to watch it the way you normally watch it then uh you should get the trial of our streaming service and then uh you can watch it on Sky Sports for for for Laura says behind the head strring yeah if you uh go to the digital pool page that that I linked in there you’ll see as much as you can see you’ll see everything I can see Max Everly won 125 to 15 over his opponent William Abbott Carlo biato is leading 117 to 39 over Bob magine sounds familiar actually he a 680 L van uh one 125 to zero I I did that game I almost got all of it actually I did get all of it cuz I started the stream before well probably the first racker so I might have miss something um Johnny Archer is up 89 to 51 these scores are probably not that accurate you would probably have to be at the venue sitting next to them to actually know the real score because they’re only using the tablets when they switch Innings to update scores but it is still pretty cool 7663 uh over here but Mario’s still running so there’s no way I uh Roes has a high percentage to do well in this event he’s one of them americ am players that stays pretty much on the East Coast or you might play in Turning Stone I mean I don’t know if you consider Central New York I guess that’s East Coast but uh he’s a bit of an old school player but all around real good player I know he plays 141 pretty damn good I could I could make an interesting I I could look at all these flights and be like okay I think these guys are the ones that are going to qualify well you got Carlo biato and Shane Van boning in the same group you would think they’re for sure going to qualify but then you got Max Everly also in that group and I would think he’s going to beat all the other guys and maybe even have a chance to beat some of those uh the top names and if there was a wild card pick and he was really close to qualifying yeah I mean he’ probably pick him anyway he’s a big proponent of straight pool promoter participant man yeah what’s up buddy I’m commentating again apprach the big match’s playing now uh Mario he and Anthony mcino straight pool I’ll be doing straight pool for the next couple days and then we got banks in one pocket again what what’s playing right now straight pool that’s what they’re playing straight pool yeah Mario yeah all right you wan how do I get how do I get on there and get to talk with you oh you want to commentate yeah but I got let me sh get it I mean you have to have zoom zoom unless I just sit on here with the phone with you and they can just hear you reme just like in the air open speaker but you can’t see the screen though I mean there’s no point you know I’ll bring you back for some one pocket or Bank pool or something I don’t I don’t think uh are going straight of tournaments ofbody for the holidays want to play some guys and some matches is there any way we can set some matches up set matches up yeah I mean probably not on a national straight pool stream wouldn’t be the best idea but yeah but I know a little bit about straight pool some of the older guys you consist with it I you there’s no consistent 5060 ball runs is there I mean they’re going to yeah you’re going to see some of them you’re not going to see too many of them from all the Americans but I mean you got you got uh Shane vanon you got Johnny Archer you got Tony robless you got Hunter Lombardo you got Michael yednak you got Max uly those are some of the American I’m sure I’m sure I’m forgetting someone but I mean it’s going to be mostly dominated by the Europeans I would think the word to be said is some of the best Straight pool players that practice it is Earl strick there he’s not he’s not I would think he would have been in you know I mean one of the favorites in in always complained how easy the rotation games are and and play a man’s game play St pool and he won’t even show up and and play he has his opportunity to play these guys straight pool now and don’t do it I think Earl strickling quit playing all pool except straight pool for like four years to be honest with you like like many years ago but no he’s not on the roster I don’t I don’t know Johnny Archer is how about John Smith no he’s not there how about Jason nope he’s not there either there’s the guy that got the record how come they I don’t know maybe there’s something else going on I mean Jason Shaw was at the obviously the international open he played in it but he’s not playing uh in the straight pool event that I see anybody any any Ohio boys Max Everly’s in I mean he’s kind of an Ohio he’s kind of he’s from he’s from where Mike C is from honestly heyy then another thing in the last four years look how Brandon Dodie progressed he beat Marty Lawson in the nine ball up up at buard he’s getting he’s playing and and you know you got you got that guys you got a lot of guys still playing because of you and still trying to barroom gamble you know what I mean on live stream what the live stream that Buffalo up with all yeah all right oh god I’ve had I about I had it um you did a stream with him huh what well I mean I just have to do some commentary and stuff I didn’t I didn’t mean to have it I didn’t my intention wasn’t to start fighting with him on air if I want to start fighting with him i’ just call him up and just say hey you lost this match cuz you you know you didn’t play the game right or whatever but no I mean I just wanted him to call the game and he’s just he was just off the rail so I mean it’s no big deal we’re over it I got two two or three other guys to help commentate I had Tim darer commentate two of the semi quarter final games I mean that was off the chain that was incredible that’s some of the best stuff I’ve ever I’ve ever done really I mean he’s like a who win uh who won the nine ball yeah ELO is yep yep won it yeah yep won it again he won it last year too all right Booker while I’m going to get off here I’m gonna I’m GNA eat my bacon and I’m going to get back to these streams what how can I see it on T the YouTube channel you and you’re streaming yeah okay I got yeah we got three matches watching uh I’m doing two in the living room and Mike C is doing one at his house okay I’ll talk to you later buddy bye-bye all right the one and only Booker it’s one of my gambling Partners actually we’re also kind of business partners but that’s yet to be seen but we own some racing greyhounds together let’s see if I can get some updates here I’m pretty sure this score is updated because the inning changed and uh we’re going to see what Mario’s score is he’s got to be close to getting the 125 I would think oh it’s not updated yeah that’s I mean that’s a shame I mean nobody’s going to sit here and just keep adding numbers up granted it’s multiples of 14 but oh there we go PS lautus is up 16 to 158 PS lautus from lith Lithuania playing Hunter Lombardo from New York City actually the guy’s got a pretty good background straight pool for an American they do Play Straight pool in New York City I think they I think they have a league or tournament or Michael yednak I believe runs that um let’s see here 115 to 76 okay so with that big run that Mario did he got up he got really close to actually closing the game out now the interesting thing about about this straight pull this race to 25 is Mario’s got the 115 he might never see the the uh the table again Anthony might just run them all the way out I’m trying to update the score this computer needs reset I should have did it this morning it’s so slow 115 76 so if Mario would have ran the finished the rack and then probably ran half the other rack and he would have been out all right ladies and gentlemen for those coffee drinkers out there coffee is now available at the concession stand you coffee is now available at the concession stand ladies and gentlemen if you’re in the room all I got to do is crack the six cases of bang bangs I got the in the front seven or Speedway my local Speedway had bang bang energy drinks on sale for a dollar a piece and I was like can I is there a limit on this I was like I’ll buy all of them so I got cases and faes in my living room cuz I mean not like I drink them like water but when I’m tired or when I’m traveling I’m doing events I’m trying to get home from an event I did it like a 12 16 hour day and then I got to drive another 6 hours believe me I’m drinking them this is Mario is back but this is tough if he really if he wants to go for the Gusto I might even call the nine cross side and rail this shot but he’s so close to actually closing it out trying to play safe this ball might be you can you might be able to make this go dead you got to cut cut it and spin a little bit but and like somebody said we’ve been talking about the rules a little bit it’s you don’t need to call every shot I mean if it’s if it’s obvious you’re not calling it but just by the fact that you’re shooting at it you’re kind of calling it you got to call a bank a Kum um a combination I mean basically I don’t think any player is going to come up to you and say hey you didn’t call that ball uh although the rules are the rules but wow that’s really good that was a really good return he’s trying to protect his inning and obviously as you know it’s any ball in any pocket so pretty tough to protect your inning obviously there’s probably a bank here but you don’t want to leave anything by a hole any hole so this little exchange right here is probably the most important part of this set because Mario’s about to win and Anthony can I’m not going to say easily catch up but he’s very capable of it because he ran you know 30 40 balls right there at the outset so whoever gets to the open shot here I believe his favorite to win the match but Mario’s obviously slightly favored cuz he’s already there really I mean he only needs 10 15 you know 10 balls but he’s playing conservative yeah you don’t see this part of the game very often not at a high level at least it’s like am I going to shoot at this this is a nice exchage ah very good he went for it he could get rewarded like I said he’s got a lot of catch-up to do now but at least he at the table but I mean there’s not many there’s not a good breakout ball that’s another thing cuz that Ball’s like I want to say that Ball’s almost in the spot I mean if he were to make the nine that’s fine as long as he gets the qball down here by the right pocket with a right side angle that he can draw into the stack interesting think what his his thought pattern is here or certainly if he can play safe again I mean there’s nothing wrong with that if you can do it well I mean this is what I think this ball gets moved or does it just stay there there okay goes up and then the [Music] rack gets created tough to say from there what the best move is there’s it going to be there’s a 3:00 round so really there’s almost no rest I just have to eat my bacon while I’m talking to you guys uh next round is for sure 3:00 you looking at some things there thoron hman and yanic pongers that want to do that I mean you figure they the matches will be over by then so they’re in uh three hour blocks well after the 3:00 round the next round is 7:00 that’s second round so we’re basically hitting um second half of the group Series in the first round at three starting with group five so there’s five six and seven I missed it that’s e for for for for for for for e e e e e for for e is e e for in for e e for there’s some good games going on here that uh Hunter and PS game is I mean basically in the same position PS had 116 and then he lost his inning and now Hunter’s at the table again trying to run this back and the same thing happened in this game uh but I would say it’s practically if Mario’s at the table now I mean it’s almost over that six ball looks dead to me but I have a whole entire page of people I got to message about TV streaming and then I think you’re going to have uh I want to say elban ocean and Bader alwaha on the other machine um and then I’ll do something else but man I got I mean I got stuff to do outside of doing pool right now really for I mean if he’s if he’s making balls and he and he had 115 he only needs a couple and then uh I’ll probably just run some promotions and things and and take a look and see what what I want to do I’m pretty sure I want to do Thorston and yanic Thor’s a very accomplished straight pool player I don’t even think he playing the nine ball that but that’ll be 3:00 scheduled on table 14 P say this is uh yeah this is close I mean Mario’s got to be real close to uh finishing out at 125 he needs three balls it’s 122 to 102 it’s a good little match pretty strong for an American I mean there’s almost no point in really doing this but I’ll do it 122 ooh can he see this I mean he only needs two three balls so if he made one there he’s got 123 he makes the 15 and then the nine and a wrap if he can see a 15 if he can’t he may choose to go up table play the eight obviously it’s not a bad shot and then he’s got to 10 three but the easiest pattern would be just to make this ball on the short rail he’s going to make this one I was about to man if you miss that it’d be crazy like I need one I missed the ball now the guy runs everything back I mean as far as I know he needs one so I don’t even know if he realizes that or what have you but obviously shoot the ball in the short Rail and as a r but I doubt digital pool will tell you that because it doesn’t know how many balls you ran until you up I mean he’s out right small claps okay he knows okay he’s one more for good measure all right Mario is the winner I’m going to run these promos and then I’ll be back with another match and I will restart the stream I think it’s going to be Thor’s match all right guys stay tuned make sure you subscribe we’re in a busy pool room we’ve got some great Improvement ments in the industry here you can now get entire month for a free trial of let’s get streaming TV service you heard being some fastic deal you can’t turn down we’ll help you configure it and you will have an entire month hit up TV mik and we’ll get back to you and get you going the best apps the best tech support the best service you can get in this industry I promise you you won’t regret it get our deluxe package for $44.97 a month cut the cord cut the box go mobile and let’s get streaming hit me up thank you all right guys this is tv Mike I’m cutting a new promo for my living room it’s not very Hightech but it does get the job done so this is a demo of our sponsors TV streaming service which you can check out on your Android box 4K fire stick uh your phone or any other Android platform where you can install an application and I do have a list of them that you can check out I recommend the 4K fire stick uh with etherite actually is the number one choice but let’s get into it here we have over 5,000 uh links that are optional up here you can go through them and find them yourself here is some of the basic networks I’m going to scroll through here this is basically your extended cable channels there’s a lot of stuff thrown in here extra as well I’m not going to play anything directly because it just takes too much time so I’m going to try to cut this video down in two minutes we go over here to us locals these are your Affiliates and Statewide news and stuff like that the list is very impressive I can’t say we have everything but there’s about 600 options in there for you to look at we have the Canadian networks we have the UK networks you can watch uh Billiards under Sky Sports pretty often here’s our movie section where you can watch a lot of premium movie channels listed on the left there’s as many as you probably want to get your hands on um this section right here not available in the trial but it is available for the full license it is the fights and wrestling and boxing and UFC stuff like that got all our major sports networks packages football baseball basketball and all that kind of stuff we have international channels check out the Latino section check out the Filipino section there’s the Indian section there’s probably pool on certain places you got special Network for the dazzing events um we got Canadian networks we got a favorite section which I’ll teach you how to use by just going into any channel clicking on it hold down the button and it says add to favorite once you add it to a favorite it’s in this section over here then you don’t have to look for it anymore all right so we’re getting up on 2 minutes and 30 seconds this is TV mik check out our sponsors streaming TV service we also have a VOD add-on stands for video on demand but I’m not even going to get into this here it will be provided as a trial hit us up send a message check it out today okay straight P players we are almost ready to begin the 3:00 round we’re about 8 minutes out on table 13 Yanni sein and Rick Funk table 14 Thorston homman and Yanik pongers on table 16 Don Wardell and John MOA table 17 V and Pascal def fres table 18 Don poo and Ral Su Table 19 Max lner and Brandon sh table number 20 Dennis grab and Michael yack table 21 Danny Bari and Marco toyner table 22 Alvin ocean and Al a and table number 15 John Gore and Shane Van bony 3:00 we’re about 7 minutes away thank you for

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