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Lakers STINKY RIGHT NOW!!! #shorts #nba #news #basketball #lakers #lebronjames #podcast

📅 Published on: 2024-12-06 22:30:01

⏱ Duration: 00:00:58 (58 seconds)

👀 Views: 1667 | 👍 Likes:

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🎙 Channel: Off Ball Takes

🌍 Channel Country: United States

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🕵️‍♂️ Transcript:

the Lakers are trash after a good start to the season they have fallen off for me and become one of the most overrated teams in the league it is beyond clear they’re lacking in the Personnel department they cannot stop anyone from dropping them off on a nightly basis dropping wable games is a clear sign that the season is over before it even started what are your thoughts yeah we talked about it going into the season where a big part of the team’s concern was not really too much on the offensive end but it was on the defensive end and you know you kind of see the lineups that they’re putting out there and you kind of see the players that are kind of group together and they don’t really have much of a choice because those are the guys they have but there’s just not a lot of great defensive players um and obviously when the superstars don’t necessarily have great stretches it looks even worse right their play earlier in the season kind of masked a lot of the problems with the team now the question is what do they do right obviously the coach JJ reck he’s talked about some of the things that they’re not doing just like last season they got to look for a trade and they got to hope something works out or else this season is going to go down in the dumpster once again

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🚀 Related Hashtags: #Lakers #STINKY #shorts #nba #news #basketball #lakers #lebronjames #podcast

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