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LGM! #mets #nymets #newyorkmets #omg #breakingnews #letsgo #juansoto #mlb #mlbb #baseball #trending

📅 Published on: 2024-12-09 03:57:51

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🕵️‍♂️ Transcript:

I told all of you Juan SoDo was going to be a New York Met Steve Cohen was not going to lose this player in free agency to anybody all the Yankee fans were clowning me for weeks you have no chance Juan sto wants this Juan sto loves batting in front of Aaron judge he loves the Pinstripes Juan sto wants the most money and the New York Mets are now the big brother in New York City the Yankees are not the Yankees anymore how Stein brener put up a valiant effort I’ll give him that he did not offer the most money to Juan sto Juan sto saw the vision that Steve Cohen has for this New York Mets team and the future that it has this is a new era of Mets baseball everybody needs to jump on Met fans you need to be excited because guys like this have never just chosen the Mets over anybody else it always had to be a crazy contract or something nuts Juan Soro only picked the Mets

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🚀 Related Hashtags: #LGM #mets #nymets #newyorkmets #omg #breakingnews #letsgo #juansoto #mlb #mlbb #baseball #trending

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