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Lonzo Ball Gets Brutally Honest With LiAngelo

📅 Published on: 2024-11-30 21:17:42

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lonzoball #Liangeloball #lameloball #chicagobulls #charlottehornets #nba #nbanews #basketball #basketballnews.

🎙 Channel: Chronicles of Hoop

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🕵️‍♂️ Transcript:

a while back Lavar ball proclaimed that all three of his sons would make it to the NBA fast forward to today Lonzo is going on his sixth year in the league while LEL is playing out of his mind right now in his fifth but liangelo has yet to play in a regular season NBA game and on the angel Reese podcast Lonzo got brutally honest about liangelo career path I’m his big brother I got to you know tell him the truth you know what I’m saying I think his path is overseas I feel like you got your shot in the summer league the Hornets she was killing okay I’m like yo you got your shot and you capitalize and how they don’t translate still got sent to the G and didn’t play

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🚀 Related Hashtags: #Lonzo #Ball #Brutally #Honest #LiAngelo

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