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Luis Severino has signed with the Athletics 3 years 67 million breaking news

πŸ“… Published on: 2024-12-05 18:03:09

⏱ Duration: 00:01:01 (61 seconds)

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πŸŽ™ Channel: Bondi Sports Network

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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

re saverino has signed with the Athletics and um I don’t know I’m shocked about this that they a spend any money but uh I guess it’s a good move I don’t know if there’s any options there should be options cuz it’s a ace but hey you know it’s a good move they get a solid pitcher he was really good with the Mets um 60 67 million is not bad that’s probably their whole budget so that they’re done for the year I’m joking but yeah I guess they want to bring him to Vegas even though that’s not for like four years my God dumpster fire Sacramento A’s uh Oakland A’s Las Vegas A’s Kansas A’s Philadelphia A’s too many A’s um but a but uh yeah you know he did really good with the Mets helped him push to the NLCS he had really good numbers had a good bounce back season from his previous years he just has to stay healthy and he’ll be a solid pitcher for the A’s but I don’t know about that Moder League Park we’ll see

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