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MAIKA EUGENIO. STATE CHAMPION. MVP. LEGEND 😀 #shorts #football #highschoolfootball #ot7 #highlights

πŸ“… Published on: 2024-11-28 01:45:04

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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

he went from backup to state championship MVP last night Las Vegas Powerhouse Bishop Gorman crushed arborview and the nvada 5A Division 1 State title game Vegas QB Michel Eugenio went crazy throwing for 274 yards and five touchdowns he started the season as qb2 but became the starter six games into the season and never looked back what a story but it wasn’t just him the whole team ate 10 different players found the end zone including two special team scores in one defensive touchdown bringing the final to 69-7 this is the gal’s fourth straight title in 14th in the last 15 years pure dominance congrats boys

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πŸš€ Related Hashtags: #MAIKA #EUGENIO #STATE #CHAMPION #MVP #LEGEND #shorts #football #highschoolfootball #ot7 #highlights

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