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Maple Leafs' Max Pacioretty Runs Over Jack Hughes With Huge Hit

📅 Published on: 2024-12-11 01:51:31

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Watch as Toronto Maple Leafs forward Max Pacioretty runs over New Jersey Devils forward Jack Hughes with a huge hit during …

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🕵️‍♂️ Transcript:

[Applause] wow Jack Hughes that was literally the rush he just got Freight trained holy now icing will be the call as now you are going to have certainly when Jack Hughes gets checked like that you’re going to have the Dillons and Hamilton the world that are going to come over and have something to say about it yeah Brandon Brandon Dylan right now is the on ni security adviser for the Devils he can handle himself too take another look at that play as Brat’s reaching there’s Jack Hughes and Max Prater ready comes in and Jack Hughes didn’t even have the puck Hughes doesn’t even have the puck here wow I mean Sheldon Keith’s going to be pleading his case from the bench just saying hey what’s going on my guy didn’t even have possession he’s a superstar he gets absolutely railroaded so we’ll keep an eye on Jack Hughes one of the best players on the planet fortunately he’s on the bench see him shaking his head he’s in disbelief but the best sign shu is the fact that he’s on the bench at least for right now we’ll also keep our eyes on pachetti oh yeah the next time he is on the ice yes after the second but again this pater ready running Jack Hughes wow and I stand corrected he did have on his stick initially but he got rid of it but nonetheless Sheldon Keefe certainly pleading his case to the officials wowow [Music]

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