Miami heat team highlights vs Pheonix Suns |game highlights2024|basketball news|december 7

📅 Published on: 2024-12-08 22:12:13

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players like Deon always fun to P the Heat against dun that’s hit the Heat against them Duncan from the seventh consecutive really quiet unassuming Jimmy bu but when he streaks down the bait Tyler here here over the burst passer there from the c corner at the clock first Le change first Le change d yes dunan yes backing down Allen for the cutting love and the ball h j got got it dunan open for three three times here in the first quarter touches to go around and he is into a good offensive play back penalty of attack you want to see from here toing theboard it’s for theboard it’s bner for the nice looking traffic for Smith going ins butt heith making the triple there for made thre made threes Kevin Love Motoring in got to like get off defense they backing way off P Green for Tyler scrambling around a steel by crosscourt bags hero for the driving Butler gets all they will be a chore and a half One Challenge at a time here comes time a keep he scores heith The Comfy Corner The Comfy Corner coming down the middle bam [Applause] bam Tyler here for bam another two handing for bam another two hand ran out of room racing ahead of Martin time out 4- 71 quarter here in Miami heavy with his reed and crate above court side 14 points all came on the first down B against plumbley steps back plumbley steps back and Z morning for the number two spot on the Heat’s Double Double L being chased a keeper keep Beal and Booker in check it’s being accomplished so there m keep Beal and Booker and check it’s being accomplished so fifth triple of the game he’s got 96 Bay for three Plum be a long two he gets it back pass comes back to Ben that’s Jimmy from the court pass comes back to Ben that’s Jimmy from the corner most important minutes Butler probing got 26 minutes in in the game he’s really earn the trust 26 minutes in in the game really eared the trust of the coach to finish this game off one that P six from a shot clock High Smith on the cut six from a shot clock High Smith on the cut the follow and hero quickly throws e rebound to the game e rebound to the game e rebounded again C survives and the three-point shooting this team Prov [Applause] [Music] back

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🚀 Related Hashtags: #Miami #heat #team #highlights #Pheonix #Suns #game #highlights2024basketball #newsdecember

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