📅 Published on: 2024-12-18 12:06:11
⏱ Duration: 01:00:35 (3635 seconds)
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[Music] [Music] this is Joe chrisen former Penn State and professional basketball player you are listening to the mark Lesco podcast I think you said that he could have gotten more separation there were some technique fundamentalist Mar fever that weren’t perfect in in in the 80s I I had just grown a few uh a few points at what was it like playing in March Madness I mean we have it going on right now um but playing it was was amazing I mean like that that’s kind of your your whole goal is to just be a part of that it’s such a special thing where the whole country is tuning in and anything is really possible you know you know my optimistic side said like I said that’re we’re going to be okay we just had a bad game we’re probably experimenting a little bit ran into a good team if Miami came to our house we would probably if anything win we wouldn’t get blown up when you first started playing football you know did you always want to play in college no I was growing up I was a big baseball guy loved baseball and then 8th grade I remember I got a call from my uncle coach Nel he’s like hey I got the job I was just like all right I’ll play football for you you are listening to the mark leco podcast a podcast by Die Hard fans for fans it’s as honest and as raw as Sports Talk can be thank you for listening to the markco podcast hey everybody this is Greg G so Anthony will put it away from the 41 GRE G is the Deep man for pen State at the 10 Y Line uh former Penn State receiver in 2016 Big 10 Champion you’re listening to the best uh Penn State NY lion podcast the mark leco [Music] podcast all right everybody welcome back to another episode of the markco podcast covering Penn State basketball with former former Penn State great Tyler Smith Tyler welcome back man thanks for coming back on it was great to be back that’s that’s one heck of an intro man I tell you what you got some great stuff there I’d probably just play that every morning as like my alarm to wake me up let’s go yeah I was gonna I saw you smiling I I uh I thought maybe I think that might be the first time Tyler saw that because yeah you’re in it Greg’s in it uh Greg gr G Joe’s in it uh yeah K uh Kyler Cunningham he plays at Lock Haven well he did play at Lock Haven he got too many concussions so uh he’s a bald eagle guy uh he’s a really good football player cool um I think he played against Julian Fleming Tyler that plays for Penn State now oh really awesome yeah because jul flaming he’s from Southern Columbia uh actually played in the golf tournament for southern Columbia football was pretty cool uh I forget the area we were in but it was a pretty nice course it was a country club that we played at but uh yeah man it’s been an interesting week uh lost to Ruckers since we last talked I think they played two games yeah um lost to Ruckers beat copen State almost got a 100 points oh my gosh destroyed cop state that like was fair and like I know you scheduled games you don’t always know what you’re G to get but poor cops they they hadn’t won a game yet I don’t know if they’ve since I don’t think they have so that they’re off to a rough start I was talking with uh Steve Jones not too long ago and he was telling me that one year Cen State came here and played and they were on this tour of like 12 or 13 games and they were all away games they were all moneyam games so they’re just getting paid by everybody and playing all these bigname schools getting blown out and they’re like listen man we gotta pay for tennis you know we gotta pay for all these other sports and stuff and I just thought it was so funny and you know you do what you got to do when when you’re the ad and the head coach and stuff but oh that’s a rough way to start the season and then they they played their Inc conference games conference game and like they were fine but man they just they had a rough go to start the year yeah they were probably at like I mean the big schools playing at the big schools I would imagine yeah so yeah um yeah Steve he’s a really nice guy uh last time I saw him was at the golf course um he was there with a guy that I knew and uh he T came my dad and I we were packing up to go and he come flying over in the cart and said hello cuz I worked with him for a short time at wpsu um um he sat right across from me he’s really really nice guy and I knew him from other stuff I can’t remember but oh yeah super nice guy Steve Jones yeah yeah he’s awesome I mean that guy he he’s like AI before AI was around he just his brain has so much Sports knowledge it’s it’s unbelievable like I’ll be talking to him like man you remember that game your sophomore year and you hit that jump shot for 17 feet against George Mason on the I’m like what like like I don’t I did the actual play I don’t remember it and you’re like it’s it’s unbelievable it’s like those people we might have to test him we might have to test him and see if he’s got that thing where like you remember every moment of your life like there’s a handful of people like if you go on like 6 minutes or something and like they’ll remember like the color shirt they wore in 1983 on March 3D like he’s he’s remarkable but such a super guy so fun and man he can call a game dude I mean MH I remember my dad so when there was once or twice where he called the basketball office um I don’t know like maybe my freshman year leading up to we had some questions about coming to school and he gets put on hold and it’s Steve Jones like CR three you know and he’s just going after it and uh and then like the uh uh staff person comes on and she’s like hey you know we’re trying to get coached for and he’s like no no put me back on hold I want to hear what happens at the end of the game oh yeah he’s he and you know he’s been here a long time um he took over after Fran Fischer yeah and uh for football and you know he’s just and uh he’s originally from I think like New York right uh maybe I’m not I’m not sure I’m not sure I don’t think he’s originally from around here but uh yeah yeah well last time Tyler I was saying how that I was listening to Cory I used to listen to Corey gagger a lot and um you were on you were being interviewed by him you were on his show and I texted you I was like hey are you on Cory geer’s show right now and you said no and I and you were talking about your book I think and uh so it was a recording I guess but it was funny because it was live and I was like are you on Cory gager he said no no but uh I’ve heard Steve Jones on there I think he’s been on Cory gagger they always went Cory gagger always went at Steve Jones Steve Jones didn’t go with Cory gagger but uh yeah Cory’s pretty edgy man he he likes to things up a little bit and uh and yeah they they’re they’re both fun they both have their own personality and their own take on stuff and that’s what makes it fun you know um but yeah boy Steve is so so talented works so hard I mean just and those guys that make it look easy they’re always like the artist workers you know it’s not like it’s all just natural Talent stuff I mean they’re they’re gu guys that that grind and do all that prep work ahead of time and then they they make a call in a game look simple Steve’s rattling off like the mom and dad and cousin’s name of like the guy coming off the bench for copen State probably yep oh yeah yeah you know they taught us that at pennate when I studied broadcast journalism they said uh when you’re calling a game you want to know the length of their middle finger like all that stuff you know um yeah you know uh you want to know everything about them each player I mean yeah and the great they that’s what they do they know they know stuff about the players and uh because it’s funny you know because if we’re watching for example you know pen St football and they say like Drew AAR or uh Drew Aller he’s from California it’s like no he’s not he’s from Ohio his last name is Aller you know like cuz the fans will pick it out real quick if you don’t know the true details absolutely all that’s a great point though about the name pronunciation because yeah you know there’s so many different names I mean not all of them are as exotic as Smith so so you have like these different names like one of my teammates um his name was ndu U was how you pronounced it his last name was ekesi and his full name was hzy eky it’s like it’s kind of a mouthful if you’re not used to saying it you know and so a guy that comes to town man you better practice that a bunch of times and have a phonetically Spilled Out Spilled Out well uh you should you know my last name in high school man they would butcher that all the time um I always you know the uh it was funny because I think it was my senior year in football belfont they said it right um but sometimes they would say it and we would every we would all laugh like the my teammates and stuff they were like that’s that wasn’t even close like are you even like looking at the name like are you just guessing yeah yeah how how would you like it pronounced well Lansky is you know that’s how you say it but uh they could just say Lesco for all I care you know that’s my nickname but yeah yeah lanski now they would say like lesen vski and Lebowski and it was I mean I’m like there’s no B in my name I don’t know where you’re getting a bee yeah yeah but uh you know my mom’s maiden name is Smith actually so we’re related to Smith okay and uh she went from Smith to Les gansky so oh no she went from like the most common you know just Smith to Les gavanski which I don’t think if there’s a Les gavanski like we’re related like it’s very it’s a very rare name yeah you you have no problem like creating your email address on Gmail it was like one of you you know where Smith I’m like Smith 35 Smith 39 Smith 42 like 120 no like they’re all taken you know Smith like 12756 is taken um but uh yeah and I’m a junior too so like the one year like uh 2016 I voted for my dad um by accident and yeah the lady the person that does the voting we’re related to her so she even got it wrong you know and uh but we voted for the same person thankfully so it worked out but like presidential election voting yeah uhuh funny man yeah yeah so every time I go now I say junior um and I you voted for Kanye didn’t you and T oh yeah uh that was uh when was harambe people voted for har I don’t know the Dead uh it was a gorilla dead gorilla yeah um I think it was 2016 yeah harambe had like 3% of the vote or something like that that’ll swing an election man oh yeah that’s for sure that’s like that uh independent that ran that one time um you remember who I’m talking about that independent that was in like 94 or 98 maybe Ross perau yeah Ross perau yeah yes and he was like uh a rich guy you know he’s kind of like Trump you know he was like a rich guy he keeps like I’m G Going as independent I’m gonna have my own thing and yeah he got he got 18% of the vote I think which is pretty good that’s a ton for an independent yeah yeah he he was actually a pretty big name there for a while and we all thought he was pretty cool I think I was like seventh grade I remember he’d hold up like he’d do like I don’t know he’d take out like a 30 minute segment and he’d hold up like these little graphs and he’d be like here’s my pie chart and like here’s why what I’m goingon to do and here’s what’s terrible how we’re g to fix it and as like a seventh grader I’m like I don’t know makes sense to me I’d vote for him yeah yeah remember that he bought a half hour on NBC just for himself to do that yeah uh but that was yeah that was funny um he was all over Satur live and stuff like uh Carvey would impersonate him and just oh be so funny sometimes I’ll go on to YouTube and just watch SNL skits um I was watching one the other day it was an Uber driver uh an Uber driver the Beavis and Butthead one I think that’s pretty recent but oh my goodness hilarious hilarious stuff yeah oh my gosh so many funny ones man so many well I was I was talking with somebody recently we’re talking about Christmas movies and uh what what’s your favorite Christmas movie oh man you know I have I was actually going to make a top five on you know to put up on the show um my top five but it’s a t you have to go with Christmas Vacation uh for me but die hard’s a second one um and the argument is it’s Die Hard a Christmas movie I think it 100% is a Christmas movie so Die hards 2 yes National Lampoons that’s number one for sure so how about you are good those are good love Die Hard haven’t seen it in a while I might need to break that out and I of all girls so anytime I can like you know show them a violent movie I’m all about it because they have too much nonviolence in their life they need more but they um so I gotta show them that uh my wife is all about the Hallmark it’s like Hallmark 247 and I I’ve I always thought elf was so funny um oh yeah and so somebody was telling me the other day that elf like they didn’t get like all these permits in New York City to like shut down streets and stuffff they just like spontaneously like film these scenes so when he’s like running around uh you know in the streets and I didn’t know this I’m like that’s hilarious that’s so will Ferell you know he’s like eating gum off of like the railing and stuff I’m like he that he probably did that too you know like man I wouldn’t put past him I didn’t know that that’s interesting I think there’s a Netflix um documentary about well it’s like a show like how they did or whatever something like that and I think that’s one of the uh films movies that they uh like featured and just some of the funny things about it those kinds of things are always fun to to read about like I think of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom I think or no was ryos are lost AR and it’s the scene where he comes like head-to-head with this guy and uh this guy’s got this sword and he’s doing like all these like crazy things you know and then indro just pulls out his gun and shoots him yeah and it turns out Indian Jones was like he was uh uh what’s his name but what’s his real name in real life oh Harrison Ford yeah thank you Harrison Ford was like really sick that day but they had to film that scene they only had a certain amount of time and they’re like what are we gonna do like I can’t do like this whole fight scene like I’m I’m exhausted I’m sweaty I got a temperature of 102 and they’re like what if you just shot him and he’s like yeah yeah let’s do that it’s fun to learn about those things I was going to say the violence that um well we we were watching these before probably before we should have but it was Indiana Jones that’s what my dad would do we would watch Indiana Jones and that you know broke our uh our our our violence uh you know our our nonviolence streak watching Indiana Jones um like Raiders of the Lost Arc another thing about Raiders of the Lost Arc is when he falls in that pit and that that uh is it a king cobra is it oh yeah yeah king cobra is right in his face right and I think it really depends I think on what format you’re watching on we had VHS but uh you can see the GL the reflection in the glass there’s glass in between them oh really yeah you really have to look though because and we caught that like right away that there you could see a reflection that there was glass in between um and I’m pretty sure in real life Harrison Ford hates snakes oh yeah that’s funny yeah and then in the beginning of that movie he falls in a box of snakes on that train yes yes and then Sean Conor’s his dad and yeah oh that was Last Crusade I love that one that was was okay okay yeah but no but there there were definitely snakes all throughout those movies because that was kind with him you know he hat whatever uh yet you know and he just there’s another one coming out I think uh really yeah they had the dial recently I just saw an ad for it it’s called The Circle or something like that but oh wow the last one was the dial one um and he’s like he’s old he’s up there in age Arnold just made a new movie I think no way um yeah and then and then uh Sylvester he’s he’s in a series uh called Tulsa king that’s a great show have you seen that oh yeah it’s oh man it’s a it’s awesome it it is so good I couldn’t believe it like I mean I I just kind of came across it on Amazon Prime and I’m like dude I love Stallone like I’ll I’ll check this out for 30 minutes I’m like I am dialed in time to like binge on it right now yeah the best part is they tie in uh today’s age you know like he goes to a legalized marijuana store and they’re all like I think they’re vaping and they’re on their phones and he like throws a cup and hits that guy in the head and oh man oh my gosh he he’s amazing like he’s I think he’s almost kind of underrated as an actor because everybody thinks of him as an action guy but he is phenomenal in that whole movie I was like the mafia guy like he’s super believable and like the character is like right up his alley I’m almost surprised that like he hasn’t really played a character kind of like that before maybe has and I’m just not thinking of it but he is so good in that series I really hope there’s another season and another season beyond that I think they’re they’ve already filmed season 3 I think season two whichever one it is I think it’s season three wow uh so that’s coming out I think in 2025 but um yeah it was always the battle between him and Arnold who was better actor uh and I give all the credit in the world to Arnold as an actor he was in like my favorite movie of well he played a lot of different roles but he was in jingle all the way he was in uh twins um Kindergarten Cop he was in Predator Predator is my favorite of his yeah because it’s just such a you know badass movie him and Jessie Ventura and yes that’s a great movie so good man so it’s funny the company I work with now is called Zimmer Biomet it’s a medical device company and our CEO was like hey everybody’s got to tune in at 3:00 we’ve got a major announcement to make we’re like what are you talking about Arnold is now like the spokesman for Zimmer Biomet like that’s company because I guess he’s had like his hip replac is he replaced all these parts are in him and uh you know he’s he’s all about uh getting people to exercise and move and all this stuff he’s like it’s all about the movement you must move the body because you can’t sit still is we’re making America healthy we need to do great things I’m like this is great man we got Arnold like I hope I get to meet about like a sales conference or something that’d be awesome yeah that’d be awesome yeah that was a great impersonation too geez probably because my nose is sted up well you know what’s crazy like he never lost his accent like never no I know um and I don’t know I’m you know I’m sure he doesn’t want to lose it but I think he I think that was like purpose purposeful on his cuz he’s a politician too you know so it’s probably purposeful on his end to keep his accent so he just has a signature accent you know yes same with Sly Sly has that you know that yeah yeah got such a great voice man like just when I was watching that show I’m like dude he’s got what a great voice and just his little micro expressions and stuff I’m like dude this guy he he’s incredible but both those guys have really good uh documentaries on uh on Netflix too yeah yeah they do yeah Arnold’s life is very interesting so Sly s came from Sly came from like very well him and Arnold both came from very very poor backgrounds um you know and it’s cool that s on Eagles guy like I’m a Steelers fan but he’s like die hard Philly you know yeah yeah and uh I’m sure you’ve been on the steps there in Philly I have it’s pretty cool yeah we ran up there with my girls the one time and they they’ve seen like little bits and pieces of Rocky I don’t think the whole thing uh through yet so I have not winning father of the year yet that’s also on the Die Hard and more bloody Rocky movies First Blood you got to do first blood too I know number one first Blood one is oh my goodness that’s unbelievable movie that’s a that’s classic That’s a classic movie so um takes out the whole town single-handedly yes and as a kid you’re like that is totally reasonable I can totally see him doing that probably me when I get older and stronger and faster yep yep yeah yeah it’s you know like well first of all he takes out like the whole police force and then uh his Commander shows up and he’s like we’re bringing the National Guard he’s like doesn’t matter he’s like you’re not going to stop him taking on a whole Army up in a mountain yeah yeah oh man um Tyler did you know that uh I I just found this out that uh Joe Jer vicious’s daughter um plays volleyball at Penn State did you know that so that’s interesting you say that because we were watching the game on Sunday night and and it’s I hear jvis dericious I’m like that’s got to be his daughter because of the age and the athleticism I’m like it’s gota be like it you just don’t hear it’s like Les gansy like you how about it and and boy she is amazing she’s such a good player did you know Joe do you know him no I I don’t I don’t really know him when did he graduate was he like 90 well he was he his last season was 97 he was drafted in 98 you got there in 98 right yeah I was there 98 yeah so I just missed him I haven’t really crossed paths with him but look at that that’s awesome yeah well there’s Joe and Mike and that’s uh Curtis enus and yeah Joe pno and uh I can’t Brandon short I can’t see the picture yeah it might be Brandon sh yeah you’re right yeah but that’s cures is Joe Mike and Joe again yeah but yeah man that’s you know that’s cool uh Patrick Ying’s uh daughter is at Penn State too I think for volleyball yeah yeah does she play a lot I I didn’t you hear that I don’t think so okay okay but that that’s really cool and fun to see like um there’s also uh uh was it Calvin Booth I think his daughter was gonna come to Penn State and play volleyball I don’t know if she still is yeah um I’m trying to think uh biggie uh Biggie Small’s daughter was at school when I was in school biggy Small’s daughter oh really um and I was actually around her one time and uh I was like man like that’s the girl that he was rapping about and uh I forget what song I should remember it but uh it was like the line where he’s like I was just trying to get food to feed my daughter and I was like that’s her right there like that’s crazy but yeah she went to Penn State um but then you know like you probably know Melanie Collins she went to State College and um who else Matt R went to State College yes Matt R the local guys yeah Le alter went to Penn State so yeah well and I’m just so happy for Katie shach well I know as Katie Shu um because we were in school the same time and we would always go watch the women’s volleyball team play and um and yeah she such a wonderful person and uh has done an amazing job this year I think she just won coach of the year yeah I think she did yes so happy for her and just you know all she’s doing with battling cancer and everything I mean just an incredible person um and yeah I mean my I’m just so so proud of her and happy for her you know but how hard is that to follow a guy a coach like Russ Rose you got like what seven national titles or something like I mean that’s the hardest thing ever to try and do that but she’s she’s doing fantastic yeah you know you always I I I always hate to see that um you know they got that thing on their head and it’s like you know that they have they’re battling cancer when you have that she has that cover on her head and man that’s good for her um CU man I don’t know what that’s like to have cancer but I know you get really sick and to for what she’s doing with that is pretty amazing you know so yeah yeah yeah and you know talking with a lot of people that have gone through that it seems like you you want those other things too to kind of help you distract you a little bit or just you know G give you rather than just sitting around even though you’re you’re probably not feeling good it’s it’s better to have that purpose you know we’re all uh you know meant to have a mission we’re meant to have purpose in life and and when you don’t have that that’s that’s when it’s hardest but uh I mean still to be able to be coaching at such an elite level and um you know her team just rallying around her boy they’re final four now I I’m so pulling for them I really want to see them win the title this year that would be such an amazing story yeah that would be awesome for them to come back and win another one you know I don’t think they’ won one since Russ left yeah but uh a while for them you know was a few for them yes while basketball P basketball’s like H never but never know man oh they’re turning it around they’re turning it around I know um I thought that was interesting that she was uh you know that she was playing here Joe jer’s daughter uh back in the day Tyler this is a while ago but there was a like an armed robbery at his house uh Joe Jer ves’s house and um it was a pretty big yeah it was a pretty big uh I think it was a national story because he spoke at the hearing or whatever you whatever the Court term is he spoke and like yeah it was really bad like this guy was there and um threatening him and his family and he ended up getting PRI like this guy went to prison for like life I think um yeah but man that was a wild story dude that’s that happened to him I think he was in Tampa because that’s I believe he lives in Tampa oh okay because he played for the bucks um and him and Bobby Ingram both played against the Steelers in the Super Bowl in ‘ 05 they were both on that Seahawks team yeah wow wow so some history there but um yeah Tyler we got Drexel uh Saturday um lost to Ruckers which I hate I hate it when you lose to you know when you lose like this to a Ruckers who you know they’re good team but inferior to us I would I would say uh and then they beat up on cop and State so and then they got upen coming in um you know I thought of that guy that they got in Aluna that Lou mangion guy he went to pen oh right yeah that was crazy that they got him in Aluna crazy I mean McDonald’s and Altuna like you’ve gotta be kidding and sure enough like and it’s like it’s what a weird story like I wonder like how much more there is to that story I never feel like I get the whole thing like we’re only hearing bits and pieces from the media like you know what is really the whole background on this guy because that’s just nuts like you know so many people say oh he was kind of this normal guy yeah great student good athlete all this stuff and you’re like what I don’t know at the same time you know you don’t always know what’s going on inside in people’s heads even though you know you see their actions so yeah he’s I believe he’s still in Pennsylvania I think he’s still he’s in Huntington oh really in Huntington yeah um Huntington that’s a really rough prison I I I think that was one of known as one of the hardest prisons in America there was a guy on Joe Rogan that was on death row at Huntington prison and uh he uh he got off of death row um then he was interviewed by Joe but yeah I think he’s still in Pennsylvania I don’t think he’s even been sent to New York yet but his attorney is from Altuna he’s got an an Altuna attorney of course which is crazy um I thought maybe some people I know might know them I haven’t really asked but uh yeah that’s an interesting story man it’s crazy that you gotta when you’re out in public it’s like got to have one eye open at all times you know you just don’t know so yeah that’s nuts man situational awareness man that’s right I I always talk to my my girls about that just know where your exits are you know you’re in a theater you’re in a stadium hey restaurant uh know where the exits are sit face on the door Gotta Have mace on the keychain you know I know yeah you know I got a sister so I always I every time almost every time I see her I’m like give me your keychain she gives it to me she’s got her mace on there I was like you know how to use it she’s like yep all right you never know that’s good good but uh yeah I was going to go Saturday Tyler but I decided just to stay in and chill and relax but uh yeah copen State and then they got they’re at Drex they got a stretch of home games here uh Indiana’s good you know the thing that we thought would happen last time is that they would be ranked and they weren’t yeah you know I think I was looking at some of these other teams over the weekend playing and there’s some good teams that top 25 man I mean of course uh but I think Penn State uh Purdue was such a good win but I think they needed like like one more you know had they beat Ruckers maybe that launches them into it but I think you need to Rattle off a few uh good ones and and good wins to uh to really crack that top 25 I didn’t see they might have gotten some votes but um you know if they they get a good win against Drexel I I hope the now this game is always a dangerous game because students are gone um although it’s away correct is that Drexel yeah at Drexel yep so that that might even make it a little bit harder because you’re driving over to um to Drexel and then you um everybody’s just ready to go home like they they just man I need a couple days and they’re G to get a couple days at home but um we would always play Bucknell on December 22nd and then we got to go home from like we’d leave we’ go home the 23rd and come back either Christmas or the day after and so guys are just itching to get out of there and it’s not that you’re not focused on the game but you’re just still ready to like have a have a break because you’ve been grinding all summer and fall and winter now and so man like Bucknell should have beaten us a couple of times in a row uh but we always would we’ barely squeak by we’d beat him by like four you know and I can remember one game we we beat him but man it felt kind of like we lost because the coaches were were so mad at us that uh you know we hadn’t played better and whatever and I remember Joe Chrisman coming to the locker room and being like there’s no way that those guys like are are faster than me but they’re playing faster I have no legs right now you got the uh pre- Christmas uh you know food coma sitting in yeah yeah but um but that’s fun because that’s a 12 o’clock game I think so I don’t know play football pen basketball we have to you know do a split screen or something but yeah exactly both at noon that’s why we have man caves Tyler you got to have like three TVs and right just all yeah uh Co Tyler you had you had a teammate right that play he’s the is he the GM of the Nuggets now yeah so that’s Calvin Booth um who I mentioned earlier so we played together one year uh he was a fifth year senior when I was a freshman and quietest dude ever but man you talk about long arms W wingspan he wore size 19 shoe like you’d go into his like apartment and like if his shoes were on the floor like forget it like you couldn’t get around anywhere because they took the whole room um but super super guy and uh you know played in the NBA got drafted second round um got a really nice contract a couple years in in in a contract year for him and then I know he had some injuries but like I me he stuck around for a while and then like jumped right into scouting with the Timberwolves and maybe somebody else but uh and then worked his way up worked his way up and all a sudden it was like dude Calvin’s like head of scouting man Calvin’s like assistant GM and then boom Calvin’s GM of the fre Denver Nuggets I’m like that’s amazing you know so yeah good for him awesome dude that’s awesome and you’re Coach Jerry Dunn um one of my favorite coaches of all time uh dude he always had the suit you know he had the great mustache I mean just yes just he had the look man you know uh look yeah the the power belts like he was a Sharp Dressed dude man I don’t know if it was him or his lovely wife when but um yeah always dressed sharp always ready to go um had a nice cologne you know just always look fresh and it’s funny a lot of people don’t know but he has a twin brother Terry so Terry uh was also a coach coached at Dartmouth coached at Colorado and one time I think we were it was in a away game I want to say in New York and we all get on the bus and coach is sitting in the front seat as usual like hey coach hey coach we all say hi we go and we sit down and then everybody’s on the bus and then from the back of the bus coach Dunn starts walking from the back of the bus and we’re like wait what is going on here and nobody told us that his brother was in town and they have the same mustache the same hairline like everything it was hilarious so uh they got a little kick out of that but yeah such a great dude and uh I get to see him sometimes when he comes back in town for coaches versus cancer that golf tournament yeah yeah that man that that’s a that’s a big tournament Tyler um I know you playing that and then uh well there are it’s crazy because I’ve known some Twins and it’s insane how much they look alike like identical twins like gez but uh yeah I didn’t know that he had a twin yeah yeah Jerry and Terry wow and he was with the Knicks uh fairly recently 2012 2013 he was Tuskegee um but um when you play in that tournament Tyler you you you play with like a celebrity right like the each force them gets a celebrity is right you get yeah so it’s funny they used to call them celebrities and then what happened was like they wouldn’t be real celebrities you know like you don’t have like Tom Brady or Denzel coming in would be like oh it’s the manager from the 7 team you know and so we’re like we got to rethink our our Framing and messaging around this so we call them captains now so we’re all Captain okay and um if there’s some kind of association with the program it might be a coach it might be a former player um it could be yeah whatever but um it’s a really fun term it’s really grown it’s a a great group I’m on the the board that just kind of helps organize it a little bit and try and connect with the captains and bring more uh alumni back in town for it and they raise a ton of money um for for cancer and it usually it all stays local it’s a really cool thing it’s typically I think end of May beginning of June um and boy it’s it’s phenomenal I just yeah we eat so well in the course and it’s oh yeah really cool thing that one of the things they’ve done the last number of years is they brought in a long driver so one of these guys that competes in Long Drive competitions and man i’ never seen anything like this this guy’s like hey you know for 20 bucks you can use my drive instead of yours I was like well how far can you drive it he was like watch this and this driver head is like math and I’m like well first of all that looks like it’s cheating because my the head of my driver is nowhere near that size and he goes up and he cranks it out there like 400 something yards I’m like okay that was impressive W and uh so it’s yeah there’s a lot of cool things uh that they do with it but coach versus cancer got we get you over there man oh yeah yeah absolutely that would be awesome um I I went to Tiger Camp when I was a kid uh and uh the pro I can’t remember I think his name is Joe you know what I’m talking about the pro at Penn State yes yes hold on a second I want to show you something but yeah uh he ran the cam okay we lost you he went I I just wanted to uh grab something and show you real quick but yeah they had the tiger camp and uh I went to that and the pro he was really good the pro the pro that was there but I want a so i w a long drive contest when I was 12 what camp and I got this driver head right yes for my driver but that’s my driver right there it’s pretty big but it’s probably not as big as that other guy yeah but yeah this I won this and um a 12 that’s awesome you know what’s crazy they I cannot find it anywhere like they don’t make them anymore really because I remember they used to each Big 10 team had driver head like that like a big fat driver head yeah yeah but um I’m glad I kept it because and I still use it but um that’s hilarious yeah it was uh my drive was 250 when I was when I was 12 oh won that uh won that driver head yeah yeah um impressive that’s fun I hit on a white course I hit one 370 one time oh so that’s my record dude that’s amazing but it’s on 13 so it’s a little downhill you know so all right all right listen but we’ll take it man and I and I had a witness too so yeah that’s impressive man well yeah they they’ll they’ll give out some prizes for a long drive straightest Drive longest putt all that good stuff but uh yeah tournaments are fun a lot of fun a lot of fun one of the assistant coaches for Pat Chambers Keith Ergo he’s now the head coach of fora he was playing not in coaches versus cancer but a different tournament and uh he got the hole in one on the par three and W a car no kidding yeah and they’re like well you can have the car or you could just take the cash equivalent he’s like well I already have a car and it wasn’t like you know a Lamborghini or something I don’t I don’t know what kind of car it was so he walked home with this big old check for whatever like I don’t know 25 Grand or something wow yeah that’s awesome it’s a good day have you ever gotten a hole in one no I have not I don’t think even really close how about you no no uh come close but it’s such a rare thing man like uh I think it was Alex oetkin the hockey player he got a hole in one and he’s I like he’s he’s not good at golf um it’s very hard you know like most people and athletes like playing golf is a totally different thing so I think he his joke was like he’s terrible at golf but he got a hole in one got a hole in one like never played again he just got a hole in one and then that’s so funny that’s funny you say that I came across a clip of David Goggins hitting a hole in one oh wow and he’s like I’m the worst mothering golfer ever I just got a hole in one like it’s so goggin oh yeah he’s um Steve jurry he’s a he’s a goggin guy I think his Facebook photo is uh Steve go or with um David Goggins yeah he’s a man he’s something else I’ll tell you what David Goggins he’s unreal man I love that dude man just shows you there’s always another level you know oh yeah that’s right well Tyler talk about uh celebrities and um flavor flave he’s a big pen State basketball guy you know him I have not met him but I would see him in all the games and he would crack me up man he he’d be a danc and just having like the best like more fun than anybody else in the BJC I’m like you need to come to all the games so uh uh Shep was Shep Garner was think his nephew or something right and so uh Flav Flav would be there and Chef’s mom and family and they were so fun to just seeing the crowd just having such a good time you know yeah I remember his show um I always had that big clock around his neck yes yes but uh Tyler the question I have for you is can Penn State make the big dance and you know going forward through you know this year they got Michigan Oregon Michigan State Long season UCLA it’s interesting with the new Big 10 but um I mean what do you see happening with this team I mean can we make the tournament like can we beat some good teams I mean yeah I I think they they certainly have the pieces to do it they’ve got a phenomenal leader and a floor manager you’ve seen with Ace Baldwin and I mean you you kind of win and lose with your guards man I mean your your bigs are important but like bigs get in foul trouble you know bigs sometimes uh I don’t know they they they don’t they they don’t control the pace like guards do and they’re they’re long and athletic now there’s a lot of long athletic teams out there but I think the fact that they’ve actually like played together a little bit as opposed to so many of these teams now they are just kind of being pieced and thrown together every year uh because of the transfer portal and all that so um I I think you you’ve got a plenty of Talent on there and you’ve got guys that are really hungry to prove themselves and uh that that’s one of the advantages like you know people knock pen St well you know they have have the success of other big major universities we we know but at the same time that like when you are sitting in that position it just it has it gives you that chip on your shoulder and you’re like man we want to make a name for ourselves I think these guys are are really hungry to do that so the big Dan is is certainly uh a possibility for these guys and at the end of the day it’s just going to come down to them you know I think uh if they can find some ways to to win the the grinded out Big 10 games uh there’s always going to be like a couple that that slip away that’s part of a long season but uh I I like this squad I I think they they certainly have the tools to do it yeah I don’t think they have issues on the inside um you know down in the paint I think they’re good there uh but yeah like you said it’s going to come down to the guards um Ace Baldwin is amazing um one of the best players we’ve had and that that’s all credit to coach rhods bringing him in and then Joe being there Joe crisen and the mentor and just the mind that he has um he’ll be a and he said that when I saw him at the spikes game you know when he signed uh his bobble head and stuff um he said you know about Ace Baldwin coming back and all that stuff so I know he’s a big Ace Baldwin guy uh but yeah man like I just I it’s one of those things where when you have a seven footer you have a huge Advantage because not everyone has that as you know and I just I I think I don’t know in my opinion I think down in the paint they’re good but you know it’s really going to come down to just basketball’s so finicky man because some guy can get hot and just you can upset anybody you know but it you know I think it’s it’s we’re we’re a talented team and they just got to execute you know they got to have that consistency like beating a Ruckers or beating these teams that they should beat you know so yeah yeah and I I think they’re at home they’re going to be very good um they’re play a lot of confidence and um it’s it’s those Road games Can you steal a road game here and there I mean nobody wins all their Road games but I I think if they could um maybe steal one or two like it’s going to be awesome um I mean I just think back to you know how exciting that Illinois game was last year in recck Hall that they they really should have lost but but found a way to pull it out and Zack Mills hits a bunch of huge free throws down the stretch because Illinois were they ranked were they like top 10 or something at the time yeah I’m pretty sure Illinois was yeah they were like eight I I think they were like eight yeah and uh you know we meet we beat him yeah so I I anticipate I anticipate Penn State getting some uh really good wins like that just like they did against Purdue at home uh and so the key will be hey can we steal a couple on the road and that’s all you need you know and then you get into the Big 10 tournament get a a win or two and um you know if you’ve done enough in the season then that that’s all it’ll take so uh I mean obviously easier said than done man and that is so so hard to to get in but um it’s going to be fun with when we got you know these new teams on the schedule do we have Oregon I’m looking a little closer here we got UCLA Oregon um yeah we got Ohio State Michigan UCLA USC obviously will be at USC in h February um you know so that’s another aspect of this too man is football you’re going like you’re going week by week you know like you got we went to USC Washington came here you know basketball it’s a lot more games so you’re going back and forth back and forth back and forth like that’s a lot that’s a lot of traveling um especially going way out to the West Coast especially Washington man like that’s way nor that’s Northwest like that’s way out there um way out so uh and we should listen to they should listen to Franklin and get bigger airport I know it’s easier said than done summer project everybody get your work gloves your boots some shovels we’re we’re adding some concrete I would help I know everybody would it be like when they need to like shovel snow you know at these NFL St like the bills and stuff and they just call on 20,000 people that’s all you got to do just get a few people what they’re doing be like here you go smooth this out over here it’s um you know I I it’s not necessarily we need an international airport but we need a bigger airport and I’ve been saying that for a long time um I remember when Bill Clinton came here that was in like I don’t know what he was the president at the time I think yeah mid 90s you know he he was a he got pichy pno he tried to mix flavors he was the only person that ever did that um but you know they were saying it back then like the president just came here let’s get a bigger airport um that would be amazing that would be awesome if they did that cuz yeah uh I think it was Woody Hayes uh he used to say it’s right out there in the middle of nowhere uhhuh they used to have two planes come in from Harrisburg and uh he would put the starters on one plane and then the second the second team on another plane and he I think he said something like well if the second plane goes down we got our starters on this plane so we’re good you know so uh that’s so that’s really funny I yeah I think that’s what a lot of teams do they have to bring a bus in you know yeah Bobby Knight was saying the same thing back in the day and like you know he has some famous quote I can’t remember it now but he would always want to complain about how he hated coming out here uh do you know uh Dan dockit yes yeah so you know he has his own show on outkick don’t at me great show he’s awesome but uh yeah you know he talks about playing for Bobby Knight and but yeah yeah yeah oh he’s a character man I tell you uh you know him personally no I I don’t know him personally but just listening to him oh my gosh he was um he I I’m trying to remember where he coached I I want to I think I remember getting recruited by him a little bit uh and I’m forgetting the school but I have to I’m pretty sure he was at Indiana he was um but I think I I it wasn’t when he was at Indiana it was like mid90s I want to say something like a Bowling Green but that’s probably not right I’ll pull it up Dam dockets so when you were in school he was a yeah Bowling Green yep okay yep he was head coach of Bowling Green uh mid 90s and I remember getting recruited by him a little bit I didn’t know he was he was such a character like you know he is now but he he’s very interesting to listen to that’s for sure he is yeah he’s got a great show um and outkick in general is just a great Channel but uh I did have a uh outkick flag I got to put it up but um I moved my background again so I’m you know again I gotta put it back up Tyler you know uh I just got my wall your intro more than made up for it yeah thanks man yeah I’m glad like that um I’m going to have to make one for this show you know so but uh yeah Indiana Bowling Green and then Indiana again yeah but oh yeah definitely a character but uh yeah Tyler I just find it fascinating right now that they’re doing so good because this this record that they have is very good they beat a very good Purdue team preseason preseason number one I mean they dominated them totally yeah uh so I’m very optimistic about the team so you know going forward I’m just uh it’s just kind of like you know what are we going to do um but uh yeah they yeah I mean do you you think we’re good in the paint I mean you think we’re good good with the big guys you know I yeah I mean I tell you with as athletic as he is and his length it’s like you erase a lot of mistakes I remember that’s how it was with Calvin Booth like anytime you got beat Cal help me out Cal you know you know so it’s awesome to that guy back there uh yeah I’m really excited to see what they’ll do man you know I always follow him closely but uh thanes are that much more fun when uh you know you feel like these guys man they got legit shot to do some damage this year yeah they do yeah they do and I and I look forward to keep talking about them um I just hope that at the end of this year regardless of how the regular season goes that uh you know they I hope they make the tournament and I truly do think that they can um you know I don’t the last time you know the last time they had a a start like this Tyler and I could I could be totally wrong I but uh I think it was when they last made the tournament under Mika coach Shrewsberry yeah um I mean do they pen State basketball they typically don’t start you know you have like your cupcakes if you will at the beginning of the season but they typically don’t start this hot yeah no I think were they nine and two now or something like that yeah uh yeah nine and two yes two and yeah yeah standings wise they’re like down in the bottom somewhere but yeah and they don’t have any bad losses like it’s it’s not usually a good sign when you have like a bad loss early on like when Penn State lost to Bucknell at home and it wasn’t right before Christmas break I remember when that happened and there’s another bad one that maybe a couple years ago you’re just like oh like that’s not good and those will happen but um when you’re starting off like really winning the game as they should like they are they’re they’re really scoring at such a high clip and they’re getting used to that you know like um when I was at one of their practices I heard je say you know don’t don’t get bored with scoring you know sometimes you get up by 20 and you’re just kind like I’m going to score like or I’m going to coast and it’s no like accelerate even more you know so uh that I think they’re they’re getting comfortable being a high scoring high offense team and and not not all teams are sometimes so that’s that’s really fun to to see their Tempo yeah uh and it is kind of I think a little too early to tell but uh yeah very optimistic as I said Tyler so um is there anything else you want to talk about right now for this for this episode oh thanks man this has been a lot of fun um you know we got a little christas movie in there we got some f say volleyball final four and basketball football this Saturday it’s going to be an awesome weekend and uh I hope you have a a great holiday man yeah are you going to the game uh I’m not gonna be going this weekend but we’ll definitely be watching all right sounds good man well Tyler until next time um yeah if there’s nothing else you want to talk about this episode I’m good and then uh hopefully we have some good news when we report back but uh yeah it’s always good to have you on and you know you got a lot of great Insight hopefully I want to get Brett on here uh he’s the basketball guy for this podcast you know so cool um it’ll be cool to talk with him too so yeah absolutely man this was fun as always and uh are you going to the game on Saturday no no um no I’m just going to watch it at home uh you know it’s it’s one thing about going to games man you know there’s no commentary uh it’s either hot or cold uh beer is way more expensive than it is at home you know so stuff like that yeah absolutely well it’ll be fun either way man but yeah enjoy and uh we’ll catch up again soon all right Tyler thanks man have a have a good one you too see you n [Music]
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