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Rival NHL owner accuses Rangers of tampering on Monday.β”‚News podcasts

πŸ“… Published on: 2024-12-09 23:41:39

⏱ Duration: 00:05:41 (341 seconds)

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πŸ“ Video Description:

News from around the world:
Ottawa Senators owner Michael Andlauer accuses the New York Rangers of repeatedly engaging in “soft tampering” by spreading rumors about a potential trade for Senators captain Brady Tkachuk. Andlauer asserts that these rumors are false and that the Rangers’ actions violate a recent NHL memo warning against tampering. NHL insider Pierre LeBrun reports Andlauer’s accusations, highlighting the potential for significant repercussions for the Rangers. The situation is escalating quickly, with the Rangers’ outspoken owner, James Dolan, yet to respond. The NHL’s reaction to these allegations remains to be seen.
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πŸŽ™ Channel: News podcasts

🌍 Channel Country: Canada

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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

all right so uh everyone listening out there you ready for some drama always ready for some hockey drama right yeah especially this like you know juicy offi stuff the offi stuff gets pretty wild it really does so let’s Dive Right In let’s do it we’re talking accusations and rumors and uh maybe even a little bit of tampering ooh tampering that’s a big word big word big consequences potentially uh but it all kind of starts with this article we’ve got where the owner of the Ottawa Senators Michael anlow is just lit and loose yeah he is not holding back at all not at all he is straight up calling out the New York Rangers bold move very bold so like before we even get into the specifics what do you think prompted this whole like Outburst well it’s interesting timing right yeah because this comes like right after the NHL sends out this memo to all the teams basically like hey guys behavi yourselves yeah seriously cut it out with the tampering or else and then boom and L drops this bomb it’s like you wanted to make a statement it kind of feels that way doesn’t it it really does so okay let’s get into it what exactly is anow are accusing the Rangers of well he’s saying they tampered with his team not once but twice twice yeah twice he even uses this phrase soft tampering which I got to say I haven’t heard that one before soft tampering soft tampering so that’s what we’re going to unpack today what does that even mean okay so before we get into the soft part let’s just like level set here what is tampering like in the plain old regular sense of the word right so in the NHL tampering is basically when a team tries to like mess with another team’s players or their contracts without permission like they’re going behind everyone’s backs making deals you know Shady stuff it’s like secret meetings phone calls under the table handshake exact things that undermine the whole like Integrity of the league and the NHL is not playing around with this anymore nope they’re cracking down Big Time serious penalties F suspensions even like you do not want to get caught tampering okay so then what is soft tampering right well that’s where things get a little hazy hazy how so well it’s like he’s implying that something’s going on but it’s not like the blatant overthe line kind of tampering that everyone recognizes you know it’s like he’s saying they’re like skirting the rules exactly operating in this gray area and that’s what makes this whole thing so interesting okay I’m intrigued let’s get into the specifics here where does Brady tick achuk fit into all of this ah yeah yes Brady chinkachu the captain of the Senators player right huge player heart and soul of the team and there was this report linking him to the Rangers right right and that’s what really set andlau off because he’s adamant that the Senators haven’t talked to any team about Trading chachu Co no talks no trade discussions nothing nothing according to anlow so then the question becomes how did this rumor even start and that’s where the soft tampering accusation comes in exactly he’s basically saying that he thinks the Rangers might have planted the room rumor themselves to what like mess with trach Chuck’s head maybe or maybe to try and destabilize the Senator’s organization like create some chaos that’s why it’s a bold strategy let’s see if it pays off for them so is there like any proof any evidence to back up this claim well that’s the tricky part right like it’s one thing to catch teams red-handed in like secret negotiations but how do you prove that a team is intentionally spreading rumors that’s going to be tough it’s almost impossible and that’s what makes this whole thing so fascinating this could be like a real test case for the NHL a test case how so well if they decide to investigate this which they very well might how do they even go about proving soft tampering and then what kind of penalties do they hand down if they find the Rangers guilty this could have huge implications for how teams operate going forward yeah it’s like Uncharted Territory exactly and then there’s the whole personality Factor here oh yeah you can’t ignore that both Ann laow and the Rangers owner James Dolan mhm both known for being well let’s just say they’re not afraid to speed their minds yeah they’re definitely strong personalities and this isn’t just about a potential trade anymore it’s about two powerful guys clashing oh it’s personal absolutely and how Dolan responds to these accusations could have Ripple effects throughout the entire league okay so let’s play this out what happens if Dolan fires back oh then things could escalate quickly you know back and forth accusations maybe even some legal threats it could get messy and the NHL can’t just ignore this right oh no they’ve got to do something a team owner is publicly accusing another team of tampering they have to at least look into it so we could be looking at an official investigation it’s definitely possible and then that opens up a whole other can of worms like what kind of precedent does that set what kind of evidence would they need what kind of penalties could we be talking about this could change the game it really could and in all of this we’ve been talking about the teams and the owners but what about Brady chachu oh yeah poor guy caught in the middle of this whole mess his name is being thrown around in trade rumors his owner is publicly feuding with another team that’s got to be a lot to deal with it’s a lot for any player to handle let alone the captain of a team it could affect his performance his contract negotiations his relationship with the Senators organization like who knows what’s going through his head right now so here’s the question for everyone listening out there put yourselves inut good shoes how would you feel about all of this FL annoyed concerned this is far from over folks and we’ll be keeping a close eye on it as it I’m full this is going to be good buckle up everybody get your popcorn ready this is just the beginning

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