Sharks Billiards Association | November 25, 2024

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Sharks Billiards Association November 25, 2024 Tomas Morato, Quezon City King of the Hill.

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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

e e e [Music] w [Music] good evening billiard fans wow what a crowd get ready to witness another epic match tonight that will Define the season the MSW Mavericks fighting their way to the top faces the tag stallions you know what guys this isn’t just about bragging rights it’s about securing a crucial Advantage heading into the upcoming finals every shot every break every Point could spell the difference between Victory and defeat City d [Music] atalar SBA seriesrental pillars at K City dragons last week the bad boys in green were able to escape with a series taking the 13-10 victory over the dragons 95% [Music] rating taking the next three days and the series with almost everyone of the team making an impact doubl Ryan higo J One forat Albert ESP winning the last match of the week courtesy of Alexis F Rec Ms Manila Mavericks with 51 and 52 points respectively drag standings with 45 points for one number two sharks Arena and sports [Music] [Music] stallion it’s Battle of the Titans on weekend team stallions versus Team Mavericks s SBA season one there you go nine ball down for the pillers and the pressure is clal the battle will begin in a few minutes from now so we would like to remind everyone that this game is under the regulation and supervision of the games and amusement sport represented by John Alexis Manalo all right players [Music] hair style deis PP atur [Laughter] anyway King of the Hill match SBA season 1 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] spee [Music] Sports [Music] Association welcome back so week 10 sharks bards Association coach Dennis coach silent killer Jonas mag Jonas team QC coach Jr um Tito Ed of course the team captain Rodrigo hero wow King of the Hill matchin thank you de good evening shark and Erics hi folks happy Monday this is your fluffy May Kelvin Gomez song and this is the great white shark Cannon there it hope you guys are ready for some pool action all right let’s take a look at the stats of what happened last week okay take a look at the pillars very respectable numbers oh yes and they have totally won that Series against the Kanas City dragons and as expected Oliver VTE Doo Asura even JD galve carried most of the burden for the pillars oh yes they again had a very balanced effort everyone got involved everyone was able to run some breaks and even everyone got at least one golden break two that tells you they had a dominant performance for that week all right let’s take a look at the other stats and the dragons again respectable numbers as well it’s just that they fell short against the pillars that’s right they put up quite impressive numbers there again they were competitive they were tough but in this game half-hearted measures aren’t enough you must go for the jugular to win half-hearted tala anyway let’s take a look at the stallions the number one team right now for SBA season 1 wow look at those numbers they are impressive as well that’s why they are the top team right now in the standings and as usual carrying the load for the stallions well majority of it the Tios of tag and would take a look at their numbers really impressive impressive they are they are Stellar numbers there that’s why you can see the partners playing to their strengths the tandems playing to their best and again they have really proven why they are the top team right now and the number two team for SBA season 1 the Manila MS W Mavericks when it comes to the stats take a look at tristanza and surprisingly it’s John Alberts line actually John Albert raula was a revelation for that week what that he was competing in and he was the one who kept the Mavericks very much in contention for throughout the series so who will remain on top will it be the Mavericks or will it will it be the T stallions or will the Mavericks steal the top spot well Mal because only one team can be on top and we will find out this week let’s head to the rules the game is nine ball standard rules with winners break format using a triangle rack the nineball will be racked on the foot Spot while the Q ball will be fixed on the head spot the winner of the L gets to break first while the losing team gets to select their player first also no cut breaks are allowed and if a cut break occurs the opposing player has the option to take the shot jump qes and two extensions are not allowed and the Q ball cannnot jump higher than the full ball 45 second shot clock is given after the break 30 seconds for every shot thereafter with only one 15sec extension per rack players are allowed to talk and distract their opponent during the match hence the sharking however no sensitive topics such as family religion or politics will be allowed now in the event of a dispute each team is allowed two review requests per match and if the review doesn’t provide enough evidence to determine the outcome for the dispute the referee shall have the final say if after the review the original Call of the referee is overturned the complainant retains their last review request otherwise if the call of the referee stands then the team loses their last review request all sharking SBA okay stallion are you [Applause] ready Manila MSW Mavericks are you [Music] ready all right let the battle begin all right here we go and starting the match is Rodrigo [Applause] heronim nice break good break will he get a ball down I don’t think so pretty open layout open shot on the one Jonas mag pant will take advantage of this mhm of course one can’t help but notice Jonas has a bit of is there’s something different about Jonas tonight P perm book perm tastic huh nice yeah Salon a okay [Music] Lang okay so off the left side rail opted for a stiffer angle but this is makeable anyway this is not too far away Contra Pectus Contra Pectus yeah there’s a good job there doing a little uh back and forth with the rails and all he’ll need to do now is use the angle to go around and get slightly bare position for that five so I guess he opted for the corner pocket the upper right I don’t really see any major problem with the layout here simpling simply the six goes to the same pocket yep he’ll Force the bounce off the left side rail off the left side rail there you go D it looks kind of straight yeah I guess he’ll just draw this back yeah there you go to Q ball and this to give the Mavericks their first crack on the scoreboard well if you wanted to see a silent killer in action that’s what Jonas magpantay can do at his very best what a solid run there for him and he made sure that t Ed is comfortable on his [Music] seat that’s right [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we are back here live at the shark Serena and sports par here at Tomas moros KES on Philippines and if you want to watch the action live just like these people here so it seems like it’s Mark emo Mark Mark EJ kunan who will be playing for the stallions and thank you so much Andy sharks for sponsoring the tablecloth we’re using on this beautiful renox table mhm now the question is can emong stop the silent killer nice break oh nearly made a golden break there was able to get a ball down the blue two and the green six open shot on the one but it’s far from Easy uh I think it’s so so challenging not really I mean okay okay okay I guess he could cut to upper left either a simple Top Spin would do off the top rail so be careful fans they are so hyped up this is the perfect way to start your week and speaking of starting your week is he going for a 49 combo or just the usual run out uh let’s see can we it’s hard to tell if there is space for it I think there is b b cheetah pocket I think he is yeah Pala malag Mal now the five I’m not sure if it passes a seven towards the side there you go I think he’s just trying to avoid the bump on the seven yes I’m assuming that’s going going put some draw on it just to make sure a little bit of bottom English Okay Mari Santos Alexis ferer ba uh Len sanan and Noel Gonzalez happy viewing to all of you over on Facebook also to Chris bin raono Barona and this for two straight racks of the Manila MSW Mavericks they are really determined to steal the top spot on the team standings from the Tek stallions well they want to prove why they are located in the capital city why they are the team to beat they want to be that team to beat and we’re going to find out if they can retain that status after this match when we return [Music] [Applause] playing pool will never be the same again congratulations watch SBA from Mondays to Fridays take your shot here on sharks Billards Association and take a look at the crowd they’re loving it yes they are stallion nice hair do by the way thank you to signal for bringing the action of SBA to the Filipino homes and of course if you have signal you can catch us live on on Sports and on Sports Plus Mondays through Fridays starting at 8:00 p.m. [Music] ha well it’s going to be incumbent on this man getting a good break and he gets one good job there oh two down nice sh on the one available pretty open layup out again for the silent killer seems like he’s really determined to just play alone against the whole stallions team well if he feels he can put the uh the gig stallions out of their misery then why not I’d love to see if he I’d love to see him proove just how good he is okay so he needs to get back up for that five or he can just go for a long shot on that five to the upper right corner mhm if he doesn’t want to force the issue here simping simply gra yeah yeah I’m going it’s going to take me a while to uh get that hair color out of my head right there sensation AER pop star yes yep and even the production team can’t get enough of that new new do or new die six to the side so he opted the seven for okay I’m not sure if he’s going to take it to the upper right corner seems like he’s not happy with the position of the QQ ball Mark Javier Ricardo cabon alas Gangi and Romel morta happy viewing mhm nice Shota out anak SI alus Vel morta wow aloos wow named after a the caliing uh player from Asia uhhuh Al up yeah could be a namesake you’re right last name oh my oh my um he lost position there well going to go for the 10 cut no problem for wait nope nope nope he’s okay he’s okay he’s fine he’s fine three straight racks for Jonas M pant alone well he said hang on to your horses guys cuz this one’s going to be a rough ride and look at Jonas magai 3-0 what a hot start for the silent killer and I think coach Dennis Paul may have made the right choice in getting the silent killer off to a hot start well we’ll be right back with the rest of this match in just a moment [Music] [Music] stallion Rampage Jonas that’s already three he’s gone down gone through and now the next guy to step up we’re going to find out in a moment by the way Filipinos live for bringing the action of SBA to your subscribers via the Filipinos Live app and well there it is it’s Brian saged the baby face assassin who’s going to be challenging Jon as mag pantai okay uh former pop star sensation baby face and seems like he will be able to because it’s a drive break the first drrive break for Jonas magpantay after a hot start and well this is the perfect opportunity for Brian sagip because his team is already down 3-0 early if he can manage to make that Q ball go between the five and eight maybe bump the nine a bit okay it’s fine the only thing is is a bit straight here I’m not sure if he’s going to make a powerful draw to get that CU ball back up the table back up to the top of the table is a low okay he made it go around the table wow that is perfect that is perfect my goodness that was a sensational recovery from that [Music] angle with all of the sharking with all of the distractions I bet you that that out of a 100 tries of that I could make probably none that’s wait none none because I’m I’m that um let’s just say Bri s is light years ahead of me and I think he might be ahead of you too at least that makes me what n as well five to the side t maybe a bit of top right spin MH or maybe just bump to seven out of the way open shot on the six to the lower left corner long as he brings it towards the bottom right that should be okay there you go he bumped the seven out of the way oh nicely done well you said it yourself as long as he gets it in the right position he’s fine Brian sagid zoning out tuning out I mean the distraction the sharking I could hear all the screaming but look at this Brian sagip just on a mission here and again we’ve seen this man at work he’s one of the best we have right here and he’s so far looking good okay A little straighter than he wanted maybe but he could use that angle to go off the side rail and get better position for that nine I would think maybe y t then he’s good to go there you go no problem the [Applause] nine to stop the Rampage of Jonas MC [Music] pantai to get on the scoreboard Brian sagid down goes the nine well there you go that’s why Brant aipad is considered one of the primary guns here in the Tek stallion taking advantage of that dry break from Jonas mag pantai look at how he got positioned to every wall with no problem at all anyway we’ll be right back after this quick reminder [Music] [Music] [Music] sports bar 3 to one Maverick’s in the lead at anyway thank you Don bitas for sponsoring SBA season 1 rack number five Briant sagid to break and did I hear a trumpet I think so nice break by Brian aun good start for him and he’s got a shot on the one and if I’m not mistaken that was the pink four am I right am I right I think it is the pink four you’re right so good start and look at that so he has an open shot on the one that’s a good start scenario sure so 59 points Ang tag stallion 52 Mavericks with seven points separating these two teams pillars 51 mhm and the dragons if I’m not mistaken 40 45 45 okay or hypoth go maver a weekly series at sweep what a Miss there yeah s didn’t like that hit it slightly thick anyway let’s go back to that scenario again sorry [Music] soavi or they only win just one day either five points or you three points and let’s say the pillar are able to sweep their last week mhm guess what the pillars are now going to be on top two and if the Mavericks at that point will need to win a lot of games top two that’s right that’s right now on the other hand mhm if the tag stall is failed to secure a number of points I’ll check it out later on and they lose the top spot pillars actually that’s true so the pillars are very much in contention the dragons yes they are still in contention but chances of them getting the top two spot very slim and there’s a lot of there’s a lot of factors for them to get that top two spot aside from them winning yes or sweeping their last week they have to have some scenarios really go their way that’s how big this final push will be December 16 day one finals top two teams so pretty much everybody’s ball game p that’s why it will get more and more crucial as the weeks go by and more and more sharking will be happening because it’s already a part of wait is he going for a safety there or no he went for a bank a bank actually but he did probably intend it with a bit of a safety just in case but this is not safe actually Brant can counter this Kum perhaps uh well little bit risky a safety would be the best option here might as well use the nine as a blocker could be yeah there he’s looking at the path of the six going up the table and the nine would serve as a blocker for the Q [Music] ball well okay did he pull it off I think he did beautiful safety now the Kingpin well limited options here for him he can go attack yeah he might be going for the side rail here this one’s risky but doesn’t have a lot of options went for multiple rails wow so close for the Kingpin but no cigar as they say four balls left for Bryant sagid to close out rack number six or five that should be that should be five yes five there you go and it’s a very open layout so Bryant can ill afford to make a mistake at this point and right now he lost position in that Q ball he’s not happy with the way he’s managing the T now he’s going to be forced to jack up a bit put a lot of draw on this CU ball wow what a recovery saved [Applause] himself maybe a bit of push uh sorry Force follow mhm compared to earlier this is a cakewalk part this is the Cakewalk part should be there you go to get within one rack crucial for both teams to secure their spots for the finals sagit brings down the nine well you heard plong plong he was just chirping and making a lot of remarks towards the coach of the match Dennis F and well I’m sure that this is going to continue all night right now great effort there by Brian saged because he is proving that he has a lot of fight left in him anyway we’re going to see who will be in front right after this [Music] well the battle continues here and so far it looks like the stallions are starting to pick up steam and they are running at full horsepower right now pun intended lemon be healthy choose Health lemon last week oh yes yes lro sizes that would be fun here we go rack number six mhm the baby face assassin to break nice break but will he get a ball down up Theo there you go he got lucky there you’re looking for drama you can get it here on SBA season 1 h all right in I the fans have really come out for their teams tonight and br’s looking H was he going to do the behind the back well he can do it I can’t n he decides it’s not worth the risk going with the mechanical Bridge instead and Tristan deza only hoping that uh Branson even makes a mistake so he can get back on the table nice nice Brian sagid not phased with all of the distraction and he’s even maybe even asking for more oh yeah well we know how good your friend is this guy can fight he has no intimidation in him Judith sagid SI aish aish saying Hi to Miss Erica Eduardo B and to miss Margie hono happy viewing okay so he needs to get a good position for that four because the nine is a little bit too close to that five so he needs to get a good position for this four [Music] mhm nice one there going around okay now here’s the question what kind of position will he be looking to get on this five from that spot well anyway let’s see what Brian can do because he needs to get good position on this fight five which is fairly close to that nine which is going to make the shot a lot more difficult nice nice nice there’s a shot nicely done and the crowd applauding knowing that Brian sagip has pulled off an amazing shot let’s see bran SED with this it goes back up very nicely done now he’s a bit he’s got a bit of angle here may choose to use the rails to go around to get position on the eight or he can just let go just bounce off one rail and let trickle back down crowd just excited [Music] here masar beautiful Brian took care of that TP five earlier no problem yeah what’s important here is keeps himself in position for that nine just like [Music] that Miss Jenny Morales at K Money Maker Matt Angelo hialgo down goes the nine and we are tied well Brian saged has gone on a rampage and he is showing it by tying the match and he could take the lead in the next round by the way over on YouTube we want to greet of course Noel Jo K Anan roio Sano Jr John Koch andv thank you for watching we’ll be back [Music] [Music] SBA season [Music] 1 Sports day one week number 10 stallions versus the Mavericks and thank you to the dght atletics for sponsoring SBA season 1 again each week play of the week T giveaway worth 2,000 pesos four bottles of tand finest a stylish tand sports backpack oh yeah we we both want it but you you got to be able to play at that level to get it anyway ASA Brian saged not exactly pleased with the layout here who would be he’s just he realizes he’s going to have a problem with this one sorry at the very last second anyway he’s going to go for a push here well let’s see so he decides to play the push and he’s going to attempt drir micio to take this long shot on the one was safety he doesn’t need to force the issue no not at all decided to play safe but will he get safe I guess I guess it’s better than [Music] nothing that’s going to be a tough one gam Nang quro as a blocker Nang [Music] to but it’s going to pop out oh no no no no no oh man that’s going to sell out that’s I think the worst kind of sellout wow oh my Ryan definitely not not happy with that result he wanted it to hide but instead he basically set it up for his opponent oh oh wait a second nope it’s not going to go in and he definitely is a little bit happy about what happened MH well the four still coming into play so he’s going to be forced to kick at least one or two rails this way there you go now he used the four as a blocker excellent shot and that is nasty safet look at that both balls up against the rail and the four playe blocker a wide Miss on the one and Bri won’t mind saying thank you yeah every little bit counts well that’s why Brian Sagen knows he has to take advantage and so far that’s exactly what he needs to do take that straight to the lower right corner roughly the same spot okay yeah I guess a little draw should help there you go okay well his next ball I believe will be the five since the the four was knocked in so tulak he’s going to take the five to the upper right corner later on there you go simple stun would do take the seven and eight towards the lower left corner okay semi Top Spin then there you go happy viewing po mother emo Madame Anabel lios kunan and Brian Dre ample hamur watching from oh wow oh no what a Miss what a big Miss there and they were down to just he was down to just three balls there now Mauricio should capitalize on this he’d better he needs to calm down don’t get too excited there you go that’s okay and the Mavericks are back in the lead that was a tough tough rack for Bri a lot of um misses there and a lot of drama happening and that’s why the finally walking away with that rack again started with that Miss on the seven big Miss and that’s why the mici we’ll be breaking in the next rack we’ll be back folks [Music] all right we are back here dramatic rack number seven earlier proving to be a thriller and by the way thank you for t for sponsoring this event the best in town since 1993 my goodness the crowd they’re alive nice break where’s the nine going nope W I thought the nine was going there there but take a look at this a possible 39 combo even I thought you meant a possible K9 combo the 29 combo a little bit awkward not that lined up I’d rather go for the 39 if he wishes to do so talking about dimples bites I think he is going for the 39 Oh maybe not did he overshoot position then go for the carum yep well let’s see nice shot on the nine and who said dimples can’t be a fighter there it is diples simply love well again Michael Kai seeing the opportunity and going for the gold and there he is we’ll be back folks the action continues only here shark leard Association [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] all they know how important this is and by the way thank you to go hotels North Sano K City let’s go explore more super science PL nice break but I don’t think anything went down none okay now it’s another now it’s another guy who may not speak sof may speak softly but carries a really big stick that’s John Albert ra Ryan Mark hialgo the bird of prey the Black Eagle and’ll go for Mark all right what’s he going to do here does the one passes the two to the upper left corner yeah it does actually and does he have the angle to shoot that one to the upper left corner that’s a tough angle though to shoot from a safe team I guess is in order he calls extension wants to make sure that whatever shot he takes here it’s worth it shot loock winding down uh-oh oh no will he get it safe if it hides behind the seven he’s good and he is dooy dolo dolo well what a revelation is this guy well the native of Bal showing exactly why he was picked by by the Mavericks because he is a man who you don’t want to sell short in situations like this okay good hit he sold it though now he needs to see the gap between the five and seven that’s right oh and he missed it oh no wow and you heard the reaction black eag oh great things happen yep that is true uhhuh unfortunately fory [Music] uhoh no not behind the nine oh no and I think he got himself hooked well self-defense class unfortunately wasn’t meant for these kinds of things may available path between the seven and the five there is to go for the kick unfortunately that’s going to be a foul and ball in hand and that means that it will be dloo going to work while Michael Kenai will be left to wonder take a look at this hill Bautista preview war on roim don’t you temp get me on my lot are stuff Hill Bautista don’t why here I actually want to see you and Steven colar go at it one time oh he’ll win one time he’ll win definitely just for fun over here well who knows still who knows it might it could could happen we we won’t count it out I mean is it fair to count it out so who would be team oh wow he missed the one he missed the three oh man that is really painful for toloy and well ref not not quite getting it done there oh man uhoh uhoh oh my I think he can still get it but man that was dangerously close bit of top left around 10 or 11 o’ or L lot lots of left there finally Madame Jasmine Macio upper right top ra oh he’s really straight here he’s pretty straight I’m not sure if he can even cheat the pocket to uh to get back up for that nine he can I think he can he’ll he may just have to up for a long shot oh wow he opted for a low right English wow that is nice just to get position for the seven oh oh he oh my you could tell the moment it hit it was way too thin and both theoy and the dimples just struggling to get their feel on this table and in this rack you think it’s nerves it might be and remember both of these teams haven’t played in a while also back in the lead are the Mavericks Hil Bautista s deos is p pull down SI Legolas don’t you dare H don’t you ruin my L and that’s the thin car on the seven too thin and do Loy took advantage of every little bit of that mistake [Music] all right a crazy rack and we are going to move on to the next one here crazy is an understatement and speaking of crazy thanks by the way to uh Andy sharks the official cloth here at the Sharks buard Association and well now it’s going to be dloo trying to reassert the dominance of the Maverick in this match but got a ball down nice job did he get a Bo ah but seriously a case of golden B well again we know Tito when he goes to work he does not just go to work he operates that this only shows the level of respect everyone gives this guy when he’s on the table and mind you he’s actually a nice guy off the table but on the table he takes no prisoners he’s really a nice guy alas simp Shing yeah complicated yeah it’s just let me show you I think he’s going to go for safety here using the 5 and eight makes sense oh my nicely done by Tito edgy he’s got all of that five glued to it very nice shot toloy what are you going to do I think you need at least two rails here uhoh that was wide that was wide actually yeah not very close [Music] say Rodriguez happy viewing to you right now Rodrigo ronimo showing the Poise and control that have made him one of the top players in the league so far and to Ralph pasaron of SC QBC happy viewing to you saang Mas and oh man I’m not sure it’ll get past it looks really really tight here he can try to cheat the pocket a bit but it’s risky look at that he’s going to thread the pocket here there yeah good job and this last two balls I’m looking at a possible hill hill match nine ball down for ED ED exactly oneform there and by the way over on YouTube you also want to greet um Ed BR Anthony Keller and Mark lawence Maas thanks for joining us and we’ll be right back with the action after this quick break [Music] [Music] Arena sports bar by the way thank you to signal for broadcasting our matches on one sports and one Sports Plus live rack number 11 T2 Edy to break now we’re back to the tandem that started the match earlier and it’s Jonas M pantai representing the Mavericks in this particular rack dry break para K to Ed he’s going to go for a safety here and I think [Music] P yellow one I think yep I think he does see just yeah you’re right the very edge of that cheek but the question is will he go for it or will he take another route oh he’s going for a one rail kick or possibly two rails [Music] ooh wow could have gone wrong in a lot of ways actually now if you were Jonas mag pant are you going to get are you going to take the long cut or just a safety here I play it safe there’s still a lot of balls on that table and that’s how I would play it perfect use the nine as a blocker what a shot I’m looking at a [Music] possible two rail kick okay one rail off the bottom good hit will he get it safe though that’s going to be the million the million PES question oh I’ll take it I’ll take this yep upper left but with this kind of angle a lot of things can happen that’s tough for [Applause] sure well cartoon character Wow Let’s see what he does with this one oh wow wow will he get possession for that two ah well it’s makeable to the side but the fact that he can shoot at the two that’s already something he’s looking at where the CU ball will bounce afterwards wait he went for the safety uh okay okay okay he is hoping though he could have gotten a better safety out of it but nonetheless still a tough shot by any standard Abby jenez pass John Kevin ABAB is melan Garcia he missed it that’s an ouch okay can he make it to the side though but with that angle he can but how about the three get in position for it if it’s okay is he aiming it between the four and seven nope this is safety all right now off the bottom rail using the upper left side rail as well that’s a possible kick yeah he can do at least a two rail kick from this angle aita Pala wow Naman Pala turned out turned out there was more room but possession for the three yeah now he has a decision to make go for the 39 or go for some surf counter safety he tried to hide it behind the nine and I think it’s going to sell o I think he might yeah he I think he can see that three but not sure if he can make it next month anyway maybe a m to this might help okay Kang position for the four I’ll take it I’ll definitely take this if if it if it’s uh me I’ll go for the corner lots of draw oh that is quite close that’s pretty Exceptional from that angle very nice Jonas Ron Mendoza of mang Lupa Pandi bulakan watching on one Sports Plus happy viewing to you wow wow and look at the set on the six couldn’t as have asked for a better setup and I think he’s already out of the woods well at least for this rack pretty much Elementary well the nine balls all that stands between a six a six to five lead and Jonas is just going have to do a little stretching here wow he went for it well if he wanted to be safe he could have gone for the bridge but he he said no need for it what a shot I may not be that tall but I can [Music] reach Jonas magai took advantage of that costly mistake by T2 edgy running out the rack starting from the red three toally [Music] [Music] well if anything has sh if the have shown us a lot it is anything can happen on any given night and again we want to thank filipas live for bringing the action of SBA to your subscribers via the Filipinas Live app look at the crowd right now they are just anticipating something big happening in just a bit Jonas mag pantai versus Mark EJ kunan for rack number 12 will he get a ball down did he get a ball down it doesn’t look like he did I think yeah open shot Uno I think the two passes the seven towards the upper right corner question is there we go maybe there’s enough room to shoot it past that uh ball which one the well he wants to shoot the two right in the corner yeah so it does it does pass the seven is he going for the 38 combo I would be surprised if he didn’t go for a safety or that shot actually happy viewing to Ryan Patrick Santa Maria Mr Suave Hoy Hoy Hoy Hoy Hoy Hoy there you go good combination there and look at how he set himself up on that threee that’s beautiful John angeloa Garcia uh Jello if you’re still watching please get in touch with direct Eric Mendoza ASAP now a little bit awkward you position four so I guess bit of Top Spin right to left motion so he wants the six to go to he wants a side side finish I think wait yeah it’s makeable to the side I thought he was trying to get position to take the six to the lower left corner okay the [Music] five does it does it go to the side or will it be the corner oh he’s going for the corner for that one but the six to the side no no oh a now is not the time for these kind of mistakes we’re almost halfway through that’s right the race to 13 oh he’s going to go for [Music] it wow oh my goodness got out of jail with plenty of room to spare Monopoly okay seven to the upper right [Music] corner yeah it’s like some the players we’ve noticed some of them hi Madame Madame there’s Miss by the way it’s a race to seven that’s all that stands between the stallion and the Mavericks the team’s running for one and two and only one of them can get only one of them can win tonight we’ll find out what happens right after this don’t go away [Music] [Music] whoever wins this weekly series will be the number one team for this week well for the team standings of course provided they get the appropriate number of points that’s right right and by the way thank you to Don Benitos Philippine deles as we we had some some of it earlier fantastic treat as usual keep them coming oh yeah all right big shot br br coming up here oh the nine ball nope and Tristan deza quickly off his seat seeing daylight for him to give back the lead to the Mavericks happy viewing K Billy thean Campos M hello sir oh well let’s see if he can clear out the rest of this rack the six and the appears to be the most challenging part here but did he break it up I think he got more than enough nice so three to the side four goes to the lower wow I thought he actually made a boo boo there Sabi boss Bilo diit close fight okay see p ah you mean like repeat it again once more for the second time around po Paulo upper left corner left side rail to get position for the seven side po poo the hurricane there you go prev finals could be could very well be what we’re seeing possible but you cannot count the pillars out yet oh no even the dragons you’d be crazy to count out just any team here because they’re still very much in a close race uh-oh no no no no no oh my disaster disaster strikes and Tristan Deo caresa home run he was almost there and Mark EJ kunan will gladly pick up the scraps and give the stallions and T on the lead right there wow that was ouch take a look at this Canon yeah again oh my ah well let see if the Mavericks can bounce back when we get back [Music] maver stallion but before we think about that question let’s think of course healthy lemon be healthy choose healthy lemon what are they singing Aman to break okay nice break nine ball nope maor mhm well he was able to get a ball down I guess yep he has a shot on the one seems like the six and seven one ball yep oh oh well wait who’s there H wait wait uh boss CD and Julie director well this match just getting more interesting two to the [Music] side putting a bit of draw there you go he’s going to take the three to the lower right corner bit of bounce off the lower right side rail there you go just a little bit would you go for a three rail position for the five here I might maybe I would but if emo has a better idea I’d love to see it well he’s putting a lot of Top Spin there you go he went for the three rail position for the five he got a good angle to go for the 67 combo am I hearing par boss D but then again see if he can get position on the 67 and Mr excitement Ronaldo Mendoza will be definitely taking the 67 combo all right mm and this for the stallions to go up 86 in this race to 13 a two rack lead now for the stallions chance for them para Umaga but I but I don’t think the Mavericks would just say nope nope nope nope we’re not going to just go and lose this night without a fight oh they will definitely fight and they have shown it already and we’ll be right back for more don’t go away [Music] [Music] it’s a must win for both teams to secure their spot on the team standing especially the number one and the number two spots you’re right and by the way thank you to tand Athletics so each week our player of the week will receive a an exclusive gift pack worth 2,000 pesos and that includes four bottles of tand finest and an exclusive tand sports backpack and of course my personal favorite a limited edition tand cap unfortunately we can’t have them all oh well at least neither neither any of them neither of us good luck nice one on the break but at least um Jonas and uh Tito have already won it so who’ll be the winner this for this week for this past week sorry okay Uno to the upper left corner that’s right possible two three combo hell hello lots of outside spin low left and seems like the banks opened their doors wide for emo even though it’s already what time is it well we’re only 9:31 in the evening that’s right he’s going to go for the thin cut but he went for the B possible two three combo coming up takes care of that but no it will he made a mistake there obviously so he’s going to go for a safety here distance between the two balls per I think the distance may be enough to challenge grair maceio resolve here yes that’s still very much wow oh but wait a second did he just oh man wow I thought that was just a safety he even got a shot on the four that that is Sensational wow we got to see that again we got to see that again oh yeah uh-oh okay he’s good he’s good so five to the side I guess because the upper right corner is not available there you go oh oh oh oh wait a second oh my wow unfortunate well should I say a little bit fortunate bump on the nine but he was unfortunate because he lost possession of the Q ball that’s a very good way of putting it there wow okay bump you almost got a nine down but but he lost Poss of the cou and now he’s left with a tough tough shot on the [Applause] [Music] six oh no and O and he’s given up what could be this could be it right here for this rack oh wow if ‘s not going to take this 69ine combo I’m going to slap him oh don’t worry I think he heard you that’s why he took it what a performance [Music] there I’m noten that’s right by the way over on YouTube hen kunan the dad of emo kunan uh saying go go my son and thank you to Kev mq for sending us 20,000 Indonesian rupias we’ll be right back after this [Music] n [Music] [Music] nine racks to [Music] six stallion courtesy ofo yes definitely the best inada since 1993 ah well again that stuff is good now emo kunan can he get the stallions to their 10th rack tonight that’s a good start n Ball nine ball is it going let go golden break for Mark EJ kunan oh my goodness securing their 10th rack of this evening well Mary J kunan bringing in the magic here and he has got the hot hand take a look at this look at that it’s really hard to stop the stallions once they get their engines running that’s right one more time and look at this and with that we will take a quick break and then we return for more [Music] [Music] all right it’s just getting more intense the score is 10 to6 and what are the Mavericks going to do about this by the way thank you to go hotels North Ed S Teo keson City go hotels let’s go explore more time first sa referee Manila MSW Ms because they need to freeze out the stallions who are in the very edge of this game trying to claim the Victory and I’ll be honest with you the Mavericks needs to win this game because the stallions are really hard to beat when it comes to the scotch doubles that’s right well it looks like we’ve got uh de with uh something for us DEA let’s go ahead thank you Calin and Canon bards strategy sharks Association [Music] Salita Philip Salvador oh spe [Music] last week obviously well Tito plong plong Tito Edy doggy bites and Brian sagid with their coach jard or enjoying the four rack lead that they’re having right now while on the other hand the Manila MSW marcks would need to do something to you know maybe force an upset exactly exactly they need to again turn the complexion of this match around because it’s starting to slip away and looks like we’re down to the final seconds of our timeout and let’s see what kind of strategy they have for us all right so it’s Jonas mag pantai and Mark EJ conanan let’s get back to the ball game so far emo kunan has fueled the result Surge and here for the tag gig stallions does he have the horsepower to pull them all the way to the Finish Line unless the uh Mavericks are able to find an answer to this uh Rampage of the stallions I guess emo would be more than glad to just continue whacking the balls on this table and that’s a wide open one I see and an open layout for Jonas mag pantai he cannot afford a mistake here he needs to stay on the table as long as possible if he can bring this one home for the Mavericks better better yeah someone definitely brought a horn and I want that horn anyway the silent killer cannot afford to be silent any longer well he needs to make some sort of noise for himself and for his team four to the side little bit of low left English ball very nice five to the upper left simple stun six to the side upper left there you go reach y b a bottom English and that would give him a good angle to take the to the lower right corner and Canon this is to stop the bleeding and the nine balls down and Jonas mcant cuts that lead down to 107 can he bring them back all the way well we will find out in Just moment again this is how Jonas mbant is at his best dissecting a rack Like a Surgeon anyway we will see if he can dissect more after [Music] [Music] this m parito and Mavericks they’re still trailing by three racks 7 to 10 and thank you to Andy sharks for sponsoring the tablecloth raso table players look at this they are pumped up especially the supporters for these two teams when they are out in droves for their [Music] support nice break oh no oh no not the time for a golden p no nope well looks like they’re going to have ball in hand and uh while they and while BR sagip and figures out the strategy let me just do a quick rundown let me see if I can do a quick rundown here for our sponsors of course we also want to thank one ball buard specialist the official distributor of Ras and pool tables and other pool equipment the Philippines blast TV tap TV signal TV Don Benitos Filipino delis healthy lemon be healthy choose healthy lemon crackhead media we’re a little crazy but our media is brilliant whiz kid Works Villa Elisa trivia down Tuesdays go hotels North EDSA and Teo K City let’s go explore more and mulak andada the best enada in town since 1993 and tand Athletics speaking of Athletics looks like Brian SED really going to have to bring out that inner athlete here three to the upper left wait shya Sha Sha Pala Yung ano Yung at ano mysterious voice oh mying okay anyway still a problem here mm [Music] but Manu to break that that cluster true there it is like I saidon then is po intently watching his boys do the work unfortunately golden didn’t go their way MH and Brian sagip good angle to force the bump on the nine I guess if he can get it this is big wait so the eight passes the nine I think it does otherwise Bryant would not have taken it to that side this is really tight I think he feels he can at least cheat the pocket a little Al wow there you go it it goes to show their view on the table is different from ours [Applause] [Music] World Cup the stallions still rampaging through the Mavericks they’re up again by 4 11 to 7 mhm well 11 to 7 anyway great clearance there by Brian saged and we’ll be right back don’t go away [Music] [Music] the stallions get on the hill or will the Mavericks force their way for an upset here signal TV thank you so much we are broadcasting live on one sports and one Sports Plus and you heard the chant of this team that Tek stallion can Brian sagit bring it home for their team nice break there but I’m not sure he’s gotten a ball down and that might mean ah okay well it’s a dry break palang B well may push out that’s true but where to push out that’s a very good question remember it’s so close to that pocket [Music] he would have preferred it to not be that close to that corner pocket but again bth this guy is very deliberate and strategic in his [Music] mindset and he decides to leave it as much this as as possible Brian can definitely try to go for a safety here or maybe force the one to the upper right corner but since it was a push out option actually and I think he did set it back to bth I think that was also part of his mind game there because he left it just as the shot loock was winding down Para in an effort I to try and confuse bth all right here we go off the upper right side rail he was able to get the one wow he get position for the two I think he’ll be fine that was wow that’s why he’s called The Kingpin he’s a master at executing what we would call criminally great shots as the team captain I dare or challenge bth mukat to bring back the Mavericks in contention for this match to at least close the gap draw that CU ball back at least two three feet oh he went for a stun so I think he’s going to go Force the bounce off the lower right side rail take the six to the upper right corner [Music] bit of bottom English seven to the upper left corner there you go very critical each shot mhm yes it is well so far bth has it wrapped up here if he can continue this all the way to the end if he can just win this and five more racks they will have this match and it begins with this nine manil Mavericks reason why they are just one point away from the pillars when it comes to for our team standing that’s right let’s see this again wow what a attack on that one and that’s why they are still very much in conten for this match we’ll be back folks [Music] well if this is how you like your action then we have much more in store for you we are back here at the Sharks Arena Sports Bar and again if you want to see the action for yourself live it’s free entrance just come on in and thanks by the way to Filipinas live for bringing the action to all their subscribers via PS Live [Music] app full break and I’m not sure if he’s going to get a ball down here I don’t think so but Michael Kenai is going to have his turn just crept up behind Basset like a shadow he’s got an open shot to the one what what a Miss there uhoh Q ball ball uhoh is it going to oh man what H what happened there what magic is well I think the term is what sorcery is this of course have to go rail first I think oh and he took out the nine so that means that’s going to be resp spotted ball in hand for bth [Music] mbat Yan well looks like we looks like we’re about ready to uh set sail depending on how this goes four to the upper left corner i’ rather take the five to the lower left so T to there you [Music] go tal Tal again for baset mokai bat he has to stay focused because they are trailing by three [Music] racks horn down Gondor Yun well for those who doesn’t know lotr platform but but I do I have a question for you since you brought up lotr would you be better off starting with the books or the films I’ll go with the books first Mavericks just needs this nine to cut the deficit to two racks there you go it’s down and the Kingpin says not so fast the boat the ship hasn’t left Harbor yet because we’re still trying to catch it all the way to Port what a performance there so the nineball got knocked which is why he was resp spotted and from there bth did all the work himself we’ll be back folks see if they can cut that deficit to one [Music] [Music] Maverick stallion y again you saw the score the tally earlier of the team standings that’s going to change tonight but for whose favor that’s the question I want one of those big chers is anyway a manila MSW Mavericks one point away long from the pillars yes so I should say it’s a must win for them to get this evenings and perhaps this weekly series mhm on the other hand for the Tek stallions well they’re on top they’re on top by seven points against the Mavericks the more points that they can get the more that they can solidify their hold for the top spot mhm and speaking of which take a look at the numbers again the stallions performing solidly performing supremely with four of the five players really pulling their pulling the weight of the team behind the mark EJ kunan Rodrigo heronim Mo de mo full pool and BR saged really hauling the team on their backs right nowel oh don’t worry he can he can show he can show just how good he is also and he’s waiting for that breakout opportunity but look at that solid performances there let’s take a look at the mericks well not bad for the numbers there you got love it I mean look at that Jonas again showing just how hard he works for this team he’s been carrying the team he’s been pulling for a team and of course John Albert rulia also a revelation that week well hased get into this uh match but hopefully hopefully DLo can find his shot okay the pillers last week look at that Albert espinola showing what he was made of hey I’m not just all about Antics I can play mhm and then let’s not forget the fourth team in this discussion the K C dragons they may be at the bottom right now but they are not that far behind and if they can put up a good week like uh what they did the last time or even better then they have a chance of still attending for the championship all right a few seconds before we start well we resume the ball game out Mr boy father Let’s Get It On All right bth mbat again the team captain of the Mavericks a lot of pressure on his shoulders they are trailing by two Rax and so far from a deficit of four he’s cut it down half now can he cut it down yet another rack and he’ll be up against the mosan pool pool representing the stallions line ball well okay it means PL plong will be forced to um man that that that that hair color is so distracting I’m sorry um that’s going to force him to have to go for a push here way I in influen Kaba ano ni Kos my goodness well yeah I mean oh well as long as it does not affect his performance I guess push out I think bassette will be giving this one back yeah well let’s see off the upper right side rail oh he’s looking at a two he’s thinking about it well it’s not a bad idea cuz you’re going to force the Q ball to stay on top okay he sends it back to plong plong Y he used all of the seconds of that shot clock he miled it quite literally what a kick by plong plong oh no and I’ll be honest with you with the way he reacted to that shot oh with the way he I don’t think it was intentional with the way he was dancing on that shot I think he meant I think he was just saying let the fun begin wow oh my well and nice shot on the two that’s beautiful perfect and I think he’s out of the woods here burying any unfor seen errors or unforced errors but that kick wow again we’re going to enjoy it in the replay later hopefully around the four there you go he has to clear it though me yeah I think he’s going to try to cheat the pocket a bit go for a force follow mhm or maybe maybe just go for the draw wait he’s going for top I think okay he made the force follow there you go and okay okay it’s manageable now if around the seven mhm yeah and the six just has to stay focused nice shot and yeah I was just worried that he would end up in an odd position on that but you’re right he looks good although sa Isa side see if he can try to control the speed of this okay he opted for the longer shot that’s fine not bad if PL plong takes this rack whoever gets on the mck’s end later on would have to play Perfect as perfect as he can oh yeah stallions and you know how hard it is to beat the stallions when it comes to the scotch doubles they were only beaten once all throughout the season that’s [Music] right and that’s why they’ve they’re already again the top team for this for at this point in the season that’s how good they are upper left quarter for this nine and the stallions are now on the hill they are on the verge of claiming victory for day number one well look at the stallion they are just rocking right now okay but they were rocking and again it started with this wow well we will be right back with what could be the final rack let’s find out [Music] all right the final rack is coming up next well if the drag if the SS have their way of course healthy lemon be healthy choose healthy lemon well I guess plong plong had a lot of that can he bring this one home for the stallions or will Tristan dioza be the savior of the Mavericks let’s see did any balls go down though nah no shot on the one though yeah well tto Whitey although I’m not sure if that applies to him now with the color of his hair left no no shot on that one so this leaves a tining with the unenviable task of single-handedly having to bring his team back now this is pretty much makeable I’m not saying it’s easy but it’s makeable to the upper right corner mhm getting position for the two that’s a problem breaking that 68 cluster another [Music] problem well he’s trying to put some distance and that is nice nice Tito plong plong using his veteran smarts against the younger Tran deocareza and take a look at Dennis po he is not happy good kick broke the 68 cluster and he’s sells out the one and well the coach obviously of the Mavericks not happy with that so lower right a and then a left side pocket left side pocket we’ve seen it before just because a shot looks like it’s easy doesn’t mean it is call for the extension semi toop spin will he get position for the four well he can go for the bank I guess that might have actually been his plan you know could have been going for the bank but easy let’s see what he does here and Tito PL plong cashes it in wow what a bank well as a a good friend of ours would say the banks are definitely open even on Monday nights for this man my goodness clut shot by Tito plong plong deos is p pull rising to the occasion oh noar wow I think he might have gotten a little careless there that’s what I think it looks like he might have just a laps of concentration there really bad a costly mistake yes it is oh but that’s not exactly going to help either but it’s in anyway upper right lower left ano Nam sometimes you just have to tell this kid come on make up your mind yeah I mean he’s kind of prone to those kinds of uh shots luck is a very big part of this game nine ball yes that’s true so yeah I mean the rules say you have to take it okay I think he just wants I think he wanted to avoid having to go across the side pocket which is understandable this is critical okay so they’re still alive D still fighting his team needs every point they can because they are still down 10 to 12 let take a there oh he got caught of the jaw yeah disappoint side pocket and then that happened anyway we’ll be back with rack number 23 after this [Music] [Music] tining diarea must win three straight racks to force an upset and uh dway Athletics thank you so much for sponsoring SBA season 1 and again player of the week of course they’ll get a gift pack worth 2,000 pesos now of course they’re gonna get in that pack four bottles of tand finest an exclusive tand sports backpack and a tand cap beautiful break there by tining diarea able to get a ball down the yellow one mhm although he doesn’t have a shot on the blue two I guess a push might be the option then if that’s the case uh but where that’s a good question remember with a push his opponent can give it back it’s happened a number of times Maybe okay oneing distance daring T2 Ed to do something about this blue too blue well that’s a good question it might but even then a sliver of that blueo so will he take it or will he just saying say and he sent it back to tining what will tening do here he definitely going to have to hit it and he needs to get a good safety or maybe another miraculous shot well near miraculous I should say yeah another one of those we we we kind of shots is he going to make this cuble swerve okay oh oh my goodness that was beautiful wow what a safety there by Ting deesa oh yes anding playing with a lot of heart there wow ah a double kiss and this might be it for this racking toza he needs to calm down compose himself take it one shot at a time and Happy viewing K pandai Jericho banares watching over in Facebook sir sir [Music] pandai forward to the upper left corner well is perhaps oh man make Nam to makeable Nam but he didn’t want to be that far yeah ping just needs to believe to himself that he can do it wow he avoided the eight and somehow somewhere look at the position he’s in off the left side rail seven will be taken to the [Music] side good uh angle and if he makes this they’re only one rack [Music] behind needs to reach but anyway oh man Canon are you smelling what I’m smelling right now oh man possible Hill heill here well he needs to win one more rack after this one to do it and the pressure is on for Tristan deocareza of the Mavericks well saw a lot of amazing shots shots but that was the one that gave it away well let’s see if we’re going to have a hill hill special coming up don’t go away [Music] [Music] would it be a hill hill match Cana bring it home for the mericks or will the stallions finally end this evening sa on on all right the best since 1993 speaking of that oh two balls down that’s a nice start and does he have a shot on the one lower though well is sing gutsy enough to go for this shot because again they need this to force a hill hill encounter you need well if you’re tinga you cannot afford a mistake if you’re wanting to steal the top position in the team standings you cannot afford the mistake right now he’s good yep he is good well that’s a good strategy play a safety Force emong to find his way to that one and emong knows he has the opportunity to stop to stop the end the match right here in this rack off the lower left side rail okay will he get it safe will he get it oh close well I want to see how much of daylight he has past that to okay upper left corner but he needs to put a lot of bottom here and that’s RIS botom English very risky yeah cuz he scratch uper right but if he does get it might be very [Music] helpful oh oh no oh no well he was able to avoid the scratch on the upper right corner side pocket that side pocket just swallowing up another ball and now with this layout emong could close out the match that was a beautiful shot on the one yeah unfortunately it wasn’t able to maneuver that QQ ball properly and it resulted to a scratch and a ball in hand for emo that’s got to hurt the Ning really badly that’s going to hurt the whole Maverick’s team yeah he was that close to forcing a hill hill block Do or Die special eight to the lower left just two balls remaining and it seems like emong will secure day one for the stallions and the stallion win the game well big moment there again that Scratch by Dina s was what cost them there could have gone to the hills but well Eman calmly finish it off with the ball hand again let’s take a look at that shot aray so close and that’s why they now win day one 13 to 11 well on behalf of the entire team this is the great white shark Canon darit and this is your fluffy M Kelvin Gomez andong let’s head over to the and the T gig stallions remains undefeated [Music] once again they have demonstrated their dominance and their skill and composure we’re on full display [Music] tonight Ayan Langan anak floor director inish top te [Music] SBA wow wow that’s the spirit the stallion has experience and consisteny ultimately prevailed a well deserved Victory para of course andas get ready for an even more intense showdown in a thrilling sharks doubles match who will emerge Victorious this time don’t miss it guys again this is your host deong until then those Q sharp and your eyes on the prize good night everyone [Music]

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