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Should You Penalize A Kid For Transferring? #aau #transferportal #collegebasketball #basketball

πŸ“… Published on: 2024-12-02 18:20:58

⏱ Duration: 00:01:01 (61 seconds)

πŸ‘€ Views: 78 | πŸ‘ Likes: 4

πŸ“ Video Description:

πŸŽ™ Channel: It’s Just Different Podcast

🌍 Channel Country: United States

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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

faith family is they have to recruit kids to get their state funding right so they have to have a certain population to make sure they meet the numbers and all that and they so it’s actually set up now I’m talking non- Athletics right it’s set up to recruit right and then they’re recruiting Athletics and get in trouble for it so you know recruit in a in air quotes but so kids decided to go to this school with a staff that has been hugely successful one back to back state championships in Doo won a previous state championship at Fort Worth dumbar a generation ago um and um in doing so because of the amount it it raised a lot of eyebrows among amongst uh would be competitive schools or schools that lost kids right a little bit of both and uh it went through the uiio the district process uh to the uio and they decided to suspend the coaches

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πŸš€ Related Hashtags: #Penalize #Kid #Transferring #aau #transferportal #collegebasketball #basketball

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