📅 Published on: 2024-12-31 22:29:06
⏱ Duration: 00:54:41 (3281 seconds)
👀 Views: 145 | 👍 Likes: 11
📝 Video Description:
00:00 – Intro
01:14 – Nomar Garciaparra swing analysis
05:44 – Steve Balboni swing analysis
09:49 – Mark Grace swing analysis
16:13 – Pat Sheridan swing analysis
20:22 – Rickey Henderson swing analysis
21:19 – analysis of conventional baseball swing instruction
In this video I analyze several MLB player’s swings and end by giving you my thoughts on some baseball swing instruction videos that have been posted online.
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🎙 Channel: Jaime Cevallos
🌍 Channel Country: United States
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what’s up guys thanks for tuning in today we’re going to look at a a few swings some requests that that people had out there and uh let’s let’s start with Nar Garcia Pera just had a request for this guy what an underrated hitter Nar Garcia Pera was so look he was 16 he is 166 on the pound-for-pound list so you know he weighed 1 about 170 and and uh hit a home run every like 24 I want to say at bats let’s see yeah 24.39% um here’s a guy who regardless he wasn’t very big he was you know if we compare him to like Derek Jeter Derek Jeter people know is a pretty overrated player great player for sure but overrated uh because he played for the Yankees and because he you know was on World Series winning teams but if you look at someone like Garcia perah like he was pretty much at a different level even than Derek Jeter because he had not only a better batting average he was three points higher batting average so basically the same batting average but I mean I think he hit like double the home runs in terms of the rate at which he hit home runs somewhere around there so you had considerably more power he man he hit 372 led the league in a batting average in 2000 and in 1999 he had a 357 batting average and that led the league as well he was second in the MVP voting in 98 man just 98 99 in 2000 he just was tearing it up had 35 homers in 98 with a 320 3 batting average and was second in the in the MVP voting W rookie the year the year before that in ’97 with a um 306 batting average and 30 homers that’s a heck of a rookie season let’s take a look at his swing pretty pretty still you know often times people think that I really taco truck driving by a lot of times people think that I really need to have a lot of movement of the bat as you go into redirection we do tend to see that from some guys who tend to have like really ridiculous high amounts of power but you also see a lot of just not a lot of movement from guys who are very high up on the pound-for-pound list Garcia per didn’t move very much at all to start the swing and that’s that’s really okay uh maybe that’s a little bit of a sign of someone who possibly has a little bit higher of a batting average you know he’s not willy-nilly with his Bat he’s not just kind of like you know maybe maybe you can kind of gauge more where the barrel is through contact if you’re not moving so much you know some people could argue that and maybe that’s the case but let’s talk about as we get into the swing the things that really matter that’s what I like to really focus on I mean yeah you know there are certain things that might increase batting average or power in minute ways right but I’d really like to focus on the things that matter the most you know and you can see this is really to me what matters he’s getting hand depth here look at how compressed that lead arm is against his body I think that’s key to get the most out of your body weight and not just that it’s also a consistency thing and what’s funny is the the exact opposite is taught you know pretty much every coach out there who coaches the baseball swing is going to say that this is like pulling the lead shoulder or dragging the barrel it’s just they just haven’t done their homework I mean that’s all there is to it this is a great move and as you do this you want the barrel to flatten out and Garcia Pera looks great here great looking swing you know his swing reminds me a little bit of uh another pound-for-pound great let’s see where Balon is on the pound-for-pound list Balon is 220 so they’re really close to each other on the pound-for-pound list very similar swings see not a lot of movement as he goes into his stride B bony was a big guy I think he was 63 220 somewhere around there and then you can see he just kind of doesn’t get quite the front humorous compression as Garcia Pera also a lot of times guys will lean over towards the plate and it’s harder to tell you know how much his barrels flattening because it looks a little steeper than it normally would if he was more straight up and down I’m not a huge fan of tilting like this I just think it’s unnecessary uh I know that is you know these days the conventional teaching is to have this tilt and stay in your posture and all that stuff I it’s neither here nor there for the most part but since it’s neither here nor there I just think why do it it’s harder on the body harder on the joints but B bony did do this it was just kind of the way he swung uh but unbelievable hitter really in his own way I think I want to see he had some like ridiculous minor league stat let me see if I can pull that out home runs no I mean he hit a lot he hit a lot of home runs but basically the same amount that he hit in the major leagues the most he ever hit was uh an 85 for Kansas City and I do believe they won the World Series and I think this is footage actually that I’m showing right now of the World Series he had 36 that year never really had quite a high batting average and that kind of hurt him he hit 301 in uh double A and I think that was the only time he hit above 300 in all his professional career yeah it was 301 with 34 homers anyways so great looking swing you can see look at that position there at contact I mean that’s that is great you know the back arm is real loose and relaxed the lead arm is uh nice and straight which you could have it bent too but I really like to see that back arm loose here I mean of course you’re going to have to go out and get pitches sometimes you’re not going to be perfectly on time but I want to see that a hitter is at least capable of this position at contact guys real quick I just want to tell you about uh my new book out I know some of you guys are golfers but not everyone uh but it’s called I figured out the golf swing not a real modest title check that out at the swing mechanic.com if you guys have friends who play golf let them know about it I’d appreciate that uh also we have a golf swing Retreat coming up in May it’ll be uh in Carmel By the Sea California check that out at the swing mechanic.com and I appreciate you guys and let’s move on here so great looking swing there I like the way Boni finishes there’s no flip you know there’s no flip there here he is again nice compression of the lead arm back arm is nice and loose as he’s using more of his body weight to go through and then again no flip there everything finishes all at once another swing I wanted to do is Mark Grace Mark Grace let’s look at his stats he was more of a high average guy there was another Mark Grace that played recently I guess started in 2015 yeah Mark Grace was an interesting man he was so much like George Brett I think in many ways he had he had more of a high average I want to say hit 326 in 1995 that’s excellent the next year he had 331 the next year 319 then 30 9 309 again so extremely high average finished with a 119 Ops plus which is excellent and 173 homers let’s see if he’s even on the pound-for-pound list yeah he is he’s way down there but weighed 190 and hit a home run every 46.6 to at bats and is number 937 on the pound-for-pound list now you’ll see something in his swing that I think is pretty common in these guys who are high average and decent power guys and we’ll take a look at some of those guys to compare him to but notice there’s no hand depth here remember the Garcia Paris swing he had that lead arm I mean grace gets the lead arm very straight but there’s not as much compression this is something that possibly could help with batting average again to kind of know where the barrel is in space it might help just a little bit more to have less compression of the lead arm I am in no way saying that it’s worth it what I would rather you do is learn where the barrel is in space with this lead arm compression by practicing having more lead arm compression and and Swinging um off a te or whatever just to get to know the barrel awareness but you know ideally like if we if contact was the only thing we were trying to do of course we’d have our hands right in front of our chest and we just kind of flick at it or we you know when you’re bunting your hands are just right in front of your chest right you know where the barrel is in space you can see it out of the corner of your eye uh it’s more comfortable in a way to have the barrel kind of not getting so far behind you but what I would say to contradict that and maybe play The Devil’s Advocate there is just get better at at allowing the barrel to get more behind you you maybe not knowing exactly where it is in space and uh and Swinging that way and you’ll get better you’ll get better as you do it but if you’re kind of if you have this crutch of oh I need the barrel to be right out here and I can see it and well you’re always going to be kind of a slap hitter there is a little bit of with the power hitters there’s a little bit of you know freewheeling it in a way they are take they’re they’re okay with taking their Cuts taking hard cuts and taking a chance you know I may not make any contact but I’m sure as heck going to put a hard swing on this ball anyways so Grace very much like a George Brett or a Wade bogs here his his lead arm doesn’t compress all that much up against his body but very goodlook positions through the swing not a lot of flip you can see right there very George Brett likee Wade bogs did kind of a similar thing see how there’s not a whole lot of front humorous compression there but everything else is right on you know he still gets the barrel dropping nice and flat just nice position there at contact but what the person Grace really reminds me of is George Brett there you can see not a lot of front humorous compression everything pretty much stays right where it is from the start of his stride to the start of the swing and this is again this is a beautiful position there like Grace at contact and he looks very much like Grace as he goes through the swing um I would honestly I would say look you might sacrifice a little bit inconsistency right maybe and I’m not even conceding that that would definitely happen but what I would want is man at this point maybe even get a little bit of hand action going here so you can get feel more of that compression of the lead arm as you head into the forward swing the power increase will be way worth it because you’re not only going to have more bat speed because the hands are starting from a farther back position but you’re also going to tend to be more rotated at contact and therefore you’re going to have more mass behind the hit too so the power is just going to be much more just by getting that hand depth let’s take a look at some average guys swings I like to mix this up every now and then this is Pat Sheridan if we look at his stats I mean he weighed 175 he didn’t hit very many many home runs had a 91 Ops plus let’s see see if I can find him here weigh 175 he um the most home runs he had was in 1988 he had 11 home runs in 347 at bats which actually isn’t too bad but uh had an Ops plus that year of 111 and mostly though he was a single digits home runs every year and had a 253 batting average so just your average Major League hitter which means you’re still going to see lead armed dominance I mean to make it to the major leagues you’re most likely going to have to have some lead armed dominance right and there you can see a little bit right Barrel flattening out a little bit of front humorous compression but you can see the flipping going on through contact you can see that look at remember the guys we just looked at right now bogs had a little bit of this action after contact where the bat would flip but that was he had very good positions very well-connected positions at contact for the most part but he just halted his body rotation so early and possibly that helped him with consistency but just cuz it would have his Barrel kind of flatter not flatter but not flipping over as much through the zone and then it would flip over afterwards but the key is really these positions back here I mean Sheridan is not getting he’s coming pretty steep with the bat he’s not getting a lot of front humorous compression at all and then he likes to just kind of flip at the ball really let’s let take a look at another one so you can you can see I mean the moral of of this particular Vlog is is going to be getting hand depth get the hand depth as you start into the forward swing if you can flow into it great if you don’t want to flow into it do what Garcia perah did which is just kind of sink into it the hands just kind of fall into it you can flow into it though and it looks like if we look at the best pound-for-pound hitters they tend to have a little bit of flowing action I mean griffy had a just a little bit but still a little bit is something right but Sheridan just kind of fires out from there and he’s just missing out on so much power and and not to mention it’s like he gets crunched up through contact you’re just not going to get a whole lot of power and you’re not going to get a whole lot of consistency either but so many people and I’m sure Sheridan bought into this too where they think that if you’re going to have have power you got to sacrifice consistency what’s crazy about that is why don’t they just look at the greatest hitters of all time I mean Babe Ruth Ted Williams Hank Aaron Willie Mays these guys had high levels of power and high levels of consistency right so obviously it’s possible you don’t have to sacrifice it what I would say is go for extremely high levels of power no matter what your size and go for very high levels of consistency if you go for just high high levels of consistency it seems like guys who do that want to Veer towards things that unnecessarily decreased their power Ricky Henderson rest in peace Ricky Henderson one of my favorite players to watch he is a pound-for-pound great let’s see where he is on the list Ricky Henderson was uh is 605 on the pound-for-pound list so he also didn’t have a whole lot of movement of the bat as he’s heading into to the forward swing just kind of pretty stationary doesn’t get the amount of front humorous compression that I’d like to see but often times achieved nice well connected positions here at contact so you can do very well without getting a whole lot of front humorous compression going so let’s talk about some methods out there some conventional instruction going on out there this I don’t know this guy’s name but it’s out front hitting now he’s showing this guy what he’s doing let’s just listen I’m trying to exaggerate front arm over the ball and keep my chest down so I think my chest forward yeah okay I know yeah yeah and then the ribs down is I feel this in my St yeah and then stay there I that last week and that’s what yeah and yeah and then stay there cuz like you were like and you’re going away to try to get the hands up yes instead of hold the space hold the space hold the space that way so like if you see mookie or belly or those guys do it it’s like it’s that move it’s I’m trying to go there to get the front arm over not there okay so a couple things come to mind when I see this one conventional instruction is making guys just more stiff if you notice this kind of teaching is is it’s wanting it’s basically wanting less movement it’s like just stay hold he even said Hold Your Position so it’s this rotation around a a a spine angle that’s staying basically in the same place everything is confining the swing and it’s unnecessary that’s the thing when you’re when you’re confining movement and it has nothing to do with doing any better then you are actually going backwards you’re not it’s not just neutral uh now talking about another thing is that I don’t like ever instructing big muscle movement I mean possibly he was leaning basically he’s saying don’t lean back you know kind of stay forward into the hit um I guess I kind of I kind of like that teaching but not in the way that he’s doing it because again it’s confining and restricting it’s like this they want this very stiff robotic kind of Swing again you know I’ve said this so many times instruction guys I was there too I mean I honestly this is probably why I I I’m so antagonistic against it is because I fell into it too the the idea that better mechanics whatever sport you’re talking about is more confined and restricted and robotic you know it’s it might be because we are almost like so influenced by machines you know we look at like the machines of factories or the the computers and phones that we have and everything is just very rigid you know and very uh clean and concise and packed and you know it’s and so maybe that’s influ influencing us but I don’t think that that’s what good mechanics is when you see good mechanics you know it because it’s beautiful to the eye and sure it could be something that’s very confined and restricted you know I’m not saying great mechanics can’t be that but that’s not what it is for example someone like Nick price uh had a very confined sort of robotic kind of golf swing so does uh Robert I want to say Robert Lock but that’s not the right Rock I think his last name is rock or something anyways there’s some golfers who have very um kind of robotic type of swings but that’s just because that’s what they developed they’re not trying to be that way that’s just the swing that they developed and it happens to be very robotic like there may be baseball players with that kind of swing as well but that’s just not coming to mind right now but there may be some pitches where you have to kind of lean back like that maybe you get I mean are you going to tell yourself oh I messed up cuz I lean back there’s some pitches where you have to lean really far forward in my opinion I think you can that’s the thing is I think that all this talk of like spine angle must be straight and not moving and tilt this way and then that contact this way and all this it’s making people way too mental that’s I’m trying to get across an idea and it’s hard to but I don’t I think that his teaching there is just making it it’s making it too mental like what if he needs to move back a little bit to create some space to hit a certain pitch in his mind he’s going to be thinking oh I’m messing up as as he’s doing it I don’t think there’s anything messing messed up about having to lean back a little bit to hit a pitch it happens hitting is messy guys hitting is messy but your mechanics as long as you just focus only on what matters then other than that allow yourself to be messy allow your spine angle to move all over the place in order to hit the pitch but do what matters which is more lead side and less back arm do that and other than that allow it to be messy that’s going to be a huge Advantage for you the more that you’re confined and sticking in this one little spot I mean pitchers these days are loving that these guys who just these days rotating on the back femur I’m not saying that this guy uh advocates for that teaching but you know pitchers are loving guys who rotate on the back femur just hang back on the back I mean that’s just a fancy way of saying stay back I mean that you know fire a fast ball high and inside and then throw that breaking ball low away and you’re going to have them waving at the pitch you know you’re also going to have them it’s going to be hard to hit that high and inside fast ball too because you’re hanging back you’re going going to tend to throw the hands out more rather than rather than getting your weight moving forward and basically using your rotation to hit the ball it’s there’s a just a lot of nonsense going on out there guys and no offense to this guy like he just you know he’s teaching his conventional stuff but I just it’s kind of unfortunate to see because it really doesn’t benefit anyone but the instructors who are getting paid um a lot of guys are teaching the swing that I mean I just I don’t know I it makes me wonder sometimes like why why are these I see Major League guys like getting advice from these from from guys just teaching this conventional it’s really unfortunate cuz those guys are making a living with their swing so let’s hear what uh this is Wes Helms former major leager doesn’t mean anything that you’re a former major leager when you’re teaching the swing that’s pretty standard there are tons of former Major Leaguers teaching the swing and teaching stuff that I really don’t agree with and I don’t agree with this let’s listen to it everything works here and then goes the top hand’s going to deliver the barrel the eyes like I told you that’s are going to see I mean that’s insane to say the top hand’s going to he’s lit camwood bats is literally saying the 100% opposite of what I say like 100% like the guy before this it’s not really that I disagree with the stuff he’s saying I just don’t think he’s teaching stuff that really matters I don’t think it’s going to I mean I I just don’t think it’s going to really drastically improve anyone it may not hurt people but it’s it may hurt people just because it’s like stuff that doesn’t matter so it’s putting swing thoughts in your head for movements and positions that just don’t matter when it comes to camwood bats they are teaching the exact opposite from what I teach so you can’t like you can’t be on the fence between me and them like it is 100% opposite like he they want the the backand to dominate the swing they want no rotation going on in the swing again they’re just teaching the conventional 80s stuff I dropped that stuff decades ago like most people did I don’t know why that this is like I don’t know why it must just be people who I don’t know who they cater to I I just I don’t see the draw towards them for anybody because they’re just saying stuff from the 80s I mean haven’t we kind of moved on but I guess people like it I don’t know I guess there pitch so when the pitch is on outside corner our eyes see that but if we start here this way see the whole rotating like these guys are just against rotation like sorry guys you have to rotate the swing even the guys who try not to rotate like you’re still rotating I mean if you look at guys who try not to you know pull their front shoulder out guys like bregman you know this whole idea of not pulling the front shoulder out they still end up pulling the front shoulder out just as much as you would if you were you know more lead arm dominant you have to rotate the swing I hate to break it to you guys the whole idea of not rotating the swing it comes from again the whole consistency craze in baseball like the the The Prudent thing is to not go for power don’t pull your shoulder open you selfish power hitter don’t you know how to be a team player and so the idea is if you never pull your shoulder open dude you never commit to the pitch I hate to break it to you guys you have to end up committing to the pitch at some point just deal with it like it’s like going to a casino and wanting to win a lot of money but you don’t ever want to risk anything it’s not going to happen sorry guys you’re going to have to pull that lead shoulder out and that’s okay see my bat my bat’s going to be like this oh no even balls you hit to right field are going to start I just wonder how much video has like has this guy ever taken an interest in in video because video taught me way early on again decades ago wow I was like wow all this Barrel straight down like that’s not what the great hitters are doing that’s not what any of the greatest hitters and when I say greatest hitters I’m sorry but Tony Gwyn and Wade bogs and Slappy McGee like that while I respect them and guys I was the biggest fan of these guys I hated power hitters I literally hated power hitters when I was growing up for the same reason that a lot of people do I think it just it strikes you as they’re not they’re not Craftsman you know what I mean they’re they’re not technical they don’t work on their swing they don’t hit off teas they just go up there and Grunt and hit home runs you know but it as sorry they’re more valuable they’re way more valuable and when you look at the best of all time they have a flattening of the barrel behind them this is where you know sorry skank is right about that he’s getting the feeling wrong Richard skank is getting the feeling wrong it’s not a snapback and that has to do with the fact that he’s he wasn’t ever an athlete you know he’s just guessing he working it out in his garage and not that I’m the greatest athlete but you have to have some understanding of you know you got to be I think it helps to to understand movement basically be someone who moves a lot um to understand that it’s not a snapping back move it’s not a forcing the barrel back it’s that the barrel flattens out because your back arm is not overexerting so you get this if you swing with just your lead arm you’ll see this you get that front humorous compression as you start forward and the barrel is going to kind of align with the rotation of your body as you do that this guy hasn’t even SE gotten interested in video enough to see that the barrel has to flatten out behind you and all the great hitters had that right instead of this so that’s why it’s so important that we get here and go this way see so here’s the big problem I have and this goes for the guy before this video any of the teachers out there again this is kind of the theme of this Vlog is get that hand depth I mean I’m not saying that’s a static position I’m saying pass through a position where you have hand depth as you start the the forward swing whether you want to say front humorous compression however you want to say that but get yourself some hand depth you can see this guy is just this is a huge problem with conventional instruction they totally ignore this link in the chain if you will of getting this front humorous compression getting the hand depth as you start forward because they’re all so indoctrinated inculcated into this idea that you can’t drag the barrel or you can’t you know uh bar out the lead arm or or else the barrel is going to drag through the zone and so they honestly they’re operating under this assumption so they don’t they don’t even really realize anymore that they’re missing this key piece it’s like a fish noticing that noticing water you know they just are in it you know they don’t notice it it’s just that’s the Paradigm they’ve been in for so long that they don’t even notice they’re missing a link in the chain you’re not getting as much of your body rotation into the hit if you miss this link in the chain it’s got to kind of compress and kind of slap up against your body at some point in the forward swing so even though that pitch is away my first initial move see that he’s not getting it’s not it’s just straight it’s just from here straight out and then what he’s saying is it’s not this like these aren’t even false that’s another thing that conventional instruction will do like like why would anyone do that like bar the arm and then go out towards like the The Dugout over there like they they do again it’s just a lack of like interest in mechanics in my opinion I’m sorry A lot of these guys I think I’m not saying that’s the case with this guy but a lot of these guys who teach the swing I think they just wanted to stay in baseball you know they just thought I don’t know I just don’t see the interest ever the curi it about the swing you know it’s just it can’t be there it can’t be there because who are you what positions are you exactly talking about what what players exemplify the kind of swing that you’re even talking about it’s not this way inside it’s here and then all of a sudden that see look how steep that is no humorous compression no hand depth the Barrel’s just super Steep and that’s what he wants and then look no body rotation he’s going to go to contact as I come I’m still going straight like this is ridiculous you’re instructing like this is what today’s instructors do like go straight here and then you’re going to flatten out here and don’t move back here and keep it’s like dude this is a 1 second movement give me a feel give me a simple feel man and I have that for you more lead side less back arm exertion it’s real simple guys other than that don’t worry about your spine angle and this and that do whatever you want you want to tilt if that’s the natural way you want to tilt over towards the plate do it there have been great hitters who have done that my top hand look at that takes the barrel look at that position there at contact that he’s advocating guys this guy’s totally bought into the just make contact mentality that’s out there in in instruction Barry Bonds always says it oh so if Barry Bonds always said it let’s all just brush under the rug that he actually took a lot of steroids why why I’m not saying the guy was I know the response he was a Hall of Fame hit before before the steroids do you know when he started taking steroids you know exactly when cuz I would imagine it was probably somewhere around 1990 so that would make his you know pretty much all of his high home run years just cheating years we don’t know when he took him but why are we looking at Barry Bonds and and I like his swing I think it’s great but God forbid first of all don’t listen listen to Major League hitters just CU they played Major League Baseball just because even they did great at Major League Baseball in Major League Baseball doesn’t mean that they have something to teach how do I phrase this that everything they say about the swing is correct they may have stuff to teach about the swing of course or I but oftentimes you you just don’t want to listen to Major Leaguers talk about the swing you want to watch what they what they did when they swung you want to see how they developed their swing when you do that what you’re going to find is so many of these guys developed lead arm dominant swings and that is really the key and they did it uncons at at an age where they weren’t even conscious that they were doing it so how are they going to teach you anything about the swing it really bothers me that that we for a while there everyone was like down on Barry Bonds and I don’t care either way I’m not like a fan of any player but we were you know disparaging of him for like five years after we realized that he took steroids right and then all of a sudden it’s like in Vogue to to not only to just brush it under the rug that he took steroids I mean again I don’t care if you like him hate him I’m not playing that game the game I’m playing is let’s find the best way to swing and to do that why are we listening why are we listening to a drugie of a steroid chunkie why are we even looking at his swing because his numbers are going to throw you off big time right why are we going to look at a guy who who gained 50 lbs or whatever he gained of muscle of pure muscle too basically we’re not talking 50 pounds of fat I mean Adam dun not that he’s fat but like that’s more of just a big guy like got some chubs maybe got some muscle just a big guy right bonds gained like that’s significant when you’re talking most of your body weight is muscle that’s huge so it’s guys in any sport steroid completely changes the game when we’re talking about swing mechanics let’s not choose the one guy who took the most steroids let’s not choose the guy who’s 280 PBS can we do that there are plenty more guys to choose from why don’t we stick with guys below 210 that I would even be happy with that but I would be happiest with let’s look at the really light guys let’s look at guys 180 and Below who just mashed you know Stan musal uh melot uh Ben olvy uh Oscar gamble Eric Davis Willie Mays let’s look at those guys I mean anyways sorry rant there just from one thing that he said in the beginning take the ball throw this ball right here say hi to go get it yeah you know watch okay I didn’t go get it I don’t get that do you guys get that he basically moved his lead arm hand as much as he moved his back arm hand I don’t get it but again notice I know what he’s saying he’s saying just catch the ball at works when you’re 250 lbs or whatever bonds was of pure muscle guys he could get away away with stuff that was less than ideal when it comes to teaching the swing I want to teach ideal right Bond it’s it’s comical that bond is saying all you have to do is catch the ball yeah for you all no hand depth at all just boom and he did he started getting less and less hand depth as he got stronger because he’s just so muscly I liked his swing back in ‘ 89 and ‘ 88 so so this whole teaching of I mean it’s comical it really is like okay so you just want to catch the ball so why don’t we just put our hands right here and why don’t we just bunt why don’t we just do this why get any hand depth at all if you’re really just trying to catch the ball you like the back catch it catch the ball with your back hand so I’m catching the ball with my back in that keeps me behind the ball Barry Bond said it all the time what does that even mean it keeps me behind the ball again this this is that vague teaching that conventional instruction we guys we should not settle for that anymore keeps me behind the ball sorry what exactly does that mean I mean a ball basically can’t have anything behind it because it’s a sphere I don’t even know what it means or how are you supposed to not be behind the ball like would that mean hitting the ball like this I’m in front of the ball that way I’m hitting it this way I don’t know behind it and you’re leaving your back hit too yes I’m G to catch I want to catch the ball with my back hand she goes I do that she she goes nice oh always let the ball travel I always stay behind the ball because when I let the ball travel it keeps my front side from coming out so that front side coming out guys that’s a doozy that’s that’s another one you know just catch the ball right there yeah and that’s all you’re doing so there you have it guys I disagree I disagree with the conventional approach uh this whole contact centered approach this scared kind of poke the ball the other way be prudent that’s the wise thinking man’s way to hit it’s not it’s not I’m sorry I look Babe Ruth never hit off a te in his life he never thought about his swing I’m sure maybe he thought quickly about how I don’t know maybe he thought once in a while my swing is awesome that’s about it that’s that doesn’t mean that the way he swung isn’t something isn’t beautiful great mechanics and really the right way to swing and that goes for Hank Aaron and Willie Mays and all these guys who didn’t do what the conventional approach is trying to teach you to do but they were way more valuable I mean we’re talking Ops Plus Babe Ruth had a 206 Ops plus lifetime Ted Williams had a 191 Ops plus 191 206 that’s insane that’s almost doubling the Ops plus of guys who are pretty damn good uh it’s time that swing instruction kind of gets on a different page you know this whole idea of this contact centered instruction it’s played out it’s played out and and I felt for it hook line and sinker guys I did I was Allin on that kind of swing it never got me anywhere and uh in facilities around the country we are churning out HS at an astonishing Pace in this country who are buying into this kind of swing and honestly we should be dominating in the world the only positive we have going for us is the world is kind of following us right now in all this conventional swing teaching you see even the Dominican Republic I mean they’re still doing a lot of their sand lot just natural but they’re starting to kind of instruct kids a lot the best thing we can do for this in this country right now is to teach the lead side the more lead side method when you need to teach but other than that just let kids play man stop stop the drilling of this stupid swing that’s being taught and just let kids play they they’ll learn a great swing on their own uh most of the time and for those who don’t then we can give them a little leadside instruction make them make their back arms behave a little bit but uh another thing we could do which would drastically improve haters in this country is to just have them every little league coach out there just have kids start off Swinging with their non-dominant arm in back that would be that would change everything in 10 to 20 years we would if we on a mass scale started doing that we would dominate in baseball again uh which you know back in the early 1900s we dominated like there was no country even close to us we should get back to that and we can baseball is about hitting it really I know people want to say it’s small ball mat it’s you know poke it there and be smart and sorry guys it’s about hitting the team that can rake is going to crush the team that tries to small ball that was the whole John McGraw thing when Babe Ruth showed up babeth showed up and everyone hated it because he just like squashed John McGraw who was kicking people’s butts with his small ball approach Babe Ruth just said that small ball approach is a joke like I’m going to I’m going to like with one swing I’m going to take care of that few those few runs that you produced with all your thinking and uh hitting runs and hit to the opposite way and Bunting and all that junk I mean I’m sorry but when the small ball team faces a team with power Hitters from one to nine and you can teach your hitters to be power hitters one to nine they’re just going to get crushed by the power hitters it’s it the wise thing to do is to teach your team how to swing properly and that means using more of their lead side less of their back arm exertion put your energy towards doing that and you don’t have to think about all this small ball stuff I’m sorry I don’t think that it really ever is wise to get into small ball I just don’t I think it’s too much sacrificing outs and I know a lot of people disagree with me out there but I think they’re just conditioned by conventional instruction thank you guys for watching check out my website the swing mechanic.com um and I’ll see you next time [Music]
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Disclaimer: This video is embedded directly from YouTube. All rights to the video and content belong to the original creator, Jaime Cevallos. For more details, please visit the original source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSXEgBenmIc.