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Thanksgiving Mount Rushmore, FAU Football Rumors & FAU Basketball Updates | UPress Play: Episode 14

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In collaboration with OwlTV, Owl Radio and University Press, Maddox, Megan, JD and Cameron are back for β€œUPress Play” …

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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

[Music] welcome back to ESS play a sports show produced by fa student media we’re live streaming on Al TV’s YouTube channel I’m JD joined alongside me is Cameron Megan and Maddox for what we believe is the final time me and Cameron will be graduating December 13th and uh it’s been a while since it’s been the four of us you know uh we had um Morgan on the show uh uh in place of me uh Cam’s there um you guys did a really great job but it’s uh you know it’s that time where the the torch gets passed the Baton gets passed um you know we grow and we move on to the next chapter of our lives but we wanted to just be able to do one last show the four of us you know and uh just kind of run through run through the tape for for me and Cameron will’ll be graduating and um you guys will be taking that next step running the show Megan will still be running the sports section for the University press uh as well as she’s been doing it this semester and Maddox is going to be taking that next step with our radio so um how we feeling guys it’s it’s I don’t want to like be really like too sappy or anything I want to be able to do the show but it’s it’s really crazy I feel like for for me and me Maddox and Cameron cuz I was actually going through the Spotify episodes back when we were only on our radio yeah and um we’ve got a good amount of episodes under our belt we’ve talked uh we’ve talked a lot of ball and um there’s honestly a lot of really great memories but before we start to reminisce how we feeling how’s the week been uh so far week’s been feeling uh very quick for me to me every single day felt like a Friday just CU I’m like I’m just waiting for like next week when I’m heading back home for Thanksgiving break I’m like just when is that day coming when is that day coming when’s a week going to be over but um today’s Friday thank god um last couple class last couple of classes uh for me have one more on Monday but after that I’m done for regular classes and then uh finals but I’m just looking forward uh to getting R for Thanksgiving break up about you guys yeah this week it’s felt long it’s been a lot of basketball which is nice um but it was nice today my professor brought it was our last class and she brought us all munchkins if we actually showed up so got a little treat this morning what with Professor was that Professor ash oh oh shout out shout out Ivy Ash yeah she’s she’s a great one um yeah no I have my last class to uh December 4th broadcast journalism with uh Petri I’ll be presenting like my senior project if you will uh and then I had my last class yesterday for one of my marketing classes and uh my professor did the same thing she brought Donuts but it’s funny cuz it’s like a hbd class so like a majority of the students didn’t show up um and it’s it was also it’s a it’s a night class it’s 6:30 to 9:30 so like donuts were kind of like those end of the day Donuts so like weren’t really like but you know it’s a thought it’s a thought that counts and um you know I really appreciated that but what about you Cam uh busy news cycle this week so I’ve been like writing a lot between football and basketball different stuff uh I won’t get into just yet I know we’ll talk about it but um like you said just busy rapping things up um but excited to talk one last time with you guys yeah yeah it it definitely has been a busy news cycle for for FAU Sports and sports as a whole which we’ll definitely be getting into in today’s show but uh I just want to be able to like uh provide the opportunity just to like you know being that this is like the the ultimate show the last show um just like if you guys have any favorite memories from when we were back doing it in radio or you know Megan when you first came on for the first show when we had you as a guest uh as like a a spot uh for when the Lions were you know doing really good last season one of my favorite memories that I remember was we were in the middle of our show and this was back when we were still in the radio Studio we were doing the Instagram live shout out to the people watching on Instagram live and um the news broke that chase young had got traded to the San Francisco 49ers like live and I remember that was just like really cool anytime you get like breaking news big or small happening while you’re doing your show cuz then you get a live reaction into it I remember we were all super stoked and that it was going to be like such a big deal and then you know fast forward a few months and the Niners ended up losing in the Super Bowl and Chase young ended up signing with the New Orleans Saints so you know one of those moves that in the moment it felt like oh man like you know the the rich get richer I think is what I remember saying and um you know it didn’t even end up mattering so I think that’s just like a a really great example of like how sports news really is is where especially with trade news you think that it ends up being it’s going to be a big deal but then it ends up not really panning out that way but that was definitely uh one of the ones that I can kind of remember on the spot right now yeah I think for me there’s like two come to mind one is obviously also back to our days when we were uh filming at Al radio station and uh I made the Bold NBA hot take that when Bama was going to win like rookie of the year was going to be like a bust in a way remember you and Cameron ripping me for that and I ate my own words because wanyama had great rookie uh campaign and also great year this year definitely going to be Allstar so of course I was wrong about that but the other one was um the one that you that night that me Megan and JD all did which was interviewing coach John jacus that was a very interesting thing also our first collaboration with Al TV that kind um kind of resulted in this um Studio as working here so that’s actually I it’s actually kind of sad that I kind of forgot about that I forgot that that was like a part of this technically yeah it wasn’t its own we kind of you know campaigned marketed it the RO went on the road went on the road no that was s that was such a cool experience and the fact that cuz weren’t you the one that landed that yeah yeah so that was a great land from you um I don’t know what my favorite I mean I had fun last year getting to go on it for the first time and definitely in the radio setting it was a lot more kind of chill and with this whole setup I absolutely love it but I still feel like I’m getting used to the lights um the lights were brighter than expected like I feel like anytime um two of us just get into a heated debate it’s always entertaining umon yeah mostly you two um mostly we’ll be having our sidebar like yo can you believe that they’re still talking right now but um I don’t know just like it’s always fun I feel like no you’ve been a great addition to the show and I think like you definitely bring up a good point where like we really enjoyed like the uh I guess like I’ll say like the commer setting of radio um because you know with with the lights you know the production shout out to to michell our producer and all the people that have helped volunteer you know working the cameras it’s definitely felt like a lot more professional you know being behind the desk and whatnot um which is cool to get those reps but you know me having like a little bit of like the radio experience with my internships uh I really did like that setting of you know not having to worry about how’s my hair look how am I dressed um I felt like we definitely were I don’t want to use the word like runchy but I feel like we were little maybe a little bit more loose with what we’re CU we’re also like it we we were live you know on radio but we weren’t live with the cameras and you know uh we were still like figuring out how we wanted to Market things um how we wanted to promote on social media and then now with having the cameras we’ve started making the clips which I think has been really great for like the social media growth um but yeah I mean it’s been really cool to see all our growth and stuff like that but what about you cam um someone actually took mine but I’d say mine probably would be when me and JD did like an impromptu like live reaction I don’t even know if we’d call it pod cuz I think we it kind of like a pod Instagram live and then like posted it later um on Spotify but it was from Barkley’s after FAU lost to Northwestern um in the round one of the tournament last year um we kind of just like were standing in like the media area and we probably looked really dumb cuz it was like we had like our just a phone set up like behind a backpack and we’re just like standing at a chair um but I think that one got really good uh like traction we got some we got some good juice on that podcast and it was just fun you know acting like we’re professional journalists at the NCA tournament and it’s just like well we are we were we are true we we were on our stuff it just that that whole weekend you know getting to cover FAU like with my dog um I always like look back on that Fally yeah it’s it man my memory is really bad cuz that’s a really good one too that I really I that was really fun to do um and it’s funny because it wasn’t even in like the media like room so Barclays is like a really nice stadium and so where the there’s like um I guess all uh NBA arenas have this where there’s like a practice court in the facilities and um that’s where they like had media set up and where they were doing like uh the postgame media for like the players and the coaches was like in that back court and then right next to that was kind of like one of those I don’t know what you like kind of like VIP like the people that pay for like VIP like that they get like the food section the club section thank you yeah so we were literally just standing in the club section and that was a really cool memory because I remember uh I ran into John Fanta who’s um like a big uh college basketball like I don’t know Insider commentator um meeting him was was kind of funny and it was in that room and yeah I think I I remember like I don’t really even remember if that was like planned like beforehand or if we were just kind of like you know I had uh the lab mics that connect right into my phone and I was like I remember we were in contact with uh the audio producer at the time Amelia who uh we were like hey so like we’re going to use these mics and just trying to make sure that the quality was as crisp as possible so that we could upload it so I mean I I got to say I’m pretty proud of like the the stuff that we’ve accomplished with this show you know historically it’s always been that the sports editor takes a charge of the show and you know I think it’s just great that that student media has that that allows that outlet uh for for people to talk ball because you know when we’re reporting it’s very you know we like to do things by the book do things professionally you know we’ll write a column here or there but we don’t really get dive too much into our opinion but being able to have the show where we can get into those things I think has been really cool for us MH but without further Ado we’re going to get into our our final FAU homecoming topic well final for me and cam you guys will probably I hope keep the uh keep the tradition going the housekeeping going uh with FAU football uh absolutely insane Fiasco uh that went on what was that Wednesday that was I want to say Monday maybe ear no it Wednesday yeah Wednesday absolutely insane start to the morning I thought I was going to be able to sleep in I was wrong because uh Adam schfer reported at let’s see what the time stamp is for this tweet uh at 9:24 a.m. that uh Hall of Fame linebacker Ray Lewis has quote and I notice that I’m putting quotations here has emerged as a candidate to become the next head coach at Florida Atlantic University sources were telling Adam Scher at ESPN uh you know obviously this is coming in Wake of the news that Tom Herman had been released from his duties as head coach and you know when my immediate knee-jerk reaction to this news was what I mean before we kind of get into the rest of the timeline uh about that I mean when you guys saw that tweet you know how how bought in were because you know I feel like when we see Adam schfer tweet something out you know when you’re the top NFL or football Insider for you know the the leader in sports media you you kind of take that take his word for it so what was kind of like your guys’s reaction when you saw that tweet did you really believe it at the time uh I think I I don’t know if I broke it to you guys but I like put like I think like the group chat with us being like yo what just happened I wrote like uh I reposted that being like what like I thought was like big news and everyone else that I follow on Twitter like related to um covering fa Sports we’re like no way this is this is incredible and some are like has like no coaching experience I don’t know how I’m feel about this but originally of course been like this is pretty interesting like now f is kind of G to the public attention a little bit of this crazy higher but then I was just shocked hearing almost soon after on the Tim table here about like less than 30 minutes after uh I think I came remember your colleague U Matt sinit I think his last name is he was the one who actually broke that turns out wasn’t true that also made me think wow shepter rarely he rarely gets anything wrong but this is one of his rare times he got something wrong like how did you like how would you get this like wrong in the way well I’ll tell you that you know my initial reaction was like oh this would be a disaster a because um he has no coaching experience um and to not only like like jump from no coaching experience to being a head coach is huge to jump from no coaching experience to be a head coach of a division one football program is a huge jump that I don’t think would be the right move at all for FAU I think this is a hire that they have to capitalize on I know that’s like a cliche um but you know you’ve had a streak of bad coaches you can’t mess this one up that is a huge huge swing for the fences um and you know I’m we I don’t think we should get into it at home but you know Ray Lewis has some like personal things in his past those comments are wild on Twitter um but it just that we won’t acknowledge I just per just different things that I I it would just be a bad bad hire which whenever it got reported there soon after I was like yeah the timing of that breaking was crazy because Tuesday the show we did just before that we were kind of saying or I think Cameron and you were saying that you would want them bring in a younger coach that has experienced winning and then with him no coaching experience that yeah complete opposite and that 30 minutes before like when everyone kind of thought this was actually happening Twitter was going insane and like I had just woke up and I was kind of like what like what is even going on in the world right now cuz that was not the news I was expecting at like 9:30 in the morning yeah and I think anytime that you see any sort of like top National reporter talking about our small little mid major school it’s kind of like pretty insane uh but yeah we’ll get in I I I’ll present the whole timeline for the viewers that that aren’t aware of at 9:24 a.m. is when shefer uh broke headlines saying that uh Ray Lewis was one of the top candidates for the job and then around 30 minutes later um Matt Matt Zenit for CBS Sports was saying that it was quote highly unlikely that FAU ends up hiring Ray Lewis and then trickling in were different reporters confirming that it wasn’t true um and the up doing our due diligence we reached out to some sources to to confirm that this uh news wasn’t true and um sources told me that it wasn’t true and that it was just uh too early to say that there was actually any sort of candidates to to be named right now uh which honestly after that had got confirmed to me from uh the source that wanted to stay Anonymous uh it just made me lose honestly a lot of respect for for Adam schfer and this isn’t the first time that this has happened you know with National reporters especially with reporters at ESPN where you know they they break news that is is you know a great talking point for First Take and you know the the get up you know the morning shows uh but it ends up you know resulting in you know a kind of scramble effect for for the local reporters that you know obviously it we’re in the business of news and it’s all for you know to grab eyes and attention so it was fun I guess in that regard to you know have to you know get that experience with with with um you know having to scramble talk to a bunch of different people and confirm whether it was true or not but I just think you know for for a top reporter like Adam schfer to to kind of you know leverage his trust with with the public and you know people that you know see him as like the main guy for news to to say something that immediately gets just shot down like that it it makes me want to question reports going forward from him because you know the question now is is you know based on you know people that have been in this industry for a long time you know the assumption is maybe and you know I’m in no place to accuse you know uh somebody who’s you know just making a name for themselves but people were saying that maybe Ray Lewis is interested in head coaching but you know this is just for you know uh an ability for him to finally put his name out there like you know what I am interested maybe I was never even had a single conversation with FAU but I want to start you know making my way and maybe it was a favor that Adam chefer you know uh did for a few people that he knows um which I’m not saying that that is the case but just you know for to have other reporters come out and say that the top you know national sports reporter is you know reporting on things that are just completely false and you have people in the program telling us that it’s false it just yeah it makes me question like what what are the motives behind reporting false news because that’s just not in the business that we’re in yeah I think also I think going back to what we said a couple uh shows ago um month or so back talking about when Adrien wowski when he um resigned and came you bringing up how like that’s like a very stressful job being an Insider because that like really you’re on the clock almost 24/7 you have hundreds of sources and that job’s pretty stressful so I’m wondering like maybe the stress either uh again that job for shefter is pretty stressful job so maybe the stress kind of got to him a little bit or whoever that Source was maybe not too much of a trustworthy Source again he really didn’t say exactly of course they really don’t say who the source is they’ll be like just source has told me this but I mean I think it’s just a lesson to like don’t take their word like at like face value um because like it’s a pretty like um when you step back like a couple of days that’s like a pretty like bold candidate even if like he he was being it was like the case um so it’s just like a lesson to be like maybe not question you know you know what I mean if that makes sense I think like all shows a little bit it’s just like there’s a little upside to this in a way with how like much publicity like FAU got within those like about half hour hour from it because I remember watching a thing on my ESPN app from ESPN radio and Chris KY he was like oh I believe this would be a good hire for them because first time coaching at a D1 level program has not had that great success and really no pressure on you you got to work there near South Beach you went to Miami so you know the area and this gives FAU publicity cuz with um when Dion went to Jackson State no one really was talking about Jackson State until Dion got there then people were talking about Jackson State those would be good for publicity for you but I think also in back of your head as FAU fans and journalists you’re thinking I much rather have a qualified candid coach this program and like has probably not had a coaching experience prior but has had Co college football coaching experience versus someone who doesn’t first time ever had coaching at all but has like a big name where like bring publicity to you like this is like the JJ re when went to the lake like his only coaching job was I I like a campy coach like a couple years ago and then going to the Lakers big jump but he was able to coach became a coach for major program yeah well since sheffler like broke the News That’s why everyone jumped on it that’s why I remember I know you were frustrated and I was kind of frustrated too cuz everyone else was getting their stories up about this before us because I thought okay this is big um and this is actually gonna happen and Shout out for Angelina for working on this so quickly too um but cuz if it was someone like like no offense but like Maddox if you tweeted that out I wouldn’t like have jumped on that and started writing an article what about Cameron well you were just closest to me so I went whatever um anyway okay if any of us tweeted that I would not have jumped on that and started writing an article so that’s what it kind of just it’s like who can you even it’s hard to tell who even can trust like in in this field because he might have got an unreliable source or like you said what if there’s like stuff going on behind the scenes because people definitely take handouts and will do things yeah I mean there’s two things I want to say in regards to what you’re saying Megan and what madx is saying you know I think that what your point about you know good publicity for the school you know I think we’ve talked about it on the show before that FAU has a great marketing team in regards to Athletics um you know they’ve really done a good job at uh you know pouring money into that department and you know capitalizing ever since the final four but I think this is just one of those kind of like philosophical questions of is there such thing as bad publicity because I know when the news broke with Cameron and and you know you guys talked about it on the show I didn’t get to watch too much of it last time but with you know the whole Fiasco with letting go of defensive coordinator Rock bellaton and then bringing him back and then he’s posting a graphic talking about I’m back to you know 50 Cent Many Men you know it’s kind of can can I quote you here go please it’s kind of a clown show whoa did I say that it’s kind a little bit I mean if you want to uh hop in I mean it it’s I just don’t think it was like ever I really don’t think it was ever like a serious um candidate honestly um I like I agree with um like about shefer I have no idea but as far as FAU again I really don’t think um a a coach with again no coaching experience at all really would like perk their ears at all um because it e even if they’re going to shy away from their like Mo their last two hiring Cycles um which were getting a coach with plenty experience like on the like tail end of their career there’s no matter what you know way they would go about it I I just don’t think this would fit it um and I think you know this that’s why it just did not take long for everyone else besides shefer to pounce on this being like this is wrong and even though like he didn’t say like the report didn’t say like oh he was going to be like a can like he was going to be the head coach like a candidate of it I think again just still like influence like the publicity to it but also didn’t say like he was 100% going to be like the Canada because again the other coaches here on this um article I I just give FAU like a little more than that that they’d be like seriously considering especially this early on he was like like a week or two ago if it was a part of the cycle where they have like like I don’t know maybe closer to like January and they’ probably been through a lot of like interview process with a lot and then they’re considering maybe and they like whiffed on all these other like potential candidates then they’re considering okay we all want to go the article that I did um when Coachman Act was named the head coach that was I think about like a month after will tager was fired or about over a month afterwards this is days after yeah and the season’s still going on but uh Megan go ahead and say your pce and then I I guess we’ll close out this this part yeah I was just going to say like since they’ve kind of failed on their last two coaching hires like they should actually take the time to get it right you know and that’s why like it’s not I don’t think that we’re going to get any news within like two months probably till the season’s over maybe yeah because they just need to wrap up like they’ve let go of like three people and then brought one back and it’s just they’re going on with their own Fiasco so they need to kind of like settle down and then they can look towards the future yeah I mean I do have written on the show sheet like who we would want to see as the next head coach but like you know I’ve read some articles we we linked one of the articles that you can read if you want the whole timeline of uh you know this whole Fiasco with Ray Le is being pursued you can read that at University upress universitypress his uh website uh yeah I mean it’s just the question about if it’s there’s such thing as bad publicity cuz I think if there are were any sort of candidates that might want to you know put their name in the Hat um you know maybe this just kind of makes it like a bad look as far as like a potential I don’t think so landing spot I think you have you have a point a little bit um but I think a lot and people have said this that I think Florida Atlantic is a pretty attractive job when you’re talking about like group of five level they may not have Okay but but why uh I think the fact that beach not even not that well the fact that they really don’t have or didn’t lose too much of recruiting class their recruiting class even with Herman leaving and the couple commits they did lose is still second in the AAC unless I’m mistaken yeah I did see that report and location plays into it the fact that I you really think it doesn’t but I I just I’m starting to get I’m starting to get but I’m starting to get tired of that narrative with the whole like location like for sure it is a perspective head coach would you rather take your first job in like southwestern Arkansas or in South Florida I’m going for the best place that’s going to put us in a position to succeed and if we’re going based off of track record from when since we’ve been at this school FAU does not have a good track record of success for whatever reason that may be sure we could put it on the head coach we can put it on the fact that really not doing as good as a job that maybe they can in regards to recruiting locally because South Florida has plenty of high school talent in football that’s probably kind of a that maybe not the fact that like no one succeeded but because that’s not really true um the fact that you could be like the first really good coach if you’re looking at this as like kind of a stepping stone job this is perfect for that because no one else has succeeded really here Lane kein a power five head coach also is a young program too it’s like with enter their what like 22nd 23rd year now so a very young program as well it’s just interesting to me like I’m not the biggest I’m not going to stand here on a pedestal and say that I’m like the biggest you know uh knowledgeable guy when it comes to college football but to that point like I’ve just never seen a program that is so young right and you know had to work towards you know making a name for themselves in college football um and then you know have a an era like Lane kein era where you’re winning conference championships and you’re selling out a huge stadium that we have literally on campus the regression has just been staggering and you know you would think that after Lane kein that’s you know supposed to be the thing that catapults you into being a prominent group of five you know program and I think just the the thing that’s really frustrating for me who who’s been a student way before I was even a journalism major who was a fan of you know uh College Athletics for FAU is that there’s just like the the regression and there’s there’s a lack of consistency you know if if FAU was you know I that last year with Willie tager was actually and this is honestly God awful to say but it’s the truth that that was the most entertaining football season that I’ve had since I’ve been here at FAU because the last game of the season we were still up for Bowl eligibility and that game went into double overtime or or triple overtime that was one of the most entertaining college football games I’ve been to since I call that game too that was a very entertaining G right exactly is my point since then there has been nothing besides you know uh at least home games like there’s just been nothing that that I can point to and said like all right this is consistency they’re consistently in contention for a bll game or they’re consistently uh having good performances at home so it’s just I mean it’s it’s it’s no for people that watch the show and for us on this panel it’s no secret that I there’s not much for me to say in regards to the football program here and that’s actually something I want to get into uh that I guess we could get into now is um you know with me uh and Cameron graduating and now you know going to be taking that next step into Alum where do we see this football program 5 10 years from now you know when we’re going to be uh the old folk at the tailgates you know coming back whenever we make a make our way back home like do we think that there’s going to be a an inflection point where it’s like okay I think you finally figured it out maybe it’s not you know being top of the a see but maybe there’s some consistency maybe there’s a bowl game two two backtack bowl game seasons do we see that as a possibility it depend it all depends on this higher right now because uh to your point you’re exactly right it is kind of frustrating that like I’m here Four Seasons now and it’s like I haven’t seen a ball game I haven’t seen a winning season depending on I’ll never see them or trying to think I can’t remember the record my first year here I can’t remember I’ll look it up but it wasn’t a bowl game I’ll tell you that know 2020 was the last bowl game I know that I don’t think they ever won more than six games in a season while I’m here which is I don’t think is a high bar to clear at all um but that can it takes it all it takes is one all it takes is one right higher to get it on the right track and even if they do depart for bigger and better things it it just takes them to get it on the right track and this could be you know the higher they get it right I mean and as far as what we were talking about before is like um attractiveness to potential coaches who might be able to like the list of openings isn’t great like I I’ve got it in front of me now it’s like Fresno State East Carolina FAU Ball State Southern Miss Utah State and there’s a couple more Central Michigan rice there’s not much history in there there’s not much like great locations in there there’s no better recruiting area than South Florida than I just named so uh you have a point the the probably the lack of frust or the lack of success might be a little bit questionable to potential hires cuz really the only one who’s got it right in like their past four really has been kein um but I I really do think there is plenty here already for the next hire to get it right and be what you’re saying a consistent program by the time we come back in 5 years yeah I think I think also just as you were mentioning Cameron like fa is becom like one of those programs for both men’s men for men’s basketball and for football where once you have a great athlete or great coach sooner or later bigger name programs and more money are going to come after them and then they’re going to leave so F ‘s becoming one of those programs so the biggest thing is trying to find a head coach who can be committed can car you guys to win and can stay here about five or so years I kind of build up the team build up the program of course it’s going be very difficult but trying to keep coaches here long term and seeing how well they develop that was like I understand why FAU like signed her into like a 5year deal but also I think like that was too risky because I mean he already’s now gone you owe him about like $4 million so you’re like overcompensating for something that may or may not happen so well I’m glad that you brought up the basketball team because I was going to say I feel like once they went to the final four now it kind of seems like fa’s like their head turned a little bit and they’re like oh maybe like let’s take sport slightly more seriously um and I feel like them firing Tom Herman after two seasons when he was basically brought in just to get to a bowl game and he clearly showed this season that he could not lead the team to that that they’re looking for someone that maybe not I’m not going to say three years but I’m thinking like seven or eight years down the road I think that they could be a consistent team that gets like at least a bowl game every season and competes within their conference and is at least like 500 yeah I think also like just looking at the landscape of like both Pro Sports and college sports particularly with football and men’s basketball where it’s now seem like the culture is uh we need results now because now everyone else around us is starting to build up and like get better and better so the time is now we don’t want to wait I’m pretty sure like a couple years ago I haven’t really watched that much like college sports when I was younger but I’m pretty sure about 10 years ago it’s like we can hire a guy for about six or Seasons maybe not guess like to make a couple bowl games we came here for like six or seven seasons now it’s like everyone else now gain to The Next Step around us we need results now we can’t wait three years for you to get us to the championship we need you to get us in like one two years to go to the championship I mean with uh Chris cetti he got uh took James Madison from the FCS to FBS they were successful he went to Indiana now Indiana is in the front running for being in the college in the college football playoffs so already results like that are happening immediately they’re clearly a couple of steps behind everyone else and now that they’ve Advanced from Conference USA to the American Athletic Conference this is the time to take things more seriously because that’s a better level of skill play and we’ve seen these teams like USF Memphis they can compete and Cincinnati was in the cfp like a couple years ago in one of those only four spots yeah exactly yeah I mean it just hasn’t been a smooth transition to the uh AAC for uh the owls and I mean if FAU does make it to a bowl game when I’m in alumni I mean you’ll bet that I’m gonna try my hardest to be there uh but moving on from football because man that was actually a pretty good that was pretty good if you ask me um game uh on Saturday Charlotte I think you guys kind of already spoke on that a little bit last show um I saw a stat that uh interim head coaches for FAU are undefeated yeah kind yeah Ken lka the voice of fa put that out they’re 5-0 uh so I think that would just be absolutely hilarious and I think that would just be like uh The Season’s not over but that would be the cherry on top for this whole season with you know firing a DC halfway uh firing the DC and then firing a head coach and then rehiring the DC and then having a rumor that Ray Lewis is going to be your head coach and then beating uh uh I mean I don’t know Charlotte’s like maybe average at best they don’t have a head coach either really yeah Charlotte does not yeah yeah but also all that was within like two weeks basically of all you just said JD with the program that wasn’t within like two weeks right and if you can if the cherry on top would be walking out of Saturday against Charlotte with a win which that would be absolutely insane but I I have no predictions for that I have nothing to say on that moving from football going on to basketball uh with the men’s basketball team uh currently in the Charleston classic yesterday they got a big win against Oklahoma State Big 12 team uh and then not even maybe like less than an hour ago they lost to uh Drake University uh in the semi-finals that was an 11:30 a.m. tip off which is for for the fans is you know the fans are eating but I mean I definitely feel bad for the athletes having to play basketball that early um thoughts on that first game before we get into the Drake loss Oklahoma State very very resilient win um they looked really really uh bad at stretches or in stretches of that game uh really really struggled on defense for large parts of the game um on the perimeter so so so many open looks um and ok State cashed in on a lot of them but they left a lot of points on the floor especially a lot of open looks and it kind of came to save fa later in the game because they did tighten up a little bit uh towards the end and they started getting a little bit better Rhythm on offense in the second half um but they showed a lot of resilience in that win uh I think that’s what that showed um I think now that they lost this morning the hype kind of lost on that a little bit but I I I don’t want to dog too much cuz again I don’t I don’t know if you guys want to get some thoughts off about Oklahoma State but it the the defense improved a little bit today MH um but again you were seeing the same things really wide open looks on defense they’re getting outrebounded uh pretty Healy it seems like in most of these games um and yes it’s early but you know when the same things are showing up and when you’re constantly looking confused on defense um you know you need answers for that yeah I was able to catch a little bit of that game yesterday um and I think it’s it’s always encouraging when uh a mid- major school can keep up with the power force School even if it is you know um one of the one of the lower ones in the Big 12 Conference it’s still arguably in one of the they were undefeated Oklahoma state was going into that game yeah definitely a good point in the 12 is arguably the best uh basketball conference right now um you know with Kansas and stuff like that so it’s you know Jacob has talked about it in regards to scheduling he’s aware of you know the analytics and and you know how quad wins really play an effect into getting an at llarge bid so um I’ve mentioned this to some friends I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it to any of you guys but college basketball is just such a really funny sport where win or loss you end up kind of rooting for your opponents the rest of the season because if you beat an opponent you want them to continue to do good so that it looks like a really great win on your resume come March and then on the flip side if you lose to a team you really hope that it wasn’t as big as an upset as it is as it may have been you know in in uh November or December because you really want that loss to actually look like okay well they lost to a quality team there so um yeah definitely from what I saw uh the defense has been uh a huge struggle uh for this team it just looks like you know I I’ve talked to Cameron about this um really trying to figure out what the defensive philosophy is for this team because when you see you know uh the choices that they’re making on the court in regards to either rotations or when deciding to trap um you know when to go into Zone um I’m just I’m not seeing something that’s really consistent for this team right now and you know it was a concern once we had the the roster finalized um the main thing that jumped out to me is that there really weren’t too many wings on this team Caleb I expected to be a starter coming into the season simply because he was going to be that main Wing Defender uh for this team Ken Evans Jr um you know he he’s got the ability to play that Wing but he is more of a guard um but the guard defense and the perimeter defense as a whole has been a glaring problem for this team you know uh Jacob has said that he wants to run the two-point guard system uh but if both your point guards are are under 63 6’4 and you know are maybe not don’t have that that size on them you know there’s gonna be a liability and we saw that in that UCF game when um I I don’t I don’t think it comes down to like Personnel though because when I watch them on defense it’s not like guys that fa I’m not looking at FAU and seeing guys that are getting like overpowered or something like that I’m looking at guys that look confused I’m looking at guys that are constantly trying to you know double team and after that that have to overcompensate for something else and it eventually leads to something open because I think I I don’t I don’t want to I I kind of see it uh because it it even today it it works at times what they’re trying to do um but I it just con they’re constantly trying to overcompensate for something else and even if they were um I don’t know everybody was 66 across the board um it it doesn’t matter when you’re leaving Guys open it seems like on half of your possessions because really I there’s no no one tracking this in an fa game but I’d say probably 45% of the shots uh Oklahoma State got off were uncontested which is a wild number but that’s really what I’d put it at and again it’s probably smaller again today against Drake but way way too many like completely uncontested shots yeah just looking at some of the stats and then I’ll let you guys chime in here for the game against Oklahoma State uh Oklahoma state had 25 total M shots on uh 13 assisted compared to fa’s uh 22 M shots and 11 being assisted and then for today’s fau’s 75 to 63 loss against uh Drake uh there was 16 assisted shots on 23 total made shots for Drake and then for FAU it was 20 total made shots on 13 assists so they’re getting beat in that regard guards and it definitely you know supports the point that you’re making where there’s a lot of overcompensation where if they’re playing a team which is most college basketball teams that are at least well coached that are going to be able to pass the ball around they’re you know chasing the ball is the is what Cameron put it um and that’s going to lead to you know quality shots that they’re giving up so I I think you do make a good point that maybe it’s not a Personnel issue but then that does bring up the issue that I’m bringing up is what is the philosophy for this team you know when they’re putting Vo titis and uh Baba into pick and rolls what’s the need to you know double uh at so high into the half court you know what I mean and then you know a big you know point of strength that we thought was going to be for this team was the paint defense you know being able to play a guy like Baba who’s 611 at the four that really hasn’t been much of a strength for this team you know so I’m just curious uh you know Megan you covered these last two games so what have you seen from FAU in this Charleston classic that you know maybe has you concerned and then you know to end on a positive note what what do you like yeah well before I get into that I just want to point out like they’ve been in Charleston for like two weeks now and after the UCF game that’s when they realized okay the defense needs to get fixed and they haven’t had that opportunity to really work on that um like jakus was saying today after the Drake game that um he thinks that their home stretch in December is going to be really good for them which I agree feel like they need to come and play in their actual facility and learn how to come together on defense it just seems like there is um a lack of communication as soon as they’re not on the offensive stunt because they well I don’t know at first they had their offense together and but these last two games I’m not saying that they don’t have it together but I feel like their game plan is almost like don’t defend that well because we know that we’ll outscore them but now in their win against um Charleston they scored 86 and today the game was it was like 70 not even 70 it was okay I just covered this I should know that but um it was like 603 right so I don’t know what has happened in these last two games from the offensive standpoint um they’re just kind of throwing up shots almost and they need to well I time in for at least today for Drake the three-point shooting was miserable uh I don’t I don’t have the stats in front of me for Drake for FAU fa was five of 16 so well that actually got a lot better from at one cuz at one point they were sitting at like two for 11 unless I’m mistaken um and while not being able to shoot the three which they’ve kind of leaned on um a little bit in the past couple games I think um not being able to make it yourself while like letting Drake just go completely crazy from Beyond The Arc um you know easy recipe to lose yeah and that first half uh fa is 1 for seven from three and I think you know uh when I was watching the broadcast CU I I was on my way here driving so then I did switch to the radio broadcast but the TV broadcast uh brought up a point that Drake was definitely placing an emphasis on getting FAU off of that three-point line because uh Jacob hasn’t been shy about it he says that he wants this team to shoot a lot of threes and you know he’s been vocal on wanting to score 100 points a game uh I I one of the things that I ended up telling Megan after that UCF game is that all right well you could say you want to score 100 points a game but does that mean that you have to give up 100 points as well is that kind of the philosophy you know we’ve seen it with individual players you know I think about James Harden in regards to let me just save all my energy on the defensive end not give too much effort on that side of the ball because I know I’m going to go down and score on you and I mean I’m not here to claim that that’s the philosophy but based on what we’re seeing on the court that may be maybe something subconscious going on in regards to well let’s you know really Place emphasis on running good sets um you know getting uh quick easy shots up uh I think through the first two games I saw stat that FAU was like second in the nation in Pace in regards to uh getting a shot up in the shortest amount of time in the shot clock I think the average time was around like 12 13 seconds that they were getting a shot up and a 30 second shot clock which is honest absolutely insane but then with that sort of philosophy of playing quick on offense that’s a lot of running back and forth that’s a lot of energy that you’re exerting you know running up and down the court so you know I think this is just like a really interesting point for FAU basketball where we were just coming off of uh like five six years of a Dusty May era where we really got used to seeing that style of ball um and you know as although we kind of felt like it may be similar in regards to you know uh you know May’s philosophy of you know running good offense you know putting up a lot of Threes playing fast throwing the ball down the court uh turning turning down a good shot for a great shot we have seen that with this team but it’s clearly it’s it’s starting to set itself apart in regards to the brands basketball that are being played right now yeah and uh for me I mean I’m not have not been I’m not obviously not an athlete haven’t like done much like basketball camps like seeing a lot like basketball over my years I’m never like 2 two noall kind of like General but just from what I’ve been seeing I mean past couple games not playing up 100 points and back toback games that’s good but also I mean seeing how guys getting wide open and especially on that game-winning shot against that Char col Charleston did I was pointing out on Twitter how I was kind of surprised that like six foot I think two or uh 6’2 or three Kiki Tandy was the one trying to guard that shot versus like a 5 611 7 foot guy who’s on the court as well like see that’s why I think though like I really I really truly don’t think defensive their defensive problems come down to Personnel because today Kiki Tandy on the perimeter looked like one of their best defenders one of the most like he was being more physical with guys on the perimeter with against Drake today than anybody so I I I really think it just comes down to simplifying whatever they’re doing on that end whatever that may be if it’s less switching if it’s less of the double teams because really truly you watch a lot of basketball I don’t see a team that double teams more than FAU does at any level it it it ends up being in points where it’s like what’s the need right that’s my point exactly there was um there was I and I I wish there was a way to like go back to the games because I would totally do film breakdowns for FAU basketball because I do love basketball and I really do get obsessed with the nuances of it there was a point where it was in the fast break and uh Drake was on like the right wing and they were in that double team point I believe Baba and whoever the guard was were kind of on that right wing and uh whoever was kind of in the dunker spot which was Baba’s man since I no was voia titus’ man uh he kind of just went to the Baseline and he got a open a mid-range shot and so it’s just exactly what Cameron’s saying where the communication just isn’t there in regards to all right if you’re going to double who’s going to get my guy or what’s the philosophy of all right who are we going to leave open usually in those scenarios where you double you want to leave the guy farthest away from the ball on the weak Side open because then that’s forcing the ball handler to make a crosscourt pass so it’ll be interesting to see and I think Megan you know uh did really good reporting there in regards to what ja said that having that home stretch is going to be really important for this team to figure those things out uh actually one last thought actually before we go on to like our next subject I think another thing that I also noticed is how FAU has not done a lot good on defensive rebounds as well and I also have not really been that physical on defense when I was watching Oklahoma Stak in because they didn’t get a chance to watch a drake game but watching okom State game I was watching the Oklahoma State game I was tweeting How fa should take notes on how Oklahoma state is playing defense because every time fa has the ball Oklahoma state is putting pressure on FAU uh so you got to take notes on how they’re doing as well FAU does had not been that great like with the pressure the physicality on defense versus the other teams are playing and going back to what you were saying JD about how coach Jacobs is open saying we want to take a lot of Threes that also bring up to teams like okay this team is very good offensive L not defensively so take let’s take advantage of that and so FAU sure they have been in Charleston for about 12 days now and haven’t been back home they’re going to be back home by the end of this month that’ll be good for them but also really haven’t had much time to know their identity defensively yet because they’re playing the tournament they’re playing like back toback games so enough time to look at think about what we’re going to do defensively but they soon have to figure figure that out because sooner or later like by the end of this year starting next year on the second Soldier during winter break they’re playing their home opener against Memphis uh and they’re then they’re going to start AAC conference play so you got to start think out what you’re going to do now going against conference play not only that but every single game in college basketball is important to you later down on the road and sure even though a couple games they’ve been playing against like UCF which took out a ranked Texas A&M team is a good a good team College Charles College of Charleston very final they were in the March man this past couple years so was Drake they were in there last year these March man man playoff teams sure you’ve lost to some of them but you also lost by very slow uh short margin except for uh with Drake and Oklahoma State get that win top of a Big 10 Big 12 school that’s important but you got to start thinking about we’re going to do defensively and offensively how are going to click as a unit because these games coming up against the biggest one upcoming is Michigan State trying to prepare for that one game how you’re going to do defensively and offensively how you’re going to mesh as a team because that game is going to be the most important so if they win that I feel like that will definitely project project them to possibly gain a good uh spot in March Madness if they don’t I I do want to say I know that we’re kind of CR criticizing their defense but I feel like inside the paint at least from Voca tius like every game he’s having like two or three solid blocks um so I feel like from that aspect they have it together there more just because they have the size Advantage um but clearly like around the three-point line is where they have to work on they got to work perimeter yeah yeah when there isn’t like multiple people in the same spot MH yeah so looking at the schedule uh you know the next game they’re going to play seeden Hall the winner of seeden Hall and Vander Bill uh two days from now on Sunday uh on uh talking with our adviser Wes I’m hoping that steden Hall actually loses that game because I believe steden Hall will have a better resume come March and then if Fe can win that game I think that’ll be a really good Resume Builder for them and then for the rest of non-con play they’ve got FGCU at home that be a tough opponent which is going to be a tough opponent and then they’re playing at FIU which has kind of been an opponent that we’ve F’s regularly scheduled um being you know that that um in town rival but the fact that uh they’re going to be playing over there which I think they haven’t done and I want to say two three seasons now uh that’s going to be a big test for this team also considering that uh this being a whole new team they don’t really know you know how much that rivalry really matters but maybe FIU does so that’ll be a big for them and then they have Jacksonville and Texas State at for a two home game stretch Jacksonville actually just beat Virginia Tech um so that’ll be uh an interesting game to to pay attention to and then they’re uh ending non-conference play at Michigan State so you know definitely Jake is this is going to be a good uh Jake is mentioned that this will be really uh important for them having this kind of Hometown stretch these are all Florida teams so even when they go to play at FAU they’ll still at least be in South Florida uh so this is going to be a really important stretch for them uh but you know it’s easy to say that all right well we have time to figure it out but then you know two weeks pass by and then that’s two less weeks that you have to work on things so I don’t want to say that there’s any sort of pressure because it is still early but some things need to start getting figured out sooner rather than later uh but actually one last thing that I want to uh mention because we did definitely spent a lot of time criticizing here looking at the uh basketball just basing off of their quad records right now uh FAU has three uh two excuse me uh quad three wins uh which are against Liberty and Oklahoma State I expect that Oklahoma State one to probably uh be a quad two by March then they have quatu loss against Charleston and then they have actually a quad one win which was the Indiana State game um which was an absolute quad one win at per the basketball net uh these are all you know more more than likely change um come March and then the quad loss against UCF and then this Drake loss is uh projected to be a quad one loss as well so there’s it’s kind of you know I feel like it’s oxymoronic to say that there’s such thing as quality losses but that’s just the game of college basketball that is technically how this works um so from you know an analytic standpoint fa is not in a terrible spot but like I said if they don’t have things figured out come that that home stretch and they lose to either Jacksonville or Texas State at home then they may be in a scenario where they need to win the conference yeah well they did have a very difficult non-conference schedule and this schedule I know that jacus was kind of saying certain games were already picked when like may had signed for it before he left so their schedule I feel like was kind of made for a team that wasn’t just learning how to be together and I it’s good though that they’re already having like a quad one win when they’re still struggling kind of finding their self identity but that’s just going to come with time um and it’s good because with a c play it’ll be competitive but they’ll have this tough level of experience where I think that when January hits like they’ll be able to compete for sure with that we want to know if you’re a club or student organization wanting to promote an event you’re hosting or you just want to promote yourself DM at essports on Instagram with three or four sentence paragraphs and we’ll read it live on the air to be able to promote you on the show and get your name out there to the fa student base once again just feel free to DM us at ESS Sports on Instagram with that uh that’s wrapping up uh the FAU housekeeping subject and we’re coming uh close to that that hour mark so we want to be able to close out uh with a not so original idea but I thought it’d be fun uh being that uh we won’t be doing a show because of Thanksgiving break do you guys all have something you want to say that you’re thankful for you oh I did actually I did want to say I’m thankful for you guys and being able to do this show it’s it’s definitely been really fun um definitely thank uh thankful for for college basketball because it’s the one sport that’s on literally all the time I remember um when it was like a conference tournament time I texted uh my group chat of friends and I was like hey is anybody watching Austin P versus Stetson and they were like what like so like I don’t know just for me I don’t care what level of B basketball it is um because On Any Given night somebody can go off or have a crazy performance um basketball to me is just super entertaining so I’m thankful for that but you know the usual is thankful for family for health and all that um but what we wanted to do is a snake draft kind of like how we did earlier uh in the semester with our flag football team of our favorite well not technically not our favorite the best four dishes uh on Thanksgiving and we’re going to leave the voting up to you guys the viewers we’ll put out a poll on Twitter and on Instagram to see who has the best four dishes uh we did the draft order uh off camera before the show so the order is going to be Maddox Cameron Megan and then myself and then we’ll go back into reverse I’ll pick again and then it’ll be making Cameron and Maddox uh we’re going to go with the best four dishes and you know after we’re done with the draft we’ll see who has the best four who has the best Thanksgiving plate uh and we’ll go from there so madx you have the number one overall pick what you got so this one I don’t think anyone is going to expect this okay I didn’t think the I felt like the main one obviously like for like turkey is like turkey that’s a given but I think for me my best dish besides the turkey will be mac and cheese good first pick that was that’s a killer first pick right there thank you that was that was on my board if I was going to get the number one overall pick right there what what but like what type of mac and cheese are we talking cuz I like my mom does a fire bre like breaded mac and cheese you know what I mean so like you know some people like their some people like their mac and cheese you know really cheesy some people like you know the bread and stuff on that like I say whichever like whatever type mac and cheese it really cannot go wrong with mac and cheese any type of mac and chees the best is when like you bake it and then you broil it on top and use panco breadcrumbs mhm yeah we’re going to be hungry after this yeah I’m like already think about I guess that leaves me I’ll go with turkey I think just cuz that’s easy I wanted to go mac and cheese first pick but yeah with a good play yeah I think that’s easy and I was worried about you know making a really fire plate that has no protein because like you know what I mean MH um I think for my pick I have to go with mashed potatoes I feel like that’s like a classic and you just you can’t really go wrong and they’re actually a lot easier to make than I thought that they were I’m actually not a big fan of mashed potatoes like I’m a I’m a pretty big like I’m a texture guy and so I just like the mush of it like I love potatoes period but like I feel like there’s just potato dishes out there you got fries you got wedges and for me like baked potatoes fire I I recently actually got a little bit tired with mashed potatoes just because over the summer I had my was some teeth house I like kept eating like those like mashed potato things I got so tired of them so Megan mashed potatoes JD all right so since I’m kind of in a in a pickle in regards to having to pick twice and then I won’t be able to pick for like a a long minute I’m going to go and get my main Staples mac and cheese my main staple I think tury is a good one there I feel like I’ll have room to get a protein when it comes back around so I’m going to go apple pie I think apple pie dessert first I’m going dessert first you know they usually say don’t mess up your dinner with dessert but I’m going to dessert first I’m going to go with apple pie uh specifically Publix’s apple pie to me is so good you know good you put it in the air fryer you put it in the oven heat it up put a little bit ice cream on it can’t go wrong and then after that I’m actually going to go stuffing I think stuffing is stuffing is I’m sorry not thrown on me I don’t like okay but here’s what I’ll say I don’t like stuffing in regards to like actually like stuffing the turkey what’s the other dressing is it called it’s the same thing but I like stuffing as its own like just put it on the pl and eat it like that don’t put it in the turkey don’t put it in like just it’s so mid like it’s like I don’t I don’t know if you’re having good stuff in then maybe maybe but I think I just think that’s like a Thanksgiving staple because what I do also appreciate is that you’re not really having stuffing like on the regular that is a Thanksgiving dish to me so I mean maybe that’s I think I think that’s a polarizing pick I’ll have to say but I I’m I’m sticking with it I got apple pie and I got stuffing right there so it’s back to you Megan what you got um let’s see okay I’m gonna continue with my little like carb train and I’m going to go with biscuits that that’s a good one actually actually I decid to wear this for Thanksgiving episode Montgomery Biscuits minor league team you can you step up and show the cam yeah that’s sub that’s actually that is fire yeah we were just talking about how you want more shirts for Christmas yeah actually my dad went to Alabama recently so he got me the Auburn shirt and they also got me this oncom biscuits out you actually have a pretty sick collection of like sports t-shirts I remember you came in with came in with one specific t-shirt and I was just like um like where’d you get that so yeah you’ve got a sck collection now question though what are you putting on your biscuit are you jelly person butter like are we just going dry biscuit no Bev I put some well it depends yeah gravy I’ll do like one biscuit with gravy one with butter you got to have at least two M all right cam back to you and with the I think this would be the ninth pick in the Thanksgiving draft sweet potatoes the most best important dish on the table at Thanksgiving is the sweet potatoes and I can’t believe y’all let me get that at pick number eight my family doesn’t even have sweet potatoes that’s a travesty running I feel like I’m running out of potatoes here all right so for me for mine I’m also surprised guys uh I’m surprised it’s still on the table personally I don’t know how many people are a fan of this but I put I think honey glaze ham is also pretty good I’m also I’m surprised someone didn’t pick that up earlier so they could have like a protein is Megan’s going to be honey honey you’re going to be starving over here with no protein man he carving up just carving up I don’t know madx madx is kind of cooking with mac and cheese and ham that’s a strong that’s not a terrible plate mac and cheese actually I got another one you do back yeah uh this will be a carb crescent rolls The Spill crescent rolls rolls are not question are is is bread off of the T are we counting that as an all-encompassing bread are we still allowing other types of bread on the table I think crescent rolls and biscuits are inherently different things wait okay hold on am I conf is a croissant the same as a cres no it’s it looks the same a little bit it’s like the thing that comes in the rolls and then you roll it up yourself yeah it’s fter yes okay damn that oh excuse me but that’s a banger that is all right all right I’m cooking over here I feel like I feel like draft order really matters with this one but maybe I’m hating all right cam it’s back to you this is a big pick man um do I get another pick after this yeah cuz I have to get to four this is big this is big I’m sorry how much time do I have I mean I don’t want to say like we’ll come back to you cuz pumpkin pie pumpkin pie pumpkin pie I the say get get a good dessert now get a good dessert now all right I have a draft strategy all right on you Megan um I’m like blanking on what other proteins are even offered at Thanksgiving you messed up but I’m going to go with dessert also and I’m going to say pumpkin rolls I don’t know if you guys have had them public sells them but my mom always makes them fantastic they’re pumpkin with cream cheese frosting oh those are the easily the best fantastic good those are pretty good not as good as apple pie but you’ll see me sneaking those a couple on the plate yo you hating on my whole plate right now I got you all right uh this is pretty wait time out I think we missed a pick with cuz we’re going to go we’re go back madx is going to have the last pick uh this is me and I’m done with my plate I’m going chicken here time out time out time out time out time out you have chicken on Thanksgiving well yeah cuz we’re not like my family is not really like a turkey family so we’ll do chicken we’ll do like a rotisserie chicken okay okay still I don’t know never Mitchell are do you do chicken on Thanksgiving no I that’s from Costco like you cost or do you make it yourself no it’s just like a you get like a a rotisserie chicken you’d be the first family I’ve ever seen that do you guys don’t just make a turkey well we’ll do turkey too but like for the people that don’t want turkey you’ll get chicken listen y’all ha it on my plate and um I’m feeling embarrassed right now um I don’t know I’m kind of at a loss cuz mac and cheese is definitely my number one overall pick um and I mean I guess man um let’s see what Google gives me honestly I think I’ll just have to go with like uh just bread like a bread roll what type of bread roll just like a I don’t know like what what the pilgrims used to eat like a little piece of bread you know what I mean actually no I’ll go with like um like a toasted bread that you like you know you you like a dinner roll like a dinner roll you sprad I’ll go yeah a little toasted bread roll that’s my plate right there I I would eat my plate I don’t I mean yeah I don’t know I I can’t believe that chicken was that like obscure of a pick there it really is what what other proteins do you you have turkey and you have H but I’m like what no cuz I honestly thought like you I thought also like I think with J I think with the Cameron as well I also thought like you like at your at your household like eat turkey and also like chicken I’m like why you gain two like the same thing basically turkey and chicken are kind of like the same thing why I gain two the exact same I thought like that I didn’t know you like just do chicken in your house people do turkey and ham you don’t question why people do turkey H it’s different chicken turkey washes ham though I think ham is like a degradation of the sport kind of ham is like a get it off my plate yeah ham is a little overrated in my opinion they’re just hating have the best plate right now they’re just hating I’m really not even you have a decent you have mac and cheese mac and cheese is banging but I don’t know I feel like ham the chemistry with ham and mac and cheese isn’t the greatest right there can at Thanksgiving is crazy it’s not that crazy bro but whatever we don’t have to talk about ITA so I might get hate for this cuz we were just ripping on you for chicken but I’m going to say cornish game H hens what the what like the little it’s little they’re this big I did not expect that come out of her mouth I’m not even sure what that is Cornish Cornish Cornish hens I don’t have it for Thanksgiving we have it for New Year’s Eve day it’s like the little personal like chickens wait on chicken wait did you say you’re having that on for New Year’s Eve day yeah but I hit Google and I was like what meats are there for Thanksgiving besides turkey and people are going crazy off camera with our pics but um all right and I mean I got to respect it we you always need I can appreciate that we’re all looking for protein on our plate at the at the least you have you have a balanced plate yeah what’s the opposite of a shout out like I don’t know no shout out to vegetarians like I don’t know what I don’t know what you’re doing on Thanksgiving respectfully um this uh that leaves me correct yeah that’s okay I think I need a like a green I feel like but I also kind of want oh low key damn whatever like H I’m going to go with cranberry I’m sorry like sauce oh the sauce well I KN I knew that was going to like raise ears let put it in parentheses are you talking slices uh most people do that but my mother uh she makes like a cranberry that has like cream cheese on top and it’s fantastic it’s like behind sweet potatoes but one of my favorite things ever but like the raw this is stupid question like the raw fruit no no no no well a lot of people do like cranberry sauce yes but it’s essentially like cranberry sauce yes but it has cream cheese on top and it’s fantastic all right so cranberry all right I I respect it we’ll put we’ll put it parenthesis we’ll put sauce is that fair sure all right madx it’s on you all right so I this is difficult for me cuz I want to one do like a dessert as well however also I feel like crescent rolls lowkey kind of your I think so it is sweet bread it’s it tastes like kind of like a softer biscuit to me it’s like a it’s like a part of the dinner it’s like a biscuit reshaped yeah but also I really can’t think of any other good like the fact I can I can I can appreciate that we don’t have any greens on it I was going to say I was going to say for my final one I I was or going to do a dessert actually I’m just going to do green beans I say that’s what I was tossing between cranberry I feel like that’s a a fan favorite there uh I thought about doing corn oh squ I think I think there’s a lot of bangers that we left off yeah cuz we’re we’re we’re we’re doing like four we’re doing four we’re holding oursel to like a Mount Rushmore top four um but yeah everybody read off their plates finally and then uh for for the final and then we’ll put up a poll on socials and we’ll see we’ll see what the people say all right so for me I will be eating I got mac and cheese honey glazed ham crescent rolls and green beans I have turkey sweet potatoes cranberry and pumpkin pie it’s like classic perfect okay you don’t got to talk up your list we’re just saying our list okay I have mashed potatoes biscuits pumpkin rolls and Cornish hem I got apple pie Banger um my I’m not even listening to my own Ru I got apple pie stuffing chicken and like a toasted bread roll I think that’s like a solid plate right there but I think if there’s any other plate that I’m eating here it’ll probably be madx it’ll probably it’ll probably be M just like the flag football team just like the flag football team the ma and cheese man the ham the ham wouldn’t be too bad I was contempla with stuffing as well I’m also a huge fan of stuffing as well but also I was thinking like I got serious not like something in the turkey Bill like like half like those like frozen ones where like put on like a pan and like cook rever those are good no thank you I was going to say I’d eat Cameron thank you Megan thank you Megan you have the turkey and you have cranberry sauce is good and pumpkin pie it’s like you have to have pumpkin pie thank you is it criminal that we none of us pick gravy I thought about it but gravy person you know what I feel like it’s like a you wanted a I wanted to get biscuits instead right no that was a good pick but I think like it’s it’s tough for the scenario that we have right now because gravy is kind of something that you put on your protein if we could get a like four dishes and then a sauce that’d be picked M this is this is good but we’ll leave it up to the viewers Mitchell can who do you think has the best plate say it say it say it oh we can’t hear we can’t he he said he he turn his M off specifically didn’t one you guys all be like oh what I mean you have mac and cheese so like Alex who’s helping us with the camera who do you think has the best plate Maddox is it because of the mac and cheese okay and see number one overall pick number one first I feel like there like the first ever number one overall pick in any draft with a steel I most number one overall draft ever with a steel I but you know what I I can’t hate it cuz I think if we all had the if you had the number overall pick were you going to pick mac and cheese yeah yeah so I think I’m glad that that as as a country we can come together and say that mac and cheese is the best Thanksgiving dish um but I think that’s all we have for for today’s show that was really fun to do um I just want to say is like closing remars it’s it’s so fun to do like silly little topics like this and you know just be able to talk ball whether it’s National Sports FAU sports college sports as a whole or even if it’s just like uh pop culture topics it’s been it’s been an absolute I’m I’m going to miss this wait so I know Cameron’s he’s going to be covering fa stuff of 247 I believe are you going to be covering any like FAU stuff with are you like going to be like covering any local stuff or like you know I think I’ve really um in regards to like my plans postgrad I’ve just been applying all along the east coast I have a lot I have a family North Carolina um the dream would be to go back to New York City that’s where I’m from um but yeah whether it’s Sports reporting uh news reporting uh even politics reporting would definitely interest me um I guess that’s like the LA I’m going be like the last person at this table basically to graduate so I’m I’m going to keep like the forth down use Sports coverage Source y’ your Source yeah maybe you’ll see him do better in football yeah hopefully we get to see you guys cover a bowl game um not going to happen for me I’m hoping oh yeah no you’re once fa get to the AAC tournament because even though it’s like for everyone I’m hoping like we get to cover that I feel like hope basketball yeah yeah maybe able to cover cover an NIT tournament maybe I mean of course I won’t be covering March Madness CU I had an opportunity last year as well but I was like I just I hope they go to March Madness this would be the year I would get to go yeah but if you’re hearing this coach Jacob please get te to March Madness pleas just for mean yeah just just for for them to have the opportunity um yeah I guess that was pretty cool for for me ceron to get to cover March Manis in our that’s pretty you guys get any like graduation quotes um I I guess like in the in the words of our adviser Wes uh keep your head down okay and just get to work that’s pretty much all I got to say no quotes man just glad I’m just glad we’re done man we leave it at that um it’s always tough to finish the last show but I’ll finish it how we always do Maddox where can they find you you can find me on Instagram madx play4 and on Twitter madx greenber you can find me on Instagram at Megan brunsma and Twitter Megan Bruno you can follow me on Instagram at jd. delcastillo and on Twitter jdor delcastillo you can find me on Twitter at cam prer 247 it’s always been a pleasure thank you all for watching and supporting please make sure to continue watching when Megan and madx are still here killing it on the show um but yeah that’s been it guys peace peace peace [Music]

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