The Fever LEAK The Players Stephanie White Wants to KEEP In the Expansion Draft…

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The Fever LEAK The Players Stephanie White Wants to KEEP In the Expansion Draft… In this video we are going to be talking …

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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

so the expansion draft is happening at the start of December and Stephanie white is the coach of the fever and it’s going to be interesting to see who they protect so I made a video and I think everyone kind of knew that the Indiana Fever were going to protect their starting five like I think it’s just a given that they’re going to protect their starting five and they’re going to protect Kelsey Mitchell obviously no one know what’s going to happen with Kelsey Mitchell she’s going to be protected in court if Kelsey Mitch really wants to leave she can leave that’s fine that is absolutely absolutely fine like there is nothing forcing Kelsey Mitchell to stay in Indiana if she wants to leave cool I hope we all hope she stays I really hope she stays I think most people hope she stays but at the same time she was dead set on leaving no one can really well no one can force her to play it can kind of force her to stay on the roster but no one can force her to play but we saw this picture yesterday and it is the Indiana favorite says here New Era new energy already making plans for next season Nelissa Lexi Aaliyah Caitlyn Clark Kelsey Mitchell tamy F benley so it appears it appears that these are the six players that Indiana are going to protect and it also appears that they’re going to core Kelsey Mitchell so Tammy fandle is a restricted free agent the funniest thing is is that that they could pay tamy F benle and she or they could protect tamy F benle and she can still leave I still think that they um they’re going to keep Tami I think it’s very very likely to keep Timmy it’s tamy it’s unlikely she goes um I’d say her contract she’s probably going to sign 120 a year I’d say 120k a year might be about it but Caitlyn obviously Aaliyah obviously Lexi obviously again unless she really really wants to leave or really really wants to be a valkyrie you’re still going to protect her anyway and then Nelissa Smith so I predict I predicted Grace Berger to be protected and my logic was I thought like if you’re the Valkyries why would you go for tamy f benley because there are better vets you can get you’re going to be able to get than tamy and there are worse young players than maybe Christy W maybe they just didn’t want wouldn’t want Christy Wallace but I would have thought that maybe dammer dantas would have been more I still don’t think damis dantas um I thought she maybe would be more valuable than tamy but I thought Grace Berger was extremely valuable I would have probably prayed that Katie Lou or damis dantas were going to be taking in that draft because maybe again Katie Lou she’s from like Katie Lou’s from uh car California they might go and just try to keep her but or try to get but you never know you never know either way though this seems to be it and Indiana new en New Year and new energy already making plans for next season like what are you doing what are you doing Indiana like you have genuinely like all you’ve done here is effectively um like leak this but imagine if it’s not this leak you’ve leaked oh we’re planning for next year with two free agents with two free agents like no Victoria Saxton none because you’re pretty sure that they’re going to be staying I guess but that is the um that’s probably the biggest surprise of it all that it’s like again today and I wonder what um like this here it is here’s some of the responses on redit from this repost Indiana Fever posted this picture delete it shortly after by the people are theorizing these are the six protected players yeah it is it is Tammy’s protected she was injured she was first connected with Caitlin Tammy F benley will be great like she they want they’re going to want to keep Tammy at all costs that’s the player I’m most nervous about the Fe not protecting I was nervous about Grace Berger honestly my money is on social media admin had no idea what they were getting themselves into over secretly leaking six players because yeah I think they saw the comments were like ah o f and I actually commented there was a lot of button Alysa it’s it is an interesting one I think it’s likely it literally was posted the day the final day or is today the day before they had to put them but um oh this may have been a serious goof hideous a I don’t hate it doesn’t really look like Stephanie white but like that looks like Tammy it definitely looks like Nelissa I don’t hate it but let’s see what play they’re running it’s a play against a static two three what what I have no idea what that play is what that play is meant to be on the board but him so the fever are going to protect checks notes they’re six most valuable players big if true I don’t think it means anything while not my teams I follow the ice and fever accounts because they do a good job their teams phone accounts I follow I think they pick players the most time in the court and saw how is being interpreted and removed it did tamy play more than dantas last Katy Lou started like half the year Katy L started like literally half the games this last year there’s no way there is no way that K they play last than KY L KY L started the first eight or nine games and then Katie Lou started most of the games post um Christy Wallace experiment so it’s a huge scoop Indiana protecting the exact same players everyone thinks they should most people here don’t want Nelissa if you don’t want Nelissa Smith to be protected you don’t want satu and I mean that there is no satu tra know Lista Smith because they really need a power for it like really really really really need a power for it um so they basically they need to like if there’s no Nissa trade there’s no satu because again if Nelissa is not available for trade then satu Sab is not going to be got because they need there’s no good power for and free agency sat or Nelissa at least had potential has some potential but she can come in as a replacement for satu with the other assets they get and they at least get something um but again you just never know you just never ever ever ever know when it comes to um yeah when it comes to the uh the WNBA like nothing will surprise me but this a competent franchise they’re going to keep the players that have the most value whether it be on the court or in the trade room so let me know what you guys think do you guys think they should have kept Grace bur maybe great maybe it’s one of those situations where like the idea of Grace Berger is greater than the player Grace burger and I’m willing to admit that like we all we all have it in sports like as a leads fan everything is there was the most the most obvious one was there was a season where we had a guy named Izzy Brown we had a guy Izzy Brown never G on the pitch but he was really highly regarded of Chelsea and it was all you know oh once Izzy Brown comes in Izzy Brown needs to play Izzy Brown needs to play he played he was bad in his career career has been a disaster to be fair because of injuries but still there’s a load of situations like that and maybe it’s winning them maybe I’m completely wrong when it comes to Grace Berger but I really do like Grace Burger as a backup point guard maybe she does want a smaller backup point guard but I don’t know it’ll be interesting to see like the sun found Burton last year who got cut and Burton was a very good backup point guard so you just never know what type of players that this team’s going to find I hope they do look overseas with a lot of things and there are a lot of overseas point guards that actually don’t mind um the fever looking for if they are going to replace Grace burger like I think you can Grace Burger is probably easier to replace than tamy F ble to be honest so yeah probably going to be arguably their starting five or four their starters plus whoever they trade in Alissa Smith for and then maybe maybe they keep their draft pick see you guys

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