UConn Huskies vs Memphis Tigers | NCAA Men's Basketball 2024 | College basketball Live Score Update

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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

welcome to national college basketball 2024 today the Memphis Tigers versus the Yukan huskys Memphis Tigers versus the Yukon husk tiger they are playing the game of uh the game of uh college basketball 2024 Memphis Tiger versus the Yukan husk score update with the live commentary this game will be start to after another 26 minute later and in this video I will be try to share the score update with the live commentary of Memphis Tiger versus the Yukan husk n men’s game this is the men’s game so firstly we know the both of two team they are last five game status they are winning possibility is head tohe head their um rooster and all all of information about the game you know that this is the and Yukan husk game in this mhis and you can H is a men game not a women’s game and that game here within a few minutes within a few minutes will be start today you can ask is they are playing from the group of um bigest in bigest they already playing four game four win they position number one and in this in this bigest here number one is the ukan number two deall but the team mempis Tigers their position in the American Athletic uh group American Athletic group they’re playing four game for win their position second because the white estate which five game 51 so both of two the unbeaten team in the last four games in their recent pass they’re playing today you canas men’s national basketball team in last five game they won forp all the games they want to again up the partu on the 9th April again up Fu with the 775 by 60 UK can man they the last year Champion team the NCA college basketball championship the Ukon H men they playing this heart can 92 92 by 5 win again of the Yukon win the New Hampshire wild cat so 92 by 531 third game they’re playing to the limona win 9549 and last game they’re playing to txm Commerce and win the Yukon 81 by 46 so again welcome to the first quarter of Memphis Tigers versus the husk the Connecticut Husky Connecticut University basketball Main’s game Memphis in the last five game only one lost two again of the estate which the estate this game they lost 71 by 65 but they won three game again of the Missouri 4 game again of Missouri UNLV again of Oho again of San Francisco ukan and Memphis in their history total playing the five game first game they playing in 2018 Memphis win 73 by 49 second game playing in 2018 Memphis win 83 by 79 third G play in 2019 Memphis we won again of ukan 71 by 71 71 by 78 Memphis won the fourth game again of the ukan husk 70 by 63 and mempis won the last game again of the Yukan with 64 by 61 I’m sorry the last game was wi the Yukan husk so you are watching in last five game Memphis Tigers they were the most of the timeon to of the I’m sorry Memphis Tigers they won the most of the game to of the ukan huskys so in this game here the men’s the Memphis men game not a Memphis women’s game so 21 minutes and 37 seconds to go for start the game of today that Memphis Tigers and Yukon huskin both of two team in in this Tournament winning record was four out of four 100% winning record in this recent four game from the both of two NCA College Pas NCA college basketball team in recent pass NCA college basketball Memphis Tigers and and Yukon hkis now we know the few information about the game Yukon hkis in this uh game there are players they their players they are um rooster Liam mle forward Aiden man guard Alex carban guard sorry forward solo ball guard Yu singara Center Daris red junor Center Samson Johnson Center Hassan dery guard Zen Stewart forward ziden Rose forward isad Abraham forward suan D guard and ahmmed Noel guard the team of ukan huskys the connectic at men’s basketball team so now we know that here in this game from the Memphis Tigers Memphis Tigers their guard sorry the Ping lineup Memphis triers they are Tri Hunter guard uh starting lineup and substitute all player I say Daniel Dana Center player BJ haard guard player position of guard mosa Center NOA stanburg guard Bara okazi guard PJ Carter guard WB roer position guard Nikki Jordan position forward zared Harris position guard Borna kby position forward raggy Phillips position guard and Jiran y position forward so this is the both of two team their lineup about the game of husk versus the Memphis Tiger in NCA college basketball 2024 now we know that both of two team the leader in recent pass another 19 minutes to go for the start the game up today after the 19 minutes later the Memphis Tigers and Yukon huskys will be playing their first uh game in this tournament especially in this uh tournaments especially you know that both of two team is the one of the best team both of the two team is the one of the best team and Yukan hkis is the from the bigest they are from the bigest and from the bigest I think uh their opportunities to 5050 I see the 50/50 winning opportunities in both of two I never say because you know that Memphis Tiger in recent uh five game again of the Yukon they are winning record of four games the winning probability the mass predictor Mass up predictor said that 26.3% winning opportunity of memph tigers and 73.7% of Ukon huskys and in this game the season leader for both of two team firstly we share then we share in individually one by one team they are one team there are in this uh tournaments lineup sorry they season leader you know this is the Memphis Tigers and uh Yukon huskys okay points leader of Memphis is a PJ Hagerty in last four game he scored 22.5 per game his field goal match percentage 49.1 his p m percentage was 86.1 so Memphis sters is uh especially PJ haget is the best and they Alex gar carban the Yukan husky side their best uh points leader 16.3 VAR per game 63.6 field goal m 83. f thr M but the rebound leader from the Memphis Daniel Danza Daniel Danza seven rebound for game and teris R junor Yukan husky side 9.8 rebound per game an assist here in this game leader of Memphis Trier D Hunter 4.3 vers per game Hassan di from the Yukon 4.5 for game so now I will be sh here in this game they are both of two team in last few games points per game 81.3 of Memphis Tiger but the ukan husk points per game in last few uh this we were seeing that 88.8 points again 70.8 points the offing team to of the Memphis Tigers but 51. points score opponent team again of the Yukan huskins team so 14 minutes to go for start the game field goal 47.5% field goal made in this tournament from the Memphis of 50 1 point 51. is sorry 53. field go met percent of ukan husz rebound for game is 38.5 of Memphis Tiger but you know that ukan huskin is 43.8 assist per game 15.0 of Memphis Tiger in last four but the Yukan husk was 21.8 block for game in Memphis in 5.3 for last four game but the ukan has is 21 sorry 10.8 EST still per game from the team of Memphis 8.8 but the Yukan husk was 8.0 so you Wasing that all section the team Memphis Tiger of ukan Husk in this tournament they are dominate so I think it will be a big game today from the Memphis and the Yukan husk because the top level two team they are playing tonight the game and this game playing in this lahini CB Center CB Center uh in mayui and the game information and uh now we know here in this game Yukan husk versus the Memphis Tiger both of two Hawai lahini Hawai in m in hk’s 8.5 hour under I think my prediction about the game ask is 8.5 the total three pointer uh over and chances to Total point in this game under 150 you you hkis is one of the best play best team right now in this uh group but uh Memphis also their best team on their group so both up to 5050 opportunities I think win both of the two team the 5050 winning opportunities I think in this game this is the anyone game but start to within 12 minutes after the 12 minutes the Memphis Tigers will be playing the game to again of the ukan huskys this is the game of college basketball and you know that today the ukan huskys women will be playing to again of the waran estate the men’s women’s game the 6:30 a.m. and 6 Plus GMT will be start to after 5 hours later 5 hours later and also today upcoming game after the two hours we’ll be playing the Michigan State versus the Colorado last 11 minutes to go for start the game of Memphis Tigers versus the you can HK the main game this is not a women’s game this is a Main’s game of today that share from the prime Sports Live YouTube channel with the score update with live commentary no Real Time video streaming here so let’s uh enjoy the game today the Memphis Tigers and ukan huskys this is the game of uh college basketball main team that playing so now we know again the both of two team they roster again we know the both of the two team they rer in this game the ukan huskys main basketball team right now this is the game preview here the roster their starting lineup also the substitute isai Abraham 2.01 M 92 kilo weight position forward solo ball just seeing one guard position suan di guard Hassan di guard Samson Johson Center Alex carbon forward Arden man lii mlini Ahmed Noel teris Reed Jor Zen Rose Yu singer zyen Stewart and the co is danan Harley this is the Memphis Tigers there in this game RAR now know the Memphis Tiger there status Memphis Tigers in this game carban already he’s the points leader 16.2 per game in last four rebounds leader was 9.8 by the Reid assist 4.5 of diar diara is still zero and the block of is still 1.3 and 3.2 of blocks from the carban so big big uh one of the best player he is because the Block in every game three 3.2 in this tournament from the ukan husk side they are highest the scorer their highest scorer carban already in last four games 64 points points ball last four games 54 points MN 54 points red Junior 47 points Rosa 28 points di daa from the ukan 26 Point Johnson 23 points menley in last four game 23 points 23 points but uh the three-pointer in this game from the Yukan hus side carbon already 13 3 point but 3 point atemp 24 time he dribbling 10 time rebound 17 time assist 16 turn over five is still three block 13 is ball 19 time threp pointer 54 points eight dribbling 11th rebound 10 assist four turnover five still and one block MCN 18 three pointer Rosa from the Yukon 15 threep pointer mahini from the Yukon 16 threep pointer D 8 threep pointer Noel 6 threep pointer Isa 5 threep pointer Abraham 5 threep pointer so now we know that Memphis Tigers they are three points leader best shooter of three pointer their points leader also with the roster 5 minutes only left for start the game of Memphis Tigers versus the ukan huskys the game of basketball uh in quallege basketball 2024 within a five minutes this game will be start and in this game sest to Memphis Tigers will be I think although the Yukan haskis and Memphis Tiger in last five game playing in head TR but Memphis Tiger win the most of the time Memphis Tigers and the UK can husky side now we know the Memphis Tiger there [Music] rooster D Stars PJ Carter guard mosa sisa Center Danny danija forward and PJ hagard and J Harris both of two guard also the substitute players in this game Jared Harris to Hunter guard Nicholas jordian Bona kbe forward Bara OKO ragi Phillips pby Roger guard and noan Sternberg guard to Smith and damiran Y the forward of Memphis Tigers Memphis Tigers in this tournaments he the guard he already 22.5 points is the highest scorer in he scor 100 sorry he scored 90 points in last four game Memphis Tigers their best player hati he 31 sorry 53 field goal atemp made 31 7 three pointer 90 total points Hunter total 50 three points with eight three-pointer Rogers eight threep pointer with 44 points danij from the mempis 40 points without any three-pointer so in this game from the Memphis side Rogers is the best three-point shooter Hunter and Hagerty also in top three so only three minutes to go for I start the game of Memphis Tigers versus the Yukan huskys the main basketball game of today this is not a women’s game and this is only the first quarter first quarter ukan husk is the conncat ukan the connectic University versus the Memphis Tigers the Memphis University the basketball game will be start to only the 2 minutes to go then start and I think here totally without any delay without any delayed I think this game will be start Yukon main basketball team UK can main basketball team they’re playing last game to the defense the East Texas with the 81 by 46 so I think in current game also so we watching the highest score of mm to of the sorry UK to of the Memphis women game will be also playing in Memphis site so 38 seconds to go for start the game today the women’s game also will be start women’s game also be playing also playing today not only the men’s game so you can H and Memphis triers game will be score with the score update with the commentary no Memphis versus Yukon time already up and the game will be start to soon and then let’s start the game within shortly the qual basketball men 2024 that playing the Tigers and huskys so let’s see you need to the waiting a few minutes you need waiting few minutes to start while Memphis supporters and you can supporter there the morning game now the course of Memphis sorry Yukon 35 20 36 J they ready are ready start the college basketball the men’s game within a few SEC within a 1 minute I’m sorry within not one minute it will be taking a few minutes it’s taken a few minutes to start to the game up today and now the game is ready the champion who who will be win Memphis and Yukon today Colorado Michigan abun Iowa Dayton North Carolina the upcoming games in today the upcoming games in today so both of two team players they are ready to start the game in this first quarter and only I want to be Shar the first quarter G in today that playing the Memphis Tigers versus the Yukan huskys the conncat conncat men’s game this is the men’s game not a women’s game this is not a women’s game now finally the Penny harda penny is the is a CO off so start the game almost start the game already and first foul Tigers already the first foul in this game so this game is now playing between the tiger versus the Tigers versus the ukan hkis Tigers versus the ukan hkis the Memphis Tigers and the Yukan hkis are not playing tonight this game and that game is still running up fast first quarter first minute and right now the scoring both side are now zero but already one foul from the Memphis opponent Yukan hkis now the first twoo shoot three point score of Yukan hkis I’m sorry the twoo score of Yukon husk Yukon and Memphis game almost start the game with the two-p pointer start the game with the two- pointer So currently the score of Memphis Tigers opponent of ukan husk is the first two-p pointer so Yukan husk are now two Memphis Tigers are now zero first quarter are now another twoo missing from the Yukan husk the second two-pointer but the rebound from the Memphis and they three-pointer attempt and again a score so right now this game is uh one three pointer and one two pointer almost in this game from the Memphis strike Tigers Memphis and now five I think Memphis will be win the game today my opinion about the game the Memphis Tigers and the Yukan haskis now the three-pointer from the Memphis Memphis are now eight Memphis almost eight in this game to again of the UK sorry I’m sorry Yukan has is the last three-pointer this is the 18 17. 53 second left and Memphis Tigers already in this game eight ukan hkis are now eight already one two pointer from the Memphis one three-pointer two three-pointer and Memphis side the first score in this game Memphis Tigers the first score by rer already two three point and Cas already won two points but Yukan already m he won three pointer mly he mly he only two points now three pointer shoot from the Memphis and fails to score missing rebound from the ukan to the one three pointer for label the game to again of the Memphis Strikers this game is now running only the first quarter another three-pointer shoot from the Yukan hasis and missing the last three-pointer shoot from the Yukon this is the PSL prime prime Sports Live YouTube channel let’s go update with the commentary the game of M Tigers versus the Yukan huskys the for basketball game right now 16.50 second left for finish the first half and another three-pointer shoot and Miss from the team of main pce tigers are now try to Gra to come back in this game but unfortunately they are unfortunately I’m sorry not the tiger here the Yukan hkis an now8 sorry Anna five Memphis an8 foul from the ukan hkis this is the second personal foul in this game from the ukan h St again of the Memphis Tigers this is the second foul second personal foul Memphis Tigers 8 Yukon huskys 5 and another opportunities for the three-pointer shoot three poin shoot today you know that within a two hours after the two hours and 22 minutes later the big game upcoming Michigan State to again of the Colorado State CU Colorado University then the ukan women’s will be playing T then the next two hours later women’s game playing to of the waran another three-point made from the ukis ukis are now label the game finally again of the team of Memphis Tigers right now the 8 by8 both of two score right now here had the8 by8 eight both of two women score of 8 by8 Memphis eight Yukan husk eight this game is goes to the last last 16 minutes left for finish the first car first half another foul from the Yukon H this is the third and now Memphis opponent of Yukan they take a timeout you can take a time out after the both of two the score is label 8 by8 eight mest Tigers eight ukan huskys eight this game is now closed of both of two in few days before we shared the husk women game to again of the Fairly fairly women’s again of the fair womens and now today we share the ukan me’s game ukan askis main game and that game 8 by8 and after the timeout the game is start again and now you know that you the LSC women versus the Washington also playing another game and Washington 47 LSU Tigers are now 34 the three third quarter 3 minute and 50 30 second left and the current game here the Memphis Tigers men versus the ukan hkis in this game they score right now Memphis triers They al already eight Yukan husk is already eight Memphis side Yukan site the carban 1 three pointer me m 1 three pointer and Liam One 12. total eight sorry UK can side but Memphis side Roser the guard he already individually six point and CC the center player he already three points sorry already two points to Memphis sers to MP here chance to score by fre thoro SES to score by three fror right now they score in this game and now two fito chances two free throw given by the refar so can the both of two free throw will be score by the ukan husk opponent of pis if they can score both of two F before the 15 point and 56 second finish the first half and the chances to will be lead the game two points currently Memphis F pitoro missing F pitoro almost missed from the Memphis as P almost Miss from the Memphis now he is now ready to the second fre thr he is now ready for second fioro fioro made right now Memphis Tigers in both of two F scor now after the last two one F throw missing the rebound the ball and two-p pointer so Memphis Tigers are now the 11th mes are now 11th Yukon husk so Memphis Tigers 11th Yukan huskys eight three point difference three points difference right now between the two team the Memphis Tigers almost in this game the lead the three and again Memphis foul to a again of the team of ukan huskys and another two-pointer shoot from the Yukan huskys fails to a score rebound from the Memphis rebounds Memphis and now Memphis again the attempt and f s foul from the ukan so another two fre tho another two free throw given by the refy yes he give he already now the ready to fororo passor es score es score now 12 first F score second F score both of two fre score from the Memphis Tigers Memphis are now the 11th and 11 12 right now the score between the two team difference is now 13 by 8 T8 fivepoint games now the three-pointer shoot of Yukon huskys missed es score four P five minutes left for finish the first quarter and 15 minutes left for finish the first up that playing the Tigers and husk Yukan that playing the Tigers and Yukon currently the 13 by8 the score Defence both of two another foul from the ukan and this is the sixth personal foul in this game from the Tigers oppent of Yukan ukan already six personal fou so right now the score in this game the 13 by8 and another f thoro 13 by 8 and Yukon husk is now ready to free throw because me is also the foul here also foul 13 by 8 4 minutes left to finish off running quarter mempis Tigers lead the game with Five Points Five Points right now difference another escore from the me M Memphis already 16 CH now sixo game right now sixo game right now the score 16 by 10 before the 2 minute and 32 second left for finish the game of first quarter and right now the score difference is Memphis versus the team of Ukon husk is only four because the last two points from the team of Yukan husk is now Yukan husk is 12 Yukan husk another 12 another two point are missing of Yukan husk so Yukan husk almost in this game their total points almost in this game their total points are now 12 Memphis sorry you can 12 Memphis and 14 for finish the first quarter only 2 minute and 12 second left minutes and 12 second left and I have so here in this game the another foul from the Yukon huskys Yukon husk is they are more foul than the team of Memphis triers they are more foul than the Memphis triers but I hope their opportunities to uh in this game comeb back because this is the four uh four quarter game four quarter game so if they can in one quarter lead 7even eight points because in current quarter Four Points leading from the team Memphis to of the Ukon Memphis to again of the Ukon so Memphis Tigers 16 Yukan huskys and timeout from the Memphis the last timeout from the Memphis Tigers and Memphis Tiger side in this and today you know that Germany and Sweden basketball championship qualifier were uh qualifiers of uh European Euro basket they play ukas is 12 mempis 16 already three two-pointer from the Yukon two two pointer of Memphis three three pointer two time of me Yukon three points three time of Memphis and also there are three free free throw eight rebounds for foul for turnover from the Memphis Tigers yuk five three rebounds eight foul one turnover in first this is the highest personal foul by the Yukon Liam McNeil Liam McNeil last he personal foul so after the timeout the Tigers and the husk game will be start to soon not this game is almost restart but he had the foul on the Samson Johnson from the Memphis side the last foul and of official TV timeout Liam MCN Liam MCN the last Liam MCN the last uh FS from the mempis side cent of tigers right now 16 by 12 the score and you know that today the Memphis Yukan Asis women will be playing the game to up the college basketball NCA women’s college basketball 2024 the upcoming the UK Yukon will be playing the next game Yukan will be playing the next game tonight 16 by 12 M tiger 16 and timeout is still running both of two F score from the Memphis now they score of 18 18 by 12 11 minute and 44 second left for finish the game of first quarter first top at scod difference and now 6 point M again lead the game with 6.2 again of the ukan huskys so for finish the first quarter only left for finish the first quarter here only left of the last one minute and 18 second after the 1 minute and 18 second the first quarter will be finished now the two point are missing from the ukas ukas are now the 12 they record to six point in this upcoming one minute and 17 second for finally label the game in current quarter not I say overall because uh another uh 1 minute and 17 second left for finish the current leag current quarter this Tigers another oppent you can ask the two-p pointer basket the 12 jumper from the yuk can also the is 2 point so 20 by 12 20 by 12 I’m sorry 20 by 40 because the last final so got of mempis oppent of Yukon and the last on the jumper two point jumper and now 20 by 17 20 by 17 M are now the 20 ukan now 17 and again the fre thr got 62% the F chances F made from the M only five times so you can ask is another score now 21 lead now four ready for the second free throw F score in this game and also both of two free to score from the Memphis M now 22 right now lead of fives Five Points right now lead the Five Points between the Memphis Tigers and Yukan huskys in this game this Tigers yes the another three-point shoot yonas and rebound but they’re missing the last three point are missing the last three pointer on the last attempt right now they score of 22 by 17 22 by 17 in this game Memphis 22 ukan 17 and finish the first quarter and first quarter from the Memphis triers with the Five Points second quarter the already second quarter few minutes running and in this second quarter now the Memphis sters 22 Yukan hasisan now the 17 no points from the both of two team in this second quarter this is the game of NCA college basketball 2024 that game is playing the one of the best team the M Strikers versus the hukan husk is that this is the main game not a women’s game and you know that today the women game playing the only 4 minute and 57 second left for finish the game and this game was very close LSU 55 Washington 59 Washington 59 and you know that today Duke women will be playing to Kansas State and upcoming game today the women game upcoming women’s game in uh today we’ll be playing by the ukas women another two pointer missing another two pointer missing 22 by 19 and 3 point finally the Ukon and the label the game finally Yukon label the game in today you can open into the next attemp they score another by the Memphis and the lead Memphis again lead the game time out is still running Tigers 24 husk is 24 both of two already the same points in this current and the timeout from the Memphis because the ukas they come back with us strongly Yukon husk already in this game they are come back with a strongly to again of the tiger so conc at 24 connect now the 24 the in the second quarter especially strongly comeb back so 24th by 24 Point difference no seven and now welcome to the second quarter the NCA college basketball 2024 the second that playing between the that second game playing between the Yukon husk versus the Memphis Tigers the first quarter was finished with the to Five Point difference in the second quarter is still running the second quarter is still running overall the first h i will be share the game with the h no I say the countdown the time sorry the quarter you know that here I will be trying to share only the score update with the commentary on first quarter but now I continue the second quarter so now the time to the close the game of the Memphis Tiger versus the ukan hkis the game of tonight this is the score update with the commentary only and this time out taken from the members after the you can ask is they come

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