WSU Football: Anne McCoy Press Conference | 12/18/24

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Director of Athletics Anne McCoy holds a press conference discussing a change in Washington State Football leadership.

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πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Transcript:

great thanks so much Bill uh good afternoon everyone and thank you so much for your time and joining us um I’d also like to offer my thanks in allowing us a little time to do this in the afternoon instead of this morning uh it’s just really important for us to prioritize meeting with the team and getting things settled here at Washington State University uh and then be in a better position to to visit with everybody this afternoon and hopefully be able to answer everyone’s questions as as thoroughly and openly as possible you know I would like to say you know a lot of what we’re experiencing right now uh feels a lot like kind of the new world of College athletics and football uh and I think it’s easy to get sucked into all of the changes and everything that we’ve had happen in the last you know we’ll just say week or two uh in in on top of you know the last year or two but I have just been reminded time and time again in meeting with our current players um and coaches that are still here and and hearing from so many of our former players and former coaches uh it it just reminds me what an amazing Place Washington State University is and while change sometimes can be uh frustrating or difficult or uh create uncertainty I I’m a strong believer that change brings about the opportunity uh uh for for new beginnings and to really uh decide and and and make a plan as to where things go forward and I think our team has had a tremendous tremendous mindset and attitude uh from this perspective and and so do I you know a change has brought opportunity for Jake ticker uh at another institution but that leaves us an amazing opportunity for change here at Washington State University going forward and so I I continue uh to just remind everybody that the future is bright and uh change you know brings about opportunity and we’re really excited about the the position we’re in right now the opportunity we have before us and a tremendous bowl game uh to participate in next week to to cap off a season uh that you know has been a really great one and that to be honest players deserve the chance to close off and so that’s where my focus is right now in addition to finding uh the next head coach for Washington State football obviously that search has begun immediately I’m sure there’ll be questions about that but just rest assured that things are moving along but at the same time right now we’re prioritizing our our team and I believe rightfully so because they’ve earned that right and they deserve it from us and happy to take questions all right we’ll start with Greg Woods go ahead Greg Greg we’re having some audio problem so we’ll come back to you Jamie vinnett go ahead hi and excuse me thanks for doing this um just uh right off the bat was there a chance did you guys have a chance to give a counter offer to Jake or did he just accept that first offer you know we’ve had a lot of ongoing conversations uh throughout the season and you know as you would expect just talking about you know the future here and you know visiting with both Jake and his um representation relative to his contract and I I think to be honest I think Jake felt good about the place we would have been in going forward but I think it was more about the opportunity uh that he had that he chose to take as opposed to you know kind of what was here so it really wasn’t um a situation where there was a you know counter offer or any um UNC certainty as to our position here because I’m you know my philosophy’s always been to be pretty open and honest and transparent about just where things are at and so I think Jake had a good sense of you know where Washington State University stood relative to his future here and you know wanting to continue to build a partnership but at some point you know people reach those professional Crossroads where they feel like it’s maybe not so much about the opportunity they’re leaving but the one they have the opportunity to go too all right next up Dave bowling go ahead Dave can you hear me can you hear me hello you can hear me okay thank you um you mentioned uh this being one of the realities of contemporary College athletics it hurts people though you develop a relationship fans all that they’ve went through to try to keep people would do you have any anything you s could suggest to fans on how to deal with this sort of thing the loss yeah no I agree I mean I I feel it to be honest I mean I’ve you know been the C A coug for almost 24 years and the way things are now versus when they what they were like when I first got here you know you weren’t wondering if your team was coming back or you weren’t wondering about the timing of all of the transitions you know certainly coaches you know may leave but I I think that our situation probably highlights the need for there to be some changes relative to the timing you know I feel for these players and the the guys that have put so much into this team uh to feel like you know what just happened you know this last week or two and I think it’s not so much about you know what we’re able to do at any school not just Washington State but just being at peace with knowing that you know you you make your best effort to do what you can to provide the best situation but at the end of the day people are going to make decisions that as hard as it is you can’t take personally at some point it’s not about Washington State University it’s about what’s important for each individual student athlete or coach and and what they choose to do and what they you know choose to see as their future uh so I think it becomes a to be honest a sad place if if we stop trying and believing because we might get hurt um because I feel it I mean I do I feel the hurt I know a lot of our fans I know a lot of our players our staff our community feel that hurt but at the end of the day we can only do so much and and be responsible for what we can be responsible for and and continue to do that at the end of the day you know understand people are going to make decisions that we can’t we can’t take personally you know because at the end of the day if we take it too personally then we just stop having those relationships believing and trying and that’s unacceptable to me next up Sam Taylor go ahead Sam and um as you were talking about obviously you know you know the reality is 20 players to transfer portal a lot of the coaching staff gone um is this just the new reality for WS or what is your vision for what w Su can be and what how do you plan to to forge a future for wcu in this new College landscape yeah I mean I guess I would uh offer up that it’s not just Washington State University I mean we’re seeing this at a lot of Institutions and Es and flows I mean a lot of schools lost a ton of players in the portal last year and we were fortunate that we didn’t this year you know we’ve got a good number in the portal but you know maybe the school last year that did doesn’t this year so I think it’s everywhere it’s not Washington State University I think many programs are going through this uh and so what’s important to me going forward is to really keep keep our eyes my eyes on what is best for Washington State University and making it the best place for the right person to be you know the place that we’re the right fit for and Washington state has always had that Niche I mean you know we’ve always recruited players that you know maybe see themselves in you know a smaller Community versus a larger City or you know that has you know a a priority on worldclass student athlete experience and not just the wins and losses or or whatever it might be so I think we’ve always kind of forged our path and we need to know that that’s continuing to be important going forward but I I don’t think it’s only Washington State University I think it’s the reality everywhere and I think it’s a lot like we’ve talked about with conference realignment is in a lot of cases it’s just a matter of when people are going to go through this not if and in some cases Washington State you know gets to be the Pioneers in some of this next up P bagera Kyle go ahead yeah I think I’m I think I’m unmuted now can you hear me now an I can Kyle hi yeah I mean I mean given the start of the Season it it always figured that you know Jake was going to be you know could be a candidate other places and kind of given that that kind of obvious Dynamic to everyone how much did you have to start thinking about the eventuality of of Jake you know the possibility I guess of him leaving before it became a reality and then how much did that process allow you to be better suited to kind of move fast here um with the portal where it is and and all those other factors sure I mean I think it’s you know as we’ve talked about it’s always something you have to be mindful of that’s you know definitely not new not only this season um not just this year I think that you know in athletic administrative positions and in my role now as athletic director I mean you’re always thinking about the you know possibility that you know coaches could leave and for a variety of reasons whether it be another opportunity whether it be things aren’t working out um so I think you always it’s a fine balance quite frankly of being you know mindful of of you know the situation you’re currently in and not getting too far ahead of yourself as far as you know placements but also you know certainly being prepared and knowing uh the candidates that are out there and and and again I think it’s always an opportunity to determine you know what’s the best fit going forward you know knowing what we know now I mean certainly things are very different just nationally in college football than when Jake Dicker was hired here um and so looking at that and looking forward I think it’s imperative you can’t ever be caught you know uh without a plan and I do I think it’s you know it’s going to be very important that we evaluate the need for for Speed but also um to be thorough and and mindful of candidates that you know are attractive to us that may or may not still be you know coaching for their institutions so yeah so I would say prepared always aware of the possibility um you know but certainly you know not acting like Jake was out the door before he actually submitted a resignation Greg wood let’s try it again go ahead okay and can you hear me now I can Greg hi okay beautiful I’m on the road to Seattle so we’re we’re we’re kind of playing it tricky um I’m curious uh Marshall uh they lost almost 30 players to the portal um and had to opt out of their bowl game uh you guys are at 22 now obviously a lot of coaching vacancies um you know obviously with Jake um One have you guys had any conversations about potentially playing out of the Holiday Bowl and would there be a point where you guys would consider that at all no uh no to that question um we are not pulling out we are very committed to playing in the Direct TV Holiday Bowl we’ve been in ongoing conversations uh with the executive director and their administrative team reassuring them of that you know I can’t speak to what the situation was at Marshall because I don’t know enough about the specifics so I don’t want my comments to be construed as in any way second guessing their decision or their choice but at the end of the day you know we stood before a a room full of motivated football student athletes who can’t wait to get on the field against Syracuse and represent Washington State University and to finish what they started and to send those seniors off uh you know with the the bowl game that they deserve I mean the Holiday Bowl is one of the best bowl games in the country it’s one that Washington State you know obviously has a long tradition of of playing in and we’re extremely committed to that and there’s been you know right before I jumped on the webinar and if I was a minute or too late I apologize but just you know talking with some current student athletes again of just saying you know we we got this like we’re excited we want to do this uh we have coaches that are still here that are committed and and people that really are are you know wanting to finish off the season and and that means finishing off the season with a bowl game in San Diego and we’re in we’re 100% in next up Andrew Quinn go ahead Andrew good afternoon an thanks for doing this um I just wanted to know this all seems to have happened very quickly um can you kind of take us into when Jake first um let you know about this offer and when things kind of came together and could you also kind of take us inside what was the reaction from his team to hearing this news this morning yeah I mean I guess if you don’t mind I’d prefer to keep my comments to you know just kind of my interactions and not not speak for the team I mean certainly I was in the room when he told the team and I think these are always tough you know with every change there’s going to be a wide variety of emotions um but speaking directly um the Jake and I talked about this opportunity that he was offered um at 7:45 this morning so that was the first time that I spoke with Jake um in all fairness he did try to catch me via phone maybe an hour earlier uh but this morning is the first time that I uh talked directly with Jake about this opportunity or that he spoke with me directly about the opportunity all right next up Austin GS go ahead Austin hi an uh I think a reason that there’s so much kind of feelings of Despair right now in the fan base is that Jake uh presented himself as somebody who cared a lot about the university kind of wanted to see it uh long term kind of return to um you know the prominence on the national stage that it once was do you think that somebody like that taking another opportunity maybe hurts the image a little bit and how do you combat that oh you know I I I will admit I’m probably biased but I don’t think it does I don’t think it does hurt uh people’s perception of the opportunity or their thoughts I mean at the end of the day you know I don’t know that Jake could foresee the Wake Forest job opening or foreseeing that that might be a better fit you know for him going forward or for whatever reason he chose to take that job but I think we’ve got a tremendous fan base we’ve got a tremendous Community here we’ve got a great group of guys that are committed uh to playing for Washington State University and I I just I don’t think it does I think that you know we uh have so many amazing things on the horizon with the Taylor Sports Complex and the Champion Center a brand new football locker room I mean I know there’s been a lot swirling um relative to support and different things but we’ve had ongoing conversations you know with the Board of Regents who are very supportive of everything going on at Washington State University including an Athletics um and I I just think it would it would cause me to have to speculate why Jake to chose to leave and to be honest I don’t know that that’s fair for me to do but I don’t I don’t think it causes any sort of Despair because I think if if all of the outpouring of interest that we’ve gotten from tremendous candidates already in the last couple hours or any indication like people are excited this job is open and they’re excited for the opportunity to lead Washington State football next up Jack Wallace go ahead Jack hello thank you again for for hosts and all this I I was just curious in your opinion in what you see out of what really makes a cou what do you think is the number one most important factor when you’re looking for someone to lead this program next oh boy that’s a lot to try to sum up what it is to be a cougar what’s important um it’s you know I think it’s someone uh to be honest that is someone who has heart and someone who is kind of uh wired into to what what’s a priority for them and in their lives and with their community and with their team I mean I think if you look at a lot of common threads with our head coaches you’ve got highly competitive driven people that place a priority on the relationships and not just something that’s transactional you know with the new world of College athletics we talk about transactional versus relationship based you know situations a lot and I think Washington State University is always going to be a place that’s relationship based because it’s a special place and we’re not about being transactional and we’re not about you know just the latest shiny object and I think somebody that you know is is that that values that and that values something more than just what’s seen on the surface but actually the soul of who we are like that’s the person you know that’s the person we want those are the people that have been at Washington state that have been so successful whether it be student athletes faculty staff students you know whomever it might be you know and and to be honest people that don’t shy away from things that are difficult and tough you know this is not for the faint of heart you know but so it has to be something that people believe in are willing to invest in and that doesn’t scare them and so I think you know somebody that that has those qualities um and obviously in this particular case as a heck of a football coach um you know we’ve got our person all right next Jason Pucket go ahead Jason and you said I I’m here and you said you found out 7:45 from Jake that he was leaving to take the Wake Forest job yes from Jake directly yes Jake direct inklings prior inklings prior to that but Jake and I were able to connect this morning at 7:45 and no no o no chance to offer a counter do you in a way feel betrayed and the university and the athletic department betrayed by Jake you know know I think at the end of the day you know Jake dickert was our football coach um until he took an opportunity somewhere else and we have a lot to be you know I think uh appreciative of a lot of work that was done but I I wouldn’t say betrayed at the end of the day I mean because I think when Jake had made up his mind it would almost be more of an insult to try to pretend that he hadn’t if that makes sense you know so I think that I I don’t although I think it’s unfortunate timing relative to the bowl game and you know finishing off a season and really you know adding another piece to a lot of emotions that this team is feeling right now um at the end of the day I think you know if that part if you take too personally or or you know look at it as anything other than you know at that point it is a transaction then um you know I think it gets it gets too draining and difficult so so I don’t really I don’t think feel it as a betrayal I’m I’m excited for Jacob he’s excited for this opportunity and I’m excited for us and next up Doug NAD Wornick go ahead Doug and you referenc your 24 years of the cougar program there are a lot of Old-Timers like me who have been around long enough that that it’s a much different system that it uh so um do you worry that the apathy of folks who are tired of the changes that are going on in the program are not going to give to your program at a time when you really need them for the cougar Collective and all that sort of thing are you worried that this that’s going to hurt your fundraising I’m not um in fact what we’ve seen is just the opposite that cougs are realizing we’ve never needed them more than now uh and really stepping up and and being there whether it be through financial support or you know ticket sales or just the number of just like hanging there kind of emails and texts from a lot of you know great fans and supporters and again former coaches former players you know I think tells me that although sometimes you know some days are hard to be a coug like all of all everybody out there who’s a cougle recognize that I think but that to me is what makes it so special is that it’s not for everybody and I think at the end of the day it has been just the opposite of what we’ve seen is that at the end of the day we can only control what we control and if we you know get sucked into apathy of you know this is not what it used to be or this is too hard or this is too tough then it means that we’re ready to give up on on Washington State being a coug and that to me is not an option as a reminder if you have a question for an please raise your hand and we’ll call on you uh Jamie vinnick go ahead and how much do you think some of the the budget woses that you know kind of going on with the the Pack 12 shift and everything how much do you think that maybe played a role in uh in Jake’s departure I honestly don’t know you know so I would hate to venture a guess I will say that again as I alluded to earlier you know Jake and I met on a real really regular basis relative to a lot of you know programmatic needs or things that we could do to help support Washington State football and and Washington State athletics and you know I think he did feel supported I mean I obviously we’re under you know some constraints and parameters you know that we have to work within but you know we’ve done everything we can to prioritize the things that were a priority to Washington State football and to coach Dicker and so you know whether Financial woes played into it not knowing what the finances are at at the new institution uh I I don’t know if I could say you know I would say I know that he felt good about the the the direction of the support and some things we were able to you know kind of revisit um over the last you know few months that were important to him you know I think he he felt supported um you know in our conversations for sure um but I I don’t know honestly if that you know again played into a fact of him understanding there were some things within our control and some things not and you know whether those tipped the scales on him feeling like a new opportunity was a good one I couldn’t say next question Sam Taylor go ahead Sam and uh we saw are you know your your pollution neighbors um find a coach within four days of their opening do you have an idea of the of of the timeline for finding a new coach and then just what is that process of finding a new coach going to look like yeah yeah um that’s you know always the magic question and I will say I’m a firm believer that it’s better uh to get the hire done right than to get it done quick uh or quickly uh so I certainly we are you know mindful of all of the timeline with you know the semester start in January with the transfer portal uh the uncertainty you know of the team and and and certainly you know fans wanting to know what will happen and what the future will be uh but I I am not going to venture a guess because I don’t I don’t want it to become oh gosh it hasn’t happened yet you know she said 14 days and you know here we are I think I think we have to be mindful of really great candidates still competing and playing um coaching and where that plays into it so you know we will use a search firm to help vet through um candidates um that’s yet um we’re still working on identifying that group uh to make sure again that that’s a good fit and the right one but uh just to help us you know really with with time and energy where we need it to be versus um you know the whole process of a of a search so I you know I’m going to say it’s going to be as quickly as we think we can do it to do right but beyond that I would hate to venture a guess Greg Woods go ahead Greg hey what seems to be the mood just like around the department the football team and how do you kind of you know reassure everybody that you know this I’m so sorry Greg you cut out at the end I heard around the department how do you reassure yeah I’m just curious kind of like what the mood seems to be around the department and how do you kind of reassure people that like you know the sky is not falling and things are gonna be okay the mood is good I mean honestly I mean that’s again this is the reality of of College athletics generally I mean it certainly isn’t the first head football coach that um you know has moved on at Washington State and you know it’s I I think people understand it’s more about I’d say it’s more about the um you know the overall Waters versus any particular waves if that makes sense and so I think that you know I think people feel good I mean people are excited about a lot of really great things happening at Washington State I think people you know are frustrated with some of the realities of College athletics that are no different here than they are other places but that’s you know they’d be feeling that no matter where they worked to be honest in the country so I think I think things are good the team is fired up I mean the team is not in any sort of a hole you know lamenting I think they are focused on the Holiday Bowl they’re focused on you know representing Washington state they’re in a good place I think that you know again as we kind of alluded to earlier you know if we choose to you know wallow and lament you know where we’re at then it seems like kind of a downer if we you know choose to embrace it as an opportunity uh to move forward and get better then you know I think the mindset is everything mindset is everything in my opinion and you know I don’t want to make it seem like you know oh people aren’t you know aware of some of the challenges but I also think people aren’t you know uh frightened of them or or running away from them so it’s uh people are good I mean we’ve had a a great fall we’re having a great winter um in a lot of our programs you know people are about ready to either go to San Diego or spend some time with family and friends for the holidays we’ve got a new year coming you know it’s things are good next up Austin gets go ahead Austin and we’ve heard from multiple people around college football including Jake himself that he thinks that some of the issues more regarding the the transfer portal and all those kind of things could be fixed with some guard rails in place would you be in favor of moving the transfer portal window to after the bull season to try and maybe prevent some of the mass Exodus we’ve seen not only at your program but around around the country you know I I really would be in favor of you know an evaluation of moving the window because I think it’s um I think the you know everybody’s still trying to find the perfect um you know kind of sweet spot of timing but also you know protecting student athletes you know rights and ability to transfer if they choose to but also you know we think about the the students that are leaving and the players that have left but the timing also throws the players that are choosing not to leave or the ones that are trying to finish off their semester academically or you know bull season coming up I just think the timing is really tough all the way around to be honest when we talk about student athlete welfare and you know everything else uh that we’re we’re trying to balance I do I do think the window is at a really tough time of year for people Jason Pucket go ahead Jason and was there ever a discussion with Jake during the season about a contract extension from you and the Board of Regents I and if there was not why not no Jake and I definitely talked about that um both uh Jake and I directly um Jake and his Sports supervisor and then also myself and his representation so absolutely uh you know we talked about his contract kind of on an ongoing basis about different things you know that were important to him going forward um you know talking about potential um you know what an extension would look like uh what was the right timing you know to execute that so absolutely you know he was uh you know again very aware as was his um you know representation about what Washington State’s intentions would be um but I would put that to myself the board you know neither the board nor the president would have been involved in that at that point but certainly myself and his Sports supervisor were Andre Quinn go ahead Andrew and I guess on a happier note could you kind of go into the thinking behind naming Pete cagus the interim head coach and um what you’re expecting to see from him over this next week as you guys head down to San Diego and uh try and get get ready for this bowl game now yeah oh my gosh yeah I coach caligus is just an amazing human being who is you know all heart you know an amazing Soul you know just no drama well respected you know just you even to watch him and how he interacts with the team the respect that the team members have for him um and I want to be clear we have a lot of really tremendous people and coaches that are still on the staff but the reason that you know uh Pete cagus really immediately stepped to my mind and to be honest anybody around the football program’s mind is that he just he has the respect he is uh you know has such a servant mindset relative to doing whatever is needed to help the program and to really you know give the players the 10 days before the bow that they deserve and really focusing on that and you know just his background and his level-headedness and you know just again just a a really good guy um that the players respect that I respect you know and and as I told him I just feel like you know he’s someone that immediately comes to um my mind as someone that just you know we’ll we’ll do it for the right reasons with good intentions and and you know and and be there and be there for the team and that was you know completely evident in the you know I would say in the interactions I’ve seen so far even with the team he’s he’s here to help and do whatever he can for as long as we need him to next question Sam Taylor go ahead Sam and we’ve seen um David Riley start the year strong with men’s basketball Camy Ethridge win her 100th game um does Jake Dicker departure and form how you might approach or prioritize retaining uh coaches in the future I don’t think so you know I think we have to focus on what we can control and make sure that coaches know back to the earlier question of you know if co uh if you know coach Dicker knew about our intentions relative to his future contract status and those sorts of things I think you know being open with your communication with your expectations um you know and I’m a pretty relationship based person with our coaches you know I’m there to support them when they need me I’m happy to stay out of their way when they don’t uh and just allowing them to have the information um I think that’s the most unfortunate piece is if people leave because they don’t you know they don’t have the information they feel like they need relative to make an informed decision and so I I don’t know that it really does to be honest because I think that each Situation’s so unique and you you’ve got to focus on controlling what you can and kind of being who you are and you know at the end of the day people make decisions based on what they feel like is best for them as a reminder if you have a question please raise your hand we’ll call on you Jason Pucket go ahead Jason and I just want to follow up on the on the contract extension talk that you had with Jak and his represent his representation why did it not go any further what what was the outcome what was his reaction to those contract extension talks and then does do you have assurances from the Board of Regents that you can make a a an attractive and competitive offer to the next football coach at Washington State oh okay I’m trying to think of how best to characterize you know or answer all of that succinctly so first of all I would say you know as I mentioned earlier we continue to be in ongoing you know um discussions with the Board of Regents and helping um I guess you know allow them to know the ways they can best support support us going forward um you know I have no qualms about having the support from the board relative to you know making an offer uh to another you know the next head football coach and what we think is um you know a fair and competitive offer you know well we do have a pointing Authority in athletics certainly the salary level would be such that you know the board of regions would definitely weigh in and and approve and you know they they we have the utmost confidence in each other I would say and so I have no concerns there so I’ll answer that part first um and then the first part um you know it’s an interesting Dynamic on the contract extensions because I think well you know the the the spirit of what you know we were looking at was was known and appreciated you know the interesting timing of how our season evolved relative to you know having a string of losses at the end I think that at that point um not Washington State but that I think you know Jake felt like he wanted to get through the season and you know kind of see where things were at and you know really looking at you know what he felt was appropriate to to look at and to to sign and so I I don’t know how to describe that without making it sound you know more or less like a thing because it really wasn’t I mean we had a you know you know talking about a long-term you know partnership uh relative to contract length and I think both he and his representation felt good about it but I think the ultimate piece was is that wasn’t going to be a factor whether he chose to stay or go because he knew you know what the offer was and and you know to be honest maybe getting through the season two to know how he felt about you know whether he would be staying or not I I don’t know I some of that requires you know probably some insight that that Jake would be the best one to give but you know we had provided a succinct offer um and you know talked about concept and terms uh and there was no you know concerns or push back I think the the the partnership was felt Jamie vinck go ahead Jamie he is is wazu uh moving towards Revenue sharing next year in the wake of the most recent house settlement and could that have been a factor uh in Jake’s decision you know again I mean that would be something you would have to ask him I mean it certainly is you know a factor as we look at you know our budget and really prioritizing um you know where our resources are going but I would say we’ve you know been looking at um you know scholarship pools so to speak so that you each coach can decide whether you know Revenue sharing or ni is important whether um Austin’s important whether it’s more full scholarships or partial scholarships or whatever it might be and I would say that footell felt really good about um you know where they were at and you know the resources they had to work with uh but I think we’re like a lot of other schools still sorting out you know where our place is and all of that and how that looks so you know I think there will be certainly we will be in the the market of doing uh Financial you know considerations that are Beyond just what typical scholarship has been in the past you know but I it could be I but you would have to ask him all right Sam Taylor another one go ahead Sam and I’m curious what have your conversations been like with current players former players um current staff members just all any conversations you’ve had today in the wake of the news and what are their reactions and how are you intending to involve them in the future of of the football program yeah boy with all the different pieces I mean I would say again all of the reach outs have been extremely positive you know the interesting thing is is where I know a lot of the focuses is about Jake dickert leaving but really almost all of the feedback has been about the future and the the present day you know of Washington State football and it’s interesting how you know again it’s it’s not for a lack of appreciation for what’s been done but you know people move on pretty quickly relative to focusing on the the the task at hand and so I would say the current players um that are here um and have met with we’ve met with them as an entire group I’ve had some individually come in the office and we’ll meet with the Leadership Council uh later today after they’ve had a chance to kind of talk as a team uh but they are extremely motivated uh for this bowl game and extremely motivated for their teammates and that’s not to say others won’t be in the portal or that others won’t you know look to transfer or look to stay after the bowl game but I’ve really been impressed at how they’ve been trying to compartmentalize what they view as the job at hand which is finishing off this season strong and so uh really impressed and appreciative and you know there have been a lot of like you know we’ve got this you know don’t worry you know we’re good you know etc etc and and much more I would share I’d be afraid I’d you know let the cat out of the bag competitively relative to our opponent but I they’re they’re fired up they’re ready to go um you know former players same thing you know that this is an amazing place I know that you guys will get in a great coach coming in um you know so very optimistic very you know task at hand um you know what can we do to help uh but I it’s been extremely uh extremely positive and again you know former coaches you know both head and assistant reaching out to offer up help or you know thoughts or or whatever it might be former players uh it’s been it’s been really terrific honestly and and again as much as you know the question earlier about you know kind of the um you know that it’d be easy get sucked into uh feeling like oh you know the despair again it’s the reaction has been completely the opposite with people closest to the program and so I feel that like the the the people that you know maybe are just you know a half a step removed and they be feeling like you know they are frustrated they are disappointed you know I just want you to know like the people that are in the program or the people that have gone through the program are excited for the future okay we have time for one or two more if you have a question please raise your hand and we’ll call on you seeing none I think we’re oh Sam Taylor go ahead Sam thanks B um so an one more just um In This Moment obviously there’s a lot of chaos a lot of things happening a lot of responsibilities that you have who are you talking to who are you depending on and is there anyone you can or any anything you can depend on to guide you through this and basically what has your sport system been like and and your vision for the future and who’s helped inform that yeah I mean to me it’s kind of like things always are in life I think the people that provide you the best support are people that have nothing to gain you know and are there just to really provide great insight and input or be a sounding board and so you know again the beauty of having been at Washington State as long as I have is that you know so many people that have gone through this program in the football program and want nothing but the best for the future or professional colleagues or you know we have a tremendous administrative team here but we have a tremendous support system in football whether it be the coaches or whether it be the support staff that work you know around the program every day and and to be honest the players I mean I think it’s important to really take in all the perspectives you know that I can’t have not sitting in the player shoes about you know kind of The Good the Bad and the Ugly of where they think things are at right now with the current day of you know college football uh but then people that know Washington State and I I I’m a firm believer that it’s you know at the end of the day there’s there’s many people’s input that’s important but at the end of the day it it’s it’s input you know that you have to be able to sort through and and then make a and make a good decision based on the input you have and so uh there there are a lot of people uh to be honest and and everybody’s input I I value only because if they take the time to reach out they care you know and I think that that’s important right now I think it’s important to remember that we have a lot of people that care about Washington State and want nothing but the best for us all right final question Jamie vinnett go ahead Jamie and do you have a kind of a salary R salary range you’ll be planning for the next head coach you know I’d be happy to provide that once we nail that down we’re we’re we’re still reviewing that and looking at that and it’s partially if it were just the head coach salary it’d be one thing but really evaluating where we want to be at uh with our entire salary pool uh relative you know quite frankly to some of the other questions that were asked relative to where our resources were will go uh so happy to provide that once we’ve had a chance you know to nail that down a little a little more um so I just right now I don’t feel like I have a good enough answer uh because you know at this point there’s so many more pieces that’ll go into it than ever typically would

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