๐ Published on: 2024-12-06 05:21:49
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๐จ๐จ๐จ๐จ๐จ๐จYANKEES MORNING BREW ๐จ๐จ๐จ๐จ๐จ
Episode 301 With our host Hector Co Host Grace Monroe & Damien Serrano / bringing you up to date info on the 2024 NY #Yankees Season. Tune in for your Baseball recap show and don’t forget your coffee! YANKEES MORNING BREW
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you fought well yesterday your style is unorthodox [Music] Scorpio good morning good morning Yankees universe and welcome back to another episode of the Yankees morning Brew on this Thursday December 5th like always I’m you got Hector joined by my companero this morning I got the lovely Grace Monroe and all you Yankee fans wake up and get your coffee Grace how are you doing it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas Absolut yo I’m good I don’t know why I just got so hyper for like the last 10 seconds but um I’m good I’m ready for Juan sto to sign gosh darn it I’m so tired of talking about the same talking points we’re going to try to take some new angles today y’all we’re going to try to you know stay as current as we possibly can with the SoDo drama we’ve got some insight we’ve got some opinions um so definitely hang around but we got more to talk about than SoDo but it’s great to be here with you Hector and uh oh I I have some breaking news right now in my ear um sources are telling me that Hector is headed to Texas yes yes I will be inas confirm stand confirm okay it is happening people Hector and I will be together United down here in the friendly State Texas yeeha and I’m gonna get your boy some Texas barbecue we’re gonna we’re gonna show out and uh yeah so stay tuned the Texas Adventure is going to commence at the yes I’m gonna need some good Texas food I’m going some nice good Texas lemonade and I heard they always go big in Texas so I’m looking forward to that Grace shout out shout out shout out to everybody that’s in the building it’s Thursday December 5th the rumor mill it keeps giving us the rumors when it comes to Juan stto and when it comes to Major League Baseball but this is probably one of my favorite times of the off season or of the baseball season in general is the winter meetings the winter meetings is upon us it is next week um literally a few days until I’m on a plan going to Texas like Grace said but we will be coming and giving you content every day next week right I will be going live every day while I’m at the winter meetings in the morning in the night time I will be um doing some streams with our friend Jason over there on the 161 River Avenue Channel Grace will be joining me as well Damian will be joining me as well I’mma have some interviews we got some special guests lined up for next week so guys make sure you guys tune in like I said every morning and every night next week you’ll have some Yanks morning Brew because we’ll be covering the winter meetings right you see me in the Airbnb or you see me at the hotel out there maybe Jeff pass or or one of those guys will walk by and we get some words with them right but before we continue let’s shout out the chat one of the best chats that are out there on YouTube shout out to my guy Theo Anthony Medina in the building Anthony Medina how you doing my guy cheesy so says my co my cousins are all over Corpus Christie amazing area yo cheesy you got some you got some lines on some good eats I need to get me some good food while I’m down there FL diver is in the bu building how you doing Tina’s in the building good morning my guy Jacob patrus is in the building how you doing Jorge Herrera is in the building Kevin NYC salute salute salute three capital s’s Richie Squire is in the building Theo doua is in the building like always daa says salute Hector Grace and the panel hope all is well Hector hold your tra hope your travel is blessed my brother you’re uh getting the grace Monroe effect live I hope God bless your time together absolutely dou a and appreciate you like always Eddie snaps is in the building Anna Marie Sarah sh as well if I pronounce your name wrong I do apologize folks we got over 150 people in the building rocking with us if you guys can smack the like button and hit that subscribe button and getting into it we got to get into the Juan SoDo rumors right because this is the thing that’s hot off the press I got a video from Jeff passon I’m going to play this video and then Grace and I will come back to break it down point we don’t know who the favorites are the New York Mets have been near the top the whole time the Yankees of course the incumbent team the Boston Red Sox the Toronto Blue Jays and the Los Angeles Dodgers all still in it the expectation is that there will be meetings over the weekend and it’s that point Juan Soto will decide where he’s going to go and we will know at latest by the time the winter meetings in Dallas start but at this point so it seems like it’s going to come down to the next few days and when that breaking news happen make sure your notification Bell is on make sure you’re subscribed to the channel because myself and Grace Monroe will be popping up and we’ll be going live to cover the Juan sto drama now finally it will be over right finally it will be over Grace because this is something we have been talking about ever since the end of the world series it was literally the Dodges won champagne was popped the parade happened and we got into the WAN sto drama so Grace I’ll toss it over to you let’s get your break down when it comes to Jeff pass saying that over the next few days the decision will happen I think um yeah I I do think and as we talked about last time that we thought that the decision would be right before or right at the beginning of the winter meetings and it sounds like that is exactly what the timeline is looking like um according to Jeff passen who is one of the most trusted sources if not the most trusted Source in MLB um Scoops so yeah I mean it’s going to come it’s going to happen and I just wanted to say um you know where is Uncle Steve Cohen just throwing around his money like everybody said he was going to where is Steve Cohen saying oh everybody else is over 600 million how about 800 million CU that’s what the Mets fans said he was gonna do this could all be over by now how come it’s not over by now how come Steve Cohen isn’t just swinging him you know what I mean like because that’s not real y’all that’s not real and even according to je pass the Yankees are still extremely favored in this negotiation like um they’re at the top maybe with another team maybe with the Mets but they’re not down here they’re still way up here so we’re still in there um you know Cohen obviously has the ability to say I’m gonna pay you1 billion dollar and nobody can match it but he hasn’t done it yeah and and that’s what people have to understand right Anna Marie I see you with the 650 million shout out to Anna Marie in the building as well Nathaniel Cranshaw as well folks if you’re on Instagram shout out to the Instagram chat we got Ace over there Jean Fitz matrick in the building hit squad is in the building on Instagram click the link in the bio jump on over to YouTube but when you when you look at the 650 million that anamarie just just put in the chat 700 million from the Mets 650 million from the Yankees even though the Mets they have the figure that’s a lot more the 700 million $650 million from the Yankees when you include everything that you could make off the field it’s still more than the 700 million you can get from the Mets if you’re attached to the name to the brand recognition of the New York Yankees once you sign and once you sign that contract for the next 10 12 15 years the sponsorship money that you’re going to get the off the- fill brand deals that you’re going to get all these deals they are worth more as a New York Met as a New York Yankee as opposed to being either a met or either a Red Sox and when you see all these rumors that popped up on Twitter over the past few days and all these Red Sox insiders everybody said that oh I know somebody that knows somebody that says Juan sto is g to sign with the Red Sox oh did you guys see that Juan sto’s sister is going apartment hunting in Boston right she never travels with him maybe this is a sign this is the one thing I want to say to all you socalled Red Sox inside that are out there on Twitter who are trying to break the stories God bless you if you could break them if you get this right if you’re the one that gets this right about Juan stto signing with the Red Sox God bless you the only thing that I ask you is do it again you got to do it again you you can’t just break one story you you got to break another one right because all these Red Sox insiders that had all this information they know all everything that’s going on at Big Poppy’s house in the Dominican Republic not one of them had a rald this Chapman signing with the Boston Red Sox not one of them mentioned that a worldest Chapman was go to sign with the boss in Red Sox so take that for what it’s worth yeah absolutely I and I wanted to say I have right after we lost the World Series we had a pod a very depressing very depressing episode um and I said I feel like woto is gone and I really meant it at the time and I will say that today sitting here today I have not felt this confident that the Yankees were going to sign him now I’m not saying that the Yankees that I believe the Yankees are going to sign him and that’s my prediction but I’m saying I haven’t felt as much that we had a shot as I do today and that’s because um fine sand and I’m not sure if I’m saying that right fine sand yeah fine you got right sand okay fine sand I don’t want to be too Texas but you know it is my nature um but yeah he said that yesterday that the Yankees will be boris’s last and final call yeah and so I said oh oh it’s like that and that’s why business relationships are so important to maintain for example the business relationship between Brian Cashman and Scott Boris that has been uh happening for many years that he is established over a long period of time Steve Cohen does not have that relationship with Scott Boris yet he’s still new on the Block he’s still you know building it up Cashman has a reputation with Boris he signed many of his clients in the past he has made this man a lot of money okay to have this opportunity for Bor Boris to say you know what you’re a good guy to me I’m a good guy to you you’re GNA be the last call that is huge that is huge leverage it can’t be bought that is something that is earned and Cashman has earned that relationship with Boris and so because we have the last swing bottom of the night two out we’re going to be at that yeah so it’s in our control now I don’t know what hell’s gonna do I don’t know what cashman’s gonna do but we are going to be at the plate and that’s all you can ask for yeah that gives me confidence and to piggyback off off of your statement right it it it’s up to Scott Boris to have good relationships not only with the New York Yankees and Brian Cashman but with every organization that is out there and the last thing that Scott Boris wants to do is spurn a MLB team and not let his free agent go back to negotiate with them with them being the original team that he comes from right so it’s up to Scott Boris to maintain these good relationships with whatever team it’s not just our Yankee bias that is saying that Scott Boris is going to come back to the Yankees and give the Yankees the final offer Scott Boris as an agent that’s something that you should be doing because you want to maintain good Rel relationships with every other organization that is out there because you don’t want to have bad relationships when you have free agents next offseason or you don’t want to have bad relationships say like God forbid juano signs with another team you didn’t go back to the Yankees and now the Yankees don’t want to talk to you about whatever other free agents you got pet Alonzo Corbin Burns etc etc right so it’s up to Scott Boris to maintain some proper relationships right absolutely and that gives him sorry I was just gonna say that is why you hire Boris as a client you say this guy has a special relationship with the Dodgers this guy has a special relationship with the Yankees he’s got a hotline to the best most rich owners in MLB that’s why I want him to be my agent that’s why I want him to represent me so these are you know that’s important to Boris like just to piggyback off what you were saying it’s important for him to maintain these relationships absolutely yeah shout out to my guy I 95 bully with the99 Super Chat Hector and Grace the 18 te absolutely bully bully I hope all is well shout out to you shout out to my guy Danny and in the building interesting that Minority Yankee owner Patrick Bet David uh pbd was tweeting about Juan sto’s worth interesting and this is I’m glad that you brought that up Danny shout out to Danny also thank you for the super chat if you guys draft the Super Chat super chats that get priority when it comes to the chat but I’m G leave that up right there because when you look at the value of Juan sto Juan sto adds a value that some some folks out there in the media just doesn’t understand right when you look at Juan sto as a Dominican player Juan sto it is widely recognized in the Dominican community that Juan sto is the best hitter Dominican hitter that is out there in Major League Baseball everybody believes in the Dominican uh community that Fernando TZ is the overall best player that is Dominican out there in Major League Baseball but it is well recognized that Juan sto it is the best hitter out there when you look at Dominican baseball players when you factor in his a when you factor in the fact that he won a World Series when he was a teenager he replaced Bryce Harper who was the FR who was the face of the franchise who was the face of Major League Baseball next to Mike Trout let’s be let’s be honest when he became a free agent he replaced him he didn’t miss a step and he helped that national team get to a World Series as a teenager so to hear people online to hear folks on WFAN media media heads and so-called experts saying that Juan sto is not a generational talent that is something that makes no sense to me if you want to say that this person is not worth x amount of dollars or that person is not worth x amount of dollar I could understand that argument great but to say Juan SoDo is not generational that is a form of mental gymnastics that I just can’t get behind and support because how can you say that somebody who was 26 year old who was in conversations with Ted Williams Mickey Mano Barry Bond some of the greats to ever do it and you say he’s not generational that’s something I can’t understand absolutely I mean he’s he’s demonstrated it through multiple statistics so far in his career but pertinent to the Yankees more than anything perhaps in a contract acquisition is that whenever we sign someone we’re always taking a risk the risk being obviously Health every team has that but the Yankees have a unique risk and that is can you do it in New York City can you handle the Bronx can you handle the lights the pressure the pin stripes are heavy is what we always say right Juan SoDo came in and never faltered ever he stepped right in to the top of the order top of the lineup most pressure and was on from day one not only did he put up his best offensive year to date but he performed in clutch situations so not only did he have the regular pressure of being a New York Yankee which is considerate but he performed in the pressure situations of being clutch on top of the pressure of being a New York Yankee I mean that in and of itself is worth how much to the Yankees because now in the contract negotiations they are looking at a player who has already proven that he can handle New York that he can have an incredible year incredible production and he did it with the most pressure contract year World Series I mean Bronx had batting in front of Aaron judge I mean whatever you want to say this guy’s done it like you said he won the World Series at 19 he has never given us any pause that is worth so much money to the Yankees because any other guy you want to talk about Willie adamus you want to talk about U sere you want to talk about I don’t know um Korea you want talk any any of these other guys that people are kind of talking about they haven’t done it in New York and it’s a risk it’s a risk anytime you get somebody you don’t know how they’re going to perform in New York but we know woto is good that is worth money yeah he’s already done it in New York Grace to your point he’s already done it this season we’ve seen what he could do in New York we see that juano drives in that pressure these are these are the moments that Juan sto lives for so why when you have a player that lives for these type of special moments that has the ability to turn the game around instantly with his offense yes is juano gon to win you some go gloves no he he is not the best defensive right fielder that is out there probably to play Major League Baseball will Juan stto potentially move to another position as he get older maybe he becomes a full-time DH maybe he transitions to first base like my guy L Yankee King has been screaming on Yankees Twitter for the past few months that he wants to see maybe that would happen but as of right now he is a 26 year old he is a right fielder he plays above average Major League defense but the offense that he would bring you the only other players that you can compare to Juan Soo offensively is Aaron judge and Sh Otani and you want to let him walk away because defensive you’re not sold on him that makes no sense to me yeah it makes no sense how can you say that we can get better this team get better by losing Juan sto I know we got a few super chats I want to get to real quick big an NYC with the $5 Super Chat thank you for helping us keep the lights on big ant says what’s going on familiar representing by your Puerto Rico my guy big an any truth of the rumor Yankees might be offering freed deferred contract we we’ll get to that um big an thank you for the $5 super chat we’ll get to that we’ll get to the whole deferred contract conversation we have over 305 people watching us collectively if you guys can please smack the like button hit the Subscribe button if you’re watching on Facebook if you’re watching on Instagram on Twitter click the link in the bou jump on over to YouTube we have over 80 people on YouTube so if you guys can smack the like button let’s try to get to 100 likes on the stream my guy I 95 bully with another 499 Super Chat appreciate you bully the Ops plus the whiff rate the onbase percentage the war for Juan sto is worth his weight and gold absolutely bully absolutely and I heard people try to nitpick and say oh but he’s not a 300 hitter juano last year he hit over 300 for majority of the Season it wasn’t until August when he hit under 200 and he hit 250 or 260 in that brought his batting average to the 280s so for majority of the Season Juan sto hit well over 300 it wasn’t until the last two months of the Season he started to come down but if it wasn’t for Juan sto you guys saw we what it was a six to four game difference between the Yankees and the Baltimore Oriol for the AL East uh first place in the AL East we saw the struggles of Aaron judge in that first month of the Season Grace that was something we talked about heavily on the show if Juan sto struggled the same way Aaron judge struggle in that first month of the Season you can’t tell me that the Baltimore orios don’t take don’t take the division you can’t tell me that right there doesn’t make up the four to six game difference between the Yankees and the Baltimore orios because I definitely think it does yeah absolutely and and what I think we need all need to remember is when he um unfortunately brought his uh batting average down there I guess um he was still working walks and getting on base and he was still scoring runs because Aaron judge was driving him in that’s when judge really got hot and started kind of semi chasing his own home run record and we were all like hold on is he going to hit 63 I mean we were talking about it um so he was still contributing in a major way he never stopped contributing last year period yeah so whether he was hitting or walking or you know whatever um he was a great Clubhouse guy I mean he was he’s awesome we got to sign him that’s it there’s no plan B I want to shout out my guy Los in the building from Yankees form Los my guy how you guys doing listen if you guys want the inside scoop when it comes to your Yankees prospects you got to follow my guy Los from Yankees farm Los from Yankee Farm it is the number one Yankee content creator when it comes to covering our system when it comes to covering our prospects my guy Los knows about the kids that are 10 10 11 12 years old before they even on the scene so shout out to my guy always a great human being always a great person whenever I see him in person shout out to my guy Los I look forward to seeing you in spring training but we got somebody else backstage somebody that was gone for a few for a few days a few episodes we miss him so we got to bring him up because we know everybody else in the chat miss him as well the Fly Guy Daman Sano Daman how you doing I’m good good morning guys how we at chat miss you guys how you guys doing it’s uh it’s Soo week right so let’s uh let’s talk Soo right gota do it go ahead bro so much nonsense out there I had to turn WFAN off yesterday um listen BT you’re terrible for once s had a better take than BT that’s how bad it was right and then you know I’m listening to the callers calling I’m like listen why call if you know nothing about sports it’s a waste of time you’re making yourself sound uh real uneducated when it comes to this matter so so you know the narrative I’ve heard lately is um you know just take that money and get five players right yeah four players whatever the case is fill fill the fill the voids the teams and number one you can’t replace photo he’s Irreplaceable number one number two you know people don’t realize you know they they think they look at this big number 600 million 615 take that 615 million and just you know spread it around well the fact is is that that 615 million equivalates to 4 to 50 million a year which in all reality what are you going to get with that two or three players Max and that two or three players Max is about $15 million per player TC my brother and that’s like $15 million Max per player what are you gonna get nowadays for $15 million in MLB you’re gonna get a DJ lameu oh I knew you were gonna say that so you know for that narrative people understand something understand something that money okay can only be spread around realistically tops two players and listen two players is not going to fill the void offensively for Mr Juan SoDo yeah so obviously there’s always a plan B but my heart to heart says SoDo wants to be a Yankee he’s going to stay a Yankee the uh the fullprof the foolproof plan of trading for him bringing him to New York allowing him to experience what it is to be a Yankee has worked and now Hal just has to put up his money which I think Hal is going to do um and fact is I I I Believe come Monday they’re going to announce Soto is a uh a Yankee because the fact of the matter is Scott Boris is going to wait till the winner meetings he wants to make that big splash it’s his prize possession juano and he got none of the prize possessions last year signed so Boris is waiting for the winner meetings guys stto the Yankees Mets everybody else you know Plan B from that point on uh shout out to Danny n as well with the one 9 Super Chat Danny I see you in the chat Soo put up an 8.1 War come on apps and that’s with him playing horrible defense he had a war over eight with horrible defense how can we say we do not want this young man um Daman you hit it right on the head some of the Yankee fans that are out there some of the takes that are out there I get it right because ain’t nothing to see right now there’s no news that’s coming out so like Grace said we’re trying to come up with something we’re trying to come up with a conversation for y’all but and I throw it over to Grace after I make this point I’ve been saying this right it’s going to come down to the winter meetings because when you look at it Scott Boris he’s a showman at the end of the day he wants to put on a show on top of getting his guys the big money he loves the cameras he loves to be in front of the cameras I’mma ask both of you guys during baseball off season when are all the eyes all the cameras on Major League Baseball the winter meetings and that’s when all the eyes and cameras are going to be focused in on Juan sto and that’s when it when it’s going to happen I’ll throw it over to you Grace to get your take on the convo folks in the chat we got over 400 people watching us collectively over 112 people watching us on YouTube smack the like button we have 43 likes we could get to 100 likes so just smack that like button if not Grace is not gonna say no more y’alls right y’all go ahead like I could like I have a choice no more my vocabulary um yeah I think yeah I think it’s a good really good ch that it’s going to be um at the first day of the winter meetings because um that would be like Damen said the most eyes on you and like Hector said the most eyes on MLB so he’s wants to grab the headlines he’s going to grab the headlines um he’s going to do it at the most opportune time but then he wants to create Buzz for all of his other clients as well he wants to get the ball rolling and so I think that that’s the best way to do it it’s probably what’s going to happen um um but um Daman I want to say it’s great to have you back we missed you so much and uh you’re looking great as usual and um I also wanted to uh Pig you back on what you were saying y’all I Woke Up This see I said y’all just randomly didn’t even make sense in the sentence um I woke up this morning and I swear I swear my first thought was DJ you and I swear y’all I thought what if we traded DJ lahu to the Cubs back for Cody Bellinger because DJ I looked and I looked up their salary this morning Cody Bellinger is set to make 27 million DJ lameu is 15 so they’re looking to dump some salary we’re looking to dump DJ lahu what if we sent DJ lahu took on Cody Bellinger maybe we have to send maybe a prospect or two as well or something ects we have big time Prospect big but the Cubs are trying to dump salary which it would do for them and they’re not really looking to make a Deep Run next year they’re right they’re they’re wanting to build so I’m just saying everybody’s talking about getting Marcus strowman off um moving him off and I get it he’s the six starter probably now yeah um but in my opinion strowman is still giving us at least something he’s an Innings eater if nothing else DJ lameu ain’t giv us nothing so I’m like we need to be talking about where we can send DJ lameu seriously La Yankee King is [ __ ] living right now he is so happy with that take that is La Yan K has been saying this for the past month and a half shout outout out my guy when you it’s it’s a great hypothetical that you bring up like L said send them to the Moon absolutely Spin and mantis says no one is going to take DJ and I agree has to when when you look at it right value-wise Marcus strowman he still gives you a little bit of value so he’s more realistic to go in a trade than DJ lahu if you’re not added on any top prospects like a Spencer Jones or Jason Dominguez so when you look at the value that Marcus strowman has 150 Innings at1 million a season that is the market for that type of pitcher who can pit you 150 Innings maybe had a a bloated RA in the fours but also Marcus strowman we understand that this Yankees team was not the best team defensively we understand that but it showed more when Marcus strowman was on the mound when Marcus strowman was on the mound the New York Yankees were the worst Fielding team in major league baseball glabber Torres the majority of his erors happened when Marcus string was the start dirty so he he was the victim of bad Yankee defense so when you look at Marcus strowman’s numbers the ER may be belowed to you but when you look at the inning he gives you he can get you 150 Innings he started coming apart down the line because of injuries it is what it is but for a starting pitcher 150 Innings 18 million he has more value than a DJ lameu so I can see him being dealt over DJ unless you’re gonna give them Spencer Jones and Jason Dominguez also but he also has that value to us so if we have to keep one of them I’d rather keep the one that is going to contribute I hear what you’re saying Hector in order to trade someone they need to have value they have some type of value right I I hear you you’re right but I’m thinking in order for us to keep them they got to have some type of value as well I think the Yankees are just gonna have to cut DJ lameu they may have to just claim him for for insurance money and just and just cut him uh Daman I want to toss it over to you because I got another video that I want to play from Big poy and uh we’ll get back to the sto conversation shout out to my guy Elon chica audio in the building Roberto my guy go ahead um you know couple things to touch on listen the winter meetings the last couple years have been trash they’ve been a snooze Fest so best believe Rob manres sat down with Scott Boris said Hey listen if you got the sto deal done great let’s start it off on Monday that’s going to create the biggest snowball effect in the world when it comes to the MLB everybody from that point all right we’re going to sign adamus we’re going to sign this person trade this person it’s going to go down that entire week it’s going to be what the MLB always wants it to be their prize position the winner meetings um so that’s for one when it comes to DJ unfortunately DJ’s gonna be have to be a victim of the Aaron Hicks situation um this is the last season that we pay Hicks so now DJ will become slide into that Aaron Hicks situation and now we’ll pay Hicks off and now DJ you get DFA will’ll pay the rest of your contract off for the next couple years Mar Marcus strowman perfect trade candidate um obviously the Yankees have a have an interest in wabula they have an interest in Max freed I’m taking either of those guys any day of the week um above all is Marcus strowman Frankie Montas has got $17 million had a ER of over four Marcus strowman right around the same who said Frankie wait I was wait wait I Frank mon who side yeah of course the Mets okay okay I just want you the New York Yankees slms like as they love to do they just love to do it so if Montas got 17 million best believe there’s a market for Marcus strowman yeah we’ll probably have to eat a little bit of money but I’ll bring Walker bu in I’ll bring Max freeden um that that is a very real possibility um in order for us to get other players we have to make trades because once that Juan sto uh contract comes into effect if it comes into effect and Yankees might have maybe $15 million $20 million tops to play with in order to sign guys so the trade market has to come into effect get money off the books eat some of marcus’ money trade him bring in freed or bring in wab whichever one you want to do I’ll take him either I’ll take either one of them um so and I think Walker bua has a lot to prove you get him on a one-year deal see what he has if he shows what he has Yankees have $80 million coming off the books next season you go ahead and resign wab bu if he shows he can be the Walker rer of the past so that’s that for that so let’s go see you later DJ let’s DFA you don’t want to see you on the Fe listen I love DJ what he what he did for this team um during during the run the home run against the Astros so on and so forth um so listen DJ’s always been a class uh Class A you know Yankee personified never griped took all took every bullet every bow and that they shot at him and never said a word he doesn’t say much anyway but um he came in as a utility man he was supposed to be a utility guy that didn’t play every day he turned from that into a guy who won a batting title with the New York Yankees who was uh top five when it comes to batting uh average the year before his first year with the New York Yankees so shout out to DJ lahu right but again father time is going to catch up to you injuries are going to catch up to you I wish you the best I’ll be starting the DJ lameu yankeeography right he’s packing his bags and getting out of here and as the team gets a little bit better I want to shout out some more people before I drop the next video shout out to Old s in the building old s how you doing uh Nathaniel has a birthday coming tomorrow so drop the happy birthdays for our friend Nathaniel in the chat rodu a r r says the Yankees need to make sure they don’t lose out on keeping Juan sto as they did with Yos shobu Yamamoto and the sweep Stakes last year absolutely my guy and Los from Yankees farm makes a great Point um the signing may happen before the winning meetings because Scott Boris whiffed um last year he gotta get sto out the way he can focus on getting his other guys paid as well that is a great Point Los we got over 150 people on YouTube watching us we’re sitting at 55 likes folks if you guys can smack that like button and hit that subscribe button we got over 450 people watching us collectively so I’mma play this video this is a video from David Ortiz I have the subtitles on talking about Juan sto and how important he is go ahead ET and that’s from David Ortiz saying that he said if the Yankees mess up and they don’t sign this man there are some players that have the power to change your organization and David Ortiz is saying Juan Soo has that power right there’s a reason why that there’s rumors about Juan sto going to the Boston Red Sox right saying that he grew up a Yankee and a Red Sox fan because of the Dominican influence in and with the Boston Red Sox and then you got Robinson Canรณ with the Yankees the Yankees this is a crucial moment for the New York Yankees organization you cannot let this young man go and sign with another team you lose the next few generations of young Baseball fans coming up you lose the next generation of young Dominican baseball players that say you know what I want to with the Yankees because Juan sto was with the Yankees Juan sto Jersey is retired with the Yankees Juan sto history is connected to the New York Yankees when you look at the Yankees and all of our 27 championships and all of the Hall of Famers that we have Daman I’m gonna ask your question of any of the Dominican Hall of Famers that are in the Hall of Fame right now which one of them are Yankees not one not one not one out of all the numbers that are retired at Monument Park which one of them is a Dominican person not one SOA will be the first when has the Yankees when have the Yankees the last time the Yankees had a Dominican player or former Dominican player as a bench coach was Louis Soho right and when the Yankees traded Louis Soho away what happened Mariano’s Rivera’s wife went to Brian Cashman and said you don’t understand how important that man is to the team you go and get him back because he is that important to the clubhouse and this is something that the Yankees cannot fum the bag on when you talk about the Dominican in influence in Major League Baseball right I’m working on a proposal right now but you guys don’t understand the spending power of the Latino Community it’s a$ five trillion doll industry $5 trillion and the New York Yankees they don’t have one player retired that is Dominican they don’t have one player in their Monument Park that is Dominican and the Yankees cannot fumble this bag when you look at the Dominican Community this is how’s this is how listen we know the Stein Brer family the name has its own legacy right from George but this signing is how’s Legacy on the line not George’s not not not Hanks not the not the sister this is how’s Legacy not Brian Cashman because we all know this signing will go under how not Brian not Fishman not anybody else other than one person House St Brer so this is his like on the line with that being said how knows how much money he brought in last season how knows every seat in the ballpark was filled how knows the jersey sales he knows listen when house fber came out and said we have the ability to sign any player we want we all know that already but how saying that because of the money and that just came in from this past off from this past season not only from the ticket sales not only from obviously the playoff revenues World Series revenues how almost forgot the amount of money it brought in because it’s been so long since we’ve been in there so he understands at the end of the day it’s the bottom line when it comes to the money and the business part of it not necessarily the player but the bottom line of the business and the bottom line of the business is kind of like JC said right Juan stto he’s a businessman he’s a businessman man like literally he’s a business so for those people out there constantly talking about you know he’s he’s not a marketing darling like show Blas Blas blah listen tell the New York Yankees that and tell them to tell you the difference between 23 season 24 season and the money because I tell you what I guarantee you it’s three it’s three four times the amount that they made the priz season guarantee absolutely I got a couple super chats I want to highlight then I’ll throw it over to to get her um take on the conversation doua with the 199 can you sign and trade in Major League Baseball um to a certain degree it’s not like how the NBA is because there’s no salary cap but there’s a certain way that you could um finagle the system to get away with that my guy Ace with the $ five Super Chat says let me help keep the lights on I got five on it shout out to my guy Ace make sure you guys go subscribe to the Ace Avenue you guys are a great Channel everyone smash that like and hit the Subscribe button Soto was born for the Pinstripes absolutely Ace and that’s the same thing that David Ortiz said if there was ever a person whose profile is perfect not only to play for the Yankees but to play in New York it will be a guy who’s 26 years old who’s still live with his family who comes from a Christian background a religious background a family orientated background who cares about baseball more than going out more than hanging out Damian grace and grace I want to ask both you guys this this last season with the Yankees did we see any photos of Juan sto hanging out in the clubs it’s not his thing did we see any photos of Juan sto late night on The Late Night scenes hanging out with with rappers and see no we saw more of that out of Jeter than we saw from SoDo that a lot oh yeah go ahead go ahead Grace I’ll throw it over to you sorry about that go ahead what I wanted to say piggybacking off of what um Damien said we have already invested so so much money into Aaron judge right Juan sto enhances the investment we’ve already made in Aaron judge he makes Aaron judge better Aaron judge of course makes juano better as well but I’m talking about enhancing something you’ve already committed to and making that even better so you’re you’re gaining benefit double right not only are you gaining the the de respect and all of the kids who love onoto no matter what color they are I mean all those kids all that stuff you’re gaining all that as well with Wan sto but you’re also gaining more from an investment you already have so the duo of Aaron judge Juan sto okay I’m talking about Tom Brady and and gronowski okay what happened when they weren’t together anymore what I’m talking about Michael Jordan Scotti Pippen level I’m not joking I’m talking about Troy a EMT Smith level Duos now what happened to all those careers when they separated you know when Emma Smith went you know I think he went to Arizona when uh Tom Brady went to uh Tampa Bay when when Jordan I mean when they break up okay we have history that shows us it ain’t the it’s the duo and we got to keep Aaron judge Juan sto together Juan stto amazing Aaron judge amazing putting them together about it yes absolutely Grace there there’s when when you look at the combination of Juan stto and Aaron judge in the middle 2000s in the early 2000s it was great seeing Gary uh Gary Sheffield and Alex Rodriguez Gary Sheffield and Alex Rodriguez in 2004 2005 yes can compared to what we got out of Juan sto and Aaron judge this past season and I understand Aaron judge hit two home runs a couple of seasons ago but I’mma I’mma live on the hill and I’mma die on the hill this past season was his best year as a major league baseball player he had a high in batting average he was a career low in strikeouts he had a high in RBI his walk rate was through the roof a high in on base percentage a high in Ops the only thing he didn’t match was the 62 home runs he h a couple of seasons ago and if he didn’t struggle in that first month of the Season he would have blew pass the 62 home runs I want to highlight some more Super chats shout out to my guy Chris K with the $5 Super Chat judge and Cole are in the primes of their careers we need to win a World Series soon stto gives us the best chance to win a World Series absolutely and I want to piggy back off of off of that and shout out to um Chris from Christian from nyst because I saw him put it on the timeline yesterday and this is something I was having a conversation for the past week when you when you look at the ability of Juan sto when you look at where this team was prior to WAN sto last year when the Yankees traded for Wan sto and everybody want to talk about the money and they don’t believe the Yankees could resign juano and offer another $300 million contract when the Yankees traded for Juan sto last year knowing that they have to negotiate with Juan sto in the off season they were offering Yamamoto a $320 million contract so how can we say that if the yanies sign juano they won’t go after another player worth 300 million when they showed you in the past that they were willing to do that after trading for Juan stto not only that but how came out flat out said we’re in a better place now than we were last season and the reason they’re in a better place now and that’s not that’s not the club that’s not the players they have in hand that’s a better place financially so the Yankees are in a better place now than they were last season and it’s clearcut they didn’t make the playoffs they got no playoff TV money they obviously the fans gave up toward the end of the season so they weren’t getting all the revenue from ticket well ticket sales were ticket sales it always showed it was like 40,000 people meanwhile you looked in the stands that may have been 20 so they lost money with Revenue all the way around come full circle this season they made that Revenue back and some so they are in a financially better place now than they were the season prior and that’s why exactly why the Yankees are are over $600 million right now that’s why it’s going to be a battle and I’ll say this if it comes down obviously we know Cohen’s Pockets but if it comes down to 3040 million and Soo doesn’t resign with us then did he really want to become a Yankee because 3040 million you stretch that out within 12 to 14 years that’s not much that’s so at that point you got to question yourself did you really want to be a Yankee because at the end of the day sooda you’re gonna make that up in marketing yourself you know if not more if not more he’s already doing Celsius now do you think if he was another team Celsius would have even approached them absolutely not so at the end of the day he’s going to make that money up in outside money with marketing so on and so forth yeah go go ahead Grace because there’s a few comments that I want to get to go ahead okay well I’ll wait no go ahead go ahead go ahead there I’ll get to the comments in the section go ahead go ahead I was gonna ask is it possible or do they do this in negotiations when they when like what Daman was bringing up could you go into a negotiation as like say you’re Brian Cashman and say okay we’re gonna offer you this and I have made a phone call to Pepsi and uh Pepsi is very interested in having a New York Yankee as the spokesman and they’re talking about a $60 million or whatever is it is can you do that in I don’t I don’t I don’t think that the Yankees can necessarily do that per se in the language of a contract table okay Bri cash could be like yeah Bri cash could be like cough cough um you know really they need a new mascot for Time Square cough that’s what I’m saying no can they do that I’m dead serious no no they they legally they can’t not in contracts they can’t offer you anything that’s out that’s not non baseball related right so it’s just like it’s just like with the Knicks right um the owner of the Knicks uh James Dolan he owns a lot of the property that’s around MSG when it comes to like the condos and stuff like that he can’t offer a player you could sign with the Knicks and I offer you three condos and a few you keep you can’t you can’t do that and it’ll be the same thing with you can’t offer anything non basketball or non- baseball related it has to be it has to be strictly with the contract it violates the Players Association agreement because then it it opens it up for like collusion and it opens it up for owners and big cities to offer other things to players you know it’s like the Yankees in the 50s when the Yankees in the 50s used to sign every free agent out there because we used to offer them property on the Grand Concourse and [ __ ] like that that’s what the Yankees used to do in the 50s so you can’t do that anymore I I heard I heard y’all this is the most Texas [ __ ] I’m about to say right now but I heard that um ruget oor was given a couple horses I’m not even lying he was see like how is that allowed but that’s a gift that’s a that’s a that’s like that’s like um when the Yankee if a team sign if a player signs with a team and they gift you um a horse they could give you a horse they could give you a dog they could give you a car they could give you Transportation back in from um the arena what they can offer you they can offer you a stiping to pay your utilities and your living expenses that’s separate from your cont they could offer you that but they can’t offer you like property or anything like that no that that viol I already got the lifetime Platos and avocado for him so sign this you your family never has to worry about another plot in your life so I want to highlight some uh super chats that we got um sko in the chat SE OE I don’t want to pronounce your name bad he say Steve Coleman is going to make a good offer too yes absolutely Steve Cohen is going to make a great offer to Juan sto right and this is the thing that I’ve been telling a lot of my friends that are Met fans if this was five years in the future and the Mets had that entire casino and apparatus around cityfi built up the infrastructure around cityfi the fairies that could take you back and forth from Queens to the Bronx if all of that was built up around City Field we’re having a different conversation but with the way that City Field is built with the way that the Met a structure when it comes to their finances Steve Cohen since taking over the New York Mets he has been operating in the negative he has been accumulating debt on his original investment on the New York Mets this past season I think Forbes put it out he added an extra 10% in debt now how it is in businesses Steve Co is not coming out his own personal finances to pay that debt off he has set assets aside in the LLC that purchased the New York Mets when he took out that loan that is accumulating debt and that is paying off the loan that he took out to purchase the New York Mets soon that debt would have to be paid it’s just like with the Dodgers and their deferred money that’s what I want to talk about the Deferred money and stuff like this Steve Cohen the individual the sole person has more money than any other owner in Major League Baseball the LA Dodgers the group that backs them the GH the gugenheim group is a conglomerate of so many different people they they uh they they they they have assets that are valued over $50 billion yeah they set aside eight billion for the LA Dodgers as an operating cost this that’s just their operating cost for the LA Dodgers that’s the money that they set aside for the Dodgers so when that debt has to be paid in 10 years or 15 years whenever that bill comes up for that deferred money they’re going to have the money to pay that [ __ ] off that’s not that’s not a problem for them the problem is other owners in Major League Baseball that are cheap owners like the Oakland Athletics owners like the Tampa Bay Rays owners like the Kansas City Royals etc etc the Pittsburgh Pirates Who was probably the wor I know everybody talk about the Oakland A’s owner no the owner for the Pittsburgh Pirate it is the worst and cheapest owner in Major League Baseball and now when you talk about the Yankees potentially offering Max freed deferred money I like to see it I love it I love love hearing that because what this does is the market right we live in a capitalistic Society the market dictates what owners do so when you got the Dodgers willing to defer so much money now you put the pressures on the other owners to start getting creative and now if other owners start getting creative and start offering theur money then you could be competitive in the marketplace teams are trying to be competitive with the LA Dodgers from the top of the organization to the bottom of the organization now you add the money aspect into it I I like the whole I know a lot of people complaining about the Dodgers and defer money I like it because that means now our owner has to get creative with his money I’m just praying you know Lan sto if even if he deferred five to10 million season that that’s a huge help for the Yankees to sign other players Max free doing the same um the Dodgers not hating on what they’re doing at all you know what they did obviously is brilliant um other other teams and owners should have taken notice on that but the only problem with it with that situation is now come you know 2026 when they go sit down at that table and talk about you know uh MLB talks with the uh MLB Association my feeling on it is it’s going to create a stoppage um you know and a stoppage because people now because of the Dodgers now they want to obviously start to add a salary cap it’ll never happen for the fact of the players don’t trust the owners they don’t trust them to fully open up the books and that they’re never honest about their true income so that’s my only um gripe with it other than that listen man absolutely brilliant by the Dodgers if any other team didn’t should have done it as well um you know what I mean can’t beat them join them don’t hate CU we were that you know for many many many years the Yankees were signing every player and everybody said the same thing we bought our Championship so on and so forth at the end of the day listen they got the money put up a shut up they put it up so we can’t hate on it put it up we can’t hate on it yeah they they they’re taking a big gam they’re they’re hoping that this gamble that they’re investing all this money in get them Championship after Championship after champ so they could get the sponsorship deals this that and third go ahead Grace I want I W I just thought of something and I want to say you know what the Dodgers are doing when they first did it right it was a shock to the world and they did it for sh Otani who the MLB manf FR everybody else has shown that they will allow this man to get away with murder or gambling if you want to say allegedly um but they will let him do anything they love Otani so much they love the money they love the Acclaim they love whatever they just they love him he’s the Golden Boy right now and so they did it with Otani and we were like okay you know it’s Otani but now they’re doing it with snow they’re doing it with um they doing it they’re doing it over and over everybody with everybody they signed everybody they’re doing it over and over so now I feel like the Yankees will look at it and say oh okay bet so it’s not just Otani and the the league is going to look the other way this is something y’all are doing okay we can play that game too but I guarantee you if the Yankees had it first if they hadn’t done this with Otani and the Yankees said okay we’re going to do all these deferred contracts and we’re going to take out credit because we’re the Ain’t nobody got better credit than we do Ain’t nobody got the the track record that we do go to the postseason we’re a good investment we’re going to extend our credit and we’re going to start signing all these people deferred contracts they would not have allowed this to go on but because but because Otani did it they let it happen they open that door there’s a little crack in the door the Dodgers said okay we’re going to open the door a little bit more now the Yankees are like bet bet watch we can play that game too I guarantee you we’ll be jumping on the bandwagon either this year or next year before they outlaw it but if we’ had done it first they never would have let that happen that is a that is a that is a great Point Grace I want to shout out I want to shout out the chat and everybody that’s watching we have over 520 people watching us colle across all platforms we got over 150 people watching us on YouTube we’re sitting on 80 likes so if you guys can smack that like button let’s blow past 100 let’s get to 150 likes hit the Subscribe button when it comes to subscribers we are at 4,489 let’s get a 4,500 I know there some folks in the chat some folks watching us that aren’t subscribed we can hit 11 subscribes to get to 4,500 on the subscribers to continue the conversation talking about the Deferred money right Damian brings up the point of a potential work stoppage and I see that argument Daman but it’s it wouldn’t be from the players it would be from the other owners in Major League Baseball so for me I don’t think a a work stoppage could potentially happen because the players aren’t fighting against defer M the players would want the deferral contract so they could get the most money so what what’s going to happen is we’re going to need the Dodgers the Yankees the Mets Steve Cohen we’re going to need the top owners in Major League Baseball that spend the to pull their pants up and we need you to go go to war with the other owners hold the other owners accountable go to war with the other billionaires that you’re in business with it’s not fair I shouldn’t say it’s not fair the Yankees shouldn’t have to spend money or luxury tax money or luxury penalties because the owner from the Pittsburgh Pirates doesn’t want to play his players and that’s what happened the Yankees paid 150 in luxury tax penalty 20 million of that was used for the Tampa Bay raise payroll 30 million of that was used for Oakland was used for Pittsburgh the Yankees the Dodgers the Mets these high Echelon teams these High payr Teens they’re subsidizing other billionaires to make money if we want to complain about other people just living off the government and just not pay not going to work and and just using money to buy whatever why as Baseball fans are we okay with billionaires getting paid from our money because we’re buying the jerseys we’re buying the tickets we’re purchasing the streaming deals we have the cable subscriptions why are you okay with our money being used to subsidize other billionair so they can make more money than we see in a week why as Baseball fans we are we are okay with that we shouldn’t be okay with that and Theory they were supposed to use the money to make their team better to increase the parody of the league but they’re not doing that they’re pocketing the money and that’s the problem so that’s yeah yeah I mean that’s it period That’s What Rob Manford messed up in the last uh negotiation because at that point it should have been okay and I get I get why house Stein BR is upset because why should I pay another team to lose right so that that money that’s set aside for these for these teams like the Yankees the Dodgers the Mets so on and so forth that go above the luxury tax that that’s when the books need to be open and Rob Manfred says listen this money is going to you and it’s not free money it’s not a hand out you need to show that 20 30% of that money is being used towards your team towards the facilities towards the minor leagues towards new players it has to be shown the the the books have to be open and that’s where they messed up with that last uh collection bargaining agreement AG yeah 100% shout out to chat again we are we are three likes away from 100 we are five subscribers away from 4500 so if you haven’t hit that subscribe button hit that subscribe button at 4,495 we are uh sitting at 97 likes with 141 people 500 people watching us collectively all together so I want to talk about the Yankees offseason right Michael K came out there and said that the Yankees had a 90minut zoom call with Max freed yesterday and supposedly it went well somebody who’s on Max Freed’s side of the conversation said max really liked what the Yankees presented so I want to ask you guys when it comes down to the max freed situation and that’s why I brought up show ha I mean that’s why I brought up Yamamoto alongside of Juan sto because if it was up to me if you’re the New York Yankees if you’re trying to show that you mean business you cannot just sign wano and stop with wano you need to sign Wan sto you need to sign an extra starting pitch so you could put behind gck Cole because we need to take some pressure off of Carlos rone let’s be honest and you need to get yourself an infielder whether that’s the third baseman or whether that’s a first baseman if the Yankees were willing to give yamama Mo Moto a $320 million contract why can’t we offer big money to Max freed that’s the question I asked both of you guys Grace I’ll toss it over to you first to get your take and kick it over to Damian folks in the chat let us know who would you rather have Max freed or Corbin Burns I actually mentioned this a couple weeks ago on the Pod I like Max freed he has been on my radar this entire off season he is the pitcher the starting pitcher that I would want to add um out of everyone because of his age because of his World Series success because of his go gloves because of his ground ball contact because of his seven pitch mix because of his um low low erra I just think that he is a great value he’s going to cost less than Corbin Burns he’s probably going to sign not as long of a term as Corbin Burns I just like I think everything is lining up for me I want Max freed I think Carlos rhon looks a lot better as the fourth starter in the in the rotation than where he currently is I think um a rotation of Garrick Cole Luise Hill Max freed and Carlos rhon now we’re talking we got Nester Cortez there too who knows what’s gonna happen with Marcus strowman we also have Clark Schmidt now we’re really we’re really doing something y’all we’re really doing something I would love to add Max freed one of the other um my only concern with freed is obviously his injury pass he does have an injury pass the last uh probably two three season he has been out with injuries my only concern with him other than that Max freed is a dog um coin Burns same thing but Corin Burns has showed that he can stay healthy you know the best the best ability is availability right so either one of them would be a godsend to come on to this team obviously fre is going to cost us less I wouldn’t mind Max freed I say this though Max free Corbin Burns any one of them come to the team Marcus strowman will be traded as well will Nest the Cortez they’re both will be gone uh because you have to clear money right yeah clear that 18 million even if you even if you had to pay half that contract that’s 9 million you take off the books you got you know nesters du for obviously another raise this season nesters should be making seven8 million this coming UPS a year so you have to clear that money and no other way to do it then obviously to get uh you have to get those two off the books so uh I would welcome him of course you have Cody pit sitting in the wings um you have the other rookie uh Lord I forget his name uh one of our top prospects came up for a cup of coffee last season started opening not will Warren Hampton no we have Chase Hampton of course uh where Los where you at Los I see his face where you at he came up one game and then we sent him back to the miners got a should got a soldier injury came back in the play postseason can’t forget it I can’t I can’t we got it from the Dodgers and the Joey Gallow TR what the hell is his name you beater beater beater Jesus beer I’m like I’m I’m trying to help you out I’m like who are he talking about so yeah Clay beer so you know got strowman got in the CH strowman see you later Nesta that’s one of my guys I’ve always had you know a bunch of admiration for the kid um but yeah those two would have to go in order to sign either Corbin or Max freed or in that fact Walker ber so um and again people are sleeping on Walker ah man I’ll tell you what the last couple games of that postseason Walker buer looked like Walker buer and Walker berer at his at his Peak at his best is better than Max free hands down Bar None there’s two guys that I would take a flyer on right um Walker buer is one of them but also um Shane Bieber is another one right and Daman I know you’ve been somebody that been preaching for Shane Bieber giving him a chance low risk High reward but I want to look at the baseball reference of both Max freed and Corbin burns when you look at Max freed he they’re both 30 years old right Max freed on for his career I mean this past season he had a 3.25 ER he started 29 games he had a 17 he pitched 174 point1 Innings with with 166 strikeouts when you look at his career right he has four seasons with over 150 Innings that’s a little bit of concerns like like um Damen brought it up he brought up his his injury history but when you look his his eras 3.33 this past year 3.14 2.71 will that translate over into the American League and when you look at Corbin Burns we saw him make that transition this year to the American League with the Baltimore Orioles when you look at Corbin burns when you look at his b reference for this past season he pitched 194 Innings 181 strikeouts he started 32 games so three more games than Max freed but on the season before the Baltimore orios 194 Innings last year 193 the year before that 202 the year before that at 167 so those are four seasons of 150 Innings but more Innings than Max freed and I think Corbin Burns is built more for yeah for the American League I just because he he pitched last year with the Baltimore orios he had his struggles I trust Corbin burns more than than Max freed when especially when you look at the history of of how much of an Innings eater Corbin Burns have has been and that’s something we need behind gar Cole somebody who can eat some Innings who can um who can make the bullpen have a few days off because if you have gar Cole going seven Innings if you have a Corbin Burns going seven Innings then it’s okay for Carlos rodone to pitch five innings it’s okay for Lu Hill to pitch five or six Innings it’s okay for Clark Smith to pitch five innings and to rely on your Bullpen when you have two horses at the top of your rotation who can get you 200 innings in the season like gar Cole and like Corbin Burns but it’s the flip side to it understanding that yes Corbin Burns has a lot of innings on that arm he definitely does he’s getting up there in age he’s 30 years old so whether it’s Max freed or whether it’s Corbin Burns you go into these negotiations understanding you’re paying for the first three years to get the most out of those first three years and the last four years they may be the worst version of themselves so you’re just going to have to eat it absolutely worries me about Burns is his Mo the majority of his career has been spent in the Central and that is very concerning to me you bring up playing in the AL East and how it’s a different different you know game what for lack of a better metaphor um it playing in the Central and St and and U patting your stats I’m I’m not trying to be really mean to the central but let’s just call spade a spade it is the same it concerns me now of course he had a great year last year um can’t take anything away from him he played on a first place or second place almost first place Team all year in the AL East and it was a dog fight between the Orioles and the Yankees all year long and he proved it he was he was great I’m not taking anything away from that however that’s one year you know what I’m saying say so for me that concerns me I would rather hedge my bet with somebody who played in the east in the national league right with aren’t the Braves in the east east yeah um so I would rather do that because you know it’s just a stronger division it just iron sharpens iron whatever you want to say but it’s like and I bring this up all the time y’all but it’s don’t don’t be mad at me it’s because I live in Dallas and I hear this all the time how Dak Prescott has all these stats and he looks so great and blah blah blah and his completion percentage and blah blah blah yeah it’s because the third and fourth quarter his team is losing so bad that he’s playing against second string on the other team and he’s patting his stats okay let’s let’s be serious you can’t just look at the numbers and say oh this is all I’m going off of you know no you got to consider all the other things and for me the Central Division gives me concern it gives me pause if nobody if nobody knew that Grace was from Dallas everybody knows now the way that she’s complaining about Dak Prescott go ahead Grace keep cooking well that’s it I do not want to talk about him oh man um listen it’s 12:11 we’re getting close to that time to we’re about to start getting ready to wrap things up again another great conversation like I said make sure you guys are tune in next week next week I’ll be going live Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday from the winter meetings in the morning in the night time you definitely see Daman there you definitely see grace there um of course I’ll be collaborating with my guy Jason from 161 River a we’ll probably go back to some open panels next week for the discussions around the winter meetings get ready to tune in make sure you follow us on all social media platforms make sure you follow us on Instagram make sure you follow us on Twitter follow us on Facebook on Blue Sky um Uptown sports TV we are coming with the exclusive content around the winter meetings we have over 500 people who have been rocking out with us on on all platforms we appreciate you guys we have 101 likes 101 109 likes on YouTube if you guys can smack that like button we are sitting at 4,52 subscribers so we appreciate all the new subscribers if you’re new to the channel drop the new just put new in the chat and we’ll welcome you to the familiar um Damian last words for the people because we’ve missed you Damian we’ve missed you Dam I app last ver for the people bro um man it’s like I said it’s sto week here we come uh Marshall Brown appreciate you brother appreciate you you know what LO said you know might happen before listen I think there’ll be a deal by Saturday they’re not going to announce it till the winter meeting starts so I think everybody just gear up for Monday and it’s going to start that Snowball Effect and MLB is going to get exactly what it wants other than that you know Soo to the Yankees you know anywhere between 615 and 640 million not the time not the time million shout out to Marshall Brown being the new sub Marshall Welcome to The Familiar welcome to the squad go ahead Grace y’all it’s so great to have Damien back Squad back together winter meetings on deck and SoDo signing is happening y’all stay tuned make sure we will see you soon thank you all for for tuning in and for all the new subscribers welcome welcome and um yeah let’s get SoDo and and let’s figure out something to do with DJ l you we’re going to have to trade probably Nester and strowman let’s get Cody Bellinger and said clay Bellinger that’s not the first time I’ve said that Cody Bellinger and we’ll put him at first base we got Durban at second we got okay y’all we’re done we’re done just a couple moves we’re almost there yes yes shout out shout out to chat shout out to my guy Joelle Rodriguez a part of Latino Sports make sure you guys go to Latinos sports.com check out the website save it on your bookmark it helps us out my guy Kev and watch see was in the building R ke R hope all is well Ben gorilla how you doing appreciate you welcome to the fan welcome to the squad if you’re new to the channel welcome Mark T maker my guy Marky Mark is in the building Mark I hope all is well um haven’t seen you in the chat hope you’ve been doing good Alex alante appreciate you my brother ghost me and Mano de is forever ghost May sure you guys follow him on Twitter follow him on social media and of course my brother Li I Yan y King the only troll in the Yankee Universe I acknowledge is my guy Li Yankee King whatness come from I know L is upset because morakami announced that he’s gonna be a free agent next offseason not this offseason War come from the Mami the murakami conversation will have to happen next offseason but again appreciate you guys like always hit the like button hit the Subscribe button and until next time I’m Hector I’m Damian I’m Grace say I’m backstage I don’t know no I see you bro you’re here you’re here okay this is Jake SP Brew uh I’m Hector Damian Grace until next time we love you people make sure you drink some water say something positive about yourself go be nice to some stranger out there in the world and until next time Deuces peace out you fought well yesterday your style is unorthodox Scorpio [Music]
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